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Design of a multimedia traffic classifier for Snort
Multimedia traffic classifier for Snort
Oge Marques Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, and
Pierre Baillargeon Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida, USA Abstract Purpose – The purpose is to enhance the capabilities of a general-purpose IDS solution with additional knowledge of multimedia file formats and protocols, to better handle multimedia-specific security exploits. Design/methodology/approach – The authors have designed a multimedia traffic classifier, implemented as an optional preprocessor for Snort. The solution has been successfully tested with downloading and streaming traffic. Findings – Test results confirm that the additional specialized knowledge encoded in the preprocessor results in two significant gains: trusted multimedia contents can be identified and allowed to bypass the detection engine, with substantial computational savings; the IDS is now able to detect multimedia-specific exploits which would otherwise go unnoticed. Research limitations/implications – Not all multimedia-related scenarios have been covered by the described implementation yet. The proposed solution is being extended to other file types and protocols, fine-tuned, as well as tested more extensively. Practical implications – Snort users interested in this work will be able to add the multimedia-specific functionality – and enjoy the resulting benefits – with minimal effort. Originality/value – The research reported in this paper is – to the authors’ knowledge – the first effort to add multimedia-specific knowledge to the operation of an IDS. In addition to being innovative, the proposed method is relevant for more than one reason, since it enhances the IDS capabilities while at the same time alleviating the computational cost of performing detailed traffic analysis in high-speed networks. Keywords Data security, Signal detection, Computer networks Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction Intrusion detection systems (IDS) have become valuable tools for ensuring system and network security. IDS scan ongoing traffic in search of patterns and signatures that might indicate malicious or unauthorized activity (Kemmerer and Vigna, 2002; Bace, 2000). One of the issues currently facing network-based IDS is the high computational cost of doing real-time analysis when a large amount of traffic is passing through a connection. In such cases, IDS usually have no choice but to skip packets (Bace, 2000). The increase in multimedia traffic over communication networks, whether in the form of downloading or streaming large audio and video files, or due to the convergence of voice, data and video over IP, seems to compound the problem even further. We believe that the increase in multimedia traffic may actually help alleviate the problem, if the This work was partially supported by a grant from the US Department of Defense (DoD).
Information Management & Computer Security Vol. 15 No. 3, 2007 pp. 241-256 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0968-5227 DOI 10.1108/09685220710759577
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IDS is aware of the main protocols and file formats used to carry multimedia data and uses that knowledge to focus its efforts on other types of traffic. This paper focuses on the implementation aspects of a novel method to improve the performance of IDS based on multimedia traffic classification (Baillargeon, 2005), initially described in (Marques and Baillargeon, 2005). Under the proposed approach, the IDS has additional knowledge about common multimedia file formats and related protocols, and uses this knowledge to perform a more detailed analysis of packets carrying that type of data. If the data complies with the standard format, the corresponding stream is flagged as trusted and the remaining packets are ignored by the IDS, which can now focus on other traffic, therefore resulting in computational savings. Otherwise, an anomaly is detected and reported for further action by the system administrator. The proposed method has been motivated by the following: . The amount and usage of multimedia contents has grown significantly in recent years and will continue to increase as broadband internet access among home users and mobile computing technologies become mainstream. . Multimedia traffic accounts for a significant percentage of the total internet traffic, both in terms of streaming and downloading (Guo et al., 2005; van der Merwe et al., 2002). . Multimedia traffic is usually perceived as benign, with relatively few reports of multimedia-related security exploits so far (see Section 5). As multimedia formats and algorithms become more complex, however, there is a greater chance that their implementation may leave some security hole behind. . Increasing network bandwidth capacities create a greater workload for IDS, which can become saturated and unable to perform its duties (Bace, 2000). 2. Adding multimedia knowledge to IDS Intrusion Detection Systems are software or hardware systems that automate the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or network, analyzing them for signs of security problems (Bace and Mell, 2001).
With the increase in the amount and severity of network-based attacks over the past few years, IDS have become an important and widely used additional tool in the network security infrastructure of many organizations. Several tutorials, surveys and taxonomies for IDS have been published recently, such as (Axelsson, 2000; Sherif and Dearmond, 2002; McHugh, 2001). The most important features of IDS are the ability to detect as many intrusions as possible and to do so with a low rate of false alerts. While IDS reduce the likelihood of an intrusion they cannot eliminate or prevent it entirely (Sequeira, 2003). In fact, as pointed out by Kemmerer and Vigna (2002), “IDS do not detect intrusions at all – they only identify evidence of intrusions, either while they’re in progress or after the fact.” Network traffic which contains multimedia content is not generally considered to be an issue which impacts the performance or detection rate of IDS any differently than any other type of content. During the exhaustive process of comparing hundreds or thousands of rules against the contents of a packet, IDS typically do not apply any rules that represent multimedia-specific knowledge.
Currently, IDS are capable of blocking multimedia content based on port number (in the case of streaming audio/video), string matching of content type (e.g. content: “User-Agent 3,4 Quicktime”) and file extension. None of these techniques verify the validity of the content; they simply assume that if data appears to be (from external identifiers, such as MIME) multimedia, then it is. This scenario may soon change as a result of new, multimedia-specific, exploits that have recently surfaced. When the PNG exploit was first discovered, it was noted that existing IDS were not capable of detecting vulnerable files because they did not have sufficient knowledge of the transfer protocols or file formats which were being transmitted (CoreLabs, 2005). Exploits have also been observed with streaming formats, where incomplete protocol implementations can leave a system vulnerable to attack (US-CERT, 2005). The work reported in this paper uses additional header information to classify multimedia, examining the contents of an incoming data stream and looking for known multimedia characteristics, such as JPEG or MPEG markers. It leverages Snort’s architecture by encapsulating the multimedia-specific knowledge into a preprocessor for Snort.
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3. Snort Snort (Snort, 2005) is a flexible, open-source, multi-platform intrusion detection solution. Snort was chosen as the base utility upon which a multimedia classifier was built. Snort’s ability to easily add preprocessing functionality and its open source platform were the primary factors behind its choice. Snort’s “plug-in” functionality for preprocessor modules, which are written in C, can add functionality past the base ruleset to include things like anomaly detection and session reconstruction (Beale, 2004). Any preprocessor in Snort can be turned on or off simply by adding a line to a configuration file for the program. Snort works by matching traffic patterns to its rules, stored in a ruleset. The process of intrusion detection within Snort begins with the capture of packets from an ethernet port with a tool such as Ethereal (2005). The captured packets are sent through the packet decoder, which determines which protocol is in use for a given packet and matches the data against allowable behavior for patterns of that protocol. Then the packet is processed by a series of preprocessors which receive packets in the order which they are initialized in the Snort configuration file. After the packet has gone through all of the preprocessors in sequence, it is given to the detection engine for comparison against the ruleset. If any anomaly (e.g. malformed headers, overly long packets, and unusual or incorrect TCP options) is detected, an alert is generated (Figure 1).
Alert database
Detection engine
Alert generation
Packets captured by libpcap
Alerts Packet decoder
Figure 1. Basic dataflow using Snort as an IDS
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4. The multimedia traffic classifier 4.1 Design The proposed solution is a two-class classifier, whereas an incoming or out-going stream is classified either as multimedia or non-multimedia, in a way that resembles the stream splitting idea proposed in (Judd and McEachen, 2003). Once a session is found to be containing multimedia traffic, the IDS is able to determine if an authorization is appropriate. Authorization will not necessarily be immediate, and may require multiple examinations of a data stream or session to determine content validity. If a stream is deemed to be unauthorized, normal IDS operation will continue and the data will be analyzed according to the remaining rulesets. The ultimate goal of the classification stage is to be able to make intelligent decisions based on previously encoded knowledge. By preprocessing and authorizing the data, we can take advantage of Snort’s global do_detect flag that tells Snort to skip the detection phase (ruleset comparison) of the flagged packet. Since, multimedia files are usually very large, the additional time spent classifying and flagging multimedia data using the first few packets would be offset by the time savings throughout the remaining packets corresponding to that stream, thereby achieving the intended performance improvements. To accomplish the goals of multimedia traffic classification and multimedia-specific exploit detection, a module was developed to perform packet level preprocessing and analysis. This module, known as the multimedia classification preprocessor, works in addition to, not as a replacement for, the detection engine within the IDS. As network traffic is captured, it passes through the multimedia classifier where it is compared against known standards to determine whether or not it meets the requirements to be trusted. After packets are labeled as belonging to a trusted stream or session, they bypass detailed analysis which is normally performed within the detection engine, allowing it to focus on traffic which poses a potentially greater threat. In addition to the rerouting of trusted traffic past the detection engine, the multimedia-specific knowledge which has been added to the system enables the detection of multimedia-specific exploits and administrator notification. Figure 2 shows the dataflow within the multimedia classification preprocessor. Each packet which enters the multimedia preprocessor is first checked to see if it belongs to a stream or session which has already been authorized. The packet then undergoes a series of byte-by-byte checks to determine if it contains well-known multimedia identifiers. If such identifiers are located, specialized rules can be applied to extract parameters or check them for known vulnerabilities. If the packet passes the parameter extraction and exploit detection stages, it is then classified as part of a trusted multimedia stream and assigned a flag which lets the detection engine know that it should not be analyzed any further. As shown in Figure 2, the multimedia classifier sits before the detection engine, allowing specialized knowledge to be applied to the collected data before it is passed to the detection engine for exhaustive analysis. By adding a few extra steps to the preprocessor’s operation our classifier is able to distinguish legitimate multimedia traffic from all other types of traffic. This additional functionality impacts the time spent doing packet preprocessing and inevitably introduces some overhead. As it will be shown in Section 6, the overhead is minimal and except for the case where there is virtually no multimedia traffic, the addition of this new knowledge results in significant overall savings.
Multimedia Classification preprocessor
Packet from decoder
Detection Engine
Processed packet exits Part of authorized stream?
Multimedia header?
Is flag set?
Multimedia traffic classifier for Snort
Yes Yes Parameter extraction Rule violation? Exploit detection
To alert generation
No Generate OK?
alert and set flag
Yes Authorize
Set flag
Possible outcomes of the classification process – compared to a scenario in which the proposed preprocessor is absent – are: . Data is recognized as part of a trusted multimedia stream and authorized.
Result. Significant processor savings in successive packets belonging to the same stream. Data is recognized as a multimedia specific exploit, an alert is generated and the remainder of the stream bypasses the detection engine, since we have already labeled it as having malicious contents. Result. Significant processor savings and detection of malicious activity that would otherwise go undetected. Data is not multimedia in nature and continues normally through the detection engine. Result. Slight increase in processor usage resulting from overhead generated by multimedia preprocessor.
4.2 Application scenarios 4.2.1 Non-streaming (downloading). The non-streaming scenario can best be described by multimedia traffic which has the following attributes: . All content must be entirely downloaded before playback can commence. . There are no temporally-dependent sessions established for the transmission of playback control messages or content. . Files can be partitioned into file header and compressed contents.
Figure 2. Modified dataflow as a result of using a multimedia classification preprocessor for Snort
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Figure 3 shows the impact of the proposed classifier on the analysis of non-streaming traffic. Without the multimedia classifier, all multimedia packets would pass through the detection engine, with each one undergoing an exhaustive search for possible malicious contents. With the classifier enabled, the stream is classified early by validating the file header and ensuring it conforms to known standards. After the packet is marked as containing trusted multimedia contents, it is then searched for known multimedia exploits. If no exploits are detected, the multimedia stream is given authorization, which reroutes future packets belonging to the stream and greatly reduces the work of the detection engine. 4.2.2 Streaming. Streaming multimedia contents are treated in a similar manner to non-streaming once they are authorized, but the processes used to accomplish this authorization are different. We use the streaming description for multimedia traffic that has the following characteristics: . Session initiation, including handshaking mechanisms, is used to establish stream parameters such as transfer ports. . Content playback can begin as soon as a buffer has received an adequate amount of data. . Control messages for manipulation of playback, such as the ability to pause, may be seen during the course of a session. After a streaming session is authorized, the classifier flags all future packets belonging to the stream as authorized until the stream terminates. Figure 4 shows the impact of the proposed classifier on the analysis of streaming traffic, in terms of computational savings. Non-streaming Legend Header
Compressed contents
Without classifier Time Detection engine analyzes all packets
With classifier Time
Figure 3. Non-streaming packet routing with and without the proposed multimedia classifier
Authorized contents bypass detection engine after classifier validates header
Classifier validates file header
Multimedia traffic classifier for Snort
Streaming Legend Session control messages Without classifier
Streaming data
Play Time
Detection engine analyzes all packets
With classifier
Play Time
Classifier validates session initiation
Authorized contents bypass detection engine after classifier validates session
Figure 4. Streaming packet routing with and without the proposed multimedia classifier
4.3 Relevant multimedia file formats and protocols The multimedia classifier preprocessor handles non-streaming media formats by examining the file headers for known multimedia markers. A representative subset of these techniques and the formats they examine are described below. 4.3.1 JPEG. The JPEG header consists of markers which identify various parts of the header. These markers can be identified two byte sequences which are pre-fixed by a FF byte and followed by a byte which represents the function of the marker. Like many other file formats, a JPEG consists of both required and optional markers and fields. Table I lists JPEG markers of particular interest for this work and the parameters they define or describe. The multimedia preprocessor performs analysis of JPEG files in a multi-step sequence. First, the start of frame marker is located and the length of the SOFO field is read. From this point, we move ahead this many positions within the file, to where the Huffman table should be located. If these two conditions are met, we can safely say that we are in the first packet of a JPEG file, which contains the file header. Once the JPEG file is identified, we can begin searching for signs of an exploit within the file. Marker identifier O O O O O O O O O
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
D8 EO El 2 O £ EF DB CO C4 DA D9 FE
Marker acronym
Marker name
Start of image Application use marker Other application segments Quantization table Start of frame 0 Huffman table Start of scan End of image Comments field
Table I. JPEG markers
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4.3.2 PNG. The PNG format is based on the GIF file format, redesigned with network transmission and storage in mind. PNG files can be analyzed by looking for PNG chunks, which are used to organize the structure of the file. There are four main PNG chunks, known as critical chunks, three of which (IHDR, IDAT, and IEND) are required in every PNG image. They are: . IHDR. Header chunk – contains basic information about the image. Must be the first chunk within the image. . PLTE. Palette chunk – stores the colormap which is associated with the image data. Only present if a palette is used. . IDAT. Image data chunk – contains the image data. Multiple data chunks may occur within a file and will be found in contiguous order. . IEND. Image trailer chunk – marks the end of the image file. Figure 5 shows a PNG image with chunks and image data identified. The IDAT chunk is followed immediately by the compressed image data and the height (0 £ 00,000,0lE) and width (0 £ 00,000,019) values are visible just past the IHDR chunk (0 £ 49,484,452). 4.3.3 RTSP. Real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) is a widely used streaming protocol, which has been implemented in many server software packages, such as Windows Media Services, Helix servers (RealPlayer) and the Quicktime/Darwin Streaming servers. RTSP is used to negotiate client/server streaming sessions and allows this to be done without any requirements on the payload. The separation between session handling and transfer specification is beneficial from an IDS
Figure 5. PNG file structure
standpoint because we can focus on analyzing the session and exempting the payload without having to analyze it as well. Handling of RTSP for intrusion detection purposes starts by extracting the session data port numbers from the SETUP method during session initiation. Once a RTSP SETUP packet has been identified and the port number stored for future reference, the IDS looks for a RTSP PLAY request, which asks the server to begin transferring the media stream. When a PLAY request is detected, the IDS flags all data entering through the pre-specified port as exempted from further examination. This process continues until the IDS detects a TEARDOWN request, at which time the port is removed from the exemption list. Other RTSP messages are effectively ignored within the preprocessor, because they do not contain any information which would further improve the effectiveness or accuracy of our session monitoring. 5. Multimedia-specific exploits Multimedia exploits are relatively rare, given the number of overall vulnerabilities which have been released for all file types. However, in recent years the number of these exploits has increased and may continue to increase as more multimedia formats continue to be introduced and software utilities for multimedia continues to be released (Microsoft, 2004, 2005a,b; Mozilla Foundation, 2005). The proposed multimedia classifier makes decisions after having examined only relevant bytes within the files’ headers. There are three main reasons for this: (1) The computational overhead introduced by the multimedia preprocessor is kept to a minimum. (2) All relevant multimedia-specific exploits described later in this Section can be successfully detected within the header bytes. (3) The damage that would be caused by one or more modified bytes past the header is most often very limited and potentially noticeable by the end-user, as shown by Figure 6, which shows the possible effects of a JPEG file in which the contents (beyond the header bytes) have been modified. Moreover, inspecting multimedia transfers for malicious content manipulation is outside the scope of intrusion detection and is best dealt with using digital watermarking and other authentication techniques. The following subsections will describe a few multimedia specific exploits in greater detail. 5.1 JPEG The JPEG exploit allows an attacker to gain control of an exploited system. The JPEG specification allows the embedding of comments in the JPEG file. The comment sections start with a hex value of OxFFFE to signal the start of the comment, followed by a two-byte value, which specifies the length of the comment, plus two bytes (for the field itself). The two-byte field theoretically allows 65,533 bytes of comment data (invisible when the JPEG is viewed). If the comment field is empty, the length value must contain the minimum length, or a value of 2. (2 bytes in length). However, if a specially crafted JPEG file sets this length to a 0 or 1 (illegal values), it causes a buffer overflow condition (PC Magazine, 2005).
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Figure 6. Example of the effects of content modification (beyond header bytes) to a JPEG image: (top) original; (bottom) modified
The multimedia classification preprocessor can easily detect exploits like this one by reading the comment field when a JPEG transfer is detected and alerting an administrator or blocking the traffic. Figure 7 contains a JPEG image with a comment embedded in the file header. In this case, the comment field identifier (O £ FFFE) is followed by a field length of O £ OOOF (fifteen) which is valid. To turn this valid image into an exploited image, one would simply change this value to 0 £ 0000 (zero) or 0 £ 0001 (one), followed by malicious code. 5.2 PNG One of the published PNG exploits uses especially crafted PNG chunks to create a buffer overflow condition that allowed an attacker to gain control of a target system. Similarly to the JPEG exploit, the end-user would likely not realize their system was compromised, because the image would still display correctly even though there was a malformed section within the file header. This vulnerability is particularly dangerous when combined with MSN Messenger, because the user does not have to request or accept an image to have their system compromised. The attacker can use a PNG file as a buddy icon, which is automatically transferred during a chat session, thereby allowing them to gain control of the target system.
Multimedia traffic classifier for Snort 251
Figure 7. JPEG structure with valid markers and image data highlighted
The MSN Messenger PNG vulnerability is detailed in the advisory posted at CoreLabs (CoreLabs, 2005). This exploit is composed by placing specific values in the IHDR and tRNS chunks of the image. The colors used and palette used flags must be set in the color type field and the alpha channel used flag must not be set. The color type field must have a value of 0 £ 03 and the contents of the tRNS chunk must exceed 256 and reach a function pointer address. 5.3 RTSP The proposed multimedia classifier is capable of detecting RTSP buffer over-flow issues such as the Darwin Streaming server vulnerability that was passed through the RTSP DESCRIBE method, which would allow an attacker to execute malicious code (US-CERT, 2005). What follows is an example of a Snort rule to handle the problem. alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -. $HTTP_SERVERS 554 (msg:“WEB-MISC Real Server DESCRIBE buffer overflow attempt”; flow:to_server,established; content:“DESCRIBE”; nocase; content:“../”;distance:1;pcre:“/^DESCRIBE\s[^\n]{300}/ smi”; reference:bugtraq,8476; reference:url, 103.html; classtype:web-application-attack; sid:2411; rev:5;)
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This rule works as follows: . Snort looks for traffic coming from any external network, on any IP address which is inbound for an IP address defined as a HTTP server on port 554. Port 554 is the default port for all RTSP traffic. . Snort looks for the plaintext string “DESCRIBE” using the PCRE tool (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). . Snort measures the length of the contents which follow the DESCRIBE string. If these contents are sufficiently large to cause a buffer overflow condition, an alert is generated. . The alerting mechanism generates an alert to the console or inserts a new record in a database containing a short description of the intrusion along with reference data so an administrator can look up more information online. Additional implementation details, including source code, can be found in (Baillargeon, 2005). 6. Experiments and results Our approach was tested by monitoring FTP transfers of multimedia and non-multimedia files using Snort. Experiments were performed on many platforms to ensure interoperability and flexibility for future work. All experiments had the same common goal: to measure processor usage and evaluate the impact of adding the proposed specialized preprocessor on the overall performance of the IDS. Statistics and measurements were reported by Snort when the program was terminated. 6.1 Downloading All Snort experimentation was done in a Windows environment, using Snort and the WinPcap packet capture library. For measurement purposes, FTP transfers were used to ensure that data was not being cached locally. FTP transfers also allowed batch jobs to be scheduled, for ease of reproducing the tests to ensure accuracy of the measurements. The classification preprocessor was tested by transferring data with the preprocessor on, then again with it turned off. Time measurements were taken in Snort, using the Cþþ clockQ function, the unit of which is clock ticks. Division of clock ticks by the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC returns a value in seconds. However, in almost all cases with the classifier on this value was less than 1 second, so values were left in units of clock ticks. 6.1.1 Single file transfers. In the first series of experiments, we looked at specific file types, one at a time. For AVI files varying from 716 KB to 56 MB in size, a fixed number of packets (two) per file was required to classify them as valid multimedia data. The corresponding savings in processor usage was somewhat inversely proportional to the file size: for small files, the processor was used only 15 percent of the time it would have without our classifier, while for very large files, this number would drop to less than 1 percent. Similar results were obtained for MPEG and JPEG files between 417 KB and 67 MB in size. These experiments also confirm that the overhead introduced by adding an extra preprocessing step is minimal – less than 1 percent.
Table II contains sample collected data, demonstrating the drastic reduction in overall CPU usage when the multimedia classifier was enabled. The sum of the two last columns is (much) less than the value in the center column for all cases. 6.1.2 Mixed traffic. The mixed traffic experiments combine multimedia and non-multimedia files into a batch FTP job, with varying percentages of multimedia-traffic, from 0 percent to 100 percent in 20 percent increments. Multiple files were transferred with the multimedia classification preprocessor active and then again without to evaluate CPU utilization. Figure 8 shows the results, indicating that processor usage (in clock ticks) is inversely proportional to the amount of multimedia data in the batch, thereby confirming our claim of increased CPU savings as the amount of multimedia traffic increases. Table III contains raw data collected from mixed traffic experiments, again illustrating a drastic reduction in overall CPU usage when multimedia traffic is present.
Multimedia traffic classifier for Snort 253
6.2 Streaming Streaming experiments were conducted using RealPlayer, QuickTime and Windows Media Player for client-side data capture. Server software utilized includes Darwin Streaming server, Windows Media Services and popular web sites such as for Helix RealPlayer server testing. Data were gathered in a similar manner to the
File size (MB)
257 10.9 2.5 0.4
13,189 640 571 110
70 40 30 20
30 10 0 0
Notes: DEU_OFF – detection engine usage (in clock ticks) with MM classifier off; DEU_ON – detection engine usage with MM classifier on; MM_ON – MM classifier usage with MM classifier on
Table II. Time savings for miscellaneous downloads
Processor Usage
0 0
41 60 % of Multimedia Traffic
Multimedia Classifier
Figure 8. CPU savings for multimedia traffic downloading
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254 Table III. Time savings for mixed traffic
0 18.86 41.68 62.51 78.94 99.78
100 81.52 60.93 40.95 20.19 0
0 18.79 40.6 60.42 79.63 100
19,198 15,279 12,230 8,227 3,966 30
2,103 1,954 1,422 770 550 160
Notes: MM – amount of MM traffic (MB); NONMM – amount of Non-MM traffic (MB); PMM – percent of multimedia traffic; DEU_ON – detection engine usage with MM classifier on; MM_ON – MM classifier usage with MM classifier on
non-streaming methods, in that the clock usage was measured over a period of time with the multimedia preprocessor off, and then on. Table IV contains representative raw data from one of these tests. This data were gathered by initiating streams of identical bit rates for varying amounts of time and recording the CPU usage of the detection engine and multimedia classifier, as was done in previous tests. Figure 9 shows those results for a particular subset using QuickTime and Darwin Streaming server for streams of varying duration (1, 5, and 10 min long). Similar results were obtained using other server/client combinations. It illustrates the processor usage savings as playback time increases. Without multimedia classification, the total amount of processor usage increases linearly with time, but when the classifier is enabled the total usage increase is minimal. PL 1:00 5:00 10:00 Table IV. Time savings for multimedia streaming
4,843 12,983 24,418
50 240 400
0 40 40
Notes: PL – playback length (minutes); DEU_OFF – detection engine usage with MM classifier off; DEU_ON – detection engine usage with MM classifier on; MM_ON – MM classifier usage with MM classifier on
Processor Usage
25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000
Figure 9. Time savings for multimedia streaming
0 1:00
10:00 5:00 Duration of streaming session (min)
Multimedia classifier OFF
Multimedia classifier ON
7. Conclusions We have described the design and operation of a Snort preprocessor that adds specialized multimedia knowledge to the IDS packet analysis capabilities. The fundamental idea behind the proposed method is that the addition of multimedia-specific knowledge can greatly improve the efficiency of IDS, both in terms of detection rate and resource utilization. Empowering the IDS with multimedia-specific knowledge results in two significant gains: (1) Trusted multimedia contents can be identified and allowed to bypass the detection engine, thereby allowing the IDS to focus on other traffic. (2) The IDS is able to detect multimedia-specific exploits which would otherwise go unnoticed. Although the addition of multimedia knowledge will likely increase the overall effectiveness of IDS, there is a tradeoff between the extra CPU time needed to perform additional analysis on multimedia traffic and the CPU savings that ensue as a resulting of exempting subsequent packets belonging to the same, trusted, and multimedia stream. Fine-tuning of the system to find the proper balance of analysis is required and has to be done empirically. The proposed solution has been tested with several combinations of multimedia and non-multimedia traffic, both downloading and streaming. Results of our experiments confirm that significant processing savings can be obtained, given that there is minimally a small amount of multimedia traffic on a network. The proposed framework is modular and extensible, allowing a broad coverage of different file formats and streaming protocols as well as an adjustable degree of specialized knowledge upon which the IDS decision is made. Even though multimedia-specific attacks and exploits are still relatively rare, the proposed solution allows for easy encoding of rules that help detection and prevention against reported attacks as soon as they become known, equipping it with a “future proofing” capability. References Axelsson, S. (2000), Intrusion Detection Systems: A Survey and Taxonomy, Technical Report 99-15, Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg. Bace, R. (2000), An Introduction to Intrusion Detection and Assessment, Technical Report, ICSA Labs, Mechanicsburg, PA. Bace, R. and Mell, P. (2001), Intrusion Detection Systems, Technical Report, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Baillargeon, P. (2005), “A method for adding multimedia knowledge for improving intrusion detection systems”, master’s thesis, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. Beale, J. (2004), Snort 2.1 Intrusion Detection, 2nd ed., Syngress, Rockland, MA. CoreLabs (2005), “Core security technologies advisory: MSN messenger PNG image parsing vulnerability”, available at: Ethereal (2005), “Ethereal: a network protocol analyzer”, available at: Guo, L., Chen, S., Xiao, Z. and Zhang, X. (2005), “Analysis of multimedia workloads with implications for internet streaming”, paper presented at WWW2005, Chiba.
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Judd, J. and McEachen, J. (2003), “An architecture for network stream splitting in support of intrusion detection”, paper presented at ICICS-PCM, Singapore. Kemmerer, R. and Vigna, G. (2002), “Intrusion detection: a brief history and overview”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 35 No. 4, pp. 27-30. McHugh, J. (2001), “Intrusion and intrusion detection”, International Journal of Information Security, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 14-35. Marques, O. and Baillargeon, P. (2005), “A multimedia traffic classification scheme for intrusion detection systems”, Proc. of the IEEE ICITA ’05. Sydney, Australia. Microsoft (2004), “Microsoft security bulletin MS04-028: buffer overrun in JPEG processing (GDI þ ) could allow code execution (833987)”, available at: security/bulletiii/MS04-028.mspx. Microsoft (2005a), “Microsoft security bulletin MS05-009: vulnerability in PNG processing could allow remote code execution (890261)”, available at: bulletin/MS05-009.mspx Microsoft (2005b), “Microsoft security bulletin MS05-053 vulnerabilities in graphics rendering engine could allow code execution (896424)”, available at: security/bulletin/MS05-053.mspx Mozilla Foundation (2005), “Mozilla foundation security advisory 2005-30: GIF heap overflow parsing Netscape extension 2”, available at: www.mozilla. org/security/announce/ mfsa2005-30.html PC Magazine (2005), “Security watch letter: inside the JPEG virus”, available at: www.pcmag. com/article2/0,1759,1661942,00.asp Sequeira, D. (2003), “Intrusion prevention systems: security’s silver bullet?”, Business Communications Reviews, Vol. 33, pp. 36-41. Sherif, J.S. and Dearmond, T.G. (2002), “Intrusion detection: systems and models”, Proceedings of the IEEE WETICE02. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Snort (2005), “Official Snort website”, available at: US-CERT (2005), “US-CERT: United States computer emergency readiness team vulnerability note VU460350: Apple Quicktime/Darwin Streaming server fails to properly parse DESCRIBE requests”, available at: van der Merwe, J., Sen, S. and Kalmanek, C. (2002), “Streaming video traffic: characterization and network impact”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Web Content Caching and Distribution Workshop. Boulder, CO, USA. Corresponding author Oge Marques can be contacted at:
[email protected]
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