prefer the Ogden and Richao·ds 'semiotic triangle' (1923), according to which a symbol is related to its referent in the universe of discourse only indirectly.
Dictionaries and Proper Names* Salikoko S. M ufwcne, Universily o.f Georgia
Dictionaries and Proper Names 269
t>al'l I is devo ted to determining (via a n invalidation of t he meaning·quaconcept hypothesis) th:H proper names urc linguistic signs; part 2 demonstrates why t hey >hould be included ut least in unabridged dictionaries. I. Are Proper
ames lingui~tic S igns?
Dictionaries seem to have treated proper names in essentially three different ways: Abstract
h is argued in this popcr that proper names are hnguutie signs. and, just like other denoting lc:e1' presen