Development of a kinetic model for bainitic isothermal transformation ...

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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. b ...... Warrendale (PA): Society of Automotive Engineers; 1980.
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Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

Development of a kinetic model for bainitic isothermal transformation in transformation-induced plasticity steels S. Li a, R. Zhu a, I. Karaman a,b, R. Arro´yave a,b,⇑ b

a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA Materials Science and Engineering Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA

Received 25 October 2012; received in revised form 17 January 2013; accepted 21 January 2013 Available online 27 February 2013

Abstract In this work, we modify existing models to simulate the kinetics of bainitic transformation during the bainitic isothermal transformation (BIT) stage of a typical two-stage heat treatment – BIT is preceded by an intercritical annealing treatment – for TRIP steels. This effort is motivated by experiments performed in a conventional TRIP steel alloy (Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si) that suggest that thermodynamics alone are not sufficient to predict the amount of retained austenite after BIT. The model implemented in this work considers the non-homogeneous distribution of carbon – resulting from finite carbon diffusion rates – within the retained austenite during bainitic transformation. This non-homogeneous distribution is responsible for average austenite carbon enrichments beyond the so-called T0 line, the temperature at which the chemical driving force for the bainitic transformation is exhausted. In order to attain good agreement with experiments, the existence of carbon-rich austenite films adjacent to bainitic ferrite plates is posited. The presence of this austenite film is motivated by earlier experimental work published by other groups in the past decade. The model is compared with experimental results and good qualitative agreement is found. Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: TRIP steels; Thermodynamics; Kinetics; Bainitic transformation; Retained austenite

1. Introduction 1.1. TRIP-assisted steels Low-alloy, high-ductility transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP)-assisted steels constitute a possible costeffective strategy for vehicle weight reduction, which in turn can significantly improve the fuel economy of the vehicle fleet. Many works have shown TRIP-assisted steels to have outstanding mechanical performance compared to other low-cost steel alloys [1–3]. TRIP-assisted steels (with Fe– C–Mn–Si as their main constituents) have a multi-phase microstructure consisting of ferrite, bainite and martensite as well as finite amounts of retained austenite (RA). In fact, one of the key characteristics of these low-alloy steels is the presence of the stabilized (retained) austenite phase, which ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 979 845 5416.

E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Arro´yave).

contributes to the enhancement of the overall ductility through its martensitic transformation during deformation. Since carbon is a very efficient austenite stabilizer, carbon enrichment of RA ðwcC Þ is a effective way to control the stability of austenite while keeping the amounts of other alloying elements at a minimum. With respect to the other phases, the proper control of wcC can improve the mechanical properties – especially elongation [3–5] – of these steels. In addition to the control of the stability of RA, optimal design of multi-phase TRIP steels requires the accurate control of the volume fraction (and microstructural features) of the different constituent phases (ferrite, bainite and martensite). This can in turn be achieved through the careful design of appropriate heat treatments. 1.2. Two-stage heat treatment Although there are many possible treatment strategies to maximize the stability of the RA, as well as to control the

1359-6454/$36.00 Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

amount of other phases necessary to optimize the mechanical response of TRIP-assisted steels, the most common approach is a heat treatment that consists of two stages [6,7,4]: first, an isothermal hold within the ferrite + austenite two-phase field (intercritical annealing, IA), followed by a rapid quench to a lower temperature at which the IA-austenite (partially) transforms isothermally into bainite (bainitic isothermal treatment, BIT), as shown in Fig. 1. During IA, the initial pearlitic microstructure is dissolved, which results in a two-phase microstructure consisting of austenite and ferrite. The microstructural change during IA has two main functions: first, the formation of ferrite contributes to the overall ductility of the alloy; second, the partitioning of carbon from IA-ferrite to IA-austenite (ferrite has almost no C solubility) stabilizes the latter against martensitic transformation upon quenching to lower temperatures. After IA, the alloy is quenched and held at a lower temperature (TBIT) to induce the (partial) isothermal transformation of IA-austenite into bainite. The formation of almost C-free bainitic ferrite results in carbon rejection into the remaining austenite – provided carbide formation is suppressed or retarded – which contributes to the further stabilization of austenite upon quenching to room temperature. This is a necessary condition in order to take advantage of the TRIP effect and the enhanced ductility it provides. Due to the importance of the BIT treatment in dictating the carbon enrichment in austenite, considerable effort has been dedicated to the understanding of the thermodynamics and kinetics of this important phase transformation [8–11]. Although there are still many aspects of the transformation subject to debate, the incomplete nature of bainitic transformation in many alloys over broad temperature ranges is a phenomenon that has been widely observed by many groups for a long time, so this phenomenon can be considered as given. On the other hand, the physical reason for the interruption of this phase transformation is still a controversial matter. Recently, Aaronson and collaborators [11] examined different theories as well as experimental data, and concluded that a possible explanation for the incomplete nature of the BIT reaction involves the cessation of growth


due to a coupled-solute drag effect accentuated by overlapping carbon diffusion fields associated with nearby ferrite crystals [11]. On the other hand, Bhadeshia and collaborators [12,13] explained the incomplete nature of the BIT reaction as a consequence of the partitionless nature of the austenite–ferrite transformation, followed by partitioning of carbon into the residual austenite and the subsequent exhaustion of the chemical driving force for the (partitionless) face-centered cubic (fcc) ! body-centered cubic (bcc) phase transformation. A prediction that follows from Bhadeshia’s argument is a definite limit in the carbon enrichment of the remaining austenite during bainitic transformation. In fact, using thermodynamic arguments, it is suggested that one must take the elastic energy barrier for the growth of bainite plates into account. Bhadeshia estimated the barrier to be about 400 J mol1 between austenite and ferrite [13]. This extra energy barrier leads to a further constraint in the maximum carbon enrichment in austenite, and the locus of this composition at different BIT temperatures is usually denoted as T 00 . Beyond this critical enrichment, the transformation cannot continue. From comparisons between experiments and thermodynamic models, because of the non-homogeneous C-distribution, Chang and Bhadeshia [14] also proposed that the maximum carbon enrichment of austenite during BIT occurs when the carbon composition of austenite reaches the so-called T0 point, at which the Gibbs energies of ferrite and austenite are equal. Over the past few decades, many experiments have actually shown that the level of enrichment of carbon in austenite at the end of the (incomplete) BIT tends to be close to the T0 or T 00 curves (see e.g. Ref. [11]). Moreover, very recent atom probe tomography experiments by Caballero et al. [15–18] on so-called “slow bainite” show that bainitic ferrite is indeed supersaturated with carbon – or at least has a much higher C concentration than would be expect if the bainite transformation occurred through diffusional processes – at the early stages of the transformation, providing further support for the displacive (partitionless) nature of bainitic transformation, at least in ultraslow bainite. It is reported that after 1273 K/15 min and 473 K/240 h the carbon content is as high as 8–12 at.% (when wt.% is about 1.8–2.8), which is a composition that lies between T 00 and paraequilibrium Ae3 as the austenite film thickness (tA) is about 10– 50 nm; when tA is larger than 50 nm, the carbon content is about 5–8 at.% (about 1.1–1.8 wt.%) [19]. These works indicate that, within the thicker austenite film, the carbon T0 content is closer to wC0 . In the present work, the analysis of the BIT process assumes that the transformation is partionless and that the thermodynamic arguments for the interruption of BIT (i. e. T 00 curve) are valid. 1.3. Motivation for this work

Fig. 1. Schematic of the two-step heat treatment in TRIP-assisted steels. IA: inter-critical annealing; BIT: bainite isothermal transformation; a: ferrite; c: austenite; M: martensite; B: bainitic ferrite.

As mentioned above, the fact that the driving force for bainitic transformation can be exhausted at some point


S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

during the BIT process [13] has been validated through the observation of incomplete bainitic transformations in socalled slow bainite steels [15,16,19]. However, investigations by the present authors and elsewhere [20–22] suggest that thermodynamics alone cannot be used to understand (and design) BIT treatments for TRIP and other classes of steels. Our group has studied the low-alloy Fe–0.32C– 1.42Mn–1.56Si in some detail, and we have used thermodynamic arguments to interpret the observed austenite carbon enrichment and resulting phase constitution [23]. Fig. 2 shows a thermodynamic analysis of a two-stage heat treatment for Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si subjected to a fixed TIA and different TBITs. The figure shows a vertical section of the Fe–C–Mn–Si phase diagram with fixed Mn and Si contents and varying amounts of C. The figure also shows the evolution of the carbon enrichment in austenite during the different stages of the two-stage heat treatment. From experiments, it has been observed that wc;IA is C between 0.53 and 0.63 wt.% after 1045 K, 2 h of IA treatment [23]. The figure shows the T 00 curve used to predict the maximum carbon enrichment of the RA after BIT at three different TBITs (613, 643 and 693 K). Assuming reasonably accurate prediction of T 00 and T0 using the TCFE6 V6.2 database for the present alloy, the maximum carbon enrichment in RA after BIT would correspond to the T 00 curve. However, experimental measurements of the carbon content in RA suggest a greater enrichment than expected. This observation is not really new; in fact, many other works have consistently found austenite carbon enrichT0 ments higher than wC0 after BIT [24–26]. Although the issue has not been completely resolved, this deviation from the thermodynamic limit for BIT has been explained in

Fig. 2. The phase diagram for designing Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si TRIPassisted steel microstructures. The blue curves are for the IA treatment; the red curve is for T 00 , which is the thermodynamic limitation of the BIT treatment. The experimental results are the carbon contents in RA after 1045 K, 2 h IA and 613, 643, and 693 K BIT heat treatments. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

terms of the competition between the austenite–ferrite phase transformation and the carbon diffusion into the remaining austenite [27,8]. The biggest discrepancy with expectations, however, is shown in Fig. 3 [23]. In this figure, we show the calculated volume fraction of RA after quenching from BIT, taking into account the stability of RA after BIT. The calculations considered both the T0 and T 00 limits for carbon enrichment. According to the thermodynamic analysis, increasing TBIT would lead to a monotonous decrease in the fraction of RA after BIT + quenching. The reason for this is clear (see Fig. 2): as TBIT increases, the maximum carbon enrichment in austenite after BIT decreases as T0 has a negative slope. Based on this simple analysis, and assuming athermal martensitic transformation, one would expect higher BIT temperatures to result in lower volume fractions of RA. On the other hand, experiments suggest that the fraction of RA actually increases with TBIT. This clear qualitative disagreement between the thermodynamic analysis and observations suggests that a deeper analysis of not only the thermodynamics but also the kinetics of BIT is necessary. 1.4. Description of the present paper In this work, we carry out a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the BIT stage and apply it to a conventional TRIP steel alloy with the composition of Fe– 0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si. The present model is essentially a modification of the model described in Refs. [28,22]. The model’s objective is not to achieve a quantitatively accurate prediction of the transformation times for BIT; rather, the model is focused on investigating possible relaxations of the thermodynamic limits for the BIT by taking into account the competition between the austenite–ferrite phase transformation during BIT and the rate of carbon rejection from the newly formed bainite into the remaining

Fig. 3. The volume fraction of RA in an (Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si) alloy after constant TIA of 1045 K and different BIT temperatures (the solid curves are the theoretical predictions [23]).

S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

austenite. One of the significant assumptions in this work is that no carbide (including cementite) is formed during the entire BIT process due to the relatively high concentration of Si in the alloy [6]. We describe the model in detail and then propose a new upper bound for the carbon saturation in RA as well as the maximum amount of RA after quenching to room temperature for a given set of TIA and TBIT. 2. Modeling the bainite transformation Over the years, several models have been developed to describe the kinetics of the BIT transformation. As expected, the main characteristics of the models are defined by the assumed nature of bainitic transformation. In models that accept the displacive nature of bainitic transformation, it is assumed that bainitic ferrite grows with a very high supersaturation of carbon and that this carbon is eventually rejected into the residual austenite. Since bainitic transformation usually occurs at rather low temperatures, it is often assumed that the substitutional elements are not mobile enough [29,18,19]. This means that, to a first approximation, the thermodynamic analysis of the transformation can be done assuming that paraequilibrium conditions prevail [29]. As mentioned above, the transformation stops once the carbon concentration in the residual austenite reaches the critical value (corresponding to the T0 or T 00 curve) at which the driving force for the transformation is exhausted. Although in many steel alloys it has been observed that the austenite carbon enrichment is much closer to T0 or T 00 than to Ae3, there are still discrepancies, particularly with regard to the observed carbon enrichment in austenite [24,25]. This is atributed to the competition between phase transformation and carbon diffusion [27]. 2.1. Description of the model used in this work Despite the complications in understanding bainitic transformation, many phenomenological models with empirical parameters have been proposed to simulate its kinetics [9,30–32]. These models have been able to successfully reproduce the incomplete nature of the transformation. In this work, we use the model developed by Bhadeshia [13] and further modified by Gaude-Fugarolas and Jacques [28,22] to describe the kinetics of bainitic transformation. This model assumes that the nature of the transformation from austenite to bainitic ferrite is displacive (partionless) in nature and thus the bainitic ferrite is supersaturated with carbon during the early stages of the transformation [28,22,33,34,10]. The model further assumes that, at the start of the BIT reaction, bainite nucleates at the post-IA-austenite grain boundary. During this so-called primary nucleation, the bainite subunit grows under partitionless conditions and the carbon content of the bainitic ferrite is much higher than what could be expected under paraequilibrium


conditions [19]. On the other hand, the model assumes that the incipient formation of a bainitic ferrite nucleus occurs via partitioning. As soon as the primary bainite subunit forms, the excess carbon in bainitic ferrite starts being rejected, whilst further nucleation of bainite subunits occurs simultaneously in an autocatalytic fashion (see Fig. 4). The model assumes that the primary–secondary nucleation of bainite subunits occurs during most of bainitic transformation period [22]. The present model assumes that two distinct conditions must be satisfied in order for bainitic transformation to occur. The formation of an incipient ferrite nucleus requires a so-called nucleation barrier [13] to be overcome. For this to happen, the maximum driving force for ferrite nucleation, DGM, must exceed this nucleation barrier. According to Bhadeshia and co-workers [35,36], the maximum driving force (J mol1) can be estimated using:     DGM ¼ RTln a waFe =aðwcFe Þ ð1Þ  a where a wFe corresponds to the activity of Fe in ferrite under paraequilibrium conditions and aðwcFe Þ corresponds to the chemical activity of Fe in austenite obtained through a parallel tangent construction. R is the gas constant and T is the heat treatment temperature. Although the calculation of the driving force for the nucleation of bainitic ferrite is apparently at odds with the assumption of a partitionless transformation, it should be noted that the model assumes that the nucleation of the bainitic ferrite occurs in a partitional manner, although the subsequent growth of the bainite subunit is partitionless. It should also be noted that this assumption can be relaxed and instead it can be assumed that the nucleus actually forms in a partitionless manner. The end result is then only reflected in the time required for the completion of the BIT transformation, as has been verified by unpublished work by the present authors. One of the key quantities that defines the beginning of the nucleation process is the actual barrier for bainite

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of bainitic transformation; the primary nucleation occurs at the austenite grain boundary and autocatalytic (secondary) nucleation can be observed on top of the primary bainite subunit [22].


S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

nucleation. Bhadeshia [13] estimated this quantity based on a vast database of experimental data for the bainite start temperature as well as on existing thermodynamic models. This quantity thus depends on the thermodynamic database used to analyze the experiments. Using the published experimental results [37,38] and the Fe-based thermodynamic database (TCFE6 version 6.2), the nucleation energy (J mol1) is given by the following expression: DGN ¼ 4:736T  4769


where T corresponds to the BIT temperature in kelvin. One of the key characteristics of this model is that it is assumed that the primary and secondary nucleation of bainitic ferrite continues as long as the chemical driving force for the partitionless transformation of austenite into ferrite overcomes the so-called barrier for nucleation of bainite [13]. Following Jacques’s model [22], the transformation criterion (F) is presented as: (   tanh  DGMRTGN ; if ðDGM  GN Þ < 0 F¼ ð3Þ 0; if ðDGM  GN Þ P 0 DGM is the maximum driving force calculated using Eq. (1) and GN is given by Eq. (2) [13]. As mentioned above, the primary and secondary (autocatalytic) nucleation of bainite subunits dominates most of the transformation process. The primary nucleation starts at the austenite grain boundary and the number of nucleation events (dIp) during the time interval ds is [22]: dI p ¼ N 0  sc  m  F  ds


where N0 is the surface density of the potential nucleation sites, which is estimated as 2  104 nuclei m2; m is the attempt frequency (=kB  T/⁄, kB being the Boltzmann constant); and sc is the remaining austenite grain boundary area (m2), which is a function of the mean lineal intercept measure of the austenite grain size ðL; mÞ and the volume fraction of the residual austenite (vc) [22,39]: sc ¼

2 23  vc L


In this model, it is assumed that the bainite subunit is lenticular in shape and grows as soon as it forms. Experimental observations report that the aspect ratio of the bainite subunit is about 0.025 [40] and that the thickness can be described by the empirical formula tB = 2.0  107  (T  528)/150 (m) [39]. The volume of the bainite subunit (m3) is then:  3 T  528 2 18 ð6Þ V UB ¼ ð20tB Þ ptB ¼ 3:2  10 p  150 More subunits may form on top of these primary bainite plates through autocatalytic nucleation. The autocatalytic nucleation rate (dIa/d s) is related to the number of the primary nucleation (Ip), the diameter of the grain (Dc), the length of a single bainite subunit (lB) and the effective driving force. The process is formulated as:

dI a ¼ ba  I p 

2Dc  F  ds p  lB


where ba is the fitting parameter and is reported as 1.5 [22]. Therefore, the increase of the bainite volume (m3) is   4Gc!a dV B ¼ V c  ðI P þ I a Þ  V UB  exp   ds ð8Þ RT 4Gc!a is the diffusionless driving force that enables austenite to transform into bainite; Vc is the volume fraction of the unstable residual austenite against bainitic transformation. Before the completion of bainitic transformation, the austenite adjacent to bainitic ferrite is enriched with carbon – this is the so-called inter-bainitic austenite film [14]. Because of the high carbon content, the austenite film is stable against bainitic transformation and this austenite volume fraction is excluded from Vc in Eq. (8) (see below for more detailed discussion). 2.2. The formation of inter-bainite C-enriched austenite film Following the nucleation and (almost instantaneous) growth of bainite subunits, carbon is rejected from the newly formed bainitic ferrite and diffuses into the surrounding residual austenite. As the transformation continues, the residual austenite becomes further enriched with carbon, exhausting the driving force for the (partitionless) growth and reducing the transformation rate. If the carbon diffusion in austenite is extremely fast and without any constrain, the carbon rejected from the forming bainite subunits would be distributed almost instantaneously throughout the remaining austenite. In this case, it is to be expected that the transformation stop  would  when the carbon content reaches the T 00



line, as

shown in Fig. 5a). On the other hand, if the phase transformation is much faster than the diffusion of carbon out of the bainitic ferrite and into the residual austenite, it is expected that the carbon would accumulate close to the bainite–austenite interface, as shown in Fig. 5b. In this case, the residual austenite beyond the bainite subunit would be under-enriched with carbon and the transformation could proceed to completion. In this case, with very limited carbon solubility, the carbon content in the RA would be expected to be as high as wCpc , that is, it would approach the paraequilibrium composition on austenite side. In a real system, we would expect different mechanisms to contribute to the non-homogeneous distribution of carbon outside the bainitic ferrite. First, after moving across the ferrite/austenite interface, the carbon distribution in the residual austenite can be characterized by Fick’s second law. If the diffusion rate is not infinite, an austenite region highly enriched with carbon would be expected to be found adjacent to the bainite subunit [14,41]. This so-called enriched austenite film prevents the further transformation of austenite into bainite in the region immediately adjacent to the already formed bainite subunit. On the other hand,

S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894


less) fcc ! bcc transformation has the “wrong” sign and the transformation cannot proceed. Beyond this excluded region, it is assumed that bainite nucleates as T0 soon as the local carbon content is 0 below wC0 . T 5. The carbon content higher than wC0 will be constrained between bainite plates, and the rest of the carbon diffusing out of bainitic ferrite will go to the non-transforming austenite. As shown in Fig. 6, the carbon content in austenite film is assumed to be distributed according to the assumptions above. The carbon distribution in the film can be approached by the analytical solution [14,42]:   x  C Þerfc pffiffiffiffiffi wC ðxÞ ¼ wC þ ðwCpc  w ð9Þ 2 Dt  C and wCpc are the carbon content (wt.%) in where wC ; w austenite film, the average carbon content in residual austenite and the paraequilibrium carbon content in the austenite side, respectively. D is the average carbon diffusion coefficient. According to the conservation of carbon, the increased carbon in austenite when the bainite is being decarburized (td) can be predicted as: Z Z 4wC dx ¼ 4wC dx ð10Þ austenite


The carbon distribution in austenite at td can be predicted using Eqs. (9) and (10). Following the postulates above, the thickness of the austenite film (as Fig. 6) can be obtained. Fig. 5. The schematic diagrams of two different conditions for the rate of bainitic transformation relative to carbon diffusion into RA: the carbon diffusion is (a) fast and (b) slow compared to bainitic transformation.

in regions away from this enriched austenite film, the driving force for the transformation remains high. The enriched austenite films then act effectively as a carbon sink, which allows the transformation to progress even beyond the T 00 limit. The overall carbon content in the T0 RA would then be expected to lie between wC0 and wpc C , as has been shown by many experiments [14,15,25]. In order to predict the maximum carbon content in RA, taking into account finite carbon diffusion rates, several circumstances are postulated: 1. Carbon diffuses only in the x direction. Because the aspect ratio of bainite plate is small (about 1/40), carbon diffusion in the radial direction can be ignored. 2. Carbon diffusion across the bainitic ferrite–austenite interface is estimated under paraequilibrium conditions. 3. Compared to austenite, the chemical potential of carbon in bainitic ferrite is high. This means carbon tends to diffuse from bainitic ferrite toward austenite. More importantly, bainitic ferrite forms a structural barrier that constrains carbon diffusion. 4. In order to have a sufficient driving force for phase transition, the carbon content in austenite must be lower T0 than wC0 . Otherwise, the driving force for the (partition-

2.3. Model parameters In this work, a number of assumptions are made regarding the initial conditions, such as the size of the austenite grains (10 lm). Also, to estimate the initial state of bainitic transformation, full equilibrium after IA treatment is

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the proposed carbon distribution in austenite film.


S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

assumed. Several parameters are observed or fitted from experimental results, such as L, N0 and ba. Fig. 7 shows continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams for bainitic transformation with different parameters for the present model. As shown in the figure, the transformation is faster with a larger number of initial nucleation sites N0 or a larger autocatalytic nucleation parameter ba. When considering the numerical model, it should be understood that the selection of N0 affects the prediction of the incubation time and ba decides the slope of the curve. One important observation is that these two parameters affect the transformation time but not the transformation mechanism, and both the final volume fraction of bainite and the carbon enrichment in RA are the same in all cases. This is to be expected because the transformation is controlled by the carbon enrichment in the RA, as described in Eq. (9). It should be emphasized that the purpose of this work is to identify the mechanism by

Fig. 7. CCT diagrams for bainitic transformation at 613 K with different fitting parameters, N0 (nuclei m2) and ba; the inputs are the equilibrium state of austenite at 1045 K; the variation of (a) carbon content in austenite ðwcC Þ and (b) volume fraction of bainite (VfBai) with transformation time.

which the carbon enrichment in the RA exceeds the thermodynamic limit, rather than to predict an accurate time scale for the transformation. Therefore, N0 and ba are taken as 2  104 and 1.5 in this work. 3. Experimental details Billets of the model TRIP-assisted steel with a nominal composition of Fe–1.5Mn–1.5Si–0.3C in wt.% are cast into the dimensions of 25.4  25.4  177.8 mm3. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy is conducted on the as-cast materials to confirm that the actual composition is Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si. The as-cast billets are first heated up to 1223 K for 1 h to austenitize the microstructure, then quickly processed non-isothermally using equal channel angular processing (ECAP) at a rate of 25.4 mm s1, while the billets are at 1223 K and the ECAP die is at 573 K. After ECAP, the billets are air cooled to room temperature. The fast extrusion rate is selected to maintain the temperature of the billets as close to 1223 K as possible such that no phase transformation occurs during extrusion. Two passes are conducted using route C (180° rotation between the passes along the longitudinal axis of the billet) with the same extrusion conditions. The purpose of such high-temperature ECAP is, similar to hot rolling or forging, to eliminate the dendritic banding in the microstructure inherited from casting and to achieve a homogeneous microstructure with a relatively small phase size. Route C is selected to obtain nearly equiaxed fine grains [43,44]. Dog-bone-shaped tension samples with gage dimensions of 8  3  1 mm3 are cut from the ECAP billets using electrical discharge machining (EDM). Samples are first sealed in quartz tubes with partial pressure of argon, then are exposed to IA treatment in a furnace at 1045 K for 2 h, followed by quenching in a salt bath for bainitic isothermal transformation (BIT) at 613, 643 and 693 K for specific durations (varying from 4 min to 1 h) to form carbides, and finally quenched in water. The microstructure of the heat-treated samples is characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS). The SEM samples are mechanically polished and etched using 2% Nital before examination. The XRD samples are chemically polished in a solution of 14 ml of 40% HF, 100 ml of 30% H2O2 and 100 ml of distilled water before the measurements. A Bruker-AXS D8 X-ray diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation (wavelength = 0.15406 nm) is utilized to determine the volume fraction and carbon content of RA following SAE SP453 [45]. A superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer is also used to validate the volume fraction of RA using the method reported in Ref. [46]. A Cameca SX50 electron microprobe equipped with four wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometers is utilized to determine the Mn and Si concentrations in ferrite and austenite (martensite at room temperature) on samples

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Table 1 The chemical composition of the austenite after the same IA and different BIT heat treatments; wcC1 and wcC2 are the carbon contents before and after BIT treatment, respectively. Treatment IA BIT wcMn wcSi wcC1 wcC2

A 613 K, 1 h


B 1045 K, 2 h 643 K, 15 min 1.48 1.49 0.53–0.63 1.22

C 693 K, 4 min


after IA treatments. Samples are mechanical polished without etching before the WDS examination. 4. Results According to the previous analysis of the experimental results,   the possible carbon content in the IA-austenite c wC;1 is between 0.53 and 0.63 wt.% [23]. Fig. 8 corresponds to the phase diagram for BIT treatment based on equilibrium IA calculations and experimental results for   c the carbon content in IA-austenite wC;1 ¼ 0:53 wt:% . With these two initial conditions (equilibrium vs. experimental measurements), the predicted TMs and T 00 are slightly changed, but the kinetic limitations are different by only about 0.07 wt.%. Here, TMs is calculated as the temperature at which the free energy difference between austenite and ferrite is sufficient to overcome the energy barrier [47,23]. This means that a higher wcC;1 significantly pushes bainitic transformation to a higher carbon content, which increases the probability of bainite formation. This also explains why, after IA, the non-equilibrium alloy can result in a high volume fraction of RA even when the Mn content is relatively low [23]. In the experiments, the composition of the RA is measured as shown in Table 1, which includes the inputs

Fig. 9. The volume fraction of RA after TIA = 1045 K and different TBIT; (a) phase diagram for BIT; (b) the volume fraction of RA.

Fig. 8. Phase diagram for BIT treatment based on different conditions: the equilibrium at 1045 K and the experimentally determined chemical composition after IA at 1045 K for 2 h.

(wcMn and wcSi ) for calculating the phase diagram as Fig. 9a. Two wcC;1 values, 0.53 (case 1) and 0.63 (case 2) wt.%, are tested. After longer BIT treatments, the carbon enrichment reaches beyond the thermodynamic limit T 00 towards, but not higher than, the prediction by the kinetic model. Also, when TBIT is 693 K, the transformation is faster than the other two cases (613 and 643 K) and is actually closer to the kinetic model at the end of BIT.


S. Li et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 2884–2894

From Fig. 9a, in order to stabilize the austenite against the martensitic transformation after BIT treatment, the carbon content should be higher than 1.36 wt.%. If the carbon is insufficient, a certain amount of austenite will transform into martensite. The volume fraction of this martensite is estimated by the Koistinen–Marburger relation [23]. The details of the three treatments are listed in Table 1. The volume fraction of the RA is predicted and compared to the experimental results as shown in Fig. 9b. The experimental results are between the predictions of the thermodynamic and kinetic models. Furthermore, there are two or three turning points in each kinetic result: 625 and 677 K in case 1 (the carbon composition of IA-austenite is assumed to be 0.53 wt.%) and 585, 693 and 709 K in case 2 (carbon composition of IA-austenite is assumed to be 0.63 wt.%). These are the critical temperatures for martensitic transformation before and after BIT treatment. In case 1, austenite transforms into martensite below 625 K during quenching process after IA. After BIT, the carbon enrichment is not high enough to suppress martensitic transformation if TBIT is higher than 677 K (as Fig. 9a). This means austenite is not stable while this alloy is cooling to room temperature. Within this temperature range, the increase in the RA with temperature is due to the decrease in the maximum volume of bainite. The same behavior can be seen in case 2, although the range over which the volume fraction of RA increases with BIT is wider. This makes sense as a greater carbon enrichment makes austenite more stable against martensitic transformation. Here we should stress that the qualitative agreement with experiments is non-trivial. This is so because of the presence of the inter-bainitic carbon-rich austenite film. If, on the other hand, carbon diffused much faster than the rate of bainitic transformation, we could expect a monotonic behavior in which an increase the BIT temperature would result in a decrease in the carbon enrichment of austenite, with a corresponding decrease in the volume fraction of RA after quenching from BIT. Fig. 9b shows that the experimental volume fraction of the RA is closer to the thermodynamic limit at low TBIT, while the experiments are closer to the “kinetic” limit at higher TBIT. These results may not be conclusive, but we suggest that they can be attributed to the size of the bainite plate being proportional to T3. At higher temperatures, the amount of carbon rejected from bainite that needs to diffuse within the RA is large, even if the carbon diffusion is rapid. On the other hand, at low temperatures, the amount of carbon rejected into austenite every time a bainite plate is formed is significantly less. In this case, the carbon distribution in the RA is expected to be more homogeneous and therefore the transformation is expected to stop once the average carbon T0 content in austenite reaches wC0 . Fig. 10 contains the evolution of the phase constitution after BIT and the complete heat treatment. In this work, the fitting parameters (N0, ba) are not adjusted and the model is not able to predict the transformation time

Fig. 10. The phase constitution evolution during BIT treatment; the inputs are obtained from experiments and detailed thermodynamic analysis [23].

precisely, so it is normalized by the time at which bainitic transformation finishes. Even though the growing bainitic ferrite continues to provide carbon, the austenite is not stable enough to suppress the martensitic transformation at the end of the treatment until t/tfinish = 0.57. After this critical time point, only bainitic transformation is able to consume the austenite. As shown in Fig. 11, thepredicted average carbon con tents in the austenite films wfilm C

after 1045 K + 2 h and

613 K-TBIT treatment are less than the average of wCpc T0

and wC0 . Before the completion of bainitic transformation, the average carbon content in the residual austenite is increasing with time. Therefore, the film becomes

Fig. 11. The average carbon content in the austenite film in different thickness; the calculation is based on Fe–0.32C–1.42Mn–1.56Si after IA treatment, 1045 K full equilibrium and BIT at 613 K.

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5. Conclusion In this work, the kinetic model for bainitic isothermal transformation is implemented by considering the finite diffusion of carbon within the RA. the resulting nonhomogeneous carbon distribution and the presence of a carbon-rich austenite film adjacent to bainitic ferrite plates. In agreement with experimental observations, the present model predicts carbon enrichments in austenite beyond the possible enrichment according to the thermodynamic limit for the fcc ! bcc displacive bainitic transformation. The model calculations also provide qualitative agreement with experimental observations that suggest a temperature range in which the volume fraction of RA actually increases with TBIT, in contrast with what one would expect using thermodynamic arguments alone. Moreover, the volume fraction of RA predicted using the kinetic model for bainitic transformation is in much better agreement with volume fractions measured/estimated by the authors. Our thermodynamic ([23]) and kinetic (this work) predictions seem to provide lower and upper bounds (respectively) for the expected volume fraction of RA after the two-stage heat treatment of conventional TRIP steel alloys. Acknowledgements

Fig. 12. The volume fraction of RA as a function of heat treatment temperature based on: (a) T 00 and (b) the kinetic limit. For these calculations, it is assumed that austenite reaches an equilibrium state during IA.

increasingly thick and the average carbon content decreases. The results quantitatively agree with experimental results: (i) wcC ¼ 1:8  2:8 wt.% while tA is 10–50 nm [19]; and (ii) the carbon content in the austenite film is higher than in bulky RA [48]. Fig. 12 shows contour plots of the volume fraction of RA as a function of TBIT and TIA considering the so-called thermodynamic and kinetic limits. The figures show very different trends: when thermodynamics alone are considered, there is a monotonic decrease in the volume fraction of RA as the treatment temperatures increase. On the other hand, when the non-homogeneous distribution of carbon is considered (austenite film), the region where the maximum volume fraction of RA does not change monotonically with temperature. Moreover, the kinetic limit predicts much higher volume fractions of RA, which is in better agreement with experimental observations.

This study is funded by The U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Materials and Surface Engineering Program, Grant No. 0900187, and partially through the NSF-International Materials Institute Program through Grant No. DMR-08-44082, Office of Special Programs, Division of Materials Research. The authors thank Dr. Pedro Rivera of University of Cambridge for discussions during the preparation of this manuscript. Dr. Paul Mason from Thermo-Calc is acknowledged for his advice regarding the use of the computational thermodynamics software. References [1] Yi H, Lee K, Bhadeshia H. Proc Roy Soc A: Math Phys Eng Sci 2011;467:234. [2] Zhu R, Li S, Karaman I, Arroyave R, Niendorf T, Maier H. Acta Mater 2012;60:3022. [3] Abareshi M, Emadoddin E. Mater Des 2011;32:5099. [4] Sakuma Y, Matsumura O, Takechi H. Metall Mater Trans A 1991;22:489. [5] Perlade A, Bouaziz O, Furne´mont Q. Mater Sci Eng A 2003;356:145. [6] De Cooman B. Curr Opin Solid State Mater Sci 2004;8:285. [7] Matsumura O, Sakuma Y, Takechi H. Scripta Metall 1987;21:1301. [8] Caballero F, Bhadeshia H, Mawella K, Jones D, Brown P. Mater Sci Technol 2002;18:279. [9] Caballero F, Santofimia M, Garcia-Mateo C, Garcia de Andres C. Mater Trans 2004;45:3272. [10] Van Bohemen S, Sietsma J. Int J Mater Res 2008;99:739. [11] Aaronson H, Reynolds W, Purdy G. Metall Mater Trans A 2006;37:1731.

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