Dec 28, 2012 ... Haridasas composed songs in spoken Kannada, easily comprehensible, musical
in rendering and expressing divine emotions. While the ...
Karnataka March of
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Dasa Shresta
Union Finance Minister Sri P Chidambaram with Southern States CMs and CMDs of Banks in a meeting held in Bangalore.
Union Home Minister Sri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar at Southern Zonal Council Meeting in Bangalore.
C Karnataka
Volume-2 Issue-19 Page-28 Dec 2012
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N Bhrungeesh K Gopala Gowda Editor
T C Jagadamba
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March of
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4 6
Cover Story Dasa Shreshta: Kanakadasa
S Srinivas
Sardar Vallabbhai Patel: The Iron Man of India A Girish Rai
Rashtra Kavi Kuvempu K S Someswara
Shimoga Safari: tourist spot in Malenad region C V Raghavendrarao
Women Freedom Fighters of Mavinagundi Pramod Melligatti
22 26
Sprinkler Lift Irrigation Project Dr N R Birasal
Pick A Pearl Mahadeva Temple
Dasa Shreshta
Kanakadasa S Srinivas
he Haridasa movement was the heir to the Vachana movement and like the Vachanakaras, the Haridasas composed songs in spoken Kannada, easily comprehensible, musical in rendering and expressing divine emotions. While the Vachanakaras rendered Vachanas in praise of Hara (Shiva), the Haridasas wrote Keertanas in praise of Hari (Vishnu). Both enriched Kannada literature.
As an ascetic Kanaka suffered poverty and misery. He travelled to places like Tirupati, Belur, Melkote, Malur, Srirangapatna, Sosale, Udupi composing keertanes and singing them and imparting moral and spiritual sermons to people. He denounced caste and class distinction and opined that they were no barriers to moksha for which Bhakti or devotion alone mattered.
Among the various Haridasas, Purandara Dasa and Kanaka Dasa stand foremost. Both were followers of Vyasaraja, the spiritual preceptor of the Vijayanagara Emperor, Sri Krishnadevaraya.
So fervent was his devotion to god that once Lord Krishna gave his darshan to Kanakadasa by turning around. The Kanakanakindi in the Sri Krishna temple at Udupi bears testimony to this incident. The futility of worldly attachment, hypocrisy of involving oneself in meaningless rituals and practices and the need to turn oneself towards god were the themes in Kanaka’s rendering.
The acceptance of Kanakadasa as a disciple shows the catholic outlook of Vyasaraja. (Vyasaraja was a famous philosopher and dialectician of the Dvaita Vedanta system and was the disciple of Sripadaraja, who was the founder of Dasakuta, and called as the father of Dasa Sahitya). Kanakadasa was born to Biregowda and Beechamma at Baada near Kaginele in Haveri district of Karnataka. According to Dr D Javare Gowda, the probable birth date of Kanakadasa is 1489. He was born after a long prayer to Lord Timmappa of Tirupati and was named as Timanna. Kanaka’s father was a Dannanayaka (hereditary chieftain) under Vijayanagar rulers. As Dannanayaka, his status in the society was high and in addition to his responsibility for administration and revenue collection he had to maintain an army. Kanaka studied at the Shaiva mutt at Sadashivapete near Bada. Later, he probably received education in the ashrama of Tirumale Taataacharya at Anegondi. After the death of his father, Timanna became his successor and served loyally for the protection and prosperity of Vijayanagar. With economic progress of his domain, wealth poured in and Thimmappa came to be addressed as Kanakappa (Kanaka means gold in Kannada) Some say that he got the name Kanaka as he found a treasure trove of gold. In his work Mohana Tarangini, Kanaka has saluted Taataacharya a saint belonging to Srivaishnava sect which shows that initially he was influenced by Srivaishnava doctrines. Later, fighting against the enemies of the state he was seriously wounded. While recouping, his mind was veered towards spirituality and the death of his mother, wife and child fully turned him into an ascetic. He came under the influence of Madhva saint Vyasaraya and accepted him as his guru.
Some of the works of Kanakadasa are Narasimha Stotra, Ramadhyana Mantra, Mohanatarangini, Nala Charite, Haribhaktisara, etc. The keertanas of Kanaka have the mudrika, Kaginele Aadi Keshava. Kanaka was a poet philosopher whose words had a rural flavor. Apart from songs, he also composed satirical works and riddles. Belonging to the school of Bhakti, devotion acquires a supreme position in his works. But his poems also deal with various aspects of life. Some contain words of wisdom for the mankind in general, while others expose the hypocrisy prevailing in the society. In some of his songs he repents for the past wherein he spent his time in enjoyment of sensual pleasures and his helplessness to rein his senses. Many of his songs urge people to become aware of the transitory nature of worldly life and turn their attention towards God. Kanaka shifted the image of Adikeshava from Baada to Kaginele and consecrated it under the presence of saint Vyasaraya. He also installed the image of Thimma Keshava at Kummuru and Chennakeshava at Ingalagondhi, about 1 km away from Kaginele. (Kummuru is 4 kms away from Ingalagondhi) Kanakadasa firmly believed that without the grace of God, attainment of the highest bliss was impossible. Nothing moves in this world except at this initiation and hence he pleads support from the Lord earnestly. He lived a long life of about ninety years and passed away at Kaginele. Kanakadasa was one of the most sublime thinkers of his age. He was a reformist, mystic and poet of high order. MoK
Karnataka March of
Karnataka March of
Sardar Vallabbhai Patel The Iron Man of India Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, with strong will, determination and exemplary nationalism, is the architect of unified India. Rarely, we come across such towering personalities in world History.
A Girish Rai
ujarat received unprecedented rainfall during July 1927, the sudden and incessant rainfal unknown in living memory uprooted telephone- telegraph polls thousands of cattle, swept away by the flood. People took shelter on tree tops. In Ahemdabad city flood water stood that 5 feet high. This grave natural clamity broke the back bone of administration. It was indeed an Emergency, where people panicked and wandered aimlessly. At this hour of crisis, one man led the municipal authorities, engineers and workers went round the city, guiding them to create outlets to allow the surging water to flow freely into the drain. This bold Man’s crisis management skills saved the city from disaster. As the President of Ahmedabad Municipality, he thought that his responsibility did not end there and the entire flood affected areas, needed his guidance. Accordingly, he visited other places, requested the people to co-operate with the authorities in the crissis. Simultaneously, a Plan was prepared for relief measures needing Rs. 1 crore 30 lakhs initially. Rich people willingly contributed. Since the leader under whose supervision the relief measures would be executed and his financial integrity well known. Lord Birkenhead, though opposed to the Swadesi movement and his strong
opposition to British Rule, contributed 10 pounds, quite a sum then to relief measures with the firm belief that every pie would be spent to help the needy people. This was the degree of respect and faith Sardar Vallabbhai Patel commanded even from the Britishsers.
Farmers Agitation Bardoly taluk in Gujarat was severely affected from flood and famine in 1925 and farmers were in great trouble. Added to this, the Bombay Presidency Government raised taxes.Bardoly with 130 villages with a population of 80,000 and with over 12,000 acres of agricultural land was in turmoil as the land revenue was raised from Rs. 514672 to Rs. 672273. It was impossible for the Farmers to pay the taxes. The farmers approached Vallabbhai Patel explained their plight and solicited his help. Patel evaluated the problem from Legal and other angles and came to the conclusion that agitation was the only way open to the Farmers. He asked them whether they were prepared for this and asked them to consult with other farmers and if all were united he told them to come prepared for a long drawn out struggle with the Government.
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The non-payment of Taxes could lead their property being confiscated and all of them may be sent to Jail. Villagers replied affirmatively and said that they prepared for the worst. Sardar Patel assured the Villagers that he would not fear and would persue the issue and asked the farmers to be equally determened. “This is not just a simple issue of Tax, it is our self respect and freedom” he said. “Sardar Patel wrote a terse Memorandum detailing how the proposed hike in Taxes was highly improper and it should be withdrawn immediately. He received a letter stating that the Presidency Government can handle this problem without the mediation of outside people and sever-action would be taken against the farmers who did not remit the revised taxes. Patel responded. In equally tough language, “It appears that the Presidency has considered me and other leaders as outsiders. I do not belong to Bardoly and nearby villages. I belong to each and every village of entire Bharath Desh. People of Bharath only can say that I am an outsider. People from outside my country who have subjugated us and looting my country have no right to call me an outsider”. The farmers were asked not to pay taxes and Bardoly taluk was formed into many zones with a leader and volunteers entrusted with certain duties. Patel told the farmers strictly to be non-violent and not to be carried away by the actions of officials and tax collectors. The agitating farmers got good support from all over Gujarat and received financial support during the agitation. The Government was determined to crush the agitation. Pathans were brought from North West India and asked to forcibly occupy the property of farmers by terrorizing them. Houses were sealed, Property and cattle taken by the Tax Collectors and auctioned. But no one came forward to purchase them. Some members of Bombay Legisletive council and some leaders were concerned about the atrocities committed on the farmers and finally an agreement reached by which the Government agreed to restore the confisceated land and other properties to the farmers and take back the increase of the Tax. It was a big victory to the
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farmers as also to the able leadership of Vallabhav Bhai Patel. The farmers of Bardoly along with other Satyagrahis met Mahatma Gandhi and conferred the like of Sardar to Vallabbhai Patel for the first time. In almost all Indian Languages, Sardar means a great Leader, a Chief, a Nayak. Sardar Patel, by now emerged as one of India’s most powerful and important leaders.
Early Life Sardar Vallabhav Bhai Patel was born on 31st October 1875 in Nadiad Village to Jhaver Bhai Patel a farmer and his wife Laad Bai, he was very hard working, highly independent nature, hated to work under anyone particularly the Britishsers. Patel started law practice in Godhara. After becoming a Barrister, he moved to Ahmedabad. Soon Patel became popular and was elected to the corporation in 1917.
He came under the spell of Mahatma Gandhi and participated actively in Swadesi Moment and freedom Moment. The meetings and speeches of Sardar Patel were termed as anti-Government and considered him as a threat to the British Rule and imprisoned him. Later, Patel participated in Quit India Moment and was arrested along with Mahatma Gandhi and other Leaders. The village school where Patel studied and the courts where he defended alleged Criminals contributed to toughten his mental muscle and stern appearance. India earned independence on August 15, 1947 but three provinces, Junagarh in Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir and Hyderabad did not merge with the Indian union then. Lord Mountbatten wanted a truncated and subdued India and was favoring Mohammed Ali Jinna. When the proposals of partition was put forth, Nehru readily agreed without understanding the problem of 564 Princely States. Sardar Patel envisaged this
situation from the begining and was anticipating a fluid situation. In the meantime, he initiated action for the merger of principalities in the Indian Union. Most of the Raja’s willingly ceded in the union. Some of them remained adamant. Sardar Patel summoned such of them their ministers warned them of the consequence of disobedience and at the same time threatened them saying that the union would not hesitate to use force if not obeyed. All most all Raja’s fell in line except Junagarh and Hyderabad. Lord Mountbatten was determined to give Kashmir to Pakistan.
Action in Hyderabad Vallabbhai Patel was upset with Jinnha’s attitude in respect of Junagarh where Jinna indirectly started to support the Muslim Raja and tension developed. In retaliation, Patel started playing certain game in Kashmir where the Raja was willing to merge with India. Because of Jinna’s interference, opinion Poll was held in Junagarh where the Hindu Population voted for merger with India. Now Sardar Patel convinced Maharaja of Kashmir who sought Military help of India during the attack of Pakistan Army.
Nehru and Patel with Gandhi
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Thus Pakistan’s nefarious design was frustrated. Meanwhile Nizam of Hyderabad became closer to Lord Mountbatten and was bidding time to become independent. He started to threaten Hindus and subjugated them. The goonda force of Razakars was strengthened and atrocities on Hindus intensified. At this juncture Gandhi was killed. Unable to bear this loss, Patel also fell ill. The Nizam dreamt of becoming independent and thought of purchasing Goa from Portugal to develop international trade and fortify Hyderabad. The Iron Man, Patel, slowly recovered and Nizam became nervous. Ith-Had- Muslimaan Leaders started to regroup. Kasim Razvi, the Razakar Leader organized 20,000 strong Army. Mir-liaqat Ali, a Bussinessman with strong Pakistani support, was made a Minister of the Nizam. Arrangements where made to bring Army from East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Strengthened with all these arrangements, Kasim Razvi visited New Delhi to meet Sardar Patel. With a veiled threat “ If Indian Army enters Hyderabad We will fight to the last man and see the end of it.” Patel poured cold water on the face of Razvi by saying “If you have decided to commit suicide, who can stop you? and walked out of the Room”. This warning unnerved Razvi. The Nizam bought Arms worth Rs.20 crore from Pakistan supplied to Razakars. Immediately Razakar’s started attacking People in Andhra, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Police could not beat this onslaught and people migrated to safer places in the neighborhood. Kasim Razvi came out with provocative threats, which angered Patel. He warned that he would not tolerate any act of division of the country at any cost. Lord Mountbatten with a view to minimize Patel’s anger came up with the proposal. Patel signed the Document which contained a line stating that the Razakar’s should be kept under control.
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Patel thought that the time was ripe to strike it was decided that Army should be moved into Hyderabad soon. Decisive action was defered by two months due to the letter written by Nehru to the Nizam. Finally, it was decided to move the Army on September 12, 1948, 13 months after the country became Independent. The operation Polo, though a military action was termed as Police Action went on shiftily. The force was dispatched on September 13, did not encounter much resistance in Hyderabad. More than 3000 Razakars died, some deserted and ran away and the remaining were taken into custody. Hyderabad merged with Indian union with the surrender of Nizam. The Iron will, firm resolve and great leadership of Sardar Patel achieved this almost impossible task.
Napoleon Bonaparte, Giresepp Mazzini and Victor Hugo persued the issue of unification of Europe but did not succeed. Sardar Patel with strong determination, political foresight and courage consolidated small principalities and tackled all the problems in the way of re-Union, Sardar Patel expired on December 15, 1950. MoK
Contribution The strength of Patel’s character, organizing ability dedicated to achieve freedom to the Motherland. Sardar Patel’s only aim in life was the wellbeing of the country and its people. His personality was the combination of dicipline of a soldier, strategies of a General, generosity of the strong and crystal clear transparency in financial dealings. With huge funds collected for freedom Movement, Patel did not allow a single pie to stick to anyone’s fingers or to percolate down to someone’s pocket. He made his children a son and a daughter to live a modest life. Sardar Patel consolidated 564 small princy polities with consummate skill and great wisdom, and with foresight united these states into the Indian union. During 19th Century advocates of united States of Europe, like
11 Karnataka March of
Rashtra Kavi
Kuvempu K S Someswara
Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate Jayahe Karnataka Mate
his lyric will be ringing in the hearts and ears of every Kannadiga forever. It is time to remember Kuvempu, the great son of Karnataka, who enriched the Kannada literature. Kuppalli Venkatappa Puttappa, better known as Kuvempu, is a gifted writer. Born on December 29, 1904 in a small village of Kuppalli in Shimoga district, he had spent his early childhood life in the malnad region, which must have left an indelible impression on the mind and heart of this talented writer. Naturally, nature comes alive in his writings and he has immortalised the beauty, grandeur and the bounty of nature in prose and poetry. Kuvempu’s great affinity towards nature is derived from his firm belief that one can see god in the beauty of the nature around us. Truly, he stands unique in Indian literature as he depicts nature in literature of any form. From his young age, he was influenced by the regular recital of Ramayana, Mahabharata and Vachanas. In the high school days itself, under the aegis of Padma Patra Association, he actively participated in critical analysis of poetry and writings of Vivekananda. His literary work started in those days itself. By studying English literature he wrote Beginner’s Muse, a collection of poems in
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1921. However, it is believed that Irish poet, James Cousine, also influenced him to write in Kannada language. During the college days, he was patronized by great writers like T S Venkanniah, B M Srinivasaiah and A R Krishna Sastry. Kindarijogi, a long poem presented in Kannada, made him an household name at that time itself. Though this looked like a mirror image of Robert Browning’s Pied Piper of Hamelin, the native influence can very much be seen in this poem. Later, he wrote many romantic lyrics like Prema Kashmira, Jenaguva, Chandra Manchake Ba Chakori to name a few. Kannada Ene Kunidaduvudu Nanede Kannada Ene Kivi Nimiruvudu This lyric too is a humming song in every household of Karnataka. It indicates his fervor to work for the State and its language. He believed that a unified Karnataka with regional language as the medium of education and also as the language of state administration will help the development of the language. While he was Vice chancellor of Mysore University, he introduced Kannada medium at college level. His principle was adoption of two languages among multi languages. He believed that with this such a policy will help Kannada or any other regional language to prosper. Manasa Gangotri, the sanctum sarotum of Mysore University, is his creation.
13 Karnataka March of
His literary works are simply amazing. He tried every genre of the literary form like poetry, prose, stories, novels, drama and epics and has achieved stellar heights in each field. In every work, his intelligence, talent and vast life experience come to the fore. Kuvempu is essentially a poet. More than half in as many as 68 of his literary works are of poetry. From Amalana Kathe to Ramayana Darshanam, his leaning towards poetic presentation is evident. Kolalu, Navilu, Panchajanya are some of his best poetic creations. His Malegalalli Madumagalu, Kanuru Heggaditi novels are a moving picture of the life and culture of people in malnad region , where he was born and influenced. Though many of his works are influenced by Western literature, his every creation is blended with our own culture. He seems to have been greatly influenced by Western writers like Wordsworth, Shelly, Milton, Tolstoy and others. He was also influenced by the preaching’s of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda. Even Gandhiji’s movement for Indian independence has moulded him as an allround personality.
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The champion of Bhoodan movement Acharya Vinoba Bhave during his visit to Mysore had addressed Kuvempu as an Emperor of Literary World and also as Modern Valmiki. He called Kuvempu’s Ramayana Darshanam as the epic of the era. Rational thinking is Kuvempu’s asset. He never believed in superstitions, blind beliefs and division of society by caste, creed or colour and all his literary works are testimony to this fact. One can find, his fervent opposition to such evils of the society in his literary work. He always advised people to be rational and develop a scientific attitude in their life’s approach.
Ramakrishna Hegde, Kuvempu and Shivarama Karanth
He has written as many as fourteen dramas .This includes Jalagara, Beralge Koral, Smashana Kurukshetra, Shudra Tapasvi. In Jalagara, he emphasizes the need for a society where work is worship. ‘Nanageke Shivagudiya Yatre, Karmave Aaradhane are some of the dialogues in this drama. This emphasizes his commitment to a healthy society. His epic Ramayana Darshanam fetched him with the coveted Jnana Peetha Prashasti. The epic book has been rightly adjudged as Kuvempu’s immortal work. One can see the rebirth of Valmiki Ramayana with sharp analysis of various characters in different perspectives
Jeevaraj Alva, Dr. Rajkumar, Gundurao, Kuvempu, Shivarama Karanth
Kuvempu is the proud receipient of many other awards. He was presented with Sahitya Academy award in 1955 and Padma Bhushan in 1958. The Mysore, Karnataka and Bangalore Universities have conferred him with doctorate degrees on different occasions. His death in November 1994 left a void in Kannada literary field.
Kuvempu and S Bangarappa
``Kai Mugidu Olage Ba, Idu Sasyakashi,” a notation prominently seen in front of Bangalore historical and world-famous Lalbagh botanical garden, was coined by Kuvempu. He is rightly been hailed as the Rashtra Kavi (poet laureate) and also as Wordsworth of Kannada. He was the Chairperson of Sahitya Sammelan held in Dharwad in 1957. In the words of Da.Raa. Bendre, ``Kuvempu is a poet of the world and also the poet of the era.” MoK
Kuvempu, Veerendra Patil
Photos from Archives of Information Department
15 Karnataka March of
Shimoga Safari A Most Sought after tourist spot in Malenad region C V Raghavendra Rao
he Tiger and Lion safari in Shimoga, situated on the way to famous Jog falls 12 kms away from the city on Sagar road, has turned as the district’s most sought after tourist spot and a star attraction to visitors of all ages. The Wildlife Wing of the Forest Department has set up this attractive spot amidst green ambiance to provide a chance to see wild animals roaming freely in their enclosures and to allow breeding of these animals in captivity.
Black Leopard a Rare Star in the Safari Shimoga safari is attracting huge crowds to see a rare wild animal black leopard which has been allowed to move freely in its enclosure. Krithika a female four and half year leopard gave birth to two leopard cubs five months ago. One was completely Black and another was partially white. The change in color is attributed to possible genetic variation and such black leopard species have not been seen in any Zoo of the country.
It is delightful for a visitor to see tigers, lions, bears, panthers (leopards), deer, sambar and variety of birds sitting freely in a protected vehicle under the guidance of forest staff. There are 3 lions, 12 tigers (7 male and 5 female), 49 deer, 48 sambar and five leopards and scores of colored birds including ostrich. The number of visitors to safari is increasing year by year and has turned as one of highest revenue earning tourist spot in Malenad region. The Zoo Authority of the State has taken special interest to develop the safari by providing all basic amenities to visitors and staff including permanent water source to feed animals. Recently, a pair of ostrich birds has been added to safari and the Zoo Authority is trying to provide a pair of Nilgai and Gaur to the safari shortly.
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Star attraction Black leopard cub
Lions moving freely in enclosures
According to DFO of Shimoga Wildlife Wing, T J Ravikumar, the astonished safari staff protected carefully the cubs in separate enclosures and now they have been allowed to move freely. The black leopard which is yet to be named, is healthy and is providing treat to visitors. Panthers and leopard, both belong to same family, though it is believed that there are black panthers in Sahravathi, Anshi, Dandeli and Mokkambika Wildlife Sanctuaries, none have noticed them due to their fastest movement, said an official. Few have listed that they have seen a black panther but none has taken any photograph till now. A veterinary doctor keeps tab on the health of
wild creatures in the safari. Aged and blind animals have been confined to cages and looked after carefully. Zoos and Safaris have become the only safe abode for wild life due to increased and unchecked biotic activities in sanctuaries and reserve forest areas. Unchecked poaching, smuggling and unabated destruction of fragile forest have added to the miseries of rare wild animals. Dwindling forest cover is the greatest threat to the lives of wild. Creating concern on environment protection and sustenance of bio-diversity can only save our rare wild animal heritage before their total disappearance. MoK
17 Karnataka March of
Women Freedom Fighters of Mavinagundi Pramod Mellegatti
omen have contributed on par with men to make India free from the clutches of the British rule by participating in the freedom movement in various forms. A group of women freedom fighters of Mavinagundi near Jog Falls is one such example. They have carved out a niche for themselves in the annals of the freedom struggle through their unique form of movement. The small village Mavinagundi is situated 7 kms from Jog, in Uttara Kannada district. The
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voluntary fast-unto death satyagraha undertaken by the women of this tiny village during the freedom struggle was indicative of their patriotism, devotion, courage, determination, sacrifice and bravery. When a clerk and a constable (havaldar) of the British rule had forcibly seized the buffaloes of farmers on May 18,1932, the brave women of the village resisted to fast as a protest against the arbitrary action by the officials and finally succeeded in getting their livestock back.
Women, including pregnant ones, girls and aged, participated in the fast. Among the agitators Tyagali Bhuvaneshwaramma squatted for 32 days and Kallala Lakshmamma for 22 days fasting becoming the source of inspiration for the others to join the movement. Along with them, Dodmane Mahadevamma, Kulibeedu Ganapamma, Hanajibylu Bhagirathamma, Kallala Kaveramma, Hosakoppa Seethamma Gunjagod Madevamma and Heggara Devamma were prominent agitators. Gowramma, wife of Sardar Venkataramaiah was the leader for there bunch of public spirited Women agitators. This movement drew the nationwide attention following wide coverage in the national newspapers. However, the Kannada newspapers of the region, ‘Kannada
Dhurina’ and ‘Kannada Vrutta’, earned the wrath of the British rulers who took stern action against these newspapers by ordering their closure for publishing the news of the women’s movement. Scores of women of Mavinagundi and the surrounding villages were inspired by the Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi. They stood brave hearted against the British rule and played a vital role in the movement against tax collection. In order to revive the glorious moments of the satyagraha in the minds of common man the Western Ghats Task Force and the State Forest Department have jointly developed – Women Satyagraha Smaraka Bhavan at Mavinagundi. The bhavan has portraits of women participating in the satyagraha. The portraits made artistically succinctly depict the incidents during the freedom movement. Now this memorial is attracting many tourists visiting the Jog Falls. MoK
19 Karnataka March of
Dr Gary Patron, Vice President, IBMs Semiconductor and Development Centre Called on Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar in Bangalore.
Biocon Chief Smt Kiran Muzumdar Shaw discussed on Bangalore City Waste management with Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar in Bangalore.
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Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar inaugurated Deepa Solar Lighting systems at Nagarabavi in Bangalore.
The Governor of Rajastan Her Excellency Smt Margaret Alva inaugurated Kannada Rajyostava function in Jaipur, organised by the Department of Information, Government of Karnataka in co-ordination with Jaipur Kannada Sangha. The Director DOI Sri N R Vishukumar is also seen.
21 Karnataka March of
Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar addressing the farmers after launching the unique irrigation project at Shiggaon on November 9, 2012
Sprinkler Lift Irrigation Project
Unique project combining the advantage of lift irrigation and drip irrigation technologies. Dr N R Birasal
here are several ongoing normal lift irrigation schemes in Karnataka state but the Government of Karnataka thought of combining the advantage of lift irrigation and drip irrigation technologies and gave its administrative approval for Rs. 238 crore for the unique project on January 13, 2009.
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Water lifted from Varada river flowing into a sump constructed under the scheme near Bankapur in Haveri district
Unique scheme entitled “Shiggaon Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS) envisaged to irrigate 9,900 hectares in Savanvur, Shiggaon and Hanagal talukas of Haveri district. The then Chief minister B S Yeddyurappa laid the foundation stone for the project on February 16, 2009. The project was dedicated to the nation on November 9 by Chief minister Jagadish Shettar. Now 9,900 hectare dry-land in 30 villages of 3 talukas of Haveri district are getting irrigated by sprinkler irrigation system with the commissioning of the Shiggaon LIS. Besides, the scheme feeds five big tanks in the command area. A total of 1.5 tmc feet of water will be utilized under the project (1.35 tmc feet for irrigation and the rest to fikll the tanks). This new and innovative idea involves the flow of river water through canals, pipelines and delivery chambers to the storage sumps near the fields. The water is then sprinkled to the fields
using the drip irrigation technology as and when required, so that the wastage of water is eliminated on one hand and the fields do not go without water even during summer when the crop need the most.
Working System The total area to be irrigated is divided into 119 blocks of about 80 to 85 hectares. Each block has been provided with a portable overhead sprinkler irrigation system connected to a sump. Water from 119 sumps will be supplied to 10,912 sprinklers through 10 HP pumps to irrigate 154.69 hectare in one hour. Each small sub-block is provided with pumps to ensure pressure for the sprinkler nozzle. Sub-block is also provided with 44 sprinklers of which 22 run and the rest are standby. The sprinkler irrigation system will be operated for 16 hours per day so as to cover an area of 2,475 hectares. In four days, the entire 9,900 hectare will be irrigated. The cycle gets repeated on the fifth day.
23 Karnataka March of
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buil n weir
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Check gates built to maintain the flow of water into canals.
The water is lifted from Varada and Dharma rivers using four pumps with a capacity of 10,616 HP each. The jackwell cum pump house works are completed at Halasur village near Savanur where the two rivers meet. 1.5 tmc feet of water is diverted from a diversion weir constructed across Varada river. Canals are 180 km long, pipelines upto 11,600 Km erected. There will be 6 delivery chambers of which 4 are already completed. The five minor irrigation tanks like Hale Bankapur, Shidlapura, Kalyana, Nidagundi (all in Shiggaon taluka) and Neeralagi tank Hanagal taluka will be filled in the scheme. The project will cover 75 per cent dry-land of the beneficiary talukas. Karnataka Neeravari Nigam through the contractor would maintain the system for the next two years. Now the farmers of 23 villages
Karnataka March of
began using this facility. As part of the project, barrage construction work across Varada at a cost of Rs. 31 crore will soon commence. After 2 years, the maintenance of the system will be handed to the committees of the farmers in the respective villages.
Boon to Backward Talukas Water Resources Minister Sri Basvaraj Bommai said Shiggaon and Savanur talukas were the most backward districts in the State according to Nanjundappa committee report and this project will be a boon to farmers. Nearly 90 per cent of the work has been completed so far. The remaining work pertains to installing overhead sprinklers on over 2000 acres of land in Hanagal taluka. The work has been delayed as sugarcane crop on these farmlands is yet to be harvested, Sri Bommai said.
First of its Kind
CM Speaks after Launching the Project
Individual farmers were used to work with their independent sprinkler irrigation system since several years. But controlled sprinkler irrigation system on a large scale, is being takenup for the first time in the country. According to engineers, 2.6 tmc feet of water is required to irrigate 9,900 hectares (24,462 acre) under a conventional scheme.
Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar said that these are the days with increasing scarcity of water, we need to adapt technology to use less water to get more yield. Shiggaon LIS was ambitious project of the state government. Government has spent Rs. 238 crore on it and the farmers should make the best use of this scheme. BJP government has rolled out a number of new irrigation projects, set aside funds and completed the projects in time. Former Chief minister Sri B S Yeddyurappa, Agriculture Minister Sri Umesh Katti, Water Resources Minister Sri Basavaraj Bommai, Major Industries Minister Sri Murugesh Nirani, Minor Industries Minister Sri Rajugowda, Housing Minister Sri V Somanna and PWD Minister Sri C M Udasi, Sri Prahlad Joshi, MP, were present. MoK
With this innovative combined lift and drip irrigation technology, only 0.9 tmc feet of water will be sufficient to irrigate 9,900 hectares, Sri Bommai said. For this controlled irrigation system, a specific crop pattern could also be maintained and gives scope for development of agro industries in the neighborhood. Beneficiary farmers have been briefed about the crop pattern that they need to follow. This scheme is modeled on an Israeli sprinkler irrigation system, he added.
Newly constructed Jackwell cum pump house.
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25 Karnataka March of
Pick A Pearl The Mahadeva temple T
he Mahadeva Temple is located in the town of Itagi, Yalburga taluk in Koppal district. It is about 7 km from Kuknur and 20 km from Lakkundi.
The Mahadeva Temple at Itagi was built Circa 1112 CE by Mahadeva, a commander in the army of the Western Chalukya King Vikramaditya VI.
The Mahadeva Temple was built based on the general plan of the Amruteshwara Temple at Annigeri and has the same architectural components with a difference in their articulation.
Itagi is about 35 kms east of Gadag and 64 kms west of Hampi. The temple is dedicated to Hindu God Shiva. The well-executed sculptures, finely crafted carvings on walls, pillars and the tower make it a good example of Western Chalukyan art, which speaks volumes about the taste of the Chalukyan artisans. The Mahadeva temple is protected as a national monument by the Archaeological Survey of India.
Karnataka March of
Chief Minister Sri Jagadish Shettar inaugurated the Housing Complex, and distributed Hakku Patras at Laxman Rao Nagar Koramangala in Bangalore
March of Karnataka DECEMBER 2012. RNI No. KAR KAN/2010/4081
Regd No. KARN 34 CPMG/KA/BGGPO/2525/2012-2014 under WPP No. 55 Licenced to post at GPO Bangalore (pages 28) On 29th & 30th Every Month
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