Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral

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Mar 1, 2010 - of expected utility theory are solved using Choquet integral. ... About the decision theory under risk and uncertainty, the expected utility the-.
Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral Yasuo Narukawa1 and Toshiaki Murofushi2 1


Toho Gakuen, 3-1-10 Naka [email protected] Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226, Japan [email protected]

Abstract. The usefulness of the Choquet integral for modelling decision under risk and uncertainty is shown. It is shown that some paradoxes of expected utility theory are solved using Choquet integral. It is shown that Choquet expected utility model for decision under uncertainty and rank dependent utility model for decision under risk are respectively same as their simplified version. Keywords: Fuzzy measure, Non-additive measure, Choquet integral, Decision under uncertainty. Decision under risk



About the decision theory under risk and uncertainty, the expected utility theory by von Neumann and Morgenstern [5] is well known. However, in recent years the counterexample that human’s decisions do not follow the expected utility theory is reported in various literatures. The Choquet integral with respect to non additive set function, which is called with various names, (e.g. fuzzy measure, non-additive measure, capacity, non-additive subjective probability) is a basic tool for modeling of decisions under risk and uncertainty. We can explain the famous paradoxes, that is, Allais paradox [1] and Ellsberg’s paradox [6] by using Choquet integral model. To explain Allais paradox for decision under risk, rank dependent utility model are proposed by Quiggin [10]. For Ellsberg’s paradox, which is relevant to decision under uncertainty, Choquet expected utility model is proposed by Schmeidler [12]. After that, the simplified version in which the utility function is not used, is proposed by Chateauneuf [2]. Narukawa et al. [8] categorize some functional in the framework of decision making, using the simplified version. In this paper we show the usefulness of the Choquet integral with respect to a fuzzy measure for modelling decision under risk and uncertainty. We define the Choquet-Stieltjes integral and show that the Choquet-Stieltjes integral is represented by a Choquet integral. As an application of theorem above, we show that Choquet expected utility model (resp. rank dependent utility model) is same as its simplified version. We show that paradoxes of expected utility theory are explained, using the Choquet integral. V. Torra and Y. Narukawa (Eds.): MDAI 2004, LNAI 3131, pp. 183–193, 2004. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 


Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we define the fuzzy measure and Choquet integral and show their basic properties. We present the Choquet integral representation theorem of comonotonically additive functional. In Section 3, we introduce two famous counterexamples of classical expected utility models and define some non-expected utility models. In Section 4 we define the Choquet-Stieltjes integral and show that the Choquet-Stieltjes integral is represented by the Choquet integral with respect to another fuzzy measure. As the corollary of the theorem, we show that the Choquet expected utility model (resp. rank dependent utility model) is same as its simplified version. In Section 5, we show that the simplified version is sufficient to explain the paradoxes mentioned above. We finish with concluding remarks in Section 6.


Fuzzy Measure and Choquet Integral

In this section, we define a fuzzy measure and the Choquet integral and show their basic properties. Let S be a universal set and S be σ− algebra of S, that is, (S, S) be a measurable space. Definition 1 [14] Let (S, S) be a measurable space. A fuzzy measure µ is a real valued set function, µ : S −→ R+ with the following properties; (1) µ(∅) = 0 (2) µ(A) ≤ µ(B) whenever A ⊂ B, A, B ∈ S. We say that the triplet (S, S, µ) is a fuzzy measure space if µ is a fuzzy measure. F (S) denotes the class of non-negative measurable functions, that is, F (S) = {f |f : S → R+ , f : measurable}

Definition 2 [3, 7] Let (S, S, µ) be a fuzzy measure space. The Choquet integral of f ∈ F(S) with respect to µ is defined by   ∞ µf (r)dr, (C) f dµ = 0

where µf (r) = µ({x|f (x) ≥ r}). Suppose that S = {1, 2, . . . , n}. The i−th order statistic x(i) [15] is a functional on [0, 1]n which is defined by arranging the components of x = (x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ [0, 1]n in the increasing order x(1) ≤ · · · ≤ x(i) ≤ · · · ≤ x(n) .

Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral


Using the i−th order statistics, the Choquet integral is written as  (C)

xdµ =


(x(i) − x(i−1) )µ({(i) · · · (n)}),


where we define x(0) := 0. Definition 3 [4] Let f, g ∈ F(S). We say that f and g are comonotonic if f (x) < f (x ) ⇒ g(x) ≤ g(x ) for x, x ∈ S. Definition 4 Let I be a real-valued functional on F (S). We say I is comonotonically additive if and only if I(f + g) = I(f ) + I(g) for comonotonic f, g ∈ F(S), and I is monotone if and only if f ≤ g ⇒ I(f ) ≤ I(g) for f, g ∈ F(S). Next we present that the comonotonically additive functional I on F which satisfies a less restrictive condition than monotonicity can be represented by the Choquet integral. Definition 5 [9] We say that a functional on F (S) is comonotonic monotone if f ≤ g implies I(f ) ≤ I(g) for comonotonic f, g ∈ F(S). In the following we suppose that the functional I on F (S) is comonotonically additive and comonotonic monotone (for short c.a.c.m.). The next theorem is less restrictive version of Schmeidler’s representation theorem [12]. Theorem 6 I is a c.a.c.m. functional on F if and only if there exists a fuzzy measure µ such that  I(f ) = (C) f dµ for all f ∈ F(S).


Decision under Risk and Uncertainty

In this section we present frames for decision under risk and uncertainty and paradoxes that the classical expected utility theory fails. Next we present the definitions of the Choquet expected utility and the Rank dependent utility. Let S be a state space and X be a set of outcomes. We assume that outcomes are monetary. Therefore we may suppose X ⊂ R. We mean, by ”decision under uncertainty”, situations when there does not exist a given objective probability. In decision under uncertainty, we consider the set of function f from S to X: we say the function f the act. F denotes the set of acts, that is, F = {f |f : S −→ X}.


Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi

≺ denotes the weak order on F . We say that the quadruplet (S, X, F , ≺) is the frame for decision under uncertainty. In contrast with decision under uncertainty, by decision under risk, we mean situations when there exists a objective probability on S. That is, in decision under risk, we consider the set P of probability on S and the set of function f from S to X, which is called the random variable. The set F of acts is same as the set of random variable. ≺ denotes the weak order on F . We say that the quintuplet (S, X, P, F , ≺) is the frame for decision under risk. Example 1 (St. Petersburg game) A fair coin is tossed until a head appears. If the first head occurs at the n-th toss, the payoff is 2n Euros. In this case, S := {1, 2, . . . , n, . . . } is the number of times tossed the coin until a head apperas. X is a set of the amount of money. As the act f , if the number of times is n ∈ S, one can obtain 2n ∈ X Euros, that is, f (n) = 2n . The probability P is defined by P (n) = 1/(2n ). Suppose that you own a title for one play of the game. What is the least amount you would sell your title for. The expected pay off EP (f ) is EP (f ) =


2n × (1/2n ) = ∞.


However most people would sell title for a relatively small sum. To explain the paradox, Cramer considered that ,in practice, people with common sense evaluate money in proportion to the utility they can obtain from it. That is, he considered a utility function u : R → R and expected utility EP (u(f )) =


u(2n ) × (1/2n ) < ∞.


Von Neumann and Morgenstern [5] proposed the axioms for preference represented by expected utility. The next example is a famous paradox that fails the expected utility theory. Example 2 (Allais paradox [1]) Let the state space S := {1, 2, . . . , 100} and the outcome X := {0, 100, 200}. Define random variables f1 ,f2 ,f3 and f4 by  200 1 ≤ x ≤ 70 f1 (x) := 100 for all x ∈ S, f2 (x) := , 0 71 ≤ x ≤ 100,  100 1 ≤ x ≤ 15 f3 (x) := 0 16 ≤ x ≤ 100 200 1 ≤ x ≤ 10 f means that you always get 100 dollars. f2 and f4 (x) := 0 11 ≤ x ≤ 100. 1 means that you will get 200 dollars if you take a number 1 to 70 and you get none if you take a number 71 to 100. It is reported that most people choose f1 , that is, f2 ≺ f1 . In the same way f3 means that you will get 100 dollars if you take number 1 to 15, and f4 means that you will get 200 dollars if you take the

Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral


number 1 to 10. It is reported that most people chose f4 , that is, f3 ≺ f4 If 1 for all i ∈ S, this preference the probabilities are all the same, i.e. P (i) = 100 cannot be represented by expected utility. In fact, suppose that there exists a utility function u : X → R+ such that f ≺ g ⇔ E(u(f )) < E(u(g)), where E(·) is the classical expectation. Since f2 ≺ f1 , we have 0.7u(200) < u(100). On the other hand, it follows from f3 ≺ f4 that 0.15u(100) ≺ 0.1u(200). Therefore we have 1.05u(100) < 0.7u(200) < u(100). This is a contradiction. The next example is Ellesberg’s paradox [6] for decision under uncertainty. Example 3 (Ellesberg’s paradox) Consider the red and black and white ball in the urn. The number of red is 30, black and white is 60. The number of Black is unknown. fR means that you will get 100 dollars only if you take red ball and fB means that you will get 100 dollars only if you take black ball. Most people select fR because there may be a few black ball in the urn that is, fB ≺ fR . fRW means that you will get 100 dollars if you take red or white ball and fBW means that you will get 100 dollars if you take black or white ball. Most people select fBW because there may be a few white ball in the urn, that is, fRW ≺ fBW . This preference cannot be explained by the expected utility theory. In fact, let the state space S := {R, B, W } and the set of outcome X := {0, 100}. The acts fR , fB , fRW and fBW are defined by the table below.

fR fB fRW fBW

30 60 Red Black White $ 100 0 0 0 $ 100 0 $ 100 0 $ 100 0 $ 100 $ 100

Suppose that there exists a subjective probability P such that f ≺ g ⇔ E(u(f )) < E(u(g)). It follows from fRW ≺ fBW that u(100)P (B) = u(100)(P (BW ) − P (W )) > u(100)(P (RW ) − P (W )) = u(100)P (R). This contradicts fB ≺ fR . To solve those paradoxes, the model using Choquet integral with respect to fuzzy measure has been proposed; that is, the Choquet expected utility model for decision under uncertainty and the rank dependent utility model for decision under risk. First we define the Choquet expected utility model (CEU) for decision under uncertainty, that is introduced by Schmeidler [13]. Definition 7 Consider the frame of decision under uncertainty. The Choquet expected utility model stipulates that the decision maker ranks act f with the help


Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi

of a utility function u : R → R, which is continuous and strictly increasing. The ranking Cu,µ of acts f is performed through  Cu,µ (f ) := (C) u(f )dµ, that is, f ≺ g ⇔ Cu,µ (f ) < Cu,µ (g), where µ is a fuzzy measure (capacity). Next we define the Rank dependent expected utility model (RDEU) by Quiggin [10]. Definition 8 Consider the frame of decision under risk. A decision maker behaves in accordance with the rank dependent expected utility model if the decision maker’s preferences ≺ are characterized by two functions u and w: a continuous and strictly increasing function u : R → R and a probability  distorting function w such that f g ⇔ J(f ) > J(g) where J(h) := (C) u(h)d(w ◦ P ) for a random variable h. The next section we will present the solution of the paradoxes using simplified CEU and RDEU model.


Choquet-Stieltjes Integral

In this section we define the Choquet-Stieltjes integral and show that ChoquetStieltjes integral is represented by Choquet integral. Applying the theorem above, we show that the CEU and the RDEU are same as their simplified version by Chateauneuf [2]. Definition 9 Let (S, S, µ) be a fuzzy measure space and ϕ : R+ → R+ be a nondecreasing real valued function. Then we can define Lebesgue-Stjeltjes measure νϕ [11] on real line by νϕ ([a, b]) := ϕ(b + 0) − ϕ(a − 0) νϕ ((a, b)) := ϕ(b − 0) − ϕ(a + 0). We define Choquet-Stieltles integral CSµ,ϕ (f ) with respect to µ by  ∞ µf (r)dνϕ (r), CSµ,ϕ (f ) := 0

where µf (r) = µ({x|f (x) ≥ r}). If the space S = {1, 2, . . . , n}, Using the i−th order statistics, the ChoquetStieltjes integral is written as CSµ,ϕ (f ) =

n  i=1

(ϕ(x(i) ) − ϕ(x(i−1) )µ({(i) · · · (n)}).

Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral


Suppose that s ∈ F(S) is a simple function, that is, n 

s :=

(ri − ri−1 )1Ai ,


0 = r0 < r1 < · · · < rn and A1 of s is written as

⊃ =

CSµ,ϕ (s) =

A2 n 

⊃  =


⊃ =

An . The Choquet-Stieltjes integral

(ϕ(ri ) − ϕ(ri−1 )µ(Ai ).


Let f be non-negative measurable function, then there exists a sequence sn of simple functions such that sn ↑ f . Then we have CSµ,ϕ (f ) = lim CSµ,ϕ (sn ). n→∞

Since Choquet-Stieltjes integral is comonotonically addtive and comonotonically monotone, applying the representation theorem (Theorem 6), we have the next theorem. Theorem 10 Let (S, S, µ) be a fuzzy measure space and ϕ : R+ → R+ be a non decreasing function. There exists a fuzzy measure νµ,ϕ such that  CSµ,ϕ (f ) = (C) f dνµ,ϕ , that is, the Choquet-Stieltjes integral can be represented by Choquet integral. Proof. Let non-negative measurable function f and g be comonotonic. Then there exist sequences of simple functions sn and tn such that sn ↑ f , tn ↑ g and sn and tn are comonotonic. Since f and g are comonotonic, for every a, b > 0 {x|f (x) ≥ a } ⊂ {x|g(x) ≥ b} or {x|f (x) ≥ a } ⊃ {x|g(x) ≥ b}. Therefore we may write m 

sn :=

(rn,i − rn,i−1 )1Cn,i ,tn :=


0 = r0 < r1 < · · · < rn ,0 = and Cn,1

⊃ =


⊃  =


⊃ =


  (rn,i − rn,i−1 )1Cn,i ,

i=1  r0 < r1

< · · · < rn

Cn,m .

Therefore we have CSµ,ϕ (sn ) + CSµ,ϕ (tn ) =


(ϕ(ri ) − ϕ(ri−1 )µ(Ci,n ) +


− =


(ϕ(ri )


 ϕ(ri−1 )µ(Ci,n ) n 

 (ϕ(ri ) − ϕ(ri−1 ) + (ϕ(ri ) − ϕ(ri−1 )µ(Ci,n )


= CSµ,ϕ (sn + tn ).


Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi

Since sn + tn ↑ f + g, we have CSµ,ϕ (f + g) = lim CSµ,ϕ (sn + tn ) n→∞

= lim CSµ,ϕ (sn ) + CSµ,ϕ (tn ) n→∞

= CSµ,ϕ (f ) + CSµ,ϕ (g). Therefore CSµ,ϕ is comonotonically additive. Suppose that f ≤ g. We may suppose that sn ≤ tn . Since ϕ is monotone, CSµ,ϕ (sn ) = = ≤

n  i=1 n  i=1 n 

(ϕ(ri ) − ϕ(ri−1 )µ(Ci,n ) ϕ(ri )(µ(Ci,n ) − µ(Ci+1,n )) ϕ(ri )(µ(Ci,n ) − µ(Ci+1,n )) = CSµ,ϕ (tn ).


Therefore we have CSµ,ϕ (f ) = lim CSµ,ϕ (sn ) n→∞

≤ lim CSµ,ϕ (tn ) = CSµ,ϕ (g), n→∞

that is, CSµ,ϕ is comonotonically monotone. Then it follows from the representation theorem 6, that there exists a fuzzy measure νµ,ϕ such that  CSµ,ϕ (f ) = (C) f dνµ,ϕ .   Suppose that ϕ is strictly increasing. Since {x|f (x) > ϕ−1 (α)} = {x|ϕ(f (x)) > α}, we have the next corollary. Corollary 11 Let (S, S, µ) be a fuzzy measure space and ϕ : R+ → R+ be a strictly increasing function. Then there exists a fuzzy measure νµ,ϕ such that   (C) ϕ(f )dµ = (C) f dνµ,ϕ . Proof. Let f ∈ F(S). Denote a real valued function µf : R → R by µf (α) = µ({x|f (x) > α}). Then we have µ({x|ϕ(f (x)) > α}) = µ({x|f (x) > ϕ−1 (α)}) = µf (ϕ−1 (α)) for α ≥ 0. Since µf (ϕ−1 (α)) is non decreasing, there exists {ak,n } ⊂ R such that  ∞ n  µf (ϕ−1 (α))dα = lim µf (ϕ−1 (ak,n ))(ak,n − ak−1,n ). 0



Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral


Let tk,n := ϕ−1 (ak,n ). We have n 

µf (ϕ−1 (ak,n ))(ak,n − ak−1,n ) =



µf (tk,n )(ϕ(tk,n ) − ϕ(tk−1,n )).


Therefore we have   ϕ(f )dα =

µf (ϕ−1 (α))dα


= lim


= lim



n  k=1 n 

µf (ϕ−1 (ak,n ))(ak,n − ak−1,n ) µf ((tk,n ))(ϕ(tk,n ) − ϕ(tk−1,n ))


f (t)dνϕ (t) = CSµ,ϕ (f ),

where νϕ is Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure generated by ϕ. Then applying Theorem 10, there exists a fuzzy measure νµ,ϕ such that  CSµ,ϕ (f ) = (C) f dνµ,ϕ .   The corollary above means that the CEU (resp. the RDEU) are same as its simplified version.


Solution of Paradoxes

Using the simplified version, we can solve both Allais’ and Ellsberg’s paradoxes. (1) (St. Petersburg’s game) Let w : [0, 1] → [0, 1] be a probability distortion function such that w(p1 + · · · + pn ) − w(p1 + · · · + pn−1 ) < (pn )a for (a > 1). Then w ◦ P is a fuzzy measure (distorted probobility). We have Cµ (2n ) =


2n (w(p1 + · · · + pn ) − w(p1 + · · · + pn−1 )) < ∞.


(2) (Allais paradox) We can define the probability distortion function w : [0, 1] → [0, 1] such that w(0.1) = 0.08, w(0.15) = 0.1 w(0.7) = 0.45 and w(1) = 1. Then it follows from the Choquet integral Cµ with respect to the fuzzy measure µ := w ◦ P that Cµ (f1 ) = 100 > Cµ (f2 ) = 90 and Cµ (f3 ) = 10 < Cµ (f4 ) = 16.


Yasuo Narukawa and Toshiaki Murofushi

(3) (Ellsberg’s paradox) We may define the fuzzy measure such that µ({R}) := 1/3, µ({B}) = µ({W }) := 2/9, µ({R, W }) := 5/9, µ({B, W }) = µ({R, B}) := 2/3 and µ({R, B, W }) = 1. Then we have the Choquet integral Cµ of f∗ by the table below.

f∗ fR fB fRW fBW Cµ (f∗ ) 1/3 2/9 5/9 2/3

The above table says that Cµ (fB ) < Cµ (fR ) and Cµ (fRW ) < Cµ (fBW ). Then there is no contradiction.



We define the Choquet-Stieltjes integral and show that the Choquet-Stieltjes integral is represented by a Choquet integral. As an application of theorem above, we show that Choquet expected utility model (resp. rank dependent utility model) is same as its simplified version. The simplified version is sufficient to explain the paradoxes for expected utulity theory. To obtain the simplified version model,that is, the preference on the acts is the input and the inequality of the Choquet integral is output , we only identify a fuzzy measure, the former CEU or rank dependent model needs to identify a fuzzy measure and a utility function. In this paper we show that the simplified version has the same descriptive ability as the former models.

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Decision Modelling Using the Choquet Integral


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