December 4, 2013 Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Dec 4, 2013 - Thanks to Sunday School, Wednesdays ROCK!, and ..... side, I heard the simple words of Christian .... more
Westminster Presbyterian Church December 4, 2013

Friends and fellow disciples, It took one whole day of Advent for our family to completely lose perspective. The kids got really excited about purchasing a special Advent Calendar, even offering to use some of their own money. After lunch on Monday, Carrie took Heath and Wilson to purchase the item in question, which, of course, was out of stock. Things spiraled downhill quickly: • • • •

Parents realize it's more about the stuff in the Advent Calendar than about Advent. Kids whine. Mother gets frustrated. Father gets home and is also frustrated. There was, perhaps, a bit of yelling.

So, this was a good occasion to stop and remember what this season is about. We sat down and talked through the Christmas story. Thanks to Sunday School, Wednesdays ROCK!, and the pageant, they remembered the story well. But we needed to make sure the point was clear. “Children, what is Christmas not about?” “Presents,” they moaned. “What is it about?” “The birth of Jesus!” But, we also realized, celebrating the birth of Jesus is a bit abstract. How do we share that love? In the church, of course, we worship. The music carries us, as we read familiar texts, as we listen for familiar details. I encourage you to do everything you can to worship with us throughout this season. If this past Sunday’s worship and Lovefeast are any indication, worship is going to be so special this season.


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Feed the Hungers

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“...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

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Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013

In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations Christmas Eve Offering Advent Dinners Dreams, Songs & the Story... Advent Lessons & Carols Children's Christmas Pageant Potluck & Sing-Along Intergenerational Caroling Service of the Longest Night Christmas Eve Worship Services All Shall Be Well Westminster School for Children Library Alert A More Welcoming Westminster Welcome, New Members! Year-End Contribution Guidelines Men's Basketball Session Notes Youth Ministry Community Opportunities Preaching Schedule Congregational Responsibilities

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But we also give. You all are, by nature, a giving people. The presents you gave to 140 families sponsored through Durham Social Services’ Share Your Christmas project are proof. The 58 shoeboxes you brought on Christ the King Sunday are as well. We learned this week that those shoeboxes will go to children in particularly poor neighborhoods in south Raleigh. This newsletter is full of opportunities to give: • • • •

For the youth to bring blankets to their Christmas Party (pg. 7) For greenery (pg. 1) For the Christmas Eve offering (pg. 2) For children and seniors to keep warm (pg. 7)

I hope, too, that you’ll consider an extra gift to the church as we finish another strong year and as you pledge to be a part of the exciting future God has in store. We share God’s love by giving. Monday night, after the yelling, our family ended up having a nice evening decorating our tree together. I imagine we’ll lose track of things a time or two more before Christmas Eve. But, it is surely good news that there is a community that surrounds us, to teach the stories and to try to live them together.


Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Contribute to the Christmas Greenery Fund You may make a donation in honor of, in memory of, or in celebration of your loved one(s) this Christmas season. These donations are used to purchase Christmas greenery and wreaths from TROSA to decorate our church. Visit to download and print the form. Please make your check payable to Westminster marked “Christmas Greenery.” Bring your form and check to the church office or drop them in the offering plate by Monday, December 16.

December 4, 2013

~ Concerns & Celebrations ~

Please remember the following in your prayers this week. Vicki Atwater Regina Carroll's friend Mary Jane & Chris Cook's friend The birth of Emily & Lee Corey's daughter Dennis Enberg's sister

Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond

Brian Hanczaryk's father Jeff Laufenberg's father Sharon Montgomery's son Jim & Jill Nelson's sister-in-law

2013 Westminster Christmas Eve Offering

“When they saw the star that had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” – Matthew 2:10-12 At Westminster, we have a tradition of giving generously each year to the Christmas Eve offering, which goes entirely to one or more local missions. Last year, our congregation collected more than $36,000 to help organizations in need! This year, the diaconate has selected the three local agencies below to share the Christmas Eve offering. The offering will be collected at the Children’s Christmas Pageant and both Christmas Eve services. You can also drop a check off to the church office any time before Christmas. As you come into Christ’s presence this Christmas, feel the joy of his love. Open your treasure chests and give generously. God’s promise is that we will be so changed that we too shall go “home by another road.” Durham Crisis Response Center

The Durham Crisis Response Center works with our community to end domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, education, support, and prevention. For more than twenty years, DCRC has been the sole provider of comprehensive shelter and support services in the Durham area, providing counseling, legal advocacy, support groups, and shelter to survivors and their families in the aftermath of domestic or sexual violence. DCRC also offers prevention workshops and training to faith-based organizations, schools, the general public, and professionals throughout the Triangle. Over the years, DCRC has helped more than 20,000 women and children. Last year alone, 170 women and children found safety at the Durham Crisis Response Center shelter, and another 1100 learned they have an ally who can help them stop the violence. DCRC offers a comprehensive continuum of direct services to the community free of charge. For more info, see

Forest View and Hope Valley Elementary Schools’ Latino Family School and Community Support

Early success in school facilitates children’s continued success in school and life. Reading is a critical and complex skill that must be mastered in elementary school for children to achieve academic success. With academic success and strong literacy skills, children will be able to follow their passions and develop into contributing members of the community. Staff at Forest View Elementary and Hope Valley Elementary in Durham have found that many of their Hispanic/Latino(a) families can benefit from targeted support, especially in the area of literacy. Your support will help fund the Latino Family School and Community Support project – a series of workshops for Forest View and Hope Valley families to learn specific strategies for working with their children at home and advocating for them in school. The workshops will help empower these families, creating an environment that celebrates learning and strengthens our schools and our community. -2-

Urban Ministries of Durham 30th Anniversary

For 30 years, Urban Ministries of Durham has made it their mission to meet emergency needs for food, clothing, and shelter; and to help those who are homeless secure a home and the resources to stay there. Urban Ministries of Durham provides emergency shelter every night; serves three meals a day, seven days a week, without charge, to anyone who comes; provides a food pantry and clothing closet; and provides support for the journey out of homelessness through a variety of programs. Of every dollar donated to UMD, 88 cents directly supports programs. Westminster was one of the organizations that helped found Urban Ministries and we support them financially, through collections and by serving a meal one night every month of the year. Thomas Merton’s words sum up well the philosophy UMD exercises: “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.” For more information, see

Westminster Presbyterian Church

A dvent at Westminster ll things

As we joyfully await Christ's birth this Advent season, we will study, reflect, worship, eat, play, and serve with one another. Check the Sunday bulletin for a helpful overview of all that's happening at WPC in the coming weeks.

Potluck & Sing-Along

Advent Dinners

Sunday, December 15 Fellowship Hall 5-7pm (Immediately following the Christmas Pageant)

December 4: Ham, mac & cheese, and green beans December 11: Chicken fajitas Time: 5:30-6:30pm, following Christmas Pageant practice Location: Fellowship Hall

Bring your favorite holiday dish to share and stay for an evening of song hosted by the High family. Families with last names beginning with...

All are invited to join us for dinner with special holiday activities. Reserve a spot for you and your family by noon on the Monday before dinner in one of these ways:


• On the sign-up sheet in the Mission Center • By calling Barb Schmidt (919-489-4974) • In myWPC:

A - J: please bring a main dish K - R: side or salad S - Z: dessert

*Volunteers Needed! Visit to let

Donations appreciated (suggested: $5/adult, $3/child).

us know if you can help with set-up or clean-up.

*Volunteers Needed! Visit to let us know if you can help with set-up or clean-up.

Dreams, Songs & the Story of Christ's Birth* Date: December 4 and December 11 Time: 6:30-7:30pm, immediately following Advent Dinner Location: Room 105 Betty and Taylor will lead a study that explores how these unique narratives featured in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew bring a whole new angle to Jesus' story. On December 4, we will study the dreams that precede Jesus' birth; and on December 11, we'll study the songs of Zechariah and Mary.

Intergenerational Christmas Caroling Be part of the Westminster tradition of Christmas caroling at the homes of some of the beloved members of our community. We will meet in the WPC parking lot at 6:15pm on Tuesday, December 17. Carolers will return to Westminster afterward for fellowship with warm drinks and snacks in the Parlor. Goodies will be provided, but you're welcome to bring a treat to share if you like. All are welcome!

Service of the Longest Night

*No sign-up required – just come as you are!

Advent Lessons & Carols Program Westminster's Chancel Choir will present its annual program during the 8:30 and 11am services on Sunday, December 15. Their beautiful singing will be complemented by music from percussionists David McQuay and Mark Hill. Join us!

Wednesday, December 18, at 7pm Sanctuary The holidays can be full of joy and celebration, and they can be very difficult. The things that cause us to hurt don't stop because it's Advent – family conflicts can flare up, people we love still get sick and die, global suffering continues. This service of worship, traditionally held close to the longest night of the year, is a time when we can grieve together, knowing we are held by the One who comes. There will be a reception afterward in the Parlor.

Children's Christmas Pageant

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Westminster's annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, December 15, at 4:30pm in the Sanctuary. The children are excited to share the Christmas story and some special songs with you, so don’t miss out!

Westminster will offer two worship services on Christmas Eve: 1. Family Service of Readings and Carols at 5pm 2. Service of Readings, Carols, and Lights with Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble at 8pm. Preludes for this service will begin at 7:30pm. Childcare will be available in the nursery during both services.

Parents, see for rehearsal details. -3-

December 4, 2013

Christian Education news All Shall Be Well At age 23, Heather Ferguson landed her dream job. Throughout her teenage years, she worked at a local bakery in Orangeburg, SC. “I was drawn to baking because there was a lot of creative freedom in it. I could interact with people and serve them.” As a high school junior, Heather received a scholarship to Dunwoody Industrial Institute, a baking school in Minneapolis, MN. The transition from small-town South Carolina to Minnesota’s largest city – and the homesickness that ensued – was challenging. But after a couple of months, she found her place and developed close friendships with her classmates. And then came the job. From a young age, Heather had dreamt of working for the Pillsbury Company. After graduating from Dunwoody, she began her career there as a New Product Development Technician. “It had its stressors, but it was a lot of fun,” Heather said. “A marketing team would give us a project, and we would start from scratch. Compounding, mixing, baking, and tasting – it was a great job!” Heather had been on the hunt for a church home in Minneapolis since her arrival. When her boss at Pillsbury heard that she hadn’t found the right fit yet, she invited Heather to her own church, Valley Community Presbyterian Church. Before the end of the day on her first visit to Valley Community, Heather had signed up to be a youth advisor. “I fell in love with it,” she said. “The other youth advisors were so committed to their role and thoughtful in their faith. The youth were always up for learning, serving, and any new adventure we could create.” Heather served as a youth advisor for two years and became a deacon at Valley.

And then, an unexpected opportunity presented itself. The church was in need of a new Director of Youth Ministry, and Heather was asked if she’d be interested in the position.

Heather faced a decision that would take a whole new level of discernment. She sought feedback from her family, who was supportive of her potential career shift. She remembers the process of discernment that led her to her decision very clearly: “I was out for a walk, praying fervently about the decision, and stopped on a bridge over a stream. My eyes caught sight of a single leaf falling softly onto the water. I watched it as it was carried under the bridge. When it came out the other side, I heard the simple words of Christian mystic Julian of Norwich: ‘All shall be well… and all manner of thing shall be well.’ That was the feeling I had – whether taking this position was the right choice or not, I would not be alone and all would be well.” Heather’s dream job had led her to discover the true vocation to which God was calling her. She took on the role of Director of Youth Ministry, and was mentored by the pastor and DCE, who were known in the community and Presbytery for their innovative ways of doing ministry (even if it meant going against the common current). After 2½ years at Valley Community, Heather left to pursue a degree in Christian education. She completed her undergraduate education at Montreat-Anderson College, and went on to Presbyterian School of Christian Education for her master’s. At PSCE, which she describes as “Presbyterian heaven,” Heather met many students who were deeply rooted in the Presbyterian tradition. Having grown up in the Baptist tradition and having worked -4-

in a church that did not always fall in line with the Presbytery, being at PSCE was pivotal for Heather. Her learned impulse to go against the “current” combined with a new understanding of the intentionality and value of the denomination’s flow. In 1995, Heather answered a call to Highland Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem, NC. She put into practice there the things she’d learned about faith formation at PSCE and realized that the streak for innovation she’d been mentored in at Valley was still very much alive in her vision for Christian education. One of the ways this played out was in the many mission trips with youth, college students, adults, and families that Heather led. Over her fifteen years at Highland and with the help of others, Heather organized and led yearly service learning trips for youth; four college trips to Habitat for Humanity locations in South Carolina; a trip to Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina; and nine trips to Guatemala to build relationships with the indigenous people, to serve, and to learn. Heather in Guatemala, 2009 Heather began doctorate work in Christian Education at Columbia Seminary in 2008, and transitioned to the role of Staff Associate for Education at University Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill in 2010, finishing her degree in 2012. After three years at UPC, Heather felt the pull to be in ministry in a smaller congregation where she could interact and connect more deeply with members. She now joins Westminster as our new Director of Christian Education, where we welcome her and the call she articulates with great joy: “I believe God is calling me to a church family that worships, serves, learns, laughs, and mourns together all in an atmosphere of love and hope.”

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Library Alert

Just for Christmas We have lots of books for good Christmas reading to suit everyone from the very youngest to the oldest:

Join Westminster School in Helping Make “Megan’s Wish” Come True! Now through Friday, December 13 My name is Megan Brinkman, and I am a Westminster School graduate and the daughter of Julie Brinkman, who teaches in the Turtle class. My biggest wish for the holidays is to help the homeless. You may have seen me in a commercial for the Durham Rescue Mission. For the past five years, with the generosity of so many friends and neighbors, I have been able to help many people at the Durham Rescue Mission. I would like to ask the entire Westminster community for their help this year to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

• One Veggie Tales movie • Christmas art

• A novel • And more!

You can help by donating food or money to benefit the Durham Rescue Mission. Cash or check donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out directly to the Durham Rescue Mission and may be placed in an envelope in the Westminster School office. The donation is tax deductible (the Rescue Mission will send you a receipt). There will be a marked bin for food donations in the hallway. My family and I plan to deliver all donations to the Rescue Mission the week before Christmas. All donations are greatly appreciated and I promise they WILL make a difference. Thank you to each Westminster family for your generosity and willingness to once again help make my holiday wish come true. Sincerely, Megan Brinkman

A More Welcoming Westminster Ever wonder who that person is sitting in the pew in front of you? Imagine what it's like for new members like the Mangums (below) or for Heather, as our new Director of Christian Education (page 4). Now there's a way to help us all put names with faces, and become an even more welcoming community in the process: add your photo and one of your family to the online directory in myWPC. (Remember, myWPC is a secure tool only accessible to active members). Here's how: Adding Your Photo:

Adding a Photo of Your Family:

Viewing the online photo directory:*

1. 2.

1. 2.


3. 4. 5. 6.

Login at Under Home in the main menu, click My Profile Click the Edit button in the top right corner Click the Personal Photo button in the top right corner of next page Click the Browse button and upload a photo from your computer Click the Save button

3. 4.

Follow steps 1-3 on the left Click the Family Info button in the top right corner of next page Click the Browse button and upload a photo from your computer Click the Save button


After logging in, click Directories in the main menu Select Individual Directory with photos or Family Directory with photos and click the View Directory button

*Helpful tips for the online directory • To enlarge photos, hold down the Ctrl and + buttons on your keyboard (hold down the Ctrl and 0 buttons to return to normal size) • To find someone quickly, hold down the Ctrl and F buttons and type his/her name

Kirk Mangum is from Rocky Mount, NC, and received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Appalachian State University. He and wife Courtney moved to Durham from Asheville 10 years ago. Courtney is from Winston-Salem, NC, and graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill. They have three kids: Lyndsay (10), Abbie (7), and Harris (6). Courtney is an assistant teacher at Westminster School for Young Children, and Kirk works in the family business, A. Grant Mangum &

Co., Inc., as a healthcare business consultant. Both are passionate about the outdoors. Courtney enjoys running, hiking, camping, and skiing; and Kirk is an Eagle Scout who has volunteered as a member of the National Ski Patrol for 21 years and thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1993. Kirk and Courtney love the community at Westminster and look forward to getting involved.


new members!


December 4, 2013

Year-End Contribution Guidelines The General Rule: The income tax regulations specify that “ordinarily, a contribution is made at the time delivery takes place. The unconditional delivery or mailing of a check which subsequently clears in due course will constitute an effective contribution on the date of delivery or mailing.” According to this language, a check dated December 31, 2013, but physically delivered in January 2014 is deductible only on the donor’s 2014 federal tax return. This is so, even though a donor backdates a check to read “December 31, 2013” during church services conducted in January 2014, or in fact completed and dated the check on December 31, 2013, but gives it to the church on or after January 1, 2014.

Type of Contribution

An Exception: The only exception to this rule is the case of a check that is dated, mailed and postmarked in December of 2013. The fact that the church does not receive the check until January of 2014 does not prevent the donor from deducting it on their 2013 federal tax return. The rules are summarized in the table to the right.

Remember: Do not file your 2013 Federal Income Tax Return until you receive your WPC 2013 year-end statement. These will be emailed by January 31, 2014. Some donors may not be able to deduct certain contributions if they file a tax return before receiving their church contribution statement.

Men's Basketball Interested in fun, fellowship, and good exercise? Try joining the Westminster basketball team! WPC has played in the Hope Valley Baptist Church Basketball League for over 10 years. The league offers fun, competitive action in an atmosphere appropriate for church groups. Starting in early January, we play 1-2 nights a week for about two months. Anyone at least 16 years old is eligible – basketball skill or experience is far from mandatory. Contact Darren Skeen ([email protected]) with questions or to sign up by December 23.

Church Treasurer Church Treasurer Reports as 2013 Reports as 2014 Contribution Contribution

Checks written in Dec. 2013 and put in the church offering in Jan. 2014


Checks written and put in the church offering in Jan. 2014, but “backdated” to Dec. 2013


Checks written and put in the church offering in Dec. 2013 but “postdated” to Jan. 2014


Checks written, mailed, & postmarked in Dec. 2013, but received by the church in Jan. 2014


Checks written, and mailed in Dec. 2013, and postmarked and received in Jan. 2014


Contact Barbara Fletcher at [email protected] or 919-489-2974, ext. 122, if you have any questions.

Session Notes •

November 17 Meeting

At this joint meeting of the Session and Diaconate, the elders and deacons split up into six groups and examined 20 inquirers. After being introduced to all of the officers, the inquirers were accepted as new members to Westminster. The Strategic Planning Committee presented a brief update on its progress to date. They have met, gathered data about the church, and now plan to start the process of defining the church for the next five years. They hope to have a plan in place sometime in the spring of 2014. Kara Pearce provided training for the officers on myWPC, an online tool for planning and tracking church activities, and member skills and interests. The presentation included navigation, function, and limitations. The tool is available now and further enhancements are in the works. The baptism of Oliver Denton Madani, great-grandson of Becky and Marvin Walker, was approved by the Session. Chick Palermo, Class of 2016


Westminster Presbyterian Church

youth ministry news


thanks to all the folks who made Lovefeast happen: the kitchen crew, coordinator Louise Holland, the choir and Monica, and all the advisors and parents who helped us get prepped and ready!

congratulations are in order! An excerpt of a note from Urban Ministries' Executive Director, Patrice Nelson:

"UMD just kicked off a new awareness-building and fundraising website with

McKinney, Names for Change. The site allows us to purchase items in honor of special people and groups. I'd like to honor you and your youth group with the Bath Towel of Cotton Hugs in appreciation for the awesome job you all do in collecting towels and blankets for our shelter. You all offer such care, comfort, and concern with each towel and blanket. ..."

visit to honor someone and support UMD's work fighting poverty in Durham

YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR 12/4 12/9 12/11 12/15 1/12

Advent Bible Study: Dreams (led by Taylor), 6:30-7:30pm Christmas Party, Pottenger Home, 5:30- 7:30pm (Bring blankets for UMD and an ornament to exchange!) Advent Bible Study: Songs (led by Betty), 6:30-7:30pm Potluck & Sing-Along, 5:30-7:30pm Spring Kickoff (1st youth group of the year!), 5:30- 7:30pm

Community Opportunities Welcome Baby 2nd Annual Coat Drive

News from New Hope Camp It is December. The first order of business is to say, “Here’s hoping you have the merriest Christmas and the happiest of New Years from all the staff at New Hope Camp & Conference Center.” May Christ find his way into this special season. We have had a great year at New Hope. I hope we have seen you. It is a great place to visit. Come sit by the lake and relax. Come walk the labyrinth and take time to meditate. Family reunions? Could not be a better place. Sunday School class gathering? Perfect. This is a great place for an evening around the camp fire. This is the very best place to send a child to camp. Come out and see what we have to offer. We would love to show you around. Richard Stevens Executive Director

Welcome Baby, which provides parenting education and support to Durham County families with young children, needs your help to keep the children of Durham warm. Last year, Welcome Baby collected over 200 coats and over 6000 diapers. Please donate new or gently used children’s coats in sizes newborn to 7/8. Donations can be dropped off at the Southwest Regional Library (3605 Shannon Rd) until December 31. Learn more about Welcome Baby at

Help warm the holiday season for homebound seniors! Meals on Wheels of Durham is accepting donations of the following until Friday, December 13: hats, gloves, robes, pajamas, slippers, blankets, pillows, towel sets, wall calendars, large print puzzle books, and gift cards. Gift items are gratefully accepted wrapped or unwrapped. Please label wrapped gifts if they are size or gender specific, and deliver them to 2522 Ross Rd Durham (8:30am-3pm M-f). For more info, contact Meals on Wheels (919-667-9424; [email protected]) or visit -7-

December 4, 2013



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Feed the Hungers





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Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013


Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919.489.4974 Fax: 919.493.4553 [email protected]

The next WPC newsletter will be published on December 18. The deadline to submit material is December 11. To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce at [email protected] or 919-489-4974, ext. 101. The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.

Preaching Schedule December 8 - Second Sunday of Advent Preaching: Chris Tuttle December 15 - Third Sunday of Advent Advent Lessons & Carols Service: The Chancel Choir December 22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman December 29 - Birthday Sunday (No 8:30am worship service) Preaching: Betty Berghaus

Congregational Responsibilities for December 8, 15, 22, and 29 There will be no 8:30am worship service on December 29

ACOLYTES 12/8 Lauren & Ella Nichols 12/15 Grayson Ruffing and Jennie Holland 12/22 Grace & Eliza Miller 12/29 Molly McLaughlin and Elizabeth Feiler LECTORS 12/8 8:30 Gene Brannon 12/15 8:30 Jim Maxwell 12/22 8:30 Mike Bunch 12/29

11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00

Mary Beck Sutton Lynn Leubuscher WPC Youth Rachel Meyen

OFFERING COUNTERS 12/8 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 Barbara Rynerson and Jules Taylor 12/15 8:30 Ann Kline and Lois Bender 11:00 Bill & Jeff Young 12/22 8:30 Bruce & Carol Cunningham 11:00 Mike & Kay Rosenmarkle 12/29 11:00 Mike & Kay Rosenmarkle SOUND TECHNICIAN December 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 11:00 Frank Stallings

USHERS 12/8 8:30 11:00 12/15 8:30 11:00 12/22 8:30 11:00 12/29 8:30 11:00

Ron, Becky & Ian Sale, and Jim Maxwell Gene, Elizabeth, Trey & Jennie Holland, and Wilson, Lindsay & Wil Hoyle Andy & Shirley Collins, Mary Tatum, and Dave Pottenger Mary Beck Sutton, John, Jack, Alex & Rachel High Stephanie Cottrell, John & Anna Sundy, and Hugh White Monica, Neal, Lauren & Ella Nichols, and Jennifer & Neil McElroy Mike Nilon, Pat Trost, and Jim & Susan Ketch Cathy Snider, and Lynn Leubuscher, Chris, Molly & Henry McLaughlin

NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: Dexter Meath Every Sun. Infants- Thoko Manzini Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketa Dickinson 12/8 8:30 2-5 Marge Enberg and Erin McClain 11:00 2-3 Rachel & Mike Meyen 4-5 Jim & Vivian Young 12/15 8:30 2-5 Leah & Brian Anderson 11:00 2-3 Matt & Sarah Cloues 4-5 Margaret Falkovic and Sara Wylie 12/22 8:30 2-5 Cindy & Ray Soloe 11:00 2-3 Emmy & Jimbo Huckabee 4-5 Ralph & Sue McCaughan 12/29 8:30 2-5 Mike & Erin Nilon 11:00 2-3 Jenny Whitman & Carolyn Holmes 4-5 Jim & Katie Walker FLOWERS December - Cindie Diehl: Advent Wreath; Flower Guild: Hanging of the Green

Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).