... to train deep architectures. 10. Page 11. 11. Slide from: https://deeplearningworkshopnips2010.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/nips10-workshop-tutorial-final.pdf ...
Introduction to Deep Neural Networks Dr. Asifullah Khan, DCIS, PIEAS, Pakistan
Outlines • Journey from shallow to Deep learning • Shortcomings of BPNN • Details of Deep NN • • • •
RBM DBN Auto Encoders CNN
Single Layer Perceptron for Pattern Classification Architecture
Thus the Neuron fires if net b xi wi wT x b 0 i
wT x b
Discrimination Hyper plane
Thus –b can be thought of as a threshold which when exceeded would cause the neuron to fire
Back Propogation Advantages Multi layer networks trained by back propogation algorithm allow any mapping between input and output What is wrong with back propogation? Requires labeled training data Almost all data is unlabeled Learning time does not scale well Very slow with multiple hidden layers Vanishing gradients Overfitting In 90’s,one of the important reasons of Backpropagators not providing satisfactory results on complicated problems was that hardware for processing was not that advanced as it is today.
Positive Phase • Input sample ‘v’ given to input layer • ‘v’ is feedforwarded to hiddenlayer. The result of hidden layer activations is ‘h’ Negative Phase • Propogate ‘h’ back to visible layer with result ‘v`’ • Propogate new ‘v`’ back to hidden layer with activations result ‘h`’ Weight update w(t+1) = w(t) + α(vhT – v`h`T) 27
Summary: Deep Neural Networks….cont. DNN have both Generative and Discriminative abilities Offer good Generalization; Unsupervised Pre-training
DNN have capability of Dynamic Feature Extraction Exploitation of Hardware resources for Parallel Processing (GPU, etc.,) ( Matrix Multiplication, Exploiting “No Data-Dependency”) 42
Thank You 43
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