Distributed Public Key Cryptosystems? Yair Frankel and Moti Yung CertCo LLC, New York, New York {yfrankel,moti}@cs.columbia.edu,
[email protected]
Abstract. The cryptographic community has developed many tools to incorporate distributed trust mechanisms into cryptographic primitives and protocols as well as primitives where parties are naturally distributed. Since the fastest growing paradigm in computing is distributed systems and communication networks, the importance of distributed mechanisms has been increasing, and will likely to be pervasive in the future. Here, we review the various distributed mechanisms that have been developed and applied to achieve distributed public key cryptosystem. We focus primarily on the more efficient threshold cryptographic schemes (based on sharing public-key functions) and exemplify (only) some of the issues regarding these systems.
The initial implementations in the direction of distributed cryptography for sensitive cryptographic services has already happened. They include Clipper’s two party control for decryption, and distributed root certification key for MasterCard/VISA’s Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) root, using function sharing. It is envisioned that many of the distributed mechanisms will develop into a standard protection mechanism for high assurance systems. Such distributed trust mechanisms provide enhanced security protection against internal collusions as well as external attacks by eliminating the centralized control; forcing the adversary to take more risks (and to pay more) since it must penetrate several systems rather than just one (and in proactive system it is also limited to doing it in a small period of time). In addition, the development of multi-party protocols over the Internet will require distributed cryptographic protocols, since parties are naturally distributed in cyberspace. Here we review some of the general areas of distributed cryptography and pointing at some (but definitely not all) the related literature. The notion of distributed cryptographic protocols has been central in cryptography for over 15 years. Some protocols have been designed to solve communication problems which are impossible from an information-theoretic perspective, like oblivious-transfer [R], the coin-flipping protocol [Blum] and the millionaireproblem protocol [Y82]. General compiler protocols, on the other hand, have been designed to solve generic problems. These protocols can securely compute ?
Invited Paper
H. Imai and Y. Zheng (Eds.): Public Key Cryptography, PKC’98, LNCS 1431, pp. 1–13, 1998. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998
Yair Frankel and Moti Yung
any public function on secure inputs. The first such protocols were developed by Yao [Y86] and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [GMW86], and various developments were made in subsequent works. Recently there has been a thrust to construct more efficient protocols for specific problems, and in particular, problems involving the distributed application of cryptographic functions (surveyed in [Gw97]). Here, we give a brief discussion of the current development and characterize some of the the various distributed public key cryptosystems. Intuitive and informal definitions which introduce notions are provided in this pre-proceedings. A more complete version will appear in the proceedings.
Secure Distributed Function Application
Our focus is in systems in which a secret function is shared amongst a group of servers. In essence, a secure distributed function application protocol shares a secret function fk (·), where f is public and k is secret, such that only a quorum or more of servers can apply the function fk (·) on an input m to obtain fk (m) and smaller subsets can not evaluate the function on input m. Definition 1. (Secure Distributed Function Application) Let f(·, ·) be a publicly known function. A (t, l)-secure distributed function application system of f provides for the availability of a function f(k, ·) = fk (·) by distributing fk (·) to the set of l servers such that: function application: with overwhelming probability for a valid argument m, any quorum of t out of the l servers can compute fk (m), and basic security: with overwhelming probability for any valid argument m, before function application less than a quorum of servers have no new information about fk (m) than f(·, ·) alone and, after function application no new information is revealed (by viewing the interactions) about fk (·) other than hm, fk (m)i to any set of less than t servers and outside observers. The primary research in secure distributed function application has been to find more efficient systems and to provide additional protection above the basic security requirement. 2.1
Threshold Schemes
Threshold schemes are the traditional cryptographic example of how to securely and reliably distribute information. With a (t, l)-threshold scheme a secret value k is shared via shadows hs1 , . . . , sl i during the shadow generation phase such that less than a quorum (i.e, < t) of shadows does not reveal the secret value k. During the secret reconstruction phase any quorum of shadows may be used to efficiently reconstruct the secret value k. Shamir [Sh] developed a threshold scheme based on Lagrange Interpolation over a finite field. A random polynomial r(x) of degree t − 1 (over a finite field) is chosen such that r(0) = k is the secret.
Distributed Public Key Cryptosystems
Each shareholder i ∈ Γ is assigned a unique public number xi and a secret share r(xi ). Due to Lagrange interpolation,Qthe set Λ of cardinality t determine si =P where zi,Λ = v∈Λ (xi − xv )−1 (0 − xv ). k = i∈Λ si · zi,Λ v6=i
One should note that threshold structures (i.e., any set of t out of l) are not the only possible access structures that have been investigated. Secret sharing schemes which are defined similarly allow for a more general access structure were suggested originally in [BL,ISN]. Much work has been done on many aspects and variants of this basic primitive (which we omit). Based on the use of tamper-proof hardware1 , [Sh] proposed a secure function application scheme. First, the function f is enclosed in the tamper-proof device. To perform function application, a quorum of shareholders transmit their share to the device and the device computes the secret key k. The device can perform function application on function fk (·) for any input m.
General Compiler Protocol
Taking the tamper-proof hardware approach discussed in [Sh] one step further, suggests that instead of using hardware that a protocol could simulate the use of secure hardware by performing the circuit computation in a blinded fashion (i.e., users can view the actual computation performed). General compiler protocols provides for the evaluation of a circuit (similarly, function) in a distributed manner such that each party in the computation learns nothing more than the output and its own secret components of the functions input. These protocols securely compute any public function on secure inputs. The first such protocols were developed by Yao [Y86] and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [GMW86], and various developments were made in subsequent works, e.g., [GHY87,K,BGW,CCD]. The primary difficulty with general compiler protocols is that such systems are ordinarily inefficient with respect to communication complexity due to their general nature of being applicable to any circuit or arithmetic operations [Gr97]. However, they constitute a “plausibility result” for many tasks. Also, many of the definitional underpinning of the field of distributed cryptographic protocols has initiated in the general domain of the general compiler protocols. Areas like cryptographic compilers, information theoretic compilers, characterization of privacy, graph (network) related procedures, models of adversaries in distributed cryptographic protocols, lower bounds on resources were all influenced by this sub-area. (See [F93] for a survey of result till 1993, the area is very active and we omit many references).
A tamper-proof device is computational devices in which its state, and memory contents are private (tapes model the circuits of the actual device) to even its owner. The owner gets only an input/output access to the device.
Yair Frankel and Moti Yung
Characterization of Trust Distribution
The notion of public key trust distribution has taken several transformations. We now discuss various forms of trust distribution though in the sequel our focus is primarily on threshold cryptography. General compiler protocols, and as we will see shortly with threshold cryptosystem, also satisfy a transparency property. Definition 2. (Transparency Property) A secure function application protocol is transparent if its input specification providing the point of evaluation and output specification providing the functions output is independent of protocols access structure. Transparency implies that the external environment providing the input/output to the protocol are transparent of the trust mechanism. This, however, is not always necessary (and maybe it is even sometimes undesirable), as we will see next. 3.1
Explicit Trust Distribution
Explicit trust mechanisms on the other are designed with operations which are meant to be traced or followed explicitly (and not to remain hidden). The idea is that the trail of participants is noticeable in the result of the protocol, a property that may be desirable. To distribute cryptographic power in cryptographic primitives, [D] noticed that [GMW86] and/or explicit trust distribution are very useful tool. For explicit trust distribution, [D] noticed that a sender can encrypt a message with a randomly generated key and then send each receiver a part of the key which they can then decrypt interactively. This interaction is explicit and may be useful when one needs to know the participants (this creates a “hand-shake”). In other settings (like function sharing, this is undesirable, due to abstraction and modularity). Next we review other explicit trust distribution mechanisms. Group signatures developed in [CvH] provide for a signature scheme in which only members of a predefined group can sign. Upon verification, the group is not identified except for dispute cases where there is a mechanism to identify who signed. [CP] extended the group signature notion. Multisignatures are signature schemes in which each of the entities explicitly signs, however, the “final signature” is smaller than the a signature from each entity [O]. Micali’s fair cryptosystems [M] initiation is explicit (the user directs its interaction to specific escrow agents). Let us now deal with threshold cryptography, where hiding structures and implicit trust mechanisms are employed.
Distributed Public Key Cryptosystems
Threshold Cryptography and Functions Sharing
Functions sharing, also called threshold cryptography, independently introduced by [B88,CH,F89] takes the less general approach, however, efficiency has been greatly reduced. Whereas the communication complexity of the secure function evaluation depends linearly on the actual size of circuit computing the cryptographic functions, the communication complexity of function sharing is independent of the circuit size (and is typically a polynomial in the input/output size and the number of participants). This difference (pointed out first in [FY93,DDFY]) is crucial to practitioners as the communication latency cannot compete with increases in processor speeds. This can be captured in the following intuitive definition of the efficient procedure, where we fix everything but change the circuit size in use by the parties for any usage in the protocol. Definition 3. (Efficient Function Sharing System/ Threshold Cryptosystem) Let f(·, ·) be a publicly available function (family) and R1,f , R2,f be any two circuits (family of circuits) implementing f. Let P () be a function sharing protocol for the function f. Let the protocol P instantiated with circuit Ri,f (called PRi,f ) be protocol P () where the parties in the protocol use in their computation and communication circuit Ri,f whenever they are required to compute the function’s result. We call P () efficient if the communication complexity of PR1,f and PR2,f are identical. For the definition of what constitutes a function sharing protocol given a function family specification, see [DDFY] (where they give the definition but limit it to non-interactive protocols applicable to that work). Discrete log Based Threshold Cryptosystem. One of the first practical threshold cryptosystems developed was based on the El Gamal cryptosystem [E] is now presented as an example of a secure threshold cryptosystem. We first briefly explain the El Gamal cryptosystem. El Gamal Cryptosystem: Large primes P, Q are chosen such that Q|(P − 1). Let g be a generator of a subgroup of order Q in ZP . The public encryption key is hg, gk , Q, P i for some k ∈R ZQ and the private decryption key is hk, P i. To encrypt a message m the ciphertext is C = hC1 ≡P gr , C2 ≡P mgkr i where r ∈R ZQ . The decryption operation is performed as m ≡ mgkr g−kr ≡ C2 ·C1−k mod P . In [DF89], the threshold cryptosystem variant of the El Gamal cryptosystem was developed. The public and private keys are generated by a trusted distributor which then performs the Shamir (t, l)-threshold over the group GF(Q) for secret value k to obtain secret shares hs1 , . . . , sl i. The distributor now provides share si to server i. Upon t of the servers receiving a ciphertext C, server i computes a partial i i to the Combiner server. result hi, ci ≡P C1−sQ Q The Combiner can nowQcompute kr −kr ≡ i∈Λ C2 · (gr )−si ·zi,Λ ≡ i∈Λ C2 · (gr·si )−1·zi,Λ ≡ i∈Λ C2 · m ≡ mg g −z C1 i,Λ mod P . The combiner can perform this computation since (xi − xj ) have
Yair Frankel and Moti Yung
inverses in ZQ when 0 < i, j < Q. As will be discussed later, different techniques will be necessary since the Combiner is not able to compute such inverses. A threshold discrete log based signature scheme was developed in [P91b]. For DSA [Kra93,NIST] based systems, [L] was the first to consider the problem and design a mechanism. Threshold RSA. Threshold RSA was originally developed independently by [B88,F89] based on (l, l) secret sharing. Though these schemes can be converted into (t, l) threshold RSA schemes, they grow exponentially for some parameters (e.g., 2l out of l schemes). Unlike the discrete log based systems, the sharing of the RSA private key is in a group in which the shareholders can not be given inverses or know the order of the group. This has been a major difficulty in developing (t, l)-threshold RSA schemes. [DF91] proposed a heuristically secure (t, l)-shared RSA scheme, and [FD92,DDFY] developed a provable (t, l)-threshold RSA. Recently, efficient and provably secure threshold RSA schemes were introduced in [FGMY,FGMY2].
Robustness and Resilience
We have so far ignored the aspect of what happens if a server cheats. That is, what happens if a sever does not follow the protocol and it engages in additional computation or communication. “Resilience” is a property describing the number of allowed compromised and misbehaving servers in a time period, which is a parameter called here t. An optimal t (“optimal resilience”) means that the total number of servers is l ≥ 2(t − 1) + 1. For this t, a majority of arbitrarily misbehaving servers can “control” the computation (even for a stationary adversary). In general, and when efficiency is ignored, general zero-knowledge proofs [GMR] serve as a major tool for assuring robustness as using the fact that every sentence in NP can be proven [GMW86], parties can prove that based on their state, the open history, and randomness which is hidden but committed to, they take the “correct step”. This is again, merely a plausibility result. Verifiable secret sharing provides one aspect of resilience. First introduced in [CGMA], verifiable secret sharing (VSS) are secret sharing schemes with protection mechanisms are incorporated to prevent the computation of the honest servers from receiving the shares of the valid shared key even when a dishonest dealer or dishonest severs are participating in the reconstruction phase. Efficiently robust threshold RSA were first developed by [FGY] for the general case and [GJKR2] for the safe prime case, whereas, robust threshold DSA was developed in [GJKR1]. The schemes in [FGMY,FGMY2] are robust as well.
Proactive Security
The notion of “proactive security” (against a mobile adversary) provides enhanced protection of memories of long-lived cryptographic keys that may be
Distributed Public Key Cryptosystems
distributed (i.e., protected by “space diffusion”). Proactive security adds protection by “time diffusion” as well. Namely, given a distributed function via threshold cryptography (function sharing) as described above, it adds a periodic refreshing of the contents of the distributed servers’ memories. This refreshing is a “t-wise re-randomization” of the local servers’ values in a way that preserves the global key, but makes previous contents of any set of less than t out of the l servers “useless”. This renders useless the knowledge of the mobile adversary (e.g.,: hackers, viruses, bad administrators, etc.) obtained in the past from compromising less than the allowed t servers, and gives the system a self-securing nature. The notion of a mobile adversary was first introduced by [OY], they presented the paradigm of re-randomization of state (periodic update of memories), the efficient proactive secret sharing, and the inefficient secure distributed compiler (as a plausibility result). A number of very useful cryptographic mechanisms have been efficiently “proactivized”, such as pseudorandom number generation, verifiable secret sharing, and maintaining authenticated links in a network [OY,CH,HJKY,CHH97]. Proactive public-key schemes for keys with publicly known key-domain (essentially, those based on the discrete logarithm problem over groups of known order which are suitable for threshold schemes for discrete log based systems [DF89,GJKR1]) were proactivized first in [HJJKY]. Proactive RSA was first solved in [FGMY] based on [AGY] but it was not optimal resilience. Recently, [FGMY2] developed the first optimal resilience proactive public key cryptosystem. Though it is based on [DF91], it is provably secure. The system can be made non-interactive during the signing phase, if each pair of shareholders jointly share a pseudorandom function [FY98]. [HJJKY,FGMY,FGMY2] extend the notion of threshold cryptosystems by incorporating mechanisms to protect against a mobile adversary. In [FMY98a] based on [FGMY] protection against an adaptive adversary, one which is able to decide each of its actions such as which participant to corrupt based on its entire history of the protocol to that point. Proving security of cryptographic protocols against adaptive adversaries is a fundamental problem in cryptography.
Secure Key Generation
Another important step regarding “distributed cryptographic functions” is the (efficient) distributed generation of the function (the key shares). For cryptographic functions based on modular exponentiation over a field (whose inverse is the discrete logarithm which is assumed to be a one-way function), a protocol for the distributed generating keys was known for quite a while [P91b]. However, for the RSA function, which requires the generation of a product of two primes and an inverse of a public exponent, this step was an open problem for many years. Note that Yao’s central motivation [Y86] in introducing general compiler protocols that “compute circuits securely in communication” was the issue of distributed generation of RSA keys. Indeed the results of [Y86,GMW86] show the plausibility of this task.
Yair Frankel and Moti Yung
Early in the development of threshold cryptosystems, techniques in the organization’s servers could jointly generate the organization’s public key was developed by [P91b] for discrete log based systems. A major step forward was recently achieved by Boneh and Franklin [BF] who showed how a set of participants can actually generate an RSA function efficiently (detouring the inefficient compiler, i.e. the communication is independent of the circuit size of the primality test and the multiplication circuits). They developed many important new protocol techniques, and showed that their protocol was secure in the limited model of “trusted but curious” parties. They left open the issue of robustness, i.e., generation in the presence of misbehaving (malicious) parties (whereas Boneh-Franklin protocol may be prevented from ever generating a shared RSA key by such behavior) Recently, robust efficient distributed RSA key generation was developed in [FMY98b]
Using Secure Hardware for Sharing
In distributed high-security systems, the integration of hardware is expected. A technique for using tamper proof hardware which has the same communication model as threshold cryptography was developed in [FY96]. Each server is provided with a hardware device with the secret key and, moreover, each device i jointly shares with device j a random element from a pseudorandom function family PRFi,j = PRFj,i with another unit. The devices use PRFi,j (α) to randomize the output to achieve non-interactive threshold cryptosystems for essentially any cryptographic function based on the security of the hardware device and the pseudo-random function. Similarly, in a function sharing architecture components can use jointly shared PRFi,j to transform the interactive signing to non-interactive signing (i.e., convert [FGMY2] to non-interactive signing). We have developed a method to perform this which has many system level advantages [FY98].
Applications and Implementations
There have been several implemented and proposed applications for distributed public key cryptography. Certification authorities in a public key infrastructure provide the trust mechanism through signature generation to create certificates. Since the whole public key infrastructure is based on the security of the Certification Authority, distributed trust mechanism are often used. The RSA Certificate Issuing System uses a tamper-proof hardware device in which a quorum of shareholders must enter their shares to activate the device. Recently, Mastercard/Visa SET root key certification system was implemented as a 3 out of 5 RSA threshold signature scheme. Key escrow systems enable a “trusted party” to act as a third party which can decrypt encrypted messages without assistance from the intended receiver. They are useful in law enforcement as well as key recovery when a key is lost
Distributed Public Key Cryptosystems
or unavailable (i.e., employee on vacation or sick). Micali [M] suggested the use of distributed public key cryptography to implement law enforcement based key escrow through the use of verifiable secret sharing and threshold cryptosystems. More simple explicit dual control cryptography (a threshold of officers’ signatures out of a given set) has also been implemented for security officers in commercial systems.
Other Distributed Tasks and Protocols
Many cryptographic protocols are distributed or naturally lead to a distribution of a function (for enhancing its properties). Application protocols like voting, e-cash, anonymity provision, etc. use multiple distributed entities. An early example how “distributization” of a party in a protocol can help, is in the area of voting/ election [CF85], where [BeYu] considered distributed tallying officials rather than a centralized tallying function.
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