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e) Define Fibonacci number. f) Prove that r. n 1. C r 1 Cn. r Cn + = − + . g) If 2nP3 = 2. nP4. Find n. h) If G = (V,

PG – 1033


I Semester M.C.A. Examination, January 2015 (Y2K5 Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 MCA–4 : Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80

Instruction : Answer the questions in Parts as per the instructions. PART – A Answer any ten questions. Each question carries one mark. 1. a) Construct the truth table for p ∨ ~ p . b) Show that p → (p ∨ q) is a tautology. c) Let f (x) = 3x + 5, g (x) = 2x + 10 ∀ x ∈ Z . Find fog and gof. 3 4 k j d) Find the value of ∑ ( − 3) + ∑ ( −2) . j=0 k=0

e) Define Fibonacci number. f) Prove that nCr + nCr − 1 = n+1Cr . g) If 2nP3 = 2. nP4. Find n. h) If G = (V, E) is the (p, q) graph, show that δ ≤

2q ≤ Δ. p

i) Prove that ∑ d(vi ) = 2 | E | . j) What is the chromatic number of complete bipartite and cycle graph ? k) Show that cube roots of unity from an abelian graph under multiplication. l) Let G = {1, –1, i, – i} be a group under multiplication, find the order of an elements in a graph. P.T.O.

PG – 1033



m) Prove that a ∨ a = a ∀ a ∈ A . n) Define Boolean lattice, give an example. o) Define a cyclic group. PART – B Answer any five full questions, choosing at least two full questions from each Part B and C. Each full question carries 14 marks.


2. a) Show that [(p → q) ∧ (q → r) → (p → r ] is a tautology.


b) Express the definition of limit using quantifiers.


c) Show that ~ (p → q) ≡ p ∧ ~ q .


3. a) Prove by mathematical induction that 1+ 3 + 3 + 3 3 + 9 + ... to n terms = 3n 2 − 1 . 3 −1


b) Show that :


i) ( Ai ) = (Ai ) 

ii) ( A i ) = 

(A i ) .

4. a) Let n be a positive integer. Then prove that n ∑

k =0


k n

( −1)


n k n 2 Ck = 3n . ∑ and =0 k =0

( )

b) Solve ar + ar – 1 = 3r. 2r. ⎡1 ⎢ ⎢3 A = c) Find A[2] , where ⎢ ⎢⎣ 1

6 4

0 1 1

2⎤ ⎥ 2⎥ ⎥. 0⎥⎦




PG – 1033

5. a) Five men in a company of 20 are graduates. If 3 men are choosen out of 20 at random experiment. Find the probability that


i) They are all graduates. ii) Atleast 1 is graduate.

b) State and prove Baye’s theorem.


PART – C 6. a) Prove that in a simple digraph the length of any elementary cycle does not not exceed n.


b) Define graph isomorphism. Verify whether following graphs are isomorphic to each other.


7. a) Define Transport network. What are its applications ?


b) Prove that a connected graph G contains an Eulerian trail iff G has exactly two odd vertices.


c) Prove that a tree with n nodes has (n – 1) edges. 8. a) State and prove Lagrange’s theorem. b) Define normal subgroup of a group. Prove that the sub group H of G is a normal subgroup of G iff every left coset of H in G is a right coset of H in G. 9. a) For any a and b in a lattice (A, ≤) , prove that a ≤ a ∨ b and a ∧ b ≤ a .

4 7 7 7

b) Let L, ∨, ∧ be a finite Boolean algebra, let b∈ L and b ≠ 0, and a1, ...ak be atoms. Such that ai ≤ b , then show that b = a1 ∨ a2 ∨ a2 ∨ ... ∨ ak . ______________