Apr 27, 2017 - Banking, investment, Resource Planning, Marketing and shopping ... v Automation and its implications on d
REGISTRATION FEES v Participation without publication: 400/v Participation with publication: 800/v The selected papers/articles will be peer reviewed based on the novelty and signicance to the theme. v Government Approved OOD Facility provided. IMPORTANT DATES v Full paper submission on or before: 18th April 2017 v Intimation on the acceptance of Paper: 21st April 2017
Chief Patron Dr. T Somasekhar, Chairman Indian Academy Group of Institutions Patron Mrs. Bharathi T, Secretary Indian Academy Group of Institutions
State Level Seminar On
“Panoramic Progression of
Convenor Dr. E Jerome Xavier, Principal Indian Academy Degree College – Autonomous
Organizing Secretary Prof. Shalini S Head – Dept. of Business Administration
Organizing Committee Prof. Jaffer Mohammed Asst. Prof. Sam X Kingsley Joshua Asst. Prof. Sushmashree S.P Dr. Priyanka Arora Asso. Prof. Arshad Ulla Khan Asst. Prof. Revathi S Asst. Prof. Maria Mendes Asst. Prof. Kiran J Asst. Prof. Sharath Kumar Harady Asst. Prof. Kesavan Nair
& - Strategy for Sustenance”. th
Thursday, 27 April 2017
For all correspondence Prof. Shalini: +91-8618515284 / Asst. Prof. Sam Joshua: +91- 9880364942 E-mail:
[email protected]
WE ARE Indian Academy Degree College, Autonomous (IADCA) was founded in the year 1994 with the vision to establish top notch Educational Institution to serve diverse educational needs of the society. Currently the institution has a student strength of more than 3000, an amazing growth by all standards. The Student prole spans over cross-cultural and diverse backgrounds ranging from 37 countries and all over India. The Academic Standard is being maintained with highly qualied and experienced faculty and State-of the Art Infrastructure, Library and Laboratories. This has enabled the college to be re-accredited by NAAC with grade 'A' and a CGPA of 3.27. The college is also certied by TUV Rhineland ISO 9001:2008 and is recognized by UGC under the category 2(f) and 12 (B). In August 2016, Indian Academy Degree College was conferred the Autonomous status by the UGC. PREAMBLE India is a massive E-Commerce marketplace now with every age group comfortably transacting online – more often preferring Banking, investment, Resource Planning, Marketing and shopping online instead of ofine avenues for a bigger gamut of choices and offers. E-Commerce industry is growing at an astounding rate in India and is expected to account for 1.61% of the global GDP by 2018. In order to understand the Indian market from a broader perspective the Department of Commerce UG and PG and Business Administration take pride in organizing a One Day State Level Seminar on: “Panoramic Progression of Digital Commerce and Management- Strategy for Sustenance”.
SUB-THEMES Papers are invited on the topics related to the forementioned objectives and the following sub themes: v Banking & Finance v Investment Avenues & Insurance v Innovations in Financial Market v E-Commerce & Social Media v Digital Marketing & Sales v Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups v Ethical Implications of Digitalization v Cyber Security in Commerce & Business Management - EGovernance v Automation and its implications on digital commerce v Digital Resource Planning in HRM BEST PAPER AWARD The best paper and presentation will be awarded with an attractive cash prize. TARGET AUDIENCE v Teaching Fraternity v Industry delegates/Professionals v Academicians/ Research Scholars/ PG Students GUIDELINES
OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE v To explore innovation and growth in the eld of Digital Commerce and Management. v To analyze the impact of Digital Commerce and Management on Social Responsiveness v To identify the impediments and challenges of Digitalization. v To forecast the prospects of Digital Commerce and Management. v To assess and analyze the sustenance of Digital Business. v To boost the future India with Digital Revolution
v Title page – Title, Author(s), Afliation(s),Contact details v Full paper must be in MS Word format, font size 12, line space 1.5'' and should be emailed to
[email protected] v Length of Paper: 8 – 10 pages excluding Title/Cover page and references v Reference should be as per the APA style v The Selected papers will be published in IASMS Journal with ISSN