âConsistently excellent. Provides a gold-star service and has a user-friendly and approachable styleâ. LegaL 500. Pa
“I would rate IBB Solicitors as a firstrate firm with strength in depth across a wide range of legal specialism” “In Another Time, In Another Place,” by kind permission of Mary Grant / www.marygrant.co.uk
Chambers & Partners
Introduction IBB Solicitors is one of the leading law firms in the South East of England. We have reached this position by ensuring that client satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We help corporates and private clients find
Our private clients come back to us time and
solutions to their legal problems. We aim to
again for support in all life’s most important
make all of our clients feel as if theirs is the
matters, whether that’s a house move or
only piece of work on our desk.
writing a will, to matrimonial issues or tax planning.
We deliver impressive results for our clients. Long-standing clients who are household names have given us an increasing share of their work and we have won some exciting new clients, who have quickly trusted us with some of their most strategic and sensitive issues. They are happy for us to act for them ‘across the table’ from top City firms because they know our recognised and respected lawyers deliver a great service.
[email protected]
03456 381381
“Friendly, approachable service and willingness to put themselves out.” Chambers & Partners
Commercial Services We could give you options. But we prefer to offer you solutions. From contracts to disputes, charity law to employment matters, mergers to intellectual property protection, your organisation will always have legal issues to deal with. We promise to give you pragmatic, sensible
And they stay with us because they
advice that helps you keep things moving
like our sensible approach to fees, our
forward, and ensures that your legal matters
responsiveness, and see us as part of
are not a distraction from your core business.
their team.
Leading UK and international businesses
Would you go on holiday and leave your
based in the West London/Heathrow
lawyer’s details on your out-of-office
economic hub might have come to us for
message? Our clients do.
our reputation, or because we’re on their doorstep.
• • • • • •
Corporate and commercial Commercial dispute resolution Employment IT Intellectual property Charities law
[email protected]
03456 381381
“IBB is applauded for the quality of its advice and value for money. Sources describe it as a ‘gem of a firm’.” Chambers & Partners
“Immediate, sensible and practical advice” CHAMBERS & PARTNERS
[email protected]
03456 381381
Private Client
Enjoy peace of mind Plan your future and protect your assets. Generations of clients have trusted us to help
Our friendly solicitors will give you advice
them with the most important decisions in
in plain English that will allow you to enjoy
their families’ lives. You might be buying a
what you’ve worked for and protect those
home or investment property, need advice
you love. We try to make the stressful times
on family issues, or want to make sure your
more bearable, and are dedicated to making
wishes are taken into account when you
sure that the issues we all have to deal with
are gone.
in life run more smoothly.
• • • •
We believe matters this important shouldn’t
• • • • • • •
Buying or selling property Small-scale development Divorce Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements Financial settlements Making and updating your will Contesting a will Setting up a trust Probate Powers of attorney Tax planning
[email protected]
03456 381381
be dealt with factory-style, so we take the time to understand your life and make sure our recommendations are made with you specifically in mind. No matter how complex or simple the issue, we will always be there for you to talk to, and we’ll always keep you up to date – even if there’s nothing to report.
“Guarantees a highly professional service and unhesitatingly goes the extra mile” Legal 500
“Noted for working hard for clients to get them the best result.” CHAMBERS & PARTNERS
The Old Vinyl Factory, Hayes. Image by kind permission of Cathedral Group
Real Estate
Making great places needs a legal team that understands your business. We are one of the biggest dedicated real
The challenges of buying, selling, developing
estate teams in the south east, and we help
and funding residential, commercial and
our clients create successful places to live,
mixed-use properties require a legal team
work and shop.
that can think about your legal issues from a commercial standpoint. From the day
From project finance to land acquisition,
when your scheme is but a twinkle in your
leases to 106s, construction contracts to
development director’s eye, to disposal of
real estate disputes, we act for developers,
your last unit, you can trust our experience
contractors, investors and occupiers of all
and expertise to identify pitfalls early, plot
shapes and sizes, on projects all over
the project journey, and help you extract the
the country.
best possible value from your investment.
• • • • • •
[email protected]
Residential development Strategic land Commercial real estate Investment and management Real estate disputes Construction and engineering
03456 381381
[email protected]
03456 381381
“Operates far more effectively than many of its competitors and is respected in the market.” Chambers & Partners
The Old Vinyl Factory, Hayes. Image by kind permission of Cathedral Group
“Consistently excellent. Provides a gold-star service and has a user-friendly and approachable style” LEGAL 500
Community Legal Services
Justice for all Life doesn’t always go according to plan.
And if life as you know it changes in an
Accidents happen, and people make
instant through serious injury or illness that
mistakes. Our community legal team is there
is a result of someone else’s negligence, our
to make sure that everyone has access to
compassionate and tenacious lawyers will
justice, with the support of experienced
help you through the legal process to secure
lawyers who are specialists in their fields.
financial and emotional support to get your
We believe this is an important part of our
life back on track – whatever your needs.
service to the communities in which we work. Whether you are appearing in court on a road traffic or other criminal matter, or whether you are under investigation by HMRC or other regulatory body, our defence team can give you realistic advice on your options and ensure you have expert representation.
• • • • • • •
Road traffic offences Criminal defence Regulatory offences Personal injury Clinical negligence Child protection Domestic violence
Sometimes, local authorities feel the need to intervene in childcare matters. Our dedicated childcare team can help you, whether you are a parent, grandparent or other concerned relative.
[email protected]
03456 381381
Contact us 03456 381381 ibblaw.co.uk
[email protected]
Capital Court 30 Windsor Street Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 1AB
The Bury Church St Chesham Bucks HP5 1JE
Tel: 03456 381381 DX 45105 Uxbridge
Tel: 01494 790000 DX 50302 Chesham