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Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation, Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Pearson. Prentice Hall, 2007, 0131730428, 9780131730427, 536 ...
Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation, Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007, 0131730428, 9780131730427, 536 pages. This book brings together the strategic role of the supply chain, key strategic drivers of supply chain performance, and the underlying tools and techniques for supply chain analysis. Students are able to articulate the strategic importance of supply chain thinking and support their ideas with evidence that can be built using models.. DOWNLOAD HERE Logistics And Supply Chain Management Creating Value-Adding Networks, Martin Christopher, 2005, Business & Economics, 305 pages. In this book, Martin Christopher develops the idea that competition is no longer between stand-alone companies, but rather supply chain against supply chain. This practical .... Strategic Supply Chain Alignment Best Practice in Supply Chain Management, John Gattorna, Jan 1, 1998, Business & Economics, 671 pages. Strategic Supply Chain Alignment brings together for the first time the world's leading logistics professionals, management consultants and academics to offer their insights .... Supply Chain Strategy:The Logistics Of S , Frazelle, Dec 1, 2003, , . Supply Chain Strategy is the first book in the Logistics Management Library. Supply Chain Strategy provides an overview of all of the topics included in a supply chain strategy .... Purchasing & Supply Mgmt , Leenders, Leenders, Anna Flynn, P. Fraser Johnson, 2010, Industrial procurement, . . Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management , Bozarth, Sep 1, 2006, Business logistics, 576 pages. The Text Provides An Integrated And Comprehensive Treatment Of Both Operations And Supply Chain Management. Students Learn How Firms Must Link With Their Supply Chain Partners .... Managing The Supply Chain: Definitive Guide , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, Edith Simchi-Levi, 2004, , . In today's environment of tight budgets and even tighter turnarounds, effective supply-chain management has become a core business requirement. Managing the Supply Chain adapts .... Managing the Global Supply Chain , , 2007, Business & Economics, 459 pages. The world today faces global competition. The supply chain is a vital part of the globalization process. Presenting a global view of the scope and complexity of supply chain .... Operations management an integrated approach, Robert D. Reid, Nada R. Sanders, 2005, , 675 pages. Operations Management in its natural, cross-functional environment. In the delicate balance of a coral reef, all species rely on the reef for survival. In much the same way ....

Gower handbook of supply chain management , John Gattorna, 2003, Business & Economics, 692 pages. Provides up-to-date information for manufacturers on the logistics of obtaining supplies and distributing materials to business customers, as practiced by companies in Asia .... The Handbook of Technology Management Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Advertising, and Global Management, Hossein Bidgoli, Jan 12, 2010, Business & Economics, 931 pages. The discipline of technology management focuses on the scientific, engineering, and management issues related to the commercial introduction of new technologies. Although more .... Motivation and Personality , Maslow Abraham H., 1987, Motivation (Psychology), 335 pages. .

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