CURRICULUM VITAE - Massey University

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Convenor – New Zealand Microbiological Society Conference 2011. Professional ... Tang X., Flint S. H., Bennett R. J., Brooks J. D. (2010). The efficacy of ...
CURRICULUM VITAE Dr Steve Flint Full name: Stephen (Steve) Harry Flint Present position: Associate Professor Present employer: Massey University Present work address: Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North Academic qualifications: BSc (1977) NZIM Diploma (1979) MSc (1988) PhD (1998) Years as a practising researcher: 29 Honours/distinctions/membership of societies, institutions, committees: (include both academic and end-user involvement) 2004 – Chairman of the Organising Committee, New Zealand Microbiological Society Conference.

1997 - Winner of the Bronson and Jacobs Award for Excellence in Food Science and Technology - best paper presented at the conference. New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Conference, Napier. Vice-President, New Zealand Microbiological Society. Member New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology Member International Association for Food Protection Convenor – New Zealand Microbiological Society Conference 2011 Professional positions held: (years, position, institution, activity) March 1977 to February 1988, Scientific Research Officer, with Coopers Animal Health NZ Ltd. Upper Hutt. Veterinary Pharmceutical Development. (Note – includes study leave for MSc). March 1988 to June 1994, Research Officer, Starters and Microbiology Section, New Zealand Dairy Research Institute, Palmerston North. Microbiological problem solving and development of new methods for detecting and enumerating microorganisms in dairy products. June 1994 to December 2007 Senior Research Technologist, Process Improvement, Fonterra, Palmerston North. Studies in understanding biofilm development in dairy processing plants, developing control strategies for reducing biofilm growth, molecular characterisation of thermophilic bacteria and evaluating rapid methods for detecting and enumerating microorganisms in foods. January 2008 to present Associate Professor in Food Microbiology specialising in biofilm research, rapid analytical methods and novel preservation technologies. Present research/professional speciality: Rapid Microbiological Methods, Biofilms.

Number of refereed publications: 68 Number of patents: Nil Number of significant publications not included in the above: 77 Major publications (in the last five years). Naila, A., Flint, S., Fletcher, G., Bremer, P. Meerdink, G. (2011) Chemistry and microbiology of traditional Rihaakuru (fish paste) from the Maldives. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 62, 139-147. Fernando, B., Flint, S., Zou, M., Brennan, C., Ranaweera, K., Bamunuarachchi, A. (2011) The effect of rice fibre fractions on teh growth of co-cultures of probiotics. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48, 14-25. Seale, B., Flint, S., McQuillan, A., Bremer, P. (2010). Effect of NaOH (caustic wash) on the viaility, surface characteristics and adhesion of spores of a Geobacillus sp. Isolated from a milk powder production line. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 52, 104-108. Seale R. B., Bremer P. J., Flint S. H., McQuillan A. J. (2010). Characterisation of thermophilic bacterial spore surfaces from pH dependence of zeta potentials and infrared spectra. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109, 1339-1348. Khan H., Yu P. L., Flint, S. H. (2010). Enterocins in food preservation International Journal of Food Microbiology, 141, 1-10 Fernando W. M. A. D. B., Flint S. H., Brennan C. S., Ranawera K. K. D. S. & Bamunuarachchi A. (2010). Enancement of SCFA (Short Chain Faty Acid) formation by pure cultures of probiotics on rice fibre. Internatinoal Journal of Food Science and Technology Microbiology. 45, 690-696. Tang X., Flint S. H., Bennett R. J., Brooks J. D. (2010). The efficacy of different cleaners and sanitisers in cleaning biofilms on UF membranes used in the dairy industry. Journal of Membrane Science 352, 71-75. Aishath N., Flint S., Fletcher G., Bremer P. & Meerdink. G. (2010). Control of biogenic amines in food-traditional and Emerging approaches. Journal of Food Science, 75, 139-149. Flint S. H., Stewart T. (2010). Food Microbiology – Design and Testing of a virtual laboratory exercise. Journal of Food Science Education, 9, 84-89. Adam K. H., Flint S. H., Brightwell G. (2010). Pack blowing Clostridia: from spore to spoiler of vacuum-packaged chilled meats. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 45, 1539-1544. Palmer J., Flint S. H. & Brooks J. D. (2010). The role of surface charge and hydrophobicity in the attachment of Anoxybacillus flavithermus isolated from milk powder. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 37, 1111-1119. Khan H., Flint S., Yu Pak-Lam (2010). Enterococci and enterocins: Safe and natural food preservatives. Food Engineering and Ingredients, 35, 13-16.

Teh K. H., Flint S., French N. (2010). Biofilm formation by Campylobacter jejuni in controlled mixed-microbial populations. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 143, 118-124. Palmer, J. Flint, S (2009) Factors affecting bacteria attachment to surfaces.SIFST Annual, 2009, 47-52. Tang, X, Flint, S. H., Bennett, R. J., Brooks, J. D., Morton, R. H. (2009) Biofilm growth of individual and dual strains of Klebsiella oxytoca from the dairy industry on ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 36, 1491-1469. Bremer, P., Seal, B., Flint, S. Palmer, J. (2009) Biofilms in dairy processing.IN Biofims in the food and beverage industries, 396-481, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK. Burgess, S.A., Brooks, J. D., Rakonjac, J., Walker, K. M., & Flint, S. H. (2009) The formation of spores in biofilms of Anoxybacillus flavithermus. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107, 1012-1018. Lindsay, D & Flint, S. (2009). Biofilm formation by spore-forming bacteria in food processing environments. . IN Biofims in the food and beverage industries, 27, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK. 270-299

Tang, X., Flint, S. H., Brooks, J. D. Bennett, R. J. (2009) Factors affecting the attachment of micro-organisms isolated from ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis plants from dairy processing plants. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107, 443-451. Flint, S. H. (2009) Shining light on food. New Zealnd Science Teacher, 122, 21-23. Brooks, J. D. & Flint S. H. (2008) Biofilms in the food industry: problems and potential solutions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 43, 21632176. Brooks, J. D. & Flint S. H. (2008) Biofilms in the food industry: problems and potential solutions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 43, 21632176. Seale, R. B., Flint, S. H., McQuillan, A. J. & Bremer, P. J. (2008) Recovery of spores from thermophilic dairy bacilli and the effects of their surface characteristics on attachment to different surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, 731-737. Palmer, J. S. Flint, S. H. & Brooks, J. D. (2007) Bacterial Cell Attachment, the Beginning of a Biofilm. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34, 557-588.

Flint, S. Walker, K., Waters, B & Crawford R. (2007) Description and validation of a rapid (1h) flow cytometry test for enumerating thermophilic bacteria in milk powders. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 102, 909-915. Scott S. A, Brooks, J. D., Rackonjac, J., Walker, K.M. R., Flint S. H. (2007) The formation of thermophilic spores during the manufacture of whole milk powder. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 60, 109-117. Flint, S. H., Drocourt, J-L, Walker, K. M., Dwyer, M. T., Achter, R. N. (2006). Development and evaluation of a protocol for the rapid enumeration of total bacteria in milk powder. International Dairy Journal, 16, 379-384.