Detection the specific antigen of Helicobacter pylori in stool of children ...

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pylori antigen in stool and revealed that HpSA is a relatively simple, cheap and time saving test as a reliable method for detection of H. pylori in children but with ...
Issa ,Sharif ; AL-Mosawi: Detection of Helicobacter pylori in stool of primary school pupils in some …

Available online at: ISSN ‫ــ‬1817 ‫ــ‬2695

Detection of Helicobacter pylori in stool of primary school pupils in some areas in Basra Awatif H. Issa, Inas S. M. Sharif , Adnadn AL-Mosawi Biology Department, college of Science, University of Basra, Basra, IRAQ Email: email: [email protected] , [email protected] Received 27-8-2014, Accepted 5-1-2015

Abstract Helicobacter pylori is common worldwide causative agent of stomach ulcer and in 1994 classified as a group one carcinogen by international agency for research of cancer (IARC). Specific antigen of these bacteria tested by chromatography of 105 pupils from three primary schools in two areas in Basra from (Qarmat-Ali and the city center), the results revealed the infection in pupils were 48/105(45.7%) positive cases; in Qarmat-Ali were 31/50(65%) consist of (13/20 (65%) boys and 18/30(60%) girls, and city center of Basra were 17 /55(30.9%) consist of 8/20 (40%) boys and 9/35(26.7%). Statistical analysis revealed that there is a significant difference (P0.05) that there is a significant difference between the two areas and no significant difference according to sex, and this agree with many studies as [14, 3] of how the effect of the low socioeconomic status and poor sanitary were described as risk factors for the acquisition and transmission on prevalence of H. pylori in particular in relation to living conditions during childhood, also children

from families with a higher crowding and presence of pet cats have a higher risk of being colonized with H. pylori [15], which represented by this area, and water sources in several studies have reported the presence of H. pylori DNA in environmental water sources [16] and refrigerated food [17]. According [18] the improvement of housing conditions resulted in a lower infection rate in children, which is reflected in the age distribution of this lifelong-colonizing bacterium, so the lower percentage of positive cases to H. pylori found in the center of Basra.


Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) Vol. (40). No. (4) A …… (2014)

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‫… ‪Issa ,Sharif ; AL-Mosawi: Detection of Helicobacter pylori in stool of primary school pupils in some‬‬

‫تحديد مستضد جرثومة المعدية الحمزونية في براز اطفال المرحمة االبتدائية في بعض مناطق محافظة البصرة‬ ‫عواطف حميد المحيسن‪ ,‬ايناس صباح محمد شريف و عدنان الموسوي‬ ‫قسم عموم الحياة ‪/‬كمية العموم‪ /‬جامعة البصرة‬

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‫تعد اإلصابة بالجرثومة المعدية الحمزونية المسببة لقرحة المعدة واسعة االنتشار عمى مستوى العالم والمصنفة األولى‬

‫كمسبب لمسرطان لذلك كان تشخيصها مهم جدا في مرحمة اإلصابة األولية وخاصة مرحمة الطفولة‪ .‬تم خالل هذا البحث‬ ‫تشخيص اإلصابة بتحديد المستضد الخاص لهذه البكتريا في براز األطفال بتقنية الكروموتوكراف ‪ ,‬إذ تم اخذ ‪ 105‬عينة‬ ‫لطالب المرحمة االبتدائية لمنطقتان في البصرة وهي مركز المحافظة ومنطقة قضاء كرمة عمي و من ثالث وكانت النتائج‬ ‫الموجبة تشكل ‪ . )105\48( %45.7‬إذ كانت في كرمة عمي ‪)50\31( %65‬حالة موجبة يشكل هذه الحاالت في الذكور‬ ‫فيها ‪ )20\13(%65‬أما اإلناث ‪ ,)30\18( %60‬أما في مركز المحافظة فكانت الحاالت الموجبة ‪ )55\17(%30.9‬كانت‬ ‫الحاالت الموجبة في الذكور‪)50\17(%40‬أما في اإلناث ‪ . )35\9(%26.7‬وكانت النتائج باستخدام التحميل اإلحصائي‬

‫تحت مستوى ‪ 0.05‬أظهرت عدم وجود فروق معنوية بين الذكور واإلناث ولكن يوجد فرق معنوي بين المنطقتين‪.‬‬ ‫الكممات المفتاحية‪ :‬البكتريا المعدية الحمزونية‪ , HpSA ,‬قرحة المعدة‬
