General Manager. Les Borgmeyer. Vice President of Sales. Jill Gates. Major
Account/. Preprint Coordinator. Ruby Wheeler. Classified Advertising Manager.
Tribune Advertising Display Rate Book
Effective March 2013 | #127
Contacts & Terms
Weekly Features Guide
Retail Display Rates
Special Rates
Display Ad Specifications
National Rates
Pre-printed Inserts
11 Deadlines 12 Contract/Copy Regulations
Contacts & Terms Street Address:
Commission & Payment Terms
101 North Fourth Street, Columbia, MO 65201
• All local rates are non-commissionable. • Recognized national agencies using the national rate card may apply a 15 percent agency commission.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 798, Columbia, MO 65205-0798
Shipping Address: 100 North Fourth Street, Columbia, MO 65201
• Convenient weekly or monthly billing is available to persons and firms with established credit at the Tribune. Otherwise, payment is due when an ad is placed. • When applying for credit, please allow 7-10 working days for application to be processed. To expedite application processing, submit a fully completed credit application. • All credit accounts are net 30 days. The Tribune reserves the right to impose a 1.5 percent per month interest charge (18 percent APR) on all past-due balances. The ultimate responsibility for payment of advertising remains with the advertiser even when the advertiser uses an agency and has paid that agency.
Web Addresses:
• The Tribune accepts payments on VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards.
Phone and Email: Classified: (573) 815-1855 Toll Free: (800) 333-6799 Ext. 1855 Classified FAX: (573) 815-1851 Email: Display Advertising: (573) 815-1800 Toll Free: (800) 333-6799 Ext. 1800 Display FAX: (573) 815-1801 Email:
• Political advertisements are defined as those containing assertions subject to public controversy or advocating a candidate, whether or not a public election is involved. All such ads must be paid in advance and include a disclaimer identifying the sponsoring group and responsible individual, as well as an address where the sponsor can be contacted. The disclaimer must be no smaller than ten point type.
Rate Policies
Company Operator: (573) 815-1500
• The publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates without notice.
• All rates herein are net and non-commissionable unless otherwise noted.
Henry J. Waters III
Editor & Publisher, Emeritus
Vicki Russell
Andy Waters
General Manager
Les Borgmeyer
Vice President of Sales
Jill Gates
Major Account/ Preprint Coordinator
Ruby Wheeler
Classified Advertising Manager
Erick Irvin
Credit Manager
Representatives Missouri Press Association 802 Locust St., Columbia, Missouri 65201 (573) 449-4167 For more information on national advertising, direct your inquiries to the Columbia Daily Tribune offices, 573-815-1814. For display advertising, contact (573) 815-1810. For classified advertising, contact (573) 815-1859.
2013 Display Rate Book
• Account representatives of the Columbia Daily Tribune are not authorized to make any deviations from the published rates either orally or in writing. • Should any governmental body levy a tax on any advertising covered by this rate card, such tax will become an additional charge to the advertiser, over and above the rates herein.
Circulation The Tribune publishes seven days a week (except New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas). On Monday through Friday, the Tribune publishes in the afternoons. The Tribune publishes in the mornings on Saturday and Sunday. The Tribune qualifies for membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations, an independent, nationally accepted auditing service established by advertisers. ABC auditors annually examine the Tribune’s records to verify that the paid circulation we report is accurate. As of March 31, 2012: Mon.-Sat. ABC average paid circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,677 Sunday ABC average paid circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,580 Digital Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,045
Full Market Coverage Full market coverage is available on Wednesdays and Sundays through the Tribune. On Wednesdays, the Tribune is delivered to more than 40,000 households. On Sundays, the Tribune and EXTRA reach more than 43,000 households. Rates for combined insertion into subscriber and non subscriber households are available.
Distribution area for the Columbia Daily Tribune includes Boone and contiguous counties in central Missouri.
2013 Display Rate Book
Weekly Guide to Tribune Features Section / Product Display Full Run
Day of Publication Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Main News • • • • • • • Sports • • • • • • • Outdoor • Prep Sports • • • • • • • Prep Preview • Prep Highlights • Preview & Picks • College Sports • • • • • • • Weekend Sports • • Business • • • • • • PC Info • Local Business Section • Community Life • • • Editorial Commentary • • • • • • • Weddings & Engagements • For The Record, Obituaries • • • • • • • Food • Family Life • Pulse / Lifestyle • TV Weekly • Entertainment / Arts • • After Hours • Blogs/Columns • • • • • • • Ovation • USA Weekend • Spiritual Life • Classifieds, Legal Notices • • • • • • • Real Estate • • Most daily and weekly editorial features also appear online. Ask your Account Executive about ways to connect with online readers.
2013 Display Rate Book
March 2013
Retail Display Rates
March 2013
Base Open Retail Rates Color Rates
Retail Display Rates Daily
$15.45 $19.20 $18.50 Rates are per column inch.
$5.00 Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
1 Color
2 Colors
Full Color
$155.00 $285.00 $410.00 Contract discounts do not apply.
Retail Annual Dollar Volume Contract Rates** Contract Levels: 3,000 8,000 12,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 48,000 60,000 72,000 84,000 100,000 Base Rate Discount: 13% 15% 17% 19% 22% 29% 36% 43% 48% 51% 53%
13.44 13.13 12.82 12.51 12.05 10.97 9.89 8.81 8.03 7.57 7.26
16.70 16.32 15.94 15.55 14.98 13.63 12.29 10.94 9.98 9.41 9.02
16.10 15.73 15.36 14.99 14.43 13.14 11.84 10.55 9.62 9.07 8.70
21.10 20.73 20.36 19.99 19.43 18.14 16.84 15.55 14.62 14.07 13.70
Sunday PULSE
21.32 20.83 20.34 19.85 19.11 19.11 19.11 19.11 19.11 19.11 19.11
13.49 13.18 12.87 12.56 12.09 11.01 9.92 8.84 8.06 7.60 7.29
16.97 16.58 16.19 15.80 15.21 13.85 12.48 11.12 10.14 9.56 9.17
16.49 16.11 15.73 15.35 14.78 13.45 12.13 10.80 9.85 9.29 8.91
21.49 21.11 20.73 20.35 19.78 18.45 17.13 15.80 14.85 14.29 13.91
COLOR 1 color
145.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 125.00 125.00 125.00
2 color
Full color
4.00 3.91 3.82 3.73 3.59 3.27 2.94 2.62 2.39 2.25 2.16 **Signed Contract Required.
2013 Display Rate Book
Special Rates Sunday PULSE / OVATION $24.50/col. inch
Frequency Discounts* TO QUALIFY: Ad must be a minimum of 15 column inches and must repeat within the same seven day week as the first full price insertion.
Save 25%
Retail Display Repeat Rates Daily
$11.59 $14.40 $13.88
Rates are per column inch.
Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
Save 25%
Color Repeat Rates
1 Color
2 Colors
Full Color
$116.25 $213.75 $307.50 *Dollar volume discounts do not apply to frequency discounts.
Lifestyles Section. RATE INCLUDES FULL COLOR. Ad must be a minimum of 6 column inches. Ad may be picked up without copy changes in the Wednesday paper at $21.00 per column inch.
Position charges Every effort will be made to meet positioning requests by the advertiser, and no additional charge is incurred for the request. However, no credit will be given for the inability of the newspaper to meet said request. Should the advertiser wish to guarantee placement of an advertisement in a particular section of the newspaper, a 25 percent surcharge will be assessed over the applicable base open rate.
Double truck The gutter of a double truck is billed at ten column inches at the applicable rate.
$9.00/col. inch
Standby Advertising Repeat any full priced ad without copy changes within 90 days of the first insertion. Tribune chooses the publication days based on space availability.
Save 42%
Miscellaneous charges Laser Print. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 E-mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Burn to CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
$10.00/col. inch
Weekly Standing Ads Ads must run a minimum of 7 consecutive days without copy changes and must measure a minimum of 4 column inches.
Monthly Standing Ads
Save 39% $7.65/col. inch
Ads must run a minimum of 30 consecutive days. Ad size and/or copy may be changed every 7 days.
Save 53%
$5.00/col. inch
Sunday EXTRA Pickup
Sunday EXTRA is distributed to 22,000 households, providing non-duplicated, total market coverage. Ad must appear in the Tribune on the same Sunday.
Special Color Rates These color rates apply to standby, weekly standing, monthly standing & Sunday Extra advertising only.
1 Color
2 Colors
Full Color
$125.00 $235.00 $340.00
2013 Display Rate Book
*Dollar volume discounts do not apply to special rates.
Retail Display Ad Sizes
Double Truck 13 col. 12 col. x 21 (+ gutter)
Full Page 6 col. x 21
23.375” X 21” 140p3 X 126p
Strip Ad 6 x 3 11.37” X 2.92” 68p3 X 17p6
11.37” X 21” 68p3 X 126p
5 col. x 18
9.42” X 17.92” 56p6 X 107p6
4 col. x 21
7.58” X 21” 45p6 X 126p
Half Page Horiz. 6 col. x 10.5 11.37” X 10.42” 68p3 X 62p6
4 col. x 18
7.58” X 17.92” 45p6 X 107p6
Half Page Vert. 3 col. x 21 5.58” X 21” 33p6 X 126p
4 col. x 14
7.58” X 13.92” 45p6 X 83p6
Quarter Page 3 col. x 10.5
5.583” X 10.42” 33p6 X 62p6
4 col. x 10.5
7.58” X 10.42” 45p6 X 62p6
mechanical specifications Display column measures (Full page size - 6 columns by 21 inches):
1 column, 1.75 inches or 10p6 picas 2 columns, 3.67 inches or 22p picas 3 columns, 5.58 inches or 33p6 picas 4 columns, 7.58 inches or 45p6 picas 3 col. x 14
5.58” X 13.92” 33p6 X 83p6
3 col. x 8
5.58” X 7.92” 33p6 X 47p6
3 col. x 5
5.58” X 4.92” 33p6 X 29p6
5 columns, 9.42 inches or 56p6 picas 6 columns, 11.37 inches or 68p3 picas
Tabloid column measures for TV Weekly and Saturday Business (Full page size - 5 columns by 11 inches):
1 column, 1.92 inches or 11p6 picas 2 columns, 4.00 inches or 24p picas 3 columns, 6.08 inches or 36p6 picas 4 columns, 8.17 inches or 49p picas 5 columns, 10.25 inches or 61p6 picas 2 col. x 7
3.67” X 6.92” 22p X 41p6
2 col. x 4
3.67” X 3.92” 22p X 23p6
2013 Display Rate Book
1 col. x 3
1.75” X 2.92” 10p6 X 17p6
Size Requirements All ads must be as many inches deep as columns wide. The only exception is a strip advertisement the full width of the page that must be a minimum of three inches deep. Double truck minimum size is 180 column inches plus gutter space. On a 12x21, the gutter is 10 column inches. Ads that measure less than a full page should normally be built at a maximum height of 18”. If you wish to place a partial page ad that measures more than 18” tall, please contact your account executive in advance of ad submission. For tabloids, ads that measure less than a full page should normally be built at a maximum height of 8”. If you wish to place a partial page ad that measures more than 8” tall, please contact your account executive to confirm space availability.
Specifications for Supplied Digital Files • We accept “Press Quality” PDF files. Microsoft Publisher files and Corel Draw files are not compatible with our system. To properly create a PDF file, use the “Press Quality” settings in Adobe Acrobat Distiller. • Optimum resolution is 200 dpi at 100% size. • Ads must be the correct size. All elements must be contained inside the ad area. Maximum single page size for the 24” web is: 11.37” x 21”. • For reference and quality control, please submit a laser print of the ad file. • For any placement of art or photos by the Tribune, location information must be keyed to the ad layout.
2013 Display Rate Book
National Display Rates Base National Display Rates Retail Display Rates Daily
$20.00 $24.25 $23.75 Rates are per column inch.
$7.00 Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
Classified Display Rates Daily
$20.50 $24.75 $24.25 Rates are per column inch.
$7.00 Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
Color Rates
1 Color
2 Colors
2 Colors
Full Color
$150.00 $280.00 $400.00
TO QUALIFY: Ad must be a minimum of 15 column inches and must repeat within the same seven day week as the first full price insertion. Dollar volume discounts do not apply.
Retail Display Repeat Rates ADD Sunday EXTRA
$15.00 $18.20 $17.85 Rates are per column inch.
The Tribune can zone pre-prints in a variety of ways. There is no zoning premium over the Base rates illustrated above if distributed quantities exceed 10,000 pieces on any publication day.
Any pre-print with a page size larger than the folded newspaper is billed at full-size rates. Pre-prints with a page size smaller than the folded newspaper are billed as tabloids.
National Repeat Rates
Pre-print Zoning
Page Size
Sunday EXTRA color rates are not discountable.
An $8.00 per thousand discount will be applied for any distribution which is greater than 95% of our ABC audited full run distribution or 85% of our TMC full run distribution.
When distribution falls below 10,000 pieces, a zoning fee of $12.00/M will be added to the Base rates illustrated above. The minimum insertion fee is $250.00 and the minimum quantity is 1,000 pieces (this service is not available on Sunday.)
Extra Color Rates 1 Color
Full Run Discount
Zoning Less Than 10,000 Pre-prints
Full Color
$200.00 $350.00 $500.00
Base National Pre-print Rates cont...
$7.00 Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
Circulation* Monday-Sat.
17,400 Wednesday 40,000
Sunday EXTRA
For scheduling, delivery, size requirements and other standards, please refer to the pre-print insertion section. *Distribution quanities fluctuate seasonally.
Classified Display Repeat Rates Daily
$15.40 $18.60 $18.20 Rates are per column inch.
Sunday EXTRA is not discountable.
Color Repeat Rates
1 Color
2 Colors
Full Color
$150.00 $265.00 $375.00
Base National Pre-print Rates BASE CPM** CARD $80.00 4 FULL OR 8 TAB 80.00 6 FULL OR 12 TAB 80.00 8 FULL OR 16 TAB 85.00 10 FULL OR 20 TAB 85.00 12 FULL OR 24 TAB 90.00 14 FULL OR 28 TAB 90.00 16 FULL OR 32 TAB 95.00
Contract Level Discount
$12,000 15%
$24,000 20%
$36,000 27%
National retail display
Daily Wednesday Sunday Sunday + Extra
16.60 20.13 19.71 26.71
15.60 14.20 18.92 17.22 18.53 16.86 25.53 23.86
National Classy display †
Daily Wednesday Sunday Sunday + Extra
17.02 20.54 20.13 27.13
15.99 14.56 19.31 17.57 18.92 17.22 25.92 24.22
National Color
1 Color 2 Color Full Color
185.00 175.00 175.00 330.00 315.00 315.00 475.00 450.00 450.00
Recognized agencies may apply a 15 percent agency commission to the above rates. *Contract rates require a signed contract. †Employment advertising is subject to Job Wizard surcharges. Prices for other sizes quoted upon request.
**Dollar volume discounts do not apply to preprint CPM’s.
National Dollar Volume Contracts*
2013 Display Rate Book
Pre-printed Inserts Pre-printed Insert Rates Prices = CPM Annual Frequency
1 X $66.75 66.75 66.75 70.75 70.75 75.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
Prices for other sizes quoted upon request.
12 X 24 X 48 X $55.25 $51.75 $38.25 55.25 51.75 38.25 55.25 51.75 38.25 58.25 52.75 49.25 58.25 54.75 49.25 58.75 55.25 50.75 63.00 59.50 53.50 68.00 64.00 58.50 73.00 69.00 63.50 78.00 74.00 68.50 83.00 79.00 73.50 88.00 84.00 78.50 *Signed contract required. 10,000 piece minimum.
Full Run Discount A $6.00 per thousand discount will be applied for any distribution which is greater than 95% of our ABC audited full run distribution or 85% of our TMC full run distribution.
Pre-print Zoning The Tribune can zone pre-prints in a variety of ways. There is no zoning premium over the Base rates illustrated above if distributed quantities exceed 10,000 pieces on any publication day.
Zoning Less Than 10,000 Pre-prints When distribution falls below 10,000 pieces, a zoning fee of $10.00/M will be added to the Base rates illustrated above. The minimum insertion fee is $250.00 and the minimum quantity is 1,000 pieces (this service is not available on Sunday.)
Page Size Any pre-print with a page size larger than the folded newspaper is billed at full-size rates. Pre-prints with a page size smaller than or equal to the folded newspaper are billed as tabloids. Maximum size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5”w x 11”h / spine Minimum size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5” x 7” *Contact your account executive for pre-prints larger than 11’’ x 11.5’’
Single Sheets Minimum weight for single sheet is 70-lb. stock. Note: Single sheets may feed multiples at times if supplied on a light weight stock.
2013 Display Rate Book
Non-standard Sizes or Shapes Sample must be submitted for evaluation. Any pre-print larger than the maximum size will be folded to fit within the newspaper. Inserts should arrive in advance of normal delivery schedule to allow for folding. A folding charge will be assessed. Pre-prints smaller than the minimum size may be acceptable. Please submit 100 samples of non-standard inserts for testing.
Disclaimer Any insert that has the appearance of a news product must state “Advertising Supplement to the Columbia Daily Tribune” in at least 10-point bold type in all capital letters at the top of the front page.
Waste Allowance For mechanical process, please add for waste: 2% Broadsheet or tabloid, 7% Single sheet.
Packaging and Shipping Please refer to separate specification sheet available at
Damaged Materials / Handling Fee The Tribune will contact customers upon receipt of damaged materials. If inserts must be re-stacked due to shipping damage, a handling fee will be charged. The minimum fee is $30.00.
Shipping & Delivery Deliveries are accepted from 8AM to 4:30PM Monday through Friday at: Pre-printed Inserts: Tribune Publishing Company 100 North Fourth Street Columbia, MO 65201 Phone Number: 573-815-1633 Toll Free: 1-800-333-6799 Ext. 1633
Scheduling Pre-prints must be scheduled at least eight working days prior and delivered to the Tribune dock four working days prior to insertion date (deliver seven working days prior for Thanksgiving edition). Pre-prints scheduled fewer than eight working days from the insertion date will be assessed a $50 special handling fee and placement is subject to availability.
Pickup Service The Tribune will pick up inserts from an area business with 24 hours additional notice. There is a handling charge of $20 for businesses located in Columbia. Contact the advertising department if your business is located outside of Columbia.
Greater Columbia Home Delivery Pre-print Zones
Newsstand Zones SC01
Note: Delivery area extends beyond map.
2013 Display Rate Book
Deadlines Daily Deadlines
Ad Layout Transmittal
Sunday Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday Noon
Reserve space by deadlines listed above. Copy may be transmitted electronically as either a PDF or EPS file. For files over 6 MB, an FTP log-in is available. Please call your account representative for additional specifications.
Monday Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday Noon Tuesday Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday Noon Wednesday Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday Noon Thursday Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday Noon Friday Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday Noon Saturday Business Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday Noon Saturday Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday Noon Columbia Homes Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday 2:00 PM
Late Placement The Tribune recognizes that unusual circumstances can necessitate last minute placement of advertising. When an advertiser requests, after normal closing times, to be included in a particular edition of the newspaper, every effort will be made to accommodate such a request. Any advertising so placed will carry a surcharge of 25 percent above open rates. The Tribune assumes no liability for errors in late ads.
TV Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday Noon ( 1 week before published ) Sunday EXTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday Noon
Cancellation Policy
Ads that are full pages or larger, that include full color or that are complex require extra composition time, and therefore will have a deadline of 24 to 72 hours prior to the deadlines listed above. Contact the advertising department for further information.
Advertisers must notify the Tribune of ad cancellation by 8:00 a.m. one day before publication and by 8:00 a.m. Friday before Sunday and Monday publications. A composition charge will be assessed for work completed on a cancelled ad. Ads cancelled after deadline will be charged one-half the original cost of the ad. Ads in Special Sections, cancelled more than one working day after the placement deadline, will be charged the full cost of the ad.
Holiday Deadline
Correction Policy
Holiday (early) deadlines govern for issues surrounding the holiday. Contact your Tribune account representative for specific holiday deadlines.
The Tribune will change or cancel ads within normal deadlines. The advertisers shall check the first insertion or cancellation for correctness. The Tribune will be liable for only one incorrect insertion or omission.
Special Ad Deadlines
2013 Display Rate Book
Contract/Copy Regulations Placement of advertising in the Tribune or any other product of Tribune Publishing Co. (hereafter, Publisher) shall be subject to the following conditions: A. Brokered space is not allowed. B. Placement of an order for an advertisement constitutes a specific representation by the person(s) ordering or authorizing advertisement that Advertiser is not insolvent and that such advertisement will be paid for in full. In the event of an error in an advertisement on the part of the Publisher, the liability of the Publisher will be limited to partial or complete correction or, at the discretion of the Publisher, a refund of the cost of the advertisement. The Advertiser shall check the first appearance of the advertisement(s) for corrections and the Publisher will be liable for only one incorrect insertion. In no event shall the Publisher be liable for any consequential damages in excess of the cost of the advertisement. C. The Publisher reserves the right to omit all late copy when not obtained by published deadlines. D. The Advertiser will indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher for any claims, damages, or liability resulting from publication of any advertising copy submitted by the Advertiser, including legal costs and reasonable attorney fees. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Advertiser represents and warrants that any copy submitted is truthful and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. E. Advertiser hereby agrees to indemnify Publisher for all expense it may incur to enforce collection of any amount due under this agreement and the Advertiser agrees to pay reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs incurred in such publication. F. If, because of flood, fire, riots, strikes, shortages of material, orders of government, failure of transportation, acts of God or other causes beyond either party’s control, and as a result thereof, either party thereto is prevented from performing hereunder, then during such period when such party is prevented from performing, due to the cause or causes set forth above, such party shall be excused from performing hereunder.
2013 Display Rate Book
G. The Advertiser hereby assigns to Publisher all rights of ownership to all advertisements which are published, including the elements thereof. H. The Publisher reserves the right to revise rates, terms, and specifications contained in current rate card(s). No oral modifications of these conditions will be recognized, and any alterations must be in writing. I. Publisher assumes no liability for omission of advertising. J. Orders submitted by agencies and advertisers which contain incorrect rates or conditions will be inserted and charged at the regular schedule of rates in force. Thus, failure to submit an order which corresponds in price to the rate card will be regarded only as a clerical error and advertising will be inserted without further notification. K. Advertising set to simulate news content must be labeled “Paid Advertisement” in ten-point type at the top of the ad. The Tribune’s news and headline typefaces and styles cannot be used. L. The following rates and regulations apply to political advertising: Copy is subject to Publisher acceptance. Ads must carry the name of person(s) or the organization(s) responsible for the ad. Cash in advance is required. M. The Tribune will not assume responsibility for poor quality artwork or print materials furnished by the advertiser, nor for advertising material given to the Tribune for use in producing advertising. N. Advertiser assumes responsibility for confirmation of any and all electronic transmissions of advertising insertions.