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acceptance rate for Metropolis/Hastings algorithm, 121 in rejection sampling, 98, 100 approximating a posterior by a discrete distribution, 48 association parameter, 77 baseball data for Derek Jeter, 192 Bayes factor for comparing two hypotheses, 185 for testing for independence in a contingency table, 196, 197 in support of a model, 190 in support of a streaky model, 192 to compare models, 186 to compare two hypotheses, 182, 183 bayes.influence function, 107 bayes.model.selection function, 221 bayes.probit function, 241 Bayesian model, 265 Bayesian recipe for inference, 88 Bayesian residuals, 208, 216 bayesresiduals function, 208, 216 Behrens-Fisher problem, 82 beta distribution, 54 as a likelihood, 27 as posterior, 24, 97 as prior, 23, 53, 191 beta-binomial model, 90, 105, 106 function, 23, 71 betabinexch function, 92 betabinexch.cond function, 102

betabinexch0 function, 91 bfexch function, 192, 193 bfindep function, 198 biased coin belief in, 50 binary response regression, 240 binomial distribution, 29, 52 binomial.beta.mix function, 51 bioassay experiment, 69 bivariate normal density, 98, 136 blinreg function, 207, 210, 219 blinregexpected function, 207, 213 blinregpred function, 207, 214 bounding constant in rejection sampling, 98 Box-Cox transformation model, 151 bprobit.probs function, 243 breeding dataset, 219 British coal mining disasters, 268 brute force method, 27 bugs function, 266 BUGS project, 265 cancer mortality dataset, 90 candidate draw, 98 careertraj.setup function, 279 Cauchy sampling model, 58, 131 cauchyerrorpost function, 133 censored data, 141 chemotherapy treatment survival data, 223 chi-squared distribution, 40 close to independence model, 197 coda package, 129



college admissions data, 248 comparing Bayesian models, 186 comparing hospital rates, 169 complete data posterior, 107 composition simulation method, 163 conditional means prior, 71 consistent ability in sports, 191 contour function, 64 contour plot, 64 credible interval, 65, 74 ctable function, 196 Darwin’s dataset, 134, 237 dbeta function, 27, 54 dbinom function, 54 density estimate, 13, 73, 166, 238, 256 density function, 143, 238 dependence model, 195 dependent prior for proportions, 76 dgamma function, 43, 189 Dirichlet distribution, 66, 196 simulating from, 66 Dirichlet function, 196 discint function, 32 dmt function, 100 dnorm function, 90, 189 dpois function, 43 dt function, 47, 133 evidence against coin is fair, 54 exchangeable prior model, 154 of career trajectories, 278 of mortality rates, 161 of normal means, 177 of proportions, 178 exponential lifetime distribution, 140 exponential sampling model, 58, 60, 112, 148 extinction of birds dataset, 208 Florida voting data, 272 football scores, 39 g prior in regression, 218 gamma distribution as a posterior for a rate, 42, 158 as a prior for a rate, 41, 187 as a sampling model, 84

as posterior in exchangeable model, 163 as prior in exchangeable model, 161 as random effects distribution, 140 in outlier model, 236 generalized logit model, 150 genetic linkage model, 111, 148 gibbs function, 122, 165 glm function, 70, 242 grouped data from a normal population, 60 from Poisson distribution, 113 grouped data from a normal population, 125 groupeddatapost function, 125, 126 Gumbel distribution, 223 heart transplant mortality data, 41, 155 heart transplant survival data, 140 hierarchical prior, 154 for regression model, 254 hiergibbs function, 255 histprior function, 27 home run rate, 276 howardprior function, 77 hyperparameters, 161 importance sampling estimate, 102, 197 impsampling function, 103 independence hypothesis, 194 indepmetrop function, 121 integrate function, 103 intelligence quotient, 45 interval estimate, 64, 256 inverse chi-square distribution, 64 inverse gamma distribution, 206, 237 inverse Wishart distribution, 279 Jacobian term in a transformation, 92 Laplace expansion, 94 laplace function, 95, 99, 126, 134, 142, 164, 187, 189, 192, 193, 225 Laplace’s method, 187 latent data representation, 240 lbeta function, 192 lbinorm function, 95 LD-50, 74 lgamma function, 164 likelihood function, 40

Index linear regression, 205 Bayesian formulation, 206 Bayesian residuals, 208, 216 estimating mean response, 213, 276 model checking, 215 posterior analysis, 206 posterior simulation, 207, 210 prediction, 206, 214 residuals, 208 robust model, 272 with t errors, 273 log-linear model, 223 logistic regression model, 70, 230, 277 logisticpost function, 72 logpoissgamma function, 189 logpoissnormal function, 189 marathon running times, 63 marginal density, 186, 191 marginal posterior distributions, 88 Markov chain simulation acceptance rate, 129, 139, 165 autocorrelation plot, 123, 129 batch means method, 123 burn-in length, 267 diagnostics, 267 discrete case, 118 Gibbs sampling, 122 independence chain, 121, 138 initial values, 265 Metropolis within Gibbs algorithm, 122, 165 Metropolis/Hastings algorithm, 120 number of chains, 267 output analysis, 123 random walk algorithm, 121, 127, 142, 225 thinning rate, 267 trace plot, 123, 129 using WinBUGS, 265 matplot function, 249 maximum likelihood estimate, 41 of logistic regression model, 70 probit model, 242 mixture of beta priors, 50 mixture of exponentials sampling model, 113, 151 mixture of gamma priors, 60 mnormt.onesided function, 184


mnormt.twosided function, 185 model checking Bayesian residuals, 216 outlying probabilities, 216 using posterior predictive distribution, 158, 173, 207, 215 using the prior predictive distribution, 42 model file for WinBUGS, 266, 269 model selection in regression, 221 Monte Carlo estimate, 97 Monte Carlo simulation study, 9 multinomial distribution, 66, 125 multivariate normal approximation, 94 multivariate normal distribution, 206, 218, 278 multivariate t density, 98 as importance sampler, 103 mycontour function, 64, 93, 95, 128, 165 Newton’s method, 94 noninformative prior for a rate, 157 for a proportion, 191 for a variance, 40, 218 for beta-binomial parameters, 91 for mean and scale parameters, 236 for mean and variance, 63, 125 for Poisson mean, 42 for regression model, 206 for Weibull survival model, 223 mean and standard deviation, 132 on changepoint parameter, 269 on order restricted space, 250 on regression coefficients, 240, 269 normal distribution, 40 as a posterior, 46, 183 as a prior, 46, 76, 177, 182, 185, 187 as a sampling distribution, 63 scale mixture of, 236, 273 truncated, 241 function, 45 normal/inverse chisquare posterior, 64 normalizing constant, 89, 98 normchi2post function, 64 nuisance parameters, 88



observed significance level, 11 optim function, 94 order restricted inference, 249 ordergibbs function, 251 outliers in regression, 208, 215, 272 posterior probability of, 208 Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC (coda) package, 268 overdispersed data, 90 p-value, 53, 55, 184 relationship with Bayesian measure of evidence, 184 parametric residuals, 208 Pareto survival model, 140 pbeta function, 24 pbetap function, 31 pbetat function, 54 pbinom function, 56 pdisc function, 22 pdiscp function, 30 peak ability, 277 Pearson chi-squared statistic, 194 percentiles of a posterior distribution, 40 pnorm function, 182, 184, 259 poissgamexch function, 164 Poisson gamma sampling model, 83 Poisson model, 41, 156, 187, 268 equal means, 157 two samples, 84 Poisson regression model, 112, 149 pooled estimate, 157 posterior computation brute force method, 27, 87, 138 by simulation, 87 posterior mean, 88, 127 by Monte Carlo estimate, 101 computation by simulation, 97 posterior median, 40 posterior mode, 94 posterior model probabilities, 222 posterior odds of hypothesis, 182 posterior outlying probability, 216 posterior predictive distribution, 158, 173 for linear regression, 206

for model checking in regression, 207, 215 posterior probability coin is fair, 54, 55 of a hypothesis, 185 of a set, 88 of hypothesis, 182 posterior simulation beta posterior, 25 by rejection sampling, 100 Dirichlet distribution, 66 exchangeable posterior, 163 logistic regression model, 73 Monte Carlo method, 97 of a mean and variance, 64 of a standard deviation, 40 that one proportion exceeds a second proportion, 78 posterior standard deviation, 127 precision, 40 precision parameter, 191, 198 of a beta-binomial, 90 predicting the outcome of an election, 66 predictive density, 29 Laplace approximation to, 95 predictive distribution computation for beta prior, 31 for discrete prior, 30 using simulation, 31 prior belief order restriction, 249 prior distribution beta for proportion, 23 conditional means for a logistic model, 71 constructing, 45 dependent type for proportions, 76 discrete for normal mean, 36 discrete for Poisson mean, 37 discrete for proportion, 20 for testing if a coin is fair, 53 for variance parameter, 255 g form, 218 histogram type, 27 independent for proportions, 82 informative normal, 254 mixture of betas for a proportion, 50

Index mixture of gammas for a Poisson mean, 60 multivariate normal for a regression vector, 218 normal for a logit parameter, 110, 147 normal for a mean, 46 t for a normal mean, 47 prior information about a heart transplant death rate, 42 about a proportion, 23 that coin is biased, 50 prior odds of hypothesis, 181 prior predictive density approximation using Laplace’s method, 94, 187 probability interval, 32 prior predictive distribution, 42 prior robustness, 45 probability interval, 24, 40, 96, 107, 166 probit regression model, 240 proposal density for importance sampling, 102 for Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, 120 in rejection sampling, 98 qbeta function, 24 qt function, 47 quadrature methods, 88 rbeta function, 25 rchisq function, 40, 64 rdirichlet function, 66 function, 221 regression model, 205 model selection, 221 regression slope inference about, 73 regroup function, 193 rejection sampling, 98 rejectsampling function, 100 residuals in regression, 208 rgamma function, 43, 158, 237 rigamma function, 237, 256 rmnorm function, 211, 241, 256 rmt function, 100 rnorm function, 64, 237, 256 rnormt function, 251


robust regression, 272 robustness of t statistic, 9 with respect to the prior, 49 robustt function, 237 rounded normal data, 83 rpois function, 159 rwmetrop function, 121, 136, 142, 225 sample function, 28, 106, 119 sampling distribution, 12 sampling importance sampling algorithm, 106 sampling with replacement, 106 selected data learning from, 60 sensitivity of posterior with respect to prior, 45 sensitivity analysis of posterior with respect to parameter, 55 with respect to observation, 106 sensitivity of posterior with respect to prior, 171 shrinkage, 168 towards regression model, 256 shrinkage estimator, 163 simcontour function, 73 simulation standard error, 12 of importance sampling estimate, 102, 198 of Monte Carlo estimate, 97 SIR algorithm, 106 sir function, 106 function, 172 smoothing table of means, 249 square root transformation, 272 stationary distribution, 118 streaky ability in sports, 191 student performance dataset, 194 survival curve, 144, 226 survival probability, 226, 243 survreg function, 223 t distribution as a prior, 47 as a sampling model, 236 in sampling, 9



t statistic, 8 sampling distribution, 13 Taylor series, 94 testing if a coin is fair, 52 testing hypotheses, 181 one-sided, 182 two-sided, 185 transformation of parameters, 91 transition probability matrix, 118 transplantpost function, 141 true significance level, 10 truncated normal distribution, 251 uniform prior, 195 uniform sampling density, 58

variance estimating, 39 variance components model, 114, 151 variance-covariance matrix, 95 voting preferences data, 66 Weibull proportional hazards model, 223 weibullregpost function, 224 weighted bootstrap, 106 weights for importance sampling, 102 Wishart distribution, 279 writing a R function to define posterior, 89 A Modern Approach to Regression with R Simon J. Sheather

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