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This course is aimed to provide a thorough basic knowledge in physics at the under graduate .... H C Verma- Concepts of physics Tata McGraw Hill 2005. 9.
PHYSICS (UG) Course Objectives This course is aimed to provide a thorough basic knowledge in physics at the under graduate level. Apart from the general topics in physics, many of the new topics included in the syllabus keeps the students abreast with the latest developments taking place in the field. Also the experiments chosen for each practical paper are such that they bring out the concept of application of the theory in a practical situation. It also helps in creative thinking and selflearning. COURSE STRUCTURE I Semester Course Code PHY 131 PHY 151 II Semester Course Code PHY 231 PHY 251 III Semester Course Code PHY 331 PHY 351 IV Semester Course Code PHY 431 PHY 451 V Semester Course Code PHY 531 PHY 551 PHY 532

Title Mechanics and Fluid dynamics Physics Lab. I

Hrs/wk Marks Credit 4 100 3 2 50 1

Title Heat, Thermodynamics & Elasticity Physics Lab. II

Hrs/wk Marks Credit 4 100 3 2 50 1

Title Electricity and Magnetism Physics Lab. III

Hrs/wk Marks Credit 4 100 3 2 50 1

Title Oscillations, waves and Optics Physics Lab. IV

Hrs/wk Marks Credit 4 100 3 2 50 1

Title Electronics and Instrumentation Electronics Lab. Quantum mechanics, Atomic & Molecular Physics Modern Physics Lab. I

Hrs/wk 3 2 3

Marks 100 50 100

Credit 2 1 2




Hrs/wk 3 2

Marks 100 50

Credit 2 1

3 2

100 50

2 1

PHY 552 VI Semester Course Code Title PHY 631 Statistical Physics & Solid State Physics PHY 651 Modern Physics Lab. II PHY 632 Relativity, Astrophysics & Nuclear Physics PHY 652 Modern Physics Lab. III


ASSESSMENT PATTERN For each theory paper ESE– 100 marks –reduced to 50 marks


CIA1 – Mid semester exam – 2hrs duration – 50 marks CIA2 - Written quiz - 20 marks CIA3 - Group presentation/seminar – 20 marks Total 90 marks –reduced to 45 marks Attendance 05 marks --------------------Total 50 marks


---- 50 -------------------------Total 100 marks

Practicals End Semester Practical exam. – 3hrs – 50marks Mid-semester Practical exam. – 2hrs – 20 marks Class work - 20 marks Record -10 marks --------------Total 100 marks ---------------

Reduced to 50 marks

End Semester Exam Question paper pattern (Theory) Time – 3 hrs

Max marks – 100

Part A – Concept questions – 2 marks each – 5 out of 7 questions must be answered 2x5 = 10 marks Part B – 12 mark questions – 5 out of 8 questions must be answered. Mainly derivations, essay questions etc. Could contain parts (a) & (b). 12x5 = 60 marks Part C – Problems – 6 marks each – 5 out of 7 problems must be answered 6x5 = 30 marks -------------------------Total 100 marks



60 Hrs

Module I Review of vectors: Adding vectors geometrically, subtraction and multiplication of vectors, equality of vectors, Module Vector. 1Hr Kinematics of a particle: Velocity and acceleration-Motion in one dimension-constant acceleration-Projectile motion-motion along a curve-radial and transverse components-relative motion. 3 Hrs Particle Dynamics: Newton’s First law and the concept of force-Newton’s second law-Principle of superposition-Newton’s third law-Forces in nature-, Free-body diagrams-applications, tension in the string- Compound pendulum-period of oscillation-equivalent simple pendulum-show that the centre of oscillation and centre of suspension are interchangeable-determination of g with compound pendulum -Circular motion, Moving frame of reference, Rotating frame of referenceConsequences of rotating coordinate system- Foucault’s pendulum. 7 Hrs Gravitation: Newton’s law of gravitation, gravitational potential and field intensity due to spherical distribution of matter (solid sphere only). Derivation of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion from Newton’s laws (vector method), inertial and gravitational mass 4 Hrs Module II Conservation of energy: Work and kinetic energy-Work done on a spring-Work done by the gravitational field-Power-Conservative and non-conservative forces-Potential energy-calculation of potential energy in a few simple cases-Force and potential energy-Energy diagrams and stability-Conservation of energy- Applications- time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum 7 Hrs Conservation of momentum: Definition of center of mass-determination of the center of massCentre of mass and center of gravity-Conservation of linear momentum-System of variable mass-Conservation of momentum in rocket propulsion and jet plane-Examples of increasing mass system-Motion of chains-Impulse and collision-Collision and energy conservation-Elastic collision-Inelastic collision-The center of mass reference frame: one dimensional elastic collision, completely inelastic collision, coefficient of restitution. 8 Hrs Module III Dynamics of rigid bodies: Rigid body-definition and geometrical considerations-Rotational kinematics of a particle-Angular velocity and angular acceleration as vectors-Torque and angular momentum-Relation between I and τ-Torque and angular momentum for a system of particlesEquilibrium of rigid bodies- Rotational inertia and rotational dynamics -Moments of inertia of standard geometries-Products of inertia-Rotational kinetic energy and power-Physical pendulum-


Instantaneous axis of rotation-Conservation of angular momentum-Collision of rigid bodiesGyroscopic motion-motion of a symmetric top. 15 Hrs Module IV Kinematics of moving fluids: Review of equation of continuity, Euler’s equation of motionBernoulli’s theorem, some applications of equation: (i) the speed of efflux (Torricelli theorem) (ii) Venturimeter (iii) the curved flight of a spinning ball (Magnus effect) and (iv) the lift of an aircraft (all qualitative). 4 Hrs Viscosity: Coefficient of viscosity, streamline and turbulent flow, critical velocity, Reynold’s number and its significance, derivation of Poiseulle’s formula for the flow of a viscous fluid through a narrow tube. Motion of a body in a viscous medium-Stoke’s law with derivation and expression for terminal velocity 6 Hrs Surface tension: Surface tension and surface energy, molecular interpretation pf surface tension, angle of contact and wetting, pressure difference across a curved liquid surface, capillary ascent, interfacial tension, drop-weight method with necessary theory, force between two plates separated by a thin layer of liquid, factors affecting surface tension=surfactant temperature and impurity. 5 Hrs Course Text 1. G Basavaraju and Dipan Ghosh , Mechanics and Thermodynamics- -Tata McGraw Hill, 1989 2. G S Sharma and D N Bhargava, A text book of Mechanics- Ratan Prakashan Mandir 2002 Recommended Reading 1. D S Mathur, Mechanics, S Chand and Company Ltd. 2004 2. P K Srivatsava, Mechanics ,New Age International (P) Ltd. 1997 3. D S Mathur, Elements of properties of matte,r S. Chand & Co. XI Ed. 2005 4. Halliday and Resnick- Fundamentals of physics- Sixth edition- John Wiley & Sons, 1997 5. Takwale and Puranik- Classical mechanics- Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi1979 6. K N Srinivasa Rao- Classical mechanics- Universities Press-Orient Longman 7. J C Upadhyay -Mechanics - Ramprasad and Company 8. - H C Verma- Concepts of physics Tata McGraw Hill 2005 9. F J Keller et. al., Physics-Classical and Modern- Tata McGraw Hill 10. Sears and Zemansky -University Physics- Narosa Publications, New Delhi 1982 PHY 151


List of experiments 1. Verification of parallel axes theorem.2. Verification of perpendicular axes theorem. 3. Verification of principle of conservation of energy.4. Moment of inertia of a Flywheel. 5. Moment of inertia of a circular disc using torsional oscillations.6. Viscosity of a liquid – Stoke’s method.7. Viscosity of water – Poiseulle’s method 8. Surface tension of water – Capillary rise method.9. Surface tension and interfacial tension – Drop-weight method. 10. Oscillation of a spring to determine spring constant, effective mass of spring and hence ‘g’. 11. Acceleration due to gravity – Bar Pendulum.



60 Hrs


Module I Thermal Physics: Review of gas laws, degrees of freedom and principle of equipartition of energy based on kinetic theory of gases, derivation of U=3/2 RT, Introduction to atomic heat of solids, mean free path, transport phenomena like diffusion, viscosity and thermal conductivity of gases with derivation, relation between coefficient of viscosity and the coefficient of thermal conductivity of gas. Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities (without derivation) - calculation of most probable velocity, mean velocity and root mean square velocity. Change of state, real gases, Andrews experiments on carbon dioxide, critical constants, Van der Waal’s equation of state and correction. Comparison of Van der Waal’s isothermals with Andrew’s experiments. 12 hrs Module II Thermodynamics:Thermodynamic variables, Extensive and Intensive – equation of states, various processes, PV-Indicator diagram, The zeroth law- definition and explanation. The I-law of thermodynamic. sign conventions of heat and work. Work done by isothermal process of an ideal gas, internal energy as a state of function. Application of 1st law-1) cyclic process 2)isothermal process 3)adiabatic process 4)isochoric process 5)isobaric process 6)relation between the heat capacities for ideal gases. Adiabatic process for an ideal gas, Relation between temperature and volume, pressure and volume, & pressure and temperature. Work done in an adiabatic process for ideal gases, Reversible and Irreversible processes, Enthalpy. 8 hrs Second law of thermodynamics: Heat engines, Carnot’s cycle and its efficiency with derivation, Kelvin’s thermodynamics scale of temperature, Carnot’s theorem, Applications of Carnot’s cycle to (1) Clausius- Clapeyron equation (2) Elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point, triple point, Clausius inequality, principle of (1) increase of entropy, (2) perfect gas (3) mixture of two gasses. Microscopic interpretation of entropy, Temperature-Entropy (TS) diagram of a Carnot”s cycle Third law of thermodynamics. 10 hrs Module III Thermodynamic potentials: (i)Internal energy (ii) Enthalpy (iii) Helmholtz free energy (iv) Gibb’s free energy and their significance. Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations and Applications, Difference between two heat capacities Cp & Cv, Clasius-Clapeyron’s equation,Tds equations(energy equations). 6 hrs Low temperature physics: Phase transition, Liquefaction of gases _(1) Joule-Kelvin porous plug experiment (Thomson effect) working and discussion of results, Expression for JouleKelvin coefficient, production of low temperature by adiabatic demagnetization : working & theory. Thermodynamic expression for cooling. Methods adopted for liquefying gases (1) Cascade process (2) Regenerative process coupled with joule-Thomson cooling (3) Adiabatic expansion with Joule-Thomson cooling. 6 hrs Module IV Radiation: Black body radiation and distribution of energy in its spectrum, Kirchoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzman law and Wien’s distribution law. Wien’s displacement law, Rayleigh-Jeans


law, Derivation of Planck’s law, solar constant and its determination, Estimation of surface temperature of the sun. 8 hrs Elasticity: Review of elastic behavior of solids in general, origin of elastic forces, stress-strain diagram, elastic limit and Hooke’s law, moduli of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio, Derivation of relation connecting elastic constants, limiting values of Poisson’s ratio, work done (energy stored) in stretching a wire, resilience, Thermal tresses, factors affecting elasticity, factor of safety. Beams, bending of beams, expression for bending moment, single cantilever with theory, I-section girders, couple per Module twist, torsional oscillations. Rigidity modulus of a material by static method and dynamic method with theory, determination of elastic constants by Searle’s double bar method. 10 hrs Recommended Reading 1.Brij lal and Subramanyam, Heat and Thermodynamics , S Chand and Co. New Delhi- 1985. 2.M.M. Zeemansky, Heat and thermodynamics., McGraw Hill – New Delhi-1981. 3.G. Basavaraju and Dipan Gosh, Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Tata Mc Graw Hill-New Delhi- 1984. 4.D.S. Mathur, Elements of properties of matter, Shamlal Charitable Trust, Delhi-1996. 5. H.C. Verma, Concepts of physics- Vol-(1)&(2)-Bharati Bhavan publications-Delhi-1996.

PHY 251


List of experiments 1. Determination of emissivity of a surface. 2. K of a bad conductor by Lee & Charlton’s method. 3. K of Rubber.4. Verification of Stefan’s law. 5. Calibration of a thermocouple. 6. Newton’s law of cooling. 7. Young’s modulus by single cantilever.8. Young’s modulus by stretching.9. Young’s modulus by uniform bending. 10. Rigidity modulus by dynamic method. 11. Rigidity modulus by static method. 12. Elastic constants by Searle’s double bar.13. Mode constants of vibrating strip. 14. Bulk modulus of rubber. SEMESTER III PHY 331 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Module I Electrostatics: Gauss’s law-differential form-applications of Gauss law-field due to a uniformly charged sphere, line of charge, uniformly charged hollow cylinder, uniformly charged solid cylinder-field on the surface of a charged cylinder(coulomb’s theorem)- Electric potential: Potential as line integral of electric field-deduction of electric field from electric potential. 5 Hrs Magnetostatics: The magnetic field-definition of B-magnetic flux - Lorentz Force on a moving charge-Biot-Savart law-magnetic induction at a point due to a straight conductor carrying Current-Magnetic induction at a point on the axis of a circular coil carrying current. Helmholtz Tangent Galvanometer- Magnetic induction at point on the axis of a solenoid-Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field-Force between two parallel current conductors-Torque on a current loop in a magnetic field-Moving Coil Ballistic galvanometer-principle-theoryconstruction-applications-determination of capacitance and high resistance by leakage. 10 Hrs


Module II Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s laws of electro magnetic induction-self induction- self induction of a long solenoid - mutual induction-mutual inductance between two Coaxial Solenoids- elementary ideas of eddy currents. 3 Hrs Electromagnetism: Review of vector analysis-Physical significance of divergence of a vector and Gauss theorem-Physical significance of curl of a vector and stokes theorem. Concept of Displacement Current-Maxwell’s equations in material media- velocity of an em wave-light as em wave-velocity of em wave in a dielectric medium –transverse nature of em wave .Poynting theorem –Poynting vector. 12 Hrs Module III Transient Currents: Growth of current in a circuit containing a resistance and inductanceDecay of current containing L and R. Charge and Discharge of a Capacitor through a resistorLCR circuit -charging and discharging. (5 hours) Alternating Currents: EMF induced in a coil rotating in a magnetic field-Peak value, Mean value,RMS value of AC -AC circuits with capacitor and resistor, with inductance and resistance. AC circuit containing Résistance, Inductance and Capacitance in series -the Q factor- parallel resonant circuit. comparison between series and parallel resonant circuits-power in an ac circuitWattlescurrent-Chokecoil. 10 Hrs Module IV Thermoelectricity: Seebeck effect- Laws of thermo emf - thermoelectric series-neutral temperature-Peltier effect- demonstration of Peltier effect (any two experiments)-Peltier coefficient- Thomson effect –Thomson coefficient- Thermodynamics of Thermocouplethermoelectric power-thermoelectric diagrams and uses-applications of thermoelectricity-Boy’s radio micrometer-thermopile-thermoelectric pyrometer – standard thermocouples. 8 Hrs Network Theorems: Thevenin’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Nortion’s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem. 7 Hrs Recommended Reading 1; D N Vasudeva, Electricity and Magnetism with Electronics,S Chand and Company Ltd 2001 2. D. Chattopadhyay & P C Rakshit, Fundamentals of Magnetism and Electricity, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi 2001 3. R Murugeshan, Electricty and Magnetism, S Chand and Company Ltd, 2001 4., David J Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, III edition, Prentice –Hall India, 2006 5. Theraja B.L, Electrical networks, S. Chand & Company, Ist Colour Edition 2005 6; Malvino, Electrical networks ,Tata Mc Graw Hill, VI Edition 1999 7., Halliday & Resnick ,Fundamentals of Physics, John Wiley & Sons 1997

PHY 351

Physics Lab III

List of experiments 1. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem 2. Verification of Superposition Theorem 3. Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem 4. Verification of Norton’s theorem 5. Series resonant circuit 6. Parallel resonant circuit 7. Determination of constants


of Ballistic Galvanometer 8. Thermocouple: determination of neutral temperature and inversion temperature 9. Desauty’s Bridge 10. High Resistance by leakage 11. Mutual inductance between a pair of coils using a BG 12.Reduction factor of Helmholtz galvanometer using potentiometer 13.Determination of Self inductance of the given coil by using Anderson’s or Maxwell’s Bridge 14.To determine the thermoelectric power at a given temperature using a thermocouple IV SEMESTER PHY 431 OSCILLATIONS, WAVES AND OPTICS Module I Oscillations: Motion of simple pendulum-SHM due to uniform circular motion of a particleDifferential form of SHM – simple harmonic oscillator equations for motion due to a constant force, motion in a resisting medium (dead beat, critical damping and oscillatory) - forced vibrations – amplitude resonance (maximum displacement of the system)- maximum energy of the system (velocity resonance) – sharpness resonance. 8 Hrs Fourier analysis: Fourier theorem – evaluation of constants – applications (i) square wave and (ii) rectangular wave – complex form of Fourier series – Fourier expansion of function other than time. 4 Hrs Waves: General equation of wave motion – velocity – acceleration of a particle. Velocity of plane longitudinal waves in a solid medium (rod) – Kundt’s tube –velocity measurement and frequency measurement – stroboscopic method. 3 Hrs Module II Physical optics: Huygen’s wave theory – reflection and refraction of a plane wave front at a plane surface. 3 Hrs Interference:Review of interference of light – conditions for observable interference – coherent sources – biprism – construction , working and experiment to find wave lengthy – white light fringes – Introduction of a thin film in the path of interfering beam, calculation of refractive index, thickness of thin film. Coherent sources by amplitude division, colours of thin films, theory – reflected and transmitted system – Stoke’s treatment of reflected and transmitted amplitudes- Theory and experiment of Air-Wedge and Newton’s rings with applications. Michelson’s interferometer and applications. 12 Hrs Module III Diffraction: Fresnel diffraction: Division of wave front into half life period. Fresnel half period zones – theory of rectilinear propagation, zone plates – preparation and working as a lensexpression for focal length – comparision with lens – diffraction at a straight edge – theory. 5 Hrs Fraunhofer diffraction: Single slit – theory – many slits grating – theory of normal and oblique incidence – dispersive power – resolution – Rayleigh’s criterion – expression for resolving power of grating and telescope - resolving power of eye 5 Hrs Polarisation: Review of plane polarized light and methods of production by double refraction – Brewster’s law, Malus law - Huygen’s explanation of double refraction- retarding plates –


theory of quarter wave plate and half wave plates. Production and detection of circularly , elliptically and linearly polarized light with necessary theory- optical activity – polarimeter – working of Laurent’s half shade polarimeter – Fresnel’s explanation of optical activity. 10 Hrs Module IV Geometrical optics: Velocity of light – Fermat’s principle - application -laws of reflection and refraction - Foucault’s rotating mirror and Kerr cell method – Importance of velocity of light. 6 Hrs Holography: Elementary ideas of holography - principle- theory – production and analysis of hologram. 4 Hrs Recommended Reading 1. Ghosh and Bhattacharya - Oscillations , Waves and Acoustics. S. Chand III Edition 2006. 2. B.K. Mathur - Principle of Optics. 2000 3. A.K.Ghatak and K.Thyagarajan - Contemporary Optics –MacMillan India Ltd. 1984. 4. Subramanyam and Brijlal – Optics, S Chand & Company 1983. PHY 451


List of experiments 1. Kundt’s tube.2. Lens combination – f by magnification method.3. R.I of liquid – parallax method.4. Bi prism 5. Air wedge – diameter of a wire 6. Newton’s rings – radius of curvature of the lens 7. Diffraction grating – minimum deviation 8. Diffraction grating – normal incidence 9. Resolving power of telescope 10. Specific rotation – polarimeter 11. Diffraction at a straight edge.12. Diffraction at a wire using laser.13. Modes of vibration of waves – frequency of ac using sonometer. V SEMESTER PHY 531 ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION

60 Hrs

Module I Review of PN junction diode, zener diode-characteristics- Tunneling effect- Tunnel diodecharacteristics – applications. 3 Hrs Optoelectronic devices: Light emitting diode (LED)-photo emissive devices; photo multiplier tube, photoconductive cells, photo diodes. 2 Hrs Rectifiers-half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier-expressions for PIV, mean value, rms value, ripple factor & efficiency. Filters-series inductor filter-shunt capacitor filter-Voltage regulation – zener diode shunt regulation. 5 Hrs The bipolar junction transistor-transistor biasing-CB, CE, CC configuration-characteristicsrelation between α and β-CE, CB, CC formulas-DC load line- Q point –AC load line. 5 Hrs Module II Transistor equivalent circuit-dc and ac equivalent circuit-transistor amplifiers-CE,CB,CC amplifiers-h parameters-expression for current gain ,voltage gain, input impedance & output impedance in terms of h parameters FET-characteristics-FET amplifier-applications. 6 Hrs


Operational amplifiers - Ideal OPAmp.- characteristics and its applications. 3 Hrs Oscillators – Feed back concepts – oscillator circuits – Feed back amplifier – oscillator operation – phase and frequency considerations –phase shift oscillator. Wein bridge oscillator – Tuned oscillator circuits: Hartley and Colpitt oscillators 6 Hrs Module III Number systems: The decimal number system-Binary system-Binary to decimal coversionBinary fractions-Double dadd method-Decimal to binary conversion-Binary operations-Binary addition-Binary subtraction-Complement of a number-Binary Multiplication-Binary division. 4 Hrs Representation of Binary numbers as Electrical Signals-Octal number system-Octal to decimal Conversion-Decimal to Octal Conversion-Binary to octal conversion-Octal to Binary CoversionHexadecimal number system-Binary to hexadecimal conversion-Hexadecimal to binary conversion. 2 Hrs Logic gates: OR , AND , NOT ,XOR gates-Bubbled gates: NOR , NAND , XNOR gates-Adders and Subtracters-Half adder-Full adder-Half Subtractor-Full subtractor.Boolean Algebra: laws of Boolean Algebra-equivalent switching circuits-De morgan’s theorems-Duals. 4 Hrs Instrumentation: Transducers:- Classification of Transducers-classification based on Electrical principles involved-resistive position transducer-resistive pressure transducer-inductive pressure transducer-Capacitive pressure transducer-Self generating inductive transducers-Linear variable Differential transformer(LVDT)-Piezoelectric Transducer-Strain Gauge-Temperature Transducers-Resistance temperature detectors Thermistor-Thermocouples-ultrasonis temperature Transducers-Photoelectric Transducers. Electronic instruments: Analog and digital instrumentsOhmmeter-Multimeter 5 Hrs Recommended Reading 1.Basic Electronics by B L Theraja, S.Chand & Company, New Delhi 2005 2.Electronic principles and applications by A B Bhattacharya, New Central Book Agency, 2006. 3.Electronic circuits and devices by Boylstead, Pearson Education 2002 4.Digital electronics by Malvino and Leach, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition,1995. 5.Digital electronics by R.P. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition 2000. 6.Digital electronics by Floyd and Tocci, Printice Hall, 2005 7.Operational amplifier by Ramakanth Gayakwad, Printice Hall India, 2nd Edition, 1991. 8.Electronic principles, Malvino, Tata McGraw Hill 6th Edition, 1999.. 9.Integrated Electronics, Millman and Halkias, Tata McGraw Hill 1991. 10.Basic electronics by Grob, Tata McGraw Hill, First Metric Edition, 1984. 11.Electronic Fundamentals by Ryder. Printice Hall India, 5th edition, 2003. 12.Electronic Instrumentation, H S kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. PHY 551 ELECTRONICS LAB List of experiments 1.CRO and its applications (Lissajous figures) 2. FET characteristics 3.RC coupled amplifier (transistor). 4.FET amplifier 5.LED characteristics 6.Phase shift oscillator. 7.Half wave, Full wave Rectifiers 8.Study of regulated power supply – CRO waveform 9.Digital gates – Half and full adder circuits.10.Op amp (differentiator, integrator etc.) Inverter, Summing amplifier (AC 10

and DC output). 11.Zener diode -characteristics & voltage regulation 12.Transistor characteristic – calculation of h parameters. 13.Emitter follower. 14.Inverting and non-inverting amplifier. PHY 532 QUANTUM MECHANICS, ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS

45 Hrs

Module I Development of quantum mechanics: Introduction to quantum mechanics, Planck’s quantum theory, Failure of classical physics to explain the phenomena such as atomic spectra, black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton Effect and specific heat of solids. Explanation of the above effects on the basis of quantum mechanics. 5 hrs Wave – Particle duality and Uncertainty Principle de Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves, Thomson’s Experiment, Davisson and Germer’s experiment – Normal incidence method, concepts of wave packets for a quantum particle, group velocity and phase velocity, Relation between particle velocity and group velocity, Bohr’s quantum condition and matter waves, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – different forms, Gamma ray microscope experiment. Application - Why electrons cannot be inside the nucleus? 10 hrs Module II Schrödinger’s Equation: The concept of the wave function, physical significance of wave function, Development of time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a free particle, Operators for X, P and E time–dependent Schrodinger equation. Max Born’s interpretation of the wave function, Eigen values and Eigen functions. Applications of Schrodinger equation – Particle in one dimensional box, derivation of eigen values and eigen functions, mention of solutions for a three dimensional case, Linear Harmonic Oscillator. 10 hrs Molecular spectra Pure rotational motion: spectrum and selection rules, vibrational motion: spectrum and selection rules, Rot.-Vib. Spectrum. Scattering of light-Tyndall, Rayleigh and Raman’s scattering. Experimental Study of Raman effect, Quantum theory of Raman effect. 5 hrs Module III Atomic Spectra Review of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen tom – mention of expressions for total energy, wave number and Rydberg constant. Variation of the Rydberg constant with nuclear mass, Sommerfeld’s modification of the Bohr atomic model (qualitative), excitation and ionization potentials, Frank – Hertz experiment. 5 hrs Vector model of the atom Concept of Spatial quantization and spinning electron. Different quantum numbers associated with the vector atom model, Spectral terms and their notations, selection rules, coupling schemes – l-s and j-j coupling (multi electron systems), Pauli’s exclusion principle, expression for maximum number of electrons in an orbit. Spectra of alkali elements (sodium D-line), Larmor precession, Bohr magneton, Stern – Gerlach Experiment. Zeeman effect, experimental study of Zeeman effect, theory of normal and anomalous Zeeman effect based on quantum theory. Paschen – Back effect and Stark effect (qualitative only) 10 hrs


Recommended Reading 1. Eisentberg and Resnik, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and particles – John Wiley and Sons, 1985. 2., Beiser ,Concepts of Modern Physics ,III Edition, student edition, New Delhi, 1981 3. H.E. White ,Introduction to Atomic Spectra ,McGraw Hill 1934. 4.H.S. Mani, G.K. Mehta ,Introduction to Modern Physics, West Press 1989 5. H.G. Kuhn – Atomic Spectra, Ongmans 1952 6.J.B. Rajam – Atomic Physics S. Chand and Company 1979 7 R.Murugesan – Modern Physics , S. Chand and Company 1996 8.The Feynmann ,Lectures on physics vol-3 Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi. 9. S.H. Patil ,Elements of Modern Physics , TMH, New Delhi – 1984 10.Yarwood and Olozo, Atomic Physics 11., A.P. French, John Wiley, Principles of Modern Physics ,London 1958. 12.S.N. Ghosal, Modern Physics Part I and 2, S.Chand and company 1996. 13., Wehr, Physics of the Atom,Mc Graw Hill. PHY 552 MODERN PHYSICS LAB I List of experiments 1. Characteristics of a photocell. 2. Determination of the Planck's constant using a photocell. 3. Determination of e/m by Thomson's method 4. Ionisation potential of xenon 5. Study of solar spectrum- Fraunhofer lines and the determination of Rydberg constant. 6. Analysis of band spectra 7. Analysis of rotational spectra 8. Analysis of rotational and vibrational spectra 9. Study of spectra of hydrogen 10. Absorption spectrum of KMnO4. 11. Sommerfeld's fine structure constant α by measuring fine structure separation of Na doublets.(photograph ) Recommended Reading 1. IGNOU Practical Physics Manual 2. Saraf: Experiments in Physics 3. S.P.Singh: Advanced Practical Physics. 4. Melissnos: Experiments in Modem Physics SEMESTER VI PHY 631


Module I Statistical Physics: -Introduction-Basic concepts-phase space, microstate and macro state thermodynamic probability - classical or Maxwell Boltzmann statistics-Basic postulatesDistribution function- Maxwell distribution of molecular velocities - Quantum statisticsintroduction - Bosons and Fermions - Bose-Einstein statistics - postulates – Distribution function. 7Hrs Free electron theory of metals: - Introduction - Drude and Lorentz classical theory Expression for electrical conductivity - Ohm's law - Wiedmann - Franz law - Density of states for free


electrons - Fermi-Dirac distribution function and Fermi energy – expression for Fermi energy and kinetic energy at absolute zero and above absolute zero 5 Hrs. Nano materials: - Nanoscale systems – properties – examples and applications 2 Hrs Smart Materials: - Their properties, examples and applications. 2Hrs Module II X-rays: Production -Coolidge x-ray tube - continuous and characteristic x-rays. Mosley's law, scattering of x-rays - Compton effect. Basic ideas of crystal structure- Bravais lattice-symmetry elements – Lattice planes, Miller indices - spacing between lattice planes of cubic crystals - Bragg's law of x-ray diffraction - Powder method. Elementary ideas of crystal binding – Liquid crystals, classification properties and applications. 14 Hrs Module III Band theory of Solids: Introduction -Distinction between metals, insulators and semiconductors- intrinsic semiconductors - concept of holes- concept of effective mass derivation of expression for carrier concentration and electrical conductivity - extrinsic semiconductors-impurity states - energy band diagram and the Fermi level - Hall effect in metals and semiconductors-optical properties of solids- Solar cells - photoconductivity - Light dependent resistors-Light emitting diodes – Superconductivity: -introduction – experimental facts - Zero resistivity - critical field - critical current density - Meissner effect – type I and type II superconductors -Cooper pairs - BCS Theory - persistent currents - superconducting magnets - magnetic levitation - isotope effect -temperature dependence of specific heat and thermal conductivity- high temperature superconductivity. 13hrs Lasers: General principle of lasers, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser, applications. 2 hrs Recommended Reading 1.Azaroff : Introduction to Solids, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1977 2.C.Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics, V edition, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 1976 3.SO Pillai: Solid State Physics, New Age International (P) Ltd. 1997 4.Saxena Gupta Saxena: Introduction to Solid State Physics, Pragati Prakashan 1995 5.R L Singhal: Solid State Physics, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & co. Meerut 1984 6.M. Ali Omar: Elementary Solid State Physics, Addison- Wesley, 2000 7.Singal, Agrawal and Prakash: Heat &Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 1970 8.Reif: Fundamentals of Statistical and ThermalPhysics, McGraw Hill International Ed. 1985 9.Agarwal and Eisner: Statistical Mechanics, New Age International (P) Ltd.1998 10.N. Rudraiah (Ed): Modeling of Nano and smart materials PHY 651 Modern Physics Lab II List of Experiments 1.Analysis of X-ray photograph 2.Energy gap of a semiconductor3.Determination of dielectric constant.4. Solar cell characteristics - Open circuit voltage - short circuit current – efficiency 5.LED Characteristics - graph of wavelength vs. current - Spectral response 6.LDR Characteristics -dark resistance- saturation resistance - material constant.7.Semiconductor


temperature sensor - (Pure silicon) output voltage vs. temperature (calibration).8.Spectral response of a selenium photo cell (λ vs. I)9.Transistor as a switch and an active device10.Determination of Fermi energy of copper11.Resistivity of a material by four probe technique 12.Determination of thermal conductivity of a material. Recommended Reading 1. Raj Kumar and Madlin Lal.: Advanced Practical Physics. 2. S P Singh: Practical Physics PHY 632


45 Hrs

Module I Relativity: Review of frames of reference, inertial and non-inertial frames, principle of Galilean relativity. Michelson - Morley experiment with a brief historical background, Significance of its negative results. Postulates of special theory of relativity. Derivation of Lorenz transformation equations. Proper time and proper length, Time dilation, illustration with “twin paradox” and life time of a µ meson. Lorentz-Fitzgerald length contraction, simultaneity in relativity. Velocity transformation equations. Variation of mass with velocity. Mass - energy and momentum energy relation’s .Qualitative introduction to Minkowski’s space 15 hrs Module II Astrophysics & space physics: Absolute or intrinsic luminosity, apparent brightness, apparent magnitude scale of Hipparchus, distinction between visual and bolo metric magnitudes, distancemodulus relationship. Stellar parallax and Modules of stellar distances: Definition of arcsec and parsec (pc). Relation between distance of a star and its parallax. Definitions of astronomical Module (AU) and light year (ly) and equations relating AU, ly and pc. Surface or effective temperature and color of a star: Definitions. Wien’s displacement law. Intrinsic temperature of a star. Expression for average temperature, core temperature and core pressure of a star-based on the linear density model of a star. Spectral classification of stars and their chemicals composition. Edward Charles Pickering classification (i.e. OBAFGKM), Harvard sequence and Yerke’s luminosity classification. Size (radius) of a star. Expression for radius using Stefan – Boltzmann law. Spectral signature of elements present in though stellar atmosphere. Mass- luminosity relationship and expression for life –time of a star. Hertz sprung – Ressell (HR) diagram: Main sequence stars and their general characteristics. Evolution of a star to white dwarf stage through red giant stage. Supernova explosion. Formation of a pulsar or neutron star and black hole (qualitative) with mention of typically required temperature and the corresponding densities. Event horizon, singularity and Schwarz child’s radius (qualitative). Gravitational potential energy or self energy of a star. Statement and explanation of Virial theorem. Expression for gravitational potential energy or self-energy of a star based on the liner density model. 11 hrs Space Physics: Escape velocity, elements of satellite motion, orbital velocity and time period, launching of artificial satellites, geostationary satellites, weightlessness and artificial gravity – Remote sensing – Solar and terrestrial radiation, atmospheric effects, spectra response of some natural earth surface feature, remote sensing applications, evolution of remote sensing in India. 4 hrs


Module III Nuclear physics: Nuclear charge: Rutherford’s theory of alpha particle scattering, derivation of Rutherford’s scattering formula (assuming the path of the alpha particle to be a hyperbola). Nuclear mass: Aston’s mass spectrograph with theory. Alpha decay: Range and disintegration energy of alpha particles, Geiger – Nuttal law Brief description of characteristics of alpha ray spectrum. Gamow’s theory of alpha decay. Beta decay Types of beta decay (electron, Positron decay and electron capture), Characteristics of beta spectrum, Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis. Detectors of nuclear radiation: Variation of ionization current with applied voltage in a gas. Ionization chamber an identification of the regions of operation of ionization detector, proportional counter and GM counter. Working of proportional and Geiger – Muller counter. Nuclear accelerators: Cyclotron and electron synchrotron. Nuclear reactions: conservation laws in nuclear reactions with examples. Expression for Q value of a nuclear reaction, endoergic and exoergic reactions, threshold energy. 15 hrs Recommended Reading 1. R.B. Singh,Introduction to Modern Physics, New Age International, 2002 2. Sehgal Chopra Sehgal, Modern Physics, S. Chand & sons, 1998 3. Peter Gabriel Bergmann, Introduction to the theory of relativity –Courier Dover Publications, 1976 4. Robert Resnick, Introduction to special relativity –, John Wiley &b Sons, New York 1968 5.Jastrow & Thompson, Astronomy: Fundamental and Frontiers ,Wiley, 1974 6. G. Venkataraman , Chandrashekhar and his limit, Universities Press, 1992 7. Baidyanath Basu, An introduction to Astrophysics – Prentice Hall of India, 2004 8. Irving Kaplan, Nuclear Physics Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 1997 9. D. C Tayal, . Nuclear Physics Himalaya Publishing house, 1997 10. Ghoshal S.N, Atomic and nuclear physics Vol.2, S.Chand & Co. 2000 11. J.B. Rajam, Atomic physics, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi, 1984 12., K.D. Abhyankar, Astrophysics-Stars and Galaxies ,Tata McGraw Hill, 1992 PHY 652 MODERN PHYSICS LAB III List of Experiments 1.Calculation of physical properties of stars and plotting of H-R diagram. 2.Determination of the temperature of an artificial star. 3. Determination of the distance of a distant object by the parallax method. 4.Low pass filter. 5.High pass filter. 6.Band pass filter. 7.Verification of inverse square law applicable to intensity of gamma rays emitted by a radioactive substance using a GM counter. 8.Determination of mass-absorption of coefficient of aluminum for gamma rays. 9.Characteristics of a Geiger – Muller (GM counter) 10.Half life of K40 11.Analysis of sunspot photographs. Recommended Reading 1. Nelkon and Ogborn : Practical Physics 2. R.M. Singru: Experimental Nuclear Physics. 3. J.Varma : Nuclear Physics Experiments