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Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss PhD, 1988, ISBN-10: 0671657860. Through Time Into Healing, Brian Weiss PhD, 1998, ISBN-10: 0749918357.
“EXPLORE YOUR PAST LIVES” WORKSHOP Linda E. Donalds, BCH NGH Board Certified Hypnotist New Horizons in Hypnosis [email protected] (508) 246-2721

Recommended Reading List for further studies into Past Lives & Reincarnation Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss PhD, 1988, ISBN-10: 0671657860. Through Time Into Healing, Brian Weiss PhD, 1998, ISBN-10: 0749918357. Past Lives, Future Lives, Bruce Goldberg PhD, 1997, ISBN-10: 0345420233. You Have Been Here Before, Edith Fiore PhD, 2005, ISBN-10: 1885846126. The Search for Bridey Murphy, Morey Bernstein, 1989, ISBN-10: 0385260032. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, Ian Stevenson MD, 1980, ISBN-10: 0813908728. Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories: 12 Proven Methods, Richard Webster, 2001, ISBN-10: 0738700770. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Past Life Regression, Michael R. Hathaway, 2003, ISBN-10: 1592570658. Who Were You?, Gloria Chadwick, 2009, ISBN-10: 1402760035. Life Patterns: Soul Lessons & Forgiveness, Henry Leo Bolduc, 1994, ISBN-10: 0960130241. Free Text Download: The Journey Within: Past Life Regression and Channeling, Henry Leo Bolduc, 1997, ISBN-10: 0960130233. Free Text Download: Remembering Your Life Before Birth, Michael Gabriel, 1995, ISBN-10: 0944031609. Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton PhD, 1994, ISBN-10: 1567184855. The Oversoul Seven Trilogy (Seth Speaks Series), Jane Roberts, 1995, ISBN-10: 1878424173. VIDEO FILES on “YouTube”: Unsolved Mysteries Episode entitled "Reincarnated Submariner” (aired on May 22, 1993): Part1: Part 2: Each part is about 9 minutes long, so both together will be about 18 minutes. (At least in these you won't be interrupted by commercial breaks!) Throughout his life, Bruce Kelly suffered from three overpowering phobias—a fear of flying, a fear of enclosed spaces, and a fear of water. Over the years, Bruce tried several different treatments for his anxieties, but nothing worked. In desperation, he went to Rick Brown, a hypnotherapist who specializes in past-life regression. Episode recounts his story of being a reincarnated sailor from World War II, James Edward Johnston.