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Aug 21, 2013 ... Data Administration Concepts and Database Management ... Prescott, Mary B, and McFadden, Fred, Modern Database Management, 10th ed.
IST659 M003 Yu Fall 2013 Syllabus Data Administration Concepts and Database Management Updated 08/21/2013 This version overwrites all previous versions Instructor: Professor Bei Yu Email: [email protected] Office: Hinds 320 Office hour: Wednesdays 2-3pm I.

Classroom: Hinds 013 Class time: 9:30-12:20 Mondays TA: Adity Kalmegh TA Office hour: TBD

Course Description and Objectives

Large amount of data has been recognized as a valuable organizational asset and a great management challenge. The success of an organization relies on the ability of its database systems in effective data acquisition, management, and analysis. IST 659 is an introductory course to database management systems. This course examines data structures, file organizations, concepts and principles of database management systems (DBMS); as well as, database analysis and design, data modeling, database implementation and administration. More specifically, it introduces hierarchical, network and relational data models; entity-relationship modeling; basics of Structured Query Language (SQL); data normalization; and database design. Using Microsoft's Access and SQL Server DBMSs as implementation vehicles, this course provides hands-on experience in database design and implementation through in-class exercises, lab assignments, and course projects. This course also introduces advanced topics such as transaction management and concurrency control, distributed databases, multi-tier client/server architectures, Web-based database applications, and data warehousing and data mining. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:         II.

Describe fundamental data and database concepts, Explain and use the database development lifecycle, Create databases and database objects using popular database management system products, Solve problems by constructing database queries using Structured Query Language(SQL), Design databases using data modeling and data normalization techniques, Develop insights into future data management tool and technique trends, Recommend and justify strategies for managing data security, privacy, audit/control, fraud detection, backup and recovery, Critique the effectiveness of DBMS in computer information systems. Course Materials


Hoffer, Jeffery B, Prescott, Mary B, and McFadden, Fred, Modern Database Management, 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN-10: 0136003915, ISBN-13: 978-0136003915 (8th and 9th editions acceptable) A desk copy has been deposited to the reserve room at the Bird Library. Students can check it out for two hours each time. Software SQL-Server, Visio, and Access The above software packages have been installed on the lab computers. Software access from home is easy for Windows users. You can download Microsoft Access and Visio onto your own computers through MSDNAA. You can also download SQL Server Express from Microsoft website onto your computer and remotely connect to the class SQL Server. Software access from home is limited for Mac and Unix/Linux users. Please contact the instructor for help when necessary. III.


Many of the skills taught in this course will be reinforced through in-class discussions and exercises, lab assignments, and course project. These repetitions will help you master the important skills. Accordingly, a variety of assessments will be used to assess student progress. Your final grade is determined by your performance on the items in the table below. An overview of each item is provided in the remainder of this section. Assessment Item class exercises 8 homework assignments project proposal project design report project demo project implementation report Total

Weight % 15 40 5 20 5 15 100

Attendance and class exercises Class participation is important for this class. Students are required to attend classes and actively participate in class discussions and exercises. Students are required to post their class exercise answers to the corresponding forums in the BlackBoard. Only legitimate excuses with supporting document(s) will be accepted for missing classes, such as job interviews and medical conditions. The instructor may recommend that a student be dropped from a course for poor achievement due to excessive absence. These exercises are designed to encourage students to practice their newly learned knowledge, and thus the grading is based on participation only, not performance. At the end of the semester, all

participations in the exercise forums will be tallied to calculate student grade in the class exercise category. If there is x number of exercises throughout the semester, and a student finishes y number of exercises in total, the student’s grade is (y+1)/x*15. So, you understand the formula, right? Homework assignments Eight homework assignments will be given during the semester. Follow the homework instructions to complete the assignments. You are free to discuss the assignments with your classmates, but you must write up the report yourself. Plagiarism cases will be reported to the university. Assignments must be professionally prepared and submitted electronically to the BlackBoard. No hand-writing or hand-drawing assignments will be accepted. All assignments should be submitted in Word files named as “Lab_Num_Lastname_Firstname.doc(x)”. Grades for the assignments and the graded assignments with comments will be made available in the BlackBoard. We will discuss common problems in the following classes after the assignments are due. Therefore, all assignments should be turned in on time by 11pm Sunday night. Late submission will be penalized 20% for any part of the first 24 hours, 50% for any part of the second 24 hours, and 100% thereafter. Solutions to the assignments will be posted soon after the cutoff time. The main topics of the homework assignments are as follows:        

Data modeling I Data modeling II Data normalization SQL I DDL SQL II DML single-table query SQL III DML multi-table query Views and Transactions Client/Server database

Course project The objective of the project is to use the main skills taught in this class to build a real database system. This semester you will pair up with a classmate of your choice to work on a project throughout the semester and turn in the reports at each checkpoint. Students should state their individual contributions in the reports. Checkpoint 1: project proposal Your proposal should include an overview of the data management problem and your proposed solution. You should also provide a project schedule with key deliverables and estimated duration for each sub-task. Checkpoint 2: database design report

This report should include the revised project overview, the business rules and the normalized tables. Checkpoint 3: database implementation report This report should include (1) SQL statements for data definition and manipulation as well as screen shots of the results; (2) the input data forms and output data reports. This report will be handed to the instructor when the project demo starts. Checkpoint 4: project demo Before the end of the semester, you will demonstrate your database systems for the whole class. Your fellow students will ask questions and give comments. You can still improve your project after the demo. After the demo, each student should submit a bug report explain what problems have been caught and fixed. Combine your bug report and the updated implementation report as your final implementation report for final project grading. Grading An internal i-School faculty survey indicated that the average expectation amongst faculty members for grade distribution in graduate classes was as follows: A (38%); B (48%); C (12%) and F (3%), although grade distributions vary by classes, and grades are not curved in this class. Grade


A A-

93-100 90-92


Grade B+ B B-

Points 87-89 83-86 80-82

Grade C+ C C-

Points 77-79 73-76 70-72

Grade D F

Points 60-69 0-59

Course policies

Prerequisites The following prerequisites are preferred, but not required:  

IST654: Information Systems Analysis IST352: Information Analysis of Organizational Systems.

Communications This course will use the SU BlackBoard System as the main communication platforms. Students are required to check their BlackBoard accounts on a regular basis. Important announcements will be posted to the Announcements board. Failure to read the class announcements will not be considered a suitable excuse for not being informed. The BlackBoard can be accessed at Questions regarding the BlackBoard should be directed to [email protected] or Peggy Brown at 315-443-9370.

All emails to the instructor should be sent to [email protected] with subject line starting with “IST 659”. This email account is dedicated to teaching matters. All your emails will be archived for easy retrieval afterwards. Academic Integrity The academic community of Syracuse University and of the School of Information Studies requires the highest standards of professional ethics and personal integrity from all members of the community. Violations of these standards are violations of a mutual obligation characterized by trust, honesty, and personal honor. As a community, we commit ourselves to standards of academic conduct, impose sanctions against those who violate these standards, and keep appropriate records of violations. The academic integrity statement can be found at: Respect Intellectual Property Rights and cite all sources in your work. Any valid citation style may be used. The following link may be used for further information regarding appropriate citation styles: Student with Disabilities If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS),, located in Room 309 of 804 University Avenue, or call (315) 443-4498 for an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting accommodations. ODS is responsible for coordinating disability-related accommodations and will issue students with documented disabilities Accommodation Authorization Letters, as appropriate. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact ODS as soon as possible. Ownership of Student Work This course may use course participation and documents created by students for educational purpose. In compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, works in all media produced by students as part of their course participation at Syracuse University may be used for educational purposes, provided that the course syllabus makes clear that such use may occur. It is understood that registration for and continued enrollment in a course where such use of student works is announced constitutes permission by the student. After such a course has been completed, any further use of student works will meet one of the following conditions: (1) the work will be rendered anonymous through the removal of all personal identification of the work’s creator/originator(s); or (2) the creator/originator(s)’ written permission will be secured. As generally accepted practice, honors theses, graduate theses, graduate research projects, dissertations, or other exit projects submitted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements are placed in the library, University Archives, or academic departments for public reference.

Class Schedule updated on 08/21/2013 Week





Readings before class Ch 1,2

Introduction project preparation

09/02 2


















11 12

11/11 11/18 11/25

Data modeling I (entity and binary relationship) Access I Data modeling II (unary and ternary relationship) Data modeling III (hierarchical relationship; data normalization)




Items due

Labor Day Ch 3 HW1

Ch 4


Ch 5


HW1 project proposal HW2

data modeling case study physical database design SQL I SQL II

Ch6, 7


Ch 7,8


HW3 Project design report HW4


Ch 8



view and transaction; database administration client/server systems; interface design data mining data mining

Ch 13



Ch 9,10



Thanksgiving Break project demo


Items assigned

project implementation report Final project report