sic composer was honoured with the Lata Mangeshkar award by the Madhya
Pradesh government on 8 February. 2012? (1) A R Rehman. (2) Rajesh Roshari.
CurrentAffairs NATIONAL 1. Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram inaugurated the fourth and final regional hub of the National Security Guard (NSG) in which of the following places on 23 February 2012 (1) Mumbai (2) Imphal (3) Srinagar (4) Vishakhapatnam 2. As a part of the Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojna (CNSY) Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit ' on 20 February 2012 launched a major State-wide de-worming campaign. Which of the following facts are not correct with respect to the de-worming campaign? (l)The campaign aims to deworm the children and save them from worm-infested diseases such as anaemia, malnutrition, and physical and mental retardation (2) Delhi Government had earlier conducted a study and found that the average prevalence of soil-transmitted worms was around 16 per cent (3) The exercise was conducted in schools and Anganwadi centres, where the teachers and Anganwadi workers would administer mebendazole de-worming tablets to every child. (4) The Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojna was introduced in September 2010 to provide health check-ups and free treatment to students
3. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) panel on priority sector lending on 21 February 2012 proposed increment in the target (priority sector) for foreign banks. The committee was headed by which of the following members? (1) M. V. Nair (2) Dr. D. Subbarao (3) Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty (4) Subir Gokarn 4. The new version of MGNREGA included more than 25 agriculture and allied activities. The new version of the act.will be implemented from which of the following dates? (1) 1 April 2012 (2) 1 May 2012 (3) 1 June 2012 (4) 1 July 2012 5. The Vice President Mohammed Hamid Ansari released a collection of poems titled LAVA in New Delhi. The poems were written by (1) Javed Akhtar (2) Hamid Ansari (3) Salman Rushdie (4) Salman Khan 6. Which veteran Hindi film music composer was honoured with the Lata Mangeshkar award by the Madhya Pradesh government on 8 February 2012? (1) A R Rehman (2) Rajesh Roshari (3) Adnan Sami (4) Leslie Lewis 7. Noted Hindi writer Professor Ramdarash Mishra was selected for the 21st Vyas Samman for his poetry collection. For Which of his poetry
collection was he selected for the award? (1) Pak gai hai dhoop (2) Path ke Geet (3) Kandhe par Suraj (4) Aam Ke Patte 8. Renowned Urdu poet and noted lyricist of Urnrao Jaan, Akhlaq Mohammad Khan passed away in Aligarh on 13 February 2012 after battling lung cancer. Which of the facts about the poet given below are not true? (1) Akhlaq Mohammad Khan wrote under the pen name 'Shahryar' (2) Shahryar started his career as a literary assistant at Anjumah Tarraqqi-e^Urdu (3) Shahryar had received the Jnanpith Award, India's highest literary award, in the year- 2008 (4) He edited the literary magazine Sher-o-Hikmat. In 1987 he received the Sahitya Akademy Award in Urdu for his poetry collection, 'Khwab Ka Dar Band Hai' 9. The 44th Session of Indian Labour Conference was held on 14 - 15th February, 2012 under the chairmanship of Shri Mallikarjun Kharge, Union Minister of Labour & Employment. Which of the facts given below are not true about the conference? (1) The conference was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (2) The Conference deliberated upon very topical and critical issues viz., (i) Minimum Wages, (ii) Social Security and (iii) Employability and Employment.
(3) The first such tripartite consultation at the national level was held in 1942 as the T r i p a r t i t e N a t i o n a l Labour Conference (4)45 S e s s i o n s of I n d i a n Labour C o n f e r e n c e h a v e been held so far 10. Which senior BJP leader and Higher Edueation?Minister of Karnataka died in Bangalore on 14 February 2012 following a massive cardiac arrest? ( l ) K a t t i Ramesh Vishwanath (2) G.S. Basavaraj (3) K.H. Muniyappa (4) V.S. Acharya 11. The union government of India on 1 February 2012 gave the approval for setting up a National Council for Senior Citizens, ii will be headed by the minister.of (1) External Affairs (2) Social Justice arid Empowerment (3) Home (4) Finance 12. As per the latest Sample registration System bulletin, D e cember 2011 released by the Registrar General of India (RGI) recently, it w a s found that Infant Mortality Rate(IMR) dropped further from to infant deaths per 1000 live births during 2010. ( 1 ) 5 0 ; 47 (2)52;49 (3) 53; 48 (4) 48; 47 13. As per a new report released rec e n t l y , in t h e r.eriori f r o m January to November 2011, Sri Lanka received just over 7.5 lakh tourists, out of w h i c h over 1.5 lakh were Indians. Indians constituted about what per cent of the tourists to Sri Lanka in 2011? (1)20%
14. The Review Committee on the Delhi School E d u c a t i o n A c t and Rules 1973 submitted its report to Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit recently. Which of the following facts are not true in this regard?
(1) The committee was chaired by legal expert Manish K u m a r Gaur. the other members of the committee b e i n g A b h a J o s h i and Shailja Chandra, (2) The committee's report is aimed at bringing a b o u t purposeful amendments to the Act and related rules (3) The committee, constituted in April 2011 was mandated to examine all issues related to DSEAR-73 (4) It suggested a new concept of conducting school inspections with the primary focus being on the learning outcomes of children 15. A freedom fighter and one of the doyens of Indian diplomacy w h o was an architect of the 1971 Indo-Soviet Treaty passed away in New Delhi recently. W h o was he? (1) A K Damodaran (2) Prakash Shah (3) Bali Ram Bhagat (4) S h y a m N a n d a n Mishra
STATES 16. T h e Union government on 29 February 2012 gave its approval to the long-pending drainage basin flood control project in which state of India? (1) West Bengal (2) Orissa (3) Assam
(4) Bihar
17. With reference to the above, which of the following statements is/are correct? a. The Union g o v e r n m e n t would bear 75 per cent of the total project cost. b. The Planning Commission gave the investment clearance in March 2010. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Only a.
(3) Only b
(4) Neither a nor b
18. The Union government in February 2012 gave its approval to the long-pending drainage basin flood control project, involving which of the following rivers in the flood-prone East and West Midnapore districts in West Bengal? (1) Kaliaghai (2) Kapaleswari (3)Baghai (4) All of the above 19. Which state emerged victori ous by bagging maximum number of awards in National Tourism Awards 2010-11, which was conferred in February 2012 in New Delhi by the president of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil? (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Maharashtra (3) Rajasthan (4) Gujarat 20. Which of the following statements regarding the Tourism Awards 2010-11, which were conferred in February' 2012 in New Delhi, is/are correct? a. Madhya Pradesh w o n the National Tourism Award for the enhancement of tourism related infrastructure in the state. b. National Tourism Award is organised every year by the Tourism Ministry of India to recognise great efforts m a d e in the field of promoting tourism in India, Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Only a (3) Only b (4) Neither a nor b 2 1 . In which of the following categories did Madhya Pradesh won the Tourism Awards 201011 in New Delhi in February 2012? (1) Best Tourism Film (2) Best T o u r i s m Promotion Publicity Material (3) E n h a n c e m e n t of tourism related infrastructure (4) All of the above
22. Sushil Kumar Modi, the deputy chief minister and the finance minister of Bihar, on 23 February 2012, presented the budget of state for the year 2012-13. The total budget allocation was (1) Rs. 68686.83 crore (2) Rs. 78686.83 crore (3) Rs. 85688.83 crore (4) Rs. 95486.72 crore 23. The K u d a n k u l a m nuclear plant project submitted its report on 28 February 2012. W h o among the following comprised this committee? ( l ) M . R . Srinivasan (2) L. N. Vijayaraghavan (3) S. Iniyan (4) All of the above 2 4 . Which state government on 28 February 2012 hiked the reservation for OBC [Other Backward Classes] in higher education i n s t i t u t i o n s from 21 percent to 27 percent? (1) Bihar
(2) Punjab
(3) West Bengal (4) Bihar 2 8 . Which state government on 22 February 2012 issued licences to 60 fire protection companies to conduct safety audits? ( l ) R a j a s t h a n (2) Gujarat (3) Haryana (4) Maharashtra 2 9 . W h i c h state g o v e r n m e n t in February 2012 announced to increase m i n i m u m wages of skilled and unskilled labourers? (1) Haryana (2) Himachal Pradesh (3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Odisha 3 0 . As a part of the Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojna (CNSY), in which state was a major State-wide de-worming campaign launched in February 2012? (1) Delhi (2) Bihar (3) West Bengal (4) Andhra Pradesh
(2) Uttar Pradesh (3) Delhi (4) Rajasthan 2 5 . Which state Government on 25 February 2012 imposed restriction on the visit of foreign tourists and researchers to the areas inhabited by primitive vulnerable tribals groups? (1) Jharkhand (2) Chhattisgarh (3) Odisha
(1) Gujarat
(4) Rajasthan
26. At w h i c h of the following places did Union External Affairs Minister SM Krishna on 23 February 2012 inaugurate 50th Passport Seva Kendra? (l)Pune (2)Chennai (3) New Delhi (4) NOIDA 2 7 . Which state in February 2012 shortlisted the West Bengal Waste Management Ltd and the Gujarat Enviro Protection and Infrastructure for setting up the e-waste dismantling facilities in the State on a public private partnership (PPP) basis?
3 1 . Jharkhand Government and the Airport Authority of India on 21 February 2012 signed a memorandum of understanding [MoU] to establish airports in (1) Jamshedpur and Bokaro (2) Ranchi and Dhanbad (3) Hazaribagh and Kodarma (4) All of the above 3 2 . Gujarat government on 20 February 2012 sold 2736 hectares land in Dholera special investment region [SIR] to which of the following companies? (1) I n f r a s t r u c t u r e giant, Hindustan Construction Company [HCC] (2) Greater Dholera Infracon (a subsidiary of Singapore based USEL Group) (3) Nano Works Developer (4) All of the above 3 3 . Shivsena-BJP alliance won the civic p o l l s of M u m b a i and Thane on 17 February 2012. Which of the following related statements is /are correct?
a. The Shivsena-BJP Alliance emerged triumphant lor the fourth consecutive term. b. Brihanmumbai Civic Body is India's richest civic body. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Only a (3) Only b (4) Neither a nor b 3 4 . Which state government on 15 February 2012, suspended the scheme of distribution of social benefits under Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) in the State till the infrastructure of banks is stabilized in the rural areas? (1) Punjab (2) Haryana (3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Chhattisgarh 3 5 . In Gujarat, India's first highly sophisticated vessel traffic service was recently dedicated to the nation in (1) Ahmedabad (2) Surat (3) Kandla (4) Gandhinagar 3 6 . According to Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India[ASSQCHAM] report, released on 13 February 2012, which state at the end of 2011 got the total investment proposal worth Rs. 16.28 lakh crore, topping the list of most preferred business destination in India in year 2011? (1) Maharashtra (2) Kerala (3) Gujarat (4) Tamil Nadu 3 7 . Which state on 13 February 2012 announced medical benefits, financial support and higher compensation packages for various other categories of workers, including those working in industries and covered by the Industrial Workers Act? (1) Delhi (2) Gujarat (3) Bihar (4) Karnataka
38. Which state Government recently announced to have prepared a draft proposal to revise minimum wages for workers and e m p l o y e e s engaged under Mahatma Gandhi National R u r a l E m p l o y m e n t Guarantee Act? ( l ) W e s t Bengal (2) Assam
(3) Aurora Butterfly of Peace (4) Eureka Diamond
(3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Rajasthan 39. Which state Government on February 9, 2012, announced that it w o u l d l a u n c h S t a t e Urban Health Mission, aimed at providing a comprehensive health service to the people of the state living in urban areas? (1) Punjab (2) Jammu and Kashmir (3) Haryana (4) West Bengal 40. became the first State in the country to issue e-stamp papers in all denominations after the Cabinet decided to bring non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.500 denomination and below under the ambit of e-stamp m o d e i n F e b r u a r y 2012. (1) Delhi (2) Bihar (3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Kerala
INTERNATIONAL 41. India asked which country in February 2012 to bring in a national anti-piracy legislation for i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d prosecution of suspected pirates? (1) Somalia (2) China (3) Egypt (4) Ghana 42. India and Pakistan on 21 February 2012 agreed to extend the agreement to reduce the risk from accidents related to nuclear weapons for another how many years? (l)Five (3) Three
43. The largest (12.76 carat) rough pink diamond ever found in Australia was discovered in a . West Australian mine owned by Rio Tinto in February 2012. What was diamond named? (1) Argyle Pink Jubilee (2) Williamson Pink
(2) Four (4) Two
44. A p h a s e - t w o s t u d y of t h e World Bank's crisis response, presented in a report, titled T h e World Bank's Response to the Global Economic Crisis: Phase II was released on 23 February 2012. Which of the following facts stated below is incorrect with respect to the report? (1) L o w resource allocation at the start of the crisis and the assumption that all financing demands could be accommodated from existing patterns of lending had played a role in the Bank's ultimate lending decisions (2) While equiry-to-loan ratios of the Bank at the outset of the crisis were around 37.5 per cent, the recent financial figures released by the Bank for quarter closing September 2011 suggested it had come down to 29 per cent (3) While much of the budgetsupport lending that the Bank undertook in India had helped signal the strength of public sector banks in the country, yet many of these public sector banks had capital adequacy ratios conforming to Indian government norms at the outset of crisis (4) T h e lending phenomenon was driven by country demand for Bank lending, and hence countries that were most engaged with the Bank before the crisis tended to approach the B a n k m o r e and in s o m e cases get loans more quickly
45. T h e Delhi High Court on 23 February 2012 dismissed a plea from the Centre challenging Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal's (TDSAT) authority to stop which of the following bodies from enforcing a ban on 3G roaming pacts between telcos? (1) Supreme Court (2) Human Resource Development Ministry (3) Department of Telecommunications (4) Finance Ministry 46. T h e White House on 10 February 2 0 1 2 n a m e d one of India's most renowned economists as the receipient of the 2011 US National Humanities Medal. W h o is he? (1) Montek Singh Ahluwalia (2) C. Rangarajan ' (3) Usha Thorat (4) Amartya Sen 47. Singer and actress Whitney Houston died on 11 February 2012 in California. Which of the facts about her are not true? (1) Houston is a winner of six Grammy Awards including record of the year for I Will Always Love You and album , of the year for The Bodyguard (2) Houston's. 1985 debut alb u m Whitney Houston became the best-selling debut album by a female act at the time of its release (3) S h e h a d w o n her f i r s t G r a m m y a w a r d for Best Pop Vocal Performance, Female for Saving All My Love for You. (4) She was the first artist to have two number-one Billboard 200 Album awards (formerly "Top Pop Album") on the Billboard magazine year-end charts 48. The sixty-fifth annual British A c a d e m y Film a w a r d s , the BAFTA's was held at the Royal Opera House in London 12 February 2 0 1 2 . Which film swept the award ceremony winning a total of 6 awards?
(1) T h e Iron L a d y (3) We N e e d to T a l k A b o u t Kevin (4) H u g o 4 9 . W h i c h British singer with six n o m i n a t i o n s , w o n all six awards at 54th Annual G r a m m y Awards held on 12 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 for the a l b u m 2 1 , thus tying Beyonce's record for m o s t w i n s by a f e m a l e artist in one night? (1) B o n Iver
(2) L a d y G a g a
(3) A d e l e (4) W h i t n e y
5 2 .Cabinet
5 0 .In which province of Pakistan did Pakistani archaeologists discover a rare Indus Valley civilization-era seal in steatite dating back to 2500-2000 BC from the Choi is tan area in February 2012? (1) P u n j a b (2) B a l o c h i s t a n (3) K h y b e r P u k h t o o n k h w a (4) F A T A 5 1 . United Nations Department o f E c o n o m i c and Social Affairs ( U N - D E S A ) d a t a for 150 c o u n tries over 40 y e a r s , released recently, showed which two countries as the only two countries in the world where female infant mortality is higher than male infant m o r tality in t h e 2 0 0 0 s ? (1) Ve'nezuela & C a m b o d i a (2) Nigeria & G h a n a (3) C h i n a & I n d i a (4) I n d o n e s i a & C h i n a
b a s e d o n t h e all I n d i a C O M
nomic Affairs National Board's
for E c o -
s u m e r P r i c e I n d e x stood at w h a t p e r c e n t in J a n u a r y 2012m (1)6.6%
(3) 8 . 3 2 %
(4) 5.50%
12th F i v e -
5 5 . T h e P r i m e Minister's Econonil
Year Plan to be initiated in
Advisory Panel (PMEAC) on2ยป
D a i r y P l a n for the
2 0 1 2 . W h i c h of the following
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 p r o j e c t e d 7.51
facts w i t h regard to the state-
8 p e r c e n t g r o w t h r a t e for the
m e n t is not true?
f i s c a l 2 0 . 1 2 - 1 3 . W h i c h of the!
boosting Houston
on 21 February 2012, inflati*
(2) T h e A r t i s t
using and
f o l l o w i n g f a c t s a r e t r u e with!
r e s p e c t t o t h e a b o v e statement?!
recorded a|
g r o w t h r a t e of 8 . 4 p e r cent!
covering about 2.7 million
i n 2 0 1 0 - 1 1 , w h i c h accord!
m i l c h a n i m a l s in 4 0 0 0 0 vil-
i n g t o t h e C S O estimates is! e x p e c t e d to m o d e r a t e to 6.7|
lages (2) A c c o r d i n g t o
the National
Dairy Development Board, the
p e r c e n t i n t h e c u r r e n t fisl cal2011-12 ( 2 ) I n f l a t i o n w a s p r o j e c t e d tol
likely to be a b o u t 150 mil-
m o d e r a t e t o 6 . 5 % b y March
lion t o n n e by 2 0 1 6 - 1 7 and
2 0 1 2 a n d 5-6 p e r cent in
200-210 million tonne by 2021-22.
2012-13 (3) P r o j e c t e d
G r o s s Domestic
(3) C o o p e r a t i v e s c u r r e n t l y p r o -
P r o d u c t ( G D P ) g r o w t h for
cure about 1 6 % of the na-
2 0 1 2 is s u b s t a n t i a l l y down
tional marketable milk s u r -
f r o m t h e b u d g e t a r y target of
plus covering around 2 1 %
a r o u n d n i n e p e r c e n t , and
of the country's villages and
8 . 4 p e r c e n t e x p a n s i o n reg-
1 8 % of rural milk producing households (4) T h e c o o p e r a t i v e s e c t o r i s needed
istered in 2011 (4) All of the a b o v e 5 6 .The
o f India
to achieve a p r o -
( R B I ) p a n e l o n p r i o r i t y sector
c u r e m e n t share of at least
l e n d i n g o n 2 1 F e b r u a r y 2012
2 0 % of the marketable milk
p r o p o s e d i n c r e m e n t in the far-
surplus by 2016-17 so as to
g e t ( p r i o r i t y s e c t o r ) for foreign
retain an overall 5 0 % share
b a n k s to w h a t p e r c e n t of net
of the marketable surplus
b a n k c r e d i t f r o m t h e current
handled by the organised
l e v e l o f 3 2 p e r c e n t w i t h sub-
t a r g e t s of 15 p e r c e n t for ex-
5 3 .The (RBI)
Reserve on 13
of India
p o r t s a n d 15 p e r c e n t for the M S E sector?
changed the b a n k rate, a m e -
(2)40% .
(3) 4 6 %
(4) 3 9 %
nine years with the objective to realign it with the marginal s t a n d i n g facility ( M S F ) r a t e a s a one-time
m e n t to link it with the m a i n policy repo rate. W h a t does the changed bank rate stand at? (1)9.5%
(3) 1 0 . 1 %
5 4 . A s p e r t h e first n a t i o n w i d e r e -
5 7 . T h e r e w e r e a s m a n y , a s 1359 f o r e i g n e r s , w h o a v a i l e d thems e l v e s o f t h e V i s a o n Arrival s c h e m e in J a n u a r y 2012 as c o m p a r e d w i t h 7 9 0 i n January 2011.
t h e per
c e n t a g e g r o w t h r e c o r d e d in n u m b e r o f f o r e i g n e r s availing V i s a o n A r r i v a l (VoA) scheme in January 2012?
tail inflation d a t a r e l e a s e d by
t h e C e n t r e of Statistical Office
(3) 7 5 %
(4) 8 2 %
58. As per the provisional figures of exports released on 9 February 2012, India's exports in January 2012 rose to what per cent to $25.4 billion? (1)10.1% (2)7% (3) 12.32%
(4) 8.3%
59. The R e s e r v e B a n k of I n d i a (RBI) on 14 February 2012, issued the 'Draft Circular for Deployment of White Label A u tomated Teller Machines (WLAs) from non-bank entities. W h i c h of the following facts related to this statement is/are not true? ( l ) T h e W L A operator can choose the location of the WLA. However, it will have to adhere to annual targets and the ratio of W L A b e tween Tier I &II and Tier IIIVI centres that may be stipulated by the RBI. (2) Non-bank entities proposing to set up WLAs have to apply to the RBI seeking authorisation under the P a y m e n t and S e t t l e m e n t Systems Act 2007 (3) T h e non-banking entities should have a minimum net worth of Rs. 1000 crore at the time of making the application and on a continuing basis after issue of the requisite authorisation. (4) B e i n g n o n - b a n k o w n e d ATMs, the guidelines on five f r e e t r a n s a c t i o n s in a month for using other bank ATMs will not be applicable for transactions m a d e on the W L A s 60. Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 15 February 2012 approved the auction route for selling 5 per cent stake in state-run oil major? (l)IOC
(3) HPCL
(4) BPCL
61. As per official data released on 14 February 2 0 1 2 , headline inflation eased to a 26-month low in January 2012 from 7.47
67. Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina w o n his 10th career ATP title in February 2012 by beating
per cent in December 2011 on the back of further fall in vegetable prices. W h a t did the headline inflation stand at in January 2012? (1)6.55% (2)5.33% (3)5.75% (4)7.1%
(1) Roger Federer (2) Rafael Nadal (3) Novak Djokovic
62. The Union government recently revised the economic growth rate for 2010-2011 financial year to what percent in comparison to the previous estimate of 8.5 percent? (1)8%
(3) 7.5%
(4) 7%
(4) Michael Llodra 68. Which Serbian tennis player w h o holds number one position in world Tennis ranking was given the highest Serbian award, the Gold Star of Karadjordje on 15 February 2012?
(1) Novak Djokovic
63. W h i c h A u s t r a l i a n n a t i o n a l w h o led the Australian cricket team twice to the world cup victory; has 30 centuries and 82 fifties in ODI in his name, announced his retirement from the One day cricket on February21,2012?
(2) Rafael Nadal (3) Roger Federer (4) Lepton Hewitt 69. Which of the following Indian company on 16 February 2012 withdrew its decision to quash all its ties with the BCCI? (1) Reliance Industries
(1) Michael Clarke
(2) Essar
(2) Andrew Symonds
(3) Sahara Group
(3) Shane Watson
(4) Vodafone
(4) Ricky Ponting 64. Which of the following team defeated Indian women hockey team in the final match of London Olympic Qualifiers in February 2012? (1) South Africa (2) France (3) Australia (4) New Zealand
(1) Garry Kirs ten (2) Venkatesh Prasad (3) Eric Simons (4) Brad Hogg
65. Dow Chemicals whose sponsorship to the London Olympics was highly protested in India in February 2012 is the parent company of (1) Union Carbide (2) Etisalat (3) Vodafone
70. W h o was sacked as the Bowling Coach of Indian Cricket T e a m on 13 February 2012?
71. There was much headlines in February 2012 over the issue that India had appealed to the International Olympic Committee to withdraw the sponsorship-of which company from the London Olympics? (1) Dow Chemicals (2) Vodafone
(4) Coca Cola
66. S a n i a M i r z a a n d Elena V e s n i n a recently suffered a crushing defeat against top seeds Liezel Huber and Lisa Raymond and finished r u n ners-up at the 1
(3) General Motors (4) Google 72. A n d r e w S y m o n d s , w h o announced his retirement from all the formats of cricket on 16 February 2012, is the player of
(1) Australian Open
(1) England
(2) W T A Dubai Open (3) Chennai Open
(2) New Zealand
(4) Korean Open
(4) South Africa
(3) Australia
PERSONS, PLACES & AWARDS 73. On February 17, 2 0 1 2 , the P r e s i d e n t of w h i c h country Christian Wulff resigned from his office because of scandal over murky financial dealings and more recent attempts to suppress reportage of these dealings by threatening the editors of two newspapers? (1) France (3) Germany
(2) Italy
(4) Switzerland 74. The Union government on 23 February 2012 nominated who on the central board of Reserve Bank of India, the apex Indian bank? (1) Anil Sinha ( 2 ) D . K . Mittal (3) Indra Bhargava (4)Sunil Rastogi 75. New York T i m e s ' foreign correspondent and a t w o - t i m e Pulitzer Prize winner who died in eastern Syria on 16 February 2012 after having suffered a severe asthma attack, was
78. T h e m a r i n e s of Italian ship Enrica Lexie, Latore Massimiliano and Salvatore Girone on 15 February 2012 allegedly killed two fishermen Valentine Jalastine and Ajeesh Binki in Kerala off the coast of (1) Ernakulam (2) Kollam (3) Thiruvananthapuram (4) Erode 79. A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck in the n a r r o w strait between the heavily populated islands of Negros and Cebu on 6 February 2012 off the coast of the central (1) Indonesia (2) Philippines (3) Taiwan (4) Japan 80. At the 84th Academy Awards ceremony/Oscars hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) at the Hollywood and Highland Center in Hollywood, California o n 2 6 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 , which of the following movies w o n the award for the Best Picture?
(1) Anthony Shadid (2) Peter Abraham
(3) Sheikh Roger (4) Walid Ahmed
(3) The Artist
76. Renowned historian and author of several books on the history and culture of Mumbai w h o passed away in Mumbai on 5 February 2012 is (1) Asha Sharma (2) Manisha Chauhan (3) Sarita Shukla (4) Sharada Dwivedi 77. Environmental historian and political c o m m e n t a t o r w h o was selected and appointed as director of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, one of the country's top centres for research on m o d e r n Indian history in February 2012 is
(2) The Descendants (4) Pianist 8 1 . Which of the following statem e n t s r e g a r d i n g the 84th Academy Awards, presented in February 2012, is/are correct? a. Hugo which w o n five Oscars dominated the technical awards. b. Christopher Plummer became the oldest actor ever to win an Academy Award, picking up the Best Supporting Actor trophy for his role as a senior citizen in T h e Beginners. Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(1) Mahesh Rangarajan
(1) Both a and b
(2) Pankaj Dholakia (3) Umesh Verma (4) Niraj Swamy
(2) Only b (3) Only a (4) Neither a nor b
32. Which of the following state ! m e n t s r e g a r d i n g t h e 84th Academy Awards, presented in February 2012, is/are correct? I (1) Pakistan got its first Oscar as Sharmeen ObaidChinoy received the Oscar for Saving face (Best docu- ; mentary -short subject) (2) R a n g o - starring Johnny Depp as the voice of a cha-1 meleon won Best Animated I, Feature Film (3) T h e Best Documentary Oscar went to Undefeated (4) All of the above 83. In the 54th Annual Grammy Awards held on 12 February j 2012, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, ( l ) T h e B r i t i s h songstress, A d e l e s w e p t t h e awards w i n n i n g a staggering six golden gramophones for her Album, 21 (2) Paul McCartney received the MusiCares Person of the Year award (3) F o o F i g h t e r s a n d Kanye West followed with five and four awards, respectively (4) All of the above 84. T h e sixty-fifth annual British A c a d e m y F i l m a w a r d s , the BAFTA's was held at the Royal O p e r a H o u s e in London 12 February 2012. Which Black and white silent movie topped w o n six awards, including best film and best director? (DHugo (2) Drive (3) T h e Artist (4) Pianist
85. Which of the following statements regarding sixty-fifth annual British Academy Film awards, presented in February 2012, is/are correct? a. Best Actress was awarded to Meryl Streep for her mesmerizing portrayal of former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher in the Iron Lady. b. John Hurt received a special tribute being awarded the Outstanding Contribution to British cinema award. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Only a (3) Only b (4) Neither a nor b
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 86. According to a new study by scientists in New York in February 2012, bird flu may be far less deadly to humans than previously thought. According to the World Health Organisation, . about what per cent of people infected by the human form of bird flu go on to die? (1) 25 per cent (2) 45 per cent (3) 60 per cent (4) 80 per cent 87. Scientists in February 2012 announced to have identified which of the following genes linked to Parkinson's disease, a finding which may pave the way for better treatments for the second most prevalent neurological condition after dementia? (1) NACP and MAPT (2) PRTZ (3) OPLB (4) All of the above 88. India's DRDO on 10 February 2012 conducted a successful test launch of the interceptor missile successfully that hit the ballistic missile and destroyed it at a height of 15 kms
off the Coast of Orissa near the Wheelers Island. Which is the interceptor missile? (1JAAD-05 (2)ABC-05 (3) CDE-03 (4) BAD-09 89. Erosion and diversion of Rushikulya river mouth in which Odisha district were in February 2012 announced to be posing a serious threat to the annual mass nesting of the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles? (l)Cuttack (2)Puri (3) Ganjam (4) Sambalpur 90. The Indian Black Eagle was in February 2012 announced to have been spotted in the Aravali Biodiversity Park after a gap of 90 years. The bird was last seen in 1920-21 by (1) Basin Edwardes (2) Parker Wilson (3) Daniel Stuart (4) Matthew Steiner 91. An international team of scientists on 13 February 2012 found that how the bees shook their abdomens when bee-eating hornets approached. The study done by the scientists revealed that the hornets ( ) responded directly to the bees' shaking signals. (1) Vespa velutina (2) Capila (3) Manzort (4) Pilia Mingla 92. One of the world's tiniest lizards called Brookesia micra was found by German researchers on 14 February 2012. Where was this all important discovery made? (1) Mauritius (2) Maldives (3) Madagascar (4) Mauritania 93. The Indian Air Force added strength to its fleet of mediumlift helicopters with the induction of upgraded Mi-17 V5 helicopters on February 17,2012. Where have these helicopters been made?
(1) Sweden (2) Great Britain (3) Norway (4) Russia 94. International astronomers in February 2012 announced to have found the fourth potentially habitable planet outside our solar system. This planet is about 22 light-years from Earth and orbits around a star known as (DAC118C (2)GJ667C (3) BD 269E (4) GP 888F 95. Which government in February 2012 charged four non-governmental organisations with allegedly diverting foreign funds to back protests against a nuclear plant? (1) Germany (2) India (3) Japan (4) Spain
MISCELLANEOUS 96. Rahul Bhatia, who was recently chosen for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award is the Managing Director of (l)Qualcomm Communications (2) Jet Airways (3) Vodafone (4) InterGlobe Enterprises 97. Etisalat which has initiated the legal proceeding against the promoters of Swan Telecom, its joint venture partner in India, and was in news in February 2012, is a company based in (1) Bahrain (2) UAE (3) Australia ' (4) Russia 98. The Competition Commission of India, under the Competition Act, 2002 of Parliament, in news in February 2012, has been empowered to look into (1) High voltage merger and acquisition deals (2) Market activities (3) Security market trading (4) Client base of different companies
9 9 . World's largest two w h e e l e r manufacturer Hero MotoCorp on 22 February 2012 inked a pact with Erik Buell Racing [ E B R ] . E B R is a c o m p a n y based in which of the following countries? (l)USA (2) UAE
(2) Supply Chain (4) Technology Solution 103, Legrand, the French electronic and digital equipments company on 9 February 2012 acquired the U P S business of which of the following Indian brand?
(3) Argentina
(1) Luminous
(4) UK
(2) Oneida
100. Which of the following Indian Telecom company on 16 February 2012 got the RBI nod for FCCB redemption? (1) Reliance Telecom (2) Uninor (3) Airtel (4) Vodafone 1 0 1 . Cognizant which on 13 February 2012 inked a 5-year deal with Future Group is a (1) Logistic Company . (2) Aviation Company (3) Online Retail Company (4) Technology Solution Company 1 0 2 . Kintetsu World Express of Japan and Gati on 13 February 2012 entered into a Joint Venture of which of the following sector? (1) Electronic Equipments
(3) Single Brand Retail
(3) Numeric Power (4) Inver tabular 104. Which electronic gadget maker predicting a fourth consecutive y e a r o f l o s s e s , n a m e d Kazuo Hirai as chief executive officer, r e p l a c i n g H o w a r d Stringer recently?
1. (1)
2. (4)
3. (1)
4. (1)
5. (1)
6. (2)
7. (4)
8. (2)j
10. (4)
13. (1)
14. (1)
15. (1)
16. (1) 20. (1)
17. (1)
18. (4)
19. (1)
21. (4)
22. (2)
23. (4)
24. (3)
25. (3)
26. (3)
27. (3)
28. (4)
29. (1)
30. (1)
31. (1)
32. (4)
33. (1)
34. (2)
35. (3)
36. (3)
37. (1)
38. (2)
39. (3)
40. (1)
41. (1)
42. (1)
43. (1)
44. (2)
45. (3)
46. (4)
47. (4)
48. (2)
49. (3)
50. (1)
51. (3)
52. (I)
53. (1)
54. (2)
55. (4)
56. (2)"
57. (2)
58. (1)
59. (3)
60. (2)
(l)Sony (2) Samsung Electronics
61. (1)
62. (2)
63. (4)
64. (1)
65. (2)
66. (2)
67. (4)
68. (1)
(3) Videocon
69. (3)
70. (3)
71. (1)
72. (3)
(4) Hitachi 105. Which state run company recently signed an agreement with its trade unions for inc r e a s e in the w a g e s u n d e r which m i n i m u m guaranteed benefit would be 2 5 % of gross? (l)BHEL
73. (3)
74. (2)
75. (1)
76. (4)
77. (1)
78. (2)
79. (2)
80. (3]
81. (1)
82. (4)
83. (4)
84. (3)
85. (1)
86. (3)
87. (1)
88. (1)
91. (1)
93. (4)
94. (2)
95. (2)
96. (4)
97. (2)
98. (1)
99. (1) 100. (1)
(2) CIL
101. (4) 102. (2) 103. (3) 104. (1)
(3) IOC
105. (2)
(4) O N G C