2. Talk with your family about polite language. I nclude âplease, â âyou're welcome, â âexcuse me, â âyes,
Cub Scout Good Manners Cub Scout Academics and Sports Workbook
This workbook is not required but can help you with this award. Belt Loops and Pins may be earned more than once. W orkbook updated: M arch, 20 1 1 . C ub S cout’ s N ame: ________________________________________
Cub Scout Good Manners B el t L oop Complete these three requirements: 1 .
Pack: ____________________________
(See the P i n R eq u i r em en ts b el o w . )
M ake a poster that lists f iv e g ood manners that you want to practice. S hare your poster with your den or f amily. _________
I ntroduce two people correctly and politely. Be sure that one of them is an adult.__________________________________
3 .
W rite a thank-you note to someone who has g iv en you something or done something nice f or you. ___________________
C ub S cout G ood M anners G ood M anners A ward p. 2 C ub S cout W orkbook
Cub Scout Good Manners P i n
S cout' s N ame: ________________________
E a rn the Cub S c out G ood M a nners b elt loop, a nd c omplete f iv e of the f ollow ing requirements:
1 . M eet one new person, shake hands properly, and introduce yourself . E x tend your hand, g rip the person’ s hand f irmly, and g ently shake hands. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. Talk with your f amily about polite lang uag e. I nclude “ please, ” “ you’ re welcome, ” “ ex cuse me, ” “ yes, sir, ” “ no, ma’ am, ” and so on in your talk. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3 . E x plain to your den or f amily how g ood manners can help you now and as you g et older. C opy the actions of someone you know who has g ood manners._________________________________________________________________________
4 . G o ov er table manners with your f amily. E at a meal tog ether where the table is set correctly and ev eryone uses g ood table manners. _________________________________________________________________________________________
5 . W ith an adult, discuss what f oods are proper to eat with your f ing ers. Practice eating some of these f oods the rig ht way. __
6 . I n your den or with your f amily, practice using g ood phone manners. __________________________________________
7 . E x plain how treating thing s that belong to other people with respect is a part of hav ing g ood manners. S how three ex amples of how you can show respect f or others. _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
8 . Talk with your f riends or f amily members about f ollowing the rules and hav ing g ood sportsmanship when playing g ames. Then play a g ame with your f riends or f amily members. A f ter playing the g ame, tell how you showed g ood manners. _____
9 . W ith your f amily or den, list f iv e rules to remember in being polite and respectf ul when in a public place. G o to the public place and practice the rules. E x plain how the rules helped you to hav e g ood manners. _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
1 0 . D emonstrate the proper outf it to wear at school, at play, and at a social ev ent. ___________________________________