BS degree in CSE from MSU in May ... Auto-Owners Insurance staff (left to right) Cheryl Smallwood, assistant manager, ..
VOL. 9, NO. 1
Engineering with a Global Focus
from the Dean lobalization has had a seismic
To read more about our residential and
Their care and nurturing is unrivaled.
impact on the way business
cornerstone programs, see the article
They continue to produce many stellar
is transacted around the
on pages 8–11 of this issue.
students, some of whom travel abroad
importance, the subject has become
classroom experience, our student
their research, while others stay closer
an integral element of the educational
design teams travel to places as far
to home to apply their research skills
experience enjoyed by Spartan
away as Tanzania to learn more about
in the areas of homeland security or
Engineers as part of their preparation
how the rest of the world lives and
biomedical engineering. To read about
for pursuing successful careers. A solid
transacts the ordinary business of life.
Vangie and Melissa and some of their
understanding of the global context,
The solar-powered computer project
students, see the article on pages
solid engineering skills, and an ability to
in Tanzania, sponsored by corporate
see the big picture — these character-
partner Lenovo, truly exemplifies what
istics are all requirements for the next
a world-grant university is. It goes to
with two of my colleagues to explore
generation of engineers.
the heart of what we are all about –
opportunities for our students and
globe today. Recognizing its
Thus we begin preparing our
Further yet from the typical
to further their studies and continue
In early spring, I traveled to Iraq
partnering with others for the benefit of
faculty to become involved in an
students early on to be successful in
all involved. We felt fortunate to have
exchange program there. Iraq is an
today’s global economy, starting with
a corporate partner who saw value in
ancient civilization with a long history
our freshman engineering program —
what we were proposing, and who
of respect for scholarship. Home to the
Cornerstone Engineering — which aims
provided the necessary support. Not
Sumerian and the Assyrian civilizations,
to let students know that engineering is
only did the project have an impact on
the recorded history of Iraq goes back
for real. We teach them the principles
Tanzania but, just as important edu-
thousands of years. For the last 30 or
of designing things that meet a need
cationally, Tanzania had an incredible
40 years it’s been under assault. Our
while simultaneously satisfying real-
effect on our students (read the story
visit was truly eye-opening. It was a joy
world constraints such as cost. Continu-
on pages 12–13 of this issue).
to see the people of Iraq sharing the
ing throughout their years of study,
In addition, the college now offers a
same values as we do here at Michigan
and culminating in the senior capstone
course in global engineering (see page
State. The prospect of partnering with
course, we provide our students with
39), and our students can find out what
Iraq — as opposed to fighting battles
an exciting environment where they
it’s like to live and learn in intercultural
— is exciting. We envision students and
acquire vital professional skills. While
settings by choosing to participate in
faculty from Iraq being able to spend
mastery of one’s discipline is valuable,
Freshman Seminars Abroad (see pages
time in our College of Engineering,
the ability to comprehend and to com-
30–31), which usually run 10–18 days,
while some of our students and faculty
municate the big picture is priceless.
or the more in-depth study abroad
spend time there. It’s an amazing op-
Industry is looking for engineers with a
programs, which typically run several
portunity. We foresee a lot of positive
broad set of problem-solving skills, but
things happening within the next few
many of these skills cannot be taught
There are many outstanding faculty
in a classroom setting. Some things
members in the college who help to
are best taught through engagement
grow exceptional graduates. But two of
and “guided osmosis.” Our Residential
them really stand out when it comes
Experience for Spartan Engineering
to mentoring future engineers — Evan-
lends itself well to that way of thinking.
gelyn Alocilja and Melissa Baumann.
years. And we’ll share these plans with you as they develop.
Satish Udpa
vol. 9, no. 1 • summer 2009
Currents Magazine is published twice a year by the Michigan State University College of Engineering for alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends.
Satish Udpa editor Laura Luptowski Seeley editorial assistant Jane L. DePriest
Help Wanted: IT Industry Looks for Employees
From Cornerstone to Capstone: A Residential Experience for Spartan Engineers
Spartan Engineers: Improving Lives Around the Globe . . . and Right Here at Home
Helping Students Succeed: DPO Meets Today’s Challenges
Engineering Great Athletes
Behind Extraordinary Students are Great Mentors
Freshman Seminars Abroad Provide Global Focus
Going Global
contributing writers Jane L. DePriest, John Hill, Sheryl James, Mary Mertz-Smith, Lynda White photography Erin Groom, G. L. Kohuth, Patrick T. Power, Harley J. Seeley, Kurt Stepnitz layout/design Charlie Sharp, Sharp Des!gns printing Millbrook Printing We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please direct all correspondence to Editor, Currents Magazine, 3412 Engineering Building, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824 tel 517 432 · 1303 • fax 517 355·2288 web
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Student News & Accomplishments
Faculty/Staff Awards & Accomplishments
New Faculty
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Alumni & Development News
Responses to “Looking Back”
MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824.
Copyright © 2009 Michigan State University College of Engineering. All rights reserved.
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Printed on recycled 10% post-consumer fiber paper using environmentally friendly inks.
currents magazine
summer 2009
IT Industry Looks for Employees >> Jane L. DePriest
The demand for College of Engineering computer science graduates remains strong. Yes, even in today’s current economic situation, the “Help Wanted” sign is out for information technology (IT) personnel, including software engineers, system administrators, security specialists, and others. Small companies, big companies, companies on the cutting edge of technology, and companies whose business is not directly related to IT need IT employees. This is a trend nationally, statewide in Michigan, and locally in Lansing. And you might be surprised at the companies needing IT employees. >>
michigan state universit y college of engineering
CSE Graduates Find “We have openings now and expect those employment opportunities to continue in the future,” says Robert I. Buchanan, senior vice president of
information systems and technology at
Auto-Owners Insurance staff (left to right) Cheryl Smallwood, assistant manager, IT Department; Phil Danne, senior programmer analyst; and Robert I. Buchanan, senior vice president of information systems and technology.
currents magazine
summer 2009
programmer even before he got his BS in CSE from MSU in the spring of 2006. He is
now a senior programmer analyst for
Auto-Owners Insurance Company. Why
Auto-Owners Insurance Company. “The
does an insurance company need IT
company was not on my radar screen
people? “One factor that separates the
when I started looking for a job,” says
very best insurance companies from
Danne. Then he saw a posting for an
average companies is great automation
associate programmer at Auto-Owners
and technologies,” says Buchanan, who
Insurance. “My number one goal was
has an IT staff of more than 400 associ-
being a programmer. Since high school
ates. The corporate headquarters for
I wanted to be a full-time programmer,”
Auto-Owners Insurance is in Lansing,
says Danne. He and many of the other
graduates from the computer science
TechSmith Corporation, with
and engineering department in MSU’s
headquarters in Okemos, Mich., is one
College of Engineering have found
of many exciting software develop-
information technology (IT) careers that
ment companies in the Midwest. “We
fit their skills. Best of all, they say, the
offer a chance for people to do real
jobs are in the Lansing area. Danne,
software development right here in
who grew up in Ann Arbor, wanted to
mid-Michigan,” says Dean Craven, vice
stay close to MSU.
president of research and development
The skill he uses most from his
at TechSmith. “We are not a giant multi-
days at MSU is to focus on the lifecycle
national company, but employees have
of software. “It’s not just writing the soft-
more ownership of what they do and
ware, but also editing it, revising it, and
more ability to create and innovate,”
making it perfect. The capstone course
says Craven, who is a 1986 MSU com-
at MSU taught me to focus on the final
puter science graduate. TechSmith has
steps,” says Danne, who also learned
grown at the rate of 20 percent over
how to solve problems, working with
the last six to eight years, and while not
the tools available.
growing at the accelerated pace of the
Dean Craven, vice president of research and development at TechSmith.
hil Danne was working as a
Randy Schott, who received his
past years, the business is doing well in
BS degree in CSE from MSU in May
the current economy.
2007, works at TechSmith Corporation.
Technically speaking, IT is
“I heard about the company through
the study, design, development,
CSE’s capstone course. Otherwise I
implementation, and support of
might not have known the company
computer-based systems, particularly
existed,” says Schott, who is a software
software applications and computer
developer for Camtasia Studio, one of
hardware. Recently, the term IT has
TechSmith’s leading products. The Cam-
ballooned to encompass many fields.
tasia program allows computer users
An IT professional may be involved in
to easily record their computer screens
data management, networking, com-
to create training, demo, and presenta-
puter security, engineering computer >>
tion video. “Working on commercial
software is very exciting and that’s one
December 2002. He found out about
of the reasons I decided to work here,”
TechSmith through a friend who said
says Schott. He is a mentor for students
it was a “fantastic” company. “I was
currently in the capstone course and
surprised to find a company right here
believes the capstone projects are
in the Lansing area where you could
important to students because it gives
work on real software. I assumed I
them a real-world experience and an
would have to move to make com-
opportunity to work on a group project.
mercial software,” says Middlin. Like
Schott likes the relaxed atmosphere
Career Success, Job Security in IT
other graduates, he has family in the
in May 2007. She had an internship at
at TechSmith as well as the flexible
area and he is a big fan of Michigan’s
IBM and did her capstone project with
schedules and doing creative work. And
hunting and fishing opportunities.
Motorola. One skill that has helped her
there is always something “cool” to try
When Middlin started at TechSmith
out because the company encourages
there were only about 40 employees. “I
“I’m not scared to try them or experi-
employees to investigate other new
have seen the company grow into a dif-
ment with them,” says Noren. She likes
products. “The one thing I wish I had
ferent company, and I still want to work
working on cutting-edge projects,
done in college was more personal proj-
here. The culture and the feel is the
such as Jing, a TechSmith program
ects, such as game development,” says
same.” His responsibilities have grown
that snaps a picture or makes a quick
Schott. “Those kinds of projects force
over the years, too, but “sharing is all
video of anything on the computer
you to work out little things to make
part of the job. We always collaborate
screen and makes it possible to share
them function — and having experience
in teams.” Recently another employee
it instantly.
like that impresses employers.”
made a suggestion for a project Middlin
Lauren Revard’s advice to under-
is knowing several program languages.
Cheryl Smallwood, who received
was working on. “It was a brilliant idea
her BS in CSE from MSU in 2002,
grads looking for career possibilities
and saved me hours of sitting there
started at Auto-Owners Insurance as
is to learn to work well in groups. “In
thinking about what to do.”
a programmer, working on various
the real world, especially in IT, you are
Michael Malinak is a lead developer
going to work with a group of people.
with TechSmith Labs, which is the com-
development for the company. Her
You have to bring that skill with you,”
pany’s research area. “We are looking at
family is in the Lansing area and she
says Revard, who is a 2006 CSE gradu-
technology and methodology to adapt
jumped at the opportunity to work
ate and now a programmer analyst at
for our products,” says Malinak, who
close by. Smallwood is now an assistant
Auto-Owners Insurance. “I enjoy work-
received his BS in CSE from MSU in
manager in the IT Department where
ing here. The company cares about its
2000. “I was surprised to find a media
she does less technical work and
employees and really makes an effort
aligned company in the area. The work
supervises employees. “I’m working on
to make us happy,” says Revard. And
is complicated and challenging, but it
the challenges of building relationships
she feels secure in her job, a bonus in
is exciting creating something people
with people and getting people to work
these difficult economic times.
want to use,” says Malinak. The one
together in groups,” says Smallwood.
thing he points out is that there are not
However, the people she supervises
enough women in computing.
all have technical backgrounds, so her
Paul Middlin is the lead developer for Snagit at TechSmith. Snagit, TechSmith’s first commercial product,
That brings us to April Noren, who
TechSmith employees (left to right) Michael Malinak, April Noren, Paul Middlin, and Randy Schott.
Web systems, and research and
engineering knowledge and computer
is a program that captures, edits, and
is a software developer at TechSmith.
skills are helpful relating to people.
shares exactly what is on a computer
Her dad is a mechanical engineer with
“There is always something different to
screen. Middlin received his BS in CSE
a degree from MSU, as is her brother.
work on and I am learning more about
from MSU in December 2000, and
“I wanted to go into engineering, but
the company,” says Smallwood. “I
then went on to get a master’s degree
chose a different area,” says Noren,
really like how friendly the people here
in computer science, graduating in
who received her BS in CSE from MSU
are.” — JLD
michigan state universit y college of engineering
companies,” says Dyksen. In addition to Auto-Owners Insur-
“That’s because of our relationship with
involved with projects in the CSE
Wayne Dyksen, our overall involvement
capstone course have included Micro-
with MSU, and primarily the caliber
soft, Boeing, Ford, Chrysler, General
of the students,” says Buchanan. He
Motors, Accident Fund, Urban Science,
admits that a major stumbling block
GE Aviation, Toro, Motorola, Terex, and
for the company is that students think
others. All of these companies actively
accepting a position at Auto-Owners
seek people to fill IT positions. “MSU’s
Insurance will mean they have to sell
College of Engineering is offering the
insurance. “Students, university faculty,
best education and the best opportuni-
and others in the community don’t
ties for IT employment,” says Dyksen.
realize the robust IT environments
hardware, and software design, as well
“While some students want to get away
that businesses use,” says Buchanan.
as management and administration of
from mid-Michigan, more and more
For example, Auto-Owners Insurance
entire systems.
graduates want to stay in the Lansing
is building a new 95,000-square-foot
area, and we connect students with the
state-of-the-art data center near the cor-
TechSmith are good examples of
excellent career opportunities available
porate headquarters in Delhi Township.
companies that need IT staff, espe-
right here.”
“Auto-Owners Insurance and
cially computer science graduates,”
Dyksen also says that some
TechSmith is also pleased with its involvement with the MSU CSE
says Wayne Dyksen, professor in the
companies have realized that large
capstone course. “The capstone
Department of Computer Science and
percentages of their IT staffs are ap-
course in CSE has been wonderful. I
Engineering (CSE) in MSU’s College of
proaching retirement and many workers
can’t imagine not being involved with
Engineering. He is also the instructor
will be exiting the labor force. “There
projects in the course,” says Craven. “It
for cse 498, Collaborative Design, the
are fewer workers available to take
is a good way to develop relationships
capstone course for CSE seniors. He
their places,” says Dyksen who, along
with students, many of whom do not
works with corporate clients to explore
with others from the computer science
know about our company and that it
and develop potential capstone course
department, is part of the Capital Area
is located in Okemos. We also believe
projects. This turned into a gold mine
IT Council, formed by Capital Area
that by being involved we can help the
for companies looking for IT employ-
Michigan Works! to increase awareness
CSE department turn out graduates
ees. “Local and state companies need
of IT possibilities in mid-Michigan. “The
with more knowledge relevant to
computer science graduates. Faculty
College of Engineering is committed to
our industry.” Students who work on
and staff at the MSU College of Engi-
working with companies in Michigan,
TechSmith projects in the capstone
neering are continually engaged with
across the country, and around the
course tend to tell other students about
companies to get in front of the curve
globe to provide them with engineers
the “cool” local company and the op-
and have ready the graduates that
who can immediately be effective in
portunities for developing commercial
companies need for their present and
the workplace,” says Satish Udpa, dean
software. “We are team-oriented,
future employment,” says Dyksen, who
of MSU’s College of Engineering.
dynamic, and fun. The word gets out,”
personally interacts with a wide range
in IT than from any other university.
ance and TechSmith, other companies
Heidi Dowling (left), an Auto-Owners Insurance Company recruiter, talks with Wayne Dyksen, professor in MSU’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering, during Engineering Expo, held February 19, 2009, in the Engineering Building. This year’s event, described as a “laid back career fair,” drew about 75 organizations and nearly 1,000 students.
more graduates from MSU working
Auto-Owners Insurance has
says Craven, who as a 1986 grad admits
of companies. “Through the capstone
provided a project for student teams in
to being one of the oldest TechSmith
course, companies get to know the
the capstone course since the spring
students and the kind of work they
of 2005. “It’s a great way to get our
can do. In turn, the students are more
name out and to talk to students,” says
Auto-Owners Insurance had a team
aware of the possibilities at various
Buchanan. Auto-Owners Insurance has
of students from the capstone course
currents magazine
summer 2009
For the spring 2009 semester,
programs for middle- and high-school
dashboard. Some of the technologies
students to increase awareness of
needed for this project included
computer science possibilities. The
JavaScript, Sequel Server Database, and
lead developers at TechSmith also talk
Web Services. TechSmith had a team
to students in freshman engineering
of students working on Collaborative
courses. “We want to feed the pipeline,
Video Captioning to upload videos with
to keep students actively interested in
audio to a server and perform software
IT,” says Craven. “So many people do
speech-to-text transcription. Technolo-
not realize that there is an IT industry in
gies being used in the project are the
the Lansing area. All the news is about
Windows Vista operating system,
the decline of the auto industry. State
Speech to Text Software, Windows
and local officials say they want IT and
Speech Recognition Engine, JavaScript,
high tech, but they don’t give specific
and others. Students, working in teams,
examples of companies that already
have 15 weeks to design, build, test,
and deliver a working software solution
Buchanan and Craven want similar
from scratch. There are no textbooks
attributes in potential employees. “We
and no posted solutions. “It’s a creative
look at the classes completed, grades,
environment that forces CSE seniors to
and their recommendations,” says
draw on everything they have learned
Buchanan. “Our primary goal is to hire
during their time at MSU,” says Dyksen.
people with an outstanding attitude as
As part of the coursework, each team
well as great aptitude. We want to be
produces a 15-minute video about
confident that our people will adapt
their project, which is then posted on
well to our dynamic development envi-
the Web for clients to view. TechSmith
ronment where projects, specifications,
offers Camtasia Studio, one of the
and priorities may change frequently.”
company’s programs for creating
He points out that there are many ac-
presentation videos, to all students in
tivities going on in the IT area at Auto-
the capstone course to help with the
Owners Insurance, and employees
development of the required videos.
have an opportunity to work on projects
In addition to involvement in the
in many areas including software
working on a telephone log self-service
Of the 60 software engineers employed with TechSmith, 22 are graduates from MSU’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering. From left to right, back row: Jonathan Eaton, Bryce Hauptman, David Girdwood, Michael Malinak, Mark Schall, Andy Rudnitsky; middle row: Scott Schmerer, Matt Mercieca, Larry LaHaie, David O’Rourke, A. J. Orians, Chris Bowron, Tony Lambert, Tricia Broderick, April Noren; front row: Bill Scanlon, Justin Welsch, Casey Phear, Jason Eagleston, Paul Middlin, Mike Simons, Randy Schott.
fast facts
TechSmith Corporation
• Founded in 1987, TechSmith is the world’s leading provider of screen capture and recording software for individual and professional use. The company is located in Okemos, Mich. • Major TechSmith products include Snagit, Camtasia, Camtasia Studio, Jing, and Morae. These products are localized into five languages and distributed by resellers in more than 30 countries. • The company has seen a 20 percent growth in staff each year over the last six to eight years. TechSmith currently has about 200 employees; 48 are MSU alumni; 22 of the 60 software engineers are graduates from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at MSU.
fast facts
Auto-Owners Insurance Company
• Auto-Owners Insurance Company is a large mutual insurance company dealing with property, casualty, and life insurance. It was established in 1916 and operates in 25 states. The corporate headquarters is based in Lansing, Mich. • The company has been ranked among the Fortune 500 every year since 2002, and its written premiums are more than $4.4 billion. In addition, Auto-Owners Insurance ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction with the Automobile Insurance Claims Experience” in the J. D. Power and Associates 2008 Auto Claims Study. • There are about 400 Auto-Owners Insurance associates in IT; 70 of those associates are MSU grads from all majors, and 34 are CSE graduates.
capstone course, TechSmith hires
development, network engineering,
software engineer interns, primarily
telecommunications, and mainframe
from the MSU CSE department. Spring
engineering, as well as projects related
out in different ways. Sometimes it is
semester there were five CSE students
to security and compliance.
doing independent software projects or
working as interns at TechSmith. Two
When evaluating potential employ-
getting involved with some of the open
have since been hired for full-time
ees, Craven looks for smart people
work after they graduated. “We don’t
who have a good understanding of
intend to hire every intern for employ-
computer science, can solve problems,
it is all about people. “We don’t hire
ment here,” says Craven. “But it is a
and work well with others. “The
the university or the major, we hire the
good way to expose students to our
intangible is a passion for innovation
company, and they tell others. The
and the development of software,”
word-of-mouth advertising is great.”
says Craven. “They would do this work
TechSmith also works with MSU on
even if they were not paid. It comes
source projects on the Web.” In the end, as Buchanan points out,
Jane L. DePriest is a writer and editor who lives in East Lansing, Michigan, with her engineer husband, Leland.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Beginning in the first week of freshman year, students work in teams and actively design projects. The first project of the fall 2008 semester required students in egr 100 to design, build, test, and compete with a “nutritionally balanced” edible car. Students selected edible materials of their choice to build their vehicles, as long as the finished product represented a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The vehicles had to be under a certain size, with total materials costing no more than $10. They spent two weeks at the beginning of the semester, working in teams of four students, to build their vehicles. They then raced their cars on an inclined track, with speed determining the “best cars.” The students were also required to write formal engineering reports detailing their designs. The purpose of the project was to introduce firstyear students to engineering design, teamwork, and the principles of optimization. The main engineering principle learned: proper engineering design does not use trial-and-error methods.
currents magazine
summer 2009
>> Sheryl James
ORNERSTONE TO APSTONE a residential experience for spartan engineers
fter nearly three years of plan-
view of how these would be applied
ning, the College of Engineering
in engineering practice and very often
has successfully launched the
discouraging the students.
first stages of its Residential
Experience for Spartan Engineering. It’s all happening one step at a
freshmen, ran as a pilot course for two
time — and step one has gone well,
semesters in 2007–08. In fall 2008,
says Thomas Wolff, associate dean for
453 students were enrolled, with 117
undergraduate studies.
design teams working collaboratively on
The new program, located in
projects in a new design lab in Wilson
Wilson Hall, essentially combines an
Hall. The spring 2009 Engineering 100
existing residential program (which
class had 194 students. Engineering 102
has been housed in Bailey Hall for a
was off to an equally smooth start in
number of years) with a brand-new
spring with 311 students.
academic component — Cornerstone
Engineering 100, one of the cornerstone courses now required for
Tim Hinds, the lead instructor for
Engineering — in which freshman
these courses, now has his office in
engineering students get an overview
Wilson Hall. Also located in Wilson
of engineering along with hands-on
Hall is a new computer lab with 36
design experience. The cornerstone
dual-monitor computers designed to
courses help students see what’s ahead
accommodate student-teaching as-
so they know what they’re getting into;
sistant teams. And 12 graduate students
faculty also expect that the hands-on
and 26 undergraduate mentors were
approach will help students get excited
on site fall and spring semesters to
about engineering. The old model
help students through their challenging
confined students to the rigorous cal-
first year.
culus, chemistry, and other foundation classes for two years — putting off any
All in all, the new program is going very, very well, according to Hinds. “This
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Students take advantage of the new computer lab in Wilson Hall, which is equipped with 36 dual-monitor computers.
Tim Hinds, lead instructor for Engineering 100 and Engineering 102.
is great. This is a fantastic program. The
‘If you just want to do calculations or
ter. In addition, some college faculty
team of folks who put together this
check things, you’re in the wrong coun-
and staff will have secondary offices in
program, the graduate and undergradu-
try.’ But the other message I convey is,
Wilson, so they will be able to interact
ate students — everybody’s excited
‘This might look overwhelming — but
with freshmen and facilitate the sense,
about this.”
you can do it. And we’re here to help
as Buch says, “that engineering faculty
do care.”
Wolff agrees. He is especially excited about the renovation of the en-
It will be a college within a college,
gram will be implemented in fall 2009,
a total immersion that will, its designers
cornerstone classes, thus setting up,
when the residential component now
hope, help retain students and produce
he says, a “cornerstone to capstone”
in Bailey Hall will be relocated to Wilson
21st-century engineers.
experience. Allowing students — in
Hall. This move will allow the residential
some cases, pushing them — to work
program to expand from 150 freshman
be exposed to the critical issues in
in teams and actively design projects
engineering students to about 400 of
engineering today and will learn
from the first week of freshman year
an expected 650 engineering freshmen.
to focus on long-term solutions to
Students in the program will
on is preparing them not just for their
“The whole idea is to create a
senior year capstone projects, but for
live-and-learn community,” says Neeraj
college intends to accomplish this
higher-level engineering jobs.
Buch, the newly appointed director for
“big picture” goal is through “themed”
the Residential Experience and Corner-
rooms or common areas within the
those entry-level jobs have gone
stone programs, and professor of civil
residence hall, where students will
overseas. “We need a different kind of
and environmental engineering. This
work together to brainstorm ideas and
engineer,” one who can write those
community, when all the pieces are in
provide technical solutions to real-world
executive summaries and feel confident
place, will largely exist in Wilson Hall
problems in areas like energy, sustain-
right after graduation to manage
and will be a home base for all things
ability, or transportation. Students will
engineering. Long-term plans are also
be “getting their feet wet and their
underway for offices for advisers, career
hands dirty,” says Wolff, as they apply
during their second week of Engineer-
planners, tutors, and even professional
knowledge to real-life problems. The
ing 100. “The lecture is called, ‘The
organizations such as the American
college is currently seeking companies
Engineer of 2020,’” he says. “I tell them,
Society of Civil Engineers student chap-
interested in sponsoring these themed
That’s crucial, he says, because
Wolff tells freshmen exactly that
The next major stage of the pro-
gineering curriculum to allow for those
currents magazine
summer 2009
21st-century challenges. One way the
Thomas Wolff, associate dean for undergraduate studies, presents his “Engineer of 2020” lecture to students in egr 100.
areas. The corporate partner would
try leaders would link theory to practice.
provide students with the information,
This would provide students and faculty
If you would like more information
environment, and tools to supplement
with new ideas on how to serve the
about partnering with the college to
their educational experience. Students
business community.
help develop the engineering leaders
would participate in corporate visits and
Says Satish Udpa, dean of the
who will shape the future, please
company-sponsored activities. And the
College of Engineering, “These new
contact the College of Engineering
benefit to the company? They would
Residential Experience and Cornerstone
Development Office at (517) 355-8339.
gain the opportunity to engage the
programs will offer experiences that
innovative thinking of a group of bright
educate students in ways that typical
Sheryl James is a freelance journalist from
young minds. It could also provide a
classroom instruction just can’t ac-
Brighton, Michigan.
base of students — already immersed
in the knowledge of a particular industry or company — from which to recruit for co-ops, internships, or full-time positions. This residential program will also provide opportunities for students
eeraj Buch was appointed in January 2009 as the director of the Residential Experience for Spartan Engineering and Cornerstone Engineering. He was a logical choice, say his colleagues, because he has an unusual combination of engineering
expertise and talent as a teacher. He has conducted substantial research in both, and
to rub shoulders with engineering
has won several teaching awards. He was involved from the beginning in the planning of
entrepreneurs, and even learn how to
the new programs.
write business proposals that will be
Originally from New Delhi, India, Buch came to the United States in 1987. He holds a bachelor’s, a master’s,
critiqued by professionals. Through a
and a PhD in civil engineering, and has a special expertise in concrete pavements. He joined the faculty at MSU
“professional in residence” program,
in January 1996 as assistant professor and is now a professor of pavement engineering in the Department of Civil
professionals would spend extended
and Environmental Engineering.
periods of time on campus sharing
Buch, who will spend half of his time with the residential and cornerstone programs and the remainder in
their strategies and experiences with
his home department, says that despite the economic crisis, “I’m convinced we’ll succeed in implementing the
students. Through lecturing to classes,
program, in phases. The administration has been great, and open to any and all ideas. I haven’t had anyone tell
attending college events, assisting in
me to slow down.”
labs, and providing career advice, indusmichigan state universit y college of engineering
Spartan Engineers: Improving Lives Aro ER BEN KER SHN PHOTO BY
Sunny Days Ahead for School Children in Tanzania
and installed a rugged, low-cost computer system that uses energy
In Tanzania, the Maasai people’s herd-
students and faculty have designed
The project began a few years
government regulations allow takeover
ago, when Erik Goodman, professor of
of their land, leaving little room for
electrical and computer engineering,
their herds to graze. Many elders of
and Kurt DeMaagd, assistant professor
the community believe their future
of telecommunication, information
depends on educating their children
studies, and media, approached
so they will be able to participate in
Lenovo with the idea of creating cost-
public discourse and influence govern-
effective solar-powered computers for
ment decisions, protecting their land
developing nations and remote loca-
and their way of life and making pos-
tions. Lenovo signed on to fund the
sible more life choices. Yet, in small,
research. Engineering professors Aloys
remote villages across the country,
Mvuma and Dominic Chambega of
young people gather in schoolrooms
the University of Dar es Salaam in Tan-
that lack not only computers but the
zania’s capital provided the team with
electricity to power them. Books and
essential information about Tanzanian
other educational materials are scarce.
infrastructure, as well as direction and
But now, an MSU-designed
ongoing support to help ensure that
computer system powered by the sun
the program will fulfill the needs of the
is empowering children in Tanzania
community and be sustainable.
by giving them access to the vast
generated by solar panels.
ing way of life is slowly disappearing as
In spring 2008, senior engineering
educational resources and information
and telecommunication students
of the Internet. Working with Lenovo
designed an Internet-enabled, solar-
Corporation and MSU’s Department of
powered computer system. In the fall,
Telecommunication, Information Stud-
a second team of engineering and
ies, and Media, a team of engineering
telecommunication students refined
1 Pictured here is one of the buildings at the Baraka Primary School in Losirwa Village, a Maasai community near Mto wa Mbu (Arusha District). To the left is another building under construction. That’s a termite mound in the right foreground. The aim of the solar-powered computer project was to develop a computer system that is cheap, so it can be deployed in Third World countries to give students access to the Internet. The Baraka Primary School is now the first primary school in Tanzania to have Internet access. 2 The MSU team installed six solar panels that generate about 80 watts each. Shown here on the roof of the school installing the frame for the solar panels is Jakub Mazur, electrical engineering senior; he graduated fall semester 2008 and is now on the team as a visiting research scholar. 3 Ben Kershner, computer engineering senior, finishes the wiring installation for the solar panels. The team worked for three days to install the solar-powered computer system. Once installed, it worked on the first try!
4 The MSU team was in Tanzania December 9—19. “Once word got around that we were in the village, students came from all over to see what we were doing,” says Eric Tarkleson, who graduated with a degree in electrical engineering in spring 2009. While the MSU students worked on assembling the computer system, the Tanzanian students hung out with them, practicing their English, learning about computers, and enticing the team into some football (soccer) in the courtyard. “I think I learned more from them than they did from me,” says Ben Kershner, who graduated with a degree in computer engineering spring semester 2009. “They have so little, yet are so eager to engage in everything; it was awe inspiring.”
currents magazine
summer 2009
To view a video about the project,
four-terminal computer system as part
go to
of their senior design course project.
the design and produced a workable,
und the Globe . . . and Right Here at Home
— Lynda White
In December 2008, the second team of engineering students — Ben Kershner, Jakub Mazur, Eric Tarkleson, and Josh Wong — traveled to Tanzania with faculty members Goodman,
Spartan Engineers Work Extreme Hours to Improve Lives of Local Family
DeMaagd, and Jennifer Olson, associWhen ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home
information studies, and media. They
Edition came to nearby Holt, Mich.,
met with their African colleagues and
in October to build a new home for
acquired computer and solar power
recently widowed Arlene Nickless and
parts in Dar es Salaam before moving
her three sons, a team of engineering
on to Losirwa, a remote village located
students and faculty gladly pitched
southwest of Mount Kilimanjaro. There,
in to design a room for 12-year-old
the team worked from dawn to dusk
Aaron, who has a passion for electrical
for three days to assemble, install, and
test the system in the Baraka Primary
A number of faculty, staff, and students logged many late hours
Tanzania to have Internet access. The
to complete the room on time.
new system operates from a list of
Students who worked on the project
approved Internet sites including msu.
were Ben Kershner, George Ballios,
edu, a special version of Wikipedia,
Michael Dow, and Nicholas Vogtmann.
and some Swahili resources. Finally,
Faculty involved included Tim Hogan,
the team trained community members
electrical and computer engineering
and turned over responsibility for the
professor, and Leo Kempel, electrical
system to the village.
and computer engineering professor
School — the first primary school in
“We know this is a small installa-
ate professor, telecommunication,
and associate dean for research in the College of Engineering. In addition to
The MSU project is paving the way
working on Aaron’s room, the Spartan
for more cost-effective solutions that
Engineering team also assisted in mak-
could make their way into many vil-
ing sure that other electronics projects
lages in Tanzania and other developing
in the home actually worked.
tion, but it is a start,” says Goodman.
— Laura Luptowski Seeley
5 Paige Hemmis, one of the designers on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, works with Ben Kershner in an Engineering Building lab to plan a room design for Aaron Nickless. The TV film crew visited the College of Engineering on October 2, 2008, to tape a segment. The Nickless family episode aired in November.
6 Ben Kershner (left) and Aaron Nickless in his new room. Aaron’s favorite feature is a hidden room (directly behind him in the photo) that contains four computer screens, as well as two surveillance monitors that allow Aaron to see who is coming into his bedroom.
7 Arlene Nickless (center) with her boys Aaron (left), Noah (right), and Andrew (front) outside their new
home. Tim Nickless, Arlene’s husband and the boys’ father, died in January 2008.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
DPO Meets Today’s Challenges
Helping Students Succeed
>> Laura Luptowski Seeley
shley was a freshman about to start spring semester at MSU when her father was laid off from his job while the family was already in the midst of experiencing other financial
challenges. They were maxed out on the financial aid they were able to get from the university, and the College
That’s when her plight came to the attention of Theodore Caldwell, director of the Diversity Programs Office (DPO). Caldwell says, “We brought her into the office and I told her ‘we’re going to make all the calls we need to figure this out.’” As it turned out, Ashley was no stranger to the DPO and its programs — she had been involved with two pre-college programs through the DPO
of Engineering had done all it could do. The family had
during previous summers. Now, thanks
exhausted all options. But Ashley was still short $1,800, the
the DPO from one of its corporate spon-
to discretionary funds available through sors, Ashley was able to get the $1,800
balance she needed to enroll for spring semester courses. 14
currents magazine
summer 2009
she needed — along with her books for
the semester. Because of the Diversity
Opportunity Engineering Program, it
Programs Office, Ashley was able to
was established because faculty and
first two to three years in a student’s
continue with her college education.
staff were concerned that the numbers
experience here were critical in terms
When students like Ashley need
of underrepresented minority students
of indicating the student’s ability to
help, the DPO is there for them. “We’ve
and women majoring in or graduating
succeed,” says Caldwell. “Here we are
been able to provide ‘emergency
with degrees in engineering were
41 years later and that hasn’t changed.”
funding’ to keep kids here,” Caldwell
extremely low. While its name and
Other issues seen as challenges in
says. “This semester, we’ve been able
the methods by which it delivers its
1968 were the difficulties students
to keep two students here who were
services and its message has changed
experienced transitioning to the col-
on their way back home because their
since 1968, what has not changed is the
lege environment, financial concerns,
parents weren’t able to provide the
need for the office and the services it
and students’ under-preparedness.
funding necessary to keep their kids
provides. In fact, the rough economic
Today, freshmen still have difficulties
in college.” But that’s just one of many
climate during these past five years
transitioning to a college environment,
things the office does — and does well.
makes the DPO more important today
students still face financial difficulties,
than ever.
and “under-preparedness is still one of
Founded in 1968 as the Equal
“Back then, it was believed that the
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Andrea Smith (far right), a student mentor with the 2008 Academic Intensive Summer Residential Program (AISRP), assists AISRP participant Marc Narcisse (far left) with a math equation while Theodore Caldwell, director of the College of Engineering’s Diversity Programs Office, observes.
Theodore Caldwell
Kyle Foster
Tonisha B. Lane
Rickey Caldwell
ciation of Minority Engineering Program
ing. Upon graduation, he accepted
Theodore (Theo) Caldwell, a native
Administrators Region C.
a position in the Chrysler Institute of
of Detroit, received his BA in advertising
During his time in the DPO, there have been a number of successes,
Corporation. While in the program, he
degree, he served in a number of roles
including an increase in the number of
earned an advanced degree in engi-
including program manager for the
pre-college programs from one to five,
neering from the University of Detroit
YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit and as-
and the creation of a summer bridge
Mercy. After completing two years in
sistant general manager for AmeriSuites,
program for incoming freshmen. Ad-
the CIE program, Foster spent the next
a Hyatt Hotel chain. He also worked
ditionally, the Guided Learning Center,
nine years as a product development
for Ford Motor Company and was a
the academic assistance hub for the
engineer at Chrysler. He joined the
recruiter for the International Academy
entire college that is managed by the
staff of the Diversity Programs Office in
of Design and Technology, a design col-
DPO, has undergone a major technol-
February 2009. He hopes to impact the
lege in Troy, Mich. He returned to MSU
ogy upgrade. His efforts and passion
lives of future engineers by passing on
in 2006 to join the Diversity Programs
for his work have helped students from
all that he has learned from MSU and
Office (DPO) as academic coordinator.
various backgrounds succeed academi-
corporate America.
He was named director in 2008. He
cally at MSU.
currently teaches Engineering 160:
Diversity in Engineering and Professional
Tonisha B. Lane, a Detroit native
Preparation, and was recently appointed
Kyle Foster graduated from MSU in
and a proud product of the Detroit
chairperson elect of the National Asso-
1997 with a BS in mechanical engineer-
Public School system, received her BS
the biggest challenges that our young
support them in that.”
mentoring program, was established
people face, particularly with under-
The DPO is a student support unit
in 2005. College faculty and staff serve
represented minority students,” says
for the entire College of Engineering.
as advisers for a number of registered
Caldwell. “Some school systems simply
Caldwell points out that the DPO is
student organizations including the
have not been able to prepare these
“ready to serve any student that walks
National Society of Black Engineers,
students for what they’ll encounter
through the door and says ‘I need help’
the Society of Hispanic Professionals,
when they get here, so students still
or ‘I have a question.’” It assists about
the American Association of Blacks in
need help in certain classes.
500–750 students each academic year
Energy, the National Organization for
in a variety of ways. A free Guided
the Professional Advancement of Black
are, technology-wise, they still face
Learning Center (GLC) is the hub for
Chemists and Chemical Engineers,
many of the same challenges that
academic assistance across the college.
and the American Indian Science and
yesterday’s students faced. So we still
“We currently have academic assistants
Engineering Society. The DPO provides
have to address them; we just have to
ready to go in more than 80 classes,”
student employment opportunities,
change the way in which we address
says Caldwell. If a student requests help
hiring student assistants to work in
them,” says Caldwell. Those methods
in a class that the GLC does not have
the Guided Learning Center or in the
have included creation of a Facebook
a tutor for, special arrangements will
administrative side of the office. Schol-
page, a newly upgraded Web site, and
be made to attempt to hire a tutor for
arship opportunities are also available
direct communications via text mes-
that student. Drop-in help, one-on-one
through the DPO’s corporate partners.
saging. “I’m impressed with how our
tutoring, and group study sessions are
In addition, the DPO hosts pre-
young people are able to work through
all available. LEAD (Leaders Encourag-
college and pre-freshman programs.
challenges and persevere. We want to
ing Academic Development), a peer
“Our goal with these programs is to cre-
“As advanced as today’s students
Engineering (CIE) program at Chrysler
from MSU in 1996. After receiving his
currents magazine
summer 2009
Meet the DPO Staff in psychology in 2005 and her MA in
the National Association of Minority
on an aberrant career as a martial arts
student affairs administration from MSU
Engineering Program Administrators Re-
instructor. He earned his 2nd Degree
in 2008. As a student, she participated
gion C, the Michigan College Personnel
Black Belt in the American Advance
in study abroad and alternative spring
Association, and the Michigan chapter
Combat System and was the main
break in Ghana, West Africa, and
of the American Association of Blacks
instructor at the Mid-Michigan Academy
Jamaica, respectively. She joined the
in Energy.
of Martial Arts. In 2007, Caldwell began working on his MS in mechanical
Diversity Programs Office in October 2007 as the academic coordinator
engineering; he plans to begin his PhD
responsible for recruitment and reten-
in fall 2009.
tion initiatives for underrepresented
Rickey Caldwell was born in California
In his current role as Guided
students in engineering.
and raised in North Carolina. He served
Learning Center coordinator, Caldwell
Currently, she serves in a dual
in the Army National Guard from 1992-
employs and trains a staff of academic
capacity with MSU’s Office of Sup-
1998, and earned his BS in mechanical
assistants who tutor students in any
portive Services. Previously she worked
engineering from MSU in 1999. He was
class they request. He recently ran a
on campus in the Department of
employed by Engineering Animations
mentoring group that resulted in his
Residence Life, the Office of Study
Incorporated in Southfield, Mich., as a
students experiencing a 25 percent
Abroad, and the Office of Racial Ethnic
dimensional management engineer
increase in their term GPA. Caldwell
Student Affairs (now the Office of
prior to being laid off due to the World
works to leverage his wide range of
Cultural and Academic Transitions). She
Trade Center attacks. Then, following
experiences to help undergraduates in
holds executive board positions with
another passion, Caldwell embarked
the College of Engineering to succeed.
ate a pathway for students to follow to
DAPCEP-funded programs so youth
earn credit, they take courses in math,
help them gain acceptance to MSU and
from areas outside of Detroit — Flint,
writing, and chemistry, as well as a
admission to the College of Engineer-
Saginaw, Grand Rapids, and Lansing —
seminar course that teaches them
ing,” says Caldwell.
would be qualified to attend.
about test taking, study skills, time
Since 1977, the DPO has hosted
The Engineering and Science Sum-
management, and financial responsibil-
a number of pre-college programs
mer Academy (ESSA), initiated in 2007,
ity. Participants say: “If I could survive
through funding from the Detroit Area
is a residential six-week bridge program
ESSA, I can certainly survive a regular
Pre-College Engineering Program (DAP-
for incoming freshmen. Caldwell de-
college semester!”
CEP), the premier pre-college engineer-
scribes the program as “academic boot
ing, science, and technology initiative
camp.” “It’s designed to put incoming
this summer, which will officially launch
in metropolitan Detroit and the nation.
freshmen through their paces and
with the 2009 ESSA. Called the Diver-
One of the MSU-hosted programs
better position them to be academi-
sity Programs Office Scholars Program
is the Academic Intensive Summer
cally successful once they begin taking
(DPO-SP), it will have a capacity of 30
Residential Program (AISRP) for high
classes ‘for real’ in the fall,” he says.
students. DPO-SP targets incoming
school students, which has ranged from
But not just anyone gets in. Students
freshmen who declare engineering as
a three-week to a six-week program
must go through a challenging inter-
a major and place into either Math 1825
over the years, depending on available
view process. This year, the program
or Math 103, or are students in the Col-
funding. Another program is aimed at
will admit 15 students as opposed to
lege Achievement Admissions Program
7th- and 8th-graders. Caldwell said he
the typical 20, thus enabling the DPO
(CAAP), a program managed by MSU’s
would like to secure additional funding
to offer a scholarship to each student
Office of Supportive Services that ad-
through the DPO and expand these
who attends. While students don’t
mits students who meet certain criteria,
The DPO is starting a new program
michigan state universit y college of engineering
have this idea that if you’re good at math and science, you’re not cool. But engineering is cool. So how do we get kids excited about math and science? We take it to them and we make it fun for them.” He also believes in getting pre-
college students involved with research. He’d like to start a program that would connect 7th- and 8th-grade students with MSU research faculty. “That’s going to keep a kid engaged and excited about math and science. That will reinforce the things they’re learning in grade school,” says Caldwell. And that, he says, will better prepare them to do well at the college level. Members of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) at the 2008 NSBE National Conference. From left to right: Theodore Caldwell, MSU NSBE chapter adviser and Diversity Programs Office director, with Jeremy Bowie, Angela Rhone, Renaldo Ferguson (front), Jarreau Jackson (back), Ashanta Moss, Stephen Garrett, Tammy Jackson, Anton Woods, MSU College of Engineering Dean Satish Udpa, Francis Okonkwo, Jamal Adams, and Rodney Dennis.
such as being a first-generation college
research component. Each academic
student. DPO-SP is a collaborative effort
year, approximately ten students are
of going out to the students, as well
to help increase student retention in
involved in research. This summer, for
as bringing kids to campus for a day.
the College of Engineering. Those who
the second year, the DPO is hosting
Last year, the DPO sponsored “Day at
successfully complete the program
an eight-week research residential
State,” a program funded by corporate
will receive a $1,000 scholarship and
program — the Summer Undergradu-
partner Alcoa, which brought to campus
placement in a research assistantship
ate Research Academy (SURA). As a
115 7th- and 8th-graders from Baylor
the summer after their first year, which
result of last year’s SURA, one student
Woodson Elementary School in Inkster,
includes a $2,000 stipend.
had a paper published and another was
Mich. They spent five hours touring
The DPO is also the managing
sent to a conference in Europe. The
the College of Engineering, visiting an
office for MSU’s Michigan Louis Stokes
DPO is also planning to host a six-week
engineering faculty member’s lab, and
Alliance for Minority Participation
residential research program called
sightseeing around campus. “It was
(MI-LSAMP), an NSF grant-funded alli-
Summer Experiences in Math.
extremely impactful,” Caldwell says.
ance between the four leading research
Caldwell’s vision for the future
“These school districts are challenged
institutions in Michigan — MSU, Wayne
includes a DPO-sponsored “traveling
to connect these kids to us, and we
State University, Western Michigan Uni-
engineering lab,” which would take
ought to be able to make that connec-
versity, and the University of Michigan.
hands-on experiments into 3rd-, 4th-,
tion happen.”
The program’s goal is “to double the
and 5th-grade classrooms across the
number of historically underrepre-
state, specifically to rural and urban
out to classrooms and bringing
sented minorities who graduate with
areas. It would potentially be staffed
students to campus — can have a huge
degrees in the STEM (science, technol-
by a DPO staff member, a graduate
positive impact on these students’
ogy, engineering, and math) fields in a
student, and an undergraduate student.
interest in math and science, their
five-year period.” The grant is currently
“Data shows that in 3rd grade, kids
engagement in it, and the likelihood
entering its fourth year.
make their minds up about whether or
that they’ll become Spartans. “What we
not they can do math and science. So
want to see first of all is that these kids
in addition to a pre-freshman com-
that is a critical time to get them excited
are reengaged in math and science
ponent, MSU has an undergraduate
about math and science again. They
and believe it’s cool. We want to be
As part of the MI-LSAMP program,
Caldwell believes in a combination
currents magazine
summer 2009
Both methods combined — going
sure they are positioned to do well in those classes so they’re academically prepared,” says Caldwell. “The bonus will be that they become Spartans! “There are a lot of activities and ideas we’d like to implement, but they all cost money. And at a time when it’s a bit of a challenge to obtain these funds,” Caldwell admits. “So we’re working on a number of ways to bring in the funds necessary to move this program forward and increase graduation rates.” Corporate partners provide about 60 to 70 percent of the funding for
everyone is looking to save money,
DPO’s efforts. “Our corporate partners are extremely important to us,” says
General Motors. She says the DPO was
Caldwell. “But in today’s economy,
extremely instrumental in her success
activity and expand our reach,” says
everyone is increasingly limited in what
while she was a student here. The
Caldwell, “to make sure that our stu-
they can provide for us. So we really
Southfield, Mich., native had co-ops
dents have the tools they need to be
have to work hard to maximize our
with Honda and NASA; an internship
successful. Our mission is very simple:
dollars and find new ways to fund our
with Delphi; and a study abroad in
To help students graduate.”
Kaiserslautern, Germany. She was also
“We are continuing to increase our
As a parent, mentor, and administra-
One such way is through grants.
involved with the Institute of Electrical
tor, Caldwell says he enjoys “being able
The MSU Office for Inclusion and Inter-
and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and the
to encourage and sow optimism into
cultural Initiatives provided a $35,000
Society of Women Engineers. Through
the lives of students.” He says there is
grant for the DPO’s summer 2008
the National Society of Black Engineers,
nothing more exciting than seeing a kid
six-week bridge program for incoming
she helped to organize mock interviews
“get it,” whether it’s a math equation,
freshmen. In December 2008, the Mo-
for the DPO. She credits Aurles Wiggins,
or how to write a paper, or how to
torola Foundation contributed $50,000
her egr 160 instructor, as being instru-
convince someone to hire them. “That,
in discretionary funds. “Discretionary
mental in her life. “She molded me,
for me, is priceless. That’s what drives
funding like the Motorola Foundation
she shaped me,” says Hall-Stanbrough.
everything that we do here.”
grant gives us the flexibility to decide
She describes Wiggins as her “mother
how to best meet our students’ needs
away from home.” Wiggins is currently
DPO, “There isn’t anything else I’d
and challenges — which change on a
the director of MSU’s Office of Sup-
rather be doing.”
daily basis,” says Caldwell. It’s this type
portive Services.
of funding that is able to help provide
Diversity Programs Office director Theodore Caldwell and student mentor Oluseyi Akinpelu with students from the 2007 Engineering and Science Summer Academy. The six-week “academic boot camp” for incoming freshmen has been sponsored by the 3M Foundation since its inception in 2007.
Caldwell says of his work in the
Hall-Stanbrough says she was
services like “emergency funding” for
impressed with DPO as a student, citing
how you can help the dpo
students like Ashley.
“the knowledge and the connections,”
If you or your corporation would like to help the DPO by volunteering
and “the alumni who came back and
your time, donating equipment or supplies, or providing discretionary
her BS degree in electrical engineering
wanted to help other students.” Says
funds, please contact Theodore Caldwell, director of the Diversity
in 1999 from MSU and is now a buyer
Hall-Stanbrough, “I cannot imagine my
Programs Office, at (517) 355-8310 or
[email protected].
in the global purchasing division at
college experience without DPO.”
Ursula Hall-Stanbrough received
michigan state universit y college of engineering
t Michigan State University, the
who graduated spring semester 2009,
an athlete that is also able to excel
old stereotype that athletes
“Engineering and wrestling required
in engineering. It helps students see
choose easy majors is as obsolete
plenty of discipline. There were times
themselves studying here one day.”
as, well, math without calculators. In
when I did not want to study or work
Amanda Ruhno couldn’t agree
fact, plenty of students in the College
out, but I did it anyway, knowing that
more. A mechanical engineering major
of Engineering are also athletes. And
I needed to in order to be successful
who graduated spring semester, Ruhno
as far as they’re concerned, there’s a
in my sport and study. They both were
was a member of the women’s rowing
direct correlation between sports and
challenging but very rewarding.”
team. She thinks today’s engineering
A recent marketing campaign in
“Coach (Tom) Izzo says this a lot,
the College of Engineering celebrates
students are becoming more diverse in who they are. “It’s no longer people who don’t have social skills and just sit at computers all day.” Athletics and all sorts of other extracurricular activities are available. “I think that makes the best engineer — having all these life experiences that teach you a lot of life skills.” She said her role as coxswain “definitely helped me to be a leader.” Sometimes, the correlation between a sport and engineering can be quite direct. At least that’s what one Triathlon team member learned. “Triathlon is unique in that there’s a fair amount of engineering that goes into the sport,” says Tingwall, who
>> Sheryl James
double majored in mechanical engineering and journalism; he graduated
but school and sports are related, be-
the dual dedication of the engineer-
in spring 2009. “A fairly large industry
cause if you are a worker in the class-
athlete at MSU. The campaign depicts
engineers bikes to optimize weight,
room, you will probably be a worker on
engineering students in action on the
aerodynamics, and stiffness. Com-
the court,” says Tom Herzog, an applied
sports floor or field. Above the picture
pared to sports like soccer, basketball,
engineering sciences student and MSU
is the slogan, “Spartan Engineers. Built
and swimming, a triathlete’s success
basketball player.
Better.” The photos run in advertise-
depends heavily on the gear — a well-
ments and are used as posters, too,
engineered bike.”
“Being on the swim team and being an engineering student are
says Lynda White, director of marketing
very similar,” says Brian Rockwell, a
for the College of Engineering.
mechanical engineering and economics
Michigan State Triathlon team, I was
student. “Both require a substantial
municate the many different learning
one of the more knowledgeable mem-
time commitment.” He says there
experiences a student can have when
bers when it came to maintaining and
is also camaraderie within the swim
studying engineering at MSU,” White
purchasing bikes.”
team and among fellow engineering
says. “The response to these ads has
Clearly, these young engineers
students, who are in the same classes a
been overwhelmingly positive — from
inspire those around them. Following is
lot of the time.
alumni, faculty, staff, and pre-college
a roster of some of this year’s Spartan
students. The students love seeing
Engineer athletes.
Adds MSU wrestler John Murphy, 20
“This campaign is designed to com-
As a result of his engineering background, Tingwall adds, “On the
currents magazine
summer 2009
Kurt Kivisto Jeamie Deacon
■ Jeamie Deacon, a civil engineering major, plays field hockey. Originally from Ireland, Deacon led the team in points her first year with the team and has earned Second Team NFHCA All-America honors. Also, three times she has been named Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week — the most ever for a Spartan in a single season. She has been named to First Team All-Region and All-Big Ten. In addition, Deacon has gained national attention with her selection on the NFHCA National Academic Team, and selection to the ESPN The Magazine/CoSIDA 2008 Academic All-District Women’s At-Large First Team. ■ Tom Herzog is majoring in applied engineering sciences. From Flint, Mich., Herzog is a member of the Honors College and plays center for the men’s basketball team. A healthy 7-foot-tall, 240-pound young man, Herzog has three times received
MSU’s Scholar-Athlete Award and has been selected for the Academic All-Big Ten team. He is pictured on one of the Spartan Engineers posters. He says he loves the versatility and the engineering professors, “who have been great.” ■ Kurt Kivisto is a graduate student earning his master’s degree in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering; he studied civil engineering as an undergrad. He plays forward on MSU’s varsity hockey team. From Brighton, Mich., Kivisto played junior hockey in Cleveland before accepting an offer to play for MSU in 2005. He’s known as a “shootout specialist,” and is described as a “smart player with a great approach to the game,” and a “role player with a terrific attitude and work ethic.” ■ John Murphy, who graduated spring semester 2009, started wrestling in fourth grade in his hometown of Evergreen Park, Ill. An electrical engineering major, Murphy earned Academic All-Big Ten Honors and All-American honors at University Freestyle National Championships. In the classroom, he participated in multiple research projects and internships that honed his technical skills and background — and secured him a job with Siemens Energy and Automation after graduation. He has always tried to be a mentor and inspiration and, he says, his dedication to engineering has inspired some of his wrestling teammates to consider that field. >>
John Murphy
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Tom Herzog
College of Engineering Varsity Student Athletes sp or t
ma jor
Allen, Xavier Chris
Men’s Basketball
Engineering–No Preference
Bartlett, Cameron Ehlen
Men’s Swimming and Diving
Civil Engineering
Beatty, Spencer Davis
Men’s Track & Cross Country
Biosystems Engineering
Bonnen, Kathryn Leatrice
Women’s Tennis
Computer Science
Bort, John Ronald
Men’s Track & Cross Country
Civil Engineering
Chamberlain, Aaron Blake
Men’s Track & Cross Country Outdoor
Mechanical Engineering
Cohn, Forrest Fernando Maskill
Civil Engineering
Colbert, Milton Silas
Engineering–No Preference
Costello, Sean Michael
Men’s Swimming & Diving
Mechanical Engineering
Deacon, Jeamie Elizabeth
Women’s Field Hockey
Civil Engineering
Diehl, Nancy Anne
Women’s Crew (Rowing Team)
Applied Engineering Sciences
Hacker, Rebecca Elizabeth
Women’s Track & Cross Country Indoor
Engineering–No Preference
Hahn, Ridge Donovan
Men’s Track & Cross Country Indoor
Mechanical Engineering
Hall, Kenneth Martin
Mechanical Engineering
Herzog, Thomas Oliver
Men’s Basketball
Applied Engineering Sciences
Hessell, Gerald William
Men’s Track & Cross Country Outdoor
Biosystems Engineering
Hilk, Samantha Ann
Women’s Swimming & Diving
Mechanical Engineering
Kalmbach, Kayla Michelle
Women’s Swimming & Diving
Chemical Engineering
Kebler, Michael Howard
Men’s Basketball
Engineering–No Preference
Brian Rockwell
Eric Tingwall
■ Brian Rockwell is pursuing a double major in mechanical engineering/ economics, and he holds a 4.0 GPA so far. In addition to all of his academic work, he is on MSU’s varsity swim team, a commitment of at least 20 hours per week, he says. Originally from Houston, Tex., Rockwell has earned academic and athletic honors, including a University Distinguished Scholarship. He is a four-year letterman
in swimming and has been MVP and co-captain on the team. Rockwell wants to
pursue a career in the automotive industry after graduating. ■ Amanda Ruhno, who graduated spring semester 2009 with a degree in mechanical engineering, was a coxswain on the the women’s rowing team. She grew Amanda Ruhno
currents magazine
up in DeWitt, Mich., and never thought about women’s rowing until being recruited |
summer 2009
st udent
ma jor
Kivisto, Kurt
Men’s Ice Hockey
Civil Engineering
cla ss*
Koba, Sho
Men’s Swimming & Diving
Materials Sci and Engineering
Kramer, Lauren Elizabeth
Women’s Softball
Mechanical Engineering
Mahoney, Kathryn Theresa
Women’s Gymnastics
Chemical Engineering
Martin, Robert Ryan
Engineering–No Preference
Mattison, Tyrone
Civil Engineering
Murphy, John J.
Men’s Wrestling
Electrical Engineering
Nuttall, Andrew Michael
Men’s Track & Cross Country
Mechanical Engineering
Rasmussen, Scott William
Men’s Tennis
Civil Engineering
Rockwell, Brian Martin
Men’s Swimming & Diving
Mechanical Engineering
Rogers, Mark Anthony
Men’s Swimming & Diving
Computer Engineering
Ruhno, Amanda Renee
Women’s Crew (Rowing Team)
Mechanical Engineering
Snow, Charles Bernard
Civil Engineering
Swartz, Ashley Elizabeth
Women’s Soccer
Mechanical Engineering
Tecca, Nicholas Pryor
Men’s Track & Cross Country
Civil Engineering
Tuse, Jonathan Ross
Men’s Swimming & Diving
Chemical Engineering
Weaver, Ross Allen
Mechanical Engineering
Williams, Quentin Maurice
Mechanical Engineering
Winter, Aaron James
Men’s Track & Cross Country Outdoor
Mechanical Engineering
* as of spring semester 2009
in her freshman year. Similarly, a high school calculus teacher introduced her to engineering, a path she had never considered. While at MSU, she was a member of the Honors College, and the recipient of a General Motors scholarship, an MSU President’s Award, and an MSU Office of Study Abroad Academic Excellence Award, among others. She secured a job with Whirlpool Corporation in St. Joseph, Mich., upon graduation. ■ Eric Tingwall, who double majored in mechanical engineering and journalism, graduated in spring 2009. He balanced his academic heavy lifting with an equally rigorous life as a member of MSU’s Triathlon team, a club sport that he says is “one of the largest, most active, and most successful teams both at MSU and in terms of collegiate triathlon teams.” While at MSU, he was a leader on the team as president, a role that often required him to develop relationships with corporate sponsors. He received a General Motors scholarship and wrote for automotive publications. A native of Novi, Mich., Tingwall carried a 4.0 GPA in engineering and a 3.92 in journalism. He hopes to obtain a design, research, or planning engineering position at a major corporation.
school career that placed him among the nation’s best players. Weaver especially enjoys hands-on engineering projects and internships wherever he can get them. He says his experience in class has taught him the value of “working with other people and learning new ideas and different approaches to solving problems.” When people ask him how he handles football and engineering at the same time, “I say it’s through the grace of God. I have wanted to quit at times because the work got hard, but I often pray about it and keep moving.”
Ross Weaver
michigan state universit y college of engineering
■ Ross Weaver, of Southfield, Mich., is studying mechanical engineering. He plays cornerback for MSU’s football team, and arrived on campus from a high
Evangelyn C. Alocilja, associate professor of biosystems engineering (foreground, left) with two of her most recent star students. Michael Anderson (left), a PhD student in biosystems engineering, received a SMART — Science, Mathematics, And Research for Transformation Program — fellowship, which will cover full tuition, books, health insurance, and other fees and includes a stipend of $38,000 per year, for up to five years. Anderson is Alocilja’s third SMART fellow. Hanna Miller, a biosystems engineering sophomore and professorial student in Alocilja’s lab, received a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) scholarship, effective her junior year and renewable for her senior year. This scholarship pays for full tuition and books and includes a stipend of $1,000 a month. Miller also received an MSU DuVall Award for 2009, which includes a stipend of $1,500. Miller is Alocilja’s third DHS scholar. The two previous DHS scholars are Tracy Kamikawa, a PhD student currently doing her research in an FDA lab in Washington, DC; and Michael Wiederoder, a senior in biosystems engineering who continues to work in Alocilja’s lab.
Behind Extraordinary Students 24
currents magazine
summer 2009
any faculty members in the MSU College of Engineering mentor students and help them achieve more in their college careers. Sometimes these students
receive the highest national and international awards. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at two faculty members who have a track record of producing extraordinary students.
Unlocking Student Potential Passion — you can see it in her face and feel it in her words. “If I can impact one life, it is worth the time,” say Evangelyn C. Alocilja, associate professor of biosystems engineering. She has spurred on high schoolers and undergrads, as well as master’s and PhD students, to obtain scholarships, fellowships, and other awards. For example, Connie Shi, a senior at Okemos High School who worked in Alocilja’s Biosensor Lab during the summer of 2008, was a semifinalist for the 2008 Siemens Competition for MathScience-Technology and the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search. Others under her tutelage include John Zhou, who became a finalist in the 2006 Intel Science Talent Search and winner of the 2006 BioGENEius Challenge. John was eventually selected to the 2006 All-USA High School Academic First Team (one of 20 in the nation), and selected to the prestigious 2006 class of Presidential Scholars. Two PhD students, Michelle Packard and Shannon McGraw, work with Alocilja in her lab. They are each receiving SMART graduate fellowships from the Department of Defense. Tracy Kamikawa, another of Alocilja’s PhD students, is a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow and an Oak
are Great Mentors
>> Jane L. DePriest
Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellow. Brian Castro and Romali Ranasinghe, freshman professorial assistants, each received a second place award for their respective posters at MSU’s 2008 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF). Michael Wiederoder, a senior professorial assistant in Alocilja’s lab, is a Department of Homeland Security Undergraduate Scholar. >> michigan state universit y college of engineering
Raymar Morgan during the MSU versus UConn game, wearing the custom facemask fabricated by MSU alumnus Kainnon Vilminot.
Alum Helps Keep Raymar Morgan
ainnon D. Vilminot helped MSU
with Hanger Orthopedic Group in
came down. Morgan played the remain-
advance in the NCAA basketball
Lansing, Mich., helped keep Raymar
der of the game with a broken nose.
championship tournament this
Morgan in the game.
spring — even though he
When Vilminot was at home watching the MSU-Louisville game,
wasn’t on the court. Vilminot, an
injured early in the second half of the
he noticed that Morgan was using
MSU alumnus who received his BS
game against Kansas after MSU team-
an off-the-shelf protective facemask;
in kinesiology in 2008 and is currently
mate Delvon Roe went up for a block,
but it appeared to be bothering him,
completing his residency in prosthetics
accidentally elbowing Morgan when he
so by halftime Morgan had taken the
What’s Alocilja’s secret? “I recruit
the country to work in MSU professors’
be the edge that is needed. Grades
good students to work in my lab,” says
labs during the summer. Alocilja always
alone do not make it.” Just applying
Alocilja. Grades are not her only criteria.
has at least one of these students in
for some of the awards or becoming a
She is looking for people who can initi-
her lab. Alocilja’s research concentrates
semifinalist shows commitment, initia-
ate action and, if problems occur, find
on the development of nanostructured
tive, writing and presentation skills, and
solutions. “I want them to be able to
biosensors for homeland security and
the ability to synthesize information.
read journal articles and interpret the
biodefense, food safety, environmental
This can have implications in applying
information to use in projects,” says
quality, and health care. She is affiliated
to universities for undergraduate and
Alocilja, who sees herself as a cheer-
with the National Center for Food
graduate degrees and when seeking
leader. “Every student has potential.
Protection and Defense, a Homeland
employment in industry. “I spend time
You just have to encourage them and
Security Center of Excellence.
with my students,” says Alocilja. “I even
bring out that potential. Sometimes
Her graduate students are required
I have to gently push them, remind
to write journal papers. “When you
them, and talk to them about why they
apply for fellowships and awards,
should apply for these awards.”
you are competing with the best and
She has been involved in MSU’s
Morgan, MSU’s junior forward, was
the brightest. You had better have
pray for them that they have wisdom and are successful.”
Looking for Initiative and Innovation
High School Honors Science/
an edge,” says Alocilja. “If you can
Mathematics/Engineering Program
show that you have written a paper,
(HSHSP) for more than 10 years. This
co-authored a journal article, or made a
Melissa Baumann looks for initiative in
program selects students from all over
presentation at a conference, that can
students. “I give a lot of presentations
currents magazine
summer 2009
mask off and was playing without it.
proper dispersion of forces kept our guy
That prompted Vilminot to send MSU
in the game,” says Vilminot. “And who
basketball’s certified athletic trainer Tom
better to help a Spartan than a fellow
Mackowiak an e-mail at 11:00 that night,
Spartan? It was awesome for me to be
inquiring whether he wanted a custom-
able to give back to MSU . . . thanks to
made mask for Raymar Morgan. By
what I learned from Dr. Baumann.” mann, associate professor of chemical
Kainnon on the phone to take him up
engineering and materials science,
on the offer. At 4:00 that afternoon,
and associate dean of MSU’s Honors
Kainnon arrived at the Breslin Center to
College. He completed two courses
begin the process.
taught by her — mse 250 (Introduction
Vilminot cast, custom fabricated, and custom fit Raymar Morgan’s facemask. First, a negative plaster mold was
to Materials) and mse 425 (Biomaterials “I am so glad that we have such a concrete link between teaching/learn-
to create a positive plaster model. The
ing and our graduates making the world
anatomical facial structure of the model
a better place,” says Baumann. “Or in
was sculpted to provide protection
this case, making it so that Raymar’s
without compromising vision or func-
face wouldn’t hurt — long enough for
tion. Thermoplastic was then heated
him to get us to the next NCAA cham-
and vacuum-formed over the model.
pionship game!” Vilminot also created a facemask
during the fitting process. Vilminot
for Kelly Confer, pitcher for MSU’s soft-
created three different masks using
ball team, after she broke her maxilla
different polymers, which the basketball
this spring.
player could use interchangeably, so
Vilminot earned an MS in prosthet-
he’d be assured of the most comfort-
ics from Northwestern University in
able fit and be able to give 100 percent
spring 2009 and will earn his MS
to the game.
in orthotics from Northwestern in
“Proper anatomical loading with total contact, total surface bearing,
Kainnon Vilminot (left) preparing to vacuum-form the polymer over a plaster facial model; assisting him is Warren Darling.
and Biocompatibility).
taken of Morgan’s face and was used
The shape and contours were finalized
Vilminot is referring to Melissa Bau-
consulted Tom Izzo and was calling
October 2010. — Laura Luptowski Seeley
8:30 the next morning, Mackowiak had
MSU alumnus Kainnon Vilminot (right) and MSU associate professor Melissa Baumann discuss the techniques that were used to create Raymar Morgan’s protective facemask.
to students about getting involved in
be a desire, a passion, a love of what
is what MSU is about. Everyone has
research,” says Baumann, who is an
you are doing,” says Baumann.
a chance. Every student on campus
associate dean of the Honors College
Baumann served as a mentor for
has an opportunity. Every student can
and an associate professor in the
Stuart R. Kaltz and Robert J. Friederichs,
do research. It may be that research
Department of Chemical Engineering
both of whom received Goldwater
is ultimately not for them, but it is
and Materials Science. “Some students
Scholarships. Kaltz, now doing graduate
a good way to find out. Sometimes
will tell me after the presentation that
work at Northwestern University, is a
students with average grades will get
they want to work in my lab, but then
finalist for a National Science Founda-
involved in a lab and get turned on
there is no follow-up. It’s the students
tion grant. Friederichs was a Gates
to the research, and then their grades
who contact me again and often vol-
Cambridge Scholarship finalist and
unteer to work in the lab who get my
graduated this spring with a bachelor’s
attention.” Baumann’s lab focuses on
degree in materials science engineer-
mentoring.” When students are apply-
bone tissue engineering and nano ce-
ing while dual enrolled in the depart-
ing for scholarships and other awards,
ramics for water filtration. “You can see
ment’s MS program. Others under
Baumann works with them on the
students progress in the lab and learn
Baumann’s tutelage who have gone on
application and gives feedback to the
more skills. They become better critical
to win national awards have included
students. “You have to approach it like
thinkers, and I see them become en-
Marita Shelton and Ellie Rahbar.
teaching a class. We give students the
gineers and scientists right before my
Baumann wants people to think
She calls her role “on-the-ground
tools as well as help and support, but
eyes.” While grades are important, it is
about these outstanding students
it’s the students who deserve the credit
not always about grades. “There has to
when they think about MSU. “This
for their accomplishments.”
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Students Progress and Grow
neering. In 2008 she received a SMART fellowship from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to pursue her graduate work. The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART)
scholarships aims to increase the num-
obert J. Friederichs and Shannon
ber of civilian scientists and engineers
an article on this subject that has been
McGraw are students extraordi-
working at DOD laboratories. Her
submitted to the Journal of Biomedical
naire who deserve enormous
research focuses on designing a biosen-
Materials Research. “My main area of
sor to rapidly detect various pathogens
research now involves microcracking
in food and water samples.
ceramic tissue scaffolds with the goal
credit for realizing their potential
and still reaching out to do better. In the process, they give substantial credit to the mentors who helped them
pated in the professorial assistant pro-
become extraordinary students.
gram run by the MSU Honors College.
Friederichs, from West Branch,
of enhancing bone healing,” says Friederichs. McGraw also credits her mentor
“In my senior year of high school, Dr.
with helping her improve as a student
Mich., graduated this spring from MSU’s
Alocilja called me at home and offered
and scholar. “Dr. Alocilja never flinched
College of Engineering with a bachelor’s
me a spot working in her lab. I was very
at giving me my own projects as an
in materials science engineering. He
excited to accept,” says McGraw. At the
undergraduate or having me present
has also completed some work on
end of this year, she will have worked
the results of the project,” says McGraw.
a master’s degree. He was named a
in Alocilja’s lab for seven years. “From
Alocilja was the driving force behind
Goldwater Scholar in 2007 and most
the very beginning, when I was just this
McGraw applying for graduate school.
recently was a finalist in the Gates
18-year-old kid who didn’t know the
“She convinced me that I had what
Cambridge Scholarship. In the fall, he is
first thing about biosensors or lab work,
it takes to complete a PhD program
off to England where he has been ac-
she supported me and probably had
and to apply for the SMART program. I
cepted at the University of Cambridge.
more faith in my success than I had in
feel very fortunate to have an advising
He will attend Churchill College, which
myself. “
professor who gives me the freedom to
focuses on teaching and research in the
During his four years at MSU,
fields of science, engineering, and tech-
Friederichs has worked in Melissa
conduct it, but is also always available
nology. “My ambitions are to research
Baumann’s laboratory. “I met Dr.
if I need help.” McGraw has received
cutting-edge topics in biomaterials
Baumann through her involvement in a
numerous honors during her time at
science, such as targeted drug delivery
community organization. I then started
MSU, and has included extracurricular
from nanostructured microspheres,”
volunteering and eventually working for
activities in her schedule. As a graduate
says Friederichs, who hopes to obtain
her in the spring of my freshman year,”
student, McGraw volunteers on the
a master’s degree from Cambridge. His
says Friederichs. “Dr. Baumann has
Biosystems Engineering Curriculum
longer-term plan is to get a PhD and
held me to a very high standard and
Committee and is treasurer of the
end up in a leadership position either
has given me levels of responsibility
Council of Graduate Students, to name
in industry or at a research institution.
uncommon to most undergraduate
just a few of her activities.
McGraw, from Macomb Township,
As a freshman, McGraw partici-
students. This has encouraged me to
conduct my research the way I want to
While determination and analytical
Mich., graduated from MSU with honors
perform to the best of my ability, and
skills are important to Friederichs, his
in December 2006 with a BS in biosys-
has inspired me to pursue graduate
MSU experience has given him an
tems engineering. She also completed
study in biomaterials engineering.” He
even greater skill set. “I have learned to
the Honors College program and the
is most proud of his work on diamond-
convey my ideas confidently to others
Bailey Scholars program. McGraw is
like carbon wear coatings for use in
due to the thorough academic backing I
now pursuing a PhD in biosystems engi-
biomedical implants. He co-authored
have received.” — JLD
currents magazine
summer 2009
Graduate Students Win Fitch Beach Research Awards
ix doctoral students were the
The winners are: first place —
Zhang, biosystems engineering (Evan-
recipients of the 2009 Fitch
Monther Dwaikat, civil engineering
gelyn Alocilja, adviser); Chad Meiners,
Beach Outstanding Graduate
(Venkatesh Kodur, adviser); second
computer science (Alex Liu and Eric
Research Awards. The awards
place — Joseph Gredell, chemical en-
Torng, advisers); and Vikram Melapudi,
are determined based on the strength
gineering (Patrick Walton, adviser); and
electrical engineering (Shanker Balasub-
of the student’s research record, as
third place — Douglas Neal, mechanical
ramaniam, adviser).
well as a technical oral presentation.
engineering (John Foss, adviser).
Awardees are selected by the College
Winners received $3,000, $2,000, and
the College of Engineering Academic
of Engineering Research and Graduate
$1,000, respectively.
Awards and Service Recognition Recep-
Studies Committee.
Honorable mentions went to: Deng
The winners were honored during
tion on March 19.
left to right: Manoochehr Koochesfahani (associate dean for graduate studies and faculty development); Evangelyn Alocilja (front), Deng Zhang (back), Joseph Gredell, Shanker Balasubramaniam, Vikram Melapudi, Douglas Neal, John Foss, Venkatesh Kodur, Monther Dwaikat. not pictured: Chad Robert Meiners.
SU’s Formula Racing Team is
project manager for the MSU Formula
Going Clean. And they had
Racing Team. “Although using hybrid
a chance to promote their
vehicles to transport team members
campaign in January at one of the most
and converting to an ethanol-based
prestigious automotive events in the
power plant in the near future is one
world — the North American Interna-
step in our Go Clean campaign, they’re
tional Auto Show. Coinciding with the
not the only facets of the program. Just
show’s overwhelmingly “green” theme,
as important as reducing CO2 emissions
the MSU team’s display centered on its
are the use of recycled, organic, and
own Go Clean environmental program.
biobased materials throughout MSU’s
Central to the team’s display was a
Formula SAE cars.” From bio-paints to
Formula SAE Team “Goes Clean”
large “green globe ” (provided through
recycled foams, organic fabrics, and
Implementing biobased and degrad-
the generosity of two communication
‘green’ resins, each component that the
able cleaners, using lean manufacturing
technology companies — EPJ Logistics
team can make from earth-friendly or
methods, recycling scrap material, and
and Tonic) that described in detail the
recycled materials reduces the team’s
reusing components all help the team
three steps to Going Clean. “When you
dependency on chemicals and products
to further reduce its contributions to the
hear the term ‘green’ in relation to the
that are harmful to our planet.
environmental equation. This and more
automotive industry, most people tend
A further step to Going Clean,
information about the team’s clean
to think solely about biofuel and hybrid-
says Zemke, is to reduce the impact
commitments can be found at www.
powered vehicles,” says Adam Zemke,
that manufacturing has on the Earth.
MSU’s Formula Racing Team spent two weeks in January exhibiting their past three Formula SAE cars and promoting their Go Clean environmental program at the North American International Auto Show. The “green globe” (at right) was equipped with several video screens that detailed the steps to Going Clean.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
1 3
2 4
Freshman Seminars Abroad Provide Global Focus
SU’s freshman seminars do
large-group activities like taking
more than just introduce in-
involved in MSU’s study abroad
excursions, attending cultural events,
coming students to the MSU
programs,” says King. “I decided to get
or listening to guest speakers. The
campus — some of these
involved with the Freshman Seminars
seminars allow students to gain experi-
seminars take them around the world.
Abroad because I believe these
ence and insight into interesting topics,
Mid-summer, just prior to starting fall
programs really help incoming fresh-
which may help them make decisions
classes at MSU, the students embark
men transition from high school to the
about a possible major and career.
on this global experience, which
college experience at MSU.”
For example, the Ireland seminar had
may take them to Ireland, Scotland,
These seminars provide a way for
one track that was psychology-based,
Canada, New Zealand, or South Africa.
students to gain confidence and skills
where students learned through
These two-credit Freshman Seminars
related to the college transition, says
lecture, reading, and field experiences
Abroad, described as “short-term study
James Lucas, assistant to the dean for
about lifespan development from the
abroad programs,” typically run 10 to
undergraduate education charged with
perspective of those growing up and
18 days. They are designed to give
campus internationalization. “First-year
growing old in Ireland. In a second
first-year students international expo-
experiences are proven to shape the
track, students learned about issues
sure, an opportunity to improve their
way students engage during college,
associated with health care in the Irish
understanding of global issues, and
and they play an important role in
culture. Participants also develop a
the chance to find out what it’s like to
their academic success. Building on
meaningful relationship with peers,
live and learn in intercultural settings.
the first-year experience model, the
faculty, and staff, establishing a net-
Dan King, a specialist and aca-
Freshman Seminars Abroad program
work for support and mentoring that
demic adviser in the Department of
provides MSU faculty and staff with the
will serve them well during their first
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
opportunity to engage with a young
year of college.
served as staff assistant during the
person and shape the direction of
Freshman Seminar Abroad in Ireland
his or her academic career. I’ve been
Abroad team this year as a staff assis-
(Galway and Cork) last summer. Ma-
teaching for more than ten years, and
tant for the program in Bologna, Italy,
jors represented included engineering,
my time teaching on these programs
is Bob Chalou, teaching specialist for
business, English, psychology, and oth-
has been the most rewarding experi-
computer-aided design and product
ers. King said he is looking forward to
ence of my career.”
design courses in the College of
returning to Ireland this summer with a
“For several years, I have been
Each program varies, depending
Joining the Freshman Seminars
Engineering and lead instructor for egr
new group of freshmen. Each program
on the instructional team, but the
410, the applied engineering sciences
accommodates about 30 students.
programs typically include common
program capstone course. Chalou
currents magazine
summer 2009
8 7
>> Laura Luptowski Seeley
became interested in returning to Italy this summer after a trip there last June to participate as a faculty member in a program, which was sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers
1 Dan King, a specialist and academic adviser in the Department
6 One of the group excursions included a tour of the ruins in the area
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, served as staff assistant during the Freshman Seminar Abroad in Ireland last summer. A staff assistant’s duties include set-up work for housing, field trips, and meals prior to departure from the United States, and administration of logistics and budget while abroad. The staff assistant also handles any non-academic issues that may arise during the trip so the faculty can continue to concentrate on the academic concerns of the program.
of Blarney Castle, near Cork, Ireland.
7 Bob Chalou, teaching specialist for computer-aided design and product design courses in MSU’s College of Engineering, became interested in returning to Italy this summer after he traveled there in June 2008 to participate in a program to study the machine tool industry. The trip was sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation. The group included (left to right) Chalou, MSU; Eric Stoner, student, Kettering University, Flint, Mich.; Adrian Teo, student, Arizona State University; and Trian Georgeou, Arizona State University faculty member.
2 Participants in the 2008 Freshman Seminar Abroad in Ireland included (left to right) Patricia Gordon, applied engineering sciences; Stephen Ragatzki, chemistry/chemical engineering; and Paul Blystone, engineering–no preference. Dan King, staff assistant, is at far right.
8 During the June 2008 trip to study the machine tool industry in
program has become a great living-
3 A street scene in Galway, Ireland.
Italy, the group toured the manufacturing facilities of the Lamborghini factory near Bologna.
learning experience for incoming freshman students,” says Chalou. “When
4 Located in Galway, The Kings Head, established in 1649, is claimed to be the oldest pub in Ireland.
they arrive on campus in the fall [after
5 Quaint buildings like this one line the streets of Cork, Ireland.
Education Foundation, to study the machine tool industry in Italy. “The Freshman Seminars Abroad
participating in that program] they have
9 Across the street from the group’s base hotel during the June 2008 trip was the former Dominican monastery church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, which houses Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper; the painting covers the back wall of the dining hall. PHOTOS 1–6 COURTESY OF DAN KING / PHOTOS 7–9 COURTESY OF BOB CHALOU
established a group of close friends that definitely helps the transition from high school to college. I chose Italy because of the rich and diverse design
Freshman Seminars Abroad At a Glance ■
The first Freshman Seminar Abroad (FSA) program
history and tradition. To be able to see
was offered in summer 2003 in Quebec City,
the works of the masters firsthand is an
Canada; 35 freshmen participated.
incredible opportunity.”
The impetus for starting such a program was
program, with the largest being 30 students. ■
the program. ■
to improve students’ exposure to international
The Freshman Seminars Abroad
Costs range from $1,800 to $4,200, depending on An Honors College scholarship and study abroad scholarships are available; additional scholarships
program aligns with MSU’s mission to
and global ideas, to get students interested in
move forward as a world-grant institu-
study abroad by providing short but intense initial
tion and it helps ensure that MSU’s
learning-abroad experiences, and to provide a
of MSU’s study abroad programs, sites for the
incoming freshmen have a good global
microcosm of the MSU international learning
Freshman Seminars Abroad are reviewed for
experience for incoming students.
safety/security/health issues and MSU will not
Most students who apply are accepted. They are
hesitate to cancel a program or bring students
screened in terms of their status; all participants
home from an ongoing program if local situations
must be traditionally aged, first-year students com-
change. Detailed information is available at http://
ing to MSU. The number of applications varies by
understanding when they set foot on campus for their first day of classes come fall semester.
note: Just as this issue was going to press, the 2009 Italy program was canceled.
are sometimes available, depending on funds. ■
Safety of the participants is a priority. As with all
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Faculty Win NSF CAREER Awards ongeun Choi, assistant professor
in lakes, toxic contaminants in public
of mechanical engineering and
water systems, and pollutants in
of electrical and computer engi-
the air. “For instance, tracing and
neering, and Jian Ren, assistant
predicting harmful algal blooms in
professor of electrical and computer
a lake could be accomplished using
engineering, have each received a
proposed algorithms and a network
National Science Foundation (NSF)
of autonomous underwater vehicles
Faculty Early Career Development
(AUVs) with fluorescence-based
(CAREER) Award.
sensors,” Choi says.
Choi received the award for his
Jongeun Choi
Jian Ren
In other applications, a group
proposal, “Multi-Agent Systems and
of autonomous mobile robots,
communication system that is aware
the role of teacher-scholars through
Gaussian Processes: Applications
combined with chemical warfare
of its surrounding environment —
outstanding research, excellent
in Environmental Sciences.” Ren
sensors, could be used for detecting
can perceive a spectrum hole (or
education, and the integration of
received the award for his proposal,
a concentration field of chemical
lack of activity on a frequency within
education and research.
“Towards Cognitive Communications
warfare agents.
a portion of the radio spectrum)
in Wireless Networks.”
The project offers training
Each received a five-year
experiences for undergraduate and
$400,000 grant.
graduate students and provides
“These CAREER awards are
and then transmit on the unutilized
tangible expressions of validation
from Jongeun’s and Jian’s peers
However, he says, lack of user
concerning their research goals and
opportunities to foster collaborative
coordination and network control
plans,” says Satish Udpa, dean of
analyzing distributed learning and
research with MSU’s Department of
raises serious issues in efficiency,
MSU’s College of Engineering. “I am
cooperative control algorithms so
Civil and Environmental Engineering
security, and resource waste in wire-
delighted to see their peers confirm
that a network of mobile sensing
and Department of Fisheries and
less environments.
that they are on a very productive
vehicles can gather data and learn
Choi’s work is in developing and
an unknown field of interest in
“My research is an effort to
During summer residential
develop an ideal human-technology
research trajectory.” Choi received a BS in mechani-
order to perform specific tasks. This
programs sponsored by the College
platform for e-commerce, national
cal design and production engineer-
research has applications in the
of Engineering’s Diversity Programs
security, environmental protection,
ing from Yonsei University at Seoul,
environmental sciences.
Office and the Office of Recruitment
health monitoring, and many future
Republic of Korea, in 1998. He
and k–12 Outreach, k–12 and under-
applications that could benefit
received his MS and PhD degrees
climate changes, it is necessary to
represented students will be able
from fast and reliable information
in mechanical engineering from the
monitor the changing ecosystems
to try out some of the biologically
exchange,” says Ren.
University of California at Berkeley in
over vast regions on land, in our
inspired mobile robots — robots that
oceans, and in our lakes, Choi
mimic flocking birds or swimming
resulting from this project will be
fish — that have been developed in
integrated into undergraduate
Shaanxi Normal University in China
Choi’s lab.
and graduate curricula, as well as
in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He
Due to recent drastic global
“Emerging technologies in
The technological advances
2002 and 2006, respectively. Ren earned his BA and MS from
into k–12 outreach activities. Thus,
received a PhD degree in electrical
prediction algorithms can offer great
improve the efficiency, security, and
Ren’s work will have a significant
and computer engineering from
potential to deal with such issues,”
interoperability of communications
impact on the training of a highly
Xidian University in 1994.
he says. “The main purpose of my
between versatile wireless devices.
skilled and diverse workforce in the
work is to develop control algorithms
His work introduces innovative
area of cybersecurity and wireless
and video interviews, go to www.
for a network of mobile sensing
methodologies in architecture devel-
vehicles to explore and predict an
opment, system design, and secure
The CAREER award, one of
faculty-win-nsf-career-awards and
unknown field of interest.”
and efficient network management.
NSF’s most prestigious and competi-
click on the appropriate links near
tive awards for junior researchers,
the bottom of the page.
robotic sensor networks and field
Applications include prediction and tracing of harmful algal blooms 32
Ren’s research will significantly
Ren explains that today’s “cognitive radio” — an intelligent wireless
currents magazine
summer 2009
recognizes those who exemplify
To access NSF award abstracts
— Laura Luptowski Seeley
Faculty, Staff Honored at Engineering Awards Luncheon
he College of Engineering honored faculty and staff members for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service at the 19th annual En-
Front row, left to right: Jeffrey S. Sakamoto, Rong Jin, Gaile Griffore, Pam Cosner, George C. Stockman, Tonghun Lee. Back row, left to right: Timothy Hogan, Bradley P. Marks, Charles Titus Brown, Roger B. Wallace.
gineering Awards Luncheon on March 26, 2009, at the University Club. Recipients of the Withrow Teaching Excellence Awards were: Brad-
ley P. Marks, professor of biosystems and agricultural engineering (third-time
Distinguished Scholar–Senior Award; and Rong Jin, associate professor of
recipient); Jeffrey S. Sakamoto, assistant professor of chemical engineering
computer science and engineering, received the Distinguished Scholar–
and materials science; Roger B. Wallace, associate professor of civil and
Junior Award.
environmental engineering (second-time recipient); Charles Titus Brown,
George C. Stockman, professor of computer science and engineering,
assistant professor of computer science and engineering; Timothy Hogan,
received the Withrow Exceptional Service Award; and Gaile Griffore, academic
associate professor of electrical and computer engineering; and Tonghun Lee,
adviser, mechanical engineering, received the Withrow Student Service
assistant professor of mechanical engineering.
Award. Pam Cosner, executive staff assistant to the dean, was the recipient of
Harold J. Schock, professor of mechanical engineering, received the
the Gloria Stragier Award for Dedicated and Creative Service.
faculty & staff notes Craig J. Gunn, senior
through his presentations at annual meetings,
and the impact on the environment. He was
academic specialist and
his service on the CED’s board of directors, and
also recently appointed to the editorial board
director of the mechanical
his work as editor of the newsletter. Gunn has
of the Web-based Thermopedia, an electronic
engineering department’s
published essays in numerous journals and
encyclopedia of heat and mass transfer. He is
communication program,
textbooks, and created the MSU course “Techni-
team leader for environmental systems.
recently received the MSU
cal Communication for Engineers.”
Distinguished Academic
In October 2008, at the 3rd International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer in
Specialist Award. Gunn was recognized for
John R. Lloyd, University
Swirling Flows, which was held at the Moscow
his understanding of the challenges facing
Distinguished Professor of
Power Engineering Institute of the Russian
new students and for fostering engineering
mechanical engineering,
Academy of Sciences, Lloyd presented his
students’ improvement of oral and written com-
has been named chief
paper, “Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamic Study of
munication skills. Beyond the classroom, he has
editor of the International
Nano-scale Thermal Energy Transfer Across a
influenced his field through work on university-
Journal of Energy for a
Material Interface.” It was the first paper utilizing
wide committees and workshops, and through
Clean Environment, pub-
the ab-initio computational technique to study
his work with the Cooperative and Experiential
lished by Begell House Publishers. Under his
energy transfer. He was named Top Scientist
Education Division (CEED) of the American
leadership, the journal is expanding its scope to
at the conference and was made an honorary
Society for Engineering Education. He is widely
cover air-, water-, and earth-related studies of
member of the Department of Thermophysics
known and respected in the organization
the influence of alternative energy technology
of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Six Engineering Faculty Named Fellows ix faculty members were recently named fellows in professional
■ Hayder Radha
the MSU Neuroscience Program. He
organizations. Leo Kempel, associate dean for research; Hayder
was elected a
received the College of Engineering
Radha, professor of electrical and computer engineering and ECE
fellow of the IEEE
Withrow Distinguished Scholar Award.
associate chair for research and graduate studies; and Juyang
“for contributions
He is editor in chief of the International
(John) Weng, professor of computer science and engineering, were
to visual coding,
Journal of Humanoid Robotics, a
named fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
member of the executive board of the
Inc. (IEEE). The grade of fellow is one of the IEEE’s most prestigious
and networking”
international Neural Network Society,
honors. It recognizes unusual distinction in the profession and an
in November 2008. He serves on the
and associate editor of the new IEEE
extraordinary record of accomplishments in an IEEE field, bringing
editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on
Transactions on Autonomous Mental
significant value to society. Manoochehr Koochesfahani, associate
Multimedia and the journal Advances
dean for graduate studies and faculty development, was named a
in Multimedia. He is an elected mem-
fellow of the American Physical Society (APS); Neeraj Buch, professor
ber of the IEEE technical committees
intersection of computer science
of civil and environmental engineering, was elected a fellow of the
on Multimedia Signal Processing and
and engineering, brain science, and
American Concrete Institute (ACI); and Ranjan Mukherjee, professor of
Image and Multidimensional Signal
cognitive science, including the new
mechanical engineering, was elected a fellow of the American Society
Processing. He served as co-chair of the
multidisciplinary field of autonomous
of Mechanical Engineers.
ATM/LAN Video Coding Experts Group
mental development, with a goal
of the International Telecommunica-
of modeling how the human mind
tions Union.
develops and enabling machines and
■ Leo Kempel,
Radha is a professor of electrical
robots to develop autonomously. He
associate dean
and computer engineering and associate
is the author or coauthor of more than
for research, was
chair for research for his department.
two hundred research articles and book
elected a fellow
He holds 27 U.S. patents in the areas of
chapters on related subjects.
of the IEEE, effec-
wireless communications and network-
tive Jan. 1, 2009.
ing and image and video processing.
■ Manoochehr
He received this
He is a recipient of the Bell Labs Dis-
prestigious honor in recognition of his
tinguished Member of Technical Staff
associate dean for
contributions to conformal antenna
Award, the MSU College of Engineering
graduate studies
design and electromagnetic composite
Withrow Distinguished Scholar Award,
and faculty devel-
materials. His research focuses on the
and the Microsoft Research Content and
opment, has been
general area of applied electromagnet-
Curriculum Award. He was appointed a
named a fellow of
ics with particular emphasis on confor-
Philips Research Fellow in 2000.
the American Physical Society (APS) for his “pioneering contributions to the de-
mal antennas, engineered materials, and measurement of electromagnetic
■ Juyang (John)
velopment of experimental techniques
properties of materials.
Weng, professor of
including laser induced fluorescence,
computer science
molecular tagging velocimetry and
member of the administrative com-
and engineering,
thermometry, and quantum dot imag-
mittee for the IEEE Antennas and
was named an
ing, and for his fundamental studies of
Propagation Society and the board of
IEEE fellow, effec-
turbulent mixing.”
Kempel has served as an elected
directors for the Applied Computational
His research interests lie in the
tive Jan. 1, 2009,
The APS, founded in 1899, is the
Electromagnetics Society. He was an as-
for his contributions to computer vision
largest organization of professional
sociate editor for the IEEE Transactions
and pattern recognition. Weng is a co-
physicists in the United States; it has
on Antennas and Propagation and is
founder of the Embodied Intelligence
46,000 members. Election to fellowship
an active reviewer for many scholarly
Laboratory and a member of the MSU
is limited to no more than one-half
Cognitive Science Program and of
of one percent of the membership.
currents magazine
summer 2009
Sticklen Named New Director of Applied Engineering Sciences Program on Sticklen was appointed in December 2008 as the director of the Ap-
more effective. In 2003 he was one of the founding members
plied Engineering Sciences (AES) program. Sticklen has been an associate
of a study group on engineering erin ng education research. By
professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
2007 the group had received ed a grant to study the rela-
as well as a special assistant to the dean on instructional technology and
tionship between industriall ne needs eeds and college cur-
engineering education research, an assignment that will be formalized to
ricula on computational problem oble em solving. In 2008
“Coordinator for Engineering Education Research.”
the group was awarded a fivefive-year -year National
Sticklen originally wanted to be a high school mathematics teacher, but
Science Foundation grant aimed ime ed at increasing
instead pursued a bachelor’s degree in physics from The Ohio State University
retention in the MSU College ge of o Engineering
and completed a master’s degree in astrophysics at Columbia University. After
from its current value of roughly ugh hly 65 percent up to
employment in the areas of astronomy and physics, and a stint at his family’s
a value of 75 percent. “The new w grant is exciting,
farm in central Ohio, Sticklen returned to OSU where he received a master’s
and dovetails strongly with myy new duties as the
and PhD in computer science, specializing in artificial intelligence (AI).
director of the AES program.” m.” Sticklen admits his path h to o his current posi-
He came to MSU in 1987 as an assistant professor; much of his early work focused on AI. However, Sticklen says that one of his strongest lessons
tion is non-linear, but considers derrs his varied
from the research work was not on the technical side, but rather the people
background an asset: “I believe ieve that
side. “AI research is highly collaborative. Without strong collaborators, my
all that has gone before on myy
research paths during the ‘90s would not have been possible.”
life’s journey has prepared me e
By 1999 Sticklen had embarked on educational research aimed at learning more about what can be done to help early engineering education be
well to serve as the directorr of AES.”
Koochesfahani was recognized at the
national and international concrete
nonholonomic systems, space and
organization’s 61st Annual Division of
pavement committees and has held
mobile robots, haptic interfaces and
Fluid Dynamics Meeting in San Antonio,
leadership positions on ACI technical
robotic systems for tele-surgery and
Tex., in November 2008.
committees. A formal announcement
remote diagnostics, control of structural
of his election was made at the ACI
vibration, and control of rotors sup-
■ Neeraj Buch,
convention in March 2009 in San
ported by magnetic bearings.
professor of civil
Antonio, Tex.
Mukherjee has also educated and
and environmental
mentored many mechanical engineer-
engineering, was
■ Ranjan
ing students. These students are trained
elected a fellow
in a multidisciplinary field that allows
of the American
professor of me-
them to model, analyze, optimally
Concrete Institute
chanical engineer-
design, and implement mechanical sys-
in recognition of his contributions to the
ing, was elected
tems that utilize control and electronics.
work of ACI. The ACI citation praises
a fellow of the
Several of his doctoral and postdoctoral
American Society
students are faculty in universities in
Buch for “contributing to research and education in the field of concrete pave-
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), effec-
ments.” His core research foci include
tive December 2008. Roughly 3 percent
analysis and design of innovative
of ASME’s members are elevated to
for the ASME Journal of Dynamic
pavement repair strategies, analysis and
fellow status. Mukherjee is recognized
Systems, Measurement, and Control
design of joints, performance modeling
for his significant contributions to
from 2001–07 and served on the IEEE
for distress prediction, and evaluation
advancements in the general area of
Control Systems Society Conference
of the impact of concrete material
mechatronic systems. His research has
Editorial Board from 2000–07. He was
properties on concrete pavement
covered both theory and applications
a recipient of the Fulbright Research
performance. He serves on numerous
to a wide range of problems, including
Scholarship in 2008.
the United States and other countries. He has been an associate editor
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Percy Pierre Elected to National Academy of Engineering
ercy Pierre, vice president and
College of Engineering and Michigan
lege of Engineering at MSU, a program
professor emeritus of electrical
State University.”
that supports recruitment and retention
and computer engineering, has
Pierre is recognized as the first
of minority doctoral students. He has
African American to earn a doctorate in
counseled and helped support more
Academy of Engineering (NAE). Elec-
electrical engineering. After receiving his
than 30 individual minority students
tion to the academy is one of the high-
PhD from The Johns Hopkins University
pursuing doctoral degrees.
est professional distinctions accorded to
in 1967, he went on to hold a number
an engineer.
of administrative posts in government
been elected to the National
and higher education. He
Satish Udpa, dean of MSU’s College
served as a White House
of Engineering. “He has been at the
Fellow in the Executive Office
forefront in initiating and launching
of the President from 1969–70;
innovative programs for improving
as dean of the College of Engi-
access to higher education for students
neering at Howard University in
from underrepresented groups for a
Washington, DC, from 1971–77;
long time.”
and as assistant secretary of
Percy Pierre (far left) discusses class work with Leron Lightfoot, electrical engineering master’s student, and Solimar Reyes-Rodriguez (far right), electrical engineering doctoral student.
Pierre is among 65 new members
Pierre also recently received a
the Army for research, devel-
Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement
opment, and acquisition from
from the American Association for the
1977–81, where he had direct
Advancement of Science (AAAS), the
responsibility for the develop-
world’s largest general scientific society
ment of all Army weapons,
and publisher of the journal Science.
including the Abrams Tank,
The NAE is an independent,
the Patriot Air Defense Missile
nonprofit institution. Founded in 1964,
System, and the Apache
it operates under the congressional act
Attack Helicopter. In 1981, he
of incorporation that established the
was presented with the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences, which
Army’s Distinguished Service
was signed in 1863 by President Lincoln.
Award, the highest honor presented
The NAE provides leadership and guid-
and nine foreign associates honored for
to a civilian. Pierre also served as
ance to government on the application
outstanding contributions to engineer-
president of Prairie View A&M University
of engineering resources to social,
ing research, practice, or education. He
from 1983–89 and as vice president of
economic, and security problems.
is recognized for his service as assistant
research and graduate studies at Michi-
secretary of the Army for research
gan State University from 1990–95.
and development, contributions to
Beginning in the early 1970s, Pierre
NAE members are the nation’s premier engineers, elected by their peers for seminal contributions to
engineering education, and leadership
established many programs across the
engineering. Total U.S. membership is
in creating the national minority engi-
country, including Howard University’s
now 2,246 and the number of foreign
neering effort.
first doctoral programs in electrical
associates is 197.
“We are very pleased to see Percy
“For those of us who have known Percy, this award is not surprising,” says
and mechanical engineering, the
For more information about the
Pierre honored for his pioneering work
National Action Council on Minorities in
NAE, visit
in engineering education, specifically
Engineering (NACME), and GEM — the
nsf. To learn more about Pierre’s work,
with underrepresented groups,” says
National Consortium for Graduate
go to View
MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon.
Degrees for Minorities in Engineering
a video interview at http://news.msu.
“This well-deserved honor brings dis-
and Science, Inc. In 1998, he started the
tinction not only to Dr. Pierre, but to the
Sloan Engineering Program in the Col-
currents magazine
summer 2009
e — Laura Luptowski Seeley
Venkatesh Kodur Named Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering
enkatesh Kodur, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the MSU Structural Fire Testing Facility,
has been elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). This prestigious academy includes many of Canada’s most accomplished engineers, who have expressed their dedication to the application of science and engineering principles in the interests of the country and its enterprises. Being a fellow of the CAE is the highest honor for engineers in Canada. Kodur is one of the world’s leading experts on the effects of fire on has more than 18 years of experience in structural and fire engineering and spent 12 years at the National Research Council Canada just prior to coming to MSU. He was part of the FEMA/ASCE Building Performance Assessment team that investigated the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001.
materials and structural systems. He
Members of the CAE are nominated and elected by their peers to
American Concrete Institute (ACI), has
honorary fellowships, in view of their
won many awards and was the only
self-governing, nonprofit organization
distinguished achievements and
non-American invited to be part of
that was established in 1987 to serve
career-long service to the engineering
the ASCE/FEMA expert’s team for the
Canada in matters of engineering
profession. Kodur’s citation reads: “Dr.
World Trade Center building investiga-
concern. It is an active member of the
Kodur has made significant contribu-
tion. He has transferred — through
International Council of Academies
tions and earned recognition for his
media interviews, keynote presenta-
of Engineering and Technological
research and development activities
tions, and blue ribbon panels — WTC
Sciences (CAETS), which involves 25
in structural, material, and fire areas.
investigation findings to the public, has
other leading countries. Total member-
He has published more than 200
raised the awareness of the engineer-
ship in CAE stands at 304; there are 112
technical papers, developed unique
ing profession, and has showcased
emeritus and 3 honorary members.
research programs in structural fire
the world-class research in Canada’s
safety at NRC Canada, trained graduate
students, and developed fire design
The CAE is an independent,
Venkatesh Kodur, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the MSU Structural Fire Testing Facility, stands atop the fire test furnace housed at the Civil Infrastructure Laboratory. The furnace is capable of testing loaded structural assemblies (such as columns, beams, and floor systems) under extreme fire conditions. The natural gas–fueled test furnace is capable of reaching temperatures in excess of 2,200°f.
For more about CAE, visit www. To learn
Kodur’s election will be formally
more about the Structural Fire Testing
guidelines that have been incorporated
announced at the academy’s 2009
Facility, go to
in many codes and standards. Dr.
Annual General Meeting and awards
research/fire_center.pdf. To view a
Kodur, a fellow of the American Society
ceremony to be held on Monday, July
video interview with Kodur, visit http://
of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the
13, 2009, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
New Faculty Sixteen new faculty joined the College of Engi-
Lixin Dong has joined the
neering in 2008–09. The three most recent hires
Department of Electrical and
are listed here.
Computer Engineering as an assistant professor. His main
Prem Chahal has joined the Department of Elec-
research interests include nanorobotics, nanoelec-
serves as associate editor of the IEEE Transactions
trical and Computer Engineering as an assistant
tromechanical systems (NEMS), mechatronics,
on Nanotechnology and the IEEE Transactions on
professor. He received his PhD (1999) in electrical
mechnochemistry, and nanobiomedical devices.
Automation Science and Engineering.
engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology,
Prior to joining MSU in December 2008, Dong
and his MS (1994) and BS (1991), also in electrical
held a senior research scientist position at Swiss
Wen Li has joined the Department of Electrical
engineering, from Iowa State University. From
Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich,
and Computer Engineering as assistant professor.
2006 to 2008 Chahal held a senior research posi-
where he led the NanoRobotics Group in the
She received her PhD (2008) and MS (2004) in
tion at Abbott Laboratories, leading research in the
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS).
electrical engineering from California Institute of
area of BioMEMS. Prior to that, Chahal served as
He became research associate in 1992, lecturer
Technology. Prior to that, Li studied at Tsinghua
a principal engineer at Raytheon, Dallas, leading
in 1995, and associate professor in 1998 at Xi’an
University and received an MS degree in micro-
research in the areas of Tearahertz (THz) tech-
University of Technology; assistant professor at
electronics (2003) and a BS degree in material
nologies, microsystems packaging, RF MEMS, and
Nagoya University in 2003; and research scientist
science and engineering (2001). Her research
nanoelectronics. In addition, he has held summer
in 2004 at ETH Zurich. He received the IEEE T-ASE
interests include MEMS/NEMS technologies and
internship positions at Motorola and BFGoodrich.
Googol Best New Application Paper Award in
systems, microsensors and actuators, biomimetic
Chahal’s current research interests include THz
2007, Best Conference Paper Award at the Inter-
devices and systems, microfluidic and lab-on-chip
technologies, microwave circuits, infrared sensors,
national Conference on Control Science and Engi-
systems, and microsystem integration and packag-
microsystems packaging, flex electronics, RF
neering (ICCSE2003), and has been a co-winner
ing technologies.
MEMS, and BioMEMS.
in the 2008 Nano Today Cover Competition. He
Goodman Named Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year rik Goodman, professor in the Department
has mentored Rhodes Scholarship and Churchill
to its success and pro-
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has
Scholarship recipients, as well as a National Sci-
duce well-prepared
received a Michigan Distinguished Professor
ence Foundation graduate fellowship recipient.
and intelligent gradu-
of the Year Award from the Presidents Council,
Goodman is the academic adviser for half of the
ates of Michigan’s 15 public universities. These
State Universities of Michigan. He is among three
honors students in the computer engineering
outstanding professors are actively involved in
major. He also teaches the senior capstone design
developing the minds of Michigan’s future, and
course in electrical and computer engineering
they deserve recognition for their work.”
The award recognizes the outstanding contri-
The other two awardees are Eddie Cheng,
butions made by the faculty of Michigan’s public
(ECE), where he introduced industrial-sponsored
universities to the education of undergraduate
projects and public presentations at ECE Design
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oak-
students. Each of Michigan’s 15 public universities
Day. He places emphasis on guiding students
land University; and Steven Wright, Department of
was invited by the Presidents Council to nominate
into undergraduate research experiences, study
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
a faculty member who has had a significant
abroad, and enrollment in graduate classes.
Michigan–Ann Arbor.
“Higher education is one of the few good
impact on student learning through various mediums, including work in the classroom and
investments in these hard economic times,” said
student advising.
Michael Boulus, executive director of the Presi-
Goodman is recognized for helping to establish MSU as a leader in ecological modeling. He
currents magazine
This is the third year the awards have been presented. The Presidents Council hosted an awards
dents Council, State Universities of Michigan. “We
luncheon on May 14, 2009, at the Radisson Hotel
need to honor those who continue to contribute
in Lansing, Mich.
summer 2009
t’s no secret that globalization is having a major impact on the engineering profession. It’s “an ancient process that is speeding up and intensifying
in the 21st century,” according to Ron Rosenberg, College of Engineering associate dean for special initiatives. “Due to increased economic development and the growing ‘push-back’ of our environment, our professional practice is changing. This provides exciting systems for communication, energy, food, manufacturing, security, transportation, and water resources.” MSU’s College of Engineering wants to make sure it continues to
challenges in building sustainable global
produce successful engineering professionals and well-informed citizens who are able to meet these new challenges. In response, the college is offering a new course — egr 291, “Going Global” — which examines the intertwined
Urban Science is a global company that takes a scientific approach to helping companies identify where they should allocate resources in order to increase their market share and profitability in the most effective and efficient manner. Urban Science was on campus for the Engineering Expo, held in the Engineering Building on February 19, 2009. Suzanne DuBois (left), corporate recruiter, and Ellen Ellis, project manager, met with some of the nearly 1,000 students who attended to gain career information and explore opportunities for internships, co-ops, or full-time positions with the 75-plus companies that participated.
roles of economics, engineering, and student said, “This class has made me
ing ’78) and vice president of retail
Rosenberg, instructor for the new
interested in exploring more areas of
channel solutions for Urban Science.
course, which was piloted in fall 2008,
knowledge.” Another student thinks it
“In order to be competitive, companies
tells his class, “Globalization is econom-
should be a required course. Another
need to be able to conduct business in-
ically driven, engineering-enabled, and
says, “This course reached its goals of
ternationally. Even if your business oper-
environmentally constrained.” During
scientific literacy . . . I feel much more
ates in a single country, defending your
the semester, more than a dozen guest
confident in my presentation abilities
territory necessitates an appreciation
speakers increase the awareness of
and understand globalization to a great
of how the rest of the world operates,”
students about key globalization issues.
says Frith. “Understanding how other
the environment.
The course also helps the students
According to Urban Science, a
develop useful working knowledge,
retail consulting firm headquartered in
spond to them will be critical to anyone
or literacy, in a professional learning
Detroit, Mich., which currently serves
who wants to contribute to the solution
environment. Students build two
clients in over 70 countries from its 13
of global problems. Based upon my
critical skill sets: systems thinking — a
global offices, it is critical that today’s
experience in Europe and Asia, people
framework for understanding complex
engineering students understand
without an international viewpoint soon
issues; and communication — active
get left behind. In my opinion, any cur-
listening, presenting, teaming, and
”Just as environmental issues go
parts of the world view issues and re-
riculum without a globalization course,
networking. These are lifelong tools for
beyond country boundaries, the busi-
or at least specific content, cannot be
global professionals and citizens.
ness world is global as well,” says John
considered world class.”
After completing the course, one
Frith, MSU alumnus (BS civil engineer-
— Laura Luptowski Seeley
michigan state universit y college of engineering
CLASS NOTES in memoriam
member of the Emmanuel Episcopal
■ Robert Shedd
Church in Petoskey, Mich.; Trinity-by-
(BS Mech Egr ’43)
the-Cove Episcopal Church in Naples;
of Grand Rapids,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity; the
Mich., died August
American Society of Civil Engineers;
15, 2007. Robert
The Elks; Petoskey-Bay View Country
was active in the
Club; and Bear’s Paw Country Club of
■ Donald Hodg-
kiss (BS Civ Egr
Michigan Society of Professional Engineers. The Shedd fam-
Don is survived by his wife of 53
ily was quite unique in its connections
’49) of Naples, Fla.,
years, Nancy; son Dan (Helen) of
with MSU: Robert’s father, Ward Shedd,
died November 12,
Saratoga, Wy.; daughter Laurie Egeland
graduated in 1902 and taught mechani-
2008, at the age
(John) of Grapevine, Tex.; son Tom
cal engineering in 1905; Robert’s brother
of 81. He was born
(Karen) of Madison, Wisc.; grandchil-
John graduated in 1941 and his brother
June 1927 in Evan-
dren Olivia Hodgkiss, T. J. Egeland,
Wilfred graduated in 1950 — both with
ston, Ill., to A. W. and Marian Hodgkiss.
and Natalie Hodgkiss; and several
bachelor’s degrees in mechanical
In 1938, the family moved to Petoskey
step-grandchildren, nieces, nephews,
and his father, along with Bill Douma,
extended family, and friends. Don
started Hodgkiss & Douma, Inc., a
was preceded in death by his parents,
■ Robert Douglas (Doug) Trezise
paving and construction business. Don
brothers William and David, and daugh-
(BS Elec Egr ’49) of Owosso, Mich., died
graduated from Petoskey High School
ter Julie. A celebration of life is planned
November 26, 2008, at age 83. Born in
in 1945, entered the Army Air Corps,
for the summer of 2009 in Petoskey.
Wakefield, Mich., Trezise enrolled at MSU in 1942, enlisted in the U.S. Army Signal
and was discharged in late 1946. After graduating from MSU, he began work-
■ Robert N.
Corp in 1943, and returned to MSU after
ing for Hodgkiss & Douma in 1950; he
Rosso (BS Civ Egr
serving in the military and Civilian Corps
retired in 1986.
’44) of Traverse
in Germany. At MSU, Trezise was presi-
City, Mich., died
dent of his fraternity (Phi Kappa Tau),
Lansing, Mich., in 1955. He was involved
December 15,
president of Excalibur men’s honorary
with the Emmet County Planning
2008, at the age
society, president of the Interfraternity
Commission for many years. He was a
of 86.
Council, and national vice commander
Don married Nancy Kennedy in
of Pi Tau Pi Sigma. Doug worked as the Owosso district manager for Union Telephone
A Special Request from Julie M. Goss
Company from 1950–56, and as central division manager for General Telephone Company until 1970. He served
(Art) Goss, Jr. (BS Mech Egr ’50), who died on August 10, 1976, in
as councilman (1964–68) and mayor
Hartford, Conn. Julie, the youngest of his four children, writes: “I barely
(1968–70) of Owosso, and was elected
knew my father; he passed away when I was only seven years old.” Art married Jeannette A. Frankenstein after they met each other on the MSU campus. Upon graduation, he obtained a position at Combustion Engineering, a Chicago firm. Eventually, he was promoted/ transferred to the Windsor Locks, Conn., office. “I believe that he briefly served as an officer for the U.S. Army in Alaska in an engineering capacity
to the State House of Representatives
ulie M. Goss is seeking information about her late father, Hugh Arthur
78th District in 1970 and 1972. From 1975 until his retirement in 1990, Doug was the deputy state treasurer for Michigan under Republican and DemoJeannette and Hugh Arthur (Art) Goss, Jr.
crat administrations. In the late 1970s
(literally keeping vehicles running and preventing them from freezing),”
he also served on the Engineering
Julie says. He loved golf and was known to be playing 18 holes while two of his children were born! He is survived
Alumni Association Board for the MSU
by four children and six grandchildren; a great-grandson is due September 12.
College of Engineering.
If you knew Art, Julie would like to hear from you. What was he like as a classmate/study partner/friend?
He was preceded in death by his
What hobbies/interests did he have? Did any other ’50s alumni work with him at Combustion Engineering or
wife of 57 years, Barbara, in 2007; and
serve with him during his brief time in the military? Did any gals recall dating him prior to his meeting Jeannette?
daughter Sara in 2005. Doug is survived
Does anyone remember Jeannette A. Frankenstein from Evanston, Ill. (she died April 8, 1990)? You may contact
by 4 children, 13 grandchildren, and
Julie at (971) 322-8575 or
[email protected].
1 great-grandchild, including 6 MSU graduates and 3 current MSU students.
currents magazine
summer 2009
class notes 1960s
■ Michael S.
the Illinois Section
Sacks (BS ’81, MS
of the American
’83, Egr Mechanics),
Society of Civil
the John A. Swan-
Engineers (ASCE),
son Endowed Chair
effective Novem-
in the Departments
ber 2008 through November 2009.
of Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering/Materials
The section covers all of Northern
Science, and Civil Engineering at
Illinois and consists of more than 3,500
the University of Pittsburgh, recently
members. In addition, he has been
received the Van C. Mow Medal from
named to the ASCE National Transpor-
the American Society of Mechanical
tation Policy Committee.
Engineers (ASME) Bioengineering Divi-
Gorski is a registered professional
sion. He is recognized “for contributions
engineer in Illinois, Michigan, and
in advancing biomechanics of native
Pennsylvania, and has more than 14
and engineered heart valve tissues; and
years of experience that ranges from
leadership in the development of the
preliminary engineering; to develop-
bioengineering profession, service to
ment of plans, specifications, and
■ Constantine Demos (BS Civ Egr
its community, and inspired guidance
estimates for transportation, water, and
’66) of Houston, Tex., recently co-wrote
of young bioengineers.” In 2008, Sacks
solid waste projects; to construction.
and published a book with his brother,
was the recipient of the Chancellor’s
He has been involved with the Illinois
Steven S. Demos, MD, titled The Tradi-
Distinguished Research Award from the
Section of ASCE for nine years. In
tion Continues—Spartan Football. For
University of Pittsburgh. An ASME fellow,
October 2006 he was named Young
more information about the book or to
he is considered a world-class leader in
Engineer of the Year, and in April 2008
purchase it, visit www.msufpatraditions-
heart valve tissue mechanics. Scientific
was elected to the Local School Coun- All proceeds from the sale
American named him as one of its top
cil for Newton Bateman Elementary in
of the book are being donated to MSU
50 researchers of 2006 for his seminal
for its football program.
work on the biomechanics of biological scaffolds for cardiac regeneration.
Krug (BS Civ Egr
Richards (BS
■ Steven Debban, PE, LEED AP (BS
’06 ), a staff engi-
Systems Sci ’80)
Civ Egr ’96) returned to work for RW
neer in the Kalama-
recently moved
Armstrong in Chantilly, Va., in February
zoo, Mich., office of
to a new position
2008. The company had previously
Soil and Materials
with Monsanto in
hired him immediately after graduation.
St. Louis, Mo., as
He is now a senior project manager
was elected to the board of directors of
vice president of Enterprise Information
working on civil engineering projects.
the American Society of Civil Engineers
Technology (IT). Previously he was with
While the emphasis of his experience
(ASCE) Southwest Michigan Branch.
Ford Motor Company as a director of IT,
is in domestic airport design, his recent
Krug has approximately three years of
and before that was with IBM Corpora-
experiences are as diverse as a U.S.
experience and specializes in geotech-
tion, which he joined immediately after
Navy dock renovation in Panama City,
nical and materials engineering ser-
graduation from MSU. He was married
Fla., and runway pavement rehabilita-
vices, including subgrade evaluations,
in Oslo, Norway, to his wife, Annele,
tion in Abu Dhabi. At his previous job,
foundation design recommendations,
and has four children and three dogs.
Debban worked on the new fourth run-
vibro-compaction, retaining walls, and
He is an active motorcyclist. He also
way at Washington Dulles International
chemical and permeation grouting. He
serves as an adviser to a nonprofit
Airport, which was commissioned in
is also experienced in construction ma-
initiative with MIT to provide accessible
November 2008.
terials services related to building enve-
■ Michael
■ Charlie D.
simulations of climate dynamics that
Engineers, Inc.,
lopes, coatings, roofing, waterproofing,
foster understanding and action to
■ Robert Gorski, PE (BS Civ Egr
reinforcing steel, concrete foundations,
improve environmental health.
’94) has been named president of
and asphalt pavements.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Materials Science Alum’s Experiments on International Space Station
im K. de Groh (van den Ende) (BS BS ’85, aterials MS ’87 Materials Sci) is a senior materials n Center research engineer with NASA Glenn in Cleveland, Ohio, conducting research
on the durability of spacecraft materials. She currently has three experiments, including the Stressed PEACE Polymers experiment, up on the
International Space Station (ISS), to be retrieved during shuttle mission STS-128 (August 2009), and four experiments to be taken to ISS during STS-129, manifested for this November. Her experiments are part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE), a series of flight experiments attached to the exterior of ISS. 42
currents magazine
summer 2009
Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) 6A & 6B; deployed March 22, 2008 (STS-123). A close-up of MISSE 6A & 6B on-orbit, shortly after deployment, with the Stressed PEACE Polymers experiment highlighted; additional close-up photo of the sample trays added to show detail.
left to right: William C. Taylor, professor emeritus, civil and environmental engineering; Kin Keung Lai (PhD civil engineering ’77), Joon S. Moon Distinguished International Alumni Award recipient; Jeffrey Riedinger, JD, PhD, dean of International Studies and Programs; Claire Brender, director of international alumni relations; and Stephen Wong (BA marketing ’96), president of the MSU Alumni Club of Hong Kong.
Two Alumni Receive MSU International Awards
in Keung Lai (PhD civil engineering ’77) and Mamud Dako (BS chemical engineering ’08) were among 13 individuals honored at the 2009 International Awards Ceremony for their contributions to international studies at MSU. The awards, presented each year by MSU’s International Studies and
Programs, recognize individuals who have had a significant impact on the advancement of international scholarship, teaching, public service, outreach, or education throughout their careers. The awards ceremony and reception were held on April 1. Lai received the Joon S. Moon Distinguished International Alumni Award in recognition of his compassion, determination, enthusiasm, and empathy for the underprivileged. After earning his degree at MSU, Lai returned to Hong Kong where he spent six years in private industry before joining the faculty of the City University of Hong Kong, where he is presently a chaired professor and acting head of the department of management science. Lai was an organizer of the Caring for Children Foundation — a successful charitable foundation serving poor and disadvantaged children in China — and has served as its deputy chairman since 1995. Instrumental in raising $4 million for relief from the 2008 earthquake, Lai continues to raise funds for the reconstruction of schools. Dako received one of six Homer Higbee International Education Awards, cited for his “amazing record as an engaged student leader” and his “impressive success in the classroom.” He is a first-year graduate student in MSU’s Department of Packaging and president of the International Students Association (ISA). Under his leadership, the ISA has continued its trajectory as a powerfully influential student organization. Dako is also an assistant residence hall director, a graduate research assistant, and a regular volunteer with international student orientations.
left to right: Peter Briggs, director of the Office for International Students and Scholars; Mamud Dako (BS chemical engineering ’08), Homer Higbee International Education Award recipient; and Amber Arashiro, program coordinator for the Office for International Students and Scholars.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
MSU’s LinkedIn . . . Now What?
>> John Hill, Alumni Career Services Director, MSU Alumni Association
pose the ques-
comfort of their computers.
tion often, “You
(including thousands of engineering
The power of LinkedIn is in
alumni). That’s a small slice of the
have a profile
connectivity and its huge capacity for
nearly 460,000 MSU alumni nationally.
on LinkedIn,
networking. Imagine having a database
However, the growth of the site in the
you’re using
with 40 million users, the vast majority
last year (it has tripled in size since
LinkedIn, but are
of which are college-educated in white
summer of 2007) portends even
you really utilizing
collar professions, with which you can
greater numbers.
it to further your career?”
slice and dice data in any number of
MSU Alumni Career Services has
Invariably, the answer is no.
ways. Want to see the number of jobs
incorporated the site into its one-to-one, an online profes-
available in Chicago (75,802 on May
career counseling with alumni; we show
sional network with over 40 million
19, 2009), number of MSU alumni in
them how to look for jobs on LinkedIn.
users, is fast becoming one of the most
C-Level positions in Tempe, Arizona
Through this service, we are able to
important career development tools
(333), or the percentage of TechSmith
show alumni who’s connected to those
ever invented. Human resource depart-
employees who graduated from MSU
jobs (by searching profiles by company
ments vet candidates. Sales profession-
(42 percent)? affords you
name); connect them to affiliations
als uncover qualified leads. Business
the opportunity to do so.
(by searching profiles by company
owners compare and contrast vendors. All of this is accomplished from the
Currently, there are roughly 85,000 MSU alumni with a profile on LinkedIn
name and keywords like Michigan State University); and then walk them through
How Are You Connected?
he College of Engineering has embraced
news items. The Center for Spartan Engineer-
social media to help you stay connected.
ing manages and distributes information
ence on YouTube with 25 videos on interview-
Wherever you are, we hope to be there
through this network.
ing, work life, and other tips.
with you. Choose one or choose them all; we
YouTube. Spartan Career Services has a pres-
Blogs. Two engineering students are also
hope you’ll choose to stay connected to MSU
Alumni and keep track of upcoming events
blogging — one is blogging about her experi-
and news articles about engineering, or
ence looking for her first job after graduation
interact with fellow alumni, students, and
and moving to a new area, and the other is
LinkedIn. In addition to the LinkedIn group
college faculty and staff. If you are a CSE
detailing his experience on an international
— MSU Engineering Alumni — there are also
grad, you might also want to be a fan of the
LinkedIn groups for our Career Peers and for
Michigan State University Computer Science
students (and employers) who participate in
and Engineering page.
Interested in connecting? Visit the College of
Alum-Net. The college maintains its own net-
Engineering home page at for
Twitter. Follow SpartanEngineer on Twitter
work, Alum-Net, offering yet another means
links to all these sites and get connected to your
and receive job notices, tips for your job
to connect and reconnect with friends and
College of Engineering.
search, information on upcoming events, and
the MSU Corporate Spring Break program. ■
Facebook. Be a fan of MSU Engineering
currents magazine
summer 2009
— Mary Mertz-Smith
Davison Gift Supports Agnes McCann Legacy the first contact with those affiliations
Essentially we’ve employed a “Spartan
helping Spartan” model that if done
only provided general support and motherly advice when students questioned
correctly ends in an MSU-related job
whether they could survive the rigorous curriculum, but also offered advice on
seeker being internally referred within
which classes to take when. “I owe her a big thanks,” Davison said.
through informational interviewing (i.e., playing into the intrinsic value of giving back to another MSU alumnus to gain insight into a desired job or company).
their desired career destination by an
he impetus for giving often comes from early experiences. For or Sam n MSU staff Davison (BS mechanical engineering ’53), Agnes McCann, an
member, provided the motivation to support Michigan State University. 917 to 1962, As secretary to the dean of the College of Engineering from 1917
McCann worked with literally thousands of students over the years. She not
Like many college students, Davison took a while to choose a major. It
MSU-related employee working at said
chanical wasn’t until the beginning of his junior year that he decided on mechanical
orker for Mcengineering. He was fortunate to also be employed as a student worker
This is just one of the many ways
Cann at that time. “I had a lot of credits, but not enough in engineering. When
to utilize this online presence. Many
I was at MSU, we could pre-register. She (McCann) gave me the optimum
alumni just want to reconnect with
classes,” Davison said.
friends and colleagues and, fortunately,
Because of McCann’s help, and Davison’s hard work, he became a main- provides that opportunity
tenance test pilot in the Air Force and went on to become a chief engineer at
as well. Through a “Groups” function,
General Electric, designing many different types of engines for 37 years. His
people with like interests can connect
accomplishments earned him a place in the Propulsion Hall of Fame for his
their profiles together. As of May 19,
design work on the CFM 56 while at GE.
2009, there were 146
Upon exploring the idea of supporting Michigan State University, Davison
groups associated with Michigan State
was pleased to learn of the existing Agnes McCann Memorial Student Endow-
University, including the MSU Alumni
ment, which pays tribute to her legacy. The endowment provides critical
Association (with 11,000 members),
support for undergraduate activities in the College of Engineering, including
regional groups like MSU Alumni Club
academic initiatives, student programs, and tuition support. As with all endow-
of Metro Chicago (814 members), or
ments, the principal of the gift is continually preserved and a percentage of the
college-affiliated groups like Michigan
interest income is spent annually.
State University Engineering (470 members).
The College of Engineering was delighted to learn of another graduate’s appreciation for Agnes McCann with a gift to the endowment that honors her.
And all of this is free!
Dean Satish Udpa remarked, “Agnes McCann was unforgettable to the students
So if you have a dormant profile or
and staff who were privileged to have known her. She touched many lives and
have never registered, these are some
we are pleased that Sam Davison chose to pay tribute to her dedicated service
helpful approaches to motivate you to
with his gift.”
utilize and engage the MSU networks
To read more reminiscences about Agnes McCann, see pages 46–49 in
and relationships waiting for you on
this issue of Currents Magazine. For more information on the Agnes McCann
Memorial Student Endowment or to support the MSU College of Engineering,
John Hill may be reached at www. or by phone at (517) 355-7698.
contact Senior Director of Development Stephen Bates at (517) 355-8339.
— From the spring 2009 issue of Developments, a newsletter produced by University Development, highlighting recent gifts to MSU.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
RESPONSES TO ■ Richard L. Herrick (BS Mech Egr ’56) of Holt, Mich., writes: “The ‘woman in control’ sure looks like Miss Agnes ‘Aggie’ McCann. I worked for her at Olds Hall when I was a sophomore.” ■ Bill Cleary (BS Mech Egr ’52) of East Lansing, Mich., writes: “It was really great to see Agnes McCann’s picture on the back cover of your magazine. The way she is holding the tiller is symbolic editor’s note: When we ran this photo on the back cover of the previous issue of Currents (Vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 2008/09), we had scanned the image from a photocopy because we did not have the original print. When we brought the scanned image up on the computer screen to rerun it here, we discovered that the original photo must have been flipped — because in the distant background of the photo we noticed a piece of equipment that contains the old Shell logo, and the word “SHELL” was backwards. So the image above is the correct orientation of the photo. This revelation confirms what Doug Harvey (BS ’49, MS ’51, PhD ’55 Mech Egr) writes in his response on page 49 — that “all early automobiles were driven from the right side.” This, indeed, makes Aggie McCann the “woman in control”!
of the way she kept the College of Engineering on an even keel during the forties, fifties, and beyond. She was truly an angel to all engineers and I never knew of any problem she would not let me use it digit number. Now I hear they are up to seven digits. I worked for USDA Agricultural Research Service doing mechanical harvesting of
■ Ron Flinn (BS Civ Egr ’60), currently assistant vice president for MSU’s physical plant, writes: “I believe the ‘woman in control’ is Aggie McCann, aka the ‘engineer’s friend.’ She was
■ Dale Marshall (BS ’60, MS ’75,
fruits and vegetables research in Farrall
officially the secretary to the engineer-
Agric Egr) of Holt, Mich., was the first
Hall from 1969 to 1997, when USDA
ing dean, but functioned at least at the
to respond. He writes: “You asked for
transferred me to Georgia. During 28
level of an assistant dean.”
the identity of the ‘woman in control’
years at MSU, I hired 85 students. The
of the (Olds?) car on the back cover of
experience they gained proved valuable
■ Don F. Schimmel (BS Mech Egr
the winter 2008/09 Currents Magazine.
when they went into the work force.”
’52) of West Bloomfield, Mich., writes:
She looks to me like the secretary of
The American Society of Agricultural
“How about that. Agnes McCann is in
the ME department of the fifties. She
and Biological Society recently awarded
the driver’s seat and is in control of
handled our course registration, etc.
Marshall a 50-year certificate of mem-
the engineering school. Along for the
For me, that was 1956–1960. Her name
ride is Dean Lorin G. Miller. I had a few
might have been Agnes McCann . . .
editor’s note: Dale Marshall also
sessions with Ms. McCann (never call
poses this teaser: “Does anyone know
her Aggie or Agnes) to discuss what I
short course in agricultural engineering.
the story behind Agriculture Hall and
would have to do to graduate; it prob-
I lived in B-32 Wells Hall (the second
the east section of the building that
ably would have been easier to talk to
Wells Hall). The first Wells Hall was de-
currently extends into the parking lot
the dean!
stroyed by fire earlier; so all six building
area? Do you know who occupied it in
sections of the second Wells Hall were
the ’30s and ’40s, and why it was torn
taken in the two-story lab, which
separated with a firewall. You had to go
down and rebuilt?” If anyone knows
was attached to and directly behind
outdoors to go into another section.
anything about this, please contact us
Olds Hall. This building had a lot of
[email protected] or call us at
machinery on the main floor and had
(517) 432-1303.
a balcony that ran around the second
I started in 1953 with an eight-week
In 1953 I had a five-digit student number. When I returned in 1956 they 46
couldn’t resolve!”
and gave me a new six-
currents magazine
summer 2009
This picture appears to have been
“LOOKING BACK” level. Students learned to run tests
Tire (now Continental Tire) before
on various machines, such as steam
retiring in 2002.
engines and air compressors.” of Denver, Colo., writes: “The woman
Civ Egr), a consulting engineer from
in the ‘Looking Back’ picture looks to
Grand Rapids, Mich., writes: “I enjoyed
me as if it could be Aggie McCann!
the recent issue of Currents. I noticed
She was the ‘leader’ of the engineer-
on the back page you asked who the
ing department when I came back
woman in the picture was. To me the
from WWII in 1943. She was quite the
name Agnes McCann came to mind
gal!” Stephens worked 33 years for
right away. As I recall, she was the
Commonwealth Associates, Inc. (and
secretary to the dean of engineering
subsequent companies) in Jackson,
when I was there in 1951.”
Mich., before retiring in 1980.
■ Bill Stephens (BS Elec Egr ’48) ■ Loyd E. Winer, PE (BS ’52, MS ’57
■ Keith Hunt (BS Chem Egr;
■ Mel Dean (BS Civ Egr ’43) of Grand
originally class of 1944, but graduated
Rapids, Mich., writes: “The gal at the
upon returning from WWII in 1947) of
wheel looks an awful lot like ‘Dean’
Grand Rapids, Mich., writes: “I am quite
Aggie!” He provides the following
ably Dean Miller and Aggie McCann.
sure that the woman is Agnes McCann,
caption: “How the heck did they get
Since I retired to Florida, I am keeping
administrative assistant in the school of
that contraption started without a
busy constructing scenery for the local
engineering. I worked for her part-time
Venice theater.”
as a student in 1942–43. I think the man ■ Vern Nelson (BS Elec Egr ’52), CEO
■ Harry W. Rapp (BS Chem Egr
of Nelson Publishing, Inc., in Nokomis,
’43) of Bradenton, Fla., writes: “It has
■ Paul Shoemaker (BS Mech Egr ’60;
Fla., writes: “The ‘woman in control’ is
been a long time since I graduated,
MS Applied Mech ’61) of Akron, Ohio,
Agnes McCann and her passenger is
but my guess is the lady at the controls
writes: “I think the picture on the back
Lorin G. Miller, dean of engineering.
is a wonderful friend of engineering
cover is Aggie McCann and Dean Ryder.
I worked in the engineering office
students and to us the ‘Mother’ of all
while a student and had the privilege
engineers — Aggie McCann. It looks like
you really outdid yourself this time! I
of knowing Agnes McCann. She was
she’s in one of the engineering labs in
got a huge kick out of the GOLD Club
an incredible professional with a very
her ‘Merry Oldsmobile.’”
article, especially Dick McCormick’s
caring nature for MSU Engineering and
Diff EQ class and Gerald Skellenger’s
its students. Thanks for including this
■ Carleton H. Musson, PE (BS Elec
Tau Beta Pi initiation. Our Pi Tau Sigma
photo from the past.” Nelson says that
Egr ’50) of Tabernacle, N.J., writes: “The
initiation problem was to calculate
his company publishes magazines for
photo is of Agnes McCann at the tiller,
the time a Carnot cycle engine would
those in the manufacturing, electronics
and I believe Dean Miller is passenger.”
power the street lamps on Grand River
engineering, information technology,
His suggested caption: “Let’s take a spin
Avenue using the steam generated
and healthcare industries.
around Circle Drive!” Musson submitted
is Dean Lorin Miller.”
“This was a great issue of Currents;
this 1952 photo (above) of Dean Miller
from a water reservoir the size of the ■ Marvin M. Schumann (BS Chem
(center) with L. P. Towsley, the first chief
Egr ’44) of Venice, Fla., writes: “The two
engineer of WKAR-TV, and Musson (far
dustry for most of his career — 15 years
people in the ‘Looking Back’ photo in
right, peering into the camera), the
for Uniroyal and 22 years with General
the latest Currents Magazine are prob-
first technical supervisor of WKAR-TV. >>
Capitol’s dome.” Shoemaker worked in the tire in-
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Musson was director of engineering of
touch while I was at the Seabee em-
writes: “This lovely lady helped me ar-
RCA Broadcast Equipment Division in
barkation base at Port Hueneme and
range all my classes to fit my schedule.
Camden, New Jersey, before retiring.
also while I was stationed on Amchitka
I would title this photo: ‘You won’t
in the Aleutian Islands. She sent me
find anyone better to give you precise
■ James R. Carr, PE (BS Civ Egr ‘50)
copies of the engineering publica-
directions to reach your lifetime goals.’”
of Grand Rapids, Mich., writes: “The
tions — including Spartan Engineer
picture on the back of the magazine
— along with copies of cartoons about
■ Carl W. Hall (PhD Agric Egr ’52),
is Aggie McCann, with Dean Loren
engineers. Sure helped the days and
of Arlington, Va., writes: “As a person
G. Miller, PE. It is fitting that Aggie is
months pass by.
who knew and worked (as a graduate
the ‘woman in control’ as she steered
Thanks for the opportunity to
the direction of the engineering
respond to your fine magazine.”
1951–70) with both individuals pictured on the back of the winter 2008/09
school for so many years. Aggie was a great help to me from 1946 to 1950,
■ Bill Harring (BS Mech Egr ’51) of
issue of Currents Magazine, and to
when I was an undergraduate in civil
Madison, Wisc., says that he worked in
let you know that I read the magazine
engineering. What a joy to fight our
the girls’ dorm serving three meals a
cover to cover, I submit the following:
way through registration with a slip
day, worked in a Lansing car wash on
Agnes McCann, secretary to the dean,
prepared by Aggie that was accepted
Saturday mornings, split an evening
is the woman in control; Lorin Miller,
by all as the gold standard of class
shift (four hours) at REO Motors in
then dean of engineering, is her pas-
Lansing, and still found time to go
senger. As for a humorous caption?
out for football his freshman year. He
‘Eyes forward with satisfaction,’ or ‘Lady
called me back in service due to the
transferred from chemistry to mechani-
with her hand on the tiller looking to
Korean ‘conflict’ and Aggie kept in
cal engineering after his first year. He
the future.’”
After graduation, the Seabees
student and faculty member — from
us hear from you!
name (including maiden name)
The College of Engineering and your former classmates are interested in you. Please keep everyone informed. Fill out this form (please type or print clearly) and return it along with any photos, news clips, or press releases to: Currents Magazine, Office of Publications and Public Relations, 3412 Engineering Building, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824-1226; or contact us at
[email protected].
street address
city / state / zip
is this a new address?
e-mail address *
■ yes
■ no
occupation / job title
business street address * business city / state / zip
currents magazine
summer 2009
■ yes. publish my e-mail address so classmates can get in touch with me. ■ no. do not publish my e-mail address.
■ Doug Harvey (BS ’49, MS ’51, PhD
■ Paul Fair (BS Elec Egr ’50) of
ger seat. Miss Agnes McCann was the
’55, Mech Egr) of Sterling Heights, Mich.,
Traverse City, Mich., correctly identified
power behind the throne in the office
writes: “The driver is, of course, Dean
the woman in the photo as Aggie Mc-
of the dean of engineering at that time
Miller and the passenger is Agnes Mc-
Cann, and says that he worked for her
and for many years before and after.
Cann. All early automobiles were driven
for a couple of years. He believes the
In 1947 the college was being
from the right side. R. E. Olds gave the
setting is the Power Lab in Olds Hall.
overwhelmed by the returning wave of
car — a 1901 Oldsmobile —
He says about the most recent issue
veterans enrolling under the GI Bill. In
to the school of engineering in 1948
of Currents Magazine: “Great issue,
that year L. G. Miller was head of the
or 1949. A group of students from
nice publication, well put together; our
mechanical engineering department.
mechanical engineering got it running
He so sorely needed teachers that he
and drove it around campus. It would
hired me as an instructor without so
run a few hundred yards then stop. We
■ John T. McCall (MS Civ Egr ’51),
much as a personal interview. I served
would clean out the sediment from the
of Hanover, N.H., writes: “Who else
on the faculty from 1947 until 1959,
fuel line, crank it back to life, and drive
but Dean Miller and Miss (Agnes)
approximately half the time in the
it farther. When my turn came to drive,
McCann.” His caption: “Beam me up,
mechanical engineering department
the fuel line was clear, allowing me to
Aggie. MSU Engineering is taking off!”
and the latter half of the time in the
drive perhaps three or four miles. It
McCall was a faculty member from
applied mechanics department. At the
was later driven to Lansing and back,
time I left to take the position of head
perhaps in a parade. There was a story
of mechanical engineering at Drexel,
about the car, which may or may not be
■ Herb Mitson (BS Mech Egr ’51)
the dean of engineering at MSU was
correct. As I remember, the car was as-
of Bedford, Ohio, writes: “I think that
John Ryder.
sembled from parts in 1904 when Olds
the ‘woman in control’ is Agnes Mc-
realized he did not have a 1901 model.
Cann, the dedicated person in charge
exciting one to be at Michigan State
Olds was not sure that it would even
of keeping the grading records for
in terms of growth — academically
run and was surprised when it did. The
engineering students. Her passenger
and athletically. The college achieved
fact that there was sediment in the gas
is Lorin G. Miller. They are seated in an
university status, became a member
tank does not support this account.
R. E. Olds early model gas buggy.”
of the Big Ten, and had a national
The period 1947 to 1959 was an
championship football team coached
Engineering Power Lab (as seen in the
■ Winfield Himman (BS Egr–No Pref
by ‘Biggie’ Munn. I feel very fortunate
picture) and was covered with a cloth
’35) of Mesa, Az., correctly identified
to have participated in, and to have
when Olds came to see it. He was
Aggie McCann and Dean Miller. He says
contributed to, that growth.”
allegedly outraged and complained to
he remembers the car well.
The car was in the Mechanical
■ Mindy Swartz of Laingsburg,
someone in administration. He asked that it be placed in a glass enclosure in
■ Jack B. Ridenour (BS Mech Egr
Mich., provided the following caption:
the museum. It was there when I last
’48) of Lansing, Mich., writes: “I believe
“When you told me to work on my golf
saw it. Where is it now?”
the picture is of Miss Aggie McCann
grip, that you had a surprise for me,
and Dean Miller, our beloved head
I never guessed . . . !” While Mindy is
anything about what happened to this
of the engineering school in the ’40s.
not an MSU alum, her husband, Paul,
car, please contact us at editor@egr.
Aggie McCann was always ‘steering the
is (BS forestry ’74), and her daughter, or call us at (517) 432-1303.
boat.’” Ridenour retired from Oldsmo-
Ashley, will be in 2011 (she is currently
bile Div., GMC.
an MSU undergraduate in mechanical
editor’s note: If anyone knows
■ Robert S. Rowland (BS Mech
engineering, specializing in biome-
Egr ‘50) of Augusta, Ga., writes: “You
■ Samuel Mercer, Jr. (MS Mech
chanical engineering). Paul is currently
asked who the woman is in the photo;
Egr ’50) of Media, Pa., writes: “The
the MSU campus arborist in Landscape
I presume you have several answers
photograph shown dates back to what
Services; Ashley is a Von Ehr Scholar
by now. I’d say it’s Aggie McCann, ME
I believe to be the early 1950s. Miss
and a soccer player. “I read Currents
department secretary for many years,
Agnes McCann is in the driver’s seat
Magazine to stay on top of what is
including ’46–’50, when I was there.
of one of the earliest Oldsmobiles and
going on in the College of Engineer-
She was loved by all and very helpful.”
Dean Loren G. Miller is in the passen-
ing,” says Mindy.
michigan state universit y college of engineering
Office of the Dean College of Engineering 3410 Engineering Building East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
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This photo of Herman K. Vedder appeared in the 1911 yearbook (which was called The Wolverine at the time). Can anyone tell us more about this photo? Contact us at
[email protected].