DataStorm F3 Wiring Schematic

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Advanced Mobile Satellite TV/ Internet Solutions. MotoSAT DataStorm PositionerM o to. S. A. T. D a ta. S to rm. P o sitio n e r. +15VDC [Power In]. - 15VDC ...
120 Ohms 1.1 Meg Ohm

1-Black [AZ +-] 2-Brown [AZ- / Skew-] 3-Red [EL+ / Skew+] 4-Orange [EL-] 5-Yellow [Count In] 6-Green [Ground] 7-Blue [Can+] 8-White [Can -] 9-Purple [+12VDC]

+15VDC [Power In]


-15VDC [Power In]


Ignition Stow In

Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue White Purple

DataStorm F3 Wiring MotoSAT DataStorm F3 Control Cable Quick Wire Test

18 AWG Only

This will test the cable for continuity between Motors, Can-Bus, and +15VDC Power. *INSURE THE CONNECTOR IS* *UNPLUGGED FROM THE CONTROLLER*

Serial Data Port

This is an Ohms test only. RG6 Port [From Splitter] ™

Advanced Mobile Satellite TV/ Internet Solutions

MotoSAT DataStorm Positioner

Control Cable [From Dish]

8-16 Ohms 8-16 Ohms 3-8 Ohms 1.5 Meg Ohm Ground


Antenna Control Cable

Note: The F3 Control Cable must be 18 AWG Wire


Control Cable to Antenna