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GEORGE F. BARROWCLOUGH. Address: Department of Ornithology. American Museum of Natural History. Central Park West at 79th Street. New York, New ...

Department of Ornithology American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street New York, New York 10024

Telephone: e-mail:

(212) 769-5785 [email protected]


Brown University; Providence, RI. 1970. magna cum laude.


Brown University; Providence, RI. 1972. Division of Engineering.


University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN. 1980. Department of Ecology & Behavioral Biology.


Chairman, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History .


Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program in Biology, City University of New York.


Associate Curator, Department Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History.


Assistant Curator, Department Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History.


Post-Doctoral Fellow, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley.


Research Assistant, Biochemical Systematics, J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota.


Member of the Technical Staff, Systems Engineering Department, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ.


Member, Scientific Program Committee, AOU.


Recent Literature Reviewer, J. Field Ornithology.


Member, Committee on Collections, AOU.


Chairman, Scientific Program Committee, Centennial Meeting, AOU.


Elective Council, AOU.


Member, Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund Committee. Chairman, 1992-1999


Co-convener, Symposium on Genetic Structure of Avian Populations (with Dr. A. J. Baker), 19th International Ornithological Congress - Ottawa, Canada.


Co-convener, Symposium on Evolutionary Significance of Geographic Variation (with Dr. R. M. Zink), Annual Meeting AOU.


Member, Outside Review Panel, Dept. Ornithology, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.


Co-convener, Symposium on Patterns and Processes of Population Differentiation in Birds (with Drs. A. J. Baker & D. T. Parkin), 20th International Ornithological Congress - Christchurch, New Zealand.


Member, AOU Committee on Nomination of Elective Members and Fellows. Chairman, 1992-1993.


Co-chair, Committee on Systematics & Conservation Biology, Systematics Agenda 2000; (National Panel to identify trends and needs in systematic biology).


Co-convener, Symposium on Molecular population structure in birds (with Dr. A. J. Baker), 21st International Ornithological Congress - Vienna, Austria.


AMNH representative on Policy Council, American Bird Conservancy


Co-convener, Symposium on Coalescence & geographic structure (with Dr. A. J. Baker), 22nd International Ornithological Congress - Durban, South Africa.


Member, AOU Committee on Nomination of Elective Members and Fellows. Chair, 2005-2006


Co-convener, Symposium on Systematics and Comparative Avian Biology in the 21st Century (with Drs. J.L. Cracraft & R.M. Zink), 4th North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico.


U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Appointed Member, Science Review Committee for the Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Plan.

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Association for the Advancement of Science American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) American Society of Naturalists Association of Field Ornithologists Cooper Ornithological Society Raptor Research Foundation Sigma Xi Society for the Study of Evolution Society of Systematic Biology Wilson Ornithological Society EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES 1985-1992 1987-1994 2002-2010

Editorial Board, Curator Editorial Board, Current Ornithology Editorial Board, Systematic Biology


(City University of NY – Grad School): Conservation Biology (1992, 1994, 1996, 1998) (R.G. Gilder School of AMNH): Evolution (2013, 2014)

NSF REU Interns

Ilana Arbisser (2012) Elizabeth Bramlett (2013)

Master's Degree Committees City University of New York: Tina Herreman (1999-2000) Doctoral Dissertation Committees City University of New York: Peter F. Cannell (1981-1986) Patricia Escalante-Pliego (1985-1991) Carole S. Griffiths (1990-1996) Alejandro Espinosa (1992-1997) Pamela Q. Beresford (1995-2001) Patricia H. Brito (1998-2005) Marcelo Weksler (2000-2004) Linda Gormezano (2007-2013) Noah Burg (2013-present) Columbia University: Kari L. Schmidt (2006-2013) Post-Doctoral Fellows: Robert M. Zink (1983-1984) Angelo P. Capparella (1987-1988) Richard O. Prum (1989-1991) Jeffrey Woodbury (1990-1992) Jeffrey G. Groth (1991-1993) John M. Bates (1993-1995) Nedra K. Klein (1994-1996) R. Terry Chesser (1995-1997) Kevin J. Burns (1996-1997) Carole S. Griffiths (1996-1998) Shou-hsien Li (1997-2000) F. Keith Barker (1999-2002) Christopher Filardi (2003-2005) Brian Barber (2007-2009) Utku Perktas (2011-2012)

Bailey McKay (2011-2014) EXPEDITIONS & FIELD WORK 1973 1974 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2003 2004 2005

Honduras South Africa & Rhodesia; Australia British Columbia Western United States British Columbia Minnesota, Montana, & South Dakota Western United States California & Nevada U.S. Great Basin Costa Rica Arizona & New Mexico Mexico Eastern U.S. Oregon Venezuela: Amazonas Idaho, Montana & Wyoming Southeastern U.S. Quebec & Ontario Arizona & New Mexico North Carolina New Mexico New Brunswick, Newfoundland, & Labrador Venezuela: Amazonas Western Canada & Alaska British Columbia Mexico: Chiapas Southwestern U.S. Utah & Nevada Venezuela: Bolivar Venezuela: Amazonas Mexico: Baja California Venezuela Western United States Central United States Taiwan Colorado Colorado California: Sierra Nevada Argentina: Rio Negro British Columbia

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013

California & Nevada U.S. Great Basin U.S. Great Basin Manitoba British Columbia Yukon Territory British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia

HONORS 1970 1982 1987

Elective Member, Tau Beta Pi Elective Member, American Ornithologists Union Fellow, American Ornithologists Union

PATRONYMS Diglossa duida georgebarrowcloughi Dickerman, 1987 Thryothorus coraya barrowcloughiana Aveledo & Peréz, 1994 INVITED & CONTRIBUTED LECTURES (last ten years): "Progress towards a generic phylogeny of birds." American Museum of Natural History, New York; 16 April 2004. "Recent advances in avian conservation genetics." Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA; 27 May 2004. "Phylogenetic relationships among parrots." Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Quebec City, Quebec; 17 August 2004. "Phylogeography of Blue Grouse." Invited oral presentation, Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Univ. California, Santa Barbara; 25 August 2005. "Classification and avian conservation." Invited symposium presentation, Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Veracruz, Mexico; 4 October 2006. "Phylogeography of the Tepui Brush-Finch: Tepuis as islands." Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Laramie, WY; 10 August 2007. "Mitochondrial vs. nuclear DNA in avian phylogeography."

Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Evolution, Mpls., MN; June 2008. "Phylogeography of ruffed grouse across North America: evidence for three glacial refugia." Eleventh International Grouse Symposium, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory; 14 September 2008. “Phylogeography and the Pleistocene history of the Green Woodpecker complex (Picus viridis).” Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists’ Union, San Diego, CA; 10 February 2010. "Phylogeography and species-limits in the Spruce Grouse complex." Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 16 August 2012. " Phylogenetic relationships of the endemic genera of Australo-Papuan hawks." Annual Meeting, American Ornithologists' Union, Chicago, IL; 16 August 2013.

PUBLICATIONS 1. Barrowclough, G.F. 1968. Western Sandpipers in the Westport-Acoaxet area. Records of New England Birds 23:11, i. 2. Corbin, K.W., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1977. Reproducibility of hybrid index scores. Condor 79:497-498. 3. Barrowclough, G.F. 1978. Sampling bias in dispersal studies based on finite area. Bird-Banding 49:333-341. 4. Barrowclough, G.F., and K.W. Corbin. 1978. Genetic variation and differentiation in the Parulidae. Auk 95:691-702. 5. Sibley, F.C., G.F. Barrowclough, and C.G. Sibley. 1980. Notes on the birds of Honduras. Wilson Bulletin 92:125-126. 6. Barrowclough, G.F. 1980. Gene flow, effective population sizes, and genetic variance components in birds. Evolution 34:789-798. 7. Barrowclough, G.F. 1980. Genetic and phenotypic differentiation in a wood warbler (genus Dendroica) hybrid zone. Auk 97:655-668. 8. Barrowclough, G.F., and F.C. Sibley. 1980. Feather pigmentation and abrasion: test of a hypothesis. Auk 97:881-883. 9. Barrowclough, G.F., K.W. Corbin, and R.M. Zink. 1981. Genetic differentiation in the Procellariiformes. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology 69B:629-632. 10. Barrowclough, G.F. 1981. Mammalian population genetics: Progress report on a worldview in transition. [Review of] Mammalian Population Genetics, edited by M.H. Smith and J. Joule. Evolution 35:1255-1256. 11. Barrowclough, G.F. 1982. Geographic variation, predictiveness, and subspecies. Auk 99:601-603. 12. Barrowclough, G.F. 1982. [Review of] Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process, by N. Eldredge and J. Cracraft. Journal of Field Ornithology 53:302-303. 13. Barrowclough, G.F. 1982. [Review of] A Primer of Population Genetics, by D.L. Hartl. Auk 99:814-815. 14. Barrowclough, G.F. 1983. [Review of] Perspectives on Evolution, edited by R. Milkman. Quarterly Review of Biology 58:247-248.

15. Barrowclough, G.F. 1983. Biochemical studies of microevolutionary processes. Pp. 223261, in A.H. Brush and G.A. Clark, Jr. (eds.), Perspectives in Ornithology. Cambridge University Press, New York. 16. Barrowclough, G.F. 1983. Dark-eyed Junco; Yellow-eyed Junco. Pp. 272-275, in J. Farrand, Jr. (ed.). Audubon Society Master Guide to Birding, Vol. 3. Knopf, New York. 17. Zink, R.M., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1984. Allozymes and song dialects: A reassessment. Evolution 38:444-448. 18. Barrowclough, G.F. 1984. [Review of] Evolution and Development, edited by J.T. Bonner. Auk 101:207-208. 19. Barrowclough, G.F., and G.F. Shields. 1984. Karyotypic evolution and long-term effective population sizes of birds. Auk 101:99-102. 20. Barrowclough, G.F. 1984. [Review of] Species Limits in the Indigobirds (Ploceidae, Vidua) of West Africa: Mouth Mimicry, Song Mimicry, and Description of New Species, by R.B. Payne. Journal of Field Ornithology 55:136-137. 21. Barrowclough, G.F. 1984. [Review of] Coevolution, edited by D.J. Futuyma and M. Slatkin. Systematic Zoology 33:250-251. 22. Johnson, N.K., R.M. Zink, G.F. Barrowclough, and J.A. Marten. 1984. Suggested techniques for modern avian systematics. Wilson Bulletin 96:543-560. 23. Barrowclough, G.F., and J. Cracraft. 1984. [Review of] Check-list of North American birds. Sixth edition, by Committee on the Classification and Nomenclature of the American Ornithologists Union. Auk 101:628-632. 24. Barrowclough, G.F., N.K. Johnson, and R.M. Zink. 1985. On the nature of genic variation in birds. Current Ornithology 2:135-154. 25. Barrowclough, G.F. 1985. Museum collections and molecular systematics. Pp. 43-54, in E.H. Miller. (ed.), Museum Collections: Their Roles and Future in Biological Research. British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria. 26. Barrowclough, G.F., and S.L. Coats. 1985. The demography and population genetics of owls, with special reference to the conservation of the spotted owl, (Strix occidentalis). Pp. 74-85, in R.J. Gutiérrez and A.B. Carey, (eds.), Ecology and Management of the Spotted Owl in the Pacific Northwest. General Technical Report PNW-185. U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Portland, OR. 27. Dickerman, R.W., G.F. Barrowclough, P.F. Cannell, W.H. Phelps, Jr., and D.E. Willard. 1986. Philydor hylobius Wetmore and Phelps is a synonym of Automolus roraimae Hellmayr. Auk 103:431-432.

28. Barrowclough, G.F. 1987. [Review of] Birds: A Guide to the Literature, by M.A. Miller. Recent Publications in Natural History 5:2-3. 29. Rockwell, R.F., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1987. Gene flow and the genetic structure of populations. Pp. 223-255, in F. Cooke and P.A. Buckley, (eds.), Avian Genetics. Academic Press, London. 30. Lande, R., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1987. Effective population size, genetic variation, and their use in population management. Pp. 87-123, in M.E. Soulé (ed.), Viable Populations for Conservation. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. 31. Barrowclough, G.F. 1988. [Review of] Patterns and Evolutionary Significance of Geographic Variation in the Schistacea Group of the Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca), by R.M. Zink. Wilson Bulletin 100:167-169. 32. Cole, C.J., H.C. Dessauer, and G.F. Barrowclough. 1988. Hybrid origin of a unisexual species of whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus neomexicanus, in western North America: New evidence and a review. American Museum Novitates 2905:1-38. 33. Barrowclough, G.F. 1988. [Review of] Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches, by P.R. Grant. Condor 90:522-523. 34. Barrowclough, G.F., and A.J. Baker. 1988. [The genetic structure of avian populations] Introduction. Proceedings International Ornithological Congress 19:1628-1629. 35. Barrowclough, G.F., and N.K. Johnson. 1988. Genetic structure of North American birds. Proceedings International Ornithological Congress 19:1630-1638. 36. Barrowclough, G.F., and P. Escalante-Pliego. 1990. Notes on the birds of the Sierra de Unturán, southern Venezuela. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 110:167169. 37. Barrowclough, G.F., and R.J. Gutiérrez. 1990. Genetic variation and differentiation in the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis). Auk 107:737-744. 38. Barrowclough, G.F. 1991. [Review of] Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, by W.-H. Li and D. Graur. Auk 108:999. 39. Willard, D.E., M.S. Foster, G.F. Barrowclough, R.W. Dickerman, P.F. Cannell, S.L. Coats, J.L. Cracraft, and J.P. O'Neill. 1991. The birds of Cerro de la Neblina, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela. Fieldiana 65:1-80. 40. Baker, A.J., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1991. Introductory remarks: Patterns and processes of population differentiation in birds. Proceedings International Ornithological Congress 20:493-494.

41. Barrowclough, G.F. 1991. The description of geographic variation in bird populations. Proceedings International Ornithological Congress 20:495-503. 42. Barrowclough, G.F. 1992. [Review of] Speciation and Geographic Variation in Black-tailed Gnatcatchers, by J.L. Atwood. Condor 94:555-556. 43. Barrowclough, G.F. 1992. Systematics, biodiversity, and conservation biology. Pp. 121-143 in N. Eldredge (ed.), Systematics, Ecology and the Biodiversity Crisis. Columbia University Press, New York. 44. Barrowclough, G.F. 1992. Biochemical studies of the higher level systematics of birds. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 112A:39-52. 45. Barrowclough, G.F. 1992. [Review of] Avian Cytogenetics. Vol. 4: Chordata 3: B. Aves, by L. Christidis. Quarterly Review of Biology 67:365. 46. Barrowclough, G.F., and R.F. Rockwell. 1993. Variance of lifetime reproductive success: Estimation based on demographic data. American Naturalist 141:281-295. 47. Barrowclough, G.F. 1993. [Review of] Antarctic Birds, by D.F. Parmelee. Auk 110:664. 48. Barrowclough, G.F., P. Escalante-Pliego, R. Aveledo-Hostos, and L.A. Peréz-Chinchilla. 1995. An annotated list of the birds of the Cerro Tamacuarí region, Serranía de Tapirapecó, Federal Territory of Amazonas, Venezuela. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 115:211-219. 49. Rockwell, R.F., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1995. Effective population size and lifetime reproductive success. Conservation Biology 9:1225-1233. 50. Barrowclough, G.F. 1995. [Review of] Biotic Interactions and Global Change, by P.M. Kareiva, J.G. Kingsolver, and R.B. Huey. Auk 112:524. 51. Barrowclough, G.F., and N.R. Flesness. 1996. Species, subspecies, and races: The problem of units of management in conservation. Pp. 247-254 in D.G. Kleiman, M.E. Allen, K.V. Thompson, S. Lumpkin, and H. Harris (eds.), Wild Mammals in Captivity: Principles and Techniques. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. 52. Barrowclough, G.F., M. Lentino, and P.R. Sweet. 1997. New records of birds from Auyántepui, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 117:194-198. 53. Barrowclough, G.F. 1998. [Taxonomic] Remarks on Dark-eyed Junco. Pp. 533-535 in E. Levine (ed.), Bull's Birds of New York State. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York. 54. Lentino, M., L. Pérez, G. Barrowclough, and P. Sweet. 1998. Notas sobre las aves de la cima del Auyántepuy. Acta Terramaris 11:1-12.

55. Barrowclough, G.F., R.J. Gutiérrez, and J.G. Groth. 1999. Phylogeography of spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) populations based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: gene flow, genetic structure, and a novel biogeographic pattern. Evolution 53:919-931. 56. Groth, J.G., and G.F. Barrowclough. 1999. Basal divergences in birds and the phylogenetic utility of the nuclear RAG-1 gene. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 12:115-123. 57. Barrowclough, G.F., and J.G. Groth. 1999. Demographic inferences from coalescent patterns: mtDNA sequences from a population of Mexican Spotted Owls. Proceedings International Ornithological Congress 22:1914-1921. 58. Barrowclough, G.F. 2000. [Review of] Population Limitation in Birds, by I. Newton. Quarterly Review of Biology 75:204. 59. Zink, R.M., G.F. Barrowclough, J.L. Atwood, and R.C. Blackwell-Rago. 2000. Genetics, taxonomy, and conservation of the threatened California gnatcatcher. Conservation Biology 14:1394-1405. 60. Gutiérrez, R.J., G.F. Barrowclough, and J.G. Groth. 2000. A classification of the grouse (Aves: Tetraoninae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Wildlife Biology 6:205211. 61. Sweet, P.R., G.F. Barrowclough, J.T. Klicka, L. Montañez-Godoy, and P. Escalante-Pliego. 2001. Recolonization of the flicker and other notes from Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. Western Birds 32:71-80. 62. Marks, J.S., and G.F. Barrowclough. 2001. [Review of] Owls: A Guide to the Owls of the World, by C. König, F. Weick, and J.H. Becking. Auk 118:810-812. 63. Barker, F.K., G.F. Barrowclough, and J.G. Groth. 2002. A phylogenetic hypothesis for passerine birds: taxonomic and biogeographic implications of an analysis of nuclear DNA sequence data. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B 269:295-308. 64. Barrowclough, G.F. 2003. Angel Falls, Venezuela. Natural History 112(4A):56. 65. Paton, T.A., A.J. Baker, J.G. Groth, and G.F. Barrowclough. 2003. RAG-1 sequences resolve phylogenetic relationships within Charadriiform birds. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 29:268-278. 66. Barrowclough, G.F., and G. Hirons. 2003. Owls. Pp. 322-335 in C. Perrins (ed.), Firefly Encyclopedia of Birds. Firefly Books, Buffalo, NY. 67. Barrowclough, G.F., and R.M. Zink. 2004. [Obituary] Ned K. Johnson, 1932-2003. Ibis 146:567-568.

68. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, L.A. Mertz, and R.J. Gutiérrez. 2004. Phylogeographic structure, gene flow and species status in blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus). Molecular Ecology 13:1911-1922. 69. Griffiths, C.S., G.F. Barrowclough, J.G. Groth, and L. Mertz. 2004. Phylogeny of the Falconidae (Aves): a comparison of the efficacy of morphological, mitochondrial, and nuclear data. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 32:101-109. 70. Gutiérrez, R.J., and G.F. Barrowclough. 2005. Redefining the distributional boundaries of the Northern and California Spotted Owls: Implications for conservation. Condor 107:182-187. 71. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, L.A. Mertz, and R.J. Gutiérrez. 2005. Genetic structure, introgression, and a narrow hybrid zone between northern and California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis). Molecular Ecology 14:1109-1120. 72. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, and L.A. Mertz. 2006. The RAG-1 exon in the avian order Caprimulgiformes: phylogeny, heterozygosity, and base composition. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 41:238-248. 73. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, L.A. Mertz, and R.J. Gutiérrez. 2006. Genetic structure of Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) populations in a fragmented landscape. Auk 123:1090-1102. 74. Griffiths, C.S., G.F. Barrowclough, J.G. Groth, and L.A. Mertz. 2007. Phylogeny, diversity, and classification of the Accipitridae based on DNA sequences of the RAG-1 exon. Journal of Avian Biology 38:587-602. 75. Zink, R.M., and G.F. Barrowclough. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA under siege in avian phylogeography. Molecular Ecology 17:2107-2121. 76. Barrowclough, G.F., and R.M. Zink. 2009. Funds enough, and time: mtDNA, nuDNA, and the discovery of divergence. Molecular Ecology 18:2934-2936. 77. Barrowclough, G.F., R.J. Gutiérrez, J.G. Groth, J.E. Lai, and D. Rock. 2011. The hybrid zone between Northern and California Spotted Owls in the Cascade-Sierran suture zone. Condor 113:581-589. 78. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, K.J. Odom, and J.E. Lai. 2011. Phylogeography of the Barred Owl (Strix varia): species limits, multiple refugia, and range expansion. Auk 128:696-706. 79. Perktas, U., G.F. Barrowclough, and J.G. Groth. 2011. Phylogeography and species limits in the green woodpecker (Picus viridis) complex; Pleistocene refugia and range expansion across Europe and the Near East. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 104:710-723.

80. Barrowclough, G.F. 2012. Lorenz Oken and his magical numerology tour. Pp. 96-99, in T. Baione (ed.), Natural Histories: Extraordinary rare book selections from the American Museum of Natural History library. Sterling Publishing, New York. 81. Zink, R.M., J.G. Groth, H. Vázquez-Miranda, and G.F. Barrowclough. 2013. Phylogeography of the California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica) using multi-locus DNA sequences and ecological niche modeling: implications for conservation. Auk 130:449-458. 82. Barrowclough, G.F., J.G. Groth, J.E. Lai, and S.M. Tsang. 2014. The phylogenetic relationships of the endemic genera of Australo-Papuan hawks. Journal of Raptor Research [in press].