Design of Forest Fire Early Detection System Using ...

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17% were unintentional, 16% of bonfire, careless smoking. 8%, 3% forestry activities, 1% rights of way, 1% other activities production and 6% other causes [5].
The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE)

Vol. (3) – No. (2)

Design of Forest Fire Early Detection System Using Wireless Sensor Networks C. Lozano; O. Rodriguez. Engineering School, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia Abstract-This article presents the design of a system for monitoring temperature and humidity for the prevention of forest fires using wireless sensor networks. An initial study of the causes of Forest Fires, like how to prevent them is necessary have a clear idea of how to implement a valid network design that is capable of detecting possible changes in the environment, in that way we can prevent a disaster (Forest fire) that could lead to loss of a significant number of natural resources. Keywords-Forest Fire, humidity, temperature, Wireless Sensor Networks. I. INTRODUCTION The fire has been for thousands of years of fascination reason for humans. Used in the preparation and processing of materials, cooking, heating, among others, the man even today is dependent on him. But as is a great utility, also can become a great damage for the environment. Unintentional causes such as lighted cigarettes, short circuits, explosions, high temperatures can cause fires that would lead to disaster. Most unintentional fire in this initial phase can be controlled with water, but in a more advanced phase requires the use of a chemical retardant Class A approved by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which is mixed with water and is spread by helicopters from the Colombian Air Force [1]. According to Colombian Civil Defense reports, with reports of 9 departments (Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Córdoba, Meta, Huila, Norte de Santander and Sucre) from January to December 2005, presents more than 72 municipalities where forest fires are affected 4968.3 total acres of native forests [2]. Forest fires are a major problem due to the destruction of forests, and generally wooded nature reserves. In Colombia today 71% of the forests are preserved only 46%, placing us these statistics as the fifth most deforested country in the world [3]. It´s for these reasons that fire detection systems play a key role in fighting against forest fires. II. PROJECT ENVIRONMENT A Forest Fire can be defined as a conflagration and the free fire propagation on vegetation in forests, jungles and other areas. In the area of the eastern hills in Bogota, are often presented this kind of phenomena (Figure 1). There are three known types of fires, mainly determined by the nature of the fuel: the glass or air fires, underground fires and surface fires [4].

Reference Number: W10-0097

Figure (1): Forest Fire in the Bogotá eastern hills [5]

There are forests fires which are caused by the human, nature and man-nature interaction. Internationally, 48% of the causes of forest fires are the result of agricultural activities, 17% were unintentional, 16% of bonfire, careless smoking 8%, 3% forestry activities, 1% rights of way, 1% other activities production and 6% other causes [5]. In Colombia, according to the Ministry of Environment, 95% of wildfires are caused by man, either intentionally or negligently. For Colombia, this issue is a really problem and almost 9 million hectares of national territory have been affected, which becomes a primary task the care and prevention of forest fires. A. Forest Fire Risk Reduction Strategies. Weather conditions influence susceptibility to a given area before the fire appears, factors such as temperature, humidity and rainfall determine the speed and degree to which dry flammable material and therefore, the combustibility of the forest. The wind tends to speed drying and increase the severity of stoking the fires burning. Establishing the correlation between various weather elements and the flammability of the waste of branches and leaves, you can predict the risk of fire on any given day at any location. In the present, detect forest fires can use different complementary systems such as: Fixed Earth System with observation towers located at strategic points higher and with specialized personnel who observes and reports throughout the day the presence of fire, or Mobile Terrestrial System used where the forest resource is of great value where areas can´t be viewed by the towers. The staff of different agencies or residents of communities conduct tours in forest areas; Air System over flights are conducted to cover large forested areas in which there is no road infrastructure and Satellite System through reception antennas of satellite images observed hot spots in the country that may indicate the existence of forest fires [6].


The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE)

Vol. (3) – No. (2)

B. Identification of Threats in the Eastern Hills of Bogota. In order to identify possible causes of forest fires in the eastern hills of Bogota, was designed a Risk Analysis Matrix (RAM) [7], the first step was the evaluation of site, because we don´t know if those places so vulnerable to ignite fire, after the main variables that stimulate the frequent presence of fire were identified and then checked the probability of occurrence of fire at the rate of these variables and their possible impact on the area. Table (2): Sensor´s comparison The group concludes that the acquisition board “Crossbow MDA 300” is ideal for environmental monitoring, and integrating systems to enable measurement of temperature, humidity, light, acoustics and even the ambient atmospheric pressure [10].

Table (1): Risk Analysis Matrix for the Bogotá eastern hills The eastern hills in Bogotá are a place fragile and any carelessness can get to start a forest fire which can destroy thousands of acres of reservation. As evidenced in the array RAM the majority of risks is due to the actions of the human, whether intentional or not, so early detection system would be helpful to help protect this natural reserve. C. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). In [8], a wireless sensor network can be classified according to application or mode of work that this requires in some specific environment. These can be classified as follows: homogeneous, self-reference, hierarchical and static. A wireless sensor network is composed of three functional levels: The level of Control, which comprises one or more control and monitoring centers, using information collected by the sensors to establish tasks that require the performance of the actuators, the level of Communications Network establishing a communication link between the field level and the level of control and the Field Level formed by a set of sensors and actuators that interact directly with the environment [9]. III. WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR FOREST FIRE DETECTION This project aims to design a service for early detection of forest fires. This solution seeks, through the deployment of a WSN; minimize environmental, human and material damage, associated with the fire and to support the tasks of regular monitoring of the environment. A. Field Level For early warning system after the risk analysis it was determined that two of the variables that could provide further information, those variables are humidity and temperature. These sensors were identified in Table 2.

Reference Number: W10-0097

B. Communications Network Level Some parts of the communication network level must be determined: the wireless nodes, the interconnection gateway and wireless standard to use. An important point is the selection of the electronic basis, taking into account that factors such as the minimum consumption components, the required elements in the capture, processing and delivery of information. For correct processing of the data measured by the sensors is necessary to choose an appropriate node, which allows appropriate adjustment of this selected, and besides this, their level of power consumption are optimal for saving energy, as this is one of the main drawbacks of such networks; the “Crossbow Mica2” node [11] meets those characteristics that was selected in this work. The Gateway device is the interface that enables communication between sensors and actuators and the control level. Its main objective is to obtain information from the sensors, record this information and knowledge is already available in the Control Level in order to take decisions. The Gateway device selected was the “Crossbow MIB520” [12]. At this level is also important to determine the wireless standard which will work, this standard must achieve a stable relation between: transmission speed, coverage and energy cost per packet sent. For the design was selected the 802.15.4 ZigBee standard, which supported by the nodes and the gateway selected. C. Control Level In this level, we propose the use of a software application that allows monitoring the state of the variables captured by each of the nodes in the network. The software selected was “MoteView” of the Crossbow Company, which allows: Sensor Data Visualization and Analysis, Network Topology Mapping, Alarm Services, Configuration and Management Interface and Network Analysis. It is targeted to end-users as a complete end-to-end software suite to simplify deployment and monitoring [13]


The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE)

D. Functional Description of Service of Early Detection of Fire. The design is defined as a comprehensive solution to environmental measurement, based on information gathered by a wireless sensor network, allows a detailed and centralized analysis of possible fires from starting in the area to be monitored. • The main features associated with the service are: Capturing information (at least every 100m2) from sensors deployed depends on the line of sight. • Information sent through the local wireless network using Zigbee. • Received information processing based on models of prediction and approximation algorithms. • Presentation centralized alarms, captured data and predictions obtained from each region through a base station will be located where a park ranger will report at the time there is a fire, through its expertise in radio to handle this event. Given that the proposed coverage area is large, we propose the use of clusters of interconnected nodes through their gateways (Figure 2).

Vol. (3) – No. (2)

The basis of the simulation was a cluster of the network solely. The network topology of the cluster is a mesh-type using a gateway that will handle all nodes connected to it.

Figure (3): Simulation of the Wireless Sensor Network Custer designed You can see in the program, the dates of each node like a graph of temperature versus voltage. Figure 4

Figure (2): Clusters of Wireless Sensor Networks proposals For proper operation of the network is necessary to implement the respective mass media reception of data, key management redundancy systems. Also making an efficient and secure management of communication protocols. Figure (4): Voltage vs. Temperature Data VI. SIMULATION In order to verify the proper functioning of the proposed design and the process to obtain a first approach about the effectiveness of the network and its nodes with respect to the environment, the monitor simulation was carried out using the Software MoteView©. This software lets configure the network in a practical way as transmission protocols and acquisition board MD300 and Mica2 nodes and gateways MIB520 are modeled therein.

Reference Number: W10-0097

MoteView can display a histogram with both temperature and humidity variations detected by each sensor (Figure 5).


The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE)

Vol. (3) – No. (2)

[5] [6] Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Protocolo de incendios forestales. /pdf/protocoloincendiosforestales2006.pdf [7] Matriz de Riesgos, Evaluación y gestión de Riesgos. [8] L. B. Ruiz et al, A management architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Comunications Magazine. (February 2006); p. 116 – 126. [9] C. Tellez, O. Rodríguez and C. Lozano, Biomedical signal monitoring using wireless sensor networks, LATINCOM '09. IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, 2009. [10] MDA 300 Data Acquisition Board Figure (5): Histogram of the variation in temperature detected by each sensor MoteView also allowed simulate alert management, this manager allows the user to define some warnings conditions (alerts) based on data from any sensor or sensor node. An alert is a user programmable event that is triggered when the sensor data exceeds the threshold specified VI. CONCLUSION The protection of nature reserves of forest fires is possible with this type of network, as it allows not only set a parameter for continuous monitoring of the signal, but at the same time allows more resources to optimize such as energy and the reduction of traffic characteristics with the administration of large networks to generate significant benefits for small networks are indistinguishable. Although it has been determined that the WSN there is no network infrastructure is proposed, to ensure efficient communication between the sensors, perform a hierarchical mesh type connection, that while increasing the amount of energy, improves the integrity of the sending and reception of data, a communication type star, this type of topology, has been confined to major nodes or gateways. In the simulation we can conclude that when deploying network equipment is set correctly selected all measures and generates alarms when the temperature exceeds the threshold. REFERENCES [1] Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, Informe 2006 Incendios Forestales, 2007. [2] Defensa Civil Colombiana, Informe 2006, 2007. [3] Corporación Autónoma Regional, Informe de Incendios Forestales, 2007. [4] Incendios Forestales, ndios.pdf

Reference Number: W10-0097 files/Wireless_pdf/MDA300CA_Datasheet.pdf [11] MICA2 Wireless Measurement System Wireless_pdf/MICA2_Datasheet.pdf [12] MIB520 USB Interface Board Wireless_pdf/MIB520_Datasheet.pdf [13] MoteView - User Interface Carlos A. Lozano. Systems Engineer at the National University of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia). Candidate to Master in Telecommunications Engineer from the same institution. He is currently a Professor and Researcher at Engineering School in the Sergio Arboleda University, Editor of Ingenium Journal, Chair of the Colombian IEEE Computer Chapter, Student Activities Coordinator at IEEE Colombia and Membership Development in the IEEE Communication Society Latin-America. Carlos participated as speaker in the IEEE Latin American Conferences on Communication 2009, with the paper “Biomedical Signal Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks” and as General Vice-Chair - IEEE ANDICON 2010, Bogota – Colombia, Executive Director IEEE LATINCOM 2010, Bogotá - Colombia, General CoChair - IEEE LATINCOM 09, Medellin – Colombia, General Chair - IEEE Colombian Communications Conference 2008, Popayan – Colombia and General Chair - EEE Colombian Communications Conference 2007, Bogota – Colombia. Oscar J. Rodriguez. Electronic Engineer at the University of San Buenaventura, Bogotá. He is currently researcher at Engineering School in the Sergio Arboleda University and Membership Development Coordinator at IEE Colombian Section. Oscar participated as speaker in the IEEE Latin American Conferences on Communication 2009, with the paper “Biomedical Signal Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks”.