D3PLOT 9.4 user manual - Oasys Software

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Technology Corporation (LSTC) and are used in this manual by permission. ...... From V8.3 onwards D3PLOT automatically records every command and mouse ...... eden hgen tstp mass madd. Shell Thickness. Shell Area. Internal energy.
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LS-DYNA, LS-OPT and LS-PrePost are registered trademarks of Livermore Software Technology Corporation

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009 0 Preamble Acknowledgements Abstract Host computers Memory requirements Output devices New Feature for Version 9.4 New Features for Version 9.3RC1 New Features for Version 9.2 New Features for Version 9.0 New Features for Version 8.3 New Features for Version 8.2 New Features for version 8.1 New Features for version 8.0a Manual Revision History Text conventions used in this manual 1 LS-DYNA FEATURES SUPPORTED BY D3PLOT 1.1 Element Types 1.2 Types of results processed by D3PLOT 1.3 D3PLOT Representation of Elements and Other Entities 1.4 LS-DYNA output files processed. Permitted gaps in family member sequences 2 RUNNING D3PLOT 2.1 Starting the code 2.2 Selecting a graphics device. 2.3 If D3PLOT will not open a window on your display 2.4 Client/server graphics using X-Windows and OpenGL 2.5 Memory Management 2.6 Multiple Windows and Models 2.7 Checkpoint Files 3 USING THE D3PLOT SCREEN MENU SYSTEM 3.1 Basic screen menu layout 3.2 Mouse and keyboard usage for screen-menu interface 3.3 Dialogue input in the screen menu interface 3.4 Window management in the screen interface 3.5 "QUICK PICK" Options. 3.6 "Tabs" for multiple graphics windows. 3.7 Customising the User Interface 3.8 Shortcut Keys 4 BASIC DATA EXTRACTION AND PLOTTING 4.1 Reading results from an analysis. 4.2 Displaying geometry and results. 4.3 Controlling contouring of data plots: CONTOUR 4.4 Animation How to display, control, store and retrieve animation sequences. 4.5 STATUS Listing programme status 5 VIEWING CONTROL 5.1 Dynamic Viewing (Using the mouse to change views). 5.2 Viewing Control Buttons 5.3 Options under Viewing menu 5.4 Special 3D graphics driver options (OpenGL). 6 USING "TOOLS" OPTIONS 6.0 Introduction to main menu commands 6.1 BLANK “Blanking” controls the visibility of nodes and elements. 6.2 VOLUME_CLIPPING 6.3 DEFORM Deforming geometry. 6.4 CUT_SECTIONS 6.5 ENTITY Switching the display of entity categories on/off. 6.6 MEASURE Measuring distances from the screen. 6.7 WRITE Listing numerical data to screen and/or file. 6.8 XY_DATA Drawing numerical data as XY plots and/or writing it to file 6.9 UTILITIES Miscellaneous utility functions 6.10 GROUPS: 6.11 Coarsen 6.12 T/HIS the D3PLOT T/HIS link 6.13 Trace Node 6.14 User Data 7 IMAGES 7.0 Creating static images and movies 7.1 Static file formats supported 7.2 Animation file formats supported and their attributes 7.3 LASER PLOTTING

D3PLOT 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.10 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.20 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.16 4.1 4.1 4.14 4.62 4.81 4.99 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.15 6.1 6.1 6.5 6.10 6.19 6.37 6.58 6.63 6.65 6.82 6.105 6.140 6.145 6.150 6.159 6.166 7.1 7.1 7.5 7.7 7.11 Page i


User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

7.4 Reading static images and movies 7.5 Watermarks 7.6 Print ... option (Windows platforms only) 8 COMMAND AND SESSION FILES 8.0 Introduction to Command and Session Files. 8.1 CFILE Invoking the command-file launcher box. 8.2 Recording “session” files. 8.3 Playing back “command” files. 8.4 Using the “launcher” box during recording and playback 8.5 More information about command and session files 8.6 Associating command files with Function keys 8.7 Running command files from the command line. 9 DISPLAY OPTIONS: 9.1 BACK_FACES switch: Display of “back” faces of solid and thick shell elements 9.2 INTERNAL_FACES switch: Display of inside faces of solid & thick shell elements 9.3 LOCAL_TRIADS switch: Display of element local axes 9.4 MODEL_BOX switch: Displaying the model external dimensions 9.5 UNDEFORMED... menu Displaying the undeformed geometry 9.6 SPRING_SYMBOLS... menu: Setting the drawing style for springs and dampers 9.7 BEAM_SYMBOLS... menu: Setting the drawing style for beams. 9.8 BELT_SYMBOLS... menu: Setting the sizes of seat-belt and related symbols. 9.9 SPH Symbols. Managing SPH element display. 9.10 AB Pcle Symbols: Managing Airbag Particle display 9.11 Other Symbols: controlling further symbols 9.12 HIDDEN_OPTIONS... menu: Setting hidden-line display options. 9.13 FREE_EDGES... menu: Controlling free edge display of element borders 9.14 WINDOW_DRESSING... menu: Controlling screen appearance. 9.15 Graphics text factor 10 PART TREE 10.1 Part Tree Behaviour 10.2 Part tree top menu bar 11 The Javascript Interface 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Using Javascript in D3PLOT. 11.2 The D3PLOT Javascript API 12 MORE ABOUT DATA AND DATA COMPONENTS 12.0 Introduction to this section on data and data components. 12.1 Format of the LS-DYNA databases processed by D3PLOT 12.2 Contents of the LS-DYNA database files processed by D3PLOT 12.3 Global (whole model) data components 12.4 Part ("material") data components 12.5 Contact Surface summary components 12.6 Nodal data components 12.7 Solid element data components. 12.8 Thin Shell element results. 12.9 Thick shell element results 12.10 Beam element results 12.11 Contact segment results 12.12 Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) Data components 12.13 Airbag Particle (ABP) data components 12.14 Data components for other entity types 12.15 Theory and Formulae 13 D3PLOT USE OF GRAPHICS HARDWARE 13.1 The "X" (X_Windows) 2-D protocol. 13.2 3D protocol: OpenGL. 13.3 Summary of capabilities of each graphics protocol 14 PROBLEM SOLVING 14.1 Problems reading files: 14.2 General graphics problems: 14.3 Memory consumption problems. 14.4 Graphics problems peculiar to X_Windows devices. 14.5 Graphics problems peculiar to OpenGL 14.6 Miscellaneous problems. 14.7 MEMORY Viewing and controlling the memory usage for this process, and the whole machine. Appendices APPENDIX I PROGRAMME LIMITATIONS APPENDIX II OA_PREF FILE: SETTING USER PREFERENCES APPENDIX III CHANGED DEFAULTS THAT AFFECT APPEARANCE APPENDIX IV COMMAND LINE OPTIONS AND WINDOWS FILE ASSOCIATIONS APPENDIX V ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES USED BY D3PLOT APPENDIX VII DIALOGUE COMMAND SYNTAX Page ii

7.20 7.24 7.25 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.8 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.12 9.13 9.17 9.22 9.24 10.1 10.2 10.3 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.5 12.1 12.1 12.2 12.6 12.13 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.21 12.25 12.32 12.36 12.37 12.41 12.42 12.44 12.46 13.1 13.1 13.2 13.3 14.1 14.1 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.7 14.8 14.9 A.1 A.1 A.2 A.13 A.15 A.20 A.28

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009 APPENDIX VI JAVASCRIPT API Installation organisation 1 Introduction 2 Problems with the existing installation structure 3 Improved Installation structure from release 9.4 onwards

D3PLOT A.51 B.1 B.1 B.1 B.2

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User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009


0 Preamble Acknowledgements The names LS-DYNA, LS-PREPOST and LS-OPT are all registered trademarks of the Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC) and are used in this manual by permission.

Abstract Transient analyses make much more sense when one is able to see how the results change with time. Most existing post-processors only allow you to draw one image at a time and, while it is possible to assemble a sequence, producing a set of results can be very tedious. This code allows you to access the LS-DYNA database directly and to draw line, hidden-line, continuous-tone, line contour, velocity arrow, greyscale and shaded-image plots for any results state in the file. It also allows you to store these images in the display device memory and to redraw them in sequence and so to produce animated graphics.

Host computers The code is available for all commonly used operating systems: Windows, Unix and Linux in 32 and 64 bit modes. It is available on all common work-stations and mainframes.

Memory requirements Memory is allocated dynamically, so the amount required rises in proportion to the problem size. However machines with less than 64 MBytes of physical memory (RAM) are unlikely to function satisfactorily.

Output devices The code supports the following graphics devices: OpenGL

3-D, hardware assisted graphics


2-D unaccelerated graphics

Images may be captured in the following formats: Animated "movie" formats: AVI MPEG GIF

AVI animation files MPEG animation files Animated GIF files

Static "image" formats BMP JPEG PNG GIF

BMP (bitmap) static image files JPEG static image files PNG (Portable Network Graphics) static image files GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) static image files

Postscript PDF

Colour and greyscale laser plotting Colour and greyscale Portable Document Format (PDF) output

External animations and static images may also be imported for display in the following formats:

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User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

BMP } JPEG } For display of static images PNG } GIF AVI For display of animated images

New Feature for Version 9.4 Threaded reading of database geometry has been added. • Input of the initial geometry, and calculation of lighting information is now "threaded" • This parallelises the "display initial animation"process, speeding it up significantly on multi-core machines The ability read and display selected results from the "binout" (LSDA) file has been added: • Results for spotwelds (constrained, beam, solid and solid cluster) may be extracted • Discrete element results may be extracted • Seatbelt element results may be extracted. • Reaction forces from SPCs may be displayed (All of the above also require a ".ztf" file from Oasys PRIMER to provide geometry information.) Airbag particle support has been added: • The particles from the *AIRBAG_PARTICLE keyword may be displayed • All the data associated with these particles and their airbags can be contoured and written Support for Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) elements has been formalised • Previous releases only drew the geometry of these very crudely, they are now displayed as "proper" elements. • Results from them may be contoured and written as for other element types. Maximum and minimum data for each plot is now computed • The maximum and minimum values in each plot are computed, by default = 1 • The plot is labelled with this information, and the relevant elements or nodes are labelled • This information may be "exported" to WRITE or to XY_DATA to show variation with time. A Javascript interface has been added • This allows the user to extract information from the database, and manipulate it at will • Externally generated data may also be imported and exported • Special "User-defined Binary" (UBIN) data components can be created and plotted • D3PLOT can be used as a script-driven tool to extract and process data. "Batch" mode usage has received more support. • The command-line language has been extended to cover most options in the GUI interface • A "batch" mode, which performs graphics capture without needing a terminal window, has been added. • Text-only command file processing has been improved. Support for the FEMUNZIP library has been added. • Files compressed using FEMZIP (from Fraunhofer SCAI) can be read directly Groups have been improved • The creation, storage and retrieval of groups has been speeded up significantly • Groups can now be used in contexts such as BLANK, WRITE etc as a means of selection • Ascii group files may optionally contain colour and other display attribute information. Other miscellaneous changes and additions: • A "locate target and eye" option has been added to the view menu • Stored views may now be retrieved by name as well as number • 2D (in-plane only) principal stress and strain data components are now available for shells • Short-cut key functionality has been extended, and these keys are now programmable • Cloud plots can now optionally display element data averaged at nodes. • Model title display is now switchable between title and filename, and titles of all models in a window are shown.

New Features for Version 9.3RC1 Static and Movie "image" output has been greatly enhanced: • PNG and GIF formats have been added to the library of static image formats that may be written • The MJPEG codec has been added to AVI movie output format, giving smaller and better quality files. Page 0.2

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009 • •


Colour palette optimisation has been added for 8 bit image output, giving better colour distribution Images can be captured at 2x and 4x screen resolution if desired.

Laser file plotting has been improved and extended. • Laser images are now captured directly from the display (like GIF, JPEG, etc), rather than by generating a 2D vector-style plot. • As well as traditional Postscript (.ps) format it is now possible to write Portable Document Format (.pdf) format files. New capability to read in static and movie images for display have been added: • BMP, GIF, JPEG and PNG format static images may be displayed as static window background. • AVI files may be displayed as animated window background, or in separate windows, synchronised with model animations. • A "watermark" capability to display transparent images on top of the current image has been added. A new capability to define, store, compute and display "user-defined" data components has been added. • Any number of nodal or element user-defined data components may be created. • These may be scalar, vector or tensor; and they may have arbitrary names. • They may come from any permuation of the following sources: • Read from externally generated data file • Calculated internally from existing components via "simple formulae" • Calculated externally from existing components or other data via a Javascript interface • The simple formulae and Javascript files can be saved and re-used across different analyses The ability to select display via contour bands has been added: • Clicking on a contour band will display just results for that band • It is also possible, via a right-click popup menu, to display by other functions of contour band. External data ("blob") plots can now be defined at nodes as well as at [x,y,z] coordinates. Vectors of displacement and acceleration can now be displayed. (Previously this was only possible for velocities) In addition if user-defined vector components are created at nodes these too may be displayed as vector arrows.

New Features for Version 9.2 The user interface has been completely redesigned to be more consistent with other Oasys Ltd products, giving a common "look and feel", in particular: • Most common function panel function now occupy a tabbed working area on the right of the screen • Keyboard short-cuts have been added for many functions • The "entity" panel has been completely redesigned to conform to PRIMER layout • Screen selection has been improved with many unnecessary button clicks eliminated. • In general fewer button clicks should be needed to drive the software. A "Part tree" has been added, giving a tree-style display of model contents, and most graphics functions may be invoked from the tree. If a .ztf file (from PRIMER) is present then this tree will also show information about include files and assemblies. The cut-section function has been enhanced as follows: • The main panel layout has been condensed and simplified, making it much quicker and easier to define cut sections. • Dragging of sections has also been simplified, with rapid access to the most common operations. • Optional dynamic feedback of current section forces when dragging has been added. • A new "LS Dyna Method" way of defining sections has been added, with input identical to the *DATABASE_SECTION card • If a .ztf file is present cut section definitions may be imported directly from the LS-DYNA model input deck. • The force calculation method for "basic space" sections has been revised to use LS-DYNA’s approach. Automatic mesh coarsening has been added to speed up the display of large shell element models. If used the process is fully automatic, and graphics speed increases of 2x to 3x or better can be achieved at the expense of a slight degradation of image quality. Rendering has also been speeded up internally to give faster performance on some hardware where long runs of contiguous "mesh strips" can be processed quickly. A new "external data" function has been added which will superimpose externally generated data on current images. This is normally used to add information such as externally calculated model parameters as discrete symbols on plots. A new "trace nodes" function has been added to allow the historical path of nodes to be plotted through the states in an Page 0.3


User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

analysis. A new "Iso surface" plotting mode has been added which plots contours of constant value in 2D and 3D meshes. A new "Cloud" plotting mode has been added to represent data by point symbols on items. The existing "SI" (Shaded Image) plotting mode now defaults to solid banded contours with lighting, but the original gouraud shaded ("fuzzy") contouring method is still available. The XY plotting panel has been enhanced as follows: • A new "Data vs Data" extraction and plotting mode is provided, plotting X vs Y components over time. • A data sorting function has been added for the "Composite" plotting mode, allowing curve points to be re-ordered • Control over filenames (.cur files) has been improved. • The XY plotting tool itself has been improved, with better file saving syntax and a sorting tool for curves. • Curve data transfer to linked T/HIS (when active) has been speeded up. Data transfer via the ".ztf" file (ex PRIMER) has been enhanced to give: • The ability to visualise node-based contacts (only segmented contact geometry appears in the .ctf file) • The ability to extract and draw "true" beam sections Limited support for ALE analyses has been added, with the ability to process components by name and also to visualise the surface geometry of ALE parts. This is work in progress ... The T/HIS interface has been improved. It is now far more robust and better integrated with D3PLOT and, in particular, can handle multiple models in a more compatible way.

New Features for Version 9.0 The ability to display multiple models in windows is added, removing the "one model per window" limitation in V8.3. Significant changes to the user interface have been made to accomodate multiple model handling. The general ability to process multiple models is greatly enhanced, and in particular models may be overlaid or artificially separated in a window, and they may be given different colours and display styles to distinguish them. The ability to compare results across models (reference model/state) is added, allowing the differences between models to be computed and displayed. Models that are compared in this way do not have to be identical, but they do need to be reasonably similar if the results are to make sense. Groups have been totally rewritten, removing the limit of 30 groups and provided automatic storage of those defined. A new ascii group file format, which is common to T/HIS and Primer, is also added. Backwards compatibility with old group files is retained. Extra options have been added to the user interface making it more configurable, in particular font sizes, type face and left-handed support are now all configurable.

New Features for Version 8.3 Ability to display multiple windows added: up to 20 windows may be displayed concurrently. Ability to handle multiple models added: up to 20 models may be processed concurrently. Link with T/HIS added: automatically opens T/HIS, extracts time history data and permits full T/HIS processing. Time-history items can be visualised. Native PC graphics: both 3D (OpenGL) and 2D graphics now use native Windows drivers, no longer any need for X11 emulators. Improvements to cut-sections: better capping display of 2D elements, and sections may be dragged interactively with the mouse. Programme start-up speed improved: time to first plot and first run through animation sequence approximately halved. "Settings" file added: saves and retrieves layout and settings of multiple windows. Function keys F1 .. F12 may be programmed with command files. Page 0.4

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009


Optional automatic read of model properties file at model input time. "Checkpoint" file added: saves all commands verbatim for replay, and aids crash recovery.

New Features for Version 8.2 Results database modified and improved: • Reduced memory usage on Unix/Linux platforms via optional caching of data • Data extraction and averaging speed improved. • Animation speed improved. Shell integration point data extraction and plotting now includes min/max/magnitude over all points through thickness JPEG (still image) and MPEG (animations) file output added, and dithering added to 8 bit-plane BMP files to improve quality. User manual (this manual) converted to HTML, with direct access via links in the HELP messages in the code itself. "Feature" lines added as wireframe, hidden-line and overlay option. More "oa_pref" and command-line options added - see appendices II and IV.

New Features for version 8.1 New static database added that contains the following data items. 1.4 Nodes on NODE_TO_SURFACE contacts Spotweld Beams (section 6.4.7) Nodal constaints and restraints (sections 6.5.1-6.5.2)

New Features for version 8.0a Description


"Quick-pick" blanking and attribute change has been added.


The blanking menu has been revised.


The properties file (prp file) in the props menus is now model independent. 3.1 Changes to the layout and appearance of the d3plot window have been made. The viewing "zoom" command now uses the "one-touch" method. Command line options and windows file associations App IV

Manual Revision History Date Revision Description

May 2001 Nov 2002 Nov 2003 May 2006

0 1 2 3

Original release of Version 8.1 manual Manual updated for Version 8.3 Beta 3 Manual updated for Version 9.0 Manual revised and updated for Version 9.2 Page 0.5


User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

May 2007 4 Manual revised and Updated for Version 9.3RC1 Oct 2009 5 Manual revised and updated for Version 9.4

Text conventions used in this manual TYPEFACES:

Three different typefaces are used in this manual:

Manual text

This typeface is used for text in this manual.

Computer type This one is used to show what the computer types. It is also used for equations etc. Operator type This one is used to show what you must type. Button text This one is used for screen menu buttons (eg APPLY)


Triangular, round and square brackets have been used as follows:


To show generic items, and special keys. For example:

Round To show optional items during input, for example: () () And also to show defaults when the computer prompts you, eg: Square Give new value (10) : Give data component (FX_AXIAL_FORCE) : To show advisory information at computer prompts, eg Give terminal type [M for list] : D3PLOT_MANAGER >>> [H for Help] : Also to show implicit commands, eg [WRITE] SCAN

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User manual Version 9.4, November 2009


1 LS-DYNA FEATURES SUPPORTED BY D3PLOT 1.1 Element Types The following entity types in LS-DYNA can be processed in D3PLOT: Solid Elements

8 noded "bricks" (hexahedra), and the elements they degenerate to: "wedges" and tetrahedra.

Thin Shells

4 noded quadrilaterals and 3 noded triangles.

Thick Shells

8 noded shells.


2 noded beams.

Discrete elements

Springs, dampers, lumped masses.

Seat-belt elements

Belts themselves, slip-rings and retractors.

SPH elements

Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic "sphere" elements (V9.3 onwards)

Airbag Particles

The particles used in the Airbag Particle inflator method (V9.3 onwards)

Contact surfaces

LS-DYNA models impact, friction, sliding, etc by the use of contact surfaces that can be thought of as two-dimensional elements overlaying the surfaces of solid and/or shell models. These are not true elements, but rather sub-areas, so to prevent confusion they will be referred to as interface "segments" from now on.


*CONSTRAINED weld types, and also spotweld beams, solids and solid hex clusters


The SPCs themselves and their reaction forces

Using the .XTF file from LS-DYNA

In LS-DYNA joint, lumped-mass and stonewall geometries are sent to the .XTF file and so may be recovered for plotting in D3PLOT. However results from these are not available for plotting in D3PLOT: they may be viewed in XY plot form in T/HIS.

Alternatives to the .XTF file when using MPP LS-DYNA

MPP LS-DYNA, and also SMP versions from ls970 onwards can also generate a "binout" (or LSDA) file; and the MPP version cannot generate a .XTF file. D3PLOT does not read this file directly, but from V90 onwards the information previously extracted from the .XTF file is now available from the .ZTF file - see below.

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D3PLOT Using the .ZTF file

User manual Version 9.4, November 2009 PRIMER can generate a pseudo-database .ZTF file directly from the input deck. This is intended to contain extra information not in the normal LS-DYNA database files, and also to replace the .ZTF file. In V8.3 the ZTF file allows you to visualise: • Nodes on "nodes_to_..." contacts. • Nodal constraints and restraints • Spotweld beams. From V9.0 onwards you may also visualise the following even when the .XTF file is missing: • Stonewalls (rigid walls) • Springs and dampers • Seatbelt elements, retractors, slip-rings and pre-tensioners • Joints • Lumped masses In addition the names of parts and contacts, previously stored in the .XTF file, are also available. From V9.2 onwards you may also visualise: • Beam "true" sections • Part tree: organised by include files, assemblies and sub-assemblies (as in PRIMER) From V9.3 onwards: • Discrete and Seatbelt elements can be processed by PART • Part, Part_composite and Section data are available In addition ls-dyna cut-section definitions (*DATABASE_CROSS_SECTION) may be used to defined D3PLOT cut sections From V9.4 onwards: • Spotwelds (Constrained, beam, solid, solid cluster) • SPCs The results for spotwelds, discrete elements, seatbelt and SPCs may also be displayed if a "binout" (LSDA) file is present. If the T/HIS link is invoked then elements and nodes in time-history blocks can be displayed, and screen picked for time-history plotting.

Data for other entities are not sent to any database files, so they are not displayed. D3PLOT is primarily for post-processing results from LS-DYNA, but results from TOPAZ3D (thermal analysis) and NIKE3D (implicit structural analysis) may also be processed. Both codes write a subset of the entity types listed above.

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User manual Version 9.4, November 2009


1.2 Types of results processed by D3PLOT LS-DYNA is a three-dimensional non-linear analysis code which models the transient behaviour of structures in the time domain. The output you may process graphically in D3PLOT is shown by category below, together with the intrinsic coordinate system in which it is written by LS-DYNA. ENTITY TYPE




Coordinates Velocities Accelerations Temperatures

Global cartesian "" "" [none]

Solids: (1)

Stress tensor Plastic strain Strain tensor (optional)

Global cartesian [none] Global cartesian

Thin shells: (2)

Stress tensor Strain tensor (optional) Forces and moments Plastic strain Thickness Strain energy density

Global cartesian "" Element local [none] [none] [none]

Thick shells: (2)

Stress tensor Plastic strain Strain tensor (optional)

Global cartesian [none] Global cartesian

Beams: (3)

Forces and moments Plastic data (optional) Stress/strain data (optional)

Element local "" ""

SPH elements:


Airbag particles:


Spotwelds: (5)

Stress tensor Plastic strain Strain tensor Density Pressure Internal energy Radius of influence

Also: #neighbours

Global cartesian [none] Global cartesian [none] "" "" ""

Mass Also: Radius Spin energy Gas ID Trans energy Leakage state Distance to nearest segment Coordinates Velocities

[none] "" "" "" "" Global cartesian Global cartesian

Axial force Shear force Failure status Failure time

Element local "" [none] ""

Springs and dampers: (5) Force Elongation Moment Rotation

Element local "" "" ""

Seatbelt elements: (5)

Belt force Belt length Slipring pull-through Retractor force Retractor pull-out

Element local "" "" "" ""

SPC forces: (5)

Forces and Moments

Global Cartesian

Contact surfaces

Contact stresses Contact forces

Segment local Global cartesian

(1) Results for solids are written by LS-DYNA at the element centre only, even if an element formulation with > 1 integration point is used. Solid results from NIKE3D are written at all 8 integration points. Page 1.3


User manual Version 9.4, November 2009

(2) By default shell stress and strain tensor results are written at top and bottom integration points, and stresses also at the neutral axis. Data output at more than these 3 points through the element thickness may be selected, and will be available for display if present. Fully integrated shells in ls-dyna with more than 1 integration point on plan still only write (averaged) data at the element centre. (3) As well as basic forces and moments extra "plastic" data from resultant beams, and data at integration points for integrated beams are supported. (4) SPH and Airbag particle data are only processed from D3PLOT release 9.3 onwards. (5) These elements and data components are only processed from release 9.4 onwards, and they require a ZTF file to provide geometry (for display) and a binout (LSDA) file if results are to be extracted. D3PLOT will generate derived data components, (eg von Mises, principal, etc) from the above, and will also transform results from global to local coordinate systems if required. In addition the following written output may be generated for more "global" model data. ENTITY TYPE



Whole model

Average velocity & momentum Kinetic and internal energies Mass

Global cartesian [none] [none]

Each material

Average velocity & momentum Kinetic and internal energies Mass

Global cartesian [none] [none]

Contact surfaces

Summary forces

Global cartesian

Airbags (of Airbag particles) Volume


Stonewalls Normal force Local vector Any data component written for nodes or elements that is actually present in the database files may be plotted graphically, presented as an X-Y plot of vs