constructions, and makes manifest the net-like organization of a language. Guest Editors. Name. Affilation. María Isabel González-Rey. University of Santiago de ...
Description In this special issue of the Journal of Social Sciences, we want to explore the relationships between Construction Grammar (C&G) and Phraseology as applied to foreign language teaching and how they have allowed for the renovation of language teaching methodology by introducing the idiomatic dimension of discourse, on an oral as well as a written level, to the communicative aspect of language. The perception provided by the underlying cognitive theories of Constructions Grammar about Phraseology grants Phraseodidactics an essential role in the frame of Applied Linguistics, as far as foreign language teaching and learning is concerned. Indeed, it enables us to treat the learning/teaching of phraseological units like regular and productive constructions, in the same manner as free constructions, and makes manifest the net-like organization of a language.