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A new thermodynamic chart for isentropic expansion of compressible steam flow is ... of latent heat toward the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture, rises its ... which a second phase (liquid water) in generated. ... and assuming an average iso-bar specific heat value .... gion (including the saturated vapor line) is obtained.
14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


M. J. Kermani 1 M. Zayernouri 2 M. Saffar-Avval 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) Tehran, Iran 15875–4413

Abstract A new thermodynamic chart for isentropic expansion of compressible steam flow is developed. The steam is assumed to obey local equilibrium thermodynamic model, where condensation onsets as soon as the saturation line is crossed at “c.o.”. Above the “c.o.”, the stagnation properties reflect those at inflow. However, beyond the “c.o.”, the transfer of latent heat toward the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture, rises its stagnation temperature. A non-dimensional function “ζ”, is defined, which represents the increase in vapor stagnation temperature. The vapor is assumed to be a real gas obeying the “Lee-Kesler” EOS.

Keywords: Analytical Solution of Steam – Equilibrium Thermodynamics – Compressible Steam Flow

Introduction Correct prediction of moisture levels in wet steam flows is both scientifically interesting and of engineering importance. Applications include condensing flows of most air or combustion product, aerosol formation in mixing processes, aerodynamic testing in cryogenic wind tunnels and wetness problems in steam turbines and expansion in nozzles. In many industrial equipments such as vapor nozzles, it has been shown that focusing on the gas phase and constructing a correct relation between its static and stagnation conditions at each point on the process line, it is possible to predict the flow field characteristics and its thermodynamic properties [1]. Therefore, knowing the stagnation properties such as total temperature and pressure at any point is a vital issue. Following single-phase measuring techniques, stagnation probes are often used in two phase flow situation [2, 3, 4]. In practice if the size of liquid droplets is small (less than one micron) the momentum (inertia) and thermal equilibrium between the two phases are maintained, and the pitot tube would measure the equilibrium stagnation pressure [5]. Hence, all interphase transfer processes re1 Assistant 2 Graduate 3 Professor

main essentially frozen. Although, imposing the assumption of equilibrium thermodynamic model in the wet flow studies is restrictive, but the development of non-equilibrium multi-phase models begins with the knowledge of equilibrium state. In our earlier work we developed an algorithm to numerically compute the flow characteristics along a converging-diverging duct, [6], and we modelled condensing steam flow under equilibrium thermodynamic model. Later an analytical solution was provided for an identical problem, [1], and an excellent agreement between the results were obtained. In [1, 6] we used the ideal gas equation of state for vapor. The present paper is a continuation to our analytical solution, and reports a progress in our on-line development. Here, we provide a new chart and table to conveniently determine the local stagnation states of the vapor portion of a two-phase mixture through an isentropic expansion of the mixture. These conditions are used to fix the thermodynamic states and flow conditions along the duct. Here we use the “Lee-Kesler” equation of state for the vapor. Although it is observed that the equation of states “Lee-Kesler” and ideal gas provide same results in low pressure application (less than 30 kPa used in this study), however, the equation

Professor, Corresponding Author, E-mail: [email protected] Student

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

of state “Lee-Kesler” is suitable for higher values of pressure too. Accuracy assessment tests show excellent agreement between the predictions of numerical results and analytical solutions.

Process Evaluation Consider a dry steam flow entering a convergingdiverging nozzle that isentropically expands along the duct, as illustrated in Fig. 1. According to the equilibrium thermodynamic model, the flow remains dry up to the “condensation onset” point (“c.o.”), beyond which a second phase (liquid water) in generated. The stagnation conditions attributed to the dry flow (the flow between the inlet and “c.o.”) stay constant, and can be obtained from: ¶ µ γ−1 2 T0,res. (1) = 1+ M T 2 dry where γ is the ratio of specific heats of the vapor, T0,res. is the stagnation temperature at inflow, and M and T represent the local Mach number and static temperature, respectively. However, beyond the “c.o.” point, the transfer of latent heat from the condensate toward the vapor, rises the stagnation temperature of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture, where Eqn. 1 cannot be used. As a result a “local stagnation” temperature for the vapor portion of the twophase mixture can be defined [1]: µ ¶ T0,local γ−1 2 = 1+ M (2) T 2 wet T0,local is the “local stagnation” temperature of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture, which is larger than that of the inflow (T0,local > To,res. ) due to the transfer of latent heat from the condensate toward the vapor. We define a non-dimensional function “ζ” representing the rise in the stagnation temperature of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture, as: ζ≡

T0,local − T0,res. T

Using Eqn. 2, “ζ” becomes: ¶ µ T0,res. γ−1 2 −( M ). ζ = 1+ 2 T wet



Applying the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume between the nozzle inlet, and an arbitrary point in two-phase region along the nozzle, one can write: m ˙ tot. h0,res. = m˙ g (hg +

Vf2 Vg2 ) + m˙ f (hf + ) , (5) 2 2

where h0,res. is the stagnation enthalpy at the nozzle inlet, m ˙ tot. is the mass flow through the nozzle, m ˙g and m ˙ f are the vapor and liquid mass flow, hg and hf are the enthalpy of the vapor and liquid, and Vg and Vf are the vapor and liquid velocities at the arbitrary section. From the mass balance around our control volume (with no mass accumulation within the nozzle), we can write, m ˙ tot. = m ˙g+m ˙ f . If the slip velocity between the phases is ignored (i.e., Vf = Vg = V ), and assuming an average iso-bar specific heat value CP for the gas (vapor) phase, Eqn. 5 can be written as: hf g V2 T0,res. = 1 − (1 − χ) + , T Cp T 2 Cp T


where χ = m ˙ g /m ˙ tot. is the quality at any arbitrary section. On the other hand, for a two-phase mixture χ = (S0,res. − Sf )/Sf g , where S represents entropy. Using the concept of frozen Mach number (M 2 = V 2 /γRT ), Eqn. 6 results: Sg − S0,res. = CP



γ−1 2 M 2

− wet

T0,res. (7) T

Comparing the Eqns. 7 and 4: ζ=

Sg − S0,res. CP


The Eqn. 8 is an interesting and conceptual equation, describing that ζ is proportional to the entropy rise of the gas phase (vapor) from inlet. This entropy rise is due to reversible heat flow from the condensate toward the vapor phase. It is noted that ζ takes a zero value from inlet to the “c.o.” point. However, beyond this point ζ accepts positive values, and it is an increasing function along the process. That is: ζ = 0.0


T ≥ Tc.o.


ζ > 0.0


T < Tc.o. .


The locus of isentropic process (along S = S0,res. = constant) on T − S diagram is optional, and depends on the inlet conditions T0,res. and P0,res. . The lowest value that the inflow entropy can take corresponds to the value at the critical point, (Tcr. , Pcr. ) = (647.29 K, 220.09 bar), and is Sc r. = S0,res. = 4.4298 kJ/kg.K, [8]. On the other hand, the highest value that the inflow entropy can possess corresponds to the value of the triple point, (Ttr. , Ptr. ) = (273.16 K, 0.00611 bar), which is Str. = S0,res. = 9.1562 kJ/kg.K. Therefore, S0,res. can accepts any value between the entropy of the critical point and that of the triple point, i.e. Scr. < S0,res. < Str. .

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran In Eqn. 8, Sg is a function of only temperature, T . Therefore, ζ, becomes a function of two independent variables T and S0,res. : ζ = ζ(T, S0,res. )


Noting that Sc.o. = S0,res. , therefore, ζ = ζ(T, Sc.o. ), and: Sg − Sc.o. . (12) ζ= CP Therefore, the range of variation of Sc.o. ∈ [Scr. , Str. ], and T ≥ Ttr. . In the present study we assume the vapor as a real gas, and a compressibility factor is employed to include deviations from ideal gases.

The ζ Function To develop an equation describing the variation of ζ, Eqn. 12 will be used. To do so, we concentrate on the entropy rise of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture (the numerator in Eqn. 12). It can be shown that the entropy rise between two arbitrary and distinct points 1 and 2 in superheated region (including the saturated vapor line) is obtained using, [7]: S2 − S1 =





dT − T





∂v ) dP ∂T P


Differentiating Eqn. 13 along an iso-bar line:

Equation of State Deviations between the real and ideal gases at low pressure and high temperature conditions (i.e. large values of specific volume) is negligible, as shown in Fig. 2 (the gray region), [7]. These deviations become significant as the specific volume reduces. To take into account the real gas effects, the “Lee-Kesler” generalized equation of state has been used in this study. This equation has twelve constants and is written as, [7]: Z=



P v = ZRT


where Z is the compressibility factor that shows deviations from the ideal gas equation of state, v is the specific volume of the gas, and R is the gas constant. The non-dimensional virial form of Eqn. 13 can be written as: Z


Pr vr0 B(T ) C(T ) D(T ) = 1+ + 0 2 + 0 5 Tr vr0 (vr ) (vr ) c4 γ γ + 3 0 2 (β + 0 2 ) exp(− 0 2 ) (Tr )(vr ) (vr ) (vr ) (14)

where B(T ) = b1 − (b2 /Tr ) − (b3 /Tr2 ) − (b4 /Tr3 ) C(T ) = c1 − (c2 /Tr ) − (c3 /Tr3 ) D(T ) = d1 + (d2 /Tr ) in which the non-dimensional variables vr0 , Tr and Pr are: v T P = , Tr = and Pr = , RTcr. /Pcr. Tcr. Pcr. (15) where Tcr. and Pcr. are the critical temperature and pressure of steam, respectively. Empirical constants for pure substances like water are given in Appendix A.

· ¸ R ∂v ∂Z )P = )P ( Z + T( ∂T P ∂T


The compressibility factor along the saturated vapor line, Zg , can be obtained from the Lee-Kesler equation of state. Using the data provided for Zg and Pr along the saturated vapor line, [7], we fit a polynomial of degree n for Zg : Zg = An Prn + An−1 Prn−1 + ... + A1 Pr + A0 (18) where n = 6 represents enough accuracy for the curve-fit, and the coefficients A1 to A6 are given in Appendix A. In the case of an ideal gas again, Zg = 1 and in Eqn. 18, A0 =1 and Ak = 0.0 for k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. Applying Eqn. 16, along the saturated-vapor line between the “c.o.” point and an arbitrary point along the saturation vapor line (g): Z g dT Sg − Sc.o. = Cp T c.o. ¸ · Z g ∂Zg dP − )P . R Zg + T ( ∂T P c.o.


Again, in the case of ideal gases, Zg is a constant, =1, and Eqn. 19 is simplified to: ∆Sideal = Cp ln(

P T ) − R ln( ), Tc.o. Pc.o.



where ∆Sideal is the entropy rise in the case of ideal gas. In the case of real gases, the entropy change is obtained from: Sg − Sc.o. = ∆Sideal + ∆Sdeviation


14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran in which ∆Sdeviation represents the deviation from the ideal gas predictions, where, ∆Sdeviation

= R [ (1 − A0 ) ln( − −

n X Ak

k=1 Z g



P ) Pc.o.

k k (Pr,g − Pr,c.o. )]

RT (

∂Zg dP )P .(22) ∂T P

It is noted that in case of ideal gases, ∆Sdeviation = 0, so, Eqn. 21 is converted to Eqn. 20. Now, using Eqns. 12, 21 and 20, a formula for ζ is developed as: γ−1 P γ−1 T )− ln( )+ × Tc.o. γ Pc.o. γ n X Ak k P [ (1 − A0 ) ln( )− (Pr,g − Pc.o. k k=1 ¶ µ Z g dP ∂Zg k ] (23) Pr,c.o. )− RT ∂T P P c.o. ζ = ln(

where γ = 1.32 for vapor. Equation 23 reiterates our earlier claim that ζ is a function of two variables T , and Sc.o. (or S0,res. ). This is explained below. Along the saturated vapor line P = Psat , and it is a function of only temperature. On the other hand the term (∂Zg /∂T )P in the integrand can be written as: ¶ µ ¶ ¶ µ ¶ µ µ dPr dP dZg ∂Zg × × (24) = ∂T P dPr dP dT The first term in the right hand side of Eqn. 24 is obtained from the polynomial curve fit of Eqn. 15 being a function of pressure and consequently temperature only along the saturated vapor line, the second term is equal to 1/Pcr. , and the last term is the slope of the salutation line, and is obtained from Eqn. 15 in Appendix A. On the other hand the Tc.o. and Pc.o. in Eqn. 24 are fixed based on the value Sg (Tc.o. ) = Sc.o. . Therefore, as stated in Eqn. 15, ζ = ζ(T, S0,res. ) .

The ζ Chart In this section, we derive a relationship between T0,res. and T0,local for an isentropic process. As shown in Fig. 3, for any point along an isentropic expansion process and within the two-phase region, there exists a point on the saturated vapor line that if an imaginary stagnant condition (called “local stagnation”) adiabatically and reversibly expands, it will arrive to the same point on saturated-vapor line. Similarly, as the flow marches along the nozzle, a set of “local stagnation” points are sought, as shown in

Fig. 3. The locus of these “local stagnation” points form a curve as shown in Fig. 4. Replacing Eqn. 2 in Eqn. 4, we obtain: T0,local = T0,res. + T ζ(T, S0,res. ),


and substituting ζ from Eqn. 23 into Eqn. 25, one can obtain: T0,local

T γ−1 )− × Tc.o. γ P P ( ln( ) + (1 − A0 ) ln( ) Pc.o. Pc.o. n X Ak k k ) − (Pr,g − Pr,c.o. k k=1 Z g ∂Zg dP − RT ( )P )] ∂T P c.o. (26)

= T0,res. + T [ ln(

It is noted that for T ≥ Tc.o. the flow is dry, and T0,local is equal to T0,res. . Otherwise, T0,local > T0,res. (see Figs. 3 and 4), as the flow is in wet region. Assessing Eqns. 11 and 25, it is noticed that T0,local is a function of three variables, including two reservoir properties T0,res. , S0,res. and the local temperature T . Since the inflow stagnation properties, i.e. T0,res. and S0,res. , are optional, and given we can suppose them as two constants C1 and C2 , respectively, T0,res. = C1

S0,res. = C2 .


This makes Eqn. 11 a general formula to depict a family of curves describing the locus of “local stagnation” conditions in a T −S diagram. These family of curves for given C1 and C2 are obtained in the following form: T0,local = T0,local (C1 , C2 , T ) (28) Figure 5 shows a family of curves which describe the “local stagnation” conditions of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture. These curves start from the saturated-vapor line, where the first curve onsets from the critical point. At this point the question is how can this figure (Fig. 5) help us to obtain the “local stagnation” conditions of the vapor portion of a two-phase mixture? Figure 6 shows a superheated inflow vapor that expands through an isentropic process from the reservoir stagnation conditions. When the process crosses the saturated vapor line, the gas phase starts to move the saturated-vapor line (the blue line shown in Fig. 6). The “local stagnation” conditions of an arbitrary point on saturated vapor line is obtained as follows. A horizontal line, extended from an arbitrary point on the process line (see Fig. 6), crosses the saturated vapor line. Then this point is vertically extended until to meet a curve that the inflow stagnation point belongs

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran to that curve at T = T0,local and S = S0,local , see Fig. 6. The limiting case, when the inflow stagnation point is located right on the saturated vapor line, is illustrated in Fig. 7.

The ζ Table In the previous section, we developed a new chart that contains a family of curves, which its significance was to give a profile for the behavior of “local stagnation” conditions of the vapor portion of the two-phase mixture. In this section, we aim to reword our discussions in previous section in order to give a user friendly way to extract the local stagnation states. To do so, we focuss on the variation of ζ function. Using the Eqns. 8, 9, 10 and 23, a 3-D surface is obtained in S-T -ζ space, which is describing the behavior of ζ function in any isentropic expansion of condensing steam flow. Figure 8 shows the ζ-surface. Now, it is possible to develop a table using the data of ζ surface. This table can simplify the calculation procedure of the “local stagnation” conditions. As shown in Fig. 9, the first left column is representing the temperature and along the another columns which has an special entropy, the ζ function is varying corresponding to temperature. In fact each column in this table is representing a isentropic process with special amount of entropy which is specified at the top of each column. Now, to extract the local stagnation state along an isentropic expansion process, knowing the initial stagnation properties, (T0,res. and s=s0,res. ), it is enough that one marches downward along the column which has s=s0,res. . So, at each cell on the column one can read a value for ζ corresponding to a static temperature T in the same row on the firs left column. Now, having T0,res , s0,res and extracted T and ζ from the table, the local stagnation corresponding to T along the process line, is derived as : T0,local = T0,res. + T ζ and s0,local = s0,res. + CP ζ. It is clear that, before “c.o.” point ( the cell which is specified by light green on the column), ζ function is equal to zero, hence the local stagnation properties are same with those of initial values of upstream imaginary reservoir. But beyond the “c.o.” point on the column, ζ accepts the positive values and therefore local stagnation state is varied.

Verification of the Computation For the compressions of analytical solutions (developed in the present paper) with numerical computation (developed in Ref. [6]), several test cases with various nozzle geometries and different expansion rates

are tested. Excellent agreement in all the cases were achieved. A sample of compressions (between the numerical results and analytical solutions) are given in this section. To do so, a nozzle geometry with a relatively high value of expansion rate (i.e. a large exit to throat area ratio) has been chosen. These comparisons are performed in Table 1. Table 1 shows the nozzle cross sectional area (A) along the nozzle axis (X), and compares the numerical values (obtained in Ref. [6]) for temperature TN um. and Mach number MN um. , and analytical solutions (obtained in the present study), for TAnal. and MAnal. are given. As shown in Table 1, excellent agreement between the results are achieved.

Summary and Conclusions The highlights of the present study are given here. A new non-dimensional function ζ is introduced in the present study, which represents the deviation of “local stagnation” condition from that of the inflow. A thermodynamic chart and table for this function has been provided. ζ takes values equal to zero in dry regions, and positive in wet regions. The developed table is general and can be used for any geometry of nozzle, with arbitrarily selected inflow stagnation properties. The method is applied to several test cases and the results were compared with numerical computations [6]. Excellent agreement in all cases were obtained. The vapor, in the present study, has been taken as a real gas obeying the “Lee-Kesler” equation of state.

Appendix A Constants of Lee-Kesler Equation of state. The sets of constants of Lee-Kesler Equation of state is as follows: b1 = +0.1181193 b2 = +0.265728 b3 = +0.154790 b4 = +0.030323 c1 = +0.0236744 c2 = +0.0186984 c3 = 0.0 c4 = +0.042724 d1 × 104 = +0.155488 d2 × 104 = +0.623689 β = +0.65392 γ = +0.060167


Using the above equation of state, compressibility factor of saturated vapor, Zg , can be determined by

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

sixth order as a function of reduced pressure of vapor: Zg

= A6 Pr6 + A5 Pr5 + A4 Pr4 + A3 Pr3 +A2 Pr2 + A1 Pr1 + A0 (30)

where the coefficients A0 to A6 are: A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0

= 14.7523 = -45.2802 = +52.6399 = -29.7745 = +8.6910 = -1.7379 = +0.9995


Saturated Pressure Value. The saturation pressure for steam is determined by a fifth order polynomial least square curve fit to the steam data taken from [6] and [8]. given by: psat

= B5 (T − t0 )5 + B4 (T − t0 )4 +B3 (T − t0 )3 + B2 (T − t0 )2 +B1 (T − t0 ) + B0 ,


where p and T are in terms of P a and K, t0 = 273.15 K. Entropy. The entropy of the mixture is determined from s = sf + χsf g , where sf g = hf g /T and sg is obtained from sg = Cp ln T − R ln p, and sf = sg − sf g .

References [1] Zayernouri, M. and Kermani, M. J. (2006) “Development of an Analytical Solution for Com-

pressible Two-Phase Steam Flow”, Transctions– Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers, Accepted. [2] Petr, V. & Kolovrant’k, M. 1994 “Laboratory and field measurements of droplet nucleation in expansion steam ”. 12th Int. Conf. on Properties of Water and Steam, Sept. 11-16. FL, ASME. [3] Stastny, M. & Sejna, M. 1994 “Condensation effects in transonic flow through turbine cascade”. 12th Int. Conf. on Properties of Water and Steam, Sept. 11-16. FL, ASME. [4] White, A. J., Young, J. B. & Walters, P. T. 1996 “ Experimental validation of condensing flow theory for a stationary cascade of steam turbine blade”. Phi. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A354, 59-88 [5] Guha, A., “A unified theory for the interpretation of total pressure and temperature in two-phase flows at subsonic and supersonic speads,” Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (1998) 454, 671-695. [6] Kermani, M. J., Gerber, A. G., and Stockie, J. M., Thermodynamically based Moisture Prediction using Roe’s Scheme, The 4th Conference of Iranian AeroSpace Society, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, January 27–29, 2003. [7] Van Wylen, Borgnakke, Sonntag, “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics,” 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. [8] Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,” 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Figure 1: Schematic of an isentropic expansion of steam flow through a nozzle.

Figure 4: The locus of “ local stagnation” conditions of the vapor portion of the two phase mixture.

Figure 2: Deviation of superheated and saturated vapor from ideal-gas equation of state.

1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000


950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600

critical point

550 500 450 400

Two Phase Region

350 300 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9

S ( kJ / kg.K )

Figure 5: Locus of the family of curves for the local stagnation conditions. Figure 3: Schematic of isentropic processes from the saturated vapor line to their corresponding “local stagnation” conditions.

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Zeta 2.48978 2.40419 2.3421 2.24431


Local stagnation state of the vapor, corresponding to specified point on the saturated vapor line.

1250 1200 1150

1.8235 1.7183

( S 0,local , T0,local )

T = T0, local


2.13911 2.03391 1.9287

1.6131 1.5079 1.40269


1.29749 1.19229


1.08709 0.981886 0.876684


0.771482 0.66628


0.561078 0.455876 0.350674



900 850

Stagnation state of imaginary reservoir

800 750

S = S 0,local


Inlet point


0.245472 0.140269

600 550


0.0422393 0.0139029 0

Condensation onset


1.25 1

450 400 350




300 0.75

An arbitrary point on the process line



Z 4.6 4.8


5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8


6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8


7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8


8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8


S ( kJ / kg.K ) X


m pe 450 ra tu re




0.25 500

(K )




Figure 6: Schematic of the procedure to determine the local stagnation.





0 4.5

6 6.5 ) 7 kg.K (kJ/ opy E ntr



Figure 8: Chart (surface view) of “ζ” function.


Local stagnation state of the vapor, corresponding to specified point on the saturated vapor line.

1250 1200 1150 1100

( S 0,local , T0,local )

T = T0, local

1050 1000 950


900 850 800 750

S = S 0,local


Stagnation state of imaginary reservoir

650 600 550 500

Inlet point


An arbitrary point on the process line

400 350

X (m) A (m2 ) TN um. (K) TAnal. (K) MN um. MAnal.

-0.2 0.0379 337 337.5 0.562 0.561

-0.1 0.0353 332.2 332.2 0.650 0.650

0 0.0315 326.3 326.7 0.928 0.933

0.1 0.0366 315.9 315.9 1.203 1.203

X (m) A (m2 ) TN um. (K) TAnal. (K) MN um. MAnal.

0.2 0.0417 311.1 311.1 1.440 1.439

0.3 0.0468 307.4 307.4 1.546 1.545

0.4 0.0519 304.5 304.5 1.630 1.629

0.50 0.0570 302 302 1.696 1.695

300 4.6 4.8


5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8


6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8


7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8


8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8


S ( kJ / kg.K )

Figure 7: Schematic of the procedure to determine the local stagnation (the limiting case in which inflow is on the saturated vapor line).

Table 1: Comparison between temperature and Mach number along an arbitrary nozzle with a relatively high value of expansion rate. The subscripts N um. and Anal. refer to numerical values (obtained in Ref. [6]) and analytical solutions (obtained in the present study), respectively.

14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference - May 2006 Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Figure 9: Table of ζ function.