Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics. August 26,
2013 .... Slide 14. About this class. Textbook: “Advanced Programming in the
UNIX Environment”, by W. Richard. Stevens, Stephen A. Rago (2nd Edition).
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Department of Computer Science Stevens Institute of Technology Jan Schaumann
[email protected] http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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New Rules
Close your laptops!
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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New Rules
Close your laptops! Open your eyes! (Mind, too.)
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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What is this about?
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell: the ”what” $ ls /bin [ cat chio chmod cp cpio $
csh date dd df domainname echo
ed expr hostname kill ksh ln
ls mkdir mt mv pax ps
pwd rcmd rcp rm rmdir sh
sleep stty sync systrace tar test
See also: $ ssh linux-lab.cs.stevens.edu $ cd ~jschauma/apue/src/
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell: the ”what” $ grep "(int" /usr/include/sys/socket.h int accept(int, struct sockaddr * __restrict, socklen_t * __restrict); int bind(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t); int connect(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t); int getsockopt(int, int, int, void * __restrict, socklen_t * __restrict); int listen(int, int); ssize_t recv(int, void *, size_t, int); ssize_t recvfrom(int, void * __restrict, size_t, int, ssize_t recvmsg(int, struct msghdr *, int); ssize_t send(int, const void *, size_t, int); ssize_t sendto(int, const void *, ssize_t sendmsg(int, const struct msghdr *, int); int setsockopt(int, int, int, const void *, socklen_t); int socket(int, int, int); int socketpair(int, int, int, int *); $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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In a nutshell: the ”what” gain an understanding of the UNIX operating systems gain (systems) programming experience understand fundamental OS concepts (with focus on UNIX family): multi-user concepts basic and advanced I/O process relationships interprocess communication basic network programming using a client/server model
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell The ”why”: understanding how UNIX works gives you insights in other OS concepts system level programming experience is invaluable as it forms the basis for most other programming and even use of the system system level programming in C helps you understand general programming concepts most higher level programming languages (eventually) call (or implement themselves) standard C library functions
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell: the ”how” static char dot[] = ".", *dotav[] = { dot, NULL }; struct winsize win; int ch, fts_options; int kflag = 0; const char *p; setprogname(argv[0]); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* Terminal defaults to -Cq, non-terminal defaults to -1. */ if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == 0 && win.ws_col > 0) termwidth = win.ws_col; f_column = f_nonprint = 1; } else f_singlecol = 1; /* Root is -A automatically. */ if (!getuid()) f_listdot = 1; fts_options = FTS_PHYSICAL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "1ABCFLRSTWabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwx")) != -1) { switch (ch) { /* * The -1, -C, -l, -m and -x options all override each other so * shell aliasing works correctly. */ case '1': f_singlecol = 1;
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell: the ”how” $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c $ ./cmd $ echo "Hooray!" Hooray! $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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In a nutshell: the ”how”
Open your laptops! $ ssh linux-lab.cs.stevens.edu $ mkdir apue $ cp ~jschauma/apue/01/welcome.c apue/ Now compile and run the program.
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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In a nutshell: the ”how” $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c $ ./cmd $ echo "Hooray!" Hooray! $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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In a nutshell: the ”how” $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c cmd.c: In function `main': cmd.c:19: error: parse error before "return" $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
CS631 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
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In a nutshell: the ”how” $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c cmd.c: In function `main': cmd.c:19: error: parse error before "return" $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c $ ./cmd Memory fault (core dumped) $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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In a nutshell: the ”how” $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c cmd.c: In function `main': cmd.c:19: error: parse error before "return" $ $EDITOR cmd.c $ cc -Wall -g -o cmd cmd.c $ ./cmd Memory fault (core dumped) $ echo "!@#!@!!!??#@!" !@#!@!!!??#@! $ gdb ./cmd cmd.core Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. Loaded symbols for /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so #0 0xbbbc676a in __findenv () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12 (gdb)
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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http://is.gd/6aidgb https://i.imgur.com/ZyeCO.jpg
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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About this class Textbook: “Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment”, by W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago (3rd Edition) Help: http://lists.stevens.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cs631apue IRC: #cs631apue on Freenode https://twitter.com/#!/cs631apue Grading: 5 homework assignments, worth 20 points each 1 midterm project, worth 100 points 1 final project (group work), worth 200 points 1 final programming assignment (individual), worth 100 points no curve Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Syllabus 08/31: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics 09/14: File I/O, File Sharing 09/21: Files and Directories, Filesystems 09/28: No Class 10/05: System Data Files, Time & Date, Process Environment 10/13: Process Control, Signals 10/19: Process Groups, Signals 10/26: Interprocess Communication 11/02: Advanced I/O: Nonblocking I/O, Polling, and Record Locking 11/09: Daemon Processes, final project discussion 11/16: UNIX tools: make(1), gdb(1), revision control, etc. 11/23: Code reading and discussions 11/20: Encryption 12/07: Review Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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UNIX History
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX history http://www.unix.org/what_is_unix/history_timeline.html Originally developed in 1969 at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. 1973, Rewritten in C. This made it portable and changed the history of OS 1974: Thompson, Joy, Haley and students at Berkeley develop the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) of UNIX two main directions emerge: BSD and what was to become “System V”
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Notable dates in UNIX history 1984 4.2BSD released (TCP/IP) 1986 4.3BSD released (NFS) 1991 Linus Torvalds starts working on the Linux kernel 1993 Settlement of USL vs. BSDi; NetBSD, then FreeBSD are created 1994 Single UNIX Specification introduced 1995 4.4BSD-Lite Release 2 (last CSRG release); OpenBSD forked off NetBSD 2000 Darwin created (derived from NeXT, FreeBSD, NetBSD) 2003 Xen; SELinux 2005 Hadoop; DTrace; ZFS; Solaris Containers 2006 AWS (”Cloud Computing” comes full circle) 2007 iOS; KVM appears in Linux 2008 Android; Solaris open sourced as OpenSolaris Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Some UNIX versions More UNIX (some generic, some trademark, some just unix-like): 1BSD 4.4BSD Lite 2 AIX PS/2 AMiX Atari Unix BSD/386 Coherent Digital Unix FreeBSD HP-UX BLS IRIX Mac OS X Server Minix Monterey NeXTSTEP OpenServer PC/IX QNX RTOS RISC iX SCO Xenix System V/386 SPIX Trusted Xenix Ultrix 32M UNICS UNIX System V UNIX System V/386 Venix
2BSD 386 BSD AIX/370 AOS Lite BOS BSD/OS CTIX DragonFly BSD GNU IBM AOS Linux Mach Minix-VMD more/BSD NonStop-UX OPENSTEP Plan 9 QNX/Neutrino RT Security-Enhanced Linux SunOS TS Ultrix-11 UNIX 32V UNIX System V Release 2 UNIX Time-Sharing System Wollogong
3BSD A/UX AIX/6000 AOS Reno BRL Unix CB Unix Darwin Dynix GNU-Darwin IBM IX/370 Lites MERT MIPS OS mt Xinu Open Desktop OS/390 OpenEdition PWB QUNIX SCO UNIX Sinix Tru64 Unix UCLA Locus Unicos UNIX Interactive UNIX System V Release 3 UnixWare Xenix OS
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
4BSD Acorn RISC iX AIX/ESA ArchBSD BSD Net/1 Chorus Debian GNU/Hurd Dynix/ptx HPBSD Interactive 386/ix LSX MicroBSD MirBSD MVS/ESA OpenEdition Open UNIX OS/390 Unix PWB/UNIX ReliantUnix SCO UnixWare Sinix ReliantUnix Trusted IRIX/B UCLA Secure Unix Unicos/mk UNIX System III UNIX System V Release 4 UNSW Xinu
4.4BSD Lite 1 AIX AIX/RT ASV BSD Net/2 Chorus/MiX DEC OSF/1 ACP ekkoBSD HP-UX Interactive IS Mac OS X Mini Unix Mk Linux NetBSD OpenBSD OSF/1 QNX Rhapsody SCO Xenix Solaris Trusted Solaris Ultrix Unicox-max UNIX System IV UNIX System V/286 USG xMach
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UNIX Timeline
unix.png : http://www.levenez.com/unix/ linux.png : http://futurist.se/gldt/
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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UNIX Everywhere
Today, your desktop, server, cloud, TV, phone, watch, stereo, car navigation system, thermostat, door lock, etc. all run a Unix-like OS...
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX Everywhere
Today, your desktop, server, cloud, TV, phone, watch, stereo, car navigation system, thermostat, door lock, etc. all run a Unix-like OS... ...with all the risks that entails.
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX Basics
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX Basics: Architecture
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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System Calls and Library Functions, Standards System Calls and Library Functions System calls are entry points into kernel code where their functions are implemented. Documented in section 2 of the manual (e.g. write(2)). Library calls are transfers to user code which performs the desired functions. Documented in section 3 of the manual (e.g. printf(3)).
Standards ANSI C (X3.159-1989) C89, C9X/C99 (ISO/IEC 9899), C11 (ISO/IEC 9899:2011) IEEE POSIX (1003.1-2008) / SUSv4
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Important ANSI C Features, Error Handling Important ANSI C Features: function prototypes generic pointers (void *) abstract data types (e.g. pid t, size t) Error Handling: meaningful return values errno variable look up constant error values via two functions: #include char *strerror(int errnum)
Returns: pointer to message string
#include void perror(const char *msg)
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX Basics: Pipelines What is the longest word found on the ten most frequently retrieved English Wikipedia pages? for f in $(curl -L http://is.gd/c6F2fs | zgrep -i "^en " | sort -k3 -n | tail -10 | sed -e 's/en \(.*\) [0-9]* [0-9]*/\1/'); do links -dump http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${f} done | tr '[:punct:]' ' ' | tr '[:space:]' '\n' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | egrep '^[a-z]+$' | awk '{ print length() " " $0; }' | sort | uniq | sort -n | tail -1
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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UNIX Basics: Pipelines Say ”Thank you, Douglas McIlroy!”
http://is.gd/vGHO9J Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Program Design
”Consistency underlies all principles of quality.” Frederick P. Brooks, Jr
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Program Design https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy UNIX programs... ...are simple ...follow the element of least surprise ...accept input from stdin ...generate output to stdout ...generate meaningful error messages to stderr ...have meaningful exit codes ...have a manual page
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Boot/Login process [...] total memory = 768 MB avail memory = 732 MB timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec mainbus0 (root) [...] boot device: xbd3 root on xbd3a dumps on xbd3b mountroot: trying lfs... mountroot: trying ffs... root file system type: ffs init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11 [...] Starting local daemons:. Starting sendmail. Starting sshd. Starting snmpd. Starting cron. NetBSD/amd64 (panix.netmeister.org) (console) login:
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Boot/Login process [...] total memory = 768 MB avail memory = 732 MB timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec mainbus0 (root) [...] boot device: xbd3 root on xbd3a dumps on xbd3b mountroot: trying lfs... mountroot: trying ffs... root file system type: ffs init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11 [...] Starting local daemons:. Starting sendmail. Starting sshd. Starting snmpd. Starting cron. NetBSD/amd64 (panix.netmeister.org) (console) login: jschauma Password:
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Boot/Login process [...] total memory = 768 MB avail memory = 732 MB timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec mainbus0 (root) [...] boot device: xbd3 root on xbd3a dumps on xbd3b mountroot: trying lfs... mountroot: trying ffs... root file system type: ffs init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11 [...] Starting local daemons:. Starting sendmail. Starting sshd. Starting snmpd. Starting cron. NetBSD/amd64 (panix.netmeister.org) (console) login: jschauma Password: Last login: Sat Sep 10 14:27:56 2011 on console Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. NetBSD 5.0.2 (PANIX-VC) #2: Tue Oct 19 16:30:57 EDT 2010 Welcome to NetBSD! $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Soooo... what exactly is a ”shell”?
$ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/simple-shell.c $ more simple-shell.c $ cc -Wall -o mysh simple-shell.c $ ./mysh $$ /bin/ls [...] $$ ^D $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Files and Directories The UNIX filesystem is a tree structure, with all partitions mounted under the root (/). File names may consist of any character except / and NUL as pathnames are a sequence of zero or more filenames separated by /’s.
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Files and Directories The UNIX filesystem is a tree structure, with all partitions mounted under the root (/). File names may consist of any character except / and NUL as pathnames are a sequence of zero or more filenames separated by /’s. Directories are special ”files” that contain mappings between inodes and filenames, called directory entries.
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Files and Directories The UNIX filesystem is a tree structure, with all partitions mounted under the root (/). File names may consist of any character except / and NUL as pathnames are a sequence of zero or more filenames separated by /’s. Directories are special ”files” that contain mappings between inodes and filenames, called directory entries. All processes have a current working directory from which all relative paths are specified. (Absolute paths begin with a slash, relative paths do not.)
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Listing files in a directory
$ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/simple-ls.c $ more simple-ls.c $ cc -Wall -o myls simple-ls.c $ ./myls . [...] $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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User Identification User IDs and group IDs are numeric values used to identify users on the system and grant permissions appropriate to them. Group IDs come in two types; primary and secondary. $ id
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Unix Time Values Calendar time: measured in seconds since the UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 00:00:00, 1970, GMT). Stored in a variable of type time t. $ date +%s
https://www.xkcd.com/376/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Unix Time Values Process time: central processor resources used by a process. Measured in clock ticks (clock t). Three values: clock time user CPU time system CPU time
$ time grep -r _POSIX_SOURCE /usr/include >/dev/null
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Standard I/O Standard I/O: file descriptors: Small, non-negative integers which identify a file to the kernel. The shell can redirect any file descriptor. kernel provides unbuffered I/O through e.g. open read write lseek close kernel provides buffered I/O through e.g. fopen fread fwrite getc putc
$ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/simple-cat.c $ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/simple-cat2.c $ diff -bu simple-cat*.c [...] $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Processes Programs executing in memory are called processes. Programs are brought into memory via one of the six exec(3) functions. Each process is identified by a guaranteed unique non-negative integer called the processes ID. New processes can only be created via the fork(2) system call. process control is performed mainly by the fork(2), exec(3) and waitpid(2) functions. $ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/pid.c $ more pid.c $ cc -Wall -o mypid pid.c $ ./mypid . [...] $ echo $$ [...]
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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$ pstree -hapun | more
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Processes [...] total memory = 768 MB avail memory = 732 MB timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec mainbus0 (root) [...] boot device: xbd3 root on xbd3a dumps on xbd3b mountroot: trying lfs... mountroot: trying ffs... root file system type: ffs init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11 [...] Starting local daemons:. Starting sendmail. Starting sshd. Starting snmpd. Starting cron. NetBSD/amd64 (panix.netmeister.org) (console) login: jschauma Password: Last login: Sat Sep 10 14:27:56 2011 on console Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. NetBSD 5.0.2 (PANIX-VC) #2: Tue Oct 19 16:30:57 EDT 2010 Welcome to NetBSD! $
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
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Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015
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Signals Signals notify a process that a condition has occured. Signals may be ignored allowed to cause the default action caught and control transferred to a user defined function
$ wget http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/simple-shell2.c $ more simple-shell2.c $ cc -Wall -o mysh simple-shell2.c $ ./mysh $$ /bin/ls [...] $$ ^C Caught SIGINT!
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Homework read intro(2), Stevens 1 & 2 follow, test and understand all examples from this lecture ask questions on the course mailing list and IRC channel bookmark these websites: https://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/ http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ ensure you have an account on linux-lab.cs.stevens.edu; see https://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/linux-lab.html
http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/intro.html http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/f15-hw1.html
Lecture 01: Introduction, UNIX history, UNIX Programming Basics
August 31, 2015