Research in Dance Education
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Dance futures: Research in Dance Education Angela Pickard & Doug Risner To cite this article: Angela Pickard & Doug Risner (2016) Dance futures: Research in Dance Education, Research in Dance Education, 17:3, 268-269, DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2016.1183293 To link to this article:
Published online: 23 May 2016.
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Date: 22 February 2017, At: 08:40
Research in Dance Education, 2016 VOL. 17, NO. 3, 268–269
Dance futures: Research in Dance Education Research in Dance Education – Innovations in Arts Practice aims to inform, stimulate and promote the development of research in dance education and is relevant to both learners and teachers. The desire to improve the quality and provision of dance education through lively and critical debate, and the dissemination of research findings is uppermost. The journal sets out to include contributors from a wide and diverse community of researchers. This extends to all aspects of dance in education, providing opportunities for both experienced and less-experienced researchers.
Dance futures Dance has had great impact internationally in relation to education, health, social and artistic practice. Practitioners, artists, advocates and audiences value, promote and engage in and with dance. Dance education develops the physical, cognitive, artistic and social domains and is inclusive, diverse, transformative and progressive. This special issue’s call for papers relating to the future of dance education asks: • What is the current impact of research and practice for the future of dance education? • What is the future for research in dance education? • What are the possible agendas to navigate and critically engage with for dance in the future, politically and socially? • How do we ensure the future for dance education and how might it transform/change? For this special issue, we invite papers addressing issues, challenges or concerns that might include (but are not limited to) the following: • Consideration of the future of dance education related to curriculum, vocational, health, artistic and/or performance agendas across different ages, stages, contexts/ institutions and economies. • Examination of notions of sustainability philosophically, socially and pedagogically. • Exploration of opportunities for workforce development for dance enablers in the future. • Engagement with socio-political, strategic and ecological futures. • Discussion of collaborative, interdisciplinary working practices, knowledge exchange and impact. • Analyse future technologies, synergies and opportunities for dance education. Theoretical, empirical and practice-based articles using mixed modes of enquiry will be considered.
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Research in Dance Education
Deadline for paper submission is 30 November 2016 We seek contributions of ideally 5000–8000 words addressing any of these issues and focusing on dance futures in dance and dance education settings. Papers by previously unpublished authors will be eligible for consideration for the Linda Rolfe New Writers Prize. The New Writer’s Prize is an open competition and the winning article will be printed in the journal and receive a prize bundle. Two/three articles will be shortlisted but only one prize will be awarded. Unsuccessful New Writer’s articles can be resubmitted and considered under the normal review process for the main journal. Please indicate if you wish to enter when you submit your paper by selecting ‘New Writers Prize’ as the manuscript type. Manuscripts should be submitted online at the Research in Dance Education Manuscript Central site at For further information on the journal and instructions for authors, please visit the journal’s dedicated website Angela Pickard School of Music and Performing Arts, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK
[email protected] Doug Risner Wayne State University, Department of Theatre & Dance, Detroit, MI, USA
[email protected]