International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917
Direct Movement to Specified Position in Robotic Arm Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani1 1 College of Computer, University of Anbar
Nisreen Ayad Saied2 2 College of Computer, University of Anbar
Ramadi, Iraq
Ramadi, Iraq
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract Degrees of freedom (DOF), are specific, defined modes in which a mechanical device or system can move. The number of degrees of freedom is equal to the total number of independent displacements or aspects of motion. The degrees of freedom, is a very important term to understand. Each degree of freedom is a joint on the arm, a place where it can bend or rotate or translate. You can typically identify the number of degrees of freedom by the number of actuators on the robot arm. Most robot arms only have internal sensors, such as encoders. But it is possible to add additional sensors, such as audio, video …etc. the proposed approach is implemented to achieve a good robot performance in addition to translate the object position via the movement of the robot arm directly to the specific object within the specified space of movement. The approach is implemented via ANFIS tool using MATLAB language to build a robot and translation and rotation of the arm in all directions. Keywords: robot arm, degree of freedom, robot movement, robot links and robot angles.
In the past 45 years, robotics research has focused on finding the technical requirements for the robots [1]. First robot arm had been invented in 1954 that has been used for the first time in 1962 for the purposed industrial productions [2]. In 1960 was started of robots for doing business in a variety of different areas of industry, the main objective of this project aimed to protect humans from dangerous with more flexibility and intelligence in professional robots, and between the businesses carried out by the (cleaning, de-mining, shipbuilding, Agriculture) [1]. Control the movement of mobile robots are widely used in many different applications so it has been studied by many authors in the past decade. At the beginning of the study was focused on the efforts only on the kinematic model, which has been the assumption of the perfect speed. At a later time, initiated the study on the movement of the devices control and the dynamics of the robot design [3]. Robot is a machine that deals with the characteristics and capabilities of interaction with their environment. One of the most important forms that describes the ability to interact with objects manipulation is, for example, pick up things, move them to another place, and others. This manipulation will depend on the accuracy and the correct movement, and that these two properties will enable the robot to move wherever it is precisely the object [4]. 82
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917 Human may sometimes need to discover the place, but this place is surrounded by dangers, so it need an alternative to human, has been among the options that uses a robot arm is equipped with all the necessary order to discover the place [5]. Human-like robot (humanoid) needs to accept a variety of jobs to work in different environments [6]. Control the movement of the robot is based on visual control, and that access to pictures and images are acquired using cameras placed on the robot, and is estimated after the goal for the cameras is send commands to the robot, and this is done depending on the number of cameras placed in different places on the robot, and it must not be less than the number of cameras for the two to achieve visual target [7]. The basic parts of the robot arm are the traditional circles and prismatic joints. To control the robot that we have the joint space and Cartesian space, the robot accurately in the joint space controls either in Cartesian space can be difficult to control the robot arm. Depending on the degree of freedom of the arm can be obtained at different sites [4, 8]. The robot takes orders the movement of the joint coordinates of an easier to handle than Cartesian coordinates, but has been added to Cartesian coordinates in order to predict and many are good for the movement of the robot movements and then be transferred to the joint coordinates through the Jacobean matrix [9]. II.
Literature Review
Syaban Bin Shamsulkamar (2014), presented a modeling and control of 6-DOF of Industrial Robot using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. In their implementation, they offered to the problem of high precision in track and how to be very difficult to control the robot, due to the nonlinear coupling input current dynamics in the robot arm. Singled out this project in solving the problems of modeling and control in 6 capacities of freedom to the robot arm [10]. Curtis Bradley (2014), investigated a robotic arm calibration and control 6-DOF Powerball LWA 4P. In their implementation this serial technique of combining these two vastly different parameter identification methods is completely developed, this approach is not fully not optimized for numerical accuracy. Additionally a solution to the inverse kinematics is completely solved [11]. Payal Agnihotri, Dr.V.K Banga, and et al. (2015), applied a modelling and control of 5DOF robot arm using ANFIS Toolbox. This project aimed model the forward and inverse kinematics of a 5 DOF Robotic Arm for easy pick and place application. In their application they modeled and controled of the 5 levels of freedom to the robot arm. They have the supply of based on Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) representation and ANFIS toolbox. The objective of this project is the definition of the model by DH parameters [8]. Er. Harpreet Singh, Dr. Naveen Dhillon and et al. (2015) investigated an ANFIS based forward and inverse Kinematics of six arm robot manipulator with six degree of freedom. In their application they have shown how difficult it is the forward and inverse kinematics of six arm robot. They have robotic toolbox in MATLAB to find forward and inverse kinematics of six arm robot. After verification of the arrival of the data from the Android tools by another tool in MATLAB called adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system (ANFIS) [12]. 82
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917
Statement of The Problem
Robot arm entered in many different fields and has become a substitute for humans in a lot of positions. How is this to build a robot arm and what are the problems that we went when building a robot arm? Building a robot arm will be in two parts (Hardware and Software). Depending on the human's arm was the arm of the robot design, robot arm will consist of pieces is the link between these pieces through the joints, the joints are three major joints. The first joint is the joint that is linked to the shoulder, the joint that is fixed because represents the robot arm base. But the rest of the joints will need to take all angles in all directions. In case if these movements are the rotations or translations or have the arm with both the two movements together. From this, the more of the problems that confront us in the robot arm is to know the direction of movement and angle of rotation required. So you must calculate the distance required to enable the robot arm to reach the desired place. for this the cameras are placed on the robot in order to the desired goal that must access his identification, and then locate the target will be calculating the distance required and must know whether the robot needs a translation or just to rotate as well, or may require each separate movement on the other. When the translation may need to move one part or two parts or all parts of the robot arm for this you must know what is required? These are all movements through the joints, and joints of different types of which are prismatic, spherical and others. Through joint movement can determine the degree of freedom of the arm of the robot. How are the movements of the robot arm? You will need to Cartesian space and joint space. Robot will work through the implementation of suggestions movement through the joint space, either these suggestions are placed in Cartesian space and then transforming into a joint space to be implemented. Where there are these spaces? What are the systems that help in the movement problems in the robot arm? These systems are found in the work of robot system after the construction of the system is to be built on this foundation by putting two spaces to do the required movement. The system help to solve the movement problem in the robot arm may be used: artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic, kinematics that are of two types: kinematics forward and inverse kinematics, and all of these systems will give a solution to the movement of robot arm. IV.
The Proposed System
Been working in MATLAB has been used (GUI) at work was drawn by the robot by drawing three cylinders was used in this function that facilitates the work. A (hgtransform) function is used in the paint and not any drawing and painting but who want to move it. Here it has been built (3 hgtransform) in order to be dealt with each one separately from the rest and not to be considered a single graphic, for example, you can rotate each one on an axis that you want to do is different from own axes by the other. In order to move the robot to a particular place 03
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917 and then do another movement without being the appearance of another robot or another draw, but are moving the drawing itself. The code of each painting is placed inside (OpeningFCN) must put her (handles) so that they can be called upon any place of (GUI), because (handles) storing the work that later. It is placed inside (OpeningFCN) because they are implementing what was inside all run. It must be put into the end of coding (guidata (hObject, handles) statement to the update in each call. It is calling on the drawing (axes). All this work to be able to drawing only. How can you move the drawing?
Figure (1) The structure of the implemented approach Inside (button) whose name (move), the body will move by calling the drawing that has been stored in a matrix (parant) and so can movement be used (makehgtform ('translate')) function, which consists of the movement matrix and contain a place for each one of the axes (x, y, z) and must have a matrix of movement for each axis and here will be determining the direction of movement of the three vectors. If the body in place and want to move it to another place then it must initially be based knowledge, are moved forward or backward, here the movement matrix will consist of three vector (x y z). If the movement forward will consist traffic matrix from the current location to the new location it grows normally, but if the traffic to the rear must be inverse movement matrix so that the reference from the current location to the new location, here it will depends on the movement of the object site that want to join the movement forward or backward robot that reading the object site and move to the indicated position. But after each movement must be site storage robot to be comparison and determine if the movement is forward or backward. Within (Translate) you will to have the possibility of 182 move and then only to see if they move forward or backward or on one axis or two axes or all three axes.
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917 So that the rotation can be used (makehgtform ('rotate')) function, but here we will determine the rotation on any of the three axes and here will be putting into rotation work conditions call for rotation so that the rotation is in the new location and not in the old location. At the roundabout will be working within a particular matrix to rotate the multiplication value of the rotation angle (180 * pi) after determining the direction of rotation on any of the three axes x y z and that the value of the angle of rotation will fall within the rotation matrix which is [1 0 0 0 ; 0 cosϴx -sinϴy 0; 0 sinϴx cosϴy 0 ; 0 0 0 1]. Then when we give the values of the angles of rotation these will be a difference in the degree of rotation in each entry, because sin and cos of every angle is different from others. Should be considered a necessary thing when determining the body site coordinates or three axes, which take into account the body site of (z), which will be either a roof or land. But in some locations only the land must be given value of (z) on all the ground and otherwise will determine wrong location because there is no body in the space. for the axis rotation must be configured the matrix of the angle that will be rotated, and so the rotation must use (makehgtform ('rotate')) function, but the rotation determine on which of the three axes (x, y, z) and it will be put the rotation work within the work of the movement after call the requirement in order to rotate it in the new location and not in the old location. Figures (2,3 & 4) illustrate several forms in order to show the movements that the robot arm is done. The implemented approach is illustrated in algorithm (1).
Figure (2) specified object location and specific of the arm place
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917
Figure (3) robot movement to the specified object
Figure (4) robot arm in the new space
International Journal of Business and ICT Edited in association with the American Society of Competitiveness June 2016, Vol.2, No.1-2 ISSN: 2412-9917 Algorithm (1) Begin 1. input x, y, z Share the values to all program Detect the location of object For i to length (movement) Translate (x, y, z) Rotate = (xrotate, (pi/180) *(Angle of rotation)) Rotate = (yrotate, (pi/180) *(Angle of rotation)( Rotate = (zrotate, (pi/180) *(Angle of rotation)( End for Draw the movement of robot arm Save the old location of the robot arm If (there are another movement) Goto 1 Draw the diagram (ANFIS) for all movement of robot arm End V.
Many approach are published that explained the arm robot with the degree of freedom. In this work, we found that the arm robot needs a lot of work and also a long time to overcome all of parameters and problems. But at the same time, the robot is very useful and entered in most various fields such as trade, industry, medicine and agriculture ... etc. The most problems concentrated on the accuracy and time of calculations of all needed angles and directions and see how far it needs to be able to reach the desired goal. In this work we used ANFIS tools under the Matlab package in order to explain the plans for the movement of the robot arm. Recommendation for future actions to be checked in greater results, and that is the link between software works with any external hardware parts to take the available advantages. References [1]. Singh, P. A. (2015). "Review of Anfis Tool used in 5 Dof Robotic Arm",. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). [2]. Ostermann, D.-I. (. (2009). " Industrial jointed arm robot evading dynamic objects". Grantham: BGIA Institut fur Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallvericherung. [3]. Mohamed Oubbati, M. S. (2005). " Mobile Robot Motion using Neural Networks". Germany: Springer-Verlag. [4]. Keiser, B. (2013). "Torque Control of a KUKA youBot Arm ". Zurich, SWITZERLAND. [5]. Jolanta Jensen . (2006). " Vision-Haptic Integration for Manipulation ". Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100,44, Stockholm, Sweden. [6]. Jin Geol Kim, SangHo Choi, and Ki heon Park. (2004). " Optimal Gait Control for a Biped Locomotion Using Genetic Algorithm". A. Laganà et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2004, LNCS 3046, pp. 29–38, 2004.
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Authors 1
Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani has received Ph. D. in Computer & Communication Engineering Technology, ETSII, Valladolid University, Spain, 1994. Assistant of Dean at Al-Anbar Technical Institute (1985). Head of Electrical Department at Al-Anbar Technical Institute, Iraq (1985-1988), Head of Computer and Software Engineering Department at Al-Mustansyria University, Iraq (1997-2001), Dean of Computer Science (CS) & Information System (IS) faculty at University of Technology, Iraq (2001-2003). He joined in 15 September 2003 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan, as Associated Professor. He joined in 15 September 2005 Management Information System Department, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan, as Associated Professor, then he joined computer science department in 15 September 2008 at the same university. He joined in August 2009 College of Computer Science, Al-Anbar University, Al-Anbar, Iraq, as Professor.
Nisreen Ayad Saied Al-Abdaly has recevied B.Sc in Computer Science at Al-Anbar University, Iraq 2013. She was appointed as M.Sc. student at 2015 in Computer Science Department, Al-Anbar University, Iraq .