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For data collecting and processing, ICT toolkits, such as: laptop and notebook, ..... The school also provides them with school uniform if they are unable to buy it.
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Impact of education on sex workers and their children: case studies from Bangladesh Book Chapter How to cite: Shohel, M. Mahruf C.; Ashrafuzzaman, Md.; Nazmi, Sheikh Nishat; Das, Arup Ratan; Babu, Rasel; Mubarak, Muhammad Foysal and Al-Mamun, Md. Abdullah (2012). Impact of education on sex workers and their children: case studies from Bangladesh. In: Sabet, Daniel M.; Rahman, Tawhidur and Ahmad, Sate eds. Sex Workers and Their Children in Bangladesh: Addressing Risks and Vulnerabilities. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Center for Sustainable Development, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh, pp. 154–180. For guidance on citations see FAQs.

c 2012 University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh and ActionAid Bangladesh

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