Dec 20, 2013 - tional theory (DFT) band structure calculations, Yin et al.[5] predicted ..... Effects of V/III ratio on a-plane GaN epilayers with an InGaN interlayer.
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Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 027305
A strategy of enhancing the photoactivity of TiO2 containing nonmetal and transition metal dopants⇤ Li Wei(李 伟), Wei Shi-Hao(韦世豪), and Duan Xiang-Mei(段香梅)† Faculty of Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China (Received 23 July 2013; revised manuscript received 11 September 2013; published online 20 December 2013)
An effective structural codoping approach is proposed to modify the photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of anatase TiO2 by being doped with nonmetal (N or/and C) and transition metal (Re) elements. The electronic structures and formation energies of different doped systems are investigated using spin-polarized density functional theory. We find that (C, Re) doped TiO2 , with a low formation energy and a large binding energy, reduces the band gap to a large extent, thus it could contribute to the significant enhancement of the photocatalytic activity in the visible-light region. It should be pointed out that, to be successful, the proper proportion of the dopants C and Re should be controlled, so that reasonable PEC properties can be achieved.
Keywords: codoping, photoactivity, density functional theory, formation energy PACS: 73.50.Pz, 61.72.Bb, 71.20.Nr, 84.60.–h
DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/2/027305
1. Introduction TiO2 has become one of the most promising photocatalysts for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting due to its high chemical stability and strong catalytic activity. However, its large band gap of 3.2 eV has hindered its usage as an ideal photoelectrode, because it absorbs only the ultraviolet portion of light, which amounts to ⇠ 4% of solar energy. [1] To reduce the band gap and thus improve its efficiency under visible light, many efforts have been made by using various dopants. [1–6] Ever since Asahi et al. [7] discovered that TiO2 x Nx films and powders exhibited better optical absorption and photocatalytic activity than pure titania under visible light, nonmetal doping, especially N and C, of TiO2 has been investigated widely as a promising photocatalyst. [8–13] It has been demonstrated that the photocatalytic efficiency of non-metal mono-doping TiO2 decreases because strongly isolated empty states in the band gap may trap the photo-excited electron–hole pairs and reduce photo-generated current. [14] On the other hand, transition metal doping can promote photocatalytic efficiency [15,17–20] as well. Choi et al. [15] reported that doping with transition metals, including Re, in TiO2 significantly increases the photo-reactivity for both oxidation and reduction. Actually, the transition metal-doped TiO2 is impeded by the presence of carrier recombination centers and the formation of strongly localized states in the band gap, which is detrimental to carrier mobility. [16] To improve the photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 , the challenge is to place its band edges at proper positions, thus shifting its absorption edge toward the visible light region. [21–26] Recently, using first-principles calculations, Gai et al. [6] have investigated the photocatalytic activity in compensated donor-acceptor, (Mo + ⇤ Project
C), codoping TiO2 and found enhanced visible-light photocatalytic efficiency. According to the extensive density functional theory (DFT) band structure calculations, Yin et al. [5] predicted that (Ta, N) and (Nb, N) pairs are the optimal codoping combinations in the high-concentration regime, and (Mo, 2N) and (W, 2N) complexes are good candidates in the lowconcentration regime for engineering TiO2 . To the best of our knowledge, there is no theoretical study regarding the comparison of the photocatalytic activity between the nonmental N (or/and C) and Re codoped TiO2 . In the present work, we investigate structural and optical properties of various codoped TiO2 by N (or/and C) and Re using spin-polarized DFT. We find that codoping results in a more effective band gap narrowing than monodoping, especially (C, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re)-Re codopings obviously reduce the band gap further than other doped cases. Combining their formation and binding energies, we predict that (C, Re) may play an important role in developing the efficient photocatalysts.
2. Computational details All of the spin-polarized DFT calculations were performed by the PWSCF code based on the plane-wave method. [27] Exchange–correlation effect is treated in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and the interaction between the valence electrons and the ionic core is described by the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof gradient-corrected functional and ultrasoft pseudopotentials. The k space integration was done with the Monkhorst–Pack grid with 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 2 k-points for geometry optimization and 4 ⇥ 4 ⇥ 4 k-points for
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11074135). author. E-mail: © 2014 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd † Corresponding
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 027305 electronic property calculations in the Brillouin zone of the supercell, and the wave functions are expanded with kinetic energy cutoff of 30 Rydberg. [28–31] The optimized lattice pa˚ and rameters for pure anatase were found to be a = 3.798 A ˚ c = 9.511 A, which are consistent with other experimental and theoretical results, [32,33] indicating that our method is reasonable. The supercell consists of 48 atoms with 2 ⇥ 2 ⇥ 1 repetition of the unit bulk anatase primitive cell. For monodoping, we consider that the N or C atom substitutes for O atoms and the Re atom substitutes for Ti atoms. For codoping, acceptor and donor codoped TiO2 is modeled by taking into account the different possibilities. The most stable geometries are double checked with the larger 3 ⇥ 3 ⇥ 1 supercell with 108 atoms. To see whether the defect pairs can form, we calculate the binding energy of defect pairs in the host lattice. The binding energy Eb of the dopants, such as NO and ReTi , is defined as Eb = E(pure) + E(N, Re)
E(NO )
E(ReTi ),
 ni µi +q(Ev +EF +DV ),
3.1. Structural properties The optimized local structures of (C, Re) (CN, Re), and (3N, Re) codoped in TiO2 are shown in Fig. 1. Due to the difference in atomic radius between the dopants and host atoms, it can be seen that dopants induce local lattice distortion in their neighbourhood, otherwise the host lattice remains almost unchanged. The change of the C–Re or N–Re bond length is calculated to be around 1%, corresponding to a small contraction relative to O–Ti distance, and the distance between O and Re along the c axis is extended by ⇠ 2%.
where E(pure) is the total energy of the pure TiO2 , and E(N, Re), E(NO ), and E(ReTi ) are the total energies for supercells containing defects (N, Re), NO , and ReTi , respectively. A negative value of Eb corresponds to a metastable or a stable bound dopant pair when both are present in the system. Extension of Eq. (1) to charged states is straightforward. The formation energies of substitutional dopant defects are defined by Ef = E(defect, q) E(pure)
3. Results and discussion
where E(defect, q) is the total energy of the system containing the impurity, E(pure) is the total energy of the pure host supercell, ni and µi are the number and chemical potential of the atoms added to (positive ni ), or taken from (negative ni ), the bulk reference supercell in order to create the defect. EF is the Fermi level, with respect to the valence band maximum (VBM), Ev is the bulk VBM, and DV is a correction term, which can be obtained by aligning the reference potential in the defect supercell to that in the bulk. [34] The atom chemical potential, µi , depends on the experimental condition under which the material is grown. For a Ti-rich condition, µTi = ETi (bulk), and for an oxygen-rich condition, µO = 1/2E(O2 ), where ETi (bulk) and E(O2 ) are the total energy of a Ti atom in bulk Ti and the energy of an oxygen molecule, respectively. The chemical potential for oxygen (titanium) under Ti-rich (O-rich) conditions can be determined from the assumption of thermal equilibrium: µTi + 2µO = µTiO2 , where µTiO2 is the chemical potential of TiO2 , the total energy of a bulk TiO2 stoichiometric unit. The chemical potentials of µN , µC , and µRe are determined by µN = µTiN µTi , µC = µTiC µTi , and µRe = µReO3 3µO , respectively.
Fig. 1. (color online) Optimized geometries of (C, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re) doped in TiO2 .
The calculated binding energies of considered defect pairs are shown in Table 1. Negative values of Eb indicate that the defect pairs are preferable with respect to the isolated impurities in the host. For the codoped systems, the (C, Re) and (N, Re) complexes each have a tendency to attract an N atom on the nearest-neighbour O sites, forming (CN, Re) and (2N, Re) combinations. The formation of the (3N, Re) complex is also stable. Table 1. Binding energies, Eb , (in eV) for codoped TiO2 . Eb
(N, Re) –2.20
(2N, Re) –4.63
(3N, Re) –6.59
(C, Re) –3.51
(CN, Re) —5.78
The formation energy describes the relative difficulty for different ions to be incorporated into the host lattice and is a widely accepted gauge of energetic stability. In Fig. 2 we present the calculated formation energies for the considered defects, each as a function of the Fermi level, EF , under O-rich (a) and Ti-rich (b) conditions. Under oxygen-rich conditions, Re donor has a low formation energy and thus contributes to the n-type conductivity. Note that, in reality, CO , NO , (2N, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re) codoped TiO2 could be incorporated under a Ti-rich condition, where (N, Re), (2N, Re), and (C, Re) codoping have lower formation energies than the (CN, Re) and (3N, Re) codoping. For (CN, Re) and (3N, Re) codoping, it is clearly a high formation energy indicating that the concentration of such a structure under thermal equilibrium will be low. It is possible that these structures may form under nonequilibrium growth conditions.
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 027305 3.2. Electronic and optical properties 4 Formation energy/eV
The calculated band gap of pure anatase TiO2 is 2.10 eV, which is consistent with other theoretical results, but underestimates the experimental value of 3.2 eV due to well-known limitations in density functional theory. In this study, we focus on the change of the band gap upon doping, and the generalized gradient approximation method is expected to largely cancel the band gap error between different systems. Recent theoretical work of nonmetal codoping with transition metals has shown that standard density functional theory methods can deal fully with these doped systems. [5,26] As shown in Fig. 3(a), the valence band maximum (VBM) of pure TiO2 is dominated by O-2p states while the conduction band minimum (CBM) consists mainly of Ti-3d states. The substitutional NO introduces acceptor states, contributed by N-2p orbital, above the valence band maximum [see Fig. 3(b)]. The empty N2p states may act as traps for excited electrons, which could promote an electron–hole recombination rate. For the carbon mono-doped case, CO , the 2p states of carbon are localized in the band gap without changing the valence band maximum relative to the undoped case, while its conduction band minimum shifts down [Fig. 3(c)]. The electron in the valence band can be excited into gap states and then subsequently to the conduction band by visible-light absorption. For the Re-doped TiO2 as shown in Fig. 3(d), the donor states below the conduction band minimum lead to the down shift of the conduction band minimum.
2 CO
(C, Re)
(N, Re) NO
-2 (CN, Re)
Re) (2N,
(3N, Re) -6
2 1 Fermi energy/eV
6 NO
Formation energy/eV
(3N, Re)
2 (CN, Re) 0
e) (2N, R
e) (C, R
Re) (N,
-4 ReTi
-6 -8
2 1 Fermi energy/eV
Fig. 2. (color online) Formation energies each as a function of the Fermi level for defects and complexes in TiO2 for O-rich conditions (a) and for Ti-rich conditions (b). The zero of the Fermi level is at the top of the valence band maximum. Kinks in the curves indicate transitions between different charge states.
0 Partial density of states/arb. units
0 Re5d
-2 2
2 0
-2 Re5d
-2 2
-2 -4
0 2 Energy/eV
-2 0 Energy/eV
Fig. 3. (color online) Partial densities of states for (a) pure anatase; (b)–(d): monodoping NO , CO , and ReTi , respectively, (e)–(i): (N, Re), (2N, Re), (3N, Re), (C, Re), (CN, Re)-codoped cases. In all cases, the vertical dashed line indicates the VBM of pure TiO2 .
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 027305
I(w) = 21/2 w[e12 (w) + ie22 (w)]1/4
21/2 we1 (w)1/2 .
The optical coefficients for (C, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re)codoped TiO2 are compared with that of bulk TiO2 as shown in Fig. 4. An electron is taken away from the system to ensure that the system is neutral, and to enable the calculating of the optical absorption spectrum of (C, Re) doping. Obviously, these codopings would lead to much better absorption edges under sunlight. As is well-known, PEC water splitting for hydrogen production using TiO2 must simultaneously meet three requirements: it must be stable, efficient and energy favorable. [6,25] By comparison, the (C, Re)-codoped anatase TiO2 has the potential to fit these requirements. Therefore this
type of codoped TiO2 is expected to significantly improve the PEC water-splitting efficiency. 8 Optical absorption
Considering that the defect states of C and N are mainly located at the edge of the valence band, and the Re-5d states only contribute to the lowering of the CBM, it is expected that their codoping would enhance the mixing of N (or C)2p and O-2p states in the valence band. We find that for the (N, Re)-doped case, the empty minority band of nitrogen vanishes completely from the gap [see Fig. 3(e)]. A small shift of the VBM (relative to the vertical dashed line) (0.18 eV) indicates that (N, Re) doping contributes less to the improvement of photocatalytic efficiency. For the (2N, Re)-doped case [see Fig. 3(f)], similarly, no impurity state exists within the band gap, and the VBM moves further towards a higher energy compared with that of (N, Re) combination. Doping N further to form complex (3N, Re), the non-equivalent N atoms induce VBM to significantly shift up (0.74 eV) as shown in Fig. 3(g). For (C, Re)- and (CN, Re)-doped systems, the VBM increases greatly. There are strongly mixed characteristics from the dopants in the valence band, indicating strong coupling between the dopants. The hybridized states, located mainly at the edge of the valence band, are composed of anionic dopants 2p states and Re-5d states, while other Ti-3d states are at the edge of the conduction band. Particularly, for (C, Re) pair [see Fig. 3(h)], a large upshift (0.67 eV) of VBM and a tiny downshift of CBM are observed. The net band gap reduction is 0.82 eV relative to that of pure TiO2 . Band-gap narrowing is a highly important factor for the enhancement of optical absorption under visible light irradiation. Since (C, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re)-codoped TiO2 reduce the band gap to a larger extent than the other codoped systems, we calculate their optical properties by the frequency dependence of the dielectric function e(w) = e1 (w) + ie2 (w), which is mainly a function of electronic structure. The imaginary part of the dielectric function, e2 (w), can be calculated from the momentum matrix elements between the occupied and unoccupied wave functions. The real part e1 (w) can be evaluated from the imaginary part e2 (w) by the famous Kramer–Kronig relationship. The corresponding absorption spectrum is estimated using the following equation:
pure TiO2 (C, Re) (CN, Re) (3N, Re)
6 4 2 0
2 Energy/eV
Fig. 4. (color online) Calculated optical adsorption spectra of TiO2 with a complexes of (C, Re), (NC, Re), and (3N, Re), respectively. The optical adsorption spectrum of TiO2 is included for comparison.
4. Conclusion In this paper, according to the first-principles calculations and analysis of electronic structures, we have proposed that the codopings with nonmetal (C or/and N) and transition metal (Re) impurities are used to improve photocatalytic limitation of anatase TiO2 . We find that (C, Re), (CN, Re), and (3N, Re)-codoped systems each could induce a larger band gap reduction than other doped systems. However, for (CN, Re) and (3N, Re) combinations, their high formation energies limit their concentrations under thermal equilibrium. With a relatively low formation energy and a large binding energy, (C, Re) codoping is predicted to be a good candidate for the considerable enhancement of the photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO2 in the visible-light region.
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Chinese Physics B Volume 23
Number 2
February 2014
TOPICAL REVIEW — Magnetism, magnetic materials, and interdisciplinary research 027503
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On the exact solutions to the long short-wave interaction system Fan Hui-Ling, Fan Xue-Fei and Li Xin
Simulation of shock-induced instability using an essentially conservative adaptive CE/SE method Fu Zheng, Liu Kai-Xin and Luo Ning
A novel (G0 /G)-expansion method and its application to the Boussinesq equation Md. Nur Alam, Md. Ali Akbar and Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din
Chaos control in the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation with Kerr law nonlinearity Yin Jiu-Li, Zhao Liu-Wei and Tian Li-Xin
Exponential synchronization of complex dynamical networks with Markovian jumping parameters using sampled-data and mode-dependent probabilistic time-varying delays R. Rakkiyappan, N. Sakthivel and S. Lakshmanan
Analysis of Cr atom focusing deposition properties in the double half Gaussian standing wave field Chen Sheng, Ma Yan, Zhang Ping-Ping, Wang Jian-Bo, Deng Xiao, Xiao Sheng-Wei, Ma Rui and Li Tong-Bao
Photon number cumulant expansion and generating function for photon added- and subtracted-twomode squeezed states Lu Dao-Ming and Fan Hong-Yi
Teleportation of three-dimensional single particle state in noninertial frames Wu Qi-Cheng, Wen Jing-Ji, Ji Xin and Yeon Kyu-Hwang
Preserving entanglement and the fidelity of three-qubit quantum states undergoing decoherence using weak measurement Liao Xiang-Ping, Fang Mao-Fa, Fang Jian-Shu and Zhu Qian-Quan (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)
Quantum state measurement in double quantum dots with a radio-frequency quantum point contact Yan Lei, Wang Hai-Xia, Yin Wen and Wang Fang-Wei
Realization of quantum Fourier transform over ZN Fu Xiang-Qun, Bao Wan-Su, Li Fa-Da and Zhang Yu-Chao
Correlation dynamics of a qubit qutrit system in a spin-chain environment with Dzyaloshinsky Moriya interaction Yang Yang and Wang An-Min
Condensate fraction of asymmetric three-component Fermi gas Du Jia-Jia, Liang Jun-Jun and Liang Jiu-Qing
Nonlinear resonance phenomenon of one-dimensional Bose Einstein condensate under periodic modulation Hua Wei and Liu Shi-Xing
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Maximal entanglement from photon-added nonlinear coherent states via unitary beam splitters
K. Berrada A compact graphene Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser using optical circulator and tunable fiber Bragg grating Li He-Ping, Xia Han-Ding, Wang Ze-Gao, Zhang Xiao-Xia, Chen Yuan-Fu, Zhang Shang-Jian, Tang XiongGui and Liu Yong
Evolution of modes in double-clad Raman fiber amplifier Wang Wen-Liang, Huang Liang-Jin, Leng Jin-Yong, Guo Shao-Feng and Jiang Zong-Fu
Beam control in tri-core photonic lattices Ye Zhuo-Yi, Xia Shi-Qiang, Song Dao-Hong, Tang Li-Qin and Lou Ci-Bo
Nonlinear optical properties of an azobenzene polymer Zeng Yi, Pan Zhi-Hua, Zhao Fu-Li, Qin Mu, Zhou Yan and Wang Chang-Shun
On the modeling of synchronized flow in cellular automaton models Jin Cheng-Jie, Wang Wei and Jiang Rui
Heat transfer for boundary layers with cross flow Krishnendu Bhattacharyya and Ioan Pop PHYSICS OF GASES, PLASMAS, AND ELECTRIC DISCHARGES
A thin radar-infrared stealth-compatible structure: Design, fabrication, and characterization Tian Hao, Liu Hai-Tao and Cheng Hai-Feng
Parametric instabilities in single-walled carbon nanotubes He Cai-Xia, Jian Yue, Qi Xiu-Ying and Xue Ju-Kui
Out-of-plane shear flow effects on fast magnetic reconnection in a two-dimensional hybrid simulation model Wang Lin, Wang Xian-Qu, Wang Xiao-Gang and Liu Yue
Mechanical properties of Al/a-C nanocomposite thin films synthesized using a plasma focus device Z. A. Umar, R. S. Rawat, R. Ahmad, A. K. Kumar, Y. Wang, T. Hussain, Z. Chen, L. Shen and Z. Zhang (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)
The combined effect of optical laser and microwave radiations on a metal surface Anatoli P Gavrilyuk and Nikolai Ya Shaparev CONDENSED MATTER: STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND THERMAL PROPERTIES
Effects of annealing process on characteristics of fully transparent zinc tin oxide thin-film transistor Chen Yong-Yue, Wang Xiong, Cai Xi-Kun, Yuan Zi-Jian, Zhu Xia-Ming, Qiu Dong-Jiang and Wu Hui-Zhen
Dielectric and infrared properties of SrTiO3 single crystal doped by 3d (V, Mn, Fe, Ni) and 4f (Nd, Sm, Er) ions S. Maletic, D. Maletic, I. Petronijevic, J. Dojcilovic and D. M. Popovic
New observations on hydrogen bonding in ice by density functional theory simulations Zhang Peng, Liu Yang, Yu Hui, Han Sheng-Hao, L¨u Ying-Bo, L¨u Mao-Shui and Cong Wei-Yan
Effects of cold rolling deformation on microstructure, hardness, and creep behavior of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel Sun Shi-Cheng, Sun Gui-Xun, Jiang Zhong-Hao, Ji Chang-Tao, Liu Jia-An and Lian Jian-She
Elastic and thermodynamic properties of vanadium nitride under pressure and the effect of metallic bonding on its hardness Pu Chun-Ying, Zhou Da-Wei, Bao Dai-Xiao, Lu Cheng, Jin Xi-Lian, Su Tai-Chao and Zhang Fei-Wu
First-principles study of the structural, elastic, and optical properties for Sr0.5 Ca0.5 TiO3 Yang Chun-Yan and Zhang Rong
Phase transition of Bose–Einstein condensate under decoherence Zheng Qiang, Yi Shan-Feng and Hu Chang-Gang
Subsolidus phase relation in the Bi2 O3 –Fe2 O3 –La2 O3 system Hu Qi-Chang, Chen Ye-Qing, L¨u Pei-Wen, Huang Feng and Wang Xian
Subcooled pool boiling heat transfer in fractal nanofluids: A novel analytical model Xiao Bo-Qi, Yang Yi and Xu Xiao-Fu
Condensation of Fermions in the double-well potential Chen Xin-Wei, Liu Zhong-Qiang and Kong Xiang-Mu
AA bilayer graphene on Si-terminated SiO2 under electric field Liu Hai-Long, Liu Yan, Wang Tao and Ao Zhi-Min CONDENSED MATTER: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE, ELECTRICAL, MAGNETIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES
Comparison of electrical characteristic between AlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructure Schottky diodes L¨u Yuan-Jie, Feng Zhi-Hong, Lin Zhao-Jun, Gu Guo-Dong, Dun Shao-Bo, Yin Jia-Yun, Han Ting-Ting and Cai Shu-Jun (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)
Different influences of Schottky metal on the strain and relative permittivity of barrier layer between AlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructure Schottky diodes L¨u Yuan-Jie, Feng Zhi-Hong, Gu Guo-Dong, Dun Shao-Bo, Yin Jia-Yun, Wang Yuan-Gang, Xu Peng, Han Ting-Ting, Song Xu-Bo, Cai Shu-Jun, Luan Chong-Biao and Lin Zhao-Jun
Damage mechanism of hydroxyl radicals toward adenine–thymine base pair Tan Rong-Ri, Wang Dong-Qi and Zhang Feng-Shou
The effect of k -cubic Dresselhaus spin orbit coupling on the decay time of persistent spin helix states in semiconductor two-dimensional electron gases Chai Zheng, Hu Mao-Jin, Wang Rui-Qiang and Hu Liang-Bin
Electronic band gap and transport in graphene superlattice with a Gaussian profile potential voltage Zhang Yu-Ping, Yin Yi-Heng, L¨u Huan-Huan and Zhang Hui-Yun
AlOx prepared by atomic layer deposition for high efficiency-type crystalline silicon solar cell Qiu Hong-Bo, Li Hui-Qi, Liu Bang-Wu, Zhang Xiang and Shen Ze-Nan
Kink effect in current–voltage characteristics of a GaN-based high electron mobility transistor with an AlGaN back barrier Ma Xiao-Hua, L¨u Min, Pang Lei, Jiang Yuan-Qi, Yang Jing-Zhi, Chen Wei-Wei and Liu Xin-Yu
Investigation of the mode splitting induced by electro-optic birefringence in a vertical-cavity surfaceemitting laser bypolarized electroluminescence Zhang Jie, Yu Jin-Ling, Cheng Shu-Ying, Lai Yun-Feng and Chen Yong-Hai
A strategy of enhancing the photoactivity of TiO2 containing nonmetal and transition metal dopants Li Wei, Wei Shi-Hao and Duan Xiang-Mei
Effect of magnetic properties of soft magnetic phase on the energy product of an exchange-spring magnet Jia Li-Ying, Yin Jin-Hua and Ma Xing-Qiao
Ferrimagnetism and metal insulator transition in an organic polymer chain Ding Lin-Jie, Zhong Yuan and Fan Shuai-Wei
High contrast atomic magnetometer based on coherent population trapping Yang Ai-Lin, Yang Guo-Qing, Xu Yun-Fei and Lin Qiang
Resonance-mode effect on piezoelectric microcantilever performance in air, with a focus on the torsional modes Qiu Hua-Cheng, Dara Feili, Wu Xue-Zhong and Helmut Seidel
Asymmetric reversible diode-like resistive switching behaviors in ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films Zhang Fei, Lin Yuan-Bin, Wu Hao, Miao Qing, Gong Ji-Jun, Chen Ji-Pei, Wu Su-Juan, Zeng Min, Gao XingSen and Liu Jun-Ming
Microscopic degradation mechanism of polyimide film caused by surface discharge under bipolar continuous square impulse voltage Luo Yang, Wu Guang-Ning, Liu Ji-Wu, Peng Jia, Gao Guo-Qiang, Zhu Guang-Ya, Wang Peng and Cao KaiJiang (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)
Red-shift law of intense laser-induced electro-absorption in solids Deng Hong-Xiang, Zu Hao-Yue, Wu Shao-Yi, Sun Kai and Zu Xiao-Tao
A generalized method of converting CT image to PET linear attenuation coefficient distribution in PET/CT imaging Wang Lu, Wu Li-Wei, Wei Le, Gao Juan, Sun Cui-Li, Chai Pei and Li Dao-Wu
Optimization of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot structures and application to 1.3-µm mode-locked laser diodes Li Mi-Feng, Ni Hai-Qiao, Ding Ying, Bajek David, Kong Liang, Cataluna Maria Ana and Niu Zhi-Chuan
Numerical demonstration of three-dimensional terahertz metamaterials based on the causality principle Saeid Jamilan, Javad Nourinia and Mohammad Naghi Azarmanesh INTERDISCIPLINARY PHYSICS AND RELATED AREAS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Occurrence and elimination of in-plane misoriented crystals in AlN epilayers on sapphire via pretreatment control Wang Hu, Xiong Hui, Wu Zhi-Hao, Yu Chen-Hui, Tian Yu, Dai Jiang-Nan, Fang Yan-Yan, Zhang Jian-Bao and Chen Chang-Qing
Controlled construction of nanostructures in graphene Li Zhong-Jun, Li Qiang, Cheng Zeng-Guang, Li Hong-Bian and Fang Ying
Transparent conductive graphene films prepared by hydroiodic acid and thermal reduction Qin Meng-Meng, Ji Wei, Feng Yi-Yu and Feng Wei
Microstructure and its influence on CH4 adsorption behavior of deep coal Feng Yan-Yan, Jiang Cheng-Fa, Liu Dai-Jun and Chu Wei
Study of a millimeter-wave squint indirect holographic algorithm suitable for imaging with large fieldof-view Gao Xiang, Li Chao and Fang Guang-You
Impact of multiplexed reading scheme on nanocrossbar memristor memory’s scalability Zhu Xuan, Tang Yu-Hua, Wu Chun-Qing, Wu Jun-Jie and Yi Xun
Performance improvement of GaN-based light-emitting diode with a p-InAlGaN hole injection layer Yu Xiao-Peng, Fan Guang-Han, Ding Bin-Bin, Xiong Jian-Yong, Xiao Yao, Zhang Tao and Zheng Shu-Wen
Influences of polarization effect and p-region doping concentration on the photocurrent response of solar-blind p i n avalanche photodiodes Li Xiao-Jing, Zhao De-Gang, Jiang De-Sheng, Liu Zong-Shun, Chen Ping, Wu Liang-Liang, Li Liang, Le Ling-Cong, Yang Jing, He Xiao-Guang, Wang Hui, Zhu Jian-Jun, Zhang Shu-Ming, Zhang Bao-Shun and Yang Hui
Large-scale SiO2 photonic crystal for high efficiency GaN LEDs by nanospherical-lens lithography Wu Kui, Wei Tong-Bo, Lan Ding, Zheng Hai-Yang, Wang Jun-Xi, Luo Yi and Li Jin-Min
A novel strong green phosphor: K3 Gd(PO4 )2 :Ce3+ , Tb3+ for a UV-excited white light-emitting-diode Jiang Ting-Ming, Yu Xue, Xu Xu-Hui, Zhou Da-Cheng, Yu Hong-Ling, Yang Peng-Hui and Qiu Jian-Bei (Continued on the Bookbinding Inside Back Cover)
Bifurcation diagram globally underpinning neuronal firing behaviors modified by SK conductance Chen Meng-Jiao, Ling Heng-Li, Liu Yi-Hui, Qu Shi-Xian and Ren Wei
Application of radial basis functions to evolution equations arising in image segmentation Li Shu-Ling and Li Xiao-Lin
Multi-objective optimization of gradient coil for benchtop magnetic resonance imaging system with highresolution Wang Long-Qing and Wang Wei-Min
Analysis of each branch current of serial solar cells by using an equivalent circuit model Yi Shi-Guang, Zhang Wan-Hui, Ai Bin, Song Jing-Wei and Shen Hui
Hybrid solar cell based on polythiophene and GaN nanoparticles composite Feng Qian, Shi Peng, Li Yu-Kun, Du Kai, Wang Qiang, Feng Qing and Hao Yue
Modified-DBR-based semi-omnidirectional multilayer anti-reflection coating for tandem solar cells Ali Bahrami, Shahram Mohammadnejad and Nima Jouyandeh Abkenar
Generation of minimally persistent circle formation for a multi-agent system Luo Xiao-Yuan, Shao Shi-Kai, Zhang Yu-Yan, Li Shao-Bao, Guan Xin-Ping and Liu Zhi-Xin
Optimal network structure to induce the maximal small-world effect Zhang Zheng-Zhen, Xu Wen-Jun, Zeng Shang-You and Lin Jia-Ru
MDSLB: A new static load balancing method for parallel molecular dynamics simulations Wu Yun-Long, Xu Xin-Hai, Yang Xue-Jun, Zou Shun and Ren Xiao-Guang
Analyzing the causation of a railway accident based on a complex network Ma Xin, Li Ke-Ping, Luo Zi-Yan and Zhou Jin GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY, AND ASTROPHYSICS
Improvement of surface flux calculation: A study based on measurements over alpine meadow in the eastern Tibet Plateau in summer Li Sen and Zhong Zhong
Vertical structure of predictability and information transport over the Northern Hemisphere Feng Ai-Xia, Wang Qi-Gang, Gong Zhi-Qiang and Feng Guo-Lin