Jun 2, 2011 - Address: New Residence Hall Ballroom A. 3625 Avenue du Parc. Montreal, Quebec. H2X 3P8. Schedule: Dr. Rose
Department of Human Genetics Annual Graduate Student Research Day
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Also, if you have not already done so, please register for the event, particularly if you are coming for lunch: Please register here (No later than Friday, May 26 at 12:00pm): http://www.mcgill.ca/humangenetics/current‐students/registration Address: New Residence Hall Ballroom A 3625 Avenue du Parc Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P8 Schedule: Dr. Rosenblatt Bahareh Hekmatnejad Dong Anh Khuong Quang Laura Dempsey Nunez Woranontee Weraarpachai Sean Wiltshire Justine Garner Erika Freemantle Michelle Collins YuanHang Cao Gabriella Wojewodka Murielle Akpa Sean Beatty