Dansville NY Genesee County Express 1932 ... - FultonHistory.com

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All parts O. K. REO PL-YlNG CLOCD 1929 Coupe. Ail parts o. $. ..... Dolores Kimmel of Wayland. Theo- .... order, was Mrs- Jacob Cannon, or. "Aunt Nabby," as ...

T ! arsday, N o v e m b e r 9 , 1933



Business and Professional Directory

Early History of The f Town of Sprimgwater

rVije J

Watching the Son of Former Danger Zone* Dansville Man Marries Wayland Girl

Dansville. --Frederick Post is rounding out his fourth and last week as captain of.the patrol. ClifI ford Potter, who pas served suciiii"«n»' cessfully as patrolman and second lieutenant, has been promoted to first lieutenant.

Spring, the original source of supply both for the brewery and for the revolutionary town of Hudson. Later, when the spring became inadequate, it was discovered that identical water could be obtained from artesian wells, and these were used for nearly a hundred years. This water made possible the brewing of ale which would keep in any climate and for nearly a hundred years Hudson brewed ale was shipped to India and other foreign countries.—Adv.

Dansville.—Miss Victoria Hoffman, daughter of George Hoffman 1 1 i " " i 1 .. 11 m of Wayland, and Mr. Walter Booth, mttm* son of Benjamin Booth, a former With Additions By D r B. W A I T E and Others resident of this village, were mar(Written About 1884) , For the convenience and information o f readers o f Genesee Country Express a n d Advertiser, ried October 31 a t St. Joseph's — James PePuy and wuiiam van church in Wayland. here are listed names, addresses and telephone numbers o l reliable concerns i n T b * Genesee Country WioWe are patrolmen. Deacon Ezra Walker livad on the only surviving daughter. About 1828 and other territory who are prepared t o supply your requirements and serve y o u well. Refer to this The bride was attended by Miss east side of the highway, opposite to Mrs. Jesse Farley died, and in 1828 Thomas Kennedy J* second lieu- Dolores Kimmel of Wayland. Theolist when you desire superior service. Doude. He was quite a prominent he married the widow of Abijah tenant. dore Hoffman, brother of the bride, Name Committees Only patrolmen who keep a clean man in his day and held many town Barnes, with wham he lived for a was best man. The ring bearer was ROCHESTER offices. He had a large family of number of years and until the time record are eligible to promotion. De- Oliver A. Longhine of Cuylerville. ROCHESTER ( P ^ r ^•*^Tr*|ia™ frTPr™^^^ wr ^T*™a^a» Dansville.—The King's Daughters children. I will mention some of of her death in 1862. About the time votion to duty on the part of pat- and the ushers were Benno Gessner All Types ACCORDIONS ( HERB SPECIALISTS Dry - CLEAXING m> Hats ) rolmen is greatly to be desired. Home committees, which meet them as far as I can recollect. First, of his second marriage he moved to and Aloysius Lang of Wayland. Patrolmen are urged to be at quarterly in the Home parlors, have 1227 No. Clinton—g William, the oldest son, married a the farm where Henry Clapp now Paramount Conservatory of Speedy**, 212-18 Court; also Shoe J. A. The bride wore a white crepe named the following committees: their posts fifteen miuutos before daughter of Jonathan Gates. They lives, and resided there for a numto 12; 1 to 4; 6 to 8—Sundays 2 130 South Clinton. Free lessons, Repairing, Tie CIsaning. Dr. House Committee — Chairman, rai&ed a family of children, some of ber of years, after which he sold t h e school starts in the morning and in dress and veil of tulle with an Alento 4—No Wednesdays. "Herbs for easy terms, $29.50 up. Stone 1408, Scnoil's Poot*"Corr.fort Service. con lace cap caught with orange Mrs. E. C. Meachum, 119 Vermont whom are now here. Leland. a the afternoon, as the safety of the farm to his son, Harvey, and came Health." Rochester. blossoms. She carried a bouquet of street, Rochester. N. Y.; chaplain. younger son, married Lyda Grover to the valley, where his second wife children rest* with them. white roses. Miss Kimmel wore a Mrs. A. E. Matthews. 17 Chestnut Cars Being Dismantled GOLD - BOUGHT AND SOLD and they now reside at Canaseraga. died, and in the process of time he ALCOHOL RUBS — MASSAGE gown of copper rust transparent vel- avenue, Dansville; secretary, Mrs. Of the daughters there were Mrs. married Betsey Carpenter, who is • i B. A. 8wtft, 12 Spring St., Est. 1982. Canaseraga.—Six children In the vet and carried an arm bouquet of P. A. Owen, Main street. Dansville ; George Stratton, Mrs. Hiram Par- still living. The result pf this marCarolyn M. Root, 173 Arnett Blvd. Geld and silver bullion, any finefamily of Clair Brokaw of South bronze chrysanthemums. at shall, Mrs. Nelson Willis and Har- riage is one son, George Farley, who Dr. Parker Baths lor tired nerves Mrs. C. B. Thomas, 124 Haverling ness; full value for old gold. After n h e ceremony a wedding street. Bath, N. Y.; Mrs. B. X. Temriet and Luanda. Don't recollect who is now living at the south end of Canaseraga have been ill with and rheumatism, $24)0; " Uak Pasts " Main 5827. they married. Sundays. Gen. 5268. the valley with his mother. Jesse measles. Numerous other cases have breakfast was served at the home ple ton, 14 Grove street, Mount Morof the bride for the bridal party and ris. There was a man by the name of Farley died and was buried Septem also been reported in that section. "" GUNSMITHS BUICK 1&32, Eight Cylinder, near rerlatives. After a short trip ANTIQUE JEWELRY Publicity Committee — Mrs. C. C Ward, do not recall his given name. ber 11. 1870. Model 50, Sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Booth will be at home Bateman. 76 Main street, Dansville. L. Miller, l«7 State; expert He lived on the John Howell place, Chassis parts O K. Nathan W. Adams lived on the Weisbuch, inc.. Jewelers, 320 E. Main workmanship; peat six years with near the Bell school house. I can north part of the Engle farm on the doing town business, such.as hold- in Cuylerville. Sunday Services Committee — ESSEX 1929 Coupe, St. Extra cash premium paid ing elections, town meetings and j s ^ a w *T§y |HPa*e * *%^#ai» recall some of the children: One son Miss Lillian Weidman. 33 Elizabeth south side of the big gu». He mar- other public gatherings, for about above government price for old All parts O. K. by the name of Chauncey went west; street, Dansville; Mrs. S. White, 55 gold, antique Jewelry and silver, ERSKINE 1929 Coach, Ed. Watson—The Gun Shop—79 one son. Daniel, also left town and ried an Egleston. They had quite a a dozen years. Oldest Ale Brewery Perine street, Dansville. gold coins, diamonds. All parts O. K. Mate Ss.—With Harry Harrison 9 has since died; one daughter mar- family, but I do not distinctly re- Now there was a little transaction Prayer Meeting Committee — Will Re-enter Field Sept. 21-D-M-J-4LWBM REO WOLVERINE 1929 Coach, years. Repairing. Guns bought ried Daniel J. Wescott, and another collect them. One was here a year that took place there that may be Mrs. S. P. Adams. 36 Seward street. or two since teaching writing. An, All parts O. K and sold. Ammunition. At Hudson, N. Y. Dansville; Mrs. C. C. Bateman. daughter married Daniel Wilcox, old man named Egleston lived on worth mentioning About 1827 or AN TIOCH SHOES REO PL-YlNG CLOCD 1929 Coupe 1828, there was a lodge of Free Maand is still living ne£r ( ' f lhe old sBJEH/m T R Main street, Dansville. the Root farm. I have forgotten his sons hi Springwater, and they held Ail parts o. $. Karlson & Waits, 317 Alexander; homestead. She is well 'S a t Wheaton, and Betsey married Har- oldest daughter of David Parshall. LADIES SHOES order, was Mrs- Jacob Cannon, or fourth generation of the family in prices e r u b l i n j • • to effer JOB genulnt vey Johnson. Mrs. JohnsotV is the Her name was Deborah. She was savings! DINING AND DANCING "Aunt Nabby," as she was called. direct line. S. FerrL 679 Plymouth Ave. No. Banquet Covers «7t x M> — t l . 7 3 a y tetter known afterwards as "Aunt As she knew of the time of the The entry of the Evans family in Bride? Sets — SO« up Slightly used or damaged, all Kathleen's -Tavern, 236 Scio St. PAWN BROKERS Deb Parsha|l." They settled in the Band .Made Lingerie — $3.3* a s meeting of the lodge, she provided the business occurred in 1856. Rochester made, 75c up. Good h o n e cooked food, best Lnnctaeoa Sets — S l . M a * big gull ne^r J. M. Root's farm, a way of access to the garret over the when R. W. Evans became a partHandkerchiefs — 16* up brands. Dancing every night Davis. 174 W. Main St. Cash for v.here they built * grist and saw Baby Dresses — SOc up lodge room. She was in the habit of MATTRESSES ner with James L. Phipps in the Sept. 14-D-M-J-2IWMB gold, silver, shotguns, riffles, pis- mill. I well remember carrying Most Complete Line «# Baby Wear repairing to bar hiding place before ownership of the brewery. In 1873 tols, outboard motors, sporting grain to the mill to be ground. After BfcEBE S ART LINEN S H O f the assembling of the meeting and the company was "reorganized under The Rose Garden, 190 Bay Street.. 61 East A venae goods. Jewelry for sale, ii Still a number of years they sold to Reuremaining during the session. She the name of C. A. Evans & CompOrchestra and entertainment Sept 28 D-M-J-2IWBM ben Fowler' and went over on the Lower had made a small opening in the any, and became known as the every night except Monday; AUTO GLASS Prices Cohocton stream. near where ceiling where she could both see and Evans Brewery. known for our famous spaghetti; PLATING Archie G. Parshall now lives, and hear what was being done. By this E. Main Auto Glass Shop, 1053 E The fame of Hudson brewed ale finest beverages; special Party Your eld mattresses, box built other milit, and there spent Main, Rochester. Body Glass $2, means she learned the time when General Plating & Mfg. Co., 105 N. was largely attributed to the quality rates. Culver 5973. springs and pillows made like the remainder of their lives. Windshields $3, installed. there were to be some new members Water St. Everything in Plating of the water from Fountain Head Sept. 21-D-M-J-3LWBM new at half the cost of new and Metal Finishing; Chromium initiated. Thinking that she must David Parshall, Sr., came to ones. AUTO TIRES New Used DRESSMAKING and Cadmium; Nickel, Silver and Springwater in an early day, and have some one / with her to enjoy Renovating a Specialty Hollowware a specialty. Main purchased a large quantity of land the show, she got a young man to Schafer's Tire Shop, 171 Monroe ave. Margaret F. Morton (formerly of 3537. Work called for and delivered and finally settled on the south side help her watch, and they witnessed Largest stock of A-l Used Tires Porman's). 62 Chestnut, Apt. 22. FLOWER CITY BEDDING cf the road, opposite to Samuel A. the proceedings. Now, as it is hard at bargain prices, and we stand Work guaranteed. Stone 6576-L. PLATING AND POLISHING COMPANY Howe. He had a number of children. for one to keep a secret, it is much back of every one. Look every819 Hudson Ave. Stone 5963 Union Polishing and Plating Co., 14 I will give their names as f a r e s I harder for two, and in some way EMPLOYMENT where—but look here last. New Commercial, Nickel, Chromium, know. First, Deborah, before menr It leaked out that they had been tires and vulcanizing. , 96 W. Main; Office, FacCadmiun and all kinds of plating tioned. Asa, Qavid, Jr.. Amasa, watching. It created a great comtory, Couples, Cook, Domestic ' and metal spinning. Perfectly Sally. William and Ruth. Asa" mar- motion but Aunt Nabby stood Arm ALCOHOL RUB — MASSAGE BARBER SCHOOLS Help carefully selected. No charge equipped to turn out big orders ried Aurilla Hull, and thev had five and did not scare worth a cent. Massage by graduate masseuse. Seto employer. Main 1437. speedily. Main 1781. Vaughn's, 128 Front St.; Barbering children. Harriet, Mrs. A. S. Root. There were no more meetings held lect clinetele. 130 Scio St. Apt. 2. taught. Low rates. Clean, busy Emley, who dief in 1855, Edwin A. in that house, and I think not many FURS — CLOTH COATS Windsor type metal bc 6 * C. F. Smith, 86 Clinton Are., S o ; In v ^ l d i i & o i t ' f f V e^aAM. v g t u i v •- Specialists. Catalogue. last mentioned place, where he rethe heart of the shopping district. Pistons, Rings, Valves, Bearings, etc., .Rev. Laura S. Ellsworth,[S Wa£ sided for a long time; and it being jf " • s ^ a a a*ss»j»#^a*s»^sja Wick Ave^. (Genesee 2928). MemCANDIES AND FAVORS Machine Shop Service. ber National Spiritualist Associa- a central place, or near the center 3074. Been. Cyl. Grindiag ft Parts Cp. tion. Glad to meet those interest- of the town, it became a place for 759 8 L P s f l S t , Main 3994 ii —• i • i IN umi .i a—ay m IWUMI I ed in Spiritual Readings. FURNITURE Florence Colebrook Powers 14 Main Street West fwrnrmm^mw^mm i m m aj I Fences STEEL PIPE Poets f?y?v?fyy?yff?ffttf^ffft . COLEBROOK CANDIES FURNITURE Flower City Pipe Co., Inc., 158 FANCY GIFT PACKAGES "Factory Direct to Yea** Hague; Good, sound, second hand WALKER A ADAMS For Every Age ana Occasion Save money by coming to pipe with new threads and coupA telephone is not an expense. I t actually ahd literally paya 97 Clinton Avenue South Assorted Chocolates, Ban Bona, the store of modern furniture lings; attractive prices. for itself, every m o n t h , out o f the m o n e y i t saves. Hard Candies and Kiddle at modest prices. Packages. TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING Here everything for your Every d a y your newspaper advertises bargains i n i t e m s you For Luncheons, Weddings, home coats less—Fine Living need. I t e m s y o u don t h a v e t o see before y o u b u y . Nat ion For generations thousands ef Dinners and Bridge. Angelo, formerly with the Malley Co. Room, Bed Room, Dining people have gone to Carlsbad, ally advertised brands whose value you know, t h a t y o u r a n Ladies Tailor and Furrier, also • • • i" ' ""ai • Czechoslovakia, to take the O c t 5 J-A-J-9IWBM Room Suites—also Radios, safely order b y telephone. CARLSBAD CURB in the treatOct. 5-J-A-J-9LWBM remodeling; custom made gowns Stoves, Washing Machines, ment of the many ills that follow by A- If. Vernarelli, 248 East Ave. Bl^paaP S P " T P * ai^Py9pP9Bffp T constipation — stomach, kidney, Refrigerators, etc. Y o u nrobably w o u l d not g o 'way down t o w n jnst t o g e t CUT RATE DRUGS f^" " —" ••••—I—, •»!••• a a y a w a * •.» Mver and rheumatism complaints. these items. B u t w i t h a telephone you'd order t h e m s e a t Service, 423 South You can very easily get the beneTANKS AND COOPERAGE Cut-Rate fit of the CARLSBAD CURB at out. A few such savings a month a n d your telephone is Ave. New "Hy-Krome'*—the tow right in your own home, by takWas. C. Lang Cooperage* Co„ 710 I Drug Store FRANK P MAY paid for. priced range oil burner—$18.50. ing a dally teaspoonful of M—sa llsina s f V CARLSBAD 8PRUDEL SALT tn Lake Ave. Tanks and Wine Y o n g a t added W e Lead - - Others Follow a glass of water. CARLSBAD Casks made and repaired; also And , over and above this shopping economy and convenience, 333 North Street srui'DEL SALT la a natural comfort, privacy 60 Clinton Ave., S o . OLD GOL|> BOUGHT product, evaporated from the pitching. Glenwood 3682. y o u hava the protective service o f the telephone, which i s Open Evenings Malm 427 and convenience waters of the 500 year old hlsterle ROCHESTER, N . Y . Im i | |. p*J „i ... without price. Should you n o t order your tek- phone today? soring* In Carlsbad. Mad* for T"* Art Jewoary Shop, 237 Granite Bldg. iam • from an e*tenVETERINARY—SMALL ANIMALS you by Mother Nature. CARLSTrade that old gold watch for upBAD SPKUDEL SALT has beta •-ilfj •jttSr Linden sion t e l e p h o n e . Kennels—Hospital, sold by reliable druggistsfor88 STAMPS to-date watch or jewelry. Highest Call our Business Office for new service or an extension years. NEVER TAKE MANUOrderpne today. Road, Brighton, Dr. L. J. Desson; cash price paid. FACTURED SALTS. Your body •waaavMBWBVMM telephone. No charge on any pay station. # Branch Office, 343 East Avenue, S e p t 28 D-M-J-2IWBM deserves the best. Buy a bottle of genuine CARLSBAD SPRUDEL Dr. L. L. Howell. SALT today, concentrated fat mmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm mm •••m mmmmmf OLD GOLD AND ft^vjpt true economy. Indexed Air Cushion Watch and Jewelry Repairing usse i>"i »"» s*a»* ssr I • Sa* Importers Highest cash prices paidtarOld G. B. Hnaabert, Jeweler, 8 North St., CARLSBAD PRODUCTS CO.. tag. Stencils — Steel Stamps i opposite Sibley's. Diamonds reGold; Rings. Watches Gold 154 W. 14th St.. N. Y. Ciry 131 State St. Rochester. N . Y . set, silverware repaired and rewrOWOs a*f"? S T * ^ W ^ T » T T ^ r t f **f*~ B E A K O C T » A P I Q f ROC a AM EVE BY S U N D A Y AFTERNOON. • O'CLOCK, O V E « STATION WHAM Old gold bought. war. etc. Main 4693.

" Where To Look For What Yon Want"


• mm let

us show you w h y GOOD printing pays!


Comfort and Beauty Combiner] In this Complete Bed Outfit $2p5 Metal Beds as low as 4 4 Post Beds . . 10-" op


Pay for Your Telephone Out of the Money It Saves



U |



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
