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and services in that place. Bob is a relevant person since Alice's goal is to meet. Bob. Alice's friend Carol is a relevant person if Carol is nearby. A context-aware.
PersonisAD: Distributed, Active, Scrutable Model Framework for Context-Aware Services Mark Assad, David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld


The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia {massad,dcarmich,judy,bob}@it.usyd.edu.au

Abstract. PersonisAD, is a framework for building context-aware, ubiquitous applications: its defining foundation is a consistent mechanism for scrutable modelling of people, sensors, devices and places. This paper describes the PersonisAD features for supporting distributed models with active elements which can trigger when relevant events occur. This framework makes it possible to quickly create new context-aware applications. We demonstrate the power of the framework by describing how it has been used to create two context aware applications: MusicMix which plays music based on the preferences of the people in the room; MyPlace, which informs people of relevant details of the current environment. Major contributions of this work are: the PersonisAD framework which provides a powerful and consistent means to respond to significant changes in the models of people, sensors, devices and places; support for distributed models and associated resource discovery; two applications that illustrate the power of PersonisAD.



An essential element of the ubiquitous computing vision is that relevant contextual information is used to drive the behaviour of systems. This should also take account of the fact that different people have different needs and a single person has different needs over time, based on a vast array of their own attributes such as their changing knowledge and current goals. People’s needs are also driven by the many and varying elements of their current environment, such as the people present or nearby and what is happening. So, for example, if Alice enters an unfamiliar building to meet Bob, she needs to know about the relevant people and services in that place. Bob is a relevant person since Alice’s goal is to meet Bob. Alice’s friend Carol is a relevant person if Carol is nearby. A context-aware system might model the fact that Alice is unfamiliar with this building, that she is meeting Bob and that she knows Carol. It may use this and other information from sensors to tell Alice how to make her way to Bob and it may point out Carol is nearby. There is considerable ubiquitous computing research directed at determining a person’s location: indeed, it is arguably the most explored aspect of contextaware applications. There have also been many applications that use location ?

This research was part funded by the Smart Internet Technology CRC Australia.

information to customise their actions in some way, for example [1–3]. By contrast, there has been far less work that also takes account of factors such as user attributes and preferences. To move towards the broad vision of timely and useful information availability and management, we need to maintain models of the significant elements of the ubiquitous computing environment. First, and foremost, we need to model people. A starting point is to model a person’s location. However, a rich ubiquitous computing future also requires models that capture other relevant information about people, such as their knowledge, preferences and goals. A ubiquitous computing application needs to make use of these models of people. It also needs to make use of models of places, sensors, services and devices in the environment. All these models can be implicit, perhaps within the application. However, there are real advantages in making them explicit, with existence outside any one application: we can then use consistent mechanisms to reason about any of these entities and to transmit information between them. Since the model of a person is inherently personal information, an important requirement on the modelling is to ensure that people can maintain control of both what is modelled about them and how it is used. We describe models as scrutable, if they are designed so that a person who chooses to investigate them can determine just what is modelled. This is a foundation for ensuring the people will be able to control their personal information and its use in a ubiquitous computing environment. We envisage that people like Alice in our scenario should be able to ask questions like: How did the system determine my location? Who else can see this information about me? What does the system believe that I know about this building? What evidence sources can contribute to the model of my location? PersonisAD is framework which takes account of these issues. It grows from our earlier work on scrutable modelling of people [4] and exploration of interfaces that can support scrutability of user models [5] even when they are large [6]. We recognised the close relationship between the people in a ubiquitous environment and the devices, sensors and places [4,7]. In this paper, we describe two important advances in this work: we have enhanced Personis [4,7] to support modelling that is both active and distributed. In Section 2, we describe the PersonisAD architectural framework, explaining the notions of active and distributed models. Section 3 reports our evaluation of its power and flexibility in terms of applications built on top of it and analysis of their implementation. We then describe related work, and conclude by reviewing the contributions as well as future work.


PersonisAD Overview

We describe the broad architecture of an application based upon the PersonisAD framework in terms of Figures 1 and 2. Then we work through a detailed example of an application called MusicMix to illustrate how the framework serves as a foundation for building context-aware applications.

Fig. 1. Interaction between an application and a model.

First consider the model representation and reasoning, as outlined at the right of Figure 1. The first core notion of the model is that it is organised as a tree of model contexts which contain the components of the model. This hierarchical structure serves to define namespaces and to collect the information and associated reasoning elements. The figure shows the general mechanism of PersonisAD is to collect evidence for the value of the context attributes (components) and when a value for the component is requested we examine the available evidence using a resolver function to generate a value. We call this mechanism accretion/resolution and it has many advantages. The value for the component is only calculated when it is required rather than continuously as in many systems. For an attribute such as location, where many data sources (eg GSM, bluetooth, WiFi, GPS) may be consulted to calculate a location value, it is a waste of resources to calculate a location whenever a new data point is received. Only when the location value is required should the value be calculated. Another major advantage is that different situations may require different answers for the same attribute. For example, the answer to the question “Where is Bob?” may need to be a latitude/longitude for one application but another application may need a detailed symbolic value such as room/building/address while another might just be given the resolved value, “at work”. This can be catered for by using an appropriate resolver function. A key problem of context-aware computing is to provide the context information to an application at the time it becomes relevant. As shown in Figure 1, our system provides for the timely notification of applications when an appropriate context is present. It does this by associating triggers or rules with components. We call components that have rules attached, active components and hence active models. A rule is evaluated when new evidence is received for

the component. If the rule succeeds, it can result in evidence being added to any component or an application being notified. Chains of these rules can be used to generate a sophisticated response to changes in context. The rules take the form: value ∼ pattern : action where value is a resolved value of a component, pattern is a regular expression. As illustrated at the lower right of Figure 1, the trigger language has two possible actions: a tell which adds evidence to a component in any model; or a notify which can send information to an application. A major part of our approach is the desire to allow users access to the models of them and other entities in order to explain the actions of the system. We use the term scrutable to indicate that the model is understandable and that the system can generate explanations. We have designed the whole PersonisAD system with scrutability as a key concern and one of the design goals is to decouple the elements and to achieve simplicity since both of these are critical for providing explanations that the user can scrutinise to understand and control their personalisation in applications. The implementation of PersonisAD [4]1 , provides a small number of simple operations for maintaining the models. The main operations are: access: Each entity and its associated model has a globally unique ID. The access operation is used to locate the model server and connect to it. tell: A piece of evidence (value, source, type) is added to a given model component within a given model context. ask: A value for a model context/component is returned after resolution by a nominated resolver function. As shown in the left part of Figure 1, the normal communication between applications and the models is via the ask to request the resolved value of a component in the model and the tell to send new evidence to a component. The next important part of the PersonisAD framework is the support for distributed models as shown in Figure 2. All interaction with models is based on the same basic operations just described in Figure 1. To support distributed models, these operations (and others for model management) are implemented using a simple remote procedure call mechanism based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with HTTP as the transport protocol. This is shown as the broken lines from the application to the models in the figure. The solid line in the figure indicates how PersonisAD locates the server for a model using the multicast and wide-area Bonjour [8] (Zeroconf) service discovery system is used. This allows efficient discovery of model servers both on the local area network and across the Internet. When models are created they are registered locally with the multicast DNS server, and remotely on the personis.org domain name server. Addresses of servers are not directly tied to the name of the model, allowing models to be moved from one physical computer to another 1

Personis Pty Ltd

Fig. 2. Interaction between an application and model servers.

without the need to update any dependent models. Even the simple example systems described in this paper involve model servers on several machines. We routinely move models between machines for convenience with no change required to the applications. 2.1

The MusicMix Application

We now illustrate our PersonisAD approach using one application built upon it: MusicMix is a demonstrator which plays background music, selecting the playlist according to the music preferences of people who are detected in the listening area. So, for example, if Bob is alone in his living room, the MusicMix in that room selects music he likes. When a friend, Alice, drops in, MusicMix plays music from the combined set of music that they like. We use this example to illustrate how we model people’s location and make use of models of their music preferences to drive MusicMix. MusicMix needs models of the people, the space and the devices involved in playing the music and determining the current location of the people. The music player needs to be notified when the context changes, that is when a person enters or leaves the area or an existing person changes their music preferences. Figure 3 gives a simple view of parts of user models for Bob and Alice at the time when they are both in the lounge room. The first component is location. In the figure its resolved value is loungeRoom for both users.



location - loungeRoom seenby - btSensor1 Devices/carrying - bobPhone Preferences/Music/playlist - http://media.local./∼bob/track01.mp3 - http://media.local./∼bob/track02.mp3

location - loungeRoom seenby - btSensor1 Devices/carrying - alicePhone Preferences/Music/playlist - http://media.local./∼alice/track02.mp3 - http://media.local./∼alice/track03.mp3

(a) Bob’s user model

(b) Alice’s user model

Fig. 3. Examples of simplified user models for Bob and Alice.

The next component in Figure 3 is seenby. Its resolved value is the identifier for the sensor that last detected the user. We will return to this when we explain how a user’s location is determined in PersonisAD. In this case, this is btsensor1, a Bluetooth sensor for both users. Following this, the figure shows the resolved value for the Devices context’s component, called carrying which models the devices that the user has. This has evidence for each device the user is carrying. Its resolved value is a list of the identifiers for the models associated with such devices. In Figure 3, both Bob and Alice are carrying their respective Bluetooth phones. To describe PersonisAD, we take the simple case where the only means to locate these users is when their Bluetooth phones are detected. Our deployed system has other location sensors. The remaining component in Figure 3 is for the model context for Preferences and within it, the subcontext for Music preferences and within that the playlist component whose resolved value is the list of the person’s preferred music. In the figure, this has just two tracks, where one is common to both users.


Modelling Sensors, Devices, Places

The same accretion/resolution representation is used to model sensors, devices and places. Figure 4 shows examples of each of these. The Bluetooth sensor model in Figure 4(a) has a component called location which gives its location, in this case the loungeRoom. It also models the devices it has seen; each time it detects a device, a piece of evidence is added to this component. The intuitive interpretation of this evidence is that recent evidence indicates which devices were in the place where that sensor is located. The device model in Figure 4(b) is for the music player. It has a component for location and the current value for this is loungeRoom. The second component for the player device is listeners and its value is the list of people modelled as listening to it. In the figure, this is Bob and Alice. The currentlyPlaying component has the url of the music that is currently being played and, finally, the component called state indicates that it is playing.

player1 btSensor1 location - loungeRoom •present - bobPhone, alicePhone •seen - bobPhone 12:33pm

(a) Bluetooth sensor

location - loungeRoom listeners - Bob, Alice •currentlyPlaying - http://media/trk01.mp3 •state - playing

(b) Audio player

Fig. 4. Examples of models for sensors and devices and places. The bullets indicate active components.


Determining location

We illustrate the PersonisAD approach in determining Bob’s location and also in determining who is present in a location for the MusicMix system. We gather evidence from many sensors to infer location but in this example we show our use of Bluetooth capable mobile phones. Figure 5 shows the Bluetooth Sensor, and models for the sensor, user, user’s phone and the lounge room. There are three main stages in the process illustrated in the diagram. Step 1 occurs when Bob’s phone is detected by a Bluetooth sensor. This causes the addition of a piece of evidence to the models for Bob’s phone and for the sensor. This triggers Step 2, which causes the addition of evidence indicating that the phone is in the lounge room and that there has been a change in the devices present at this sensor. Step 3 adds evidence to the lounge room model indicating that Bob is present and to Bob’s model indicating he is in the lounge room. We now go through this in more detail to illustrate how the PersonisAD approach operates. Bob’s phone, with model bobPhone, is detected by the sensor with model btSensor1. The sensor program places evidence into the seen component of the sensor model (btSensor1 in Fig. 5) and the seenby component of the phone model (bobPhone in Fig. 5) using two tell operations. This is Step 1 in the figure. Both of these components have a rule attached to them, indicated by bullets next to them. When a new piece of evidence is delivered to the seenby component the attached rule is interpreted. The resolved value of the seenby component is matched with a regular expression that always returns True (since in this case we want to update the location when a new piece of evidence arrives). The action in the rule adds a piece of evidence containing the location of the sensor to the location component of the device that had been sensed, in this case the phone of the user. The action of this rule is labelled 2b in the figure. The solid line represents the tell occurring, and the dotted line shows where another model has been


loungeRoom people Bob, Alice Devices/ sensors btSensor1 Devices/ audio speaker1

location loungeRoom Carrying bobPhone



bobPhone btSensor1 2a

location loungeRoom present bobPhone seen bobPhone 12:33pm


owner Bob carriedby Bob location loungeRoom seenby btSensor1

Bluetooth Sensor

Bob’s phone detected


Fig. 5. Updating a user’s location and the people present in a place: Bluetooth sensor and models for bob, bobPhone, btSensor1 and the room. Solid lines represent tells, with the dashed lines showing the additional models accessed while evaluating the rules.

accessed during evaluation of the rule. For example, in this case, the value of the sensor’s location component is needed to create the evidence indicating that the phone is in the location with model loungeRoom. Expressions within a rule can be nested: in this example one ask is evaluated to form the model id for another ask. Similarly, there is a rule attached to the location component of the phone and this has the effect of telling the location of the phone to the model of the person carrying the phone. This is labelled 3b in the figure. There is also a rule on the seen component in btSensor1 model. Labelled 2a, this causes the recent seen items to be examined to create a list of present devices. It only triggers when the resolved value of this component changes. So, although evidence is continuously added to this sensor component, the rule only adds evidence to the present component when a new device is detected. This in turn causes the rule attached to the present component of the model btSensor1 to be evaluated. This step is 3a in the figure, and it tells the people component of the loungeRoom model who is now present based on the devices detected. A similar process has to operate as phones leave an area. The rules and actions on components of models for sensors, devices, places and people provide location information for applications. The system is not limited to location: it can notify applications when the context changes in any way. For example, if a user indicates a change their music preferences a simple active component rule can notify the music player.



Since the goal of PersonisAD is to provide a framework for creating new ubiquitous applications, we have been evaluating it by using it to create the applications that we describe in this section. We first describe the actual applications. Then we provide some analysis of the implementation using PersonisAD. This gives an indication of the power and flexibility offered by the PersonisAD framework in terms of the amount of effort required to build a new application. In addition to this, the use of a consistent framework means that we can reuse active models: we illustrate this in the reuse of the first application, which models location, in the other two applications. 3.1


Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7

(a) Detailed view of a single wing.

(b) Screenshot of the web interface.

Fig. 6. An example of a map that plots the location data collected by the ActiveModels on a floorplan of our building. The radius of the circles are proportional to currency of the data, with smaller circles indicating older data.

This basic demonstrator application can help people finding others within our building. Using the location information, built from evidence collected from the sensors, a live image is generated and displayed on a webpage. Figure 6(a) shows a detailed display for just one wing of the building at the left. On the right, in Figure 6(b), is the full display for four floors. Each person’s location is indicated by a coloured dot on the map at the place they were last seen. The key for these is shown at left of Figure 6(b) (anonymised for this paper). The age of this information is indicated by size of the dot on the map. So a person who has not been detected for some time has a smaller dot on the map. Each person’s model is asked for that person’s current location with a resolver that returns both the location and the timestamp indicating when that was last updated. This is used to provide the input to the map display. People have to subscribe to

this service for their sensor evidence to be used. Users can control which resolver is used and so control the information available to this application. The raw sensor data comes from two types of sensors; Bluetooth sensors detect Bluetooth devices within range, System activity sensors detect mouse and keyboard activity on a terminal. The Bluetooth activity sensors tell four kinds of evidence messages: on initial detection of a device a “Found” message is sent; every 5 minutes a “Present” is sent for each device in range; and a “Lost” message is sent when a device moves out of range. When no devices are in range a “Heartbeat” message is sent every 5 minutes to inform the system that the sensor is still alive. System activity sensors work in a similar way when detecting activity of users.



As described in Section 2.1, MusicMix is a demonstrator application that plays background music, generating the playlists based on who is currently in the general area. The application uses the location information provided by the preexisting models, and combines this with user preferences expressed in terms of the individual’s playlists. There is an additional model for the player, representing the physical speaker in the room where the music is to be played. The player model stores the list of the people who are nearby, the current track being played, and the status of that track. This is the core information needed to support this application. A rule is used to update the player model with the list of listeners. Whenever the list of people changes, the playlist manager is automatically made aware via a notify rule. It is then able to generate a new playlist by asking the user models for their preferences. A track is selected and told to the Speaker model. The Speaker Manager application controls the playing of music tracks: it is made aware of the current track by its own notify rule. When the track finishes playing, the model is updated again, causing the playlist manager to select a new track and the process repeats. It should be noted that there is no direct communication between these two applications. All their actions are a direct result of updates to the models: this ensures complete decoupling of application components. (For more technical details please see [9].)



MyPlace presents people with personalised information about a place. It builds models of the people so that it can reason about their knowledge of a place, their learning needs about it, their preferences for information delivery as well as their location. So, for example, when Alice first visits Bob at his workplace, MyPlace needs to give her relevant and timely information about Bob’s location. If we suppose that her friend Carol is also nearby, MyPlace should tell her so. Since this paper’s focus is the PersonisAD support for building applications, we give just a brief outline of MyPlace.

For example, the screenshots in Figure 7 illustrate the different information that MyPlace would present Alice and Bob. At the top of the screen is an information bar. She has selected her status as “In transit”, where Bob has selected “Available”. This provides evidence to the user models. Next to the user’s selected status is the location as modelled by the system: Alice is in the “Foyer” and Bob is in “324”, which is his office. The “details” link provides an explanation of how the system models location. The bulk of the display shows items modelled as relevant to the user. These are grouped into expandable headings of Devices at this location, Nearby Devices, Nearby Places, Services/Events, and People. If a category contains no items, the heading is not shown. As a visitor to the building, Alice’s information needs and therefore user model are very simple. The stereotype for a visitor states that they are interested in the devices of the Foyer Noticeboard (for general information) and the Information Kiosk (for contacting their host on arrival). Thus when Alice is located in the Foyer these items are shown in the “Devices at this location” category. Bob’s user model indicates he wants to know about any sensors which may detect him. Accordingly, the “Devices at this location” category contains the Bluetooth sensor in his office, the system activity sensor in his office, details of the airconditioning systems control panel. Alice is shown the location of Bob’s office in the “Nearby Places” category. For Bob, the “Nearby Places” category is empty and not shown, as he has worked at this location for some time, and thus already knows all the nearby places modelled to be of interest to him. In the “People” category, Alice is shown the location and status of Bob, as he is her host, and Carol, because the system models her as knowing Carol. Bob’s “People” category contains details of Alice as he has a meeting scheduled with her, and David and Fred, two of his colleagues with whom he is working closely on a project. At the bottom of both Alice’s and Bob’s displays is a “show all items” link which allows them to see all the items which the system has chosen not to show them.

(a) Alice

(b) Bob

Fig. 7. Two user views in the MyPlace system, left (a) shows a view for Alice, a Visitor, and right (b) shows a view for Bob, her host.


Analysis of applications built with PersonisAD

We now analyse the development of applications that have been built with PersonisAD. By looking at the amount of evidence we have collected, the models that have been created, the rules required and the code that has been written to build them, we show the power, flexibility and utility of the architecture. Evidence We have been collecting data for location modelling for 17 months. There are a total of 3,706,237 items of raw sensor data from Bluetooth and system activity sensors. Users must register themselves and their Bluetooth devices before their models are built. There are 21 registered users, 23 registered mobile Bluetooth devices and 22 system activity sensors. There are 12 fixed Bluetooth sensors placed in key locations around the building. Some users have only one system sensor associated with them, while others each have two Bluetooth devices (a phone and a laptop) and system activity sensors running on multiple machines (work desktop, home desktop, laptop, and another communal machine). Table 1 shows a summary of one month’s data for four users with diverse evidence sources. The Active column shows the number of data items indicating activity on that system. The Heartbeat column has the number of items showing that no activity has been detected on a mobile system. These messages have been omitted for system activity sensors whose location is fixed. The columns R1,R2 ... R12 are Bluetooth sensors around the office building. Table 1. A summary of one month of location data for four users with diverse evidence sources. User Person 1 (academic)

Device Active Heartbeat R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 phone 79 196 33 491 913 64 2 395 laptop 615 117 Desktop 832 Person 2 phone 14 766 55 11 1446 857 439 (postgraduate) laptop Person 3 laptop 449 22 2 94 52 1296 1759 471 231 1032 (postgraduate) phone desktop 1257 Person 4 mobile 10 214 18 541 677 63 55 2071

R9 R10 R11 R12 256 15 763


235 282




9 209

2 111 220

Location Models In order to provide location data from the raw sensor data, models are required to represent the sensors, users, devices, and locations. Table 2 gives the number of models of each type in the system. In addition the number of components per model is shown. This indicates the amount of data required per model. Finally the number of subscriptions per model shows the complexity of the interactions between models and components. The low number of components per model shows the lack of complexity required to model these items using PersonisAD.

Table 2. Number of models, components and subscriptions used in modelling location Type Models Components per model Subscriptions per model People 21 5 Places 66 4 1 Devices 23 5 3 Bluetooth Sensors 12 4 2 System Sensors 22 5 2

Application development This requires writing a number of simple rules that link the models together and to external applications. The MusicMix application required 4 rules to operate. This section describes one of those rules in detail to illustrate the character of the work involved in building systems based on PersonisAD.

player1:currentlyPlaying ~ ".*" : NOTIFY ’http://player:2001/playSong?song=’

Fig. 8. The code for the currentlyPlaying component of the player1 model. When the currentlyPlaying component is changed, the notify rule alerts the Speaker Manager via the HTTP request, which begins playing the new track.

The rule shown in Figure 8 notifies the Speaker Manager of the address of the current music track to play. The player1:currentlyPlaying line shows that we are adding this subscription to the currentlyPlaying component of the player1 model. This means that the rule will be examined whenever new evidence is told to this component. To decide if the rule should be fired the value will be examined. The match performed is a regular expression, as indicated by the ∼ symbol. The expression matched is ".*", which matches all possible values. In this case the rule will always fire, performing the action NOTIFY ’http://player:2001/playSong?song=’ . This action makes a HTTP GET request with the given URL and appends the current value of ./currentlyPlaying. The ./ indicates that the value comes from the current model. By inserting a model name here, a value could come from any local or remote model. The simple rule language allows great flexibility in responding to new evidence in the models. Any change on any model can trigger a rule, and the rule can be triggered conditionally depending on the matching operator. When a rule is triggered, any information that can be obtained from the models can be passed to an application by varying the notify URL.

Code effort By keeping the management of the data within the models, and by describing the relationship between the models with the rules, the specific application code that needs to be written is very short. The MusicMix application required two small Python scripts to run: the Playlist Manager and the Speaker Manager. The Playlist Manager was the longer of the two being 95 lines, the Speaker Manager only 79 lines. Adding location support to the player models required adding a single rule. This means that simple applications can be built simply without limiting the complexity of larger systems. The code for updating the location models based on sensor data is also quite simple. It consists of a small number of special resolver functions, and a short python script to do tells whenever sensor data evidence is received. The architecture allows us to make the location modelling more intelligent by changing the resolver functions.


Related Work

A major contribution of our work is a generalised framework to simplify the creation of ubiquitous computing applications. There are many existing systems that already do this, but our PersonisAD provides a unique approach, by storing data within consistent models associated with people, places, devices and sensors, allowing applications to access these as required. Unlike other systems where applications are developed by combining application level building blocks, we focus on the storage of information about the entities within the environment, and the links between these entities. We review a selection of other systems to illustrate how they differ from PersonisAD; an exhaustive review is beyond the scope of this paper. The work by Schilit et. al. [10] describes a system that reacts and changes to an individual’s changing context. They have developed context triggered services by following a sequence of IF-THEN rules to decide how applications should adapt. By contrast, the main focus of our work is the modelling of the environment: the functionality of our rules is encapsulated by attaching notify rules to components which respond to changing context. The Context Toolkit [11] allows applications to be built using a variety of input and output widgets, which encapsulate common programming tasks. An application controls how the input events map to the output actions. Metaglue [12] provides infrastructure support to embed controlling applications, or agents, within a wider scale pervasive environment. By contrast, PersonisAD has no concept of a controlling application. The information is stored within the models embedded in the environment and individual applications query this information to provide services to the user. The Event Heap [13] is a tuple-based communication message architecture which has been extended to a distributed environment [14]. Applications filter the aggregated data based on subscription-like data requests, as opposed to PersonisAD where this filtering is a combination of the application and the models.

Another method of providing general ubiquitous computing services is Activity Zones [15], where location is mapped into a particular geographic zone. Certain rule-based actions are performed based upon the zone they are in. It is similar to our system in that actions are performed by following rules as evidence arrives, but PersonisAD is able to respond to more than location information. Liquid [16] provides a framework for persistent queries where results are drawn continuously from both local and remote sources as events take place. This differs from PersonisAD in the way that queries are dynamically processed when a client application makes a request: the PersonisAD rule set results in the models being constantly kept up to date as new information is provided. An important feature of the PersonisAD approach is that it builds upon the homogenous modelling of all the entities relevant to supporting ubiquitous applications [7]. Moreover, the underlying accretion/resolution representation supports flexible interpretation of a range of heterogenous sources of evidence about the user [17]. This distinguishes the work from the many systems [18] that model location using a single class of evidence, such as ultrasonic beacons [19, 20], GSM Mobile phone networks [21], WiFi beacons [22, 23] and Bluetooth sensors [23, 24]. Each of these produce location evidence at different resolutions and reliability. Our work has unusual origins for ubiquitous computing research in that PersonisAD grows from work on user modelling and personalisation [4, 7]. This has influenced the philosophical underpinnings of the design of the accretion / resolution approach, which models people by collecting evidence about aspects of them, in the components of the model. The sources and nature of the evidence are important and play a role in the interpretation of the evidence by resolvers. Importantly, since user models are essentially repositories of personal information, the accretion/resolution approach supports scrutability, a notion that has also been explored by Cheverst et al [25]. The importance of user control, and the closely associated issues of privacy, have been recognised in ubiquitous computing from its earliest days as well as more recently [26]. One part of this is providing people with the right amount of information about the invisible sensors and services in the environment. Another important part is to provide the user with support to drill down into that information, to scrutinise the details of just what information or knowledge is held in the ubiquitous computing environment and how it is used.


Conclusions and Contributions

We have described PersonisAD, a framework for distributed, active, scrutable models as a foundation for building context-aware applications. We have explained how it has enabled us to quickly create a set of such applications. We have illustrated how the elements of the accretion/resolution approach, extended with active components provides a powerful, flexible framework for supporting ubiquitous computing applications. The foundation of the approach is the accretion of evidence from arbitrary sources into the components of the models.

These are structured into an hierarchy of model-contexts. The access to information about entities in PersonisAD is controlled at the level of the model-context, the evidence source and type and by the resolver functions which are selectively available to different applications. This enables different levels of granularity of values to be returned for any component. The current system operates with models distributed across different machines, but any one entity’s model is on a single machine. So, for example one user’s model is entirely on one machine. Future work will move towards distribution of partial models, especially for user models [27] so that subsets of the user models and some contexts within the model are located on different machines. Another future enhancement will support disconnected operation so that information flows, such as described in Section 2, can be supported even when parts of the system are temporarily disconnected. We are also conducting experiments to assess several of the dimensions of scalability, similar to testing the basic accretion/resolution implementation in Personis [7]. A different order of future work involves the interface design challenge of supporting scrutability in a ubiquitous environment. This can build from work on scrutably adaptive hypertext [28] as well as Cheverst et al [25]. The main contribution of PersonisAD is as a framework for context aware computing, supporting personalised ubiquitous services, integrating the collection of diverse types of evidence about the ubiquitous computing environment, interpreting it flexibly. In this paper, we have focussed on the distributed and active nature of the models. The addition of triggers to the models is an important innovation. In contrast to our earlier work with passive models, where the application was responsible for all the control, PersonisAD makes it easier to build context aware applications. Essentially, this is because it decouples the systems more effectively. Of course, at one level, the notion of triggers is not new, since this class of mechanism has been part of many systems, such as the many rule-based systems, from the very early ubiquitous computing frameworks [10] and including general operating systems and Active Databases Systems [29]. The important contribution of our work is that the user model representation and reasoning, with its design for scrutability, has been generalised to modelling the other elements, sensors, devices, services and places. It is this consistent and generalised representation of the context data that has made it feasible to use a simple mechanism to achieve distributed models. This is an important contribution as it means that the models can be kept in the places that make sense for various pragmatic reasons such as user control. The PersonisAD architecture is based upon a small set of operations for applications to interact with the models: access, ask and tell. The service discovery facilitates distributing the models across various machines across a network. The application writer can simply use these, in conjunction with the active models, to build applications. The service discovery for the models of a PersonisAD-based system ensures that different models can be dispersed across arbitrary machines in a network, without burdening the application builder. We have demonstrated

the use of the PersonisAD framework by building the applications described in this paper. The analysis of this process indicates that the PersonisAD framework makes for low implementation cost with carefully decoupled elements. This is due to the consistent, simple, flexible and powerful representation of models for each of the elements in a context aware environment. The representation was initially motivated by the goal of building user models that can support scrutability of the modelling and personalisation processes. The accretion/resolution representation also supports flexible control of access to the models and the interpretation of uncertain and noisy evidence. PersonisAD uses this same representation for all the elements in the context-aware environment. This, combined with its carefully designed, simple but powerful rule language that is specific to the models, and transparent support for distribution of the models, provides a new way to think about and build context-aware applications.

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