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Oct 29, 2009 ... Designed by Chris Gatmaitan. 6th. Annual Gala. Dinner. C. O. L ... member of the American Federation of Teachers Program and Policy.
Designed by Chris Gatmaitan Designed by Chris Gatmaitan









6th Annual Gala Dinner EG







Sponsored by: The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation

Thursday, October 29, 2009 Reception: 5:30 p.m. Dinner: 6:30 p.m. Oakland Marriott, City Center 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Honorary Committee Senator Dianne Feinstein

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Assemblyman Sandré Swanson Honorable Willie Brown, Jr.

Beverly J. Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda Robert Lieber, Mayor, City of Albany Tom Bates, Mayor, City of Berkeley

Ronald Dellums, Mayor, City of Oakland Abe Friedman, Mayor of Piedmont

Dr. Mark Yudof, President, University of California

Dr. Mohammad H. Qayoumi, President, California State University, East Bay Dr. Rosemary Nassif, President, Holy Names University Dr. Janet Holmgren, President, Mills College

Dr. Gary Moncher, President, Patten University Dr. Betty Inclan President, Berkeley City College

Dr. George Herring, President, College of Alameda Dr. Frank Chong, President, Laney College

Dr. Robert Adams, President, Merritt College

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Keynote Speaker Willie Lewis Brown, Jr. Willie Lewis Brown, Jr. Two-term Mayor of San Francisco, legendary Speaker of the California State Assembly, and widely regarded as the most influential African-American politician of the late twentieth century, Willie L. Brown, Jr., has been at the center of California politics, government, and civic life for an astonishing four decades. His career spans the American Presidency from Lyndon Johnson to George W. Bush, and he’s worked with every California Governor from Pat Brown to Arnold Schwarzenegger. From civil rights to education reform, tax policy, economic development, health care, international trade, domestic partnerships, and affirmative action, he’s left his imprimatur on every aspect of politics and public policy in the Golden State. As Mayor of California’s most cosmopolitan city, he refurbished and rebuilt the nation’s busiest transit system, pioneered the use of bond measures to build affordable housing, created a model juvenile justice system, and paved the way for a second campus of the University of California, San Francisco, to serve as the anchor of a new development that will position the City as a center for the burgeoning field of biotechnology. Today, he heads the Willie L. Brown, Jr., Institute on Politics and Public Service, where this acknowledged master of the art of politics shares his knowledge and skills with a new generation of California leaders.

Keynote Speaker Martin Hittelman Martin Hittelman is the president of the California Federation of Teachers, a vice president of the California Federation of Labor and a member of the American Federation of Teachers Program and Policy Council. Prior to becoming president of the CFT he served as the president of the Community College Council of CFT, the Senior Vice President of CFT, and as a professor of Mathematics at Los Angeles Valley College. . Hittelman has a BA in mathematics from San Francisco State College and a MA in mathematics from the University of Illinois. He has also attended UC Berkeley, Cal State Los Angeles, UCLA, and Los Angeles City College. He began his teaching career teaching mathematics at Grant High School in Los Angeles in 1964.


Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Dinner Sponsors


The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation Chevron Energy Solutions WLC Architects, Inc.


Akerman Senterfit Bovis Lend Lease Ciber Diana Bell East West Bank Flying A Gilbane Building Company Gould Evans Brookwood Institute for Community Leadership Jones Hall, A Professional Corporation Kaiser Permanente Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Center MVE Institutional Architects Neuberger Berman Nor Cal Swap Meets, Inc. Openwave Computing, LLC Stone & Youngberg Swinerton Management & Consulting The Consulting Group

Under $2,500

1701 Associates, Inc. AEKO Consulting Alton Jelks Anthony Ogbeide Associates Dr. Betty Inclan Brenda Johnson Cathy Jackson Dr. Collins A. Mbanugo Computer Land of Silicon Valley Coresourse Davillier-Sloan Debbie Budd Dr. Donald Moore EBMUD – Bill Patterson Dr. Frank Chong Franklin Young Dr. George Herring George Salas Dr. Jim Bracy Jose Duenas Krista Johns Libert Cassidy Whitmore LPA Architects May Chen Nancy Koo Noll & Tam NorCal Waste Systems, Inc. – Gary Foss Paul Kuroda Perkins + Will Peralta Federation of Teachers Powell & Partners PSW Benefits - Peter Wantuch Dr. Robert Adams Roxanne Epstein Stubbs & Leone Terry Tricomi Dr. Wise Allen



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Bill Withrow, President, Board of Trustees Peralta Community College District


Karen Friedman, President Peralta Colleges Foundation Jose Guzman 2008-2009 Chancellor’s Trophy Recipient

INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER Elihu M. Harris, Chancellor Peralta Community College District

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. Mr. Marty Hittelman President, California Federation of Teachers


Dr. Betty Inclan, President, Berkeley City College Dr. George Herring, President, College of Alameda Dr. Frank Chong, President, Laney College Dr. Robert Adams, President, Merritt College

VICE CHANCELLOR’S AWARDS General Services Educational Services


Elihu M. Harris, Chancellor Peralta Community College District CLOSE


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Presentation of Awards BERKELEY CITY COLLEGE

Ayele Lemma - Outstanding Classified Employee Joan Berezin - Outstanding Instructor

COLLEGE OF ALAMEDA Denise Maffett - Outstanding Classified Employee Scott Albright - Outstanding Instructor

LANEY COLLEGE Chi Au - Outstanding Classified Employee Nick Kyriakopedi - Outstanding Instructor

MERRITT COLLEGE Patricia Rom - Outstanding Classified Employee Siri Brown - Outstanding Instructor

VICE CHANCELLOR’S AWARDS Rosemary Vazquez - Outstanding Classified Employee Department of General Services Ann Childress - Outstanding Classified Employee Educational Services

CHANCELLOR’S AWARDS Outstanding Classified Leadership (TBA) Outstanding Management Leadership (TBA)


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is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.


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The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation is proud

to sponsor the

Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.


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is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.


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is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. Stone & Youngberg is a proud sponsor of the Peralta College Foundation.

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is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. -9-

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Akerman Salutes the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

FT. LAUDERDALE • JACKSONVILLE • LOS ANGELES • MADISON • MIAMI • NEW YORK •ORLANDO • TALLAHASSEE • TAMPA • TYSONS CORNER • WASHINGTON, D.C. • WEST PALM BEACH ©2008 Akerman Senterfitt. All rights reserved. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, please ask us for information. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcome.

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Diana Bell, Peralta Colleges’ Foundation Director, is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. - 10 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

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On the parking lot of Laney College Sundays 8am to 5pm For information call (510) 769-7266

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. - 12 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

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Flying A is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

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is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

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Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. - 16 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. - 17 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

PSW Benefits is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation.

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. Norcal Waste Services of Alameda County

is proud to sponsor the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation. - 18 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

The Peralta Community College District’s Board of Trustees and the Peralta Foundation’s Board of Directors would like to thank you all for making our 6th Annual Gala Dinner a huge success. Your ongoing support of our students is very much appreciated. - 19 -

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Providing Scholarships to the students of the Peralta Community College District

Berkeley City College

Laney College

College of Alameda

Merritt College

Paul Kuroda HeartfeltStills ProHD Video

510 290 1722 [email protected]

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Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

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Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Peralta Colleges’ Foundation 2008-2009 Scholarships/Awards Recipients

Wai Hing Lau Jennie Vannavong Audrey Smith Christine Driehans Dajana Pantelic Damon Rowden Deaydra Ross Elizabeth Fuentes Joel Few Kimberly Sailors Lashanda Wells Rommel Quiambao Tianna Hodgson Tiffany Hariston Melinda Masilang Howard Yim Dalvin Butler Youhong Feng Matt Nelson Anthony Wong College of Alameda Laney College Merritt College Berkeley City College College of Alameda Laney College Merritt College Berkeley City College Tenzin Seldon Keunyon Kim Leonardo Martinez Rosalinda Jackson Christian Mariscal Rosa Coleman Dimitriy Lizen Yajuan Hou College of Alameda Laney College Merritt College Berkeley City College Claudia Marenco Paula Torres Galindo Maritza Torres Keunyon Kim Osmary Hernandez Habtom Kaffl

Oakland Rotary Club Laney College Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Bernard Osher Allied Health Allied Health Laney Swap Meets Alameda Bus. Professionals Ozzie Day Ozzie Day Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Cards Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Scholarship Follett Book Store Book Grants Follett Book Store Book Grants Follett Book Store Book Grants Follett Book Store Book Grants Rosengarten-Horowitz Peralta Retirees Peralta Retirees Peralta Retirees Peralta Retirees Carter Gilmore

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$200.00 $500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $150.00 $150.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,700.00 $3,800.00 $2,100.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $3,700.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,832.00 $4,234.00 $2,238.00 $1,696.00 $1,224.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Seung Yeop Lee Henry Nomura Yu En (Kumi) Xiao Henry Nomura Xiali Liang Henry Nomura Sharon Johnson Henry Fort Keunyon Kim Henry Fort Ellott Callahan Henry Fort Kelly English Henry Fort Iek Teng Wanda Garcia Ahmed Akabar Wanda Garcia Frewine Gugsa Wanda Garcia Tobey Colston Wanda Garcia Christopher Ategeka Wanda Garcia Evelyn Anegbe Wanda Garcia Sonia Askew Doddie Gifford Abigail Brewer Doddie Gifford Marlene Hurd Gifford Labor Studies Yanna Chen C. Lasley Field Leandra Jackson Marion Tadlock Michelle Etherton Marion Tadlock Valerie Tate Torri Minton Madrid Sara Ruth Bittman Jose Guzman Ruth Bittman Cammeo Woods Ruth Bittman Janki Jarwala Ruth Bittman Khan Duong Daniel Gilbert Tuyen Huynh Daniel Gilbert Thomas Truong Daniel Gilbert Frank Le Daniel Gilbert Eric Ton Daniel Gilbert Kelee Boult Daniel Gilbert Melvin Madden Daniel Gilbert Kevin Fredrick Daniel Gilbert Kyle Murakoshi Daniel Gilbert Adam Leate Daniel Gilbert Joshua Nutter Daniel Gilbert Melvin Madden Daniel Gilbert Vivek Shresta Daniel Gilbert Cesar Jijon Daniel Gilbert Rosa Coleman Lawrence Chin Memorial Mary Arndt Ormond Classified Employee of the Year Javier Lopez Ormond Classified Employee of the Year Lawrence Chan Ormond Classified Employee of the Year Alberta Jackson Ormond Classified Employee of the Year Shawn Foster Ormond Classified Employee of the Year Milton Shimabukuro Ken Harvey (books for Laney students) Su Zhan Cai John & Deborah Tunis Nathan Johnson John & Ana Los Diana Lara John & Ana Los Alain Kitoko Odell Johnson Pascal Mangi Odell Johnson

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$150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $450.00 $450.00 $500.00 $250.00 $400.00 $200.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $43.00 $500.00 $450.00 $450.00 $500.00 $400.00

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

Marlene Hurd Jose Guzman Qian Su Jiajia Jing Sione Manoa Fem Osibin Jie Ling Fang Brenden Maher Jose Guzman Mali Yancey Watkins Barbatunde Harrison Angela Braithwaite Melissa Oswald Jnell Gray Doris Kogo Carmen Fairley Eddie Loreto Isela Santana June Harding Michelle Cheli Fossum Phu Le Robert Fleming Shawn Foster Cleavon Smith Wyman Fong

Laney Faculty Laney Faculty Laney Faculty Faculty Senate Laney EOPS Laney EOPS Laney EOPS COA Faculty & Staff Chancellors Trophy Chancellors Trophy Chancellors Trophy Chancellors Trophy Kaiser Kaiser Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award Uncommitted-Employee Award GRAND TOTAL

$500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $200.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $118,767.00

2008-2009 Funding Requests

Kriska Villanueva Ron Jones for Laney Symposium Sheila Baldwin Matthew Silverberg - Conference Fees for BCC students Danny Nguyen for Study Abroad Program Ruben Scott Robin McClenton Mildred Lewis for Laney students Loretta Hernandez for Puente Program Khue Bui Marlene Hurd Sharon Coleman Burt Dragin for Good News Magazine Sandra McGee for Laney EOPS Catherine Crystal for Laney students Lawrence Van Hook Patti Taucher for Seed Up Project William Hanson for Gateway College Jennifer Seibert for Dist. Employees

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Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Grand Total

$594 $1,000 $204 $1,000 $500 $700 $500 $500 $1,000 $300 $300 $1,200 $1,200 $1,500 $240 $2,000 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $19,238.00

Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

2010 Annual Peralta Colleges’ Foundation Golf Tournament Proceeds Benefit the Peralta Colleges’ Foundation

7th Annual Peralta Golf Tournament Save The Date - Friday, May 7, 2010

• Be a sponsor • Reserve your team participation now!

Please contact Socorro Taylor at (510) 466-7206 or Suzanne Kunkel at (510) 587-7855 for more information.


Visit Our Website: or call (510) 835-2731

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Designed by Chris Gatmaitan

PERALTA COLLEGES’ FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers: Karen Friedman, President Michael Mills, Vice President Elihu M. Harris, Executive Secretary Mark Lindquist, Treasurer Directors: Diana Bell Alona Clifton Joseph Echelberry Gary Foss Cy Gulassa Robert Harris Dr. William Patterson Dr. William Riley Heather Tunis PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Officers: Bill Withrow, President Abel Guillén, Vice President Trustees: Cy Gulassa Linda Handy Marcie Hodge Dr. William Riley Nicky González-Yuen Yvonne Thompson, Student Trustee Rita Mouton-Patterson, Student Trustee Elihu M. Harris, Chancellor FOUNDATION STAFF Alton Jelks Socorro Taylor Suzanne Kunkel DINNER COMMITTEE Suzanne Cancilla-Fox • Anne Childress • Roxanne Epstein • Carmen Fairley • Diana Fitzgerald • Karen Friedman Linda Garcia • Christopher Gatmaitan • Jeffrey Heyman • Becky Hsieh • Fang Huang • Sadiq Ikharo • Alton Jelks Lakshmi Kerner • Herbert Kitchen • Nancy Koo • Suzanne Kunkel • Pam Price • Earvin Robinson • Jennifer Seibert Tom Smith • Socorro Taylor • Rosemary Vazquez • Lisa Watkins-Tanner • Rona Young