«Trade House «Lakmar» Ltd. was established in 2004. Our main business is the
import and export of high quality products and chemical raw materials that meet ...
«Trade House «Lakmar» Ltd. was established in 2004. Our main business is the import and export of high quality products and chemical raw materials that meet international standards and requirements of today’s market in the segment of silicone, vinylester and epoxy products. All materials exported by our company to the European Union, have been pre-registered under Regulation REACH. Today, the range of products sold by Trade House «Lakmar» is about 300 items, including silicone enamels, silicone, heat-resistant and insulating varnishes, epoxy, waterprooing liquids, emulsions, silicone liquids, and more. We are trusted by such companies as Knauf, Bayer, Wacker, Piccadilly, OMYA, Atul, JSC «Motor Sich», NNEGC «Energoatom», «Kievgorstroy», PJSC «ZAZ», PJSC «Trade Alliance Nord», Corporation «Volma» , the corporation «TekhnoNIKOL» and many others. «Trade House «Lakmar» Ltd. is an exclusive representative of such companies as: 1. «Korona-2000» Ltd. (Ukraine). 2. OJSC «SILAN», Chemical plant in Dankov (Russia). 3. Hungarian Silicones (Hungary).
7400, Ukraine, Кiev region, Brovary, 12 Zheleznodorozhnaya str. Тel./Fax: +38 (044) 599-26-47 Тel.:
+38 (044) 222-56-94 +38 (044) 599-26-64
[email protected] 69009, Ukraine Zaporozhye, 5 Teplichnaya str. Tel/fax: +38(061) 222-09-73 Tel: +38 (061) 289-84-74 e-mail:
[email protected]
«VINYLPLAST» OF THE BRAND «VINYLSKAT» ............................................................................6 VINYLESTER COMPOSITE MATERIALS «VINYLPLAST» OF THE BRAND «ANTIC» .....................................................................................8 VINYLESTER COMPOSITE MATERIALS «VINYLPLAST» OF THE BRAND «ARMOPROK».........................................................................................................10
VARNISH KO-915B ..............................................................................................................................12
VARNISH KO-916A ..............................................................................................................................13 VARNISH KO-916K ..............................................................................................................................13 VARNISH KO-921 .................................................................................................................................14 VARNISH KO-922 .................................................................................................................................15 VARNISH KO-923 .................................................................................................................................16 VARNISH KO-978 .................................................................................................................................16 VARNISH KO-991-4 .............................................................................................................................17 VARNISH KO-916 .................................................................................................................................18
VARNISH КО-075 .................................................................................................................................19
VARNISH КО-85 ...................................................................................................................................20 VARNISH КО-815 .................................................................................................................................21
LIQUID PMS-5-1000 ...........................................................................................................................22
LIQUID 136-157 М ..............................................................................................................................23 «AQUAPROK-1» STANDARD .............................................................................................................24 «AQUAPROK-1» CONCENTRATE ....................................................................................................26 «AQUAPROK-1» SUPER CONCENTRATE ......................................................................................27 LIQUID GKZH-11K; GKZH-11N .......................................................................................................29
EMULSION SE-50/12 ..........................................................................................................................31 EMULSION ME-50/42 ........................................................................................................................32 EMULSION MSE-50/43 ......................................................................................................................33 EMULSION KE10-01 ...........................................................................................................................34 EMULSION GKE 50-94M ...................................................................................................................35
ETHYLSILICATE 40 ...............................................................................................................................37 BINDER KP-1 .........................................................................................................................................38 AQUAPROK-3 .......................................................................................................................................39
RESIN ED-16 ..........................................................................................................................................40 RESIN ED-20 ..........................................................................................................................................41
CONTENTS RESIN E-40 .............................................................................................................................................41
ENAMEL EP-5K .....................................................................................................................................42 ENAMEL EP-525К ................................................................................................................................43 ENAMEL EP-574К ................................................................................................................................44 ENAMEL EP-5123К ..............................................................................................................................46 ENAMEL «АQUАКОR-5» ....................................................................................................................47 FILLER EP-0010К ..................................................................................................................................48 COMPOSITION «EKOPOL» ................................................................................................................50
COMPOSITION «POLYPOL» ..............................................................................................................51 EXTERIOR ENAMEL KO-168K ..........................................................................................................53
HEAT-RESISTANT ENAMEL KO-811К .............................................................................................55 HEAT-RESISTANT ENAMEL KO-813 ...............................................................................................56 HEAT-RESISTANT ENAMEL KO-814 ...............................................................................................57 HEAT-RESISTANT ENAMEL KO- 828К ............................................................................................57 ENAMEL КО–5102K ............................................................................................................................58 PRIMER GF-0119 .................................................................................................................................61
PRIMER GF-021 ....................................................................................................................................62
ENAMEL PF-101К ................................................................................................................................63 ENAMEL PF-115К ................................................................................................................................64 MASTIC IZOLON ..................................................................................................................................66
MASTIC ZHKMA ...................................................................................................................................67
MASTIC ZHKMG ...................................................................................................................................68 RUBBER SKTN ......................................................................................................................................69 PAINT WD-AK-111 ...............................................................................................................................70
PAINT WD-KCH-183 ............................................................................................................................71
POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE ..................................................................................................................73
METHYL SILICA GEL ...........................................................................................................................75
Anti-abrasive, anti-wear and corrosion-resistant coating based on vinylester resin.
«Vinylplast» is designed for corrosion prevention of equipment (water treatment systems, capacitive equipment and others), constructions and installations including luid- and sulphur-reinement and for production of coatings operated in aggressive environments.
Coatings are resistant to inluence of:
• high temperature (up to 230 ºС); • inorganic acid (sulfuric acid, sulfurous acid, hydrochloric acid, hydro luoric acid and others); • alkali; • desalinated water, service water, ionized or sea water; • combustion gases (from combustion of coal, fuel oil, sulfur-containing compounds); • sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide; hydrogen chloride. After polymerization it is formed a durable coating of high density with high corrosion resistance and solidity. The material «Vinylplast» is used for internal and external protection of tanks, cooling stacks, pipings, valves, neutralization tanks, boxes for batteries and capacitors, systems for water processing, fan shrouds, lining the basements, ionexchange ilters of sulphur-cleaning machines (gas lues), metal pipes, scrubbers, absorbers, etc.
Name of parameter and unit of measure Density,
Standard 1,2 – 1,5
Adhesive strength, MPa
at least 7
Strength at impact, сm
at least 60
Bending strength, МPа
Ultimate tensile strength, MPa
Resistance to abrasion (wear), micron
Resistance to liquid corrosive media at temperature (50±5)ºС, h
at least 10
Heat resistance, ºС
at least 250
Green and grey of various shades. Preparation of metal surface: • clean by sand-blasting method (degree of puriication of the metal surface must be no lower than second in accordance with state standard GOST 9.402-80, or not lower than St 3 or Sa 2,5 according to ISO 8501-01). If before coating passed more than 6 hours after surface preparation, the treatment must be repeated; • degrease with organic solvents.
Physical and mechanical parameters
Colour Surface preparation:
Preparation of concrete surface: • clean thoroughly and if necessary smooth out the surface (cracks, holes, roughness) with appropriate concrete repair mortar or building mortar, prepared on basis of the material «Vinylplast» of the mark «Vinylskat». The prepared surface should be smooth, even, without grease, moisture content of the concrete in the surface layer into depth to 20 mm should be no more than 4%. Roughness class is at least 3R. It consists of primer coat and protective composition. The primer coat «Vinylplast» consists of half-inished products (suspension of pigments and illers in the resin solution with the functional additives) and hardener (organic peroxide).
Composition of protective system of coatings
The «Vinylplast» composition of mark «Vinylskat» consists of half-inished product (a suspension of pigments and illers in the resin solution with the functional additives, illed with glass scales of special type) and a hardener − organic peroxide. • introduce the hardener in a half-inished product immediately before use in the ratio of 2,5-3,0 parts of hardener by weight (depending on ambient temperature) to 100 parts of basis by weight, or according to instructions in the passport; • mix thoroughly for 3-5 minutes since preparation; • use within 10 minutes after preparation.
Primer coat preparation:
• introduce the hardener in a half-inished product immediately before use in the ratio of 1,5-3,0 parts of hardener by weight (depending on ambient temperature) to 100 parts of basis by weight, or according to instructions in the passport; • mix thoroughly for 3-5 minutes since preparation; • use within 10 minutes after preparation.
Preparation of composite protective composition:
Minimal temperature of environment, working compositions and protected surface at performance of works should be higher than dew point by 3 °C, but not lower than 10 °C and not higher than 35 °C. The relative humidity should not be higher than 70%.
Coating conditions
• apply the primer using paint brush, roller or airless spray; • after 24 hours, apply the protective composition with a paint brush, roller, trowel or airless spray. Apply each subsequent layer not earlier than 24 hours after the previous application. The number of applied layers varies from 2 to 6, depending on operating conditions and the required service life; • after 24 hours apply 1-2 sealing layers using the paint brush, roller, trowel or airless spray. Apply each subsequent layer not earlier than 24 hours after the previous application.
Material consumption:
• primer − from 0,17 kg/m2; • protective composition − from 0,36 kg/m2 for one layer; • protective composition for sealing layer − from 0,26 kg/m2 for one layer;
Safety information
The coating in cured state is non-toxic and ireproof. Shelf life: 6 months. TU U 24.3-33444644-002:2006 amendment 1.
Protective systems consisting of a binder based on vinylester with inorganic illers.
For protection of equipment, metal and concrete structures and build-ings that are subject to atmospheric corrosion in combination with exposure to aggressive media.
Resistance of the coating:
Coatings are resistant to mechanical shock and vibration exposure, UV radiation, abrasion, as well as to the inluence of: • inorganic acids and alkalis: • water − desalinated, technical, ionized, sea: • oxides (gases) − sulfur, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, carbon dioxide, oxides of phosphorus; • Petroleum products − gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, petroleum, mineral oils.
Physical and mechanical parameters
Name of parameter and unit of measure
1,0 – 1,3
Adhesive strength, MPa
at least 5
Strength at impact, сm
at least 50
Bending strength, МPа
at least 40
Ultimate tensile strength, MPa
at least 20
Resistance to abrasion (wear), micron
Resistance to liquid corrosive media at temperature (50±5)ºС, h
at least 10
Heat resistance, ºС
at least 70
Green, brown. Preparation of metal surface: • clean by sand-blasting method (degree of puriication of the metal surface must be not lower than second in accordance with state standardGOST 9.402-80, or not lower than St 3 or Sa 2,5 according to ISO 8501-01). If before coating passed more than 6 hours after surface preparation, the treatment must be repeated; • degrease with organic solvents.
Colour Surface preparation:
Preparation of concrete surface: • clean thoroughly and if necessary smooth out the surface (cracks, holes, roughness) with appropriate building mortar. The prepared surface should be smooth, even, without grease, moisture content of the concrete in the surface layer into depth to 20 mm should be no more than 4%. Roughness class is at least 3R. It consists of primer coat and protective composition. The «Vinylplast» primer consists of half-inished product (a suspension of pigments and illers in the resin solution with the functional additives) and a hardener − organic peroxide).
Composition of protective system of coatings
The material «Vinylplast» of brand «Аntic» is a suspension of pigments, illers in the solution of resin with functional additives. • introduce the hardener in a half-inished product immediately before use in the ratio of 2.5-3.0 parts of hardener by weight (depending on ambient temperature) to 100 parts of basis by weight, or according to instructions in the passport; • mix thoroughly for 3-5 minutes since preparation; • use within 10 minutes after preparation. Supplied ready for use.
Primer coat preparation:
Preparation of protective composition
Minimal temperature of environment, working compositions and protected surface at performance of works should be higher than dew point by 3 °C, but not lower than 10 °C and not higher than 35 °C. The relative humidity should not be higher than 70%.
Coating conditions
• apply 1-2 layers of the primer using paint brush, roller or airless spray; • after 24 hours, apply the protective composition with a paint brush, roller, trowel or airless spray. Apply each subsequent layer not earlier than 24 hours after the previous application. The number of applied layers varies from 2 to 4, depending on operating conditions and the required service life.
• primer − from 0,17 kg/m2; • protective composition − from 0,25 kg/m2 for one layer. The coating in cured state is non-toxic and ireproof.
Material consumption:
Safety information
Shelf life: 6 months. ТU U 24.3-33444644-002:2006 amendment 1.
Internal laminated protective coatings and insulation of stationary metal tanks for storing petroleum products
For protection against corrosion of metal and concrete structures (tanks, reservoirs, pipelines, appliances, walls and loors) as a reinforced protective isolation. For internal reinforced protective insulation of the bottom and irst zone instead of replacement of destroyed metal tank bottom with new metal bottom, also for reinforcement of metal bottoms, that have come unusable due to corrosion thinning. For corrosion protection, and strengthening the walls of the equipment, main and technological pipelines, including working under pressure, as a composite reinforcing ties.
Coatings are resistant to inluence of:
• dilute and concentrated mineral acids (hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, formic, acetic, etc.); • dilute and concentrated alkalis; • salts and their solutions (sulfates, nitrates, chlorides, hypochlorites, etc.); • desalinated, technical, ionized, sea water; • petroleum and petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, fuel oil); • organic solvents − (alcohols, xylene, etc.). After polymerization, it is formed a durable coating of high density with high corrosion resistance and durability.
Physical and mechanical parameters
Name of parameter and unit of measure Density,
Standard 1,2 – 1,7
Adhesive strength, MPa
at least 6
Strength at impact, сm
at least 80
Bending strength, МPа
at least 190
Ultimate tensile strength, MPa
at least 73
Resistance to abrasion (wear), micron
no more 42
Resistance to liquid corrosive media at temperature (50±5)ºС, h
at least 10
Heat resistance, ºС
at least 110
Green, brown, grey.
Surface preparation:
Preparation of metal surface: • clean by sand-blasting method (degree of puriication of the metal surface must be not lower than second in accordance with state standard GOST 9.402-80, or not lower than St 3 or Sa 2,5 according to ISO 8501-01). If before coating passed more than 6 hours after surface preparation, the treatment must be repeated; • degrease with organic solvents.
Preparation of concrete surface: • clean thoroughly and if necessary smooth out the surface (cracks, holes, roughness) with appropriate building mortar. The prepared surface should be smooth, even, without grease, moisture content of the concrete in the surface layer into depth to 20 mm should be no more than 4%. Roughness class is atleast 3R. It consists of primer coat and protective composition. The «Vinylplast» primer consists of half-inished product (a suspension of pigments and illers in the resin solution with the functional additives) and a hardener – organic peroxide.
Composition of protective system of coatings
The composition «Vinylplast» of the brand «Armoprok» consists of half-inished product (a suspension of pigments and illers in the resin solution with the functional additives) and a hardener − organic peroxide. • introduce the hardener in a half-inished product immediately before use in the ratio of 2.5-3.0 parts of hardener by weight (depending on ambient temperature) to 100 parts of basis by weight, or according to instructions in the passport; • mix thoroughly for 3-5 minutes since preparation; • use within 10 minutes after preparation.
Primer coat preparation:
• introduce the hardener in a half-inished product immediately before use in the Preparation of protective composition: ratio of 1.5-3.0 parts of hardener by weight (depending on ambient temperature) to 100 parts of basis by weight, or according to instructions in the passport; • mix thoroughly for 3-5 minutes since preparation; • use within 10 minutes after preparation. Minimal temperature of environment, working compositions and protected surface at performance of works should be higher than dew point by 3 °C, but not lower than 10 °C and not higher than 35 °C. The relative humidity should not be higher than 70%.
Coating conditions
• apply the primer using paint brush, roller or airless spray; • after 24 hours repair the surface - ill in defects (sinks, cracks) with repair mortar, prepared on the basis of the material «Vinilplast» of the brand «Armoprok»; • after 24 hours apply the system of protective laminate consisting of sequentially stacked on the material «Vinylplast» brand «Armoprok» 2 layers of glass iber and a second layer of glass veil. Apply each subsequent layer not earlier than 24 hours after the previous application: • after 24 hours apply 1-2 sealing layers of «Vinylplast» of the brand «Armoprok» protective composition using paint brush, roller, trowel or airless spray. Apply each subsequent layer not earlier than 24 hours after the previous application.
• primer − from 0,17 kg/m2; • protective composition for gluing glass materials − from 1,06 kg/m2 per one layer; • protective composition for sealing layer − from 0,26 kg/m2 per one layer.
Material consumption:
The coating in cured state is non-toxic and ireproof.
Safety information
Shelf life: 6 months. ТU U 24.3-33444644-002:2006 amendment 1.
VARNISH KO-915B Features
Solution of polyether resin-modiied organopolysiloxane resin in toluene.
• KO-915B shows good heat resistance, high dielectric characteristics, good adhesive and insulating capacity. • KO-915B serves for preparation of heat- and humid- resistant electric insulating materials which are used in manufacture of class H electrical machines and apparatus. • KO-915B is also used in the manufacture of glass fabrics, glass iber- insulated wires, insulating enamels.
Physical and chemical properties
Weight of non-volatiles, %
65 ± 2
Viscosity, s
15 - 40
Dryout time, 3rd degree, (200±5)ºC, mins, max.
35 - 75 150
Thermo elasticity (200±3) ºC, hrs, min.
30 - 70
Viscosity by viscometer VZ-246, oriice ø 4mm, s
Test conditions
Dielectric properties
Volume resistivity, Ω•m, min. Dielectric strength, MW/m, min.
Health and safety information