European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.82 No.4 (2012), pp.542-553 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features Roohallah Alizadehsani Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Jafar Habibi Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Mohammad Javad Hosseini Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Reihane Boghrati Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Asma Ghandeharioun Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Behdad Bahadorian Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Zahra Alizadeh Sani Corresponding Author, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran E-mail address:
[email protected] Tel: +989153160452 Abstract The most common heart disease is Coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is one of the main causes of heart attacks and deaths across the globe. Early diagnosis of this disease is therefore, of great importance. A large number of methods have thus far been devised for diagnosing CAD. Most of these techniques have been conducted on the basis of the Irvine dataset (University of California), which not only has a limited number of features but is also full of missing values and thus lacks reliability. The present study was designed to seek a new set, free from missing values, comprising features such as the functional class, dyspnea, Q wave, ST elevation, ST depression, and T inversion. Information was gathered from Shaheed Rajaei Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center, between Fall 2011 and Winter 2012. The dataset included 303 patients and SMO, Naïve Bayes, and a proposed ensemble algorithm were used to conduct the analyses. The accuracies of the different
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features
algorithms on the dataset were calculated using tenfold cross-validation. In the best case, i.e. using the presented ensemble algorithm, up to 88.5% accuracy was achieved. Finally, several rules and relevant features to CAD, which were absent in previous studies, were extracted.
Keywords: Data mining, Feature, Coronary artery disease, Naïve Bayes algorithm, SMO algorithm, Ensemble algorithm, Diagnosis
1. Introduction Data mining is the process of discovering hidden data in a database. Nowadays, data mining is used in several fields and has different applications, e.g. in entrepreneurship, fraud detection, and scientific discoveries. Data mining algorithms generally work on datasets, in which each data record possesses several attributes. One special attribute is the class label, which determines the data category. Some of the main data mining algorithms employed in solving problems are classification, clustering, association rule mining, and regression analysis. Classification algorithms involve a learning phase on a set of labeled data, which enables decision-making on the missing class label of a test record. In the learning phase, a classification model is constructed for the prediction of the class label of a data record via the values of its features. Heart diseases can be categorized as cardiomyopathy and cardiovascular disorders. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major subgroup of cardiovascular diseases and causes severe illness, disability, and even death by reducing the blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscles [1]. The first signs of heart diseases include dyspnea on exertion, palpitation, a sense of numbness or a pain in the center of the chest, and dizzy spells or fainting fits [2]. Given the fatal nature of heart diseases, it is crucial to discover the reasons behind such disorders. Indeed, accurate diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities has been the major goal of many scientific endeavours in the past few decades. A great deal of information is usually collected in the examinations of CAD patients, and the processing of such information can reveal the relationship between the main features of cardiac disorders (e.g. blood pressure, amount of cholesterol, etc.) and the probability of the occurrence of these disorders. Lee et al. [3] used HRV features for the diagnosis of CAD and applied several algorithms like CPAR, CMAR, SVM, and C 4.5 to them and expressed the performance in terms of TP, FP, Precision, and Recall. The SVM algorithm exhibited the best performance. Srinivas et al. [4] probed into the reasons behind the clogging of each of the major heart vessels, namely the left circumflex artery, left anterior descending coronary artery, and right coronary artery, and achieved an accuracy rate of 84%. Kavitha et al. [5] utilized the neural network and genetic algorithms for the diagnosis of CAD and succeeded in elevating the accuracy of this method. Wang et al. [6] employed the Framingham function and features such as sex, age, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking for the diagnosis of CAD. Palaniappan et al. [7] drew upon a limited number of the above-mentioned features in conjunction with three different data mining algorithms, i.e. the decision tree, Naïve Bayes, and neural network, and attained an 85.53% accuracy rate. Shantakumar et al. [8] used 13 features and neural network algorithm in order to design a system for predicting heart attack. To the best of our knowledge, for all the research conducted hitherto in this field, the role of some of the ECG and physical examination features in the diagnosis of CAD has not been yet sufficiently clarified. To address this inadequacy in the existing literature, the present study investigates the impact of a broad set of ECG and physical examination features on the diagnosis of CAD. The new features
Roohallah Alizadehsani, Jafar Habibi, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Reihane Boghrati Asma Ghandeharioun, Behdad Bahadorian and Zahra Alizadeh Sani
included in the analysis were New York Heart Association’s functional class, dyspnea, Q wave, ST elevation, ST depression, and T inversion. None of these features have been studied in this context yet. Amongst all data mining algorithms, classifications, and associations rule mining methods were selected according to the goal of the study. A dataset, constructed from the information collected from 303 random visitors (216 patients) to Shaheed Rajaei Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center, was used to evaluate the effects of different demographic, clinical, and ECG features on the diagnosis of CAD. Several classification algorithms were utilized to analyze the dataset, including Naïve Bayes [9], SMO [10], and a proposed ensemble [11] algorithm. Additionally, ten-fold cross-validation was employed to assess the accuracy of the analyses. The results of the standard angiographic method were used as a basis for comparison in order to assess the prediction capability of the classification algorithms. The current study pursues the following objectives: 1. Detection of features effective in the diagnosis of CAD; 2. Creation of a database on CAD, including effective features and their weights; 3. Finding effective analytical methods for the evaluation of the collected dataset; 4. Anticipation of the incidence of CAD via data mining methods; 5. Evaluation of the method for the diagnosis of CAD through training and test sets; and 6. Clinical use of the method in order to predict CAD and prevent highly invasive and troublesome procedures such as angiography. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the dataset, Section 3 introduces the algorithms, Section 4 presents the results, and Section 5 offers the conclusions and suggestions for future work in this regard.
2. Medical Dataset The features in the dataset consisted of demographics, symptoms, and physical examination and ECG features. The features along with their valid ranges in the dataset are depicted in tables 1, 2, and 3. Table 1:
Demographic features
Demographic features Age Weight Sex BMI (Body Mass Index Kg/m2) DM (Diabetes Mellitus) HTN (Hypertension) Current Smoker Ex-Smoker FH (Family History) Obesity CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) Airway Disease Thyroid Disease CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) DLP (Dyslipidemia)
Range 30-86 48-120 Male, Female 18-41 Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes if MBI>25, No otherwise Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features Table 2:
Symptoms and physical examination
Symptom and physical examination features BP (Blood Pressure) PR (Pulse Rate) Edema Weak Peripheral Pulse Lung Rales Systolic Murmur Diastolic Murmur Typical Chest Pain Dyspnea Functional Class Atypical Non-Anginal CP (Chest Pain) Exertional CP (Exertional Chest Pain) Low Th Ang (Low-Threshold angina)
Table 3:
Range 90-190 50-110 Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No 1, 2, 3, 4 Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No
ECG Features
ECG Features Rhythm Q Wave ST Elevation ST Depression T Inversion LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy) Poor R Progression (Poor R Wave Progression)
Range Sin, AF Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No Yes, No
The class attribute is Cath which is determined by angiography. The class value is CAD if diameter narrowing is equal to or bigger than 50 percent, Normal otherwise. In the above features, “HTN” refers to the history of hypertension, “DM” is the history of diabetes mellitus, “Current Smoker” refers to a participant with current consumption of cigarettes, “ExSmoker” refers to a participant with a history of previous consumption of cigarettes, and “FH” is the history of heart disease in first-degree relatives. Moreover, the discretization ranges provided in Braunwald's Heart Disease book [1] were used to enrich the dataset. Some additional features were used in the study. These features are distinguished by Index 2 and presented in table 4. Table 4: Feature BP2 PR2 Function Class2 Age21
Level of Features Low BP100
if male & age≤45 or if female & age≤55
if male & age>45 or if female & age>55
Given that women under 55 years and men under 45 years are less affected by CAD, the range of age is divided by these values
Roohallah Alizadehsani, Jafar Habibi, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Reihane Boghrati Asma Ghandeharioun, Behdad Bahadorian and Zahra Alizadeh Sani
3. Method Three classification algorithms were employed to analyze the dataset. In the subsequent sections, the data mining algorithms used to analyze the dataset are described. 3.1. SMO Support vector machines (SVM) algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm, used for classification. The basic SVM takes a set of input data as the training set. Then, for each given test input predicts which of two possible classes forms the input, making it a non-probabilistic binary linear classifier. Given a set of training examples, each marked as belonging to one of two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model that assigns new examples to one category or the other. An SVM model is a representation of the examples as points in space, mapped so that the examples of the separate categories are divided by a clear gap that is as wide as possible. New examples are then mapped into that same space and predicted to belong to a category based on which side of the gap they fall on [12]. This algorithm finds hyper plane which maximizes the margin. As shown in Figure 1, B1 is better than B2. It also finds a linear hyper plane (decision boundary) that will separate the data. Figure 1: SMO algorithm
SMO is an algorithm for training support vector machines. Training a support vector machine requires the solution of a very large quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem. SMO breaks this large QP problem into a series of smallest possible QP problems. These small QP problems are solved analytically, which avoids using a time-consuming numerical QP optimization as an inner loop. SMO is able to handle very large training sets [10]. 3.2. Naïve Bayes Bayes classification is a method based on probabilities. This algorithm is based on a main assumption, i.e. the Naïve Bayes assumption: The features should be independent with respect to the class label. This algorithm uses the Bayes formula, which calculates the probability of a data record Y having the class label cj: P(Y | label = c j ) * P(c j ) P(label = c j | Y ) = (1) P(Y )
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features
Dominator, P(Y), can be safely eliminated as it does not depend on the label. The class label cj, with the largest conditional probability value, determines the category of the data record. Let the actual values of features a1 , a2 ,..., an for the data record Y be equal to a1 , a2 ,..., an . Assuming that the features are independent with respect to the class label, the above probability can be rewritten as follows: n
P (label = c j | Y ) = P (c j ) * ∏ P (ai = ai | c j ),
i =1
where P(ai = ai ) is the ratio of the samples that have value ai for the ith feature, among all the samples with class label cj and P(cj) is the ratio of the samples with class label cj to all the available samples.
3.3. Ensemble In this section, the proposed ensemble classification method is discussed. In this method, the results of the two above classification methods are combined to classify a patient. The method is designed so that the probability of classifying a patient having CAD as Normal would be low, because this kind of error will have more side effects than classifying a Normal patient as CAD. Procedure 1 describes the method. First, the probability of a patient having CAD is computed by the two above methods as P1 and P2, respectively. Note that, the above methods were used to only classify a patient to CAD or Normal classes, but they also can compute the probability of the patients being CAD. A patient will be then classified as CAD, if at least one of the probabilities P1 or P2 is greater than a predefined threshold p, which is the input of the ensemble method. The threshold p will be set to a value in [0,1]. Procedure 1: The proposed ensemble algorithm For sample x 1. 2. 3.
∈ {test set} :
Set P1 to the probability of SMO algorithm. Set P2 to the probability of Naïve Bayes algorithm. If ( P1 > p or P2 > p )
being CAD, using being CAD, using
x is diagnosed as Cad Otherwise x is diagnosed as Normal.
3.4 Feature Selection Information gain measurement was considered in selecting the features. Among many features, a total of 16 with the highest information gain were selected and the algorithms were applied to them. Information gain shows how much a feature can separate different classes. For example, if a feature completely separates the two classes, it has the most information gain.
3.5. Association Rule Mining Association rule mining is used to extract meaningful rules from the dataset. To obtain the rules, first the frequent item sets are selected. Thereafter, the laws that had the greatest confidence are extracted. Confidence of a rule equals to the probability of finding the right-hand side of the rule in transactions on condition that these transactions also contain the left-hand side [13]. To make laws, all the features should be binomial. As some of the features of the used dataset are not binomial, they should be first converted to binomial features. This conversion should be done appropriately for each feature
Roohallah Alizadehsani, Jafar Habibi, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Reihane Boghrati Asma Ghandeharioun, Behdad Bahadorian and Zahra Alizadeh Sani
according to its range of values and the correlation between different values of the feature and the class label. The conversion is done in a way that the effective values on CAD will have value 1 after the conversion.
4. Experimental Results The implementation of the classification methods was done by java, on top of the Weka [14] API. Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. In addition, to apply the feature selection and association rule mining algorithms, the RapidMiner [15] tool was used. RapidMiner, formerly YALE (Yet Another Learning Environment), is an environment for machine learning, data mining, text mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. It is used for research, education, training, rapid prototyping, application development, and industrial applications. In a poll by KDnuggets, a data mining newspaper, RapidMiner ranked second in data mining/analytic tools used for real projects in 2009 and ranked first in 2010. It is distributed under the AGPL open source license and has been hosted by Source Forge since 2004 [15]. In this study, version 5.2.003 of RapidMiner was drawn upon and all the algorithms were used in default state. The following is a description of the performance measures utilized for the assessment of the algorithms, followed by the presentation of the obtained results.
4.1. Performance Measure For measuring the performance of the algorithms, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity are used because these three criteria have the highest importance in the medical field.
4.1.1. Confusion Matrix The confusion matrix shows the number of samples which have been correctly/falsely classified into the two classes of C1 and C2. The entries of this matrix are used to explain the performance measures. In the confusion matrix, true positive (TP) is the number of the samples of class C1 which have been correctly classified; true negative (TN) is the number of the samples of class C2 which have been correctly classified; false negative (FN) is the number of the samples of class C1 which have been falsely classified as C2; and false positive (FP) is the number of the samples of class C2 which have been falsely classified as C1. Table 5 illustrates the confusion matrix. Table 5:
Confusion Matrix Actual Class C1
Predicted Class C1 C2
True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
C2 False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
4.1.2. Sensitivity and Specificity According to the confusion matrix, sensitivity and specificity are computed as follows: TP Sensiticity = (3) (TP + FN ) TN (4) Specificity = (TN + FP ) Sensitivity and specificity are the ratio of correctly diagnosed CAD cases and the normal samples, respectively.
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features
4.1.3. Accuracy Accuracy is another performance measure which shows the ratio of correctly diagnosed samples to the total number of testing samples. It is obtained from the confusion matrix as described below: TN + TP Accuracy = (5) (TN + TP + FN + FP ) 4.2. Evaluation Results In this section, the results of feature selection, classification algorithms and association rule mining are presented. Table 6 shows the selected features and their weights according to Information Gain. Sixteen features with highest weights were selected, and the classification algorithms, executed on the dataset, used only these features. Table 6:
Selected Features and Their Weights According to Information Gain Feature
Weight 1 0.342 0.247 0.214 0.210 0.198 0.184 0.103 0.088 0.086 0.057 0.056 0.029 0.017 0.008 0.004
Typical Chest Pain Age HTN DM BP Non-Anginal CP T Inversion Q Wave ST Elevation PR ST Depression BMI Dyspnea Functional Class Current Smoker Sex
Typical chest pain, age, HTN, DM, BP, Non-Anginal CP, T inversion, Q wave, ST elevation, PR, and ST depression are the features with the highest impact on CAD, according to the information gain. Moreover, the features which have high confidences in predicting that a patient is CAD, along with the number of patients with value 1 for these features and their confidences are also shown in Table 7. By confidence of a feature, we mean the probability of a patient being CAD given that it has value 1 for that feature. Note that, the features should be made binomial before computing their confidences. An interesting result which can be seen in Table 7 is that the first five features have confidence 1. It means that all the patients with value 1 for these features are CAD. Comparing Tables 6 and 7, it can be concluded that the features with high Information Gain may not have high confidences or vice versa. This is because Information Gain seeks for features which have high confidences both in predicting CAD and Normal classes, despite of seeking for features which have only high confidences in predicting CAD classes. Table 7:
The Features with High Confidence in Predicting CAD
Feature Q Wave ST Elevation Poor R Progression
Number 16 14 9
Confidence 1 1 1
Table 7:
Roohallah Alizadehsani, Jafar Habibi, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Reihane Boghrati Asma Ghandeharioun, Behdad Bahadorian and Zahra Alizadeh Sani The Features with High Confidence in Predicting CAD - continued
CRF Week Peripheral Pulse Typical Chest Pain Airway Disease DM T Inversion BP2 Edema ST Depression HTN Age2 Lung Rales LVH Ex-Smoker CVA Current Smoker Function Class FH Systolic Murmur Obesity DLP Dyspnea Thyroid Disease Atypical Diastolic Murmur
6 5 164 11 90 90 48 12 71 179 177 11 20 10 5 63 92 48 41 211 112 134 7 93 9
1 1 0.939024 0.909091 0.888889 0.877778 0.854167 0.833333 0.830986 0.821229 0.819209 0.818182 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.777778 0.771739 0.75 0.707317 0.706161 0.705357 0.649254 0.571429 0.430108 0.333333
Table 8 shows the performance of the algorithms executed on the dataset with the selected features. As it can be seen, the proposed ensemble method has the highest accuracy in comparison to the two base classification algorithms. Nevertheless, the two base classification algorithms offer high performances, too. The input parameter p for this algorithm is set to 0.61. However, other values of p could result in different performances. Figure 2 shows the three measurement criteria with respect to different values of p for the ensemble method. As it was expected, higher values of p will lead to lower sensitivities and vice versa. The reason is that the higher the value of p is, the more the ensemble algorithm predicts the patients as Normal, as the condition that at least one of the base classifiers predict that a patient have CAD with probability more than p will decrease. The highest value of accuracy is obtained when p is set to 0.61. Besides, it is worth noting that the value 0.5 for p will lead to accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 86.87%, 93% and 71.59%. For this value of p, the accuracy is lower, while the sensitivity is higher than the selected value 0.61. Finally, the value 0.8 for p has resulted in the same values for accuracy, sensitivity and specificity which are 85.66%. Therefore, to have low values for none of the performance measures, the value 0.8 for p could be used. Table 8:
Comparing the Performance of Algorithms with Selected Features
Algorithm Used Naïve Bayes SMO Ensemble
Accuracy 87.22% 86.95% 88.52%
Sensitivity 91.5% 90.11% 91.12%
Specificity 76.5% 79.0% 82.05%
Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Data Mining Techniques Based on Symptoms and ECG Features
Figure 2: The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the ensemble algorithm with respect to p (The input parameter of the ensemble algorithm)
Finally, you can find below the extracted association rules in decreasing support order. In these rules, C represents confidence and S represents support, both of which were explained in Section 3.5. Because confidence is more important than support, for the extracting rule, the minimum value of C =0.9 and S =0.005 were considered. Of all the created rules, 18 with the highest confidence were selected. 1. [Typical chest pain=true, T inversion=true]=>[CAD], S=0.172011662, C =0.983333333; 2. [BMI >25, Typical chest pain =true, T inversion =true] =>[CAD], S =0.12828, C =1; [HTN >140, ST depression =true] =>[CAD], S =0.119533528, C =0.931818182; 3. 4. [Typical chest pain=true, T inversion=true, ST depression=true]=>[CAD], S=0.0699708, C=1; 5. [Typical chest pain=true, sex=female, T inversion=true]=>[CAD], S=0.0641399, C=1; 6. [DM =true, ST depression =true] =>[CAD], S=0.0641399, C=1; [Typical chest pain=true, T inversion=true, Current Smoker=true]=>[CAD], S=0.058309, 7. C =1; 8. [HTN >140, Typical chest pain=true, sex=female, ST depression=true]=>[ CAD], S=0.0524781, C =1; 9. [BMI >25, T inversion =true, Current Smoker =true] =>[CAD], S =0.0524781, C =1; 10. [HTN >140, T inversion =true, Current Smoker =true]=>[ CAD], S =0.0466472, C =1; 11. [T inversion=true, ST depression=true, Current Smoker =true]=>[CAD], S=0.0349854, C=1; 12. [Typical chest pain=true, Dyspnea=true, T inversion=true]=>[CAD], S=0.0349854, C=1; 13. [Dyspnea=true, T inversion =true, Current Smoker =true] =>[CAD], S =0.0291545, C=1; 14. [HTN >140, Typical chest pain =true, Dyspnea =true, ST depression =true] =>[ CAD], S =0.0262391, C =1; 15. [Dyspnea =true, DM =true, T inversion =true] =>[ CAD], S =0.0262391, C =1; 16. [Dyspnea=true, ST depression=true, Current Smoker=true]=>[CAD], S=0.0233236, C=1; 17. [DM =true, T inversion =true, Current Smoker =true] =>[CAD], S =0.0174927, C =1; 18. [Age >36, sex =female, Current Smoker =true]=>[CAD], S =0.0174927, C =1
Roohallah Alizadehsani, Jafar Habibi, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Reihane Boghrati Asma Ghandeharioun, Behdad Bahadorian and Zahra Alizadeh Sani
4.3. Discussion This study showed that the proposed ensemble method had higher accuracy rate than the Naïve Bayes and SMO methods, while these two methods had nearly the same accuracies. Moreover, the typical chest pain, age, HTN, DM, BP, T inversion, Q Wave, ST elevation, and PR features had a significant impact on CAD. Association rule mining techniques also resulted in rules which had high confidences. A number of studies, including [2, 16, and 17] have previously focused on this field, but most of them have achieved lower accuracy rates than those in our study. The accuracy rates in the above studies were 52.33%, 70%, and 71%, respectively. Furthermore, most of the studies have used the UCI dataset [18], which consists of 13 features [19] and includes missing values.
5. Conclusion and Future Works In this study, some new important features for CAD diagnosis were introduced. A new dataset containing 38 features were used along with the data mining techniques to obtain useful results about this field of research. 16 features were selected via a feature selection algorithm and a number of wellknown classification algorithms and a proposed ensemble algorithm were applied on the dataset. The highest accuracy (88.52%) was obtained when both the feature selection and the ensemble algorithm were used. In addition, association rule mining techniques were used to extract high confidential rules from the dataset. In the future, the goal is to add other features such as lab and echo data to investigate the impact of these features on CAD diagnosis and achieve higher accuracy in predicting this disease. More data mining techniques and algorithms could also be utilized to improve the results. Finally, extending the dataset with more patients could also help in finding more interesting results which may not be apparent for the patients of the introduced dataset.
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