1 Oct 2011 ... Mr. Rakibur Rahman (Tutul) explained in details the purposes and ... Bangladesh
. ... was presented by Dr. Md. Gius Uddin, Laboratory in charge, National
Reference Laboratory for Avian. Influenza ... Dr. Md. Lutfur Rahman.
Vol. 2 Issue 1 October 2011 An online based newsletter of the Network for the Veterinarians of Bangladesh
Committed to the excellence of Bangladeshi Veterinarians
ISSN 2221-9897
Workshop on "The Present Status of Avian Influenza and Its Future Prospective” at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Inaugural session of the workshop was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Md. Masiur Rahman, President WPSA -BB on 22nd of October, 2011 at the Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Professor Dr. A. S. Mahfuzul Bari, Vice-Chancellor, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) delivered his speech as a chief guest in the inaugural session. This session was started with reciting a verse from the Holy Quran followed by welcome address given by Mr. Md. Didarul Alam, Executive member, WPSA-BB. Mr. Rakibur Rahman (Tutul) explained in details the purposes and the significance to arrange the workshop. He mentioned that by this program the participants, peoples from livestock and poultry farmers would be able to cross their fingers to exchange scientific and practical views to handle bird flu and thus both sides will be benefited from each other. Mr. Md. Rafiqul Haque, Secretary, WPSA-BB stated his comprehensive speech regarding the roles of World’s Poultry Science Association –Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB) for the development of poultry industries in Bangladesh. A key note presentation with the title of “The Present Status of Avian Influenza and its Future Prospective.” was presented by Dr. Md. Gius Uddin, Laboratory in charge, National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza, BLRI. He mentioned that still we are in severe threat as the outbreak of Avian Influenza in our country not in control. In March 2007, two strains (H5N1 and H9N2) of avian influenza were identified from infected chicken samples and recently another two strains have been transmitted from our neighboring countries. He stated that we should improve the level of biosecurity in the poultry farms to eradicate or to reduce bird flu from this country. He pointed out that most of the European and African countries controlled bird flu by improving the biosecurity of their poultry farms. He also reported that some Asian countries like Vietnam, China and Pakistan have been benefitted by vaccination program though Indonesia did not get any good results from vaccination.
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An open discussion was carried out on key note paper and figured out some important recommendations. Improvement of biosecurity in the poultry farms is the key demand to eradicate bird flu from the country. Also recommended that the structure of the poultry farms should be improved, the quality Veterinarian should be developed and the commitments of mass peoples are essential to eliminate bird flu from the country. Duck is one of the important carrier of influenza virus, so, mixed rearing of duck and native chicken should be avoided in order to reduce transmission of the virus into the commercial poultry farms. Proper disposal of infected birds is very important to reduce the transmission of bird flu.
Professor Dr. A. S. Mahfuzul Bari, the VC, CVASU delivering his speech
Workshop on avian influenza….
The audience present in the inaugural session
BDvet iNewsletter, Volume 2 Issue 1, October 2011
Workshop on Avian influenza….
BDvet iNewsletter, Volume 2 Issue 1, October 2011
The chief guest, Professor Dr. Mahfuzul Bari, thanked the organizing committee of WPSA-BB to arrange such an excellent workshop. He said the theme topic of the workshop “The Present status of Avian Influenza and its Future Prospective” is rightly chosen to embark on eradicating or controlling the disease from Bangladesh. He stated that its need to be aware against bird flu due to two important reasons. Firstly, the overall economic loss due to bird flu is miserable in poultry sector. secondly, WHO already confirmed human- to- human case of H5N1 transmission in Pakistan, Indonesia and Thailand due to close contact in a very circumscribed area. The chairman of the inaugural session had given a comprehensive speech outlining the history of WPSABB. He explained briefly the current activities of World’s Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch and invited to all for being member and pick up the opportunities from seminar, workshop, symposium, poultry fair etc organized by WPSA-BB and also to collect magazine, newsletter, scholarship and travel grant from this association. Finally, the session chair thanked to all of the participants for their hard works and hopped the recommendations of this workshop will be of much help for eradication of Avian Influenza from Bangladesh. Courtesy-
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Dr. Md. Lutfur Rahman Associate Professor and Head Department of Anatomy and Histology Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Khulshi, Chittagong-4202, Bangladesh
[email protected]
Network for the Veterinarians of Bangladesh, Web: http://bdvets.org/, E-mail:
[email protected]