Development of Computerized Maintenance Management System and Root Cause Analysis for PTPS Panipat. Jitender Kundu*, Dr. P.C. Tewari **, Dr. Rajiv Khanduja*** *M.Tech. Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana), INDIA
[email protected] **Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana), INDIA
[email protected] ***Professor, YIET, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, INDIA
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with development of Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for a Thermal Power plant and applied RCA with CMMS. The Computer software has been developed in Java Server Pages. The developed computer software is versatile, less complicated, less costly and less time consuming and consisting of number of modules like equipment’s detail, preventive maintenance tasks, PM task schedule, work order, employees, work order, overhaul schedule, critical issue etc. A blank button is also taken for the future development. Root Cause Analysis makes it more effective to highlight the main or critical root cause of the maintenance problem. The currently developed PTPS CMMS aims to reduce total downtime, overall annual maintenance cost, frequency of failures of the machines, to get day-by-day maintenance schedule, maintenance policy. Key words: CMMS, Root Cause Analysis, Maintenance Schedule. 1. INTRODUCTION In today’s business environment, maintenance and engineering managers must be able to accurately track and analyze operating and maintenance costs while taking advantage of opportunities to improve the reliability of equipment and operations. The complexity of modern industrial plants is increasing and the conception of maintenance management is now considered a key element for the improvement of operation and safety, cost reduction, increase of availability, increase of lifespan, etc. So, it is necessary to use the computer tools offered by the market called Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). The set up of this tool in an industrial plant, besides the advantages that it can contribute when treated correctly, has costs associated with each of the stages of the set up process; an incorrect selection of a CMMS can reverberate in relevant costs for industrial plants having considered a strategic decision. A RCA technique searches out the important failure reason to increase the effectiveness of maintenance procedures. Thermal Power Station Panipat, a bunching of eight individual units has total installed capacity of 1367.8 MW. It is a very complex mechanical system in which maintenance is very important part. 1
2. BASIC APPROACH AND PHILOSOPHY: All the reasons for components failure or become unavailability: To find out the causes for multiple failures (as opposed to single, independent failures) when components fail or become unavailable. To find out design or operational features which prevent such multiple failure events. These questions lead to consideration of the following related concepts: i) Tool Cause: The most basic reason or reasons why a component (or components) failed, any of which would, if corrected, prevent recurrence; ii) Coupling Factor: A characteristic of a group of components or piece parts that identifies them as susceptible to the same mechanisms of failure; iii) Defence: The design and operational features that protect against causes of equipment failure (or unavailability). 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Hemming (2003) describes some important following steps towards implementation of CMMS. Labib (2004) states that several factors are driving the need for information to aid maintenance management. A properly utilized CMMS can assure management of properly maintaining capital investment on costly plant equipment. A number of software are available in market e.g. Proview CMMS, MEX CMMS, COGZ CMMS etc. but all these suffer from many deficiencies, which results in arise of need to develop new CMMS. Dr. P.C. Tewari and R. Khanduja (2010) first time developed RCA and Maintenance Schedule in Process Industry. RCA is the interesting topic to research it has been introduced first time in health care. Rogers S, Taylor-Adams S (2005) investigates and analysis of critical incidents and adverse events in healthcare. Objectives were to carry out a review of published and unpublished work on the analysis on methods of accident investigation in high-risk industries, and of critical incidents in healthcare. Jorm C, Long D (2006) discusses how a technique borrowed from defense and manufacturing is being deployed in hospitals across the industrialized world to investigate clinical errors. We open with a discussion of the levers used by policy makers to mandate that clinicians not just report errors, but also gather to investigate those errors using Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Data include transcripts of RCA meetings which were recorded in a local metropolitan teaching hospital. From this analysis we move back to the argument that RCA involves clinicians in 'immaterial labour', or the production of communication and information, and that this new labour realizes two important developments. First, because RCA is anchored in the principle of health care practitioners not just scrutinizing each other, but scrutinizing each others' errors, RCA is a challenging task. RCA engenders a new level of reflexivity of clinical self and of clinical practice. We conclude with asking whether this reflexivity will lock the clinical gaze into a micro-sociology of error, or whether it will enable this gaze to influence matters super ordinate to the specifics of practice and the design of clinical treatments; that is, the over-arching governance and structuring of hospital care. RCA is typically used as a reactive method of identifying event(s) causes, revealing problems and solving them. Analysis is done after an event has occurred. Insights in RCA may make it useful as a pro-active method. In that event, RCA can be used to forecast or predict probable events even before they occur. 2
4. DEVELOPMENT OF CMMS FOR PTPS, PANIPAT The maintenance function of the manufacturing company for which the CMMS was developed was totally responsive and breakdowns were dealt as they occurred. The company’s computer system and its operation were complicated and time consuming. Furthermore, maintenance managers did not have time or personnel to process the data related to maintenance work. Moreover, a lot of shortcomings were observed in available softwares of CMMS. As a response, a CMMS was developed using JAVA SERVER PAGES based on existing Proview CMMS, but customized to the needs of the company. The development of ‘Panipat Thermal Power Station CMMS’ software consists of following steps: Collect complete details of all Plant Equipments, Employees, Maintenance Task and Task Procedure etc.
Assign suitable codes to each equipment, employees, maintenance tasks, task procedure etc.
Collect details about frequency of maintenance, inventory required and total cost of maintenance.
Enter all the collective data into the computer using SQL to prepare database for development of the software.
Make a program in Java Server Pages, using database.
Run the software for a trial, and Implement it to Process Industry. Figure 1: Flow Chart for the CMMS Development for PTPS.
However, more features have been added to the structure of the computer system making it more robust and versatile. There is also a blank button which shows its continuous development approach and its dynamic behaviour. 3
The following are the detail modules of Thermal Power Plant CMMS: Module 1: HOME: This module gives the some description about CMMS and it shows all the modules. Module 2: EQUIPMENT: This Module contains the complete details about Equipments / Machines in the Plant or Industry whose maintenance is to be done. Module 3: WORK ORDER: This module contains the complete details of the different maintenance tasks. Module 4: PM TASK: This module shows the procedure to perform various tasks. Module 5: PM TASK SCHEDULE: This is very important module. After getting the information of equipment, task, task procedure, the work order is prepared. Module 6: TO- DO LIST: This is the important module of CMMS software. It gives detailed about previous work, today’s work as well as pending work. Module 7: EMPLOYEE LIST: This module gives the detail records of staff or employee. Module 8: OVERHAUL SCHEDULE: This module gives the information about last Overhaul date and the next scheduled overhaul. Module 9: CRITICAL ISSUE: This module gives the full description about any critical problem/issue e.g. repeated emergency breakdown, any miss happening in plant etc. Module 10: BLANK BUTTON: This module is taken for the futurist purpose. If there is any further development in modules or in software that can be noted and then we can use this module. 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF CMMS TO PTPS, PANIPAT: Many industries implement CMMS but only some of these are successful in achieving its benefits. One of the most important issues is the quality of the implementation process of the CMMS. It has the main effect on the efficient collection, maintenance and reporting from a historical database. Implementation must be quick and efficient. Technical support for implementation must be available and personnel should be on hand on an ongoing basis for any future challenges that may arise.
Steps in implementing CMMS are as follows: The first and most important step in the implementation process is for plant management to decide the procedure and policies of maintenance department. The next step is to gain plant commitment to the process. Without this commitment, the system will never be fully functional. After determining the maintenance function and gaining total plant commitment, a company needs to select and purchase a CMMS that meets its needs. Consideration must be given to data collection and data entry. The next step should be developing an implementation schedule. This schedule will let plant management know where they are in the implementation process. 6. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a class of problem solving methods aimed at identifying the root causes of problems or events. The practice of RCA is predicated on the belief that problems are best solved by attempting to address, correct or eliminate root causes, as opposed to merely addressing the immediately obvious symptoms. By directing corrective measures at root causes, it is more probable that problem recurrence will be prevented. However, it is recognized that complete prevention of recurrence by one corrective action is not always possible. Conversely, there may be several effective measures (methods) that address the root cause of a problem. Thus, RCA is often considered to be an iterative process, and is frequently viewed as a tool of continuous improvement. The purpose of RCA is "to uncover the underlying reasons (root causes) why an event (not just equipment but any type of event) is occurring so that the necessary steps can be taken to eliminate the event in its entirety." RCA uses a fishbone diagram that stresses verification at every level. The advantage is that the actual root causes that are uncovered are facts that have been derived from the verification process. RCA is driven by maintenance prevention strategies and maintenance schedule. Effective Maintenance Scheduling and Maintenance Work Management are critical if control is to be gained over maintenance activities. Yet implementing effective planning and scheduling processes is not an easy task, particularly if you are already operating in a reactive operational environment. Following are main points for making Maintenance Schedule more effective:
Providing training at all levels of your organization to ensure that everyone understands, not only the detail of the work management processes, but why they need to be followed; Working with your Production and Operations managers and supervisors to ensure that they are equally committed to making the Maintenance Scheduling and Work Management processes effective; Assisting you in refining and improving the processes, and overcoming objections to their implementation at different level;
Boiler Low Cleanliness Factor
Steam Turbine Corrosion
Pressure Leakage
Valve Problem
Blade Erosion Casing Corrosion
Pressure Leakage
Safety Valve Problem
Tube Fouling
Unit No. 7 Magnetic Coil Problem Valve Problem
Bearing Lubrication Impeller Problem
Air-In Leakage Excessive Belt Stretch Low Suction
Belt Fabric Decay
Belt Slips
Coal Conveyer
Figure 2: Root Cause Analysis of PTPS Unit No.7 7. CONCLUSIONS: In present research work, a sincere attempt has been made to make maintenance procedure for a Thermal power plant more efficient. In this regard, A CMMS Software for a Thermal power plant has been developed successfully. This software will provide various informations may be obtained regarding various modules such as Equipment details, Task Maintenance list, Task Procedure list, Work Order list, Employee details, Schedule of Maintenance details, Overhaul detail, Critical Issue etc. Also, in present research work, RCA is applied with CMMS in thermal power plant on Unit No. 7. It gives the list of all root causes for the failure of Thermal Power Plant Unit. A fault tree (Fishbone Diagram) has been constructed starting with the final failure and progressively tracing each cause that led to the previous cause. Each result of a cause must clearly flow from its predecessor (the one before it).
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