2 Department of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem University, ... In a (t, n) threshold proxy signature scheme, the original signer delegates.
Designated Verifier Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme without Random Oracles M.Beheshti-Atashgah1 , M.Bayat2 , M.Gardeshi3 , and M.R.Aref4 1
Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing, Tehran, Iran Department of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran 3 Department of Communication & Information Technology, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran Information Systems and Security Lab(ISSL),EE Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract. In a (t, n) designated verifier threshold proxy signature scheme, an original signer can delegate his/her signing power to n proxy signers such that any t or more out of n proxy signers can sign messages on behalf of the original signer but t − 1 or less of the proxy signers cannot generate a valid proxy signature. Of course, the signature is issued for a designated receiver and therefore only the designated receiver can validate the proxy signature. In this paper, we propose a new designated verifier threshold proxy signature scheme and also show that the proposed scheme has provable security in the standard model. The security of proposed scheme is based on the GBDH assumption and the proposed scheme satisfies all the security requirements of threshold proxy signature schemes. Keywords: Proxy signature scheme, Threshold proxy signature scheme, Provable security, Standard model, Bilinear pairing.
A The concept of proxy signature scheme was first introduced by Mambo et al.’s in 1996 [1]. In a proxy signature scheme, an original signer can delegate his/her signing capability to a proxy signer and then the proxy signer can sign messages on behalf of the original signer. So far, many proxy signature schemes have been proposed; such as [2], [3] . K.Zhang [4] and Kim et al. [5] independently proposed the first threshold proxy signature scheme by using the ideas of proxy signature scheme and secret sharing. In a (t, n) threshold proxy signature scheme, the original signer delegates his/her signing power to a proxy group of n member such that any t or more than t proxy signers can cooperatively sign messages on behalf of the original signer. Until now, many threshold proxy signature schemes have been proposed such as [6], [7]. A (t, n) threshold proxy signature scheme should satisfy the following security requirements [8], [9]:
verifiability, unforgeability, undeniability, identifiability and prevention of misuse. Although many of proposed schemes were claiming that satisfy the above requirements, but their precise security meaning was unclear. First, Bellare & Rogaway [10] used the concept of provable security in the random oracle model for the key-agreement protocols. Then Boldyreva et al. [11] provide method to prove the security of the proxy signature scheme in the random oracle model and so far, many proxy signature schemes such as [12] and [13] have been proposed that have provable security in this model. The concept of standard model and provable security in this model was first introduced by Boneh & Boyen [14] for an ID-based encryption scheme without random oracles. Of course, their scheme proposed in a weaker model of security known as Selective-ID model. Then Waters [15] in 2005 proposed an ID-based encryption scheme and proved that his proposed scheme has provable security in the standard model. In fact, the standard model described by Waters is more complete and more efficient from the last model. In 2006, Huang et al. [16] proposed the first proxy signature scheme in the standard model and following them, other schemes such the Yu et al.’s [17] designated verifier proxy signature scheme were proposed. As far as we know, any threshold proxy signature scheme has been proposed in the standard model till now and so in this paper, we want to propose the first designated verifier threshold proxy signature scheme in the standard model based on the Yu et al.’s scheme. Additionally, we’ll show that our scheme is based on the Gap Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (GBDH) intractability assumption without relying on the random oracle and satisfies all the security requirements for a secure threshold proxy signature scheme. Roadmap. The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next Section, some preliminary concepts are given. In Section 3, the formal model of designated verifier threshold proxy signature scheme is described. In Section 4, we will propose our new scheme. In Section 5, we analyze the proposed scheme and finally, the conclusions are given in Section 6.
In this Section, we review fundamental backgrounds including bilinear pairings and complexity assumptions used in this paper. 2.1
Bilinear pairing
Let G, GT be two cyclic multiplicative groups of prime order p and g be a generator of G. The map e : G × G → GT is said to be an admissible bilinear pairing if the following conditions hold true: ab (1) bilinearity : F or all a, b ∈ Zp , e g a , g b = e(g, g) (2) non − degeneracy : e (P, P ) 6= lGT
(3) computability : T here is an ef f icient algorithm to compute e (g, h) f or all g, h ∈ G. 2.2
Complexity assumption
Definition 1. (CBDH problem). Given g, g a , g b , g c ∈ G abc a, b, c ∈ Zp , compute e (g, g) . Definition 2. (DBDH problem). Given g, g a , g b , g c ∈ G abc a, b, c ∈ Zp and w ∈ GT , decide whether w = e (g, g) . Definition 3. (GBDH problem). Given g, g a , g b , g c ∈ G abc a, b, c ∈ Zp , compute w = e (g, g) with the help of DBDH
for some unknown for some unknown for some unknown oracle ODBDH .
The probability that an adversary A can solve the GBDH problem is defined as: h i abc a b c SuccGBDH = Pr e (g, g) ← A G, G , g, g , g , g , O (1) T DBDH A
Formal models of DVTPSS
Outline of DVTPSS
In a designated verifier threshold proxy signature scheme, there exist three participants namely Alice (original signer), proxy signers group A = {P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn } and Cindy (designated verifier). A DVTPSS1 consists of the following algorithms. 1. Setup: Given a security parameter k, this algorithm outputs the system parameters. 2. KeyGen: This algorithm takes as input the security parameter k and outputs the secret/public key pair (sk i , pk i ) for i ∈ {a, {1, 2, · · · , n} , c} denotes Alice, proxy signers group and Cindy. 3. DelegationGen: This algorithm takes as input the warrant ω and the original signer’s private key, then outputs the delegation σωPi , i = 1, 2, · · · , n for proxy signers. 4. DelegationVerify: After receiving (ω, Rai , σωPi ), each proxy signer in the group A confirms its validity. Note that Rai is a public value that is computed and published by the original signer. 5. ProxySignGen: this algorithm takes as input the proxy signers’ private key sk i (i = 1, 2, · · · , t), the delegation shares σωPi (i = 1, 2, · · · , t), the designated verifier’s public key pk c and a message M to produce a proxy signature σP . 6. ProxySignVerify: A deterministic algorithm that accepts a message M , the warrant ω , the proxy signature σP , the original signer and the proxy signers’ public key pk a , pk Pi , i = 1, 2, · · · , t, the designated verifier’s private key sk c and returns ω if the signature is valid, otherwise returns ⊥ indicating the proxy signature is invalid. 1
Designated Verifier Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme
7. Transcript simulation: This algorithm takes as input a message M , the warrant ω and the designated verifier’s private key sk c to generate an identically distributed transcript σ ∗ that is indistinguishable from the original DVTPS σ. 3.2
Security notions
There are four types adversary in the system as follows. Type I: adversary AI only has the public keys of the original signer and proxy signers. Type II: adversary AII has the public keys of the original signer and proxy signers, he/she additionally has the secret key of the original signer Alice. Type III: adversary AIII has the public keys of the original signer and proxy signers, he/she additionally has the secret key of one of the proxy signers (like Bob). Type IV: adversary AIV has the public keys of the original signer and proxy signers, he/she additionally corrupts t − 1 proxy signers. Note that if DVTPSS is unforgeable against type II and III adversary, it is also unforgeable against type I adversary. On the other hand, type IV adversary is more powerful than type III adversary. Hence, if the scheme is secure against type IV adversary, then it is secure against type III. Unforgeability against AII The existential unforgeability of a DVTPS under AII adversary requires that it is difficult for the original signer to generate a valid threshold proxy signature of a message M ∗ under the warrant ω ∗ that has not been signed by the proxy signers group. It is defined using the following game between the challenger C and AII adversary: 1. Setup: The challenger C runs the Setup algorithm to obtain system parameters, and runs KeyGen algorithm to obtain the secret/public key pairs (sk a , pk a ), (sk i , pk i ) i = 1, · · · , n , (sk c , pk c ) of the original signer Alice, proxy signers and the designated verifier Cindy. Then C sends sk a , pk a , pk i , pk c (where i is one of the proxy signers) to the adversary AII . 2. ProxySign queries: The adversary AII can request a proxy signature on the message M under the warrant ω. C runs the ProxySign algorithm to obtain the proxy signature σP and then sends it to AII . 3. Verify queries: The adversary AII can request a proxy signature verification on a (M, ω, σP ). If σP is a valid DVTPS, C outputs > and ⊥ otherwise. 4. Output: Finally, AII outputs a new DVTPS σP∗ on the message M ∗ under the warrant ω ∗ , such that (a) (M ∗ , ω ∗ ) has never been queried during the ProxySign queries. (b) σP∗ is a valid DVTPS of message M ∗ under warrant ω ∗ . The advantage of AII in the above game is defined as AdvAII = Pr[AII succeeds].
Definition 4. An adversary AII is said to be an (, t, qP S , qv ) −forger of a DVTPS if AII in the above game: has advantage of at least , runs in time at most t, makes at most qP S ProxySign queries and qv Verify queries. Unforgeability against AIV Similar to the last game, the following game is defined between the challenger C and AIV adversary, but note that in this game, the adversary AIV corrupts t − 1 proxy signers: 1. Setup: The challenger C runs the Setup algorithm to obtain system parameters, and runs KeyGen algorithm to obtain the secret/public key pairs (sk a , pk a ), (sk i , pk i ) i = 1, · · · , n , (sk c , pk c ) of the original signer Alice, proxy signers and the designated verifier Cindy. Then C sends sk i , pk a , pk i , pk c to the adversary AIV where i = 1, 2, · · · , t. Note that the challenger C should guess right the proxy signers corrupted by adversary AIV , otherwise the game is failed and C will stop the simulation. 2. Delegation queries: AIV can request t−1 proxy shares of the proxy signers (like Bob) under the warrant ω. C runs the DelegationGen algorithm to obtain the proxy shares σωPi , i = 1, · · · , t − 1 and then returns it to AIV . 3. ProxySign queries: The adversary AIV can request individual proxy signatures (issued by corrupted proxy signers) and final proxy signature on the message M under the warrant ω. C runs the ProxySign algorithm to obtain the proxy signature σP and then sends it to AIV . 4. Verify queries: The adversary AIV can request a proxy signature verification on a (M, ω, σP ). If σP is a valid DVTPS, C outputs > and ⊥ otherwise. 5. Output: Finally, AIV outputs a new DVTPS σP∗ on the message M ∗ under the warrant ω ∗ , such that (a) ω ∗ has never been queried during the Delegation queries. (b) (M ∗ , ω ∗ ) has never been queried during the ProxySign queries. (c) σP∗ is a valid DVTPS of message M ∗ under warrant ω ∗ . The advantage of AIV in the above game is defined as AdvAIV = Pr[AIV succeeds]. Definition 5. An adversary AIV is said to be an (, t, qω , qP S , qv ) −forger of a DVTPS if AIV in the above game: has advantage of at least , runs in time at most t, makes at most qω Delegation queries, qP S ProxySign queries and qv Verify queries. 3.3
Security requirements
Verifiability: The designated verifier should be convinced of the original signer’s agreement on the signed message. Identifiability: Anyone should determine the identities of the corresponding proxy signers from a proxy signature. Undeniability: The proxy signers group should not be able to create the signature against anyone. This security requirement is also called “non-repudiation”. Prevention of misuse: A proxy signing key should not be used for purpose other than generating valid proxy signature. In case of misuse, the responsibility of the proxy signature should be determined explicitly.
Proposed DVTPSS in the standard model
In this Section, we describe the proposed DVPSS. As we assumed earlier, there are three participants in the system: original signer Alice, proxy signers group A = {P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn } and designated verifier Cindy. In continue, all the messages to be signed will be showed as bit string of length n. It is possible to be quest that if the bit length of input messages is more than n, what we can do? Thus for more flexibility of the scheme, we can use a collision∗ n resistant hash function H : {0, 1} → {0, 1} in the first and last of the proposed scheme. Our scheme includes the following algorithms: 1. Setup: Let (G, GT ) is bilinear groups from prime order p. e denotes an admissible pairing and g ∈ G is the generator of G. u0 , m0 ∈ G are two random integers and u = (uj ) , m = (mj ) are vectors of length n that is choosen at random from group G. The system parameters are σ = (G, GT , p, e, g, u0 , m0 , u, m). 2. KeyGen: Alice sets her secret key sk a = (xa , ya ) ∈ Z2p and computes her corresponding public key pk a = (g xa , g ya ). Similarly, each proxy signer Pi ∈ A, i = 1, 2, · · · , n sets his/her secret-public keys sk i = (xi , yi ) ∈ Z2p , pk i = (g xi , g yi ). The secret-public keys of the designated verifier (Cindy) are sk c = (xc , yc ) ∈ Z2p , pk c = (g xc , g yc ). 3. DelegationGen: Let ωj be the j-th bit of ω that ω is the warrant issued by the original signer and W ⊆ {1, 2, · · · , n} be the set of all j for which ωj = 1. The original signer Alice randomly chooses rai ∈R Zp , i = 1, · · · , n and then computes the proxy share of proxy signer Pi as follows. Alice also publishes the value Rai and σωPi 1 .
σωPi = e σωPi 1 , σωPi 2 = e g
xa ya
! , pk ix
Rai = g
ra i
Then, Alice sends (ω, Rai , σωPi ) to each proxy signer like Pi where i = 1, 2, · · · , n. 4. DelegationVerify: To validate the correctness of (ω, Rai , σωPi ), each proxy signer Pi checks whether the following equation is satisfy? xi
σωPi = e (g xa , g ya )
· e u0
Y j∈W
uj , Rai
Correctness !rai σωPi = e (g
xa ya
, g )·e
! , g
! = e (g xa ya , g xi ) · e u0
ra i
Q j∈W
= e (g xa , g ya )
· e u0
uj , (g xi ) !xi uj , g rai
Q j∈W
!xi = e pk ax , pk ay
x i
· e u0
uj , Rai
5. ProxySignGen: Let M be a n-bit message and Mj be the j-th bit of M .Assume that M ⊆ {1, 2, · · · , n} be the set of all j for which Mj = 1. (a) Issuing individual signature: Each proxy signer Pi picks ra0 i , rbi ∈R Zp at 0 random and computes and publishes Ra0 i = g rai , Rbi = g rbi . Finally, each proxy signer Pi produces his/her individual signature as follows. !rbi !ra0 i Q Q , mj σi1 = σωPi 1 u0 uj g xi yi m0 (4) j∈M j∈W 0
σi2 = Rai g rai = Rai Ra0 i , σi3 = g rbi = Rbi Then, each Pi sends his/her partial proxy signature σi = (σi1 , σi2 , σi3 ) to a clerk (The clerk is one of the proxy signers). The clerk validates individual signatures by checking whether the equality holds. ! Q 0 0 e (σi1 , g) = e pk ax , pk ay e u uj , Rai Rai j∈W ! (5) Q 0 mj , Rbi e pk ix , pk iy e m j∈M
Correctness e (σi1 , g) =
!rai +ra0
= e g xa ya u0
g xi yi m0
= e (g
xa ya
, g
j∈M 0
, g) · e u
uj , g
0 rai +ra
! i
· e (g xi yi , g) ·
! e m0
m j , g bi
= e pk ax , pk ay · e u ! Q 0 e m mj , Rbi j∈M
Q j∈W
uj , Rai Ra0 i
· e pk ix , pk iy ·
(b) Issuing proxy signature: If all the individual signatures are valid, the clerk calculates final proxy signature as follows. t Q
σP1 =
e (σi1 , pk cx ), σP2 =
t P i=1
t P
σP3 =
Rai Ra0 i = Ra , (6)
Rbi = Rb
Finally, σP = (σP1 , σP 2 , σP 3 ) is the proxy signature and is send to the designated verifier Cindy. 6. ProxySignVerify: The designated verifier can check the validity of the proxy signature through the equation. x c x c σP1 = e pk ax , pk ay e !pk txy , g · !xc xc Q Q e u0 uj , σP 2 e m0 mj , σP 3 j∈W
Correctness σP1 =
t Q
e (σi1 , pk cx )
t Q
!rai +ra0
e (g xa ya , g xc ) e u0
, g xc
!rbi e (g xi yi , g xc ) e
, g xc
uj , Rai Ra0 i
= e pk ax , pk ay
t xc Q
e u
!xc e pk ixy , g
x c
e m mj , Rbi xc j∈M t xc P pk ixy , g = e pk ax , pk ay e i=1 !xc xc t t Q P Q P e u0 j∈W uj , Rai Ra0 i e m0 mj , Rbi i=1 i=1 j∈M xc x c = e pk ax , pk ay e pk!txy , g !xc xc t t Q P Q P e u0 uj , Ra e m0 mj , Rb σP1 i=1 i=1 j∈W x c xc j∈M = e pk ax , pk ay e !pk txy , g !xc xc Q Q 0 0 e u uj , σP 2 e m mj , σP 3 j∈W
Note that in the above equalities, we used from the following bilinear pairing property.
t Y
e (Pi , Q) = e
t Y
! Pi , Q
Additionally, in the above equalities, the group public key is pk txy =
t Q
g xi yi .
7. Transcript simulation: Cindy can use her private key to compute a proxy signature on a message M ∗ under the warrant ω ∗ . She denotes two random integers r1 , r2 ∈ Z∗p and computes σP∗ = σP∗ 1 , σP∗ 2 , σP∗ 3 where σP∗ 2 = g r1 , σP∗ 3 = g r2 . xc x c σP∗ 1 = e pk ax , pk ay e!pk txy , g !xc xc Q Q (9) 0 ∗ 0 ∗ e u uj , σP2 e m mj , σP3 j∈W
5 5.1
Analysis of the scheme Unforgeability
Unforgeability against adversary AII Theorem 1. If there exists an adversary AII who can (, t, qP S , qv ) breaks our scheme, then there exists another algorithm B who can use AII to solve an instance of the GBDH problem with probability SuccGBDH ≥ B
8(n+1)qP S
In time t0 ≤ ((2n + 6) qP S + nqv + 2) t1 + (5qv ) t2 + (3n + 12qP S + qv + 5) T1 + (3qv ) T2 + (qP S + 4qv ) te where t1 , t2 are the time for a multiplication in G and GT respectively, T1 , T2 are the time of an exponentiation in G and GT respectively, and te is the time for a pairing computation in (G, GT ). Proof. For the proof of this theorem, please refer to [17]. u t Unforgeability against adversary AIV Theorem 2. If there exists an adversary AIV who can (, t, qω , qP S , qv ) breaks our scheme, then there exists another algorithm B who can use AIV to solve an instance of the GBDH problem with probability ≥ SuccGBDH B
(t−1)! (n−t+1)! 3(n+1)3 n!(3(qω +qps ))qv +2
In time t0 ≤ ((2n + 6) qP S + (n + 4) qv + (n + 4) qω ) t1 + (3qv ) t2 + (8qω + 12qP S + 4qv ) T1 + (4qv ) T2 + (qP S + 6qv ) te where t1 , t2 are the time for a multiplication in G and GT respectively, T1 , T2 are the time of an exponentiation in G and GT respectively, and te is the time for a pairing computation in (G, GT ). Proof. Assume that B receives a GBDH problem instance g, g a , g b , g c of a bilinear group (G, GT ) whose orders are both a prime number p. His/Her goal is abc to output e (g, g) with the help of the DBDH oracle ODBDH . B runs AIV as a subroutine and act as AIV ’s challenger. B will answer AIV ’s queries as follows: Setup: B chooses two random integers la , lb and other two random integers ka , kb uniformly between 0 and n. Then, B picks two values x0a , x0b at random and two * * random n-vectors x a = (xai ) , x b = (xbi ) where x0a , xai ∈ Zla , x0b , xbi ∈ Zlb .
Additionally, B chooses two values ya0 , yb0 at random and two random n-vectors * ya = (yai ), y b = (ybi ) where ya0 , yb0 , yai , ybi ∈ Zp . All of these values are kept secret by B. For a message M and a warrant ω, we let M ⊂ {1, 2, · · · , n} and W ⊂ {1, 2, · · · , n} be the set of all i for which Mi = 1 and ωi = 1. For simplicity of analysis, we defines functions Fa (ω), Ja (ω), Ka (ω), Fb (M ), Jb (M ) and Kb (M ) as in [15]. P P (1) Fa (ω) = (p − la ka ) + x0a + xai , Ja (ω) = ya0 + yai , i∈W
( Ka (ω) =
0, if
xai = 0 (mod la )
1, Otherwise.
(2) Fb (M ) = (p − lb kb ) + x0b +
xbi , Jb (M ) = yb0 +
( Kb (M ) =
0, if x0b +
(10) P
ybi ,
xbi = 0 (mod lb )
1, Otherwise.
In the next step, B generates the follow common parameters: (1) B assigns the public keys signer and the designated verifier, of the original respectively as pk ax , pk ay = g a , g b , pk cx = g c where g a , g b , g c are the input of the GBDH problem. (2) B chooses random integers xi , yi ∈ Z∗p , i = 1, 2, · · · , t − 1 and sets the t − 1 proxy signers’ public key as pk ix , pk iy = (g xi , g yi ). We note that the simulator B should correctly guess t − 1 signers corrupted by AIV from the signer group A. If the guess is right, the game continues and otherwise the game fails. The probability of right guess is
(t − 1)! (n − t + 1)! 1 = n! n t−1 0
p−la ka +xa ya (3) B assigns u0 = pk ay g , ui = pk xayai g yai and u = (u1 , u2 , · · · , u). 0
p−lb kb +xb yb (4) B assigns m0 = pk ay g , mi = pk xaybi g ybi and m = (m1 , m2 , · · · , mn ). Note that, we have Q Q a (ω) Ja (ω) b (M ) Jb (M ) g , u0 ui = pk F g mi = pk F m0 ay ay i∈W
* * G, GT , e, p, g, u0 , u , m0 , m as the system parameters and pk ax , pk ay , pk ix , pk iy , pk cx , xi , yi to adversary AIV .
Finally, B returns
Here, we note that without loss of generality, we suppose that the all of t − 1 proxy signers controlled by AIV identically participate in signature generating stage.
g xi yi = pk ixy , pk txy =
t P
pk ixy
pk txy =
t−1 P
pk ixy + pk (t−th)
→ pk (t−th)
= pk txy −
t−1 P
pk ixy
Delegation queries: Includes the following stages. 1. If Ka (ω) = 0, B terminates the simulation and report failure. 2. If Ka (ω) 6= 0, this implies Fa (ω) 6= 0 (mod p) [15]. In this case, for generating the delegation of each proxy signer, B chooses rai ∈ Z∗p randomly and computes the proxy share of the i-th proxy signer as follows ! !rai J (ω) Q − Fa (ω) u0 uj , pk ix , σωPi = σωPi 1 , σωPi 2 = e pk ax a (12) j∈W Rai = g rai Correctness !rai
J (ω)
− a pk axFa (ω)
σωPi = e
! , pk ix
aJa (ω) ra = e g − Fa (ω) · g ab g −ab g bFa (ω) · g Ja (ω) i , pk ix ra − a = e g ab · g bFa (ω) · g Ja (ω) Fa (ω) · g bFa (ω) · g Ja (ω) i , pk ix r a − a = e g ab · g bFa (ω) · g Ja (ω) i Fa (ω) , pk ix !rˆai a Q uj , pk ix Rai = g rai − Fa (ω) = g rˆai ⇒ e pk aay u0
In the above equality rˆai = rai −
a Fa (ω) .
B also publishes the σωPi 1 .
ProxySign queries: During this stage, AIV can request the individual signatures of t − 1 proxy signers corrupted by him/her. Additionally, the adversary AIV can request the final proxy signature. 1. If Ka (ω) = 0 , Kb (M ) = 0, B terminates the simulation and report failure. 2. If Ka (ω) = 0 , Kb (M ) 6= 0, B picks the random integers rai , rbi ∈ Z∗p and computes individual signature of the i-th proxy signer as follows !rai ! rb i J (M ) − Fb (M ) Q Q 0 xi yi 0 b σi1 = pk ax u uj g m mj , (13) j∈W j∈M σi2 = g rai = Rai , σi3 = g where rˆbi = rbi −
a Fb (M ) .
a b (M )
rbi − F
= g rˆbi
Correctness !rai
J (M )
σ i1 =
− Fb (M ) pk ax b
! rb i g
xi yi
= g ab · g −ab · g
aJb (M ) Fb (M )
b (M ) Jb (M ) pk F g ay
rb i
!rai g xi yi u0
· g
a bFb (M ) Jb (M ) − F (M ) g
b (M ) Jb (M ) pk F g ay
rb i
a rbi − F (M Q ) b (M ) Jb (M ) = g ab · pk F g g xi yi u0 uj ay
!rai xi yi
g !rai
!rˆbi = g xa ya ·
!rai g xi yi u0
3. Note that during the simulation of signature, Ka (ω) = 0 should satisfy. If Ka (ω) 6= 0, B should return to the Delegating simulation and computes the proxy signature again, such that Ka (ω) = 0. ProxySign Verify queries: Assume that AIV issues a verify query for the message/signature pair (M, ω, σP1 , σP 2 , σP 3 ). 1. If Fa (ω) 6= 0 and Fb (M ) 6= 0, B terminates the simulation and report failure. 2. If Fa (ω) = 0, Fb (M ) = 0, B submits
σP1 g, g a , g b , g c , c Pt Ja (ω) Jb (M ) x y c c, σ i i e g , g e (g , σ ) e (g ) P P 2 3 i=1
to the DBDH oracle ODBDH . If ODBDH returns 1, B outputs “valid” and otherwise, B outputs “invalid”. Correctness xc x c σP 1 = e pk ax , pk ay ! e pk ix , pk iy !xc xc Q Q 0 0 .e u uj , σP 2 e m mj , σP 3 j∈W j∈M t c c c c P xi yi = e ga , gb e g , g .e g Ja (ω) , σP 2 e g Jb (M ) , σP 3 i=1 c t P abc J (ω) J (M ) = e (g, g) e g xi yi , g .e (g c , σP 2 ) a e (g c , σP 3 ) b i=1
which indicates that g, g a , g b , g c , e
g xi yi ,g )
σP1 e(g c ,σP 2 )Ja (ω) e(g c ,σP 3 )Jb (M )
is a valid BDH tuple. 3. If Fa (ω) = 0, Fb (M ) 6= 0 , B can compute a valid signature on the message M under the same warrant ω just as the second case that he/she responses to proxy signature queries. Let M, ω, σP0 1 , σP0 2 , σP0 3 be the signature computed by B. The simulator B submits J (M ) ! σP0 2 b σP1 c c b Fb (M ) Jb (M ) σP3 e g , (15) g g , 0 ,g , σP3 σP0 1 σP2 to the DBDH oracle ODBDH . If ODBDH returns 1, B outputs “valid” and otherwise, B outputs “invalid”. Correctness If (M, ω, σP1 , σP 2 , σP 3 ) is a valid DVTPS, then x c x c σP 1 = e pk ax , pk ay e !pk ix , pk iy !xc xc Q Q e u0 uj , σP 2 e m0 mj , σP 3 j∈W
Similarly, since M, ω, σP0 1 , σP0 2 , σP0 3 is another valid DVTPS computed by B, then x c x c σP0 1 = e pk ax , pk ay e!pk ix , pk iy !xc xc Q Q mj , σP0 3 uj , σP0 2 e m0 e u0
we can write σP1 0 σP
xc xc Q Q e(u0 j∈W uj ,σP 2 ) e(m0 j∈M mj ,σP 3 ) Q Q 0 0 e u0 j∈W uj ,σP e m0 j∈M mj ,σP 2! 3 ! xc xc Q Q σP2 σP3 0 0 uj , σ0 e u mj , σ0 e m P2 P3 j∈W j∈M Ja (ω) c σ b (M ) Jb (M ) σP3 e g c , σP0 2 e pk F g , σ0 ay P P
= =
Fb (M )
g Jb (M ) , σP0 3 , g c , P3
σP1 0 σP
σ0 Jb (M ) e g c , σPP2 2
is a valid BDH tuple. 4. If Fa (ω) 6= 0, Fb (M ) = 0, B can compute a valid signature on the message M under the same warrant ω just as the second case that he/she responses to proxy signature queries. Suppose that M, ω, σP0 1 , σP0 2 , σP0 3 be the signature computed by B. The simulator B submits J (M ) ! σP0 3 b σP1 c c b Fa (ω) Ja (ω) σP2 g , 0 ,g , e g , (16) g σP2 σP0 1 σP3
to the DBDH oracle ODBDH . If ODBDH returns 1, B outputs “valid” and otherwise, B outputs “invalid”. Correctness It is similar to the previous case. If B does not abort during the simulation, the adversary AIV will output a valid DVTPS σP∗ = σP∗ 1 , σP∗ 2 , σP∗ 3 on the message M ∗ under the warrant ω ∗ with success probability . 1. If Fa (ω ∗ ) 6= 0, Fb (M ∗ ) 6= 0; B will abort. 2. Otherwise, Fa (ω ∗ ) = 0, Fb (M ∗ ) = 0 and B computes e
t i=1
g xi yi , g
σP∗ 1 e g c , σP∗ 2 abc
and outputs it as the value of e (g, g)
Ja (ω∗ )
e g c , σP∗ 3
Jb (M ∗ )
This completes the description of the simulation. Now we have to compute B’s probability of success. B will not abort if the following conditions hold. G: A: B: C: D:
The simulator B guesses t − 1 proxy signers corrupted by AIV , correctly. Ka (ω) 6= 0 (mod la ) during delegation queries. Ka (ω) 6= 0 (mod la ) or Kb (M ) 6= 0 (mod lb ) during ProxySign queries. Fa (ω) = 0 (mod p) or Fb (M ) = 0 (mod p) during Verify queries. Fa (ω ∗ ) = 0 (mod p) and Fb (M ∗ ) = 0 (mod p) in output phase.
= Pr [G ∧ A ∧ B ∧ C ∧ D] . Finally, the probability of success is SuccGBDH B Now, we compute this probability using Waters’ technique [15]. Note that the guess probability Pr [G] is independent of other probabilities. Pr [G ∧ A ∧ B ∧ C ∧ D] = Pr [G] · Pr [A ∧ B ∧ C ∧ D] (n−t+1)! = (t−1)! · Pr [A ∧ B ∧ C ∧ D] But Pr [A ∧ B ∧ C ∧ D] q n! qT ps ω S T (Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 Kb (Mi ) 6= 0) Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 = Pr q Tv
S (Fa (ωi ) = 0 (mod p) Fb (M ) = 0 (mod p)) i=1 T T ∗ ∗ (F " a (ω ) = 0 (mod p) Fb (M ) = 0 (mod p))] qω +q q ps Tv T ≥ Pr Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 Fa (ωi ) = 0 (mod p) i=1 i=1 T T ∗ ∗ F "a (ω ) = 0 (mod p)# Fb(M ) = 0 (mod p)] qω +q q Tv T ps Fa (ωi ) = 0 (mod p) = Pr Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 Pr i=1 i=1 T T Fa (ω ∗ ) = 0 (mod #p) Fb (M ∗ ) = 0 (mod p) qω +q T ps | Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 i=1 qTv T qω +qps 1 Pr Ka (ωi ) = 0 Ka (ω ∗ ) = 0 ≥ (n+1)3 1 − la i=1
Kb (M ∗ ) = 0 |
qω +q T ps
Ka (ωi ) 6= 0
i=1 "
1 (n+1)3
qω +qps la
qT v
# Ka (ωi )=0
" Pr
Ka (ω ∗ )=0
qω +qps T
Kb (M ∗ )=0
# Ka (ωi )6=0
" Pr
qω +q T ps
q Tv
Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 | Ka (ωi ) = 0 i=1 q +q 1 1 − ω la ps 3 qv +1
Ka (ω ) = 0
Kb (M ) = 0
(n+1) la
" ×
1 − Pr
qω +q S ps
Ka (ωi ) 6= 0 |
≥ ≥
1 q +1 (n+1)3 lav lb
1 q +1 (n+1)3 lav lb
q Tv
#! Ka (ωi ) = 0
Ka (ω ) = 0
Kb (M ) = 0
≤ Therefore SuccGBDH B
qω +qps la
2(qω +qps ) la
(t−1)! (n−t+1)! qv +1 lb (n+1)3 n! la
2(qω +qps ) la
We can get a simplified result by setting la = la = 3 (qω + qps ). Then ≤ SuccGBDH B
(t−1)! (n−t+1)! 3(n+1)3 n!(3(qω +qps ))qv +2
. u t
Security requirements
1. Verifiability. In the proposed scheme, since the original signer’s public key is indeed to verify the proxy signature, the designated verifier can be convinced of the original signer’s agreement on the signed message. 2. Undeniability. Anyone cannot find the proxy signers’ private key due to the difficulty of discrete logarithm problem (DLP) and thus each proxy signer know his/her private key. Therefore, when the proxy signers create a valid proxy signature, they can repudiate it because the signature is created by using their private key (xi , yi ). 3. Identifiability. In the proposed scheme, identities information of proxy signers is included explicitly in a valid proxy signature and ω as a form of public key. So, anyone can determine the identities of the proxy signers from the signature created by them and confirm the identities of the proxy signers from the ω. 4. Prevention of misuse. Only the actual proxy signers group can issue a valid signature because only they know their private key (xi , yi ). So, if the proxy signers uses the proxy shares for other purposes, it is their responsibility because only they can generate it. Moreover, the original signer’s misuse is also prevented because she cannot compute the valid individual proxy signatures.
In recent years, proxy signature schemes in the standard model or in other words, proxy signature schemes without random oracles have attracted the interest of many researchers. In this paper, we proposed the first designated threshold proxy signature scheme and showed that the proposed scheme has provable security based on GBDH assumption in the standard model. Additionally, the proposed scheme provides all the other security requirements for a threshold proxy signature scheme. The proposed scheme is proven to be existentially unforgeable against four types of adversaries.
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