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A method for the isolation and cultivation of porcine hepatocytes and porcine duodenal enterocytes for the investigation of drug oxidation reactions has been ...
x e n o b io t ic a

, 2000, v o l . 30, n o . 1, 27± 46

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity and protein expression in primary porcine enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures T. HANSEN‹ , J. BORLAK‹ * and A. BADERŒ ‹ Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Department of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics, Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1, D-30659 Hannover, Germany Œ Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Arti® cial Organs, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany

Received 23 May 1999 1. A method for the isolation and cultivation of porcine hepatocytes and porcine duodenal enterocytes for the investigation of drug oxidation reactions has been established. 2. Hepatocytes as well as enterocytes metabolized ethoxyresoru® n (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin (ECOD) eå ectively, the rate being 316 17 pmol} h[ dish (EROD) and 95306 4062 pmol} h[ dish (ECOD) in the case of hepatocytes, and 96 4 pmol} h[ dish (EROD) and 5106 467 pmol} h[ dish (ECOD) in the case of enterocytes. Diazepam, another CYP monooxygenase substrate, was also metabolized by porcine hepatocytes but not with porcine enterocytes,thus indicating diå erences in the metabolic competence of the liver and the gut. 3. The ability to induce enzymes responsible for the metabolism of ethoxyresoru® n and ethoxycoumarin was investigated in vitro on treatment of the cell cultures with either 50 l m 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) or 50 l m b -naphtho¯ avone (b -NF). With enterocyte cultures, ECOD activity was inducible up to 20-fold, whereas EROD remained unchanged following treatment with either 3-MC or b -NF. 4. Western blotting provided additional evidence for the expression of CYP1A1 and CYP3A4 at the protein level and treatment of cultured enterocyteswith 30 l m Aroclor 1254 or 50 l m b -NF resulted in enhanced expression of the CYP1A protein, and CYP3A4 protein expression was induced following treatment with 50 l m DEX, 2 mm PB, 30 l m Aroclor 1254 or 50 l m b -NF. 5. The metabolism of diazepam was also investigated with baculovirus-expressed human CYP enzymes (2C8, 2C9-ARG, 2C9-CYS, 2C19, 3A4, 3A4 1 cytochrome b and & 3A5) and evidence was obtained to suggest the formation of temazepam and oxazepam by enzymes of the CYP3A subfamily. Small amounts (326 12 ng} ml) of desmethyldiazepam were additionally recovered in microsomal preparations of all CYP-transfected cell lines. 6. In conclusion, porcine duodenal enterocytes can successfully be cultured for a short period and may be used as a tool for studying intestinal metabolism, whereas porcine hepatocytes can be cultured for prolonged periods (" 10 days) reliably to investigate hepatic drug oxidation reactions.

Introduction Studies with dog, rat and mouse are common when assessing the biotransformation of new drug candidates at early stages of drug development (Humphrey and Smith 1992) but due to large interspecies variations in the expression of drugmetabolizing enzymes (Caldwell 1992) extrapolation of animal data to humans is often problematical. The biotransformation pathways of new chemical entities (NCE) can, however, be predicted in vitro, which enables rational species selections * Author for correspondence; e-mail : Borlak!

Xenobiotica ISSN 0049± 8254 print} ISSN 1366± 5928 online ’ 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd http:} }} journals} tf } 00498254.html


T. Hansen et al.

for toxicity studies (most human-like tox species) and a better planning of clinical trials at the preclinical stage of drug development. In vitro systems also enable the identi® cation of major metabolites when used as ` bioreactors’ and permit an assessment of the enzymes responsible for the metabolic clearance of drugs (Rodrigues 1994, Parkinson 1996). This information enables, in a cost-eå ective manner, an intelligent planning of clinical studies with reduced risk for adverse drug reactions due to idiosyncratic metabolic pathways or the formation of toxic metabolites (Tucker 1992, Wrighton et al. 1995). The potential for drug± drug interactions can reliably be studied in vitro and this information is of paramount importance for drug safety as shown by the recent and voluntary withdrawal of the cardiovascular drug posicor due to unexpected drug± drug interactions (SoRelle 1998). Pig exhibits many similarities with man in cardiovascular anatomy and physiology and in digestive physiology. Because of these similarities pigs become increasingly attractive as toxicological models and oå er several advantages compared with other non-rodent species, the non-human primate and dog. There are now eå orts to replace companion animals such as the dog in toxicity testing. Therefore, the pig appears to be a suitable substitute particularly with respect to drug metabolism and hepatic toxicity of new chemical entities (Olsen et al. 1997, Skaanild and Friis 1998, Witkamp and Monshouwer 1998). As the biotransformation of drugs is not restricted to the liver other tissues may signi® cantly contribute to the overall metabolism of foreign chemicals (Kolars et al. 1991, Krishna and Klotz 1994). Indeed, to be absorbed, drugs and xenobiotics have to cross the mucus gel layer, the intestinal epithelial cells, the lamina propria and the endothelium of the blood or lymphatic capillaries respectively. The epithelial cells are the main component of this barrier. While passing the epithelial barrier, xenobiotics are subjected to intestinal metabolism including the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system (Gan et al. 1996). CYPs are expressed in the intestinal epithelium with highest concentrations in the duodenum but less so towards the distal end of the gut (Kaminsky and Fasco 1991). The most abundant CYP isoenzyme in the human intestinal tract is CYP3A4 (Kolars et al. 1994). The expression of the CYP3A gene family in human intestinal tissue has also been investigated using in situ hybridization techniques (McKinnon et al. 1995) and RT-PCR (Kivisto$ et al. 1996). Drugs that are substrates for the intestinal CYP3A4 have a low and often interindividual variable bioavailability because of ® rst-pass metabolism in the intestinal mucosa. Examples for intestinal ® rst-pass include the immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporin (Wu et al. 1995) and tacrolimus (Lampen et al. 1996), the CNS-drug midazolam (Thummel et al. 1996) and the HIV protease inhibitor saquinavir (Fitzsimmons and Collins 1997). Although needed, primary cell cultures for the study of intestinal biotransformation are diæ cult to obtain presumably due to the complex control of intestinal cell proliferation and diå erentiation (Adams and Watt 1993) and the short life span in vivo of enterocytes. Intestinal epithelial cells are renewed every 2± 3 days in rodents (Cairne et al. 1965, Gordon 1989) and about every 5± 6 days in humans (Lipkin 1973). The overall production of enterocytes in humans is very impressive indeed and may be as much as 8 tons over an entire life span. Therefore, the short life span of intestinal epithelial cells may be a prohibitive factor for long-term culture of enterocytes. Interestingly, Perreault and Beaulieu (1998) isolated epithelial cells from foetal small intestine using a non-enzymatic dissociation

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures


method and the cultures were con¯ uent monolayers and retained expression of brush border enzymes as well as morphologic characteristics of diå erentiated enterocytes, such as tight junctions, zonula adherens and desmosomal components. On the other hand, when adult human enterocytes are isolated, a rapid loss of viability and diå erentiation can be observed, as reported by Gibson et al. (1989), who isolated human colonic crypts from resected mucosa or biopsy specimens. Cells maintained structural and functional integrity only for 16 h, as assessed by electron microscopy and $ H-thymidine uptake. Moreover, Stra$ ter et al. (1996) investigated the eå ect of collagenase tissue digest on human colonic crypt cells and found a rapid disintegration shortly after isolation, e.g. 4 h. The rapid loss of cellular integrity and the formation of amorphous cell clusters 4 h following isolation was caused by epithelial cells undergoing apoptosis, as judged by DNA-fragment labelling. According to Stra$ ter et al. (1996), survival of epithelial cells depends on b -integrin" collagen type I interaction, which is destroyed by detachment of cells during the isolation procedure. This ® nding suggests that the extracellular matrix might play a crucial role in the regulation of enterocyte diå erentiation. Using rodent intestinal tissue, diå erentiated enterocytes can successfully be isolated and cultured from foetal (Hahn et al. 1990) or suckling (Hahn et al. 1987, Evans et al. 1992) animals, but the isolation and culture of primary porcine epithelial cells has not been investigated as yet. Since the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes is diå erentially regulated during ontogenesis, a culture model for adult primary enterocytes could be of value to investigate intestinal drug biotransformation. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to develop a system for porcine enterocyte cultures to study intestinal biotransformation of drugs and to compare the metabolic competence of enterocytes to that of cultured hepatocytes and to that of individual human CYP isoforms, which are studied in a heterologous expression system. Since cell cultures of primary small intestinal enterocytes are not routinely available, a new method for the isolation and cultivation of enterocytes had to be developed. Ethoxyresoru® n, ethoxycoumarin and diazepam were used as marker substrates of CYP monooxygenases and the eå ects of treatment with 3-MC, b -NF, dexamethasone, phenobarbital or Aroclor 1254 (a mixture of PCBs) were also investigated to obtain a more comprehensive view for the potential of monooxygenase enzyme induction in culture.

Material and methods Isolation and culture of porcine enterocytes Small intestinal tissue was from healthy young female German landrace pigs weighing 1506 20 kg. A30 cm segment of duodenum was swiftly removed and transported to the laboratory within 20 min in icecold PBS. The intestinal tube was rinsed gently with ice-cold phosphate-buå ered saline (PBS) to remove any remnants of excreta. The intestinal segment was ® lled with prewarmed (37 ÊC) PBS containing 0.05 % (w} v) 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT), closed with clips and submerged in PBS 37 ÊC for 10 min. During the incubation the intestinal segment was manually kneaded several times. The incubation solution was discharged and the intestinal tube was ¯ ushed with PBS (37 ÊC). Subsequently the intestinal segment was ® lled with incubation buå er containing 0.05 % (w} v) pronase and 0.075 % collagenase H (w} v) (both Boehringer Mannheim) in the same manner. Incubation buå er consisted of 0.07 g} l NaH PO 3 2 H O, 0.18 g} l Na HPO 3 2 H O, 4.09 g} l NaCl, 0.37 g} l KCl, 1.7 g} l NaHCO , 11.9 g} l # % # # % # $ Hepes, 2.9 g} l CaCl 3 2 H O, 6.1 g} l MgCl 3 6 H O and 2 g} l glucose. The incubation solution was # # # # collected in a precooled beaker and the intestinal tube was rinsed gently with ice-cold incubation buå er containing 0.2 % (w} v) bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemie GmbH, Deisenhofen, Germany). The resulting cell suspension was centrifuged at 170 g and 4 ÊC for 5 min. After removal of the supernatant the pellet was resuspended in buå er III. The washing procedure was repeated three times. The resulting


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cell pellet was resuspended in William’ s E medium without phenol red (Cytogen, Berlin, Germany). The total yield of cells ranged from 4 to 8 3 10( . Viability of freshly isolated cells ranged between 90 and 98 % as assessed by the trypan blue exclusion test. Immunohistochemistry The eæ ciency of each of the cell isolations was assessed by histologic examination of the duodenum. Cryosections of the duodenum were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and examined by light microscopy. For immunohistochemistry, cytospots were prepared from enterocyte cultures and immediately frozen at 2 80 ÊC. Immunoperoxydase staining was done using the avidin± biotin± peroxydase method. Monoclonal anti human cytokeratin peptide 18 (CY-90) was from Sigma. Cytospots of human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells were used as positive controls. Marker enzyme assay for enterocytes Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity was measured from cell homogenates using a colorimetric kit (Sigma) with p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate. Protein concentrations of the cell homogenates were determined according to the method of Smith et al. (1985). Levamisole (100 l m ) was added to the incubation mixture to con® rm that the detected AP activities were of intestinal origin. There are three distinct forms of alkaline phosphatases in mammalian tissues: placental, intestinal and liver} bone} kidney, which are distinguished by diå erences in molecular weight, heat stability and sensitivity to inhibitors (Suzuki et al. 1994). Suzuki et al. reported that the AP activity from placenta and kidney was inhibited by levamisole with a Ki . 5 10± 12 l m whereas the activity of the intestinal AP was not aå ected by ! & levamisole until the concentration was increased to 240 l m levamisole. Isolation of porcine hepatocytes For isolation of porcine hepatocytes, female German landrace pigs weighing 20± 30 kg were used. Following in situ perfusion with Kreb’ s± Ringer buå er (KRB) (4 ÊC) via the portal vein, the liver was removed and immediately dissected into pieces. Single liver lobes were then transportedto the laboratory in ice-cold KRB. Blood vessels visible on the cut surface were cannulated and the liver specimen was perfused with 200 ml buå er I containing 8.3 g} l NaCl, 0.5 g} l KCl, 2.4 g} l HEPES and 0.19 g} l EGTA at pH 7.4 and 37 ÊC. This was followed by perfusion with 200 ml buå er II at pH 7.4 and 37 ÊC. Buå er II consisted of 8.3 g} l NaCl, 0.5 g} l KCl and 2.4 g} l HEPES. Thereafter collagenase perfusion was done with 200 ml buå er III containing 100 l g collagenase type IV, 3.9 g} l NaCl, 0.5 g} l KCl, 2.4 g} l HEPES and 0.7 g} l CaCl [ 2 H O at 37 ÊC. The collagenase perfusate was recirculated. Flow rates ranged # # between 20 and 50 ml according to the size of the specimen. Following perfusion, the liver capsule was carefully removed and the dissolved cells were liberated by gentle shaking of the liver specimen in icecold buå er IV. Buå er IV contained 9.91 g} l Hanks’ buå ered salt solution without calcium and magnesium, 2.4 g} l HEPES and 2.0 g} l bovine serum albumin. The resulting cell suspension was ® ltered through a nylon mesh with 100 l m pore size and washed three times with buå er IV at 4 ÊC. Viability of the hepatocytes ranged between 90 and 99 % as assessed by trypan blue exclusion. About 3 3 10* cells were isolated from liver resection material. Cell culture Primary porcine enterocytes and hepatocytes were cultivated in William’ s E medium without phenol red supplemented with 5 % (v} v) foetal bovine serum, prednisolone 9.6 l g} ml, glucagon 0.014 l g} ml (Novo, Mainz, Germany) insulin 0.16 U} ml (Hoechst, Frankfurt, Germany), penicillin 200 U} ml and streptomycin 200 l g} ml (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany). Enterocytes were seeded at 2 3 10’ cells per 60mm dish. In suspension culture enterocytes spontaneously formed spheroidal aggregates. Porcine hepatocytes were enclosed within two layers of collagen. Rat tail collagen type I was prepared according to the method of Elsdale and Bard (1972). Of collagen solution containing 1.1 mg } ml collagen, 1 ml was used for coating a 60-mm Petri dish. The pH of the collagen was adjusted to 7.4 using a 10 3 DMEM (Dulbecco’ s modi® ed eagle medium) concentrate (Biochrom). Thirty minutes after coating the dishes, 2 3 10’ hepatocytes per dish were seeded. At four h following seeding and attachment of the cells, culture medium was removed along with non-adherent cells. After 48 h in culture, the medium was aspirated and a second layer of collagen was pipetted on top of the cells. After gelation of this second layer, culture medium was added. Culture medium (2 ml) was changed daily. Albumin assay ELISA as described (Dunn et al. 1992) determined albumin production by porcine hepatocytes. The 96-well plates were coated with 5 l g pig albumin overnight at 4 ÊC and pH 9.6. The wells were washed three times with PBS-Tween (PBS containing 0.5 % v} v, Tween 20). Of the sample (cell culture supernatant), 50 l l was mixed with equal volume of antibody and incubated overnight at 4 ÊC. The wells

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures


were washed three times with PBS-Tween and were then developed with 3,3´,5,5´-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) for 7 min. The presence of bound antibodies was detected by the conversion of TMB by the conjugated horseradish peroxidase. The reaction was stopped with 8 N sulphuric acid and the absorbance was subsequently measured at 490 nm with a Dynatech MR600 microplate reader. A standard curve was generated for each ELISA plate using puri® ed pig albumin as standard. Treatment of cultures The experiments started 4 h following seeding. The inducibility of CYP activities in enterocyte cultures was studied by addition of 50 l m 3-MC, 50 l m b -NF, 50 l m dexamethasone, 2 mm phenobarbital or 30 l m Aroclor 1254 to the cell cultures 4 h following seeding. With porcine hepatocyte cultures, experiments were started at day 4 in culture, since matrix overlaid hepatocytes are known to maintain expression of CYP enzymes for up to 14 days (Kern et al. 1997). EROD and ECOD activities were determined after 24- or 48-h treatment. All substrates and inducing agents were dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and diluted to the working concentration with culture medium. The ® nal concentration of DMSO never exceeded 0.5 %. Enzyme assays Unless otherwise stated, all enzyme reactions were measured within the linear range of the assay. 7-Ethoxyresoru® n O-deethylation (EROD) assay 7-Ethoxyresoru® n (Sigma) was added to the cell cultures at a concentration of 2.4 l m . Dicumarol (10 l m ) was added to the culture medium to prevent biotransformation of resoru® n by cytosolic diaphorase (Nims et al. 1984). The kinetics of 7-ethoxyresoru® n O-deethylation over 24 h was studied by adding 7-ethoxyresoru® n to cell cultures for 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 h. The incubations were stopped by removal and immediate freezing of the cell culture supernatant at ± 20 ÊC. Formation of resoru® n was measured using a Perkin± Elmer ¯ uorimeter with an excitation wavelength of 530 nm and an emission wavelength of 585 nm. Fluorescences were converted to pmol with a calibration curve of resoru® n ¯ uorescence. 7-Ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation (ECOD) assay To study the time dependence of 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation over 24 h, 7-ethoxycoumarin (Sigma) was added to the cells for 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 h using a substrate concentration of 130 l m . At each time point cell culture supernatants were frozen at ± 20 ÊC. Formation of 7-hydroxycoumarin was quantitated based on the published procedures using a ¯ uorimeter with an excitation wavelength of 380 nm and an emission wavelength of 460 nm. The ¯ uorimeter was calibrated using 7-hydroxycoumarin (Sigma) standards. Metabolism of diazepam Diazepam was added to the cell culture medium for 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 h. A stock solution of diazepam was prepared in DMSO. The ® nal concentration of diazepam used in the experiments was 35 l m . Samples were stored at 2 20 ÊC and analysed by HPLC. Midazolam was used as an internal standard for the quanti® cation of diazepam and metabolites in the HPLC assay. Midazolam (1 l g) was added to 1 ml cell culture supernatant and the sample was subsequently alkalized using 20 l l 4 m NaOH. Following addition of 100 l l isopropanol the samples were extracted with 5 ml ethylacetate by gentle shaking for 30 min. The recovery was 99.46 0.2% (n 5 3). Extracts were evaporated to dryness and the residues were dissolved in 120 l l mobile phase (acetonitril } methanol} triethylamine, 40} 10} 50 v} v} v) and 80 l l of the samples were injected in the HPLC system (Merck± Hitachi). The mobile phase was delivered at 0.8 ml} min with a HPLC pump (type L-7100). The 80-l l sample aliquots were applied to a C18-HD column (Nucleosil, 250 3 4 mm, particle size 5 l m, Macherey± Nagel) using an autosampler type L7200. Metabolites were detected by UV-absorption at 236 nm with L-7450 UV-detector. Diazepam biotransformation studies with human supersomes Recombinantly expressed human cytochrome P450 proteins were from Gentest corporation (Woburn, MA, USA). CYP proteins were expressed in an insect cell line using the baculovirus vector BTI-TN-5B1± 4. Microsomal preparations from insect cells expressing human CYP2C8, CYP2C9CYS144 mutant, 2C9-ARG144 mutant, CYP2C19, CYP3A4, CYP3A4 with cytochrome b and & CYP3A5 were used in this study. All preparations contained NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. Microsome preparations from wild-type cells were used as controls (Gentest). Microsomes were incubated with 100 l m diazepam and 1 mm NADPH for 30 min at 37 ÊC according to the manufacturer’ s recommendation. P450 protein (50 pmol) was used for each individual assay.


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Figure 1. Cryosections of the duodenum stained with H&E before (a) and after (b) enterocyte isolation where intestinal epithelial cells are completely removed following collagenase digestion. Western blot experiments Western blotting techniques studied induction of individual CYP isozymes in control and treated cell cultures. For detailed description see Borlak et al. (1996). Before the preparation of microsomes the culture medium was removed and the cell cultures washed with PBS. Enterocytes in suspension culture were separated from the culture medium by centrifugation at 170 g. Microsomes were isolated by diå erential centrifugation according to Guengerich (1982). Protein concentrations of the microsomal suspension were determined by the method of Smith et al. (1985) with bicinchoninic acid using bovine serum albumin as standard. The protein loading for each gel was adjusted to 10 or 5 l g total protein respectively.

Results Enterocyte isolation and culture Light microscopic examination of the duodenum following collagenasedigestion provided evidence for villus-enterocytes to be completely removed from the intestine (® gure 1). Viability of freshly isolated enterocytes ranged between 90 and 98 % as estimated by trypan blue exclusion. The viability of cultured porcine

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures


Figure 2. Viability of cultured porcine enterocytes. Viability was assessed by trypan blue exclusion (n 5 6). An exponential regression function (86e± ! , ! " x ) was ® tted (determined with Microsoft Excel 5.0). Table 1.

Alkaline phosphatase activities in cultured porcine enterocytes. Days in culture 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8

nmol} min[ mg protein 3946 4886 5066 3736 4086 4236 4356 4896

97 212 241 60 90 91 83 179

AP activity was measured from cell homogenates using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate. Protein concentrations of the cell homogenates were determined according to Smith et al. (1985). Levamisole (100 l m ) was added to the incubation mixture. Data are the mean6 SD of six determinations.

enterocytes declined rapidly as shown in ® gure 2. During the ® rst 4 h in culture, the percentage of viable enterocytes decreased from 946 3 to 776 6 %. Following 24 h in culture, 756 6 % remained viable. In 48-h cultures of porcine enterocytes, 576 3 % excluded trypan blue and a further decline to 506 3 % was observed after 72 h in culture. Alkaline phosphatase activity is a marker of diå erentiated villus tip cells. Immediately after enterocyte isolation, alkaline phosphatase activities of cell homogenates were 349.26 97.1 nmol} mg protein min and the activity remained almost unchanged during 8 days in culture (table 1). Addition of 100 l m levamisole,


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Figure 3. Cytospin preparation of enterocytes following 24 h in culture. Immunohistochemical staining used a avidin± biotin± peroxidase method with the anti human cytokeratin peptide 18 antibody.

Figure 4.

Phase contrast micrograph of porcine hepatocytes at 96 h in culture.

an inhibitor of placental and bone} liver} kidney AP activities, to the incubation mixture con® rmed that the AP activities measured in enterocyte homogenates were not caused by contamination with other cell types expressing non-speci® c alkaline phosphatase. Immunohistochemical staining of the cytospots showed, that the majority of cells contained cytokeratin 18, con® rming the epithelial origin of the isolated cells (® gure 3). The speci® city of the cytokeratin 18 antibody used in the present study has been demonstrated previously (Levy et al. 1988). Cytokeratin 18 is found in a wide variety of simple and glandular epithelia, but is it not expressed in strati® ed squamous epithelia and in non-epithelial cells. Enterocytes did not adhere to the surface of the cell culture dish and therefore only suspension cultures could be prepared where the cells formed threedimensional aggregates. The size of cell aggregates increased with culture time.


albumin production (m g/h x dish)

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures

Figure 5. Albumin secretion by porcine hepatocytes in a collagen sandwich culture. Albumin was determined in the culture medium by ELISA. Results are mean6 SD of six dishes. Table 2.

Monooxygenase activities in cultured porcine hepatocytes and enterocytes.

EROD (free resoru® n) ECOD (free hydroxycoumarin)

Pig hepatocytes

Pig enterocytes

316 17 95306 4062

96 4 5106 467

Enzyme activities are expressed as pmol metabolite} h 3 culture dish (2 3 10’ cells). Metabolites were detected ¯ uorimetrically in the cell culture medium. Data are the mean6 SD of three determinations.

Staining of cell cultures with trypan blue and subsequent light microscopic examination con® rmed that enterocyte aggregates were viable (excluding trypan blue), whereas single cells took up the dye, indicating an increased membrane permeability and thus cell damage (data not shown).

Hepatocyte culture Immediately after seeding, pig hepatocytes were of rounded shape. Following 24 h in culture, the majority of the cells regained the normal polygonalcell shape and formed con¯ uent monolayers, which could be maintained for 14 days (® gure 4). The secretion of albumin (® gure 5) by cultured porcine hepatocytes increased during the ® rst days in culture reaching a maximum value at day 4 of culture. The albumin secretion declined thereafter by C 50% but remained stable from day 7 onwards, e.g. to day 11.

Monooxygenase activities with marker substrates Porcine cultured hepatocytes and enterocytes were able to metabolize ethoxyresoru® n as well as ethoxycoumarin albeit at diå erent levels and overall ECOD activities were considerably higher than those estimated for EROD (table 2). Furthermore, cultured hepatocytes had higher monooxygenase activities for both substrates, when compared with cultured enterocytes.


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Figure 6. Induction of ECOD activity in cultured duodenal enterocyte cultures following treatment with 50 l m b -naphto¯ avone or 50 l m 3-methylcholanthrene. Data are mean6 SD of four experiments.

Figure 7. Induction of EROD activity and ECOD activity in porcine hepatocyte cultures following treatment with 50 l m 3-methylcholanthrene for 48 h. Data are mean6 SD of four experiments.

Pretreatment of enterocyte cultures with b -NF or 3-MC The eå ects of 3-MC and b -NF treatment on ECOD activities in porcine enterocyte cultures are shown in ® gure 6. Treatment of enterocyte cultures with 50 l m 3-MC for 24 h led to an 8± 16-fold increase in the ECOD activity (® gure 6). Treatment of enterocyte cultures with 50 l m b -NF for 24 h did not alter the ECOD activity. Following 48 h of treatment with 3-MC or b -NF the ECOD activity increased 12± 20- and 3± 6-fold respectively (® gure 6). EROD activity was not altered in enterocyte cultures by treatment with either 3-MC or b -NF for 24 or 48 h. Pretreatment of hepatocyte cultures with b -NF or 3-MC The metabolism of ethoxyresoru® n and ethoxycoumarin was inducible by 3-MC in hepatocyte cultures (® gure 7) and treatment of hepatocyte cultures with 50 l m for 48 h produced a 1.5± 2-fold (EROD) and 4± 6-fold (ECOD) increase in activities. This compares with a 12± 20-fold induction seen with cultured enterocytes following treatment with 3-MC for 48 h.

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures


Figure 8. Time-dependent elimination of diazepam in hepatocyte cultures. Diazepam (35 l m ) was added to the cell culture medium. Determination of diazepam and metabolites was by HPLC. Data are the mean6 SD from three experiments.

Metabolism of diazepam by enterocytes and hepatocytes Cultured porcine enterocytes were unable to metabolize diazepam during a 24h experiment and its metabolism could not be induced in enterocyte cultures by either phenobarbital or dexamethasone treatment (data not shown). In contrast, porcine hepatocyte cultures metabolized diazepam extensively to temazepam, desmethyldiazepam and oxazepam, which are well known and clinically important metabolites of diazepam. The time-course of diazepam metabolism by porcine hepatocyte cultures is shown in ® gure 8. Following 24 h of incubation the total amount of diazepam was completely metabolized. Temazepam was by far the most rapidly generated metabolite. As shown in ® gure 9, the concentration of temazepam reached a maximum after 2 h of incubation and declined thereafter. The decrease in the temazepam concentration might be the result of additional metabolism, perhaps the formation of glucuronic acid conjugates. Phase II metabolites, however, could not be detected with the HPLC method used and validated in this study. Desmethyldiazepam formation by porcine hepatocytes was slower than temazepam formation and the desmethyldiazepam concentration was highest following 8 h of incubation (® gure 9). Typical HPLC-chromatograms showing baseline separation of the major metabolites of diazepam is given in ® gure 10a and b.

Diazepam metabolism by insect cell microsomes expressing human CYP enzymes Insect cell microsomes expressing human CYP monooxygenases were used to establish the relative contribution of individual isozymes toward the metabolism of diazepam. These ® ndings are then compared with those from porcine hepatocytes and enterocytes and with the ® ndings reported by other investigators. At a substrate concentration of 100 l m , hydroxylation of diazepam was the preferred metabolic pathway. Members of the CYP3A family exclusively generated


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Figure 9. Metabolism of diazepam in hepatocyte cultures with respect to time. Diazepam (35 l m ) was added to the cell culture medium. Determination of diazepam and metabolites was by HPLC. Data are the mean6 SD from three experiments.

Temazepam with highest activities in the preparations containing additionally cytochrome b& to CYP3A4 (table 3). Small amounts of desmethyldiazepam were detected in all microsomal preparations. Considerable amounts of desmethyldiazepam were produced by CYP3A4 only with the addition of cytochrome b& . Oxazepam was exclusively generated by CYP3A4 containing cytochrome b& . Protein expression of cytochrome P450 Porcine enterocytesÐ CYP1A protein expression. The expression of the CYP1A and the CYP3A protein was studied by Western blotting as detailed in the Material and methods. Considering the CYP1A protein expression (® gure 11, A), high levels were expressed in enterocytes immediately after isolation but only small amounts of the immunoreactive protein were seen in controls 24 h post-isolation. Thereafter the expression of this protein was below the limit of detection. When the cultures were treated with 30 l m Aroclor 1254, 50 l m b -NF, 2 mm phenobarbital or 50 l m dexamethasone, the following results were obtained. With Aroclor 1254, a substantial induction of the CYP1A protein was seen 48 h post-treatment and this induction declined thereafter (see 72 h value). No induction of this protein was seen in the 24 h treatment group. The pattern of induction of the CYP1A protein following treatment of enterocytes with b -NF was similar to that seen with Aroclor 1254 with maximum expression of the protein 48 h post-treatment. The enhanced expression declined thereafter and was highly signi® cantly reduced following 72 h of

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures




Figure 10. Metabolism of diazepam by porcine enterocyte cultures (a) and porcine hepatocyte cultures (b). Diazepam and its metabolites were quanti® ed by HPLC after incubation of cell cultures with 35 l m diazepam for 2 h. 1, Diazepam ; 2, midazolam (internal standard); 3, temazepam ; 4, desmethyldiazepam; 5, oxazepam.

treatment. In contrast to Aroclor 1254, dosing of enterocyte cultures with b -NF resulted in increased expression of the CYP1A protein 24 h post-treatment. It is noteworthy that treatment of enterocyte cultures with dexamethasone and phenobarbital also resulted in small increases in the expression of the CYP1A protein but the eå ect was not seen in the 72-h phenobarbital treatment group. Porcine enterocytesÐ CYP3A protein expression. The expression of the CYP3A protein was studied in enterocyte cultures in controls and in the presence of 50 l m dexamethasone, 2 mm phenobarbital, 30 l m Aroclor 1254 and 50 l m b -NF. Results


T. Hansen et al. Table 3. Diazepam metabolism with insect cell microsomes expressing human CYP enzymes.

Human CYP isoform 2C8 2C9 ARG 2C9 CYS 2C19 3A4 3A4b & 3A5 Control




n.d. n.d. n.d. 10.36 1.3 275.76 24.7 4376.36 1156.8 432.36 58.4 n.d.

36.36 10.3 31.76 10.9 36.06 2.8 48.36 13.6 30.06 0.8 431.06 105.0 9.06 0.8 n.d.

n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 106.36 38.4 n.d. n.d.

Microsomes were incubated with 100 l m diazepam, as detailed in the Materials and methods. Diazepam and metabolites were analysed by HPLC. The amounts of metabolites (temazepam, desmethyldiazepam, oxazepam) are ng} ml. Data are the mean6 SD of three experiments. n.d., Not detected.



Figure 11. Western blotting of porcine enterocyte microsomes. Microsomes (10 l g total protein) were prepared from porcine enterocyte cultures (as detailed in the Material and methods) and subjected to Western blot analysis. Blots were probed with polyclonal antibodies raised against CYP1A1 (A) and recombinant CYP3A4 (B) and then developed by ECL. Lanes 1, RB marker; 2, standard; 3, control (0 h) ; 4, control (24 h) ; 5, 50 l m dexamethasone treated (24 h) ; 6, 2 mm phenobarbital treated (24 h) ; 7, 30 l m Aroclor 1254 treated (24 h) ; 8, 50 l m b -naphtho¯ avone treated (24 h) ; 9, control (48 h) ; 10, 30 l m Aroclor 1254 treated (48 h) ; 11, 50 l m b -naphtho¯ avone treated (48 h) ; 12, control (72 h) ; 13, 2 mm phenobarbital treated (72 h) ; 14, 30 l m Aroclor 1254 treated (72 h) ; 15, 50 l m b -naphtho¯ avone treated (72 h).

are shown in ® gure 11 (B). In the controls, the CYP3A4 protein expression was similar between freshly isolated enterocytes and those cultured for 72 h. The expression appeared to decline during the 24- and the 48-h culture possibly as a result of the cell isolation procedure, which most certainly traumatized the cells, although cell recovery occurred thereafter. When compared with the appropriate control (24-h culture), treatment of enterocytes with dexamethasone, phenobarbital, Aroclor 1254 and b -NF resulted in enhanced expression of the CYP3A protein. b NF treatment resulted in the largest induction of CYP3A, a somewhat surprising result. A similar eå ect was seen when 48-h old enterocyte cultures were compared with Aroclor and b -NF treatment groups as these chemicals produced a highly signi® cant induction of this protein. This eå ect was not seen when enterocyte cultures were compared within the 72 h treatment, where the expression of CYP3A was almost identical among all experimental groups.

Cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in enterocyte and hepatocyte cultures


Figure 12. Western blotting of porcine hepatocyte microsomes. Microsomes (5 l g total protein) were prepared from porcine hepatocyte cultures (as detailed in the Material and methods) and subjected to Western blot analysis. Hepatocyte cultures were treated with either 30 l m Aroclor 1254, 2 mm phenobarbital or 50 l m 3-methylcholanthrene for 24 h. Blots were probed with a polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant CYP3A4 and then developed by ECL. Lanes 1, control (0 h) ; 2, control (24 h) ; 3, Aroclor 1254 treated; 4, phenobarbital treated; 5, 3-methylcholanthrene treated; 6, standard.

Porcine hepatocytesÐ CYP3A protein expression. For comparison, the expression of the CYP3A protein was also studied in control cultures and in hepatocyte cultures treated with 30 l m Aroclor 1254, 2 mm phenobarbital and 50 l m 3-MC (® gure 12). In the controls, expression of the CYP3A protein was strongest in freshly isolated cells but declined thereafter continuously being below the limit of detection in 72and 96-h cultures respectively. Treatment of sandwiched porcine hepatocytes with Aroclor 1254, phenobarbital and 3-MC resulted in a highly signi® cant induction of the CYP3A4 protein with Aroclor 1254 producing the greatest induction and phenobarbital and 3-MC being of similar extent. The induction of the CYP3A protein was not seen in hepatocyte cultures following 72 and 96 h of treatment with Aroclor 1254 and phenobarbital and the expression of this protein was close to the limit of detection upon treatment of porcine hepatocytes with 3-MC for 72 and 96 h. It is noteworthy to point out that 3-MC treatment produced a highly signi® cant induction of the CYP3A protein, which points to a complex regulation of the CYP3A gene that appears to be diå erent from its regulation in vivo.

Discussion The aim of the present study was to develop a cell isolation and cultivation protocol for porcine hepatocytes and porcine small intestinal enterocytes for the study of hepatic and intestinal xenobiotransformation. It has been shown that hepatocytes can be maintained in culture for 14 days while retaining their morphological integrity. In contrast, a rapid loss of cellular diå erentiation and cell viability was observed when enterocytes were cultured for prolonged periods ( " 24 h). Small intestinal epithelial cells have in vivo a normal life span of C 2± 6 days. During their life, intestinal epithelial cells migrate from the crypt to the villus tip and undergo diå erentiation. It is clear that mature primary enterocytes can not be maintained in culture for a prolonged period of time (" 4 days). Nevertheless, the results of the present study show that porcine duodenal enterocytes can successfully be used for drug metabolism studies and for enzyme-induction studies during a short-term cultivation. Indeed, the AP activities measured in homogenates of the cultured small intestinal cells and the lack of inhibition by levamisole con® rm that cultured cells were in fact mature enterocytes. The identi® cation of immunoreactive cytokeratin 18 protein provided further evidence for cultured cells to be of epithelial


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origin, since cytokeratins 8, 18 and 19 are good markers for intestinal epithelial cells (Franke et al. 1979). Porcine enterocytes also deethylated the CYP marker substrates ethoxyresoru® n and ethoxycoumarin and in the Western blotting experiments the expression of CYP1A and CYP3A protein was con® rmed. Therefore, enterocytes express CYP enzymes at the protein and catalytic level following isolation and cultivation in a extracellular matrix-free environment. In contrast, hepatocytes could be maintained in culture without any sign of deterioration for up to 14 days. The time-course of albumin synthesis (® gure 5) agrees well with the recovery of hepatocytes following isolation. Whether the decline in albumin synthesis after 4 days in culture correlates with a decline in CYP activities remains the subject of further investigations. EROD and ECOD activities measured in hepatocyte cultures were C 3.4-fold (EROD) or 20-fold (ECOD) higher respectively than those obtained with enterocyte cultures when compared on the basis of cell number. This diå erence in enzyme activity most certainly corresponds to the total P450 amount available in the dish, which is considerably higher in the liver than the gut on a weight basis. Induction and} or inhibition of intestinal CYP enzymes can be of signi® cant pharmacological and toxicological importance in drug therapy and can occur for instance via digestion of dietary constituents that are inducers} inhibitors of CYP enzymes (Bailey et al. 1994, Kupferschmidt et al. 1998). In the case of enzyme induction± enhanced expression of CYP proteins can occur in the mucosa and as the intestine is the ® rst metabolic site where orally ingested xenobiotics are metabolized an increase in enzyme expression would enhance the intestinal ` ® rst-pass ’ eå ect. Similarly, ingestion of inhibitors of intestinal drug-metabolizing enzymes is of signi® cant importance in drug therapy, as reported for some components of grapefruit juice that eå ectively inhibit CYP3A (Kupferschmidt et al. 1998). In the present study, the potential of 3-MC, b -NF, dexamethasone, Aroclor 1254 and phenobarbital to induce CYP was investigated in enterocyte and in hepatocyte cultures. ECOD activity was increased 12± 20- and 3± 6-fold following treatment of enterocyte cultures with 3-MC and b -NF respectively, whereas EROD activity remained unchanged. It remains to be determined whether EROD activity was not induced in enterocyte cultures due to the release of some inhibitory factor as CYP1A protein expression was extensively induced in enterocytes. Also the binding of the inducing agent to CYP enzymes can lead to a suppression of catalytic activities. Similar results were obtained with porcine hepatocytes upon treatment with 3-MC as EROD activities were merely increased by 1.5± 2-fold. It was somewhat unexpected, that treatment of enterocyte cultures with phenobarbital and dexamethasone caused an increased expression of the CYP1A protein, as determined by Western blotting experiments. Interestingly, Zaher et al. (1998) investigated the induction of CYP1A proteins in vivo upon phenobarbital treatment using the Ah-receptor ± } ± knockout mouse. These authors also report that phenobarbital caused marked CYP1A2 induction in the null mouse at the protein and mRNA level, but CYP1A1 was not aå ected. The present ® ndings with porcine enterocytes and the results of Zaher et al. (1998) provide strong evidence for CYP1A2 to be regulated by a mechanism, which is independent of the Ah-receptor, whereas CYP1A1 appears highly dependent on the nuclear Ah-transcription factor. Moreover, phenobarbital-induction of P450 enzymes in cell cultures that are speci® cally induced in vivo by 3MC-type inducers has been previously reported. For instance, Althaus et al. (1979) provided data that PB induced AHH activity


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10-fold in primary cultures of chick embryo hepatocytes and Forster et al. (1986) reported that treatment of primary rat hepatocytes with PB caused an 8-fold increase in EROD activity. It is unknown whether the molecular mechanism leading to transcriptional activation of CYP genes diå ers in isolated and cultured cells as compared with the in vivo regulation, although the studies by Zaher et al. and the results shown in this study are in good agreement and provide evidence for a complex regulation. Further studies are needed to understand in detail the molecular mechanisms of CYP enzyme induction. The substantial induction of the CYP3A protein in b -NF treated enterocyte cultures and the induction of the CYP3A protein observed in treated hepatocyte cultures are further examples of such events, in view of the fact that b -NF and 3-MC are known ligands of the Ah-receptor (Okey 1990, Whitlock et al. 1996) and therefore are expected to primarily induce CYP1A proteins. Diå erences at the molecular level in the regulation of enzyme induction in cultured cells and in intact animals have to be investigated further, particularly if cell culture experiments are to be used for the prediction of adverse drug eå ects in vivo. Diazepam was chosen as an additional marker substrate for CYP enzymes. The major proportion of a given dose (60%) is demethylated, yielding desmethyldiazepam (nordazepam). C -hydroxylation of diazepam gives rise to temazepam. $ Oxazepam can also be formed by either C -hydroxylation of desmethyldiazepam or $ demethylation of temazepam. In a recent study, Ono et al. (1996) investigated the metabolism of diazepam using various P450 isoenzymes, which were recombinantly expressed in HepG2 cells with a vaccinia vector system. Ono et al. reported that CYP3A4 is responsible for diazepam N-demethylation as well as 3-hydroxylation in the human liver, even though at a high Km (low substrate speci® city). According to Ono et al. diazepam N-demethylation in the human liver is also mediated by CYP2C19, which is polymorphically expressed in humans (Goldstein et al. 1997). In the study of Jung et al. (1997) it was reported that CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 contribute to microsomal diazepam N-demethylationin human liver at low substrate concentrations, whereas CYP3A4 is the major enzyme responsible for 3-hydroxylation. The results of Ono et al. (1996) and Jung et al. (1997) are comparable in so far as CYP3A4 was identi® ed as the major enzyme responsible for diazepam metabolism in human liver. The results of the present study obtained with the ` supersomes’ are also in good agreement with these ® ndings. Porcine enterocytes did not metabolize diazepam in culture and this result is in good agreement with the good oral bioavailability of diazepam reported for humans (1006 14%). Signi® cant metabolism of diazepam by intestinal cells is therefore unlikely. As shown in this study, porcine hepatocytes eå ectively metabolized diazepam to the principal metabolites desmethyldiazepam, temazepam and oxazepam and, therefore, porcine hepatocytes will reasonably well predict the metabolism of diazepam as was shown with the supersomes, which contain individual human P450 isozymes. It is now established, that hepatic metabolism of drugs can be reasonably well predicted from in vitro data (Houston 1994) but pharmacokinetic models, which have been developed for the evaluation of hepatic extraction, are not suitable for the prediction of intestinal metabolism. For instance, Hebert et al. (1992) investigated the in¯ uence of the macrolid antibiotic rifampicin on the bioavailability of cyclosporine and compared the experimentally generated results with the change in bioavailability, which would have been predicted by computation with a pharmaco-


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kinetic model. The decrease in cyclosporine bioavailability was greatly underestimated using the measured plasma cyclosporine clearance and an estimated hepatic blood ¯ ow. Hebert et al. proposed that induction of intestinal CYP enzymes by rifampicin was more pronounced than hepatic enzyme induction and thus the model was insuæ cient to predict the correct pharmacokinetics observed in vivo. The eå ects of intestinal enzyme induction on the bioavailability of orally ingested compounds can be marked. This is often referred to as ` intestinal extraction’ (as opposed to hepatic extraction) and changes in pharmaceutical formulations such as slow release preparations and drug targeting to speci® c sites in the gut may alleviate the negative eå ects of drug oxidation, which often leads to pharmacological inactivation. An improved pharmacokinetic behaviour of drugs is the key to a better pharmacotherapy and patient compliance.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Professor C. R. Wolf, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Biomedical Research Centre, for carrying out the Western blot experiments.

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