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The Secret Celebrity Program for Losing Weight Fast. Jackie Warner . ... 21-DAy wEIGHT LoSS kICkSTART ... Proven to Boost Weight Loss and Improve Health.


AMERICA AGAIN by Stephen Colbert

I AM A POLE! (AND SO CAN YOU) by Stephen Colbert


HUMBLEBRAG by Harris Wittels





TOTAL FRAT MOVE by Townes Prescott III


PORTLANDIA by Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein



POT PSYCHOLOGY’S HOW TO BE by Tracie Egan Morrissey and Rich Juzwiak









grand central publishing

F A L L ★

2 0 1 2 / W I N T E R



2 0 1 3


GRAND CENTRAL PUBLISHING Hardcover 4th and Goal From the Gridiron to the Boardroom and Back

Monte Burke.......................................................................................................... 13

America Again Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren’t

Stephen Colbert................................................................................................. 16-17

The Backyard Parables A Meditation on Gardening

Margaret Roach......................................................................................................41

Banished Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church

Lauren Drain with Lisa Pulitzer..............................................................................55

The Buzzard Table Margaret Maron.................................................................................................... 30

David Baldacci Untitled David Baldacci.................................................................................................. 26-27

Death of Yesterday M. C. Beaton..........................................................................................................53

Does This Church Make Me Look Fat? A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right, and Solves Her Lady Problems

Rhoda Janzen.................................................................................................... 20-21

The Fifth Assassin Brad Meltzer..................................................................................................... 34-35

Fuse Julianna Baggott................................................................................................... 46

Gone Till November Lil Wayne...............................................................................................................25

Humblebrag The Art of False Modesty

Harris Wittels......................................................................................................... 15

It Takes Balls Single Moms, Strip Clubs, and Other Confessions from an Unprepared Dad

Josh Wolf.............................................................................................................. 50

Looking for Yesterday Marcia Muller....................................................................................................... 29

Low Pressure Sandra Brown....................................................................................................... 8-9

Magical Journey An Apprenticeship in Contentment

Katrina Kenison.....................................................................................................43

The Man in 3B Carl Weber............................................................................................................ 48

The Middlesteins Jami Attenberg.......................................................................................................24

Mistress of My Fate Hallie Rubenhold...............................................................................................36-37


Grand Central Life & Style HARDCOVER and TRADE PAPERBACK cont ’d

( c o nt ’ D )

The Panther Nelson DeMille........................................................................................................... 18-19

The Perfect Marriage Kimberla Lawson Roby...................................................................................................39

The Physique 57® Solution The Groundbreaking 2-Week Plan for a Lean, Beautiful Body Tanya Becker and Jennifer Maanavi

Public Apology In Which a Man Grapples With a Lifetime of Regret, One Incident at a Time

The Plan Lose Weight Fast and Forever by Eating the Right Foods for Your Body

The Rich Girls’ Club

Power Foods for the Brain An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory

Dave Bry.........................................................................................................................52 HoneyB...........................................................................................................................54

Robert Ludlum’s TM The Janson Option

Lyn-Genet Recitas

Neal D. Barnard, MD




Paul Garrison............................................................................................................. 44-45

Robert Ludlum’s TM The Janus Reprisal Jamie Freveletti.................................................................................................................11

SISTER MINE Nalo Hopkinson..............................................................................................................56

Total Frat Move Townes Prescott III.........................................................................................................42

Two Graves Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child................................................................................32-33

Peter Bregman

American Turnaround Reinventing GM and the Way We Do Business in the USA Ed Whitacre with Leslie Cauley

Anita Raghavan

Buy High, Sell Higher Why Buy-and-Hold Is Dead And Other Investing Lessons from CNBC’s “The Liquidator”

8 Habits of Love Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind

Joe Terranova

Ed Bacon......................................................................................................................... 10

10 Pounds in 10 Days The Secret Celebrity Program for Losing Weight Fast

Delivering Happiness A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose Tony Hsieh

Jackie Warner................................................................................................................ 122

21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health

Everything I Know About Business I Learned from the Grateful Dead The Ten Most Innovative Lessons from a Long, Strange Trip Barry Barnes, PhD

Neal D. Barnard, MD.................................................................................................... 126

Betty Goes Vegan Over 500 Classic Recipes for the Modern Family

Inside Apple How America’s Most Admired–and Secretive–Company Really Works Adam Lashinsky

Annie & Dan Shannon....................................................................................................49

The DASH Diet Action Plan Proven to Boost Weight Loss and Improve Health

It’s Your Business 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business

JJ Ramberg, with Frank Silverstein and Lisa Everson

Marla Heller, MS, RD.....................................................................................................95

The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution 2 Weeks to Drop Pounds, Boost Metabolism and Get Healthy

It’s Your Ship (Revised) Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy Captain D. Michael Abrashoff

Marla Heller, MS, RD..................................................................................................... 31

Giant George Life with the World’s Biggest Dog

Red Alert How China’s Growing Prosperity Threatens the American Way of Life Stephen Leeb with Gregory Dorsey

Dave Nasser with Lynne Barrett-Lee............................................................................... 113

The Gluten-Free Table The Lagasse Girls Share Their Favorite Meals

So Good They Can’t Ignore You Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love Cal Newport

Jilly Lagasse and Jessie Lagasse Swanson.........................................................................22

The Healing Code 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue

Unthinking The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy Harry Beckwith

Alexander Loyd, PhD, ND with Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD.....................................114

Rocco DiSpirito

18 Minutes Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

The Billionaire’s Apprentice The Rise of The Indian-American Elite and The Fall of The Galleon Hedge Fund

Grand Central Life & Style HARDCOVER and TRADE PAPERBACK

Now Eat This! Italian Favorite Dishes from the Real Mamas of Italy–All Under 350 Calories


Yes Ma’am, No Sir The 12 Essential Steps for Success in Life Coach Carter
















TWELVE HARDCOVER AND TRADE PAPERBACK Arguably Essays by Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens

Eminent Outlaws The Gay Writers Who Changed America Christopher Bram

The Good Nurse The Life and Times of Charles Cullen, Serial Killer Charles Graeber

Jewish Jocks An Unorthodox Hall of Fame

Edited by Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy

The Limit Life and Death on the 1961 Grand Prix Circuit Michael Cannell

Man Seeks God My Flirtations with the Divine Eric Weiner



The One World Schoolhouse A New Approach to Teaching and Learning Salman Khan

The Org The Underlying Logic of the Office

Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan

Republic, Lost How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It Lawrence Lessig

SchrÖder A Novel

Amity Gaige

Would It Kill You to Stop Doing That A Modern Guide to Manners Henry Alford

Here Comes Trouble Stories from My Life Michael Moore




David Baldacci

It’s Your Move How to Play the Game and Win the Man You Want Nick Savoy

Kasher in the Rye The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16 Moshe Kasher


Life Itself A Memoir

Roger Ebert


Monday Mornings A Novel


The New Moon’s Arms


Not Your Mother’s Rules The New Secrets for Dating

Sanjay Gupta, MD Nalo Hopkinson

Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider


The Orchard A Memoir Theresa Weir


Nelson DeMille Demetri Martin


Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein


Pot Psychology’s How to Be Low-Minded Advice from High People


Private London

Tracie Egan Morrissey and Rich Juzwiak James Patterson & Mark Pearson

116 108



77 119 87 96


105 94

James Patterson & Maxine Paetro


Shawn Spencer with Burton Guster


Julianna Baggott


Seriously...I’m Kidding 124




The Gilly Salt Sisters Tiffany Baker


Psych’s Guide to Crime Fighting for the Totally Unqualified

The Ex-Wife Candice Dow


Private: #1 Suspect 103

Dolls Behaving Badly Cinthia Ritchie


Politics. Escorts. Blackmail. Portlandia A Guide for Visitors

Agent 6

Regina Brett


Point Your Face at This

11th Hour

Be the Miracle 50 Lessons for Making the Impossible Possible


The Panther


Tom Rob Smith


The Innocent


James Patterson & Maxine Paetro


Guilty Wives James Patterson and David Ellis

Mortality Christopher Hitchens

(cont ’d)


Ellen DeGeneres



Shaquille O’Neal with Jackie MacMullan

( c o nt ’ d )


Shattered Kia DuPree


Spy in a Little Black Dress Maxine Kenneth


Trust Me, I’m Dr. Ozzy Advice from Rock’s Ultimate Survivor

Ozzy Osbourne with Chris Ayres


Tumbleweeds Leila Meacham


Unholy Night Seth Grahame-Smith


Villa Triste Lucretia Grindle


What Is Mine Anne Holt




You Came Back Christopher Coake




How Lucky You Are Kristyn Kusek Lewis


FOREVER TRADE PAPERBACK An Heiress at Heart Jennifer Delamere


BACKLIST AND ORDERING INFORMATION Fall 12/Winter 13 Rights Listing Hachette Speakers Bureau Large Print Editions Ordering Information Spring/Summer 2012 Backlist VALENTINe’s day Backlist

133-135 132 130-131 138 136-137 128-129


C E N T R A L P U B L I S H I N G H A R D C O V E R F A L L 2 0 1 2 / W I N T E R 2 0 1 3

Low Pressure sandra BroWn

New York Times bestselling author SANDRA BROWN delivers a new heart-pounding thriller. ●

Bellamy Lyston Price was only 12 years old when her older sister Susan was killed on a stormy Memorial Day. Bellamy’s fear of storms is a legacy of the tornado that destroyed the crime scene as well as her memory of one vital fact that still eludes her.... now, 18 years later, Bellamy has written a novel based on Susan’s murder. It’s her first book, and it’s an instant sensation. But because the novel is based on the most traumatic event of her life, she’s published it under a pseudonym to protect herself and her family. But when a sleazy reporter for a tabloid newspaper discovers that the book is based on a real crime, Bellamy’s identity—and dark family secrets—are exposed. Suddenly, she finds herself embroiled in a personal conflict and at the mercy of her sister’s killer, who, for almost two decades, has gotten away with murder…and will stop at nothing to keep it that way.

Sandra Brown’s previous hardcover, Lethal (GCP, 9/11), was an instant New York Times bestseller, debuting at #2 on the list. It was praised in USA TODAY, Associated Press, Booklist, and won starred reviews from both Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. It has sold more than 283,000 copies to date. The trade paperback edition was published in 1/12, with more than 140,000 copies in print. There are over 80 million copies of Sandra Brown’s books in print worldwide and her work has been translated into 34 languages. In 2008, Brown was named Thriller Master by the International Thriller Writer’s Association, the organization’s top honor. ANDReW eCCLeS

Praise for lethal:

“Hair-raising….A perfect mix of thriller —USA TODAY and romantic suspense.”

SAnDRA BROWn lives in Texas.

“Sandra Brown delivers a Hitchcockian thriller that reads like a one is better in the genre than Brown, and she has written her best book to date.” —Associated Press


• Television advertising in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, DC • Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, USA TODAY, People, American Profile • Online advertising • Holiday catalogs


978-1-4555-0155-7 • $26.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 300 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-60941-934-9 • $34.98/$38.98 Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2254-5 • $28.99/$31.99

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2215-6 • $215.92/$239.92 • 10-copy mixed floor display (8 hcs/2 Unabr. CDs): 978-1-4555-2216-3 • $285.88/$317.88 WEB MARKETING

• Free author app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •


• National media campaign • Select author appearances • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats Also available: Lethal 978-1-4555-1082-5 $14.99/$15.99

grand central publishing hardcover





8 Habits of Love

Robert Ludlum’s The Janus Reprisal

Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind

Jamie Freveletti


Ed Bacon

A spiritual guidebook to living life through love and connection, not fear and isolation, by a respected pastor and a frequent guest on Oprah’s Soul Series.

The much anticipated new installment in Robert Ludlum’s bestselling Covert-One series.

Reverend Bacon believes that every person can live a full and creative life if they can learn to move through troubling emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness to find the core of love within themselves.  Readers will learn how insecurity can keep us from connecting with others and finding our own peace, joy, and creative power.  8 HABITS OF LOVE will show, through relatable stories, how to create a full, meaningful life by developing simple habits—stillness, truth, forgiveness, compassion, play, candor, and community—and by asking such important questions as: How do I know I’m living the life I should be? How do I forgive those who have hurt me? How do I talk candidly with difficult people? How do I best help others when they need it? And how do I let go of the past and move forward?  ●●


978-1-4555-0003-1 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Self-Help • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 224 pgs • Territories: World ●●


For the past 15 years Ed Bacon has served as Rector of All Saints, an Episcopal church in Pasadena, California, with over 4,000 congregants, including celebrities like Amy Brenneman, Brad Whitford, and Tony Shalhoub. All Saints regularly receives visitors as varied as Madonna, Cornel West, and Arianna Huffington. He has been a guest and guest host on Oprah’s Soul Series on Oprah and Friends Radio, discussing 21st century spirituality, and has been a guest panelist in the “Spirituality 101” segment of The Oprah Winfrey Show’s Living Your Best Life series. The Oprah Winfrey Network has recently featured Bacon on “Super Soul Sunday.” Bacon has been honored several times for his peace and interfaith work, including the Religious Freedom Award from the ACLU of Southern California in 2006, and the Peace & Compassion Award given to him in 2005 by the Islamic Center of Southern California. A Purpose Driven Life (Zondervan, 2004) for a more liberal audience, 8 HABITS OF LOVE will appeal to the same readership that embraced Elizabeth Lesser’s Broken Open (Villard Books, 2005) and Francis Chan’s bestselling Crazy Love (David C. Cook, 2008), which sold more than 581,000 copies.


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

978-0-446-53984-5 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 352 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market





• Television advertising New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Washington, DC, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles • Print advertising in New York Times, USA TODAY • Transit advertising • Online advertising

Ludlum’s Covert-One remains one of the bestselling branded series on the market, rivaling Tom Clancy’s Net Force and Op-Center series. The Arctic Event (GCP, 9/07), has sold more than 632,000 copies in trade paperback and mass market combined. The Janus Reprisal will be written by award-winning thriller writer Jamie Freveletti, who will bring a fresh—and female—voice to the Covert-One series. Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-186-5 • $29.98/$32.98 Large Print Edition: 978-0-446-54718-5 • $26.99/$29.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

• National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2213-2 • $199.92/$223.92 Cam Sanders



The previous novel in the series, The Ares Decision (GCP, 978-0-44669908-2, 10/11), was the first Covert-One novel published in hardcover. It was a New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller and sold more than 70,000 copies. The mass market will be published in 9/12.



• National media campaign • Local Los Angeles publicity • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video


grand central life & style hardcover


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Ed Bacon lives in Pasadena, California.


10 10

Leslie Schwartz

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

While attending a W.H.O. conference on infectious diseases in The Hague, Jon Smith wakes up in his hotel room to find a man aiming a gun at him. After neutralizing the shooter, Smith tries to escape a second group of terrorists in the process of attacking the hotel.  But the hotel is not the only target under attack in The Hague. Bombs are going off at the train station, the airport, and at the headquarters of the International Court of Justice, where a Pakistani warlord, Oman Dattar, is held while he’s being tried for crimes against humanity. In the resulting chaos, Dattar escapes. Dattar has a special hatred for the United States and England, who cooperated in his arrest and trial. He’s learned of a new strain of bioelectric bacteria being carried to the W.H.O. conference in preparation for an international consortium study. Dattar arranges for his men to steal the bacteria during his initial attack. But this is just part of a larger plot Dattar has concocted to bring down the West once and for all—and only one team can stop him….

grand central publishing hardcover

Jamie Freveletti lives in Chicago, Illinois.


11 11

Now Eat This! Italian

4th and Goal

Favorite Dishes From the Real Mamas of Italy—All Under 350 Calories

From the Gridiron to the Boardroom and Back

Rocco DiSpirito

Monte Burke

The extraordinary and inspirational true story of a multi-millionaire CEO who quit at the top of his corporate game to pursue his lifetime passion—coaching college football.

Weight-conscious food lovers no longer have to deprive themselves of the ever-popular cuisine of Italy. NOW EAT THIS! ITALIAN is the solution. With more than 80 classic recipes—all under 350 calories—readers can keep the weight off and still indulge in delectable pastas and Italian-style favorites. In this book, Rocco proves Italian food doesn’t have to be calorie packed to be delicious. With these fullflavor, low-fat recipes, readers can indulge without gaining weight. NOW EAT THIS! ITALIAN includes “sinful” pastas, sauces, and desserts, including: • Spaghetti with Mama’s Famed Meatballs • Mozarella en Carozza • Chicken Parmigiana • Sausage and Peppers • Classic Cannoli • and much more! 978-0-446-58451-7 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Cooking • 8 3/4 x 10 • 352 pgs • 180 4/c photos Territories: World


Also available as an e-book




• Print advertising in New York Times, People PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Television and radio satellite tour • New York and Los Angeles signings • National print and online media campaign

Rocco DiSpirito’s most recent book in the series, Now Eat This! Diet (Grand Central Life & Style, 3/11), debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and hit the USA TODAY, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly lists, and has more than 275,000 trade paperback copies in print. The author and book appeared on Good Morning America, The View, Rachel Ray, The Doctors, and in Woman’s World, Fitness, and Time. The original book in the series, Now Eat This! (Ballantine, 2010), was also a New York Times bestseller and has sold more than 300,000 trade paperback copies. And the third book in the series, Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts at Home/On-the-Go, has more than 90,000 copies in print.

978-1-4555-1404-5 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Memoir/Business/Sports • 6 x 9 • 288 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Rocco DiSpirito entered the Culinary Institute of America at the age of 16, and at 18 began working with legendary chefs worldwide. He was named Food & Wine’s Best New Chef and was the first chef to grace the cover of Gourmet as America’s Most Exciting Young Chef. DiSpirito is currently starring in Bravo’s hit reality series Rocco’s Dinner Party and has a weekly syndicated Associated Press column called Now Eat This! He has appeared on Oprah, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Chelsea Lately, and The Tonight Show, among other programs.



• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-1237-9 • $215.92/$239.92 WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs •


Also available: Now Eat This! Diet 978-0-446-58449-4 $22.99/$25.99 Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts at Home/On-the-Go 978-0-446-58452-4 $12.99/$13.99

Rocco DiSpirito lives in New York City.

grand central life & style hardcover


12 12

The truth is, Joe Moglia had always dreamed of coaching football, not of being a corporate titan. During his first years out of college and into his 20s, he coached high school and college football with a real passion. But when he reached his mid-30s, Joe was faced with a most difficult economic dilemma; in effect, he had to choose between his lifelong dream of coaching or of financially supporting his wife and four young kids. With a heavy heart, Joe abruptly quit coaching and went to Wall Street to try and find a decent paying job in finance. Even though he had no MBA or formal training in business, Moglia—through sheer grit and determination— worked his way up to become the CEO of TD Ameritrade. But he never lost his passion for the gridiron. In 2008, at the pinnacle of his career, Moglia did the unthinkable: He left his high-paying corporate position to become an unpaid, voluntary coach to the University of Nebraska football team. In 2010 he joined the United Football League and was named the head coach of the Omaha Nighthawks in his quest to someday become a head football college coach. And in the fall of 2011, Joe was named as the head football coach at Coastal Carolina University. 4th AND GOAL is Joe Moglia’s remarkable story—it’s truly about a dream deferred, but never forgotten. ●●



Joe Moglia’s amazing story has already piqued media interest from ESPN, CNBC, Fox Sports, NFL Films, and many more business and sports media outlets. Coach Moglia will not participate in any fulllength interviews until pub time, allowing 4th AND GOAL to break his inspiring story. It is anticipated that Forbes magazine will secure first serial rights. Monte Burke is a staff writer at Forbes and has also written for the New York Times, Outside, Men’s Journal, and Town & Country, among other publications. Both Moglia and Burke are expected to join the Hachette Speakers Bureau. Moglia’s life story immediately calls to mind inspiring sports figures Michael Oher and Jim Morris and their unbelievable stories, as told in The Blind Side (Norton, 2006) and The Oldest Rookie (LB, 4/01), respectively.

marketing PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Heidi Burke

#1 New York Times bestselling celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito delivers the latest in his Now Eat This! series—low-cal, full-flavor recipes for the Italian classics readers love.

grand central publishing hardcover

Monte Burke lives in Brooklyn, New York.


13 13

So Good They Can’t Ignore You


Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love

The Art of False Modesty

Cal Newport

Harris Wittels

Offering an eye-opening and contrarian perspective on careers, Georgetown University professor Cal Newport debunks the long-held notion that “following your passion” is actually good advice.

From Emmy-Award-nominated comedian/writer (Parks and Recreation, Eastbound & Down) Harris Wittels comes a hysterical breakdown of boasts, brags, and self-adulation disguised as humble comments and complaints—based on his popular @humblebrag Twitter feed.

In his now famous Stanford University commencement speech, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs urged idealistic graduates to “chase your dreams.” Cal Newport takes issue with that, claiming it’s not only Pollyannaish, but that Jobs never really followed his own advice. Instead, Newport argues that it’s a person’s talent and skill—not necessarily their passion—that will ultimately determine their career path. Comedian Steve Martin was once asked why he was successful in his career. He replied, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” That, according to Newport, is the essence to a satisfying career: Skill and ability trump passion. He contends that trying to find what drives us—instead of focusing on those areas in which we naturally excel—is ultimately harmful and frustrating to job seekers. By presenting compelling scientific as well as contemporary case studies, Newport shows that the key to career success begins with discovering what one does well, building upon that “career capital,” and putting every effort in that direction. ●●

978-1-4555-0912-6 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Careers/Business • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 288 pgs • Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

Something immediately annoyed Harris Wittels about Twitter. All of a sudden it was acceptable to brag, so long as those brags were ever-so-thinly disguised as transparent humility, such as: “Just filed my taxes. Biggie was right, mo money mo problems.” “I hate when I go into a store to get something to eat and the male staff are too busy hitting on me to get my order right :( so annoying!” Taking action by naming this phenomenon and creating the Twitter account called Humblebrag—dedicated solely to retweeting the humblebrags of others—Wittels’s new word took the Internet by storm. Harris also shows readers what humblebrags might look like from some of history’s most notable names, as well as devoting an entire chapter to a man who just might be the greatest humblebraggart of them all. ●●

Unlike conventional career guides, such as What Color is Your Parachute? (Ten Speed Press, reissue, 2011), SO GOOD THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU argues that in order to be able to see one’s long-range dreams come true, one first has to identify one’s skills and abilities. Whether a student, a new job seeker, or a career changer, this is the perfect book for anyone who is actively planning the next step in their life. Cal Newport is the author of three books of unconventional advice for students, which have sold more than 100,000 copies combined: How to Be a High School Superstar (Broadway Books, 2010), How to Become a Straight-A Student (Broadway Books, 2006), and How to Win at College (Broadway Books, 2005), which was a New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age winner. An assistant professor at Georgetown University, his Study Hacks blog ( blog) attracts more than 300,000 monthly visits.


978-1-4555-1418-2 • $18.99 ($20.99 in Canada) Humor/Pop Culture • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 272 pgs • Territories: World English Also available as an e-book





• National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign

• 6-copy counter display with special riser (buy 5, get 1 free copy per ship to): 978-1-4555-2214-9 • $94.95/$104.95

business plus hardcover

Julie Newport


Cal Newport is a graduate of Dartmouth College (Phi Beta Kappa) and MIT (PhD). He lives in Washington, DC.

14 14


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Patrick Gookin

• Online advertising

• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways






grand central publishing hardcover

From the moment Wittels coined the term “humblebrag,” the idea took hold and became an internet phenomenon, mentioned on thousands of websites. In less than a year, the @humblebrag Twitter feed now has over 177,000 followers. Harris Wittels will be one of the stars of Sarah Silverman’s upcoming comedy series for NBC. He currently writes for NBC’s Parks and Recreation (on which he sometimes appears as Harris, the Animal Control guy). He has also written for HBO’s acclaimed series Eastbound & Down, Comedy Central’s The Sarah Silverman Show, MTV’s Human Giant, and the MTV Video and Music Award shows. He recently wrote a feature film for Mandate Pictures, which is set to star Aziz Ansari and Danny McBride. In addition to his writing, Wittels regularly tours the country performing stand-up comedy with such comics as Sarah Silverman, Louis C.K. and B.J. Novak. His stand-up has been featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham and Showtime’s Live, Nude Comedy. He was also on Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” list for 2011. Numerous celebrities are followers of Humblebrag on Twitter and have helped spread the word, including Jerry Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Samuel L. Jackson, Amy Poehler, and many others.

Harris Wittels lives in Los Angeles, California.


15 15



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


It’s high time we restored America to the greatness it never lost!

Book store nation, in the history of mankind there has never been a greater country than America. You could say we’re the #1 nation at being the best at greatness. But as perfect as America is in every single way, America is broken! And we can’t exchange it because we’re 236 years past the 30-day return window. Look around—we don’t make anything anymore, we’ve mortgaged our future to China, and the Apologist-in-Chief goes on world tours just to bow before foreign leaders. Worse, the L.A. Four Seasons Hotel doesn’t even have a dedicated phone button for the Spa. You have to dial an extension! Where did we lose our way?!

OCTOBER 978-0-446-58397-8 $28.99 ($31.99 in Canada) Humor • 7 x 9 1/4 240 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-60788-970-0 $24.98/$27.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio and Enhanced e-book formats




★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Luckily, AMERICA AGAIN will singlebookedly pull this country back from the brink. It features everything from chapters, to page numbers, to fonts. Covering subject’s ranging from healthcare (“I shudder to think where we’d be without the wide variety of prescription drugs to treat our maladies, such as think-shuddering”) to the economy (“Life is giving us lemons, and we’re shipping them to the Chinese to make our lemon-flavored leadonade”) to food (“Feel free to deep fry this book— it’s a rich source of fiber”), Stephen gives America the dose of truth it needs to get back on track.


ADVERTISING • Television advertising on The Colbert Report • Print advertising in New York Times, USA TODAY, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times • Transit advertising in New York • Holiday catalogs PUBLICITY • National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

PROMOTION • Special terms available • 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2220-0 $231.92/$255.92 • 10-copy mixed floor display (8 bks, 2 Unabr. CDs): 978-1-4555-2221-7 $281.88/$311.88 WEB MARKETING • Social networks, blogs, giveaways

also availaBle I Am America (And So Can You!) 978-0-446-58218-6 $15.99/$19.99


The Panther nelson demille

Anti-Terrorist Task Force agent John Corey and his wife, FBI agent kate Mayfield, have been posted overseas to Sana’a, Yemen—one of the most dangerous places in the Middle East. While there, they will be working with a small team to track down one of the masterminds behind the USS Cole bombing: a high-ranking Al Qaeda operative known as The Panther. Ruthless and elusive, he’s wanted for multiple terrorist acts and murders—and the U.S. government is determined to bring him down, no matter the cost. As latecomers to a treacherous game, John and kate don’t know the rules, the players, or the score. What they do know is that there is more to their assignment than meets the eye—and that the hunters are about to become the hunted.

THE PANTHER features one of Nelson DeMille’s most popular characters, Det. John Corey, who was previously featured in the author’s New York Times bestsellers The Lion (GCP, 6/10), Wild Fire (GCP, 11/06), Night Fall (GCP, 11/04), The Lion’s Game (GCP 1/00), and Plum Island (GCP, 5/97). These novels have more than six million copies in print combined and have received widespread critical acclaim. The author’s most recent novel, The Lion (GCP, 978-0-446-58083-0, 6/10), was an instant New York Times bestseller. It debuted as tied for #1, and sold more than 330,000 copies. The trade paperback edition (GCP, 6/11) was also a New York Times bestseller and has more than 102,000 copies in print. SANDY DemiLLe

John Corey returns in the new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author NELSON D EMILLE.

There are more than 30 million copies of DeMille’s books in print worldwide, and more than 15 million copies in print in the United States.

nELSOn DEMILLE lives on Long Island, new York.

Praise for nelson demille:

“A master of the unexpected…an accomplished and incredibly versatile storyteller.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer

Backlist featuring John corey:

The Lion 978-0-446-69960-0 $14.99/$16.50

The Lion’s Game 978-0-446-67909-1 $14.99/$16.99


• Television advertising in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Chicago, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Los Angeles • Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Newsday, People, Entertainment Weekly, USA TODAY • Online advertising • Transit advertising in New York • Holiday catalogs PUBLICITY


Wild Fire 978-0-446-69783-5 $14.99/$17.99

978-0-446-58084-7 • $27.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 600 pgs • Territories: World English

Plum Island 978-0-446-67908-4 $15.99/$17.99

Hachette Audio: Abr. CD: 978-1-61969-180-3 • $29.98/$32.98 Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-182-7 • $39.98/$43.98 Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2259-0 • $29.99/$32.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Also available from hachette Audio Night Fall 978-0-446-17792-4 $14.99/$17.25

grand central publishing hardcover



• National media campaign • Select author appearances • National television and radio satellite tours • National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• Special terms available • 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2134-0 • $223.92/$239.92 • 10-copy mixed floor display (8 bks/ 2 Unabr. CDs): 978-1-4555-2295-8 $303.88/$327.88 WEB MARKETING

• Free THE PANTHER app, social networks, blogs, giveaways • 19

Does This Church Make Me Look Fat? A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right, and Solves Her Lady Problems rHoda JanZen

What does it mean to give church a try when you haven’t really tried since you were twelve? At the end of her bestselling memoir Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, Rhoda Janzen had reconnected with her family and her roots, though her future felt uncertain. But when she starts dating a churchgoer, this skeptic begins a surprising journey to faith and love. Janzen doesn’t slide back into the dignified simplicity of the Mennonite church. Instead, she finds herself hanging with the Pentecostals, who really know how to get down with sparkler pom-poms. Amid the hand waving and hallelujahs, Janzen finds a faith richly practical for life—just in time for some impressive lady problems, an unexpected romance, and a quirky new family. Praise for rhoda Janzen:

“Rhoda Janzen is a terrific, pithy, beautiful writer.” —kate Christensen, New York Times Book Review


978-1-4555-0288-2 • $24.99 ($27.99 in canada) Memoir • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 256 pgs • Territories: World Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-869-6 • $26.98/$29.98 Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2260-6 • $26.99/$29.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

grand central publishing hardcover october

“It is rare that I literally laugh out loud while reading, but Rhoda Janzen’s voice—singular, deadpan, sharp-witted and honest—slayed me.” —elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love on Mennonite in a Little Black Dress


Rhoda Janzen’s acclaimed memoir, Mennonite in a Little Black Dress (Henry Holt & Co, 2009), spent more than 40 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, with several weeks at #1. It also hit #1 on the Washington Post and Boston Globe lists. Shortlisted for the Thurber Prize for American Humor and chosen as an Indie Next Pick, it won widespread praise from publications, including the New York Times Book Review, People, Entertainment Weekly, Miami Herald, The Daily Beast, and Publishers Weekly. DOES THIS CHURCH MAKE ME LOOK FAT? follows Janzen’s return to faith and love in a warm, witty, and inclusive style reminiscent of Anne Lamott.


Rhoda Janzen, author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, is back with a hilarious and heartfelt memoir about her return to faith and love.


Mitch’s sixteen-year-old son Leroy had already confided that for as long as he could remember, his buddies had been terrified of his dad, around whom there had sprung up a stern terminator legend. First there was Mitch’s size. Leroy’s dad caricatured the impossible male physique— chest like a scenic vista, canon arms, a waist that disappeared into his jeans like a genie into a bottle. He kept clanking steel gym equipment in his living room. Then there was the curious catlike walk. He moved with incredible lightness, as if he expected someone to attack him from behind. Anyone who’s studied martial arts recognizes that walk. Put him in a suit, he looks like secret service. When you put other men in suits, they look like accountants or limo drivers. Leroy told me that his father’s nickname was The Boxer. I frowned. “I’d hate to be the box.” “Yeah,” Leroy returned. “Stealth thinks my dad looks like a stone-cold Steve Austin.” “Stealth?” I asked. “Your friend’s name is Stealth?” “Yeah,” said Leroy. “He’s not my friend, though. He’s my cousin.” “Are you trying to tell me that you have an aunt who named her child Stealth?” Leroy nodded. “After the bomber.” They seemed a strange family to me.

RHODA JAnZEn lives in Holland, Michigan, where she teaches English and creative writing at Hope College.


• Print advertising in People, New York Times, Entertainment Weekly PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Multi-city tour • National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• Online reading group guide WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


The Gluten-Free Table

It’s Your Business

The Lagasse Girls Share Their Favorite Meals

183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business

Jilly Lagasse and Jessie Lagasse Swanson Foreword by Emeril Lagasse

JJ Ramberg with Frank Silverstein and Lisa Everson

From the daughters of beloved chef Emeril Lagasse comes a gluten-free cookbook offering creative, delicious, and comfort-style recipes.

The ultimate—and essential—collection of hard-earned practical advice for all small business owners and entrepreneurs, based on the author’s long-running MSNBC series, Your Business.


978-1-4555-1688-9 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Cooking • 7 x 9 • 224 pgs • 75 4/c photos • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book

Imagine growing up with a father known for his rich, creolestyle cooking, who instilled a love and appreciation of food from the very start. Now imagine not being able to eat most of his dishes anymore. That’s what happened to Jessie and Jilly Lagasse when they were diagnosed with gluten allergies in 2001 and 2004, respectively. So they learned to adjust, changing the ways they cooked, ate, and used ingredients. THE GLUTEN-FREE TABLE provides a well-balanced base of recipes that can add flavor and enjoyment to the menus of even the most demanding of gluten-free eaters. With appetizers, soups, salads, sides, entrees, and desserts, there is something for everyone. Featuring family favorites, Southern classics, and a few of Jessie and Jilly’s own culinary anecdotes thrown in, readers will delight in this compendium that includes recipes for: • Sweet and Sticky Chicken Drumsticks • Hearty Ham and Butterbean Soup • Jalapeno and Cheddar Cornbread • Slow Cooked Rosemary Chicken with Apples • Sweet Maple Syrup Johnnycakes • and more!






IT’S YOUR BUSINESS is the guidebook dedicated to the pressing issues facing small business owners everywhere. JJ Ramberg shares valuable information culled from the hundreds of successful business owners featured on her show, including notable entrepreneurs Blake Mycoskie and Mike Michalowicz, founders of TOMS® and Obsidian Launch, respectively, among others. This right-to-the-point book covers topics from human resources to finance, public relations to sales, and much, much more—all geared totally toward the small business owner. Entrepreneurs have no time to waste, and Ramberg presents simple and effective guidance that can be put to use right away. IT’S YOUR BUSINESS will be an indispensable asset to every small business owner, from a family-owned store to a venture capitalist-backed start-up.



Celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse has written the foreword to his daughters’ book and contributed 10 original gluten-free recipes of his own. Jilly Lagasse and Jessie Lagasse Swanson are active in the gluten-free community and have many connections in the cooking world, from Mario Batali and Guy Fieri to Bethenny Frankel and more, who will offer their support. They have contacts at Good Housekeeping, Food Network magazine, The Dr. Oz Show, The Martha Stewart Show, and many other media outlets.

978-1-4555-0900-3 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Business • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 288 pgs • Territories: World


Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-216-9 • $26.98/$29.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

JJ Ramberg is the host of MSNBC’s Your Business, which is currently in its sixth season. It’s the only TV show focused exclusively on the issues affecting small business owners. Guests on the show have not only included top entrepreneurs, but also Senate and House Small Business Committee members, the head of the Small Business Administration, and members of the Cabinet, giving Ramberg the perfect platform to promote this book. The author is the co-founder of, a web-based company that helps people raise money for causes they care about. In addition to her show and business, Ramberg will draw on her extensive network of media and corporate contacts to promote IT’S YOUR BUSINESS. JJ is a graduate of Duke University and earned her MBA from Stanford Business School.

Gluten-free diet books have been selling for years, from The GlutenFree Gourmet (Henry Holt, 1990) to The G-Free Diet (Center Street, 5/09), which has sold more than 180,000 hardcover and paperback copies combined. Celiac disease is more prevalent than ever, with one in every 133 people suffering from it, not including the thousands of glutenintolerant people who don’t have the full-fledged disease.

• Print advertising in New York Times • Holiday catalogs PUBLICITY


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

marketing PUBLICITY Chris Granger

• National media campaign • Local author events • Television satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign

Grand central life & style hardcover

Jilly Lagasse splits her time between New Orleans, Louisiana, and London. Jessie Lagasse Swanson lives in New Orleans, Louisiana.


• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

JJ Ramberg lives in Brooklyn, New York.

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways 22 22

business plus hardcover


23 23

The Middlesteins

Gone Till November

Jami Attenberg

Lil Wayne

An unforgettable novel about the loves and obsessions of a Midwestern family on the brink of tremendous change.

Based on diaries rapper Lil Wayne kept while serving time on Rikers Island, GONE TILL NOVEMBER offers fans their first real chance to get inside the enigmatic mind of the biggest name in hip hop.


978-1-4555-0721-4 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Fiction • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • 288 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

Already being praised by the literati—including Kate Christensen, J. Courtney Sullivan, Aryn Kyle, and Lauren Groff—THE MIDDLESTEINS is poised to be Attenberg’s break-out novel.


• Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, People

—Kate Christensen, bestselling author of The Astral and The Great Man

“Jami Attenberg has written a brilliant blazing, ferocious, and great-hearted as anything I’ve ever read.”

—Lauren Groff, New York Times bestselling author of The Monsters of Templeton

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

“This smorgasbord of a book about food, family, love, sex, and loss is like the Jewish The Corrections, yet menschier and with heart.”

Michael Sharkey


grand central publishing hardcover

978-1-4555-1526-4 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Memoir • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 288 pgs • Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and in e-book formats



Lil Wayne sells out stadium tours and is one of the most influential and popular rappers in history. His most recent album, Tha Carter IV, sold nearly one million copies in its first week and was the #1 album in America. With more than five million Twitter followers and 33.7 million Facebook fans, Wayne is a social network sensation. Lil Wayne has been nominated for eight Grammies and has won four. He has been featured multiple times on the cover of Rolling Stone, and on the covers of Spin, XXL, Vibe, and Blender. His albums get consistently excellent reviews.


“A truly original American novel, at once topical and universally timeless.”

• Select author appearances • National print and online publicity campaign • Online reading group guide

●● (final cover to come)

Attenberg is a master of social media: her website and blog, www. and her Twitter (@jamiattenberg) and Facebook pages have large followings. She works part-time at Word bookstore in Brooklyn and is plugged into the Brooklyn writing community.



Selling out stadiums, topping album sales charts, and selling millions of albums have brought Lil Wayne, one of hip-hop’s biggest acts, incredible highs. But these huge successes were accompanied by dark lows, resulting in a gun charge that landed him in Rikers Island Penitentiary for a year (of which he served 8 months). While there, he kept remarkably detailed journals of his thoughts, his feelings, the strange and colorful people he met, his plans, his family, his children, his past, present, and future. GONE TILL NOVEMBER is a highly compelling internal monologue that is as relatable as it is unique to Wayne—an amazing narrative that will be a must-have for his legions of fans.

The author’s work has received praise from O, The Oprah Magazine, People, Marie Claire, Elle, New York magazine, and the Chicago Tribune, among other publications.

Advance praise for THE MIDDLESTEINS: marketing

“They might think they’ve got a pretty good shot or a pretty good flow, but our kids can’t all aspire to be LeBron or Lil Wayne.” —Barack Obama


For more than 30 years, Edie and Richard Middlestein shared a solid family life together in the suburbs of Chicago: two children, a nice house in the Chicago suburbs, successful careers, close friends. But now, things are splintering apart, for one reason, it seems: Edie’s enormous girth. She’s obsessed with food—thinking about it, eating it, and if she doesn’t stop, she won’t have much longer to live. When Richard abandons his wife, it is up to the next generation to take control. Robin, their schoolteacher daughter, is determined that her father pay for leaving her mother. Benny, an easy-going, pot-smoking family man, just wants to smooth things over. And Rachelle, a whippet-thin perfectionist, is intent on saving her mother-in-law’s life. Through it all, they wonder: do Edie’s devastating choices rest on her shoulders alone, or are they at fault, too? With pitch-perfect prose and sly humor, THE MIDDLESTEINS explores the hopes and heartbreaks of new and old love, the yearnings of Midwestern America, and our devastating, fascinating preoccupation with food.

—Jenna Blum, author of Those Who Save Us and The Stormchasers

• Online advertising PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Local author publicity in New York, New Orleans • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video PROMOTION

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2225-5 • $207.92/$231.92 WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Jami Attenberg lives in Brooklyn, New York.



24 24

Lil Wayne lives in Miami, Florida.

grand central publishing hardcover


25 25



David Baldacci returns with the second novel in his new blockbuster series! ●

John Puller is called out on another case—and this time, it’s close to home. His Aunt Betsy has been found dead in her Florida apartment, drowned in her backyard pool. The local police have ruled the death an accident, but Puller isn’t so sure. Before she died, Betsy mailed a letter to Puller’s father, telling him she was afraid…but wouldn’t say what, exactly, she was frightened of. Puller decides to head down south to personally investigate his aunt’s death—and what he finds there convinces him without a doubt that this was no accident. And when he learns the real reason for his aunt’s death, his discoveries may impact the whole eastern seaboard.

The Sixth Man (GCP, 4/11) was a #1 New York Times bestseller, remaining on the list for 11 weeks. It also hit the Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly lists. The trade paperback edition (GCP, 9/11), pub-

marketing • Television advertising in New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston • Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, USA TODAY • Transit advertising in New York, Washington, DC • Online advertising • Holiday catalogs

• National media campaign • TV and radio satellite tours • Local author appearances • National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-61969-177-3 • $223.92/$239.92 WEB MARKETING

• Free David Baldacci app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

“Baldacci’s palpable tension keeps the pages turning—and leaves you eager for the next in —Star-Ledger (New Jersey) this new series.”

Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2264-4 • $29.99/$32.99

Also available: Zero Day 978-1-4555-1899-9 $14.99/$15.99

Also available in Downloadable Audio and in e-book formats ALeXANDeR JAmeS

Baldacci is one of the world’s most popular novelists and has hit bestseller lists all over the globe. His novels are published in over 45 languages in more than 80 countries, with over 110 million copies in print worldwide.

Praise for Zero day:

Hachette Audio: Abr. CD: 978-1-60788-578-8 • $29.98/$32.98 Unabr. CD: 978-1-60788-577-1 • $39.98/$43.98

“Baldacci introduces a soldier/sleuth who fights like Rambo and thinks like Holmes.” —Kirkus Reviews

DAVID BALDACCI lives with his family in Virginia.


One Summer (GCP, 6/11), a romantic tale unlike anything Baldacci has written before, hit #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, selling more than 210,000 copies. The accelerated trade paperback (GCP, 12/11) sold over 150,000 copies.



978-0-446-57305-4 • $27.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 416 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market

grand central publishing hardcover

lished just five months after the hardcover, sold more than 218,000 copies.

Zero Day (GCP, 978-0-446-57301-6, 11/11), the first book in the series, was an instant #1 New York Times bestseller. It also hit the USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Publishers Weekly lists. The e-book sold an amazing 237,000 units and counting, and the trade paperback edition will be published in 3/12.



It’s Your Ship (Revised Edition)

Looking for Yesterday

Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy

Marcia Muller

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, USS Benfold

The classic, bestselling guide to revolutionary leadership and management skills is reissued in a revised 10th anniversary edition.

In New York Times bestselling author Marcia Muller’s explosive new novel, Sharon McCone investigates an unsolved murder—and someone is willing to add to the body count to keep from being found.

When Captain D. Michael Abrashoff took over the USS Benfold, the high-tech fighting ship was anything but ready. Throwing centuries of naval tradition overboard, he applied modern-day management techniques with his crew. Within months, the Benfold was the top performing ship in the American fleet—from achieving amazing cost savings to winning the highest gunnery score in the Pacific Fleet. Now, Abrashoff shares his secrets of successful management in this updated and revised edition, including: • See your ship through the eyes of your crew—by soliciting sailors’ suggestions, Abrashoff drastically reduced tedious chores that provided little additional value. • Communicate, communicate, communicate—the more Abrashoff communicated the ship’s plans, the better the crew’s performance. They even nicknamed the Captain “Megaphone Mike.” •C  reate discipline by focusing on purpose—discipline skyrocketed when Abrashoff’s crew believed that what they were doing was important. IT’S YOUR SHIP can help anyone change the course of their ship, no matter where their business battles are fought. ●●

Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-243-5 • $29.98/$32.98 ●●

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


When it was first published, IT’S YOUR SHIP (Business Plus, 5/02) sold more than 558,000 hardcover copies and hit The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and BusinessWeek bestseller lists. It has gone back to press an impressive 29 times.



978-0-446-57335-1 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Mystery • 6 x 9 • 320 pgs • Territories: World Also available as an e-book

Praise for Marcia Muller:

“Muller’s series launched the modern hard-boiled female detective, and it has been setting the gold standard…for more than 30 years.” —Booklist

marketing • Print advertising in Mystery Scene • NPR radio sponsorship in San Francisco • National print and online publicity campaign

• National media campaign • Tie in to author lecture tour • National print and online publicity campaign




• Teaser chapter included in the mass market of City of Whispers (10/12) • Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff lives in Florida.

28 28

Also available: City of Whispers 978-0-446-57334-4 $7.99/$8.99 • 10/12 Coming Back 978-0-446-40052-7 $7.99/$8.99




Marcia Muller has received the Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Award (their highest honor); the Private Eye Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award; the Anthony Boucher Award; and was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Crime Novel.

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, is one of the nation’s most in-demand corporate speakers. He retired from the Navy in 2001 and became the founder and CEO of Grassroots Leadership, Inc., in Boston (www.grassrootsleadership. com).


business plus hardcover

Throughout Marcia Muller’s career, the Sharon McCone novels have hit the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and USA Today bestseller lists. And many of the titles have been selections of The Mystery Guild.

“McCone is the new breed of American woman detective… redefining the mystery genre by applying different sensibilities and values to it.” —New York Times Book Review


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

The most recent Sharon McCone novel, City of Whispers (978-0446-57333-7), was published in GCP hardcover in 10/11. The mass market edition will be published in 10/12 and includes a teaser chapter from LOOKING FOR YESTERDAY.

Captain Abrashoff is also the author of It’s Our Ship (Business Plus, 5/08) and Get Your Ship Together (Portfolio, 2004).

“A model of leadership as progressive as any celebrated within the business world….Abrashoff’s leadership formula produces benefits that are both financial and operational.” —Fast Company

Also available: It’s Our Ship 978-0-446-19966-7 $25.99/$28.99


Craig Prographica

978-0-446-52911-2 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Business/Management • 6 x 9 • 256 pgs • Territories: World

Three years ago, Caro Warrick was acquitted for the murder of her best friend Amelia Bettencourt, but the lingering doubts of everyone around Caro is adversely affecting her life. Sharon McCone is confident that she can succeed where other detectives have failed (though at times it’s hard to shake her own misgivings about what happened), but when Caro is brutally beaten right at Sharon’s doorstep, the investigation takes on a whole new course. How many more people remain at risk until Amelia’s murderer is finally caught?

grand central publishing hardcover

Marcia Muller lives in Petaluma, California.


29 29

The Buzzard Table

The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution 2 Weeks to Drop Pounds, Boost Metabolism and Get Healthy

Margaret Maron

Marla Heller, MS, RD

New York Times bestselling and multiple award-winning author Margaret Maron returns with a new mystery featuring her critically acclaimed sleuth Judge Deborah Knott.

On the heels of the New York Times bestselling DASH Diet Action Plan comes a program specifically formulated for quick—and lasting—weight loss.

Judge Deborah Knott and Sheriff’s Deputy Dwight Bryant are back home in Colleton County with all their family and courthouse regulars. But there are a few new faces as well. Lt. Sigrid Herald and her mother, Anne, a well-known photographer, are down from New York to visit Anne’s ailing mother, Mrs. Lattimore. When the group gathers for dinner at Mrs. Lattimore’s Victorian home, they meet the enigmatic Martin Crawford, an ornithologist who claims to be researching a new book on Southern vultures. More importantly, he’s Mrs. Lattimore’s long-lost nephew, and Sigrid and Anne’s English cousin. With her health in decline, Mrs. Lattimore wants to make amends with her family—something Deborah can understand as she too is working to strengthen her relationship with her stepson, Cal. But for all his mysterious charm, Anne can’t shake the feeling that there is something familiar about Martin...something he doesn’t want Anne or anyone else to discover. When a murderer strikes, Deborah, Dwight, and Sigrid will once again work together to solve the crime and uncover long-buried Lattimore family secrets.


978-0-446-55582-1 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Mystery • 6 x 9 • 320 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book



The previous Deborah Knott mystery, Three-Day Town (978-0-446-55578-4), was published in GCP hardcover in 11/11 and was an Indie Next List bestseller. The mass market edition will be published in 11/12. Maron has won the Edgar Award for best novel, five Agatha Awards, the Macavity Award, the Anthony Award, and the Sir Walter Raleigh Award. In 2008, she received the North Carolina Award for Literature, the state’s highest civilian honor.

The most effective diet for healthy weight loss just got better! THE DASH DIET WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION uses elements of the diet ranked as the “Best Overall Diet” by US News & World Report in 2011 and 2012, and proven NIH research on DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) to create a program guaranteed to speed weight loss and boost metabolism. Based on never-before-published NIH-funded research and developed by the foremost DASH dietician and leading nutrition expert, Marla Heller, this effective and easy weight loss program includes menu plans, recipes, shopping lists, and more. Readers will enjoy a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat and nonfat dairy, lean meats/fish/poultry, nuts/beans/ seeds, heart healthy fats, and limited amounts of whole grains. The result: faster metabolism, lower body fat, improved strength and cardiovascular fitness—plus the diet can lower cholesterol and blood pressure without medication, and without counting calories! As effective as the original DASH is for heart health, this plan is just as effective for weight loss.



978-1-4555-1279-9 • $22.99 ($24.99 in Canada) Diet • 6 x 9 • 224 pgs • Territories: World Also available as an e-book


Praise for Three-Day Town: “Fans…will be charmed.”

— Kirkus Reviews ●●


“This is a strong addition to a series that’s won Edgar, Agatha, —Publishers Weekly Anthony, and Macavity Awards.”


• Print advertising in Mystery Scene • Radio sponsorships on NPR ●●


Also available: Three-Day Town 978-0-446-55577-7 $7.99/$8.99 • 11/12


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Joseph Maron

• Teaser chapter will be included in the mass market of Three-Day Town (11/12)

grand central publishing hardcover

marketing • National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

Margaret Maron lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways 30 30

This version of the DASH diet is specifically formulated for quick, healthy weight loss, offering a detailed, effective program. As a bonus, while adhering to the plan, users will also lower their blood pressure and cholesterol! Marla Heller, MS, RD, has over 15 years of experience helping her patients put DASH into practice. She used the DASH diet to help cure the high blood pressure she was diagnosed with in 2003, and the DASH diet is a required medical recommendation for patients diagnosed with hypertension or pre-hypertension, a group of almost 130 million people. Heller has been the featured nutrition expert for the Chicago Tribune and Washington Post and she is the spokesperson for the Greater Midwest Affiliate of the American Heart Association.

PUBLICITY Richard Heller

• National print and online publicity campaign

The author’s previous hardcover, The Dash Diet Action Plan (GC Life & Style, 978-1-4555-1280-5, 9/11), was a New York Times bestseller. It has more than 60,000 copies in print and was featured on The Dr. Oz Show, NPR,, and, among others. The self-published edition of the book sold close to 80,000 copies in paperback and e-book formats. The trade paperback edition will be published in 12/12 and tie in with the release of this title. See page 95.

Marla Heller lives in Northbrook, Illinois.

grand central life & style hardcover december

31 31

Two Graves From bestselling thriller authors PRESTON AND CHILD comes the highly anticipated conclusion to Special Agent Pendergast’s investigation into the mysterious death of his wife Helen.

After his wife, Helen, is brazenly abducted before his eyes, Special Agent Pendergast furiously pursues the kidnappers, chasing them across the country and into Mexico. But then, things go terribly, tragically wrong; the kidnappers escape; and a shattered Pendergast retreats to his new York apartment and shuts out the world. But when a string of bizarre murders erupts across several Manhattan hotels— perpetrated by a boy who seems to have an almost psychic ability to elude capture— nYPD Lieutenant D’Agosta asks his friend Pendergast for help. Reluctant at first, Pendergast soon discovers that the killings are a message from his wife’s kidnappers. But why a message? And what does it mean? When the kidnappers strike again at those closest to Pendergast, the FBI agent, filled anew with vengeful fury, sets out to track down and destroy those responsible. His journey takes him deep into the trackless forests of South America, where he ultimately finds himself face to face with an old evil that—rather than having been eradicated—is stirring anew…and with potentially world-altering consequences. Confucius once said: “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves.” Pendergast is about to learn the hard way just how true those words still ring.


978-0-446-55499-2 • $26.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 416 pgs • Territories: World

© 2011 SeLeNe PReSTON

doUGlaS pRESton and lincoln child

The previous novel in the trilogy, Cold Vengeance (GCP, 978-0-44655498-5, 8/11), debuted at #1 on the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and Entertainment Weekly bestseller lists, and #2 on The Wall Street Journal list, among others. A teaser chapter from TWO GRAVES is included in the mass market edition (GCP, 2/12). The series debut, Fever Dream (GCP, 978-0-446-55496-1, 5/10), hit the New York Times (#3), The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and USA TODAY bestseller lists, and has more than 200,000 hardcover copies in print. In mass market (GCP, 4/11), it sold more than 160,000 copies and was also a New York Times bestseller. Since Dance of Death (GCP, 6/05), all of Preston and Child’s novels have debuted in the top five of the New York Times bestseller list and have remained on the list for at least six weeks.

Praise for the series:

“This is no dream; it’s the authors’ best book in years….not to be missed by either newcomers or die-hard fans.” —Library Journal (starred review) on Fever Dream

“Preston and Child continue their dominance of the thriller genre with stellar writing and twists that come at a furious pace. Others may try to write like them, but no one can come close. The best in the business deliver another winner.” —RT Book Reviews on Cold Vengeance

DOUGLAS PRESTOn lives with his family on the coast of Maine. LInCOLn CHILD lives with his wife and daughter in new Jersey.


• Television advertising in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Los Angeles • Transit advertising in New York • Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, Los Angeles Times, New York Times PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • Select author appearances • National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-1158-7 • $215.92/$239.92 • Teaser chapter included in mass market of Cold Vengeance (GCP, 2/12) WEB MARKETING

• Free Preston & Child app • Social networks, blogs, giveaways • •

Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-422-3 • $39.98/$43.98 Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-1345-1 • $28.99/$31.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats Also available: Cold Vengeance 978-0-446-55497-8 $9.99/$10.99 Fever Dream 978-0-446-55495-4 $9.99/$10.99

grand central publishing hardcover




The Fifth Assassin Brad meltZer

There have been 14 assassination attempts on the President of the United States.

Four have been successful. ●

But now, Beecher White—hero of the #1 bestseller The Inner Circle—discovers a killer in Washington, DC, who is meticulously recreating the crimes of the world’s most famous assassins: John Wilkes Booth. Charles J. Guiteau. Leon Czolgosz. Lee Harvey Oswald. Even more frightening is the discovery Beecher makes about these four killers. Long thought to be lone wolves, Beecher stumbles upon a connection that has them working together in secret over the course of a hundred years. What was their purpose? Who do they really work for? And why are they planning to kill the current President of the United States? Beecher’s about to find out. And even more terrifying, he’s about to come face-to-face with the fifth assassin.

The Inner Circle (978-0-446-57789-2), the first novel to feature Beecher White, was published in GCP hardcover in 1/11. It debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, selling more than 180,000 copies in hardcover. There are more than 270,000 copies of the trade paperback in print. Brad Meltzer’s The Book of Lies (GCP, 9/08) debuted at #2 on the New York Times bestseller list selling more than 150,000 copies in hardcover. The Book of Fate (GCP, 9/06) was an instant #1 New York Times bestseller and netted over 200,000 copies. The History Channel premiered Brad Meltzer’s Decoded in 12/10. The show attracted 1.7 million viewers for its series debut, and a second season of Decoded premiered in October 2011. Meltzer is the author of eight New York Times bestselling thrillers. He is also the author of the critically acclaimed comic books Identity Crisis and Justice League of America, and was the co-creator of the television series Jack & Bobby.

“All of Brad’s books are a fascinating read. He is a great storyteller who keeps all of us on the edge of our seats.” —President George h.W. Bush

“Meltzer has earned the right to belly up to the bar with John Grisham, Scott —People Turow, and David Baldacci.” “Meltzer has mastered the art of baiting and hooking readers into a fast-moving —USA TODAY plot.”


BRAD MELTZER lives in Florida.


• Television advertising in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C. on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Miami • Print advertising in the New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY • Transit advertising in New York, Washington, DC • Online advertising PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • 10-city author tour • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video PROMOTION

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2222-4 • $215.92/$239.92 • 10-copy mixed floor display (8 bks/2 Unabr. CDs): 978-1-4555-2224-8 • $285.88/$317.88

978-0-446-55397-1 • $26.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 384 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-600-24706-4 • $34.98/$38.98 Large Print Edition: 978-0-446-55399-5 • $28.99/$31.99

Also available: The Inner Circle 978-0-446-61615-7 $9.99/$10.99

Also available in Downloadable Audio and in e-book formats

grand central publishing hardcover


The #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inner Circle delivers the second novel in the blockbuster Culper Ring Trilogy.




• Free author app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •


Mistress of My Fate Hallie ruBenHold

Page-turning fiction marries historical expertise in Hallie Rubenhold’s exhilarating series debut that will appeal to readers of Alison Weir and Philippa Gregory.


Set during a p erio d of revolution and turmoil, MISTRESS OF MY FATE is the first book in a trilogy about Henrietta Lightfoot, a young woman who was abandoned as a baby and raised alongside her cousins, noble children of an Earl and Countess. At just 16 years old, circumstance and a passionate love affair tear Henrietta away from everything she knows, causing her to fend for herself on the streets of 19th century London as a courtesan, gambler, and spirited intellect of the city.


978-1-4555-1180-8 • $25.99 ($28.99 in canada) Historical Fiction • 6 x 9 • 432 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-756-9 • $29.98/$32.98


The success of Philippa Gregory’s bestselling The Cousin’s War novels (Touchstone), as well as the bestselling books of Alison Weir (Mary Boleyn, The Lady in the Tower), proves that there is a huge audience for historical fiction featuring strong female characters. Hallie Rubenhold lives in London with her husband.

EXCERPT: I was like an animal, clambering through the darkness. I stole through the narrow corridor near the kitchens, passing by the doors of servants, still sunk deeply into their warm straw mattresses. In an hour, the first light of morning would wake them and, with so many pairs of eyes on guard, my flight would have been impossible. You must understand that, by then, they hated me. They would have set upon me like a pack of slavering dogs….As I came round the final bend in the road, the buck on the inn’s signboard roused my tears. My mind swirled with memories and confusion. I wept for myself, for the innocent girl whom I would

Praise for THe lAdY In Red:

“Ms. Rubenhold’s book brings to life the dissipated and alluring world of —Washington Times aristocratic Georgian England…an impressive feat.” “As a historian and a storyteller, Hallie Rubenhold is in a league of her own.” —Literary Review





• Print advertising in New York Times Book Review, People • National print and online media campaign

grand central publishing hardcover

never see again.

“MISTRESS OF MY FATE is a full-blooded romp that is eager to please…vivid period details and exuberant narrative. Henrietta is especially pleasing: two parts Lizzie Bennett and Tom Jones’s Sophia Western to one part Moll Flanders—with a splash of Fanny Hill.”

—The Independent (uk)

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Hallie Rubenhold is a historian and broadcaster and an authority on British 18th-century social history. She has written two works of nonfiction to critical acclaim: The Lady in Red: An Eighteenth-Century Tale of Sex, Scandal, and Divorce (St. Martin’s Press, 2009) and Harris’s List of Convent Garden Ladies (History Press, 2005).


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2389-4 • $207.92/$231.92 • Social networks, blogs, giveaways


American Turnaround

The Perfect Marriage

Reinventing GM and the Way We Do Business in the USA

Kimberla Lawson Roby

Ed Whitacre with Leslie Cauley

Ed Whitacre, the CEO tasked with rescuing General Motors during its darkest hours during the 2008-2009 recession, reveals how he turned the company around—and shares his management vision for the future of American business.

A shocking secret threatens the perfect family in the new novella from New York Times bestseller Kimberla Lawson Roby, author of the acclaimed Reverend Curtis Black series.

A down-to-earth, patriotic, no-nonsense Texan with a distinctive twang in his voice, Ed Whitacre is that rare CEO with great charisma and extraordinary management instincts. Before being pulled out of retirement to run General Motors by President Obama, Ed Whitacre had spent his entire corporate career in the telecom business, where he ultimately ended up running AT&T. AMERICAN TURNAROUND is Whitacre’s business memoir of his time as a top corporate executive, complete with his insights into effective management— demonstrated by his hands-on approach to turning GM into a profitable enterprise once again. GM’s rebound under Whitacre is considered by most to be nothing short of miraculous, with the company repaying its government bailout in record time. Whitacre’s “roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work” spirit has won the admiration and respect of executives and employees throughout the business world. AMERICAN TURNAROUND is a true clarion call to return to “good ol’ American know-how.” ●●



Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-496-4 • $29.98/$32.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●



AMERICAN TURNAROUND will appeal to the same audience that made former GE CEO Jack Welch’s business memoir, Jack: Straight from the Gut (Business Plus, 9/01, 810,000 HC net) a #1 New York Times, BusinessWeek, Publishers Weekly, and The Wall Street Journal bestseller. Whitacre made a splash with American car buyers when he starred in a series of television commercials for GM, stating “may the best car win!” Co-author Leslie Cauley is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist who spent nine years as a staff writer and editor for The Wall Street Journal.


• Print advertising in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal • Online advertising



978-0-446-57250-7 • $19.99 ($21.99 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 192 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-224-6 • $21.99/$23.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

“4 Stars! Roby is the queen of redemption!...This one’s definitely —RT Book Reviews a page-turner!” marketing

“A must-read for fiction thriller fans.”


• Radio advertising in New York, Chicago, Washington, DC • Print advertising in All You PUBLICITY



• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2217-0 • $231.92/$255.92

• Bookmarks/postcards


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

• National print and online publicity campaign


Ed Whitacre lives near San Antonio, Texas.


Praise for Secret Obsession: “So much fun....Fans of Roby’s Curtis Black novels will find this —Booklist one true to form.”

• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign

business plus hardcover

The author’s new installment in her Reverend Curtis Black series, The Reverend’s Wife, will be published in GCP hardcover in 5/12. The previous book in the series, Love, Honor, and Betray (GCP, 01/11), was a New York Times bestseller and hit the Black Christian Book Company’s bestseller list at #1 during its first week of publication.



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Kimberla Lawson Roby has written eight back-to-back New York Times bestsellers, including her most recent novella, Secret Obsession (GCP, 978-0-446-57242-2, 9/11), which sold more than 42,000 hardcover copies.

38 38

Also available Secret Obsession 978-0-446-57241-5 $14.99/$16.50

Paul Crave

978-1-4555-1301-7 • $28.99 ($31.99 in Canada) Business • 6 x 9 • 304 pgs • Territories: World

Ed Whitacre has not shared much publicly about his time running two of America’s top corporations. In AMERICAN TURNAROUND, he will be quite candid and straightforward about his dealings with corporate boards, labor unions, and the media.

Denise and Derrek Shaw are the perfect American couple. Happily married for 15 years, they have a wonderful daughter, successful careers, and a beautiful house. They also have a shocking secret: a dangerous addiction to drugs. Denise and Derrek attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings. But with Denise’s job becoming more stressful, it is the drugs that allow her to get through her long days. Then Derrek, who has been clean for weeks, relapses when there is a family tragedy. Once soul mates, this husband and wife are quickly losing the immense love they once felt for each other. With her parents spiraling out of control, their daughter, Mackenzie, makes an unexpected move to take matters into her own hands. But while one of them does enter rehab, the other is unable to end the addiction. Is this that person’s ultimate fate, or is there still hope and a final chance to save the Shaw family?

grand central publishing hardcover

Kimberla Lawson Roby lives with her husband in Rockford, Illinois.


39 39

The Plan

The Backyard Parables

Lose Weight Fast and Forever by Eating the Right Foods for Your Body

A Meditation on Gardening

Lyn-Genet Recitas

Margaret Roach

The groundbreaking diet plan that helps identify and eliminate the surprising “healthy” foods that are supposed to help weight loss but actually do the opposite.

Margaret Roach has been harvesting 30 years of backyard parables—deceptively simple, instructive stories from a life spent digging ever deeper—and has distilled them in this memoir with a side order of how-to.

Oatmeal, salmon, Greek yogurt. Think these foods help you lose weight? Think again! Cutting-edge nutrition expert LynGenet Recitas reveals the surprising truth behind what actually makes people fat. Cookies aren’t the problem—the supposed “healthy” foods are. Foods like turkey, eggs, cauliflower, beans, and tomatoes may be healthy in a vacuum, but when combined with an individuals’ chemistry they can cause a toxic reaction that triggers weight gain, premature aging, and a host of health problems including constipation, migraines, joint pain, depression, and eczema. THE PLAN gives readers a groundbreaking 20-day program designed to help them unlock the mystery behind what works for their individual body. They will identify their hidden trigger foods and build a personalized healthy-foods list that promotes rapid weight loss. In addition to losing half a pound a day while enjoying generous amounts of foods they love, readers will feel better, look better, and be empowered with the knowledge of what truly works best for their bodies. ●●


978-1-4555-1548-6 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Diet/Weight Loss • 6 x 9 • 272 pgs • Territories: World ●●


THE PLAN’S revolutionary program is unlike any other diet book on the market. Recitas proves that it’s not carbs or calories or sugar that cause the weight gain. It’s the “healthy” food. This book gives readers the power and the program to discover what works best for their body so they can finally lose the weight forever.



978-1-4555-0198-4 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Memoir • 6 x 9 • 272 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book

Recitas runs Neighborhood Holistic, a nonprofit health center accessible to people of all income levels. Her private nutrition clients include high-profile chefs, restaurateurs, and media executives.

Margaret Roach, marking 25 years as one of America’s best-known garden writers, was the first garden editor for Martha Stewart Living magazine and the editorial director of Martha Stewart Omnimedia’s magazines, books, and Internet division. She has been an editor at the New York Times, a fashion and garden editor at Newsday, and is the author of A Way to Garden (Clarkson Potter, 1998), which was named Best Garden Book of the Year by the Garden Writers’ Association of America. Margaret’s website A Way to Garden (writing and photographs of Margaret’s own garden) has been called the “best garden blog” by Anne Raver of the New York Times and praised by the Washington Post, In Style, and Apartment Therapy. She has been featured in More magazine, on Etsy, AOL, and elsewhere.

Praise for And I Shall Have Some Peace There: marketing ADVERTISING

• Print advertising in New York Times

“Roach limns a reflective odyssey for affirmation and acceptance that blends Zen-like wisdom with zany escapades.” —Booklist “Superb and personal….She has done what so few of us would ever have the guts to do.” —Martha Stewart



• National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video


• National media campaign • TV and radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign

Also available: And I Shall Have Some Peace There 978-0-446-55610-1 $14.99 /$16.50


• Postcards/bookmarks Kirsta Njapa


• Free marketing app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •


Margaret Roach’s previous memoir, And I Shall Have Some Peace There (978-0-446-55609-5), was published in GCP hardcover in 2/11, winning much advance praise. The trade paperback was published in 2/12.

grand central life & style hardcover


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Lyn-Genet Recitas lives in New York City.


40 40

Erica Berger

Also available as an e-book

Lyn-Genet Recitas and THE PLAN were featured in More magazine in July 2011. The response was so overwhelming that More immediately ran a follow-up story offering readers additional information on the program. Recitas’ holistic nutrition practice became so popular she was booking appointments a year in advance.

“Once upon a time, a faithless 25-year-old got down on her knees and fashioned her first garden. It was a sorry thing, but also a matter of great pride, this perennial checkerboard imprinted on a sloping bit of ground outside her family’s kitchen door...” Margaret Roach has returned to the garden—where her readers want her!—insisting as ever that we must garden with both our head and heart, or as she expresses it, with “horticultural how-to and woo-woo.” In The Backyard Parables, Roach explores the ways that gardening saved her life and meditates on the spirituality of nature, reminding her readers and herself to keep on digging.

grand central publishing hardcover

Margaret Roach lives in Columbia County, New York.


41 41

Total Frat Move

Magical Journey

Townes prescott iii

An Apprenticeship in Contentment Katrina Kenison

This is the book that would happen if The Rum Diaries or I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell were set in an out-of-control fraternity house—consider it the next (d)evolution in college debauchery.

An inspiring, beautiful book for the massive group of women whose children have grown up, but who themselves don’t want to stop growing.

Put simply, it is time for a national update on college fraternity life. Greek life today makes Animal House (now more than three decades old) look like a Pixar movie. The Total Frat Move website and Twitter feed were created by three Texas State grads to fill this vacuum for “fraternity humor” and both went viral the minute they hit the web and have not stopped growing since. This book of completely new, narrative material will give everyone a chance to experience the glory that is college life through the eyes of Townes Prescott III, the fictional epitome of an entitled, rich, hard-partying frat brother. Prescott will guide readers through all of the “nuances” of 21st century frat life, including such impressionable moments as Rush, Bid Night, Hazing, Tailgating, Road Trips, and, of course, Parents’ and Alumni Weekend.

MAGICAL JOURNEY is a book of reflections by Katrina Kenison about the reality of a new life without children at home. She muses: “Just as our children are coming of age as young adults, we women are undergoing our own coming-ofage rites and passages. We may be eager for change or have it thrust upon us. Either way, though, we find ourselves put to the test.” More an account of a spiritual journey than a physical one, this transformation begins and ends with a home, a life, a marriage. But in its own way, this metamorphosis is as demanding as any trek or pilgrimage to distant lands. MAGICAL JOURNEY explores the belief that even as old identities are outgrown, new ones begin to beckon, inspiring readers to summon enough courage to heed the call.




978-1-4555-1503-5 • $18.99 ($20.99 in Canada) Humor/College • 5 ¼ x 8 • 220 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


●●, the website that gave birth to this book, received more than one hundred million hits in less than a year, and the @TotalFratMove Twitter feed has over 305,000 followers. The demand for college humor that packs a punch can be seen in the New York Times bestselling success of authors such as Tucker Max and Neil Strauss, as well as in the popularity of The Bro Code (written by the fictional narrator “Barney Stinson,” Neil Patrick Harris’s testosterone-fueled character on How I Met Your Mother), which was also a New York Times bestseller. There has been interest in developing Total Frat Move into a television series or major motion picture.


978-1-4555-0723-8 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Memoir • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 240 pgs • Territories: World Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2247-7 • $24.99/$27.99 • TP


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Katrina Kenison’s previous books, The Gift of an Ordinary Day (GCP, 978-0-446-40948-3, 9/09) and Mitten Strings for God (GCP, 4/00), have more than 308,000 copies in print in hardcover and trade paperback combined. Her YouTube video for The Gift of an Ordinary Day has been viewed more than 1.6 million times. While Kenison’s last two books focused on motherhood, MAGICAL JOURNEY will explore what happens after children leave home. Readers will relate to Kenison’s experience and learn to move out of their comfort zones and pursue passions, beliefs, and new identities for the next stage of their lives. The author has written for O, The Oprah Magazine, Real Simple, Family Circle, Redbook, Better Homes and Gardens, and Health, among other publications, and was the series editor for 16 years of The Best American Short Stories (Houghton Mifflin, 1990-2006).

Praise for The Gift of an Ordinary Day: “Affecting….Kenison pursues with graceful serenity a time of enormous upheaval and transformation in her family’s life.”

—Publishers Weekly


• Print advertising in People

“Kenison writes so beautifully and clearly about what is most important in family life.”

—Jane Hamilton, author of A Map of the World



• National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video


• Online advertising PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign




• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Also available: The Gift of an Ordinary Day 978-0-446-40949-0 $13.99/$15.99 Mitten Strings for God 978-0-446-67693-9 $13.99/$15.99

“Townes Prescott III” is fictional.

grand central publishing hardcover


42 42

Steven Lewers

• Postcards, bookmarks

grand central publishing hardcover

Katrina Kenison lives in New Hampshire.


43 43

Robert Ludlum’s The Janson Option TM

Paul garrison

The heart-pounding new novel in Robert Ludlum’s bestselling Paul Janson series.

Reformed from his days of covert-operations, Paul Janson has set a new mission for himself. Working in partnership with champion sharpshooter Jessica kincaid, he rehabilitates disenchanted agents and helps them create new lives outside of the violent intelligence sector. Janson also takes on independent assignments—for a fee, he’ll use his skills to resolve international crises. But only those actions that he believes contribute to the greater good of all. When oil executive kingsman Helms begs Janson to rescue his wife, Allegra, from Somali pirates, Janson and kincaid seize the opportunity. At last they can derail American Synergy Corporation’s scheme to subvert sovereign nations into wholly owned subsidiaries. But the pirates are the least lethal threat in the violent chaos of oil-rich East Africa, and when Janson and kincaid stumble into a bewildering storm of plots and counterplots, they begin to fear that the only way to escape would be to abandon the innocent Allegra.

The first installment in GCP’s new Janson series, The Janson Command (978-0-446-56450-2), was published in 2/12. The book that introduced Paul Janson, The Janson Directive (St. Martin’s Press, 10/02), hit the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists, and has more than 1.5 million copies in print. The most recent Jason Bourne novel, The Bourne Dominion (GCP, 978-0-446-56444-1, 7/11), was a New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestseller, and has sold almost 100,000 hardcover copies to date. ChRiSTOPheR W. BROWN


Robert Ludlum’s novels inspire big-screen success and have introduced a whole new audience to his writing. The Bourne films, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum, were all mega-blockbusters and have grossed nearly one billion dollars combined worldwide. The fourth Bourne film, The Bourne Legacy, will be released in 8/12. PAUL GARRISOn lives in newtown, Connecticut.



• National print and online publicity campaign


• Television advertising New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Washington, DC, on national cable, and on CNN Airport Network • Radio advertising in New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles • Print advertising in USA TODAY, New York Times • Transit advertising • Online advertising


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2251-4 • $223.92/$239.92 • Teaser Chapter included in the mass market of The Janson Command (10/12) WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Praise for the Janson novels:

“The Janson Command is a thrilling blockbuster in the great Ludlum tradition. International intrigue and smart suspense put Paul Garrison firmly in the company of the masters.”


978-0-446-56448-9 • $27.99 ($29.99 in canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 450 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market hachette audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-303-6 • $29.98/$32.98 large print Edition: 978-1-4555-2249-1 • $29.99/$32.99

—Linda Fairstein, New York Times bestselling author of Silent Mercy

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats Also available: The Janson Command 978-0-446-56451-9 $9.99/$10.99 • 10/12

grand central publishing hardcover



“That Janson is a complicated character makes him more interesting than most action heroes, while kinkaid proves a capable sidekick. A number of swift, unexpected plot twists will leave Ludlum fans eager —Publishers Weekly to see more.”



Power Foods for the Brain

Julianna Baggott

An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory Neal D. Barnard, MD

Bestselling author Julianna Baggott’s thrilling new post-apocalyptic trilogy continues with the sequel to Pure.

New York Times bestselling author Dr. Neal Barnard presents a surprising new book on the power of foods to protect and enhance the brain.

After a young Wretch is abducted by the Dome and “cleansed” of her fusings and imperfections, she is only able to repeat the Dome’s latest message: “We want our son returned. This girl is proof that we can save you all. If you ignore our plea, we will kill our hostages one at a time.” Willux will go to any lengths to get his son Partridge back, including murder. Partridge sacrifices himself and returns, in the hope of taking over the Dome from within, only to uncover more of his father’s chilling, dark secrets. Outside the Dome, Pressia, Bradwell, and El Capitan are decoding the secrets from the past—tucked away in one of the Black Boxes—to uncover the truth that might set the wretches free of their fusings forever. Those fighting Willux will be pushed over boundaries, both land and sea, heart and mind, in their quest—further than they ever imagined. ●●


978-1-4555-0308-7 • $25.99 ($28.99 in Canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 416 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●


Could that glass of milk affect your memory?  Is that aluminum can increasing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease? Can a banana be a brain booster? Everyone knows that good nutrition supports your overall health, but did you know that certain foods can protect your brain and optimize its function? In POWER FOODS FOR THE BRAIN, Dr. Neal Barnard has gathered the most important research and studies to deliver a program that can boost brain health, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and other less serious malfunctions, including low energy, poor sleep patterns, irritability, and lack of focus. The plan includes information on: • The best foods to increase cognitive function and boost folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 • The dangers dairy products and meats may have on memory  • The role alcohol plays in Alzheimer’s risk • The latest research on certain toxic metals, like aluminums found in cookware, soda cans, and common antacids.  • Plus, 50-75 recipes and timesaving kitchen tips.

Pure was published in hardcover (GCP, 978-1-4555-0306-3, 2/12) and received high praise from Justin Cronin, Aimee Bender, and Daniel H. Wilson, among others. The trade paperback will be published this month (see page 112) to coincide with the release of FUSE. Julianna Baggott is the author of the national bestseller Girl Talk (Washington Square Press, 2002). She also writes under the pen names Bridget Asher and N.E. Bode. Her work has appeared in dozens of publications, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Ms., and Glamour, and has been read on NPR’s Talk of the Nation. Translation rights for the Pure trilogy have already sold in the UK, Italy, Germany, Korea, Turkey, Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, and Spain. Film rights for the Pure trilogy have sold to Fox 2000 Pictures with Karen Rosenfelt, lead producer of the Twilight saga.



978-1-4555-1219-5 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Health/Memory Improvement • 6 x 9 • 368 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

Praise for Dr. Neal Barnard: “One of the most responsible and authoritative voices in American medicine today.”


—Andrew Weil, MD

“This is dietary guidance at its best.”

Praise for Pure: “A great, gorgeous whirlwind of a novel, boundless in its imagination. You will be swept away.”

—Justin Cronin, New York Times bestselling author of The Passage


• Print advertising in People • Online advertising

—Aimee Bender, bestselling author of The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake


• Free marketing app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Laura Ciociola

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING


“A boiling and roiling, glorious mosh-pit of a book, full of wonderful weirdness, tenderness, and wild suspense.”

grand central publishing hardcover

marketing • National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

Julianna Baggott lives in Tallahassee, Florida.


46 46

PBS is committed to creating a new program to promote POWER FOODS FOR THE BRAIN and will launch it during their March 2013 pledge drive to coincide with the publication of the book. Dr. Neal Barnard is president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, a faculty member of the George Washington University School of Medicine, and a founding member of the Whole Foods Medical Advisory Board. He is also a monthly columnist for Vegetarian Times. He is featured in the new, nationally released documentary, Forks Over Knives, and has previously appeared on Today, Good Morning America, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and The Dr. Oz Show. Bestsellers such as Moon Walking with Einstein (Penguin, 2011) and Superfoods Rx (William Morrow, 2005) prove readers are interested in books about the healing powers of food and preserving and enhancing memory.


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Harry Giglio


—David L. Katz, MD, Director of Yale University Prevention Research Center, on 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart

Dr. Barnard’s previous book, 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart (GCP, 978-0-446-58381-7, 2/11), was a New York Times bestseller that went to press four times. It has over 70,000 hardcover copies in print and was published in trade paperback in 2/12. Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes (Rodale, 2006) was a USA TODAY bestseller, with close to 110,000 copies in trade paperback alone.

grand central life & style hardcover

Dr. Neal Barnard lives in Washington, DC.


47 47

The Man in 3B

Betty Goes Vegan

Carl Weber

Over 500 Classic Recipes for the Modern Family Annie & Dan Shannon

New York Times bestselling author Carl Weber joins the GCP list with a dramatic tale filled with non-stop action, realistic characters, and a suspense that will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Betty Crocker meets Veganomicon in this everyday vegan cookbook with more than 500 recipes.

Meet Darryl Graham, or as his new neighbors call him, The Man in 3B. Darryl’s new to the Jamaica, Queens, building, but from day one he’s made quite an impression on his neighbors. He has made it very clear he greatly values his privacy, but he is the man every woman wants and every man wants to be, so inquiring minds want to know. Unfortunately, in Darryl’s world, what you know can hurt you, and when he winds up dead, those inquiring minds become the prime suspects.

BETTY GOES VEGAN is a comprehensive guide to creating delicious meals for today’s vegan family. This must-have cookbook features recipes inspired by The Betty Crocker Cookbook, as well as hundreds of original, never-before-seen recipes sure to please even meat-eaters. It also offers insight into why Betty Crocker has been an icon in American cooking for so long—and why she still represents a certain style of the modern super-woman nearly 100 years after we first met her. With new classics for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert, including omelets, stews, casseroles, and brownies, BETTY GOES VEGAN is the essential handbook every vegan family needs.




978-1-4555-0526-5 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 304 pgs • Territories: World

Carl Weber is a New York Times and #1 Essence bestselling novelist whose books include The Choir Director (Kensington, 2011), Torn Between Lovers (Dafina, 2010), Something on the Side (Kensington, 2008), The First Lady (Dafina, 2007), The Preacher’s Son (Kensington, 2005), and Player Haters (Kensington, 2004), among others. There are more than 600,000 copies of his books in print. Carl Weber is the founder and publisher of Urban Books and was named Blackboard’s 2005 Publisher of the Year. He is also the owner of the Urban Knowledge chain of bookstores and a past recipient of Blackboard’s Bookseller of the Year Award. Known as the Prince of Drama, Weber creates characters that everyone can relate to, men and women alike, making him a great book club pick.


978-1-4555-0933-1 • $27.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Cooking • 8 ¼ x 10 • 448 pgs • 2-color with 4-color inserts • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book ●●

Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-307-4 • $29.98/$32.98

Praise for Carl Weber:

Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2250-9 • $24.99/$27.99

“Weber fills his books with lifelike characters—flawed, confused, frustrated....His latest is perfect for readers looking for an emotion-filled human drama.” —Booklist on Big Girls Do Cry

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Praise for Annie & Dan Shannon: “All the recipes look amazing! Further proof that being vegan doesn’t mean having to give up great food.”


—Rory Freedman, co-author of Skinny Bitch


BETTY GOES VEGAN was born out of The Betty Crocker Project, launched by the authors on in 2010. It was featured in the New York Times, on The Food Channel, VegNews magazine, and on the official Betty Crocker Twitter and Facebook pages. This cookbook was inspired by Betty Crocker and builds on the blog by incorporating original vegan recipes and advice on becoming a vegan Betty. The bestselling success of The Engine 2 Diet (GC Life &Style, 2/09), The Kind Diet (Rodale Books, 2009), Veganomicon (De Capo Lifelong Books, 2007), and Skinny Bitch (Running Press, 2005) prove that the vegan diet is gaining acceptance and going mainstream. American as apple pie, Betty Crocker is a cultural icon and conjures up a real sense of nostalgia and trust. This book pays homage to that iconic status and provides families with dishes to satisfy the 21st-century palate and conscience. Annie Shannon has worked as the Manager of Online Communication and Development for the animal advocacy organization In Defense of Animals and as the Fashion Industry Liaison for the Humane Society. Dan was previously the Director of Youth Outreach & Campaigns for PETA and is now a Senior Strategist for the social movement strategy consulting company Purpose. Their recipes are frequently posted on the websites of PETA, the official Betty Crocker website, and FoodBuzz, among others.




• Author tour • Television and radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign

• National media campaign • Local author events • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

michael dyer

• Print advertising in New York Times, All You • Transit advertising

grand central publishing hardcover


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways Carl Weber lives in Deer Park, New York.


48 48

vanessa rees


grand central life & style hardcover

Dan and Annie Shannon live in Brooklyn, New York.


49 49

It Takes Balls

The Billionaire’s Apprentice

Single Moms, Strip Clubs, and Other Confessions from an Unprepared Dad

The Rise of the Indian-American Elite and the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund

Josh Wolf

Anita Raghavan

Comedian Josh Wolf—one of the stars and writers of Chelsea Lately and After Lately—delivers a hilarious collection of essays about what life is like in the fast lane when you’re driving a minivan.

In the vein of The Powers That Be comes a page-turning account of the inner workings of the U.S.’s Indian-American power elite—and the scandal that brought down one of the world’s largest hedge funds.

Struggling to make it as a stand-up comic didn’t go hand in hand with being a sometimes single father to three children, but Josh Wolf always gave it his best. Here he shares stories about starting a home business making peanut butter sandwiches (food safety inspection be damned) and sitting his daughter in a wheelchair to avoid long lines at Disney. Plus he reveals the secret to limitless hook-ups (it’s single moms) and how he found out that he and his kids’ school principal go to the same strip club. Always funny, profane, and strikingly honest, Josh gives us a no-holds-barred account of fatherhood and manhood...and the entertaining results when these two worlds collide. ●●


978-1-4555-1167-9 • $23.99 ($26.99 in Canada) Humor • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 288 pgs • Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



Just as WASPs, Irish-Catholics, and Our Crowd Jews once made the ascent from immigrants to powerbrokers, it is now the Indian-Americans’ turn. Citigroup, PepsiCo, and MasterCard are just a handful of the Fortune 500 companies led by a group known as the “Twice Blessed.” Yet little is known about how these Indian émigrés (and children of émigrés) rose through the ranks. Until now. The collapse of the Galleon Group from criminal charges of insider trading was a sensational prosecution that pitted the government’s Sanjay Wadhwa and Preet Bharara, themselves sons of Indian immigrants, against the best and brightest of the South Asian business community. At the center of the case was the self-described King of Kings, Galleon’s founder Raj Rajaratnam, a Sri Lankan-born, Whartoneducated billionaire. But the most shocking allegation was that the eminence grise of Indian business, Rajat Gupta, was Rajaratnam’s secret accomplice. If not for Gupta’s hardfought rise to head up McKinsey & Co., men like Rajaratnam would never have made it to the top of America’s power class. Author Anita Raghavan uncovers the secrets of this subculture in an incredible tale of triumph, temptation, and tragedy.

A stand-up comedian for over a decade, Josh Wolf has a high energy style of storytelling that made him an instant favorite at such Los Angeles comedy clubs as The Impov, The Laugh Factory, and The World Famous Comedy Store. He appeared on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and was on the season finale as one of the Last Comics Downloaded. He has also appeared on All of Us, My Name is Earl, and Raising Hope, and is currently a regular on Chelsea Lately and After Lately. Josh Wolf was a contributor to the # 1 New York Times bestseller, Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me (GCP, 978-0-446-58471-5, 5/11), which has sold nearly 320,000 hardcover copies to date. Wolf tours with Chelsea Handler and Larry the Cable Guy, and is also the host of The College Experiment, a comedic weekly online college football show for Fox Sports.


978-1-4555-0402-2 • $28.99 ($31.99 in Canada) Business • 6 x 9 • 320 pgs • Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●





• Online advertising

The Galleon case continues to make headlines: In October of 2011, Raj Rajaratnam was sentenced to 11 years in prison—the longest sentence ever issued for insider trading. He was also fined a civil penalty of $92.8 million dollars. Rajat Gupta’s indictment is pending. Author Anita Raghavan spent 18 years at The Wall Street Journal where she won the Overseas Press Club and New York Press Club Awards for her coverage of the mergers and acquisitions boom in Europe. In 2008, she became the London Bureau Chief for Forbes. Currently, she is a contributing correspondent to the New York Times’ Dealbook.

• Print advertising

• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign


grand central publishing hardcover

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

glen davis


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • Cross promotion with

There are over three million Indian-Americans. Many of them follow the characters covered in this book as fervently as People magazine readers follow the British Royalty or the Kennedys.




Business narratives that read like thrillers—William D. Cohan’s House of Cards (Doubleday, 2009) or James B. Stewart’s Den of Thieves (Simon & Schuster, 1991)—are proven bestsellers.

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways Josh Wolf lives in Los Angeles, California.


50 50

business plus hardcover


anita raghavan lives in London, England.

51 51

Public Apology

Death of Yesterday

In Which a Man Grapples With a Lifetime of Regret, One Incident at a Time

M.C. Beaton

Dave Bry

A collection of hilarious and moving personal essays—in the tradition of Sloane Crosley and David Sedaris—that comes in the form of very public apologies to those Dave Bry has wronged.

A dead witness. A forgotten crime. Hamish Macbeth never had it so hard in the newest mystery from bestselling author M.C. Beaton.

Dave Bry is sorry. Very sorry. He’s sorry to Wendy Metzger for singing the last verse of Stairway to Heaven into her ear while they slow danced in junior high school. He’s sorry to Pam and David MacNeill for letting their children watch The Amityville Horror when he babysat them. And he’s sorry—especially, truly—that he didn’t hear his cancer-ridden father call out for help one fateful afternoon. Things are different now. Dave’s become a dad, too, and he’s discovered a new compassion for the complicated man who raised him. And maybe if his 17-year-old self could meet his current self, he’d think twice before throwing beer cans on Jon Bon Jovi’s lawn. Dave’s apologies are at turns hysterically funny and profoundly moving, ultimately adding up to a deeply human, poignant, and likable portrait of a man trying to come to grips with his past. ●●


978-1-4555-0916-4 • $23.99 ($26.99 in Canada) Humor/Memoir • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 256 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book ●●

When a local woman tells Sergeant Hamish Macbeth that she doesn’t remember what happened the previous evening, he doesn’t begin to worry.  She had been out drinking, after all, and he’d prefer not to be bothered with such an arrogant and annoying woman.  But when her body is discovered, Hamish is forced to investigate a crime that the only known witness—now dead—had forgotten. ●●



PUBLIC APOLOGY stems from Dave Bry’s series of columns on The Village Voice called the column “required reading,” and Natasha Vargas-Cooper stated in an interview that, “I would like to see a book from Dave Bry’s Public Apology column.” You’re welcome, Natasha.



Humorous essay collections with a memoir component are bestselling hits with readers. PUBLIC APOLOGY will appeal to fans of the New York Times bestsellers Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen (Henry Holt, 2009), I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley (Riverhead Books, 2008), and books by David Sedaris.

978-1-4555-0476-3 • $23.99 ($26.99 in Canada) Mystery • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 256 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market

The author has also written for Vibe, XXL magazine, and, among other websites and magazines. He has numerous connections in the media including at The Awl, where the monthly readership is nearly 500,000.

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2252-1 • $25.99/$28.99


Death of a Kingfisher (GCP, 978-0-446-54736-9), the previous installment in the Hamish Macbeth series, was published in 2/12. Death of a Chimney Sweep (GCP, 978-0-446-54739-0, 2/11) sold more than 22,000 hardcover copies. The GCP mass market edition was published in 1/12. The Hamish Macbeth series has been well reviewed in numerous publications across the country, including the New York Times Book Review, Kirkus Reviews, Chicago Sun-Times, and Booklist, among others. Many of the books in the series have been selections of The Mystery Guild. The BBC filmed 20 one-hour episodes of the Hamish Macbeth series, starring Robert Carlyle (Full Monty, 28 Weeks Later). M.C. Beaton was the International Guest of Honor at Bouchercon 2006. She is also the author of the Agatha Raisin mystery series.

Praise for the Hamish Macbeth series: “Befuddled, earnest and utterly endearing, Hamish makes his triumphs sweetly satisfying.” —Publishers Weekly “Superb entertainment, as rich and warming as a fine malt whisky, and every bit as addictive.” —Houston Chronicle



• Online advertising



• Print advertising in Mystery Scene

• Local author publicity • National print and online publicity campaign

• National print and online publicity campaign

grand central publishing hardcover


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways DavE Bry lives in Brooklyn, New York.


52 52

matilda grenier

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • Cross-promotion with

PUBLICITY dani schuller


grand central publishing hardcover

M.C. Beaton lives in the Cotswolds in England.


53 53

The Rich Girls’ Club



Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church Lauren Drain with Lisa Pulitzer

When money isn’t enough, four women decide to take over the California governor’s house in this new erotic tale from New York Times bestselling author HoneyB.

In the bestselling tradition of Escape and Stolen Innocence comes the first look behind the curtains of the Westboro Baptist Church, by a young woman cast out from the secretive cult.

Garnishing the backing of the wealthiest women in California, Morgan convinces her friend Brooks to run for governor. California has never had a female governor, but Morgan has a campaign strategy that, while non-traditional, is sure to work. She convinces their group of friends to sexually blackmail each of Brooks’s opponents. The team will do whatever it takes to get videos, pictures, even sperm DNA from Brooks’s competitors, forcing them to withdraw from the governor’s race one-by-one. All goes according to plan until someone attempts to kill Brooks. And when a secret involving Morgan’s husband is revealed, she will stop at nothing to get revenge for the betrayal. ●●



978-0-446-58473-9 • $19.99 ($21.99 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 288 pgs • Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Anyone who has watched the news in the past several years has seen coverage of the Westboro Baptist Church. They’ve made a name for themselves by picketing military and civilian funerals with shockingly offensive signs promoting their antigay, anti-Semitic, and anti-everything-and-everybody-else agenda. When Lauren Drain’s formerly liberal and secular father set out to produce a documentary about the WBC, his detached interest gradually evolved into fascination, and he moved his entire family to Kansas to join the church and live on their compound. Over the next seven years, Lauren fully assimilated their extreme beliefs, and traveled the country as an active and vocal picketer herself. But as she matured and began to challenge some of the church’s tenets, she was unceremoniously cast out, and permanently cut off from her family and everyone else she knew and loved. BANISHED is the story of Lauren’s fight to find herself amidst dramatic changes in a world of extremists and a life in exile.

HoneyB’s previous novel, Married on Mondays (978-0-446-58232-2), was published in GCP hardcover and trade paperback in 3/10 and 4/11, respectively, and has sold nearly 40,000 copies combined. Single Husbands was published in GCP hardcover in 3/09 and trade paperback in 2/10. The book has sold nearly 44,000 copies and was adapted as a stage play that premiered in Oakland, California, in 11/10. HoneyB is the pseudonym of Mary B. Morrison, who has more than a quarter million copies of her books in print combined. Her New York Times bestseller When Somebody Loves You Back (Dafina, 7/06) featured a short story by HoneyB. As part of a cross-promotional effort with Kensington Publishing, a teaser chapter from Mary B. Morrison’s If I Can’t Have You (Dafina, 8/12) will be included in this edition of THE RICH GIRLS’ CLUB.


978-1-4555-1242-3 • $24.99 ($27.99 in Canada) Memoir • 6 x 9 • 304 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Praise for HoneyB:


“This quick, titillating read will whet the adult appetite.”

—RT Book Reviews on Married on Mondays


“Wickedly erotic…a spicy and tantalizing novel.”

Lauren Drain was featured on ABC News’ 20/20, and the YouTube video of her appearance has had over 1.5 million hits to date. Since then, she has refrained from further publicity and will continue to do so until BANISHED is released. Narratives of escape and expulsion from sects and cults have generated widespread media coverage and sales, as demonstrated by the New York Times bestsellers Stolen Innocence (William Morrow, 2008), Escape (Broadway, 2007), and Shattered Dreams (Center Street, 8/07). This is the first book for a general audience about the mysterious Westboro Baptist Church and its powerful leader, Fred Phelps. Lisa Pulitzer is the co-author of several bestselling books, including Stolen Innocence.

— on Sexcapades


• Online advertising PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign • Bookmarks • Posters WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

eve lynne robinson


grand central publishing hardcover

marketing PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Select author appearances • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

HoneyB lives in Oakland, California, with her wonderful son.


54 54

david kagan

Also available: Married on Mondays 978-0-446-58233-9 $14.99/$16.50 Single Husbands 978-0-446-58231-5 $13.99/$16.99 Sexcapades 978-0-446-58229-2 $13.99/$15.50


grand central publishing hardcover

Lauren Drain lives in Connecticut, where she works as a cardiac nurse.


55 55

Sister Mine Nalo Hopkinson

The long awaited new novel from beloved writer and award-winning author Nalo Hopkinson.

Makeda is tired of living in the shadow of her twin sister, Abby. The twins were born conjoined, and the surgery to separate them left Makeda physically healthy but without magic, and Abby with twisted legs but with supernatural musical gifts.  By their magical relatives’ standards, though, Abby is the only one worthy of being considered family, while Makeda is beneath their notice. Fed up with feeling second-best, Makeda decides to move out on her own.  Her new building is home to a budding rock band with a talented (and very cute) lead singer, Brie—a man with his own mysterious magic.  But Makeda’s flirtation with Brie is interrupted when her father suddenly sheds his human form and disappears.   Makeda might be the only one in the family who can find him, and if she’s to succeed, she’ll need to discover her own kind of mojo. ●●


978-0-446-57692-5 • $23.99 ($26.99 in Canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 288 pgs • Territories: World English Also available as an e-book

Nalo Hopkinson’s previous hardcover, The New Moon’s Arms, was published by GCP in 2/07 and garnered rave reviews from the Washington Post, Seattle Times, Toronto Globe and Mail, and Toronto Star, among other publications. The trade paperback will be published in 11/12 and will contain a teaser chapter from SISTER MINE, see page 93. The Salt Roads (GCP, 11/03) was a Nebula Award nominee for Best Novel. Skin Folk (Aspect, 2001) won the World Fantasy Award for Best Collection and was named a New York Times Best Book of the Year. Hopkinson’s debut novel, Brown Girl in the Ring (GCP, 7/98), was the first book published in Aspect’s First Novel Contest and earned her the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

Praise for Nalo Hopkinson: “One of our most striking new voices in fiction.”

—Kirkus Reviews (starred review) on The Salt Roads

“One of science fiction’s most inventive and brilliant writers.”

—New York Post


Also available:


Midnight Robber 978-0-446-67560-4 $14.99/$16.50 • TP

• Online advertising PUBLICITY

Brown Girl in the Ring 978-0-446-67433-1 $14.99/$16.50 • TP

• National print and online publicity campaign



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

F all

Nalo Hopkinson splits her time between Riverside, California, and Toronto, Canada.

grand central publishing hardcover


56 56

2 0 1 2 / W i n ter

2 0 1 3


The One World Schoolhouse

Christopher Hitchens

A New Approach to Teaching and Learning Salman Khan

Courageous, insightful, and candid thoughts on malady and mortality from one of our most celebrated writers.

Christopher Hitchens

The founder of the Khan Academy—the world’s most popular free online learning site— shares the true story of his school’s astonishing success, and offers a revolutionary vision for the future of education. A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere: this is the goal of the Khan Academy, a passion project that grew from an ex-hedge fund analyst’s online tutoring sessions with his niece, who was struggling with algebra, into a worldwide phenomenon. Today, millions have viewed and subscribed to the Khan Academy’s YouTube videos, which have expanded to encompass nearly every conceivable subject. Like all great innovators, Salman Khan established himself as an outsider, with no teaching background to tie him to broken models. Now, schools seek his advice about connecting to students in a digital age, and people of all ages and backgrounds flock to his site to utilize his new approach to learning. In THE ONE WORLD SCHOOLHOUSE, Khan presents his remarkable story, as well as his vision for the future of education. More than just a solution, his book is a call for free, universal, global education, and an explanation of how to make this dream a reality.

Christopher Hitchens was on a book tour for his memoir Hitch-22 when he discovered he had cancer of the esophagus, an episode described with characteristic wit and candor in a series of articles he wrote for Vanity Fair. In these essays, for which Hitchens was given the National Magazine Award, he describes his struggle not only with the disease but with its meaning to his friends and supporters, as well as his critics and detractors. “Both elegant and moving, these columns display insight and, bravery,” wrote the National Magazine Award judges. “Christopher Hitchens is the best writer in the worst of times, and we are grateful for him.” ●●

Praise for Christopher Hitchens: 978-1-4555-0275-2 • $21.99 (NCR) Memoir • 5 ½ x 7 ½ • 160 pgs • Territories: U.S. and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-188-9 • $24.98 Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2255-2 • $23.99 Also available in Downloadable Audio and in e-book formats


“Christopher Hitchens, the polemical polymath, is to modern American discourse what Lenny Bruce was to comedy. He changed the game, and in so doing forced us to examine our core beliefs.” —Timothy Egan, New York Times “Few writers can match Hitchens’s cerebral pyrotechnics. Fewer still can emulate his punch as an intellectual character assassin. It is hard not to admire the sheer virtuosity of his prose. With Hitchens one simply goes along for the ride. The destination hardly matters.” —Financial Times “There are few people in this country who bring such a literary perspective to political and policy controversies.”


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats




The Khan Academy has been widely featured in the media, including CNN, PBS, NPR, and on The Colbert Report. Salman Khan’s speech at TED 2011 has been viewed more than one million times on YouTube and more than 800,000 times on the TED website. The Khan Academy website receives more than four million unique visitors per month, and this number continues to grow. Google and The Gates Foundation are rallying around the Kahn Academy and donating millions of dollars to expand its reach. The author was born and raised in Louisiana to immigrant parents. Before founding the Khan Academy, he was a hedge fund analyst, and also worked in venture capital and engineering at Oracle and several Silicon Valley start-ups. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School where he was president of his class, and three separate degrees from MIT.

• Print advertising in The Wall Street Journal PUBLICITY


• Print advertising in The New Yorker, New York Times Book Review, Washington Post • Online advertising • NPR sponsorships in New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC • Holiday catalogs

Also available: Hitch-22 978-0-446-54034-6 $14.99/(NCR)

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


brooks kraft/corbis


twelve hardcover


978-1-4555-0838-9 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Education • 6 x 9 • 400 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


—David Brooks, New York Times


khan academy

Christopher Hitchens was the author of numerous books, including his memoir, Hitch-22 (Twelve, 978-0-446-54033-9, 6/10), which was a New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller. His collection of essays, Arguably (Twelve, 978-1-4555-0277-6), was published in 9/11, and his #1 New York Times bestseller, god is not Great (Twelve, 978-0-446-57980-3, 5/07), was a National Book Award finalist, selling nearly 550,000 combined copies.

god is not Great 978-0-446-69796-5 $14.99/$16.99

• National media campaign • 7-city author tour: New York, Washington, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland • Radio satellite tour • Tie in with author’s speaking engagments • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • Christopher HiTchens died in 2011.

Salman Khan lives in Mountain View, California.

58 58

twelve hardcover


59 59

Jewish Jocks

The Org

An Unorthodox Hall of Fame

The Underlying Logic of the Office

edited by Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy

Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan

A collection of essays by today’s preeminent writers on significant Jewish figures in sports, told with humor, heart, and an eye toward the ever-elusive question of Jewish identity.

The office is dead. Long live the office! Introducing an entertaining and fascinating look at why corporations function the way they do—and why our insane office culture might just be the key to greatness for organizations and individuals.

Editors Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy propose a successor to Great Jews in Sports, the book every Bar Mitzvah boy received as a gift during the postwar years. The essays in  JEWISH JOCKS: An Unorthodox Hall of Fame cover the most influential Jews in sports—athletes, coaches, broadcasters, team owners, trainers and even statisticians (in the finite universe of Jewish jocks, they count!).  Contributors include some of today’s most celebrated writers, such as The New Yorker editor David Remnick; novelists Jonathan Safran Foer, Shalom Auslander, and Booker Prize-winner Howard Jacobson; sportswriter Buzz Bissinger; economist Lawrence Summers; columnist David Brooks; journalists Jane Leavy, Daniel Okrent, George Packer, David Plotz, and Dahlia Lithwick; bestselling authors Stephen J. Dubner, David Margolick, Rich Cohen, Steven Pinker, Judith Shulevitz, and Ron Rosenbaum, writing on figures such as Howard Cosell, Art Shamsky, Kerri Strug, Harold Solomon, Sandy Koufax, Shirley Povich, and many, many more. 


978-1-4555-1613-1 · $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Sports • 6 x 9 • 304 pgs • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book


With its beautiful, original cover design and interior illustrations by Mark Ulriksen, best known for his work at The New Yorker, JEWISH JOCKS will make the ideal Hannukah or Bar/Bat Mitzvah gift. Franklin Foer is The New Republic’s Editor at Large and a Schwartz Fellow at the New America Foundation. He is the author of the international bestseller How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization (HarperCollins, 2004), which sold 150,000 hardcover and paperback copies combined.


978-0-446-57159-3 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) Business • 6 x 9 • 320 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Also available as an e-book

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at Tablet Magazine. The blog he edits there, The Scroll, won the 2011 National Magazine Award.



• Print advertising in New York Times • Holiday catalogs • National media campaign • 3-city author tour: New York, Washington, DC, Philadelphia • Local events with contributors • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video

twelve hardcover


• Print advertising in The Wall Street Journal • National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • Tie in with authors’ speaking engagements • National print and online publicity campaign Franklin Foer lives in Washington, DC. Marc Tracy lives in New York City.


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

60 60

twelve hardcover


Columbia business school


len small

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • Cross-promote with


sarah claxton





Ray Fisman is the Lambert Family Professor of Social Enterprise and Research Director of the Social Enterprise Program at the Columbia Business School. He received his Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University, and his work has been covered widely in the popular press, from Maureen Dowd in the New York Times to Al Jazeera to the Shanghai Daily. He also writes a monthly column for Slate. His first book, Economic Gangsters (with Ted Miguel), was published to great critical acclaim by Princeton University Press in 2008. Tim Sullivan is an executive editor at Harvard Business Books. He has also worked at Basic Books, Portfolio, and Princeton University Press, and has worked with some of the world’s leading economists. Books that examine and provide advice for surviving the workplace have proven immensely successful, as demonstrated by Robert I. Sutton’s award-winning The No Asshole Rule (Business Plus, 2/07), which was a New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek bestseller.

ted weinstein


The world is full of organizational cynics. Look around. Heck, look in the mirror. We sit in our cubes, adjust our chairs, sharpen our pencils and stare at our computer screens with the sense that we’re immersed in dysfunction. We could, we’re sure, do a far better job of running things if we were given the chance. But we know we won’t get the chance and so sink into doubt, distrust, and pessimism. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In THE ORG, authors Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan take readers through the logic of organizations using basic economic principles as their guide. Examining why organizations exist in the first place, THE ORG explores the tradeoffs that every corporation faces—from how to select members to how to inspire and discipline them—and then looks at the components of the whole structure from cubicle dwellers to CEOs. Using the tools of organizational economics, THE ORG provides readers with a concrete, logical, and practical way of thinking about how organizations ought to work. The insights unearthed in THE ORG may surprise you and may also explain how, with a few tweaks, the dysfunctional nature of today’s office may nonetheless provide the ideal structure for getting the job done.

Ray Fisman lives in New York City. Tim Sullivan lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

61 61


The Good Nurse

A Novel

The Life and Times of Charles Cullen, Serial Killer

Amity GaIge

Charles Graeber

A lyrical and deeply affecting novel recounting the seven days a father spends on the road with his six-year-old daughter after kidnapping her during a parental visit.

An intimate—and frightening—glimpse inside the mind of America’s most prolific serial killer, Charles Cullen, whose 16-year nursing career left as many as 300 dead.

Attending summer camp as a boy, Erik Schröder—a first generation East German immigrant—adopts the name Eric Kennedy, a decision that will set him on an improbable and transformative journey. Years later, Erik escapes to Lake Champlain, Vermont, with his daughter, hiding from authorities amidst a heated custody battle with his estranged wife, Laura, who is unaware of his previous identity. From a correctional facility, Erik surveys the course of his life: his love for Laura, his childhood, and his experience as a father. SCHRÖDER is a sweeping, deftly imagined exploration of the identities we take on in our lives, those we are born with, and those we construct for ourselves. ●●



978-1-4555-1213-3 • $21.99 ($23.99 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 220 pgs • Territories: World English Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


Charles Cullen, RN, was one of the most accomplished serial killers in recent history. For 16 years, working in multiple hospitals, he had a hand in the deaths of as many as 300 patients. Though colleagues knew—or had reason to know—what was going on, no one stopped him. THE GOOD NURSE does more than tell the horrifying tale of Cullen’s deadly career; it paints an incredibly vivid portrait of madness and offers an excoriating look inside America’s broken medical system. Cullen is but one of the story’s many riveting characters. Others include a down-and-out detective and an Erin Brockovich-type employee who wrestles with herself and the truth about her friend and colleague, eventually joining forces to end Cullen’s killing spree. Impossible to put down, THE GOOD NURSE ensures that readers will never enter a hospital in the same way again.

Amity Gaige was named one of the National Book Foundation’s “5 under 35” Outstanding Emerging Novelists. Gaige is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, McDowell Colony Fellowship, and a Baltic Writing Residency Fellowship. Her two previous novels received rapturous reviews. The author’s essays, articles, and stories have appeared in the Yale Review, Los Angeles Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, The Literary Review, and in a 2009 collection of essays entitled Feed Me (Random House, 2009). Amity Gaige is currently the Visiting Writer at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts.




978-0-446-50529-1 • $26.99 ($29.99 in Canada) True Crime • 6 x 9 • 384 pgs • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


Praise for Amity Gaige:


• Print advertising in New York Times Book Review

Charles Graeber had exclusive access to Charles Cullen and plumbs territory that has not yet been covered in depth. Earlier books on the case did not have access to the killer or other key figures central to the investigation. Written in gorgeous, immersive prose, THE GOOD NURSE follows the page-turning arc of a traditional detective story, while also raising haunting questions about the institutions to which Americans turn for critical care. A former medical student and medical researcher, Charles Graeber is a National Magazine Award-nominated writer and contributing editor for Wired and National Geographic Adventure. His stories have been published in the New York Times, The New Yorker, New York magazine, GQ, Vogue, and Salon, among other media outlets, and he has appeared on CNN and numerous radio programs.

“The measure of Gaige’s great gifts as a storyteller is that she persuades you to believe in a situation that shouldn’t be believable, and to love a narrator who shouldn’t be lovable. Seldom has such a daring concept for a novel been grounded in such an appealing character.” —Jonathan Franzen


• Advance reading copies • Online and in e-book reading group guides



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

twelve hardcover


• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video WEB MARKETING

Amity GaIge lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, with her family.

62 62

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

twelve hardcover


gabrielle v. allen



sarma ozols

• 6-city author tour: New York, Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Denver • New England events • National print and online publicity campaign

Charles Graeber lives in New York City.

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T W E L V E T R A D E F all notes



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Republic, Lost

Essays by Christopher Hitchens

How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It

Christopher Hitchens

Lawrence Lessig

“Few can match his precision and erudition, and his prose crackles with such energy that even when his essays infuriate (and there’s something here to anger nearly everyone), one is left deeply grateful for his singular voice.” —Boston Globe

“A well-reasoned argument on the structural problems now paralyzing American government.” —Kirkus Reviews

In this riveting collection of essays, Christopher Hitchens looks with love, loathing, warmth, and authority at a wide range of political and cultural issues. His fresh perceptions of such varied figures as Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, Rebecca West, George Orwell, J.G. Ballard, and Philip Larkin are matched in brilliance by his pungent discussions and intrepid observations, gathered from a lifetime of traveling and reporting from such destinations as Iran, China, and Pakistan. Hitchens’s directness, elegance, lightly carried erudition, critical and psychological insight, humor, and sympathy—applied as they are here to a dazzling variety of subjects—all set a standard for the essayist that has rarely been matched. What emerges from this indispensable volume is an intellectual selfportrait of a writer with an exemplary steadiness of purpose and a love affair with the delights and seductions of the English language, a man anchored in a profound and humane vision of the human longing for reason and justice. ●●


978-1-4555-0278-3 • $18.00 (NCR) Nonfiction/Essays • 6 x 9 • 788 pgs • Publishing background: Twelve hardcover • Territories: U.S. and Open Market


Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-208-4 • $19.98 (NCR) Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats ●●

In hardcover, ARGUABLY was a New York Times bestseller and was named one of the top 10 books of 2011 by the New York Times Book Review and Publishers Weekly, selling more than 60,000 copies to date. The collection received stellar reviews in such publications as the New York Times Book Review, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, and Vanity Fair. Christopher Hitchens was the author of numerous books, including his recent memoir, Hitch-22 (Twelve, 978-0-446-54033-9, 6/10), which was a New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller. His previous book, god is not Great (Twelve, 978-0-446-57980-3, 5/07), was a #1 New York Times bestseller and National Book Award finalist, selling nearly 550,000 combined copies. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0277-6, 9/11

In an era of ballooning corporate campaign expenditures, unleashed by the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, trust in our government is at an all time low. More than ever before, Americans believe that money buys results in Congress—and that our Republic has been lost. Using examples that resonate as powerfully on the Right as on the Left, REPUBLIC, LOST not only makes clear how the economy of influence defeats the will of the people, but offers cogent strategies to correct our course— from a constitutional convention to a Regent Presidency. A onetime friend of Barack Obama, Lessig is as critical of the president and the Democratic Party as he is of Republicans. Both have allowed the core institution of our democracy to become little more than a shill for the most powerful moneyed interests in our Republic. America may be divided, argues Lessig, but its citizens recognize that corruption is their common enemy, and they must find a way to fight it. ●●

978-0-446-57644-4 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Current Events/Politics • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 320 pgs • Publishing background: Twelve hardcover • Territories: World ●●

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


“Lessig is one of those rare legal scholars with both a clear narrative voice and a fine eye for historical irony.” —Washington Post ●●

Hailed by The Atlantic, Publishers Weekly, and Kirkus Reviews, among others, REPUBLIC, LOST has become an important manifesto in the fight to keep corporate power out of government. An excerpt was published in Rolling Stone, and Professor Lessig wrote an influential New York Times Op-Ed on the subject. He appeared on The Daily Show, Charlie Rose, Rachel Maddow, and NPR, among others. This edition will be available just in time for the 2012 elections. Professor Lawrence Lessig is one of America’s foremost intellectuals, and an expert on ethics. He is the author of six books on law and technology, including Remix (Penguin, 2008), Free Culture (Penguin, 2005), The Future of Ideas (Random House, 2001), and Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace (Basic Books, 1999). Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-57643-7, 5/11

Also available:

“Lessig proffers interesting solutions….It will reward readers with insight into the morass that is Washington.” —Publishers Weekly

No One Left to Lie To 978-1-4555-2299-6 $14.99/(ncr) The Missionary Position 978-1-4555-2300-9 $14.99/(NCR)


The Trial of Henry Kissinger 978-1-4555-2297-2 $14.99/(NCR)


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

twelve trade paperback


brooks kraft/corbis

• Print advertising


“Lawrence Lessig gets things changed not for the benefit of corporations but to unleash the creative potential of ordinary people in a digital age.” —The Guardian


• Online advertising PUBLICITY

• Radio interview campaign • National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

Christopher Hitchens died in December 2011.

66 66

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

twelve trade paperback

Lawrence Lessig lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.


67 67

Man Seeks God

The Limit

My Flirtations with the Divine

Life and Death on the 1961 Grand Prix Circuit

Eric Weiner

Michael Cannell

“[A] magical mystery tour that illuminates our inner and outer paths.”

—National Geographic Traveler

“A testosterone-fueled nonfiction book about auto racing in its bloody golden age…. In prose as fast and unadorned as an early Ferrari, Cannell rolls out an entertaining and exciting story on the way to the finish line.” —Associated Press

When a health scare puts him in the hospital, Eric Weiner—an agnostic by default—finds himself tangling with an unexpected question posed to him by a well-meaning nurse: “Have you found your God yet?” Spurred on by the question of what spiritual principles to impart to his young daughter, he hopes to come, if he can, to a personal understanding of the divine. Willing to do anything to better understand faith, and to find the god or gods that speak to him, he travels across the globe, tackling our most pressing spiritual questions: Where do we come from? What happens when we die? How should we live our lives? Where do all the missing socks go? At a time when more Americans than ever are choosing a new faith, and when spiritual questions loom large in the modern age, MAN SEEKS GOD presents a perspective on religion that is sure to delight, inspire, and entertain. ●●



978-0-446-53948-7 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Nonfiction • 6 x 9 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: Twelve hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-981-5 • $29.98/32.98


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●


Also available:

THE LIMIT tells the true story of Phil Hill, a lowly California mechanic who, defying all expectations, became the first American to win the Grand Prix championship. In the tradition of Seabiscuit and The Right Stuff, Cannell’s highoctane narrative evokes the lives of the daredevils who tempted fate each Sunday by driving well over 150 mph without benefit of seat belts or roll bars—an era when drivers were “crushed, burned, and beheaded with unnerving regularity.” Written with the pacing of a novel, THE LIMIT pits Hill against his Ferrari teammate and rival, the soigné and coolheaded German Count Wolfgang Von Trips (nicknamed “Count Von Crash”), as they jockey for the top spot throughout the 1961 season. From the stink of grease-smothered pits to the long anxious nights in lonely European hotels, THE LIMIT captures a distinct moment when men the world over were driven to push the boundaries of the possible—and culminates in one of the deadliest races in Grand Prix history.

In hardcover, MAN SEEKS GOD received strong reviews from such publications as the New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, National Geographic Traveler, Publishers Weekly, Booklist (starred review), among numerous other publications. Eric Weiner’s previous book, The Geography of Bliss (Twelve, 1/08), was a New York Times bestseller that won praise in major publications, including the New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Denver Post, Newsweek, Time, Vanity Fair, and GQ. It sold more than 180,000 hardcover and trade paperback copies combined. The National Geographic Traveler website selected The Geography of Bliss as their “Book of the Month,” and the author appeared on 20/20 and The Colbert Report, among other broadcasts.



978-0-446-55473-2 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 384 pgs • Publishing background: Twelve hardcover • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book ●●

Weiner, a former correspondent for NPR and the New York Times, has written stories from more than three dozen countries.

“Exhilarating….Its pages are filled with tales of nationalistic ardor, devil-may-care bravura, and gallows humor. And there are wrecks. Grisly, spectacular, pyrotechnic wrecks….His breathless depictions of disaster will have you white-knuckling your armchair.” —Boston Globe “In often jaw-dropping detail, Cannell explores both Hill’s triumph (he remains the only Yank to win Formula One’s coveted crown) as well as the grisly world that was auto racing in an age before safety concerns.” —USA TODAY


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

twelve trade paperback


marketing PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

Eric Weiner lives with his wife and daughter in the Washington, DC, area.

68 68

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

twelve trade paperback


michael weschler

• Radio interview campaign • National print and online publicity campaign

chuck berman


“Throughout this marvelously entertaining journey, precious and universal truths emerge amid the churning of Weiner’s self-conscious intellect and self-deprecating sense of humor.” —Booklist (starred review)

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-55472-5, 11/11

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-53947-0, 12/11

—New York Times Book Review


Michael Cannell has written about sports for The New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and Outside, and was editor of the New York Times House & Home section for seven years. His previous book, the critically acclaimed I.M. Pei: Mandarin of Modernism, was published by Clarkson Potter in 1995.

“Cannell’s full-throttle epic leaves you breathless.”

“Books about God tend to fall into two categories: objective inquiries into the nature of belief and personal tales of spiritual awakening….Eric Weiner’s MAN SEEKS GOD nimbly and often hilariously straddles the fence between the two genres….He’s Woody Allen channeling Karen Armstrong.”

The Geography of Bliss 978-0-446-69889-4 $13.99/$15.50

In hardcover, THE LIMIT received stellar praise from The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, USA TODAY, The Hollywood Reporter (book of the week), Publishers Weekly (starred review), and Kirkus Reviews, among other publications.

Michael Cannell lives in New York City.

69 69

Would It Kill You to Stop Doing That?

Eminent Outlaws

A Modern Guide to Manners

The Gay Writers Who Changed America

Henry Alford

Christopher Bram

Now in paperback, a laugh-out-loud guide to modern manners—from acclaimed humorist, author, and Vanity Fair columnist Henry Alford.

The widely acclaimed cultural history of the interconnected lives of the 20th century’s most influential gay writers.

A few years ago, humorist and journalist Henry Alford found himself “reverse-apologizing”: offering apologies for other people, on their behalf, when they failed to do so themselves. Ever since, he’s realized he needed to take a closer look at manners—his own, and others’. So he interviews experts both likely (Miss Manners, Tim Gunn) and unlikely (a former prisoner, an army sergeant). He volunteers himself as a tour guide for foreigners visiting New York City, and as an online etiquette coach for his friends. He travels to Japan. He teaches Miss Manners how to steal a cab. He designates the World’s Most Annoying Bride. Providing answers to questions like, Why shouldn’t you ask a cabdriver where’s he’s from?, and Why is posting baby pictures on Facebook a fraught activity?, this hilarious and non-elitist book looks past the standard “dos” and “don’ts” of good form, in search of ways to treat everyone better. ●●

978-0-446-55765-8 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Self-help • 5-¼ x 8 • 288 pgs • Publishing background Twelve hardcover • Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●


In the years following World War II, a small group of gay writers established themselves as literary power players, fueling cultural changes that would resonate for decades to come, and transforming the American landscape forever. In EMINENT OUTLAWS, novelist Christopher Bram brilliantly chronicles the rise of gay consciousness in American writing. Beginning with a first wave of major gay literary figures—Tennessee Williams, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Allen Ginsberg, and James Baldwin—he shows how (despite criticism and occasional setbacks) these pioneers set the stage for new generations of gay writers to build on what they had begun: Christopher Isherwood, Edmund White, and Tony Kushner, among them. Weaving together the crosscurrents, feuds, and subversive energies that provoked these writers to greatness, EMINENT OUTLAWS is a rich and essential work. With keen insights, it takes readers through 50 years of momentous change: from a time when being a homosexual was a crime in 49 states and into an age of same-sex marriage and the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

The hardcover edition was featured in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, NPR, Salon, Publishers Weekly, and Kirkus Reviews, among others. Henry Alford’s previous book, How to Live (Twelve, 978-0-44619603-1, 1/09), was named one of the Best Books of the Year by Publishers Weekly. It was featured in major media outlets including USA TODAY, Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, O, The Oprah Magazine, and NPR’s All Things Considered. The author has a weekly column in the New York Times and his work appears regularly in Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Travel+Leisure, the New York Times Book Review, and on NPR. He is the author of Big Kiss (Broadway, 2001), a chronicle of his attempt to become a working actor, which won a Thurber Prize, and Municipal Bondage (Random House, 1992), a humor collection.


978-0-446-56312-3 • $15.00 ($16.50 in Canada) Nonfiction • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 320 pgs • Publishing background: Twelve hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market



Also available as an e-book

“Eminent Outlaws offers a crucial and fascinating overview of decades of American literary history.” —


Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-55766-5, 1/12 ●●

Also available:

“Alford is a razory-wicked, fun guy to be around, and each of his stories are like those ‘tiny acts of grace’ brightening your day.”

How to Live 978-0-446-19604-8 $13.99/$16.99

“A charming, funny, Noel Cowardesque primer in smartening up.”

john woo

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

twelve trade paperback


“A tour de force in which Bram masterfully connects his subjects to their times.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer

marketing PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Henry Alford lives in New York City.

70 70

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-56313-0, 2/12

“Resonant, and lit from below by a gossipy wit.” —New York Times

twelve trade paperback


draper shreeve


EMINENT OUTLAWS is an engaging narrative that does for postwar gay life and writing what Founding Brothers (Knopf, 2000) by Joseph Ellis did for the Founding Fathers or what When Everything Changed (LB, 10/09) by Gail Collins did for 50 years of feminism.

—Ian McKellen

—Publishers Weekly


An eminent gay novelist himself, Christopher Bram is part of the literary tradition he writes about. His novel, Father of Frankenstein (Dutton, 1995), was made into the Academy Award-winning film Gods and Monsters.

“I gobbled it all up, reminded of writing I can never forget.”

—Kirkus Reviews

“Even the best behaved among us would benefit from a close reading of investigative humorist Henry Alford’s brilliant primer on gracious living.” —Vanity Fair

In hardcover, EMINENT OUTLAWS (Twelve, 2/12), garnered advance praise from Ian McKellen, Sigrid Nunez, and starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, among others.

Christopher Bram lives in New York City.

71 71



F all notes




2 0 1 2 / W i n ter

2 0 1 3

Guilty Wives

Seriously…I’m Kidding

James Patterson and David Ellis

Ellen DeGeneres

A luxurious Monte Carlo vacation lands four women in prison for a murder they didn’t commit, in James Patterson’s latest thriller.

Ellen’s New York Times bestselling book, expounding her views about life, love, and American Idol, now in paperback.

Abbie Elliot gave up her life to follow her diplomat husband to Zurich. Now, she and her three best friends are in desperate need of a weekend getaway and decide it’s the perfect time for a fling in Monte Carlo. They surrender themselves to every temptation: fine dining, high-stakes gambling, and gorgeous men. But the fun comes to a screeching halt when two bodies are found, and they become the police’s prime suspects. In a dramatic trial, the women’s lives are laid bare. It becomes clear that they have been framed, but one question remains: Who is trying to lock them away forever? With delicious twists and death-defying speed, GUILTY WIVES is a nonstop joy ride of excess, friendship, and betrayal as only James Patterson can create. ●●


978-1-4555-0666-8 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 416 pgs • Publishing background: LB hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-474-2 • $19.98/$21.98



Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

“I bet a lot of you are probably thinking, Ellen (or Mrs. DeGeneres, depending on how well we know one another) why are you writing another book after already proving yourself by penning two wildly successful tomes? Well the truth is, since I wrote my last book a lot has happened in my life. I got married. I got my own talk show. I started a record label. I became a CoverGirl®. I’ve experienced a whole lot the last few years and I have a lot to share. So I hope that you’ll take a moment to sit back, relax, and enjoy the words I’ve put together for you in this book. I think you’ll find I’ve left no stone unturned, no rug unvacuumed, no ivories untickled. What I’m saying is, let us begin, shall we?” ●●

James Patterson holds the New York Times bestseller list record with 64 titles. He has sold more than 240 million copies of his novels worldwide and 43 million of those were stand-alone bestsellers. David Ellis is the award-winning author of seven novels, including Line of Vision (Berkley, 2002), for which he won the Edgar Allan Poe Award, and The Hidden Man (Putnam, 2009), which earned him a 2009 Los Angeles Times Book Prize nomination. He is the Chief Counsel to the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives and recently served as the House Prosecutor who tried and convicted former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. He lives in Illinois.

978-0-446-58504-0 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Humor • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 256 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World

This edition will feature a chapter from Patterson’s Merry Christmas, Alex Cross (LB, 10/12).

Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-236-7 • $14.98/$16.50

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-316-09756-7, 3/12

Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats


Praise for James Patterson:


“DeGeneres’s amiably oddball riffs on everything from kale to catwalks to Jesus will make fans smile.” —People “The doyenne of afternoon comedy returns....Her trademark wit and openness shine through.” —Kirkus Reviews

marketing • Print advertising in People

• National print and online publicity campaign



• National print and online publicity campaign

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-1255-3 • $119.92/$132.00


• Free James Patterson app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58502-6, 10/11




The author has won 12 Emmys and numerous awards for her work and charitable efforts. As the voice of Dory in Finding Nemo she was awarded a Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress, the first and only time the award was given for a voice performance.

“Whatever the topic, DeGeneres’s compulsively readable style will appeal to fans old and new.” —Publishers Weekly

“James Patterson knows how to sell thrills and suspense in clean, unwavering prose.” —People “Patterson’s novels are sleek entertainment machines, the Porsches of commercial fiction, expertly engineered and lightning fast.” —Publishers Weekly


SERIOUSLY…I’M KIDDING was published in GCP hardcover in 10/11. It was an instant New York Times bestseller, hit The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists, and sold more than 395,000 copies. It was one of Amazon’s top 10 bestselling books overall in 2011.

grand central publishing trade paperback

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2147-0 • $119.92/$132.00 WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways James Patterson lives in Florida.


Ellen DeGeneres lives in Los Angeles, California.

74 74

grand central publishing trade paperback


75 75

Here Comes Trouble

The Orchard

Stories from My Life

A Memoir

Michael Moore

Theresa Weir

Now in trade paperback, the New York Times bestseller that “is something to behold…it belongs on a shelf with memoirs by Mother Jones, Abbie Hoffman, Phil Ochs, Rachel Carson, Harvey Pekar and even Thomas Paine.” —New York Times

“A lovely book in all the ways that really matter, one of those rare and wonderful memoirs in which people you’ve never met become your friends....Read it: you’ll be glad you did.”

Breaking the autobiographical mode, Michael Moore presents 24 far-ranging, irreverent, and stranger-than-fiction vignettes from his own early life. One moment he’s an 11-yearold boy lost in the Senate and found by Bobby Kennedy; and in the next, he’s inside the Bitburg cemetery with a dazed and confused Ronald Reagan. Fast-forwarding to 2003, he stuns the world by uttering the words “We live in fictitious times... with a fictitious president” in place of the expected “I’d like to thank the Academy.” And none of that even comes close to the night the friendly priest at the seminary decides to show him how to perform his own exorcism. Capturing the zeitgeist of the past 50 years, yet deeply personal and unflinchingly honest, HERE COMES TROUBLE takes readers on an unforgettable, take-no-prisoners ride through the life and times of Michael Moore. Alternately funny, eye opening, and moving, it’s a book he has been writing—and living—his entire life.

(COVER not final)


978-1-4555-1307-9 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Nonfiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 500 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World English Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-209-1 • $19.98/$21.98


Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats



• Print advertising in New York Times PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


The hardcover edition was an instant New York Times bestseller, winning rave reviews from the New York Times, Hollywood Reporter, Kirkus Reviews, and a starred review in Publishers Weekly. Michael Moore is the author of two blockbuster #1 New York Times bestsellers. Dude, Where’s My Country? (GCP, 10/03) and Stupid White Men (Regan, 2002) have sold more than one million combined copies. Michael Moore is the Academy Award-winning director and producer of Sicko (2007), Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), and Bowling for Columbine (2002), three of the top five highest-grossing documentaries of all time. Bowling for Columbine won the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 2003. Sicko was nominated for the same award in 2008 and was hailed by the New York Times as “Moore’s funniest film to date.”


THE ORCHARD was one of Library Journal’s picks for Librarians’ Best Books of 2011, an Indie Next List pick, an O, The Oprah Magazine fall book pick, and a Recommended Read in the San Diego Union Tribune, among other accolades. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58469-2, 9/11

“A finely wrought work. Its haunting passages will linger long after the last page is turned.” —Boston Globe (Pick of the Week) 978-0-446-58468-5 • $12.99 ($13.99 in Canada) Memoir • 5 ¼ x 8 • 256 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and Bonus e-book formats

“Weir knows how to move a story along, and her memoir is a page-turner.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer “Extraordinarily moving….Weir proffers a worldview that is at once eloquent, sincere, and searing.” —Library Journal “A perfect read, a life story so well written and told that you will succumb to its brilliance and beauty.”

—Annie Philbrick, Bank Square Books (Mystic, CT)

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-53224-2, 9/11

“[HERE COMES TROUBLE] confirms [Moore’s] reputation as a great storyteller and reveals himself to be an insightful memoirist.” —Hollywood Reporter “With the book’s emotional highs and lows, and self-deprecating, empathetic style, Moore triumphs.”

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

kai regan/corbis outline


THE ORCHARD is the story of a street-smart city girl who must adapt to a new life on an apple farm after she falls in love with Adrian Curtis, the golden boy of a prominent local family whose lives and orchards seem to be cursed. Married after only three months, young Theresa finds life with Adrian on the farm far more difficult and dangerous than she suspected. Rejected by her husband’s family as an outsider, she slowly educates herself about the isolated world of farming, even as she falls more deeply in love with her husband, a man she at first hardly knew. But when a codling moth epidemic threatens to irreparably destroy the orchard, that fragile new love will be tested as she and Adrian fight to save the land that has been in his family for generations.

grand central publishing trade paperback

marketing PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION

• Bound-in reading group guide WEB MARKETING

Michael Moore lives in Traverse City, Michigan, and in New York City.


76 76

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • Cross-promotion with

tony nelson


—Nicholas Sparks

grand central publishing trade paperback

Theresa Weir lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and rural Wisconsin.


77 77

A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty

Life Itself

A Novel

A Memoir

Joshilyn Jackson

Roger Ebert

“Jackson’s most absorbing book yet….A mesmerizing tale of a family coping with the revelation of a secret that will change their lives.” —Booklist (starred review)

Renowned film critic Roger Ebert’s New York Times bestselling memoir, hailed by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times Book Review as “a candid, moveable feast.”

Roger Ebert is the best-known film critic of our time. He has been reviewing films for the Chicago Sun-Times since 1967, and was the first film critic ever to win a Pulitzer Prize. He has appeared on television for four decades, including 23 years as co-host of Siskel & Ebert at the Movies. In 2006, complications from thyroid cancer treatment resulted in the loss of his ability to eat, drink, or speak. But with the loss of his voice, he has only become a more prolific and influential writer. In this candid, personal history, Ebert chronicles it all: his loves, losses, and obsessions, his marriage, his politics, and his spiritual beliefs. He shares insights into movie stars and directors like John Wayne, Werner Herzog, and Martin Scorsese. Filled with the same dry wit and sharp observations that his readers have long cherished, this is more than a memoir—it is a warm-hearted and inspiring look at life itself.

Every 15 years, trouble comes after the Slocumb women. Now, as their youngest turns 15, she’s desperate to know who used their yard as a makeshift cemetery, and why. Their unlikely matriarch, 45-year-old Ginny, doesn’t know the truth—she only knows she must do everything in her power to keep it hidden. Between them is Liza, silenced by a stroke, haunted by the choices she made as a teenager, with the answers trapped inside her. To survive Liza’s secrets and Mosey’s insistent adventures, Ginny must learn to trust the love that braids the strands of their past—and stop at nothing to defend their future. ●●




Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-212-1 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

Joshilyn Jackson’s previous novel, Backseat Saints (GCP, 6/10), was a New York Times bestseller.


Jackson became the first author in the history of Book Sense (now Indie Next List) to achieve #1 status in back-to-back years with Between, Georgia (GCP, 7/06) and gods in Alabama (GCP, 4/05). Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58235-3, 1/12

“A heart-thumping mystery, an edge-of-your-seat drama, and a fiercely sweet comedy all at once, with a fistful of crazy-brave characters who reach from up the wild pages and grip your heart. Book clubs take note: Here’s your next pick!”

—Sara Gruen, bestselling author of Water for Elephants and Ape House

“A Southern charmer, laced with humor, mystery and affairs of the heart….A valentine to the bonds of family!” —Family Circle

978-0-446-58496-8 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Memoir • 5 ¼ x 8 • 448 pgs • 16-pg 4/c photo insert Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World

marketing PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign

“A wealth of detail that is at once a tribute to the vigorous fullness with which he has lived and to his power of perception, recollection, and description.” —Richard Brody, The New Yorker

Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

“One of our most important cultural voices.”

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“As moving as it is amusing, fresh evidence that Roger Ebert is a writer who happens to love movies, not a movie lover who happens to write.” —Associated Press “Candid, funny and kaleidoscopic….This is the best thing Mr. Ebert has ever written….Its globe-trotting, indefatigable author comes across as the life of a lifelong party.”

—Janet Maslin, New York Times

marketing PUBLICITY

herman estevez


Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58497-5, 9/11

Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-210-7 • $19.98/$21.98

Also available: Backseat Saints 978-0-446-58237-7 $13.99/$15.50 Between, Georgia 978-0-446-69945-7 $13.99/$15.50 The Girl Who Stopped Swimming 978-0-446-69782-8 $13.99/$15.50 gods in Alabama 978-0-446-69453-7 $13.99/$16.25


In hardcover, LIFE ITSELF was an instant New York Times bestseller and has sold close to 63,000 copies. The memoir received tremendous reviews from major publications including the New York Times Book Review, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The New Yorker, Entertainment Weekly, and Publishers Weekly, among other newspapers and magazines.

grand central publishing trade paperback

• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Joshilyn Jackson lives with her husband and children outside of Atlanta, Georgia.


78 78


978-0-446-58236-0 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 288 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World

A GROWN-UP KIND OF PRETTY was a February 2012 Indie Next List Pick, a SIBA Spring Okra Pick, and a SIBA bestseller.

grand central publishing trade paperback

Roger Ebert lives with his wife in Chicago.


79 79

18 Minutes

Shaq Uncut

Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

My Story

Peter Bregman

Shaquille O’Neal with Jackie MacMullan

Now in trade paperback, the “intensely smart, insanely readable, and eminently practical guide to boosting our effectiveness and deepening our satisfaction.”

The New York Times bestselling autobiography of legendary basketball star Shaquille O’Neal, covering both his storied career and his colorful life off the court—now in paperback.

—Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A Whole New Mind

Based upon his weekly Harvard Business Review column (which is one of the most popular columns on, receiving hundreds of thousands of unique page views a month), 18 MINUTES clearly shows how busy people can cut through all the daily clutter and distractions and find a way to focus on those key items which are truly the top priorities in their lives. Bregman works from the premise that the best way to combat constant and distracting interruptions is to create productive distractions of one’s own. Based upon a series of short bite-sized chapters, his approach allows one to safely navigate through the constant chatter of emails, text messages, phone calls, and endless meetings that prevent us from focusing our time on those things that are truly important. Mixing first-person insights with unique case studies, Bregman sprinkles his charming book with pathways that can get us on the right trail in 18 minutes or less.

Shaquille “Shaq” O’Neal is a four-time NBA champion and a three-time NBA Finals MVP. An All-American at Louisiana State University, he was the number one draft pick by the NBA in 1992. But there is a lot more to Shaquille O’Neal than just basketball. Outsized in both scale and persona, Shaq is famous for his playful, sometimes provocative, personality. Whether producing his own rap albums, challenging celebrities on his hit show Shaq Vs., studying for his PhD, conducting the Boston Pops orchestra, hosting Saturday Night Live, or serving as a reserve police officer, Shaq has led a unique and rollicking life. In this candid new autobiography, readers will hear first-hand about his colorful career, NBA victories, thoughts on Kobe Bryant, Phil Jackson, LeBron James, and Pat Riley, and so much more. ●●


978-0-446-58340-4 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Self Help/Time Management • 5 ¼ x 8 • 288 pgs Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


The hardcover edition was named one of Publishers Weekly’s Top 10 Business Books of Fall/Winter 2011 and NPR’s Marketplace contributor, Dan Charnas, called it his “favorite business book of the year.” It was also highly praised by bestselling authors Dr. Robert I. Sutton (Good Boss, Bad Boss, Business Plus, 9/10), and Gretchen Rubin (The Happiness Project, Harper, 2009). Peter Bregman is the CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a global management consulting firm. In addition to, he also writes for and has been featured in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, GQ, Business Week, and Entrepreneur® Magazine. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58341-1, 9/11

978-1-4555-0440-4 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Sports Memoir • 6 x 9 • 304 pgs • 16-pg 4c photo insert • Publishing background: GCP hardcover Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-211-4 • $19.98/$21.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

“Pick this book up and read it. Bregman’s wisdom, humility, and ability to tell a great story run through every page of this gem. 18 MINUTES is the best blend of a business book and a self-help book I have ever read.”

Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal is one of only three players to win NBA MVP, All-Star Game MVP, and Finals MVP awards in the same year (2000). With more than three million followers on Twitter, Shaq is extremely popular and always in demand with the media for interviews. Bestselling author Jackie MacMullan is considered the nation’s leading writer on basketball. Her last book, When the Game was Ours (Houghton Mifflin, 2009) by Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, hit the New York Times bestseller list and sold 170,000 hardcover copies. MacMullan is a constant presence on ESPN and was a long-time columnist for Sports Illustrated and the Boston Globe. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0441-1, 11/11

“Symbolic of Shaq’s career: consistently captivating.”

“Management consultant Peter Bregman teaches that it’s not about tackling everything on our plate—it’s about choosing what to put our energy into.” —Metro New York

—Kirkus Reviews

“Shaq’s reminiscences illuminate the knotty psychology behind the swagger.” —Publishers Weekly

marketing marketing




• National print and online publicity campaign stacy bass

• National print and online publicity campaign

business plus trade paperback



—Robert Sutton, Stanford University professor and author of Good Boss, Bad Boss and The No Asshole Rule

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


SHAQ UNCUT became a lightning rod in the sports world upon its release. Shaq’s open and frank critique of former players, coaches, and of himself made the book a New York Times, USA TODAY, and Publishers Weekly bestseller, and a major talking point on numerous sports shows and websites. It has sold more than 93,000 copies to date.


Web Marketing

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Peter Bregman lives in New York City.

80 80

Shaquille O’Neal lives in Orlando, Florida.

grand central publishing trade paperback


81 81

How Lucky You Are

The Innocent

Kristyn Kusek Lewis

David Baldacci

In the tradition of Emily Giffin and Marisa de los Santos comes an engaging and moving novel about three women struggling with signs of strain in their longtime friendship.

#1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci introduces a new, lethal hero in his next highly anticipated thriller.

It begins with a hit gone wrong. Will Robie is dispatched to eliminate a target unusually close to home in Washington, DC. But something about this mission doesn’t seem right to Robie, and he does the unthinkable. He refuses to kill. Fleeing the scene, Robie crosses paths with a fourteenyear-old runaway from a foster home. But she isn’t an ordinary runaway—her parents were murdered, and her own life is in danger. Against all of his professional habits, Robie rescues her and finds he can’t walk away. He needs to help her. Even worse, the more Robie learns about the girl, the more he’s convinced she is at the center of a vast cover-up, one that may explain her parents’ deaths and stretch to unimaginable levels of power. Now, Robie may have to step out of the shadows in order to save this girl’s life…and perhaps his own.

Waverly, who’s always been the group’s anchor, runs a cozy bakery but worries each month about her mounting debt.  Kate is married to a man who’s on track to be the next governor of Virginia, but the larger questions brewing in their future are unsettling her. Stay-athome mom Amy has a perfect life on paper, but as the horrific secret she’s keeping from her friends threatens to reveal itself, she panics. As life’s pressures build all around them, Waverly knows she has some big decisions to make. In doing so, she will discover that the lines between loyalty and betrayal can become blurred, happy endings aren’t always clear-cut, and sometimes you have to risk everything to gain the life you deserve. ●●



978-1-4555-0203-5 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: 5-Spot original • Territories: World Also available as an e-book

Novels about female friendships tested by adversity are in strong demand, as evidenced by the success of Emily Giffin’s Heart of the Matter (St. Martin’s Press, 2011), with more than 205,000 copies sold, and The Opposite of Me (Simon & Schuster, 2010) by Sarah Pekkanen, which has sold over 23,000 copies.


With its sensitive depiction of important issues, including spousal abuse, HOW LUCKY YOU ARE has strong potential for journalistic features beyond the book pages, and will spark interesting discussions among women’s reading groups. Kristyn Kusek Lewis holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked in magazines for 15 years. She has written for the New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Real Simple, Glamour, Allure, Good Housekeeping, Self, More, and Redbook, among other publications.


978-1-4555-1900-2 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5¼ x 8 • 416 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio edition: Abr. CD: 978-1-61969-237-4 • $14.98/$16.50

“A moving, thoughtful story about what happens when friends become family and stay close despite all odds. It’s an honest, empathetic novel of love, commitment, and female friendship with characters I didn’t want to let go.”

—Meredith Goldstein, author of The Singles and Boston Globe “Love Letters” Columnist

—Sarah Jio, author of The Violets of March and The Bungalow


“Baldacci is a master craftsman.”

—Associated Press

“It’s his eager, expansive imagination that drives his books.”


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2164-7 • $119.92/$132.00 elaine miller bahr


5-spot trade paperback september

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-57299-6, 4/12


• National print and online publicity campaign

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

• Television advertising on national cable • Print advertising in New York Times, Washington Post, USA TODAY

Baldacci is one of the world’s most popular novelists. His novels are published in over 45 languages in more than 80 countries, with more than 110 million copies in print worldwide.

• National print and online publicity campaign





NCIS producer Shane Brennan has optioned the King and Maxwell novels to develop into a TV series.


• Online advertising

• Bound-in reading group guide



One Summer (GCP, 6/11) and The Sixth Man (GCP, 4/11) were both instant New York Times bestsellers. The trade paperback edition of The Sixth Man (GCP, 9/11) has sold more than 218,000 copies.

Web Marketing

Kristyn Kusek Lewis lives in North Carolina.

82 82

• Free David Baldacci app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

alexander james


“Charming and achingly endearing story about finding your way amid the many intricacies of friendship. I’m certain it will become a book club favorite.”

Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats


Baldacci’s most recent thriller, Zero Day (GCP, 978-0-446-57301-6), was published in 10/11. It was a #1 New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller. The GCP trade paperback edition will be published in 3/12.

grand central publishing trade paperback

David Baldacci lives with his family in Virginia.


83 83

Trust Me, I’m Dr. Ozzy

Red Alert

Advice from Rock’s Ultimate Survivor

How China’s Growing Prosperity Threatens the American Way of Life

Ozzy Osbourne with Chris Ayres

Stephen Leeb with Gregory Dorsey

The Prince of Darkness’ New York Times bestseller that sheds light on his seemingly superhuman ability to stay alive, and offers advice that no sane human being should follow.

“Terse, well-reasoned, and comprehensive, this is a much-needed shot in the arm for American complacency.” —Publishers Weekly

Wondering if science could explain how he survived his 40-year avalanche of drugs and alcohol, Ozzy Osbourne had his entire DNA mapped in 2010. The “Full Ozzy Genome” contained variants that scientists had never before encountered and the findings were presented at the prestigious TEDMED Conference in San Diego. The Sunday Times of London appointed Ozzy its star health advice columnist, arguing that his multiple near-death experiences, 40-year history of drug abuse, and extreme hypochondria qualified him more than any other for the job. The column was an overnight hit, and was quickly picked up by Rolling Stone to give it an audience of millions. Part humor, part memoir, and part bad advice, TRUST ME, I’M DR. OZZY finds Ozzy answering readers’ (and celebrities’) questions with his outrageous wit and surprising wisdom, digging deep into his past to tell memoir-style survival stories never published before, and offering charts, sidebars, and recipes. ●●

978-1-4555-0335-3 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Advice/Humor • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-878-8 • $29.98/$32.98



Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

With startling statistics, charts, and in-depth research showing how China continues to expand its economic reach, RED ALERT is a  provocative and frightening examination of China’s growing political, economic, and social power, and the threat it poses to the Western world. Did you know that... • China is quietly purchasing and storing vast amounts of the Earth’s remaining oil and gold? • China has become a major player on Wall Street and controls billions in American investments? • While the U.S. has been fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been focusing  its substantial muscle on upgrading its infrastructure and industrial strength? • The Chinese control most of the world’s rare earth metals, all of which are essential for cell phones, computers, and electronic devices? • The Chinese have been developing suspiciously strong economic ties in many growing African nations?

In hardcover, TRUST ME, I’M DR. OZZY hit the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists and sold more than 97,000 copies. The “Ask Dr. Ozzy” column, where Ozzy answers medical questions from readers using only his hard-won experience to guide his diagnoses, is consistently one of Rolling Stone’s most emailed items. TRUST ME, I’M DR. OZZY is a natural expansion of the column, including some of its best material, as well as a lot of new writing. I Am Ozzy (GCP hardcover, 1/10; GCP trade paperback, 1/11) hit #2 on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list, among others, and sold close to 190,000 copies combined.

And this is just the beginning. 978-1-4555-1924-8 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Business • 6 x 9 • 288 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0333-9, 10/11 ●●

“The surprising thing here is that Ozzy often gives pretty good advice….The quizzes and extra material included in every chapter also are both amusing and often quite informative.”

—Seattle Post-Intelligencer ●●

marketing PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign

I Am Ozzy 978-0-446-56990-3 $15.99/$17.99


• Free Trust Me, I’m Dr. Ozzy app, social networks, blogs, giveaways



Also available:

With its in-depth look at the current political and economic struggles and its detailed investment strategy, RED ALERT has been praised by Forbes, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and numerous investment publications. Dr. Leeb’s three most recent bestselling books predicted the perfect storm of economic disaster that began in 2008: The Oil Factor (Business Plus, 2/04), The Coming Economic Collapse (Business Plus, 2/06), and Game Over (Business Plus, 1/09). Stephen Leeb, PhD, the president and chairman of Leeb Capital Management, has more than 25 years of investment experience. He’s also the editor of the highly influential newsletter The Complete Investor and is a regular guest on Fox Business, CNBC, CNN, and Bloomberg Radio. Gregory Dorsey has spent 20-plus years as a portfolio manager, equities analyst, and stock market commentator for several awardwinning investment newsletters. Dorsey has been frequently quoted in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, and Money magazine. Hardcover ISBN: 978-446-57623-9, 10/11


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

Ozzy Osbourne lives in California and England.

grand central publishing trade paperback


84 84

business plus trade paperback

Stephen Leeb, PhD, lives in New York City. Gregory Dorsey lives in Connecticut.


85 85

The Guardian

Point Your Face at This

NicHolas Sparks

Demetri Martin

The New York Times bestselling novel of romance and suspense is now available in a beautifully repackaged edition.

The New York Times bestselling author and comedian is back in a softer format.

In his first book, This Is a Book, Demetri Martin introduced fans and readers to his unique brand of long-form humor writing. Now Demetri returns with an eclectic volume devoted entirely to his trademark one-liners and drawings, as well as short prose and poetry, leaving the longer-form material for his next hardcover. Like an indie stepchild of Gary Larson and Jack Handey, POINT YOUR FACE AT THIS contains hundreds of drawings, jokes, and page-long bits, showcasing Martin’s particular penchant for brevity and a sensibility all its own—and will be a great gift book and a must-have for fans of the brainy, ambidextrous, comedian, palindromist (and author), Demetri Martin.

Julie Barenson’s young husband left her two unexpected gifts before he died—a Great Dane puppy named Singer and the promise that he would always be watching over her. Now, four years have passed, and 29-year-old Julie is emotionally ready to make a commitment to someone again. But who? Choosing between two seemingly ideal suitors should bring her more happiness than she’s had in years. Instead, Julie is soon fighting for her life in a nightmare spawned by a chilling deception and jealousy so poisonous that it has become a murderous desire... ●●



(COVER not final)


978-0-446-69611-1 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Can.) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 400 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover, trade paperback • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-407-1 • $17.98/$19.98


This reissue of THE GUARDIAN follows GCP’s successful mass market repackaging of The Rescue (6/11), which hit the New York Times bestsellers list. In hardcover, THE GUARDIAN was an instant New York Times bestseller. The trade paperback and mass market editions were published in 4/05 and 3/04, respectively. The novel has sold over three million combined copies to date.


Warner Bros. acquired film rights to The Best of Me, which was published in hardcover in 10/11, and Sparks will act as a producer together with Denise Di Novi. The adaptation of his most recent novel, Safe Haven, will be directed by Lasse Hallström and produced by Marty Bowen (Dear John).

●● (COVER not final)

The film versions of Dear John (GCP, 10/06) and The Last Song (GCP, 9/09) were released in 2010 to major success, and the movie tie-in editions were huge bestsellers, selling more than 1.4 million and 862,000 copies, respectively. The film version of The Lucky One (GCP, 9/08), directed by Scott Hicks, is set to be released in 2012 by Warner Bros. and will star Zac Efron.

978-1-4555-1205-8 • $12.99 ($13.99 in Canada) Humor • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 192 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book

Demetri Martin’s This Is a Book (GCP, 978-0-446-53970-8, 4/11) was a New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, and ABA IndieBound bestseller, and sold nearly 65,000 copies to date. The book received a tremendous amount of publicity with the author promoting the book on his sold-out, crosscountry tour and numerous media appearances. Excerpts from the book were published in The New Yorker, Playboy, and Delta’s Sky magazine. The trade paperback edition will be published in 4/12. Demetri Martin starred in Ang Lee’s Taking Woodstock and also appeared in the Steven Soderbergh film Contagion. He had a featured role on the HBO series Flight of the Conchords and, together with his fellow writers, received an Emmy® Award nomination for his work on Late Night with Conan O’Brien. As the “Youth Correspondent,” Martin also appeared regularly on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-52779-8, 4/03 Praise for This Is a Book:

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

“Throughout, Martin jokes in many guises, silly one moment, barbed the next, and he achieves a satirical brilliance.”

—Publishers Weekly


• Online advertising

Also available:


WEB MARKETING nina subin


grand central publishing trade paperback

Nicholas Sparks lives in New Bern, North Carolina.


86 86

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

demEtri martin

marketing • Free author app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

This Is a Book 978-0-446-53969-2 $14.99/$16.50

• National media campaign • Radio satellite tour • National print and online publicity campaign

grand central publishing trade paperback

Demetri Martin is a person. He has brown hair and is allergic to peanuts. He lives in an apartment somewhere.


87 87


Spy in a Little Black Dress

Kia DuPree

Maxine Kenneth

Kiki is back in the highly anticipated sequel to Kia DuPree’s Damaged, the novel Library Journal called a “knockout of a story.”

The second book in the thrilling chronicles of Jacqueline Bouvier as a CIA operative finds our heroine deep undercover in Cuba.

Kiki’s world is turned upside down when her partially deaf mother loses custody of her children, sending 11-year-old Kiki into foster care. She runs away with a friend in hopes of finding a better life, but instead they run straight into the arms of a pedophile and a life far too mature for their young minds to grasp. Held in captivity for months, the girls are finally set free when a neighbor exposes them. But what should be a happy moment for Kiki actually sends her on a life path that quickly spirals out of control. From the abuse she receives from her captor to the violent rape by a loved one to being part of a heinous drug trafficking scheme, Kiki will risk everything time and time again in the pursuit of a normal life.

Jackie’s CIA boss, Allen Dulles, has given her a new assignment: undercover as a tourist, she will go to Havana, Cuba, and ascertain the intentions of a young revolutionary opposed to the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista. His name is Fidel Castro. During the course of her mission, she encounters a dashing congressman, John F. Kennedy, but their first meeting ends in disaster. Soon, Jackie is being harassed by the Stasi (East Germany’s Secret Police), dancing alongside Frank Sinatra in steamy Cuban nightclubs, and running for her life. In addition, she’s beginning to have feelings for her fellow agent and is torn between her love for him and her burgeoning feelings for the handsome congressman at home. ●●



978-0-446-54777-2 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 384 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book

Silenced (GCP, 10/11) and Damaged (GCP, 1/10), DuPree’s first two novels, received rave reviews from Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. Damaged was named a Street Lit Honor Book by the Street Lit Book Award Medal Committee, a group of volunteer librarians and library workers from across the U.S. DuPree, a native of Washington, DC, holds a B.A. in Mass Media Arts from Hampton University, as well as an M.A. in English from Old Dominion University. She received a Professional Studies Publishing Certificate from New York University in 2006. SHATTERED will include a bound-in reading group guide with discussion questions and an author question and answer section perfect for book clubs.



978-0-446-56742-8 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book ●●

Praise for Kia DuPree: “DuPree’s knack for dialogue and her insight and compassion for her characters inspire the reader’s empathy—an outstanding achievement.” —Publishers Weekly on Silenced

James Bond meets Charade in this glamorous spy series about Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy’s fictitious adventures as an unofficial CIA agent. Inspired by classic films like North by Northwest, SPY IN A LITTLE BLACK DRESS is a fast-paced read, blending suspense, romance, and high fashion with tongue-in-cheek humor. This edition contains a teaser chapter from the first novel in the series, Paris to Die For (GCP, 7/11). The series is inspired by an actual letter filed in the John F. Kennedy Library written by Jackie and revealing her job offer from the newly formed CIA. 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which presents unique publicity opportunities as JFK and Havana are featured prominently in SPY IN A LITTLE BLACK DRESS. Maxine Kenneth is the writing team of Maxine Schnall and Kenneth Salikof. Salikof is an award-winning screenwriter and independent book blogger and lives in New York City. Schnall is a Pulitzer Prize nominee and former CBS radio talk show host and lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Also available: Paris to Die For 978-0-446-56741-1 $13.99/$15.50

“Compares favorably with Sister Souljah’s The Coldest Winter Ever and Sapphire’s Push....Easily one of my top-five fiction books of 2011.” — (starred review) on Silenced

Praise for Paris to Die For: “JFK loved Ian Fleming’s creation of James Bond, so this intriguing novel may not be as far-fetched as you think.”

—Kitty Kelley, New York Times bestselling author of Jackie Oh!


Silenced 978-0-446-54774-1 $13.99/$15.50


• National print and online publicity campaign

Damaged 978-0-446-54775-8 $13.99/$16.99


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

deanna dawkins


• Bound-in reading group guide

“Great fun! Makes you want to buy big sunglasses and fly to Paris!”

Also available:

• Online advertising

grand central publishing trade paperback

—Rita Mae Brown, New York Times bestselling author of the Mrs. Murphy mysteries


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

Kia DuPree is currently teaching middle school and lives with her husband and son in the DC area.


88 88

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

grand central publishing trade paperback


89 89

An Heiress at Heart




When Lizzie’s youthful indiscretion forced her into Australian exile, she had no idea that her banishment would bring her face to face with the only woman who could unravel the mysteries of her past...her long lost half sister. Though Lizzie and Ria grew up worlds apart, the two felt the instant connection of sisterhood. But when Ria’s tragic death leaves Lizzie completely alone, she makes a desperate decision to adopt Ria’s identity as her own and go in search of the family she has never known. Geoffrey wants nothing more than to continue tending his small country parish, but when his elder brothers die, he has no choice but to become the heir his family needs. Ready to sacrifice his own desires, Geoffrey is completely unprepared for his reaction to his deceased brother’s widow when she appears feverish and injured on his doorstep. Though the law prohibits Geoffrey from claiming “Ria” as his own, he can’t help but be drawn to the mysterious beauty. With both their futures at stake, will Lizzie be able to keep up her facade as Ria, even if it costs her the thing she wants most in the world—Geoffrey’s love? ●●

978-1-4555-1995-8 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Historical Fiction/Romance • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs Publishing background: Forever original • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book Simultaneously in mass market: AN HEIRESS AT HEART 978-1-4555-1893-7 • $5.99/$6.50 Can. ●●

First Forever Trade Paperback

The official tie in to Portlandia—the “delightfully trenchant” (The New Yorker) hit TV show.

This will be the official guide to the fictional city of “Portlandia,” Oregon. Presented just like an authentic Lonely Planet or Fodor’s travel book, PORTLANDIA: A Guide for Visitors, will guide readers through the city as they visit hilarious establishments and landmarks and meet the colorful residents that call Portlandia home—all with the same incredibly unique humor that brings the show to life.


Readers will be swept away by Delamere’s emotionally wrenching and passionate historical romance with inspirational elements set in Victorian England.


978-1-4555-2058-9 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Humor/TV tie-in • 4 ¼ x 7 • 336 pgs • 50 4/c photos throughout • Publishing background: GCP original Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Jennifer Delamere earned her B.A. in English from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where she also gained her fluency in French. She’s been an editor of educational materials for over a decade.



Book one in the Love’s Grace series is Forever’s first ever trade paperback. More and more mainstream readers are looking for heart warming, uplifting, and inspirational love stories. AN HEIRESS AT HEART will appeal to this ever expanding group of readers. Fans of bestselling inspirational authors, such as Julie Klassen (The Girl in the Gatehouse, Bethany House, 2011) and Deeanne Gist (Love on the Line, Bethany House, 2011), as well as historical bestsellers such as Jennifer Haymore (Confessions of an Improper Bride, Forever, 8/11) and Elizabeth Boyle (Lord Langley is Back in Town, Avon, 2011), will all find something to love in Jennifer Delamere’s writing.




The country is abuzz about Portlandia. Season Two premiered in 1/12 to the highest ratings in IFC’s history, and profiles of the show and its creators appeared in many publications, including The New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times, which described the series as “charming and funny.” PORTLANDIA will connect with fans of the shows Portlandia and Saturday Night Live. Fred Armisen, a longtime SNL cast member, stars on the show, and fellow SNL cast members Andy Samberg and Kristen Wiig, among others, are regular guest stars, with Lorne Michaels executive producing. Carrie Brownstein is a musician, writer, and actress best known as a guitarist and vocalist for the Portland-based band Sleater-Kinney. In 2006 she was the only woman to earn a spot in the Rolling Stone readers’ list of the 25 “Most Underrated Guitarists of All-Time.” This guide is perfect for fans of The Onion’s Our Dumb World (LB, 10/07), which sold more than 150,000 copies in hardcover. Armisen and Brownstein will promote the book.


• Online advertising • Holiday catalogs PUBLICITY

• National media campaign • Author events in New York City, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles • National print and online publicity campaign • Book video PROMOTION

• 5-copy counter display (buy 4, get 1 free copy per ship to): 978-1-4555-2383-2 $67.96/$74.00 • Cross promote with Portlandia television show • Postcards


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

forever trade paperback





• Social networks, blogs, giveaways JENNIFER DELAMERE lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

90 90

grand central publishing trade paperback


91 91

Everything I Know About Business I Learned from the Grateful Dead

The New Moon’s Arms NALO HOPKINSON

The Ten Most Innovative Lessons from a Long, Strange Trip BARRY BARNES, PHD, WITH A FOREWORD BY JOHN PERRY BARLOW

“One of our most important writers.”

—Junot Díaz, author of The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao

“Brisk and compelling, this overview of the Deadhead nation reads like a candid rock biography as well as an insightful business manual.” —Kirkus Reviews


978-0-446-58380-0 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Business • 5 ½ x 8 ¼ • 224 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World ●●

Also available as an e-book

“Barry Barnes deftly shows how the magic and authenticity of the Grateful Dead transcends its musical prowess, providing invaluable insights into how successful organizations thrive.”


—William D. Cohan, New York Times bestselling author of Money and Power and House of Cards


The Grateful Dead Archive, scheduled to open in 2012 at the University of California at Santa Cruz, will be a mecca for Deadheads and academics. It has created a groundswell of interest in the Grateful Dead and its unusual business practices, as evidenced by articles in The Atlantic, BusinessWeek, and the New York Times.

Also available as an e-book





THE NEW MOON’S ARMS was published in GCP hardcover in 2/07 and garnered rave reviews from the Washington Post, Seattle Times, Toronto Globe and Mail, and Toronto Star, among other publications. Nalo Hopkinson’s previous novel, The Salt Roads (GCP, 11/03), was a Nebula Award nominee for Best Novel. Skin Folk (Aspect, 2001) won the World Fantasy Award for Best Collection and was named a New York Times Best Book of the Year. This edition of THE NEW MOON’S ARMS will include a teaser chapter from Hopkinson’s long-awaited new hardcover, Sister Mine (GCP, 3/13). Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-57691-8, 2/07

“Impressive….Vivid and richly nuanced, utterly realistic yet somehow touched with magic.” —Toronto Star “THE NEW MOON’S ARMS is a dance of lost-and-found….And Calamity is good, salty, company.” —Washington Post

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58379-4, 11/11

—Boston Globe

Also available: Midnight Robber 978-0-446-67560-4 $14.99/$16.50


Brown Girl in the Ring 978-0-446-67433-1 $14.99/$16.50

• National print and online publicity campaign




business plus trade paperback

978-0-446-58197-4 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 336 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World English

The foreword is written by John Perry Barlow, former Grateful Dead lyricist and Berkman Fellow Emeritus at Harvard. Part of the band from early on, Barlow provides a unique insider’s perspective.


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways


Barry Barnes is a business professor at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University in Florida and has been studying the Dead’s business practices for more than 20 years. He’s lectured frequently to business leaders on the topic and has been interviewed on CBS News, the Fox Business channel, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as well as radio stations around the U.S.

“Barnes is proposing that corporate values need not be thought of as apart from human values, that the behaviors and attitudes that bind us to one another can be the same ones that encourage loyalty between workers and companies and consumers and products.”


Calamity, born Chastity, has renamed herself in a way she feels most fitting. She’s a 50-something grandmother whose mother disappeared when she was a teenager and whose father has just passed away as she begins menopause. With this physical change of life comes the return of a special power for finding lost things, something she hasn’t been able to do since childhood. A little tingling in the hands, then a massive hot-flash, and suddenly objects, even whole buildings, lost to her since childhood begin showing up around Calamity. One of the lost things Calamity recovers is a small boy who washes up on the shore outside her house after a rainstorm. She takes this bruised but cheerful three-year-old under her wing and grows attached to him, a process that awakens all the old memories, frustrations, and mysteries around her own mother and father. She’ll learn that this young boy’s family is the most unusual one she’s ever encountered—and they want their son back.


The Grateful Dead, one of the most popular bands of all time, still enjoys incredible relevance today. But let’s admit it—they weren’t exactly poster boys for corporate America. Or were they? For an extraordinary 30 years, the Dead improvised a unique business plan—making huge profits and pioneering practices that have been subsequently embraced by the corporate world. Now, professor and lifelong Deadhead Barry Barnes shares the 10 most innovative business lessons from the band’s illustrious career, including: • creating and delivering superior customer value • implementing a flat management structure • giving away product for free to increase demand Barnes shows how the Dead were masters of “strategic improvisation”—the ability to adapt to changing times—and that their success lay in their commitment to relentless variation. EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT BUSINESS I LEARNED FROM THE GRATEFUL DEAD teaches readers how they did it—and what any business can learn from their long, strange trip.


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

BARRY BARNES lives in Bates City, Missouri, and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

92 92

NALO HOPKINSON splits her time between Riverside, California, and Toronto, Ontario.

grand central publishing trade paperback


93 93

Private London

The DASH Diet Action Plan


Proven to Boost Weight Loss and Improve Health MARLA HELLER, MS, RD

James Patterson’s first trade paperback original—continuing the #1 bestselling Private series.

The New York Times bestselling diet that boosts weight loss and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol without medication.

For Hannah Shapiro, a beautiful young American student, this particular nightmare began eight years ago in Los Angeles, when Jack Morgan, owner of Private—the world’s most exclusive detective agency—saved her from a horrific death. She has fled her country, but can’t flee her past. The terror has followed her to London, and now it is down to former Royal Military Police Sergeant Dan Carter, head of Private London, to save her all over again. In central London, young women are being abducted off the street and mutilated in a particularly mysterious way. Dan has put the full resources of Private International in action in a desperate race against the odds. But with the clock ticking, Private, the largest and most technologically advanced detection agency in the world, doesn’t have the one thing they desperately need—time. ●●


978-1-4555-1555-4 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 368 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market ●●

Large Print Edition: 978-1-4555-2242-2 • $16.99/$18.50 • TP Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



For the first time ever, GCP is publishing a James Patterson title as a trade paperback original in the U.S. The series debut, Private (LB, 978-0-316-09615-7, 6/10), sold more than 445,000 hardcover copies, and was an instant #1 New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly bestseller. The trade paperback (GCP, 978-0-446-57256-9, 2/11) and mass market (GCP, 978-0-446-57472-3, 8/11) editions sold a combined 819,000 copies to date. The next two books in the series, Private: #1 Suspect and Private Games, were published in hardcover in 1/12 and 2/12, respectively. The trade paperback edition of Private: #1 Suspect will be published in 1/13. See page 98.

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


This edition contains a teaser chapter from Patterson’s next novel NYPD Red (LB, 1/13).

Praise for James Patterson:


“James Patterson knows how to sell thrills and suspense in clean, unwavering prose.” —People




In 2011 and 2012, U.S. News & World Report rated the DASH diet #1 in a match-up against all major diets. The hardcover edition of THE DASH DIET ACTION PLAN was a New York Times bestseller. It has close to 60,000 copies in print and was featured on The Dr. Oz Show and, among others. The self-published edition of the book sold close to 80,000 copies in paperback and e-book formats. Marla Heller, MS, RD, has over 15 years of experience helping her patients put DASH into practice. She used the DASH diet to help cure the high blood pressure she was diagnosed with in 2003, and the DASH diet is a required medical recommendation for patients diagnosed with hypertension or pre-hypertension, a group of almost 130 million people. Heller has been the featured nutrition expert for the Chicago Tribune and Washington Post and she is the spokesperson for the Greater Midwest Affiliate of the American Heart Association. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-1280-5, 9/11


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2163-0 • $119.92/$132.00


• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign DEB FEINGOLD


• Free James Patterson app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

978-1-4555-1282-9 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Diet • 6 x 9 • 224 pgs • Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover • Territories: World

Mark Pearson is a full-time television scriptwriter who has worked on a variety of shows for the BBC and ITV, including Doctors, Holby City, and The Bill. He lives in Norfolk, England.

MARKETING • National print and online publicity campaign


grand central publishing trade paperback


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways JAMES PATTERSON lives in Florida.


94 94


Hachette Audio: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61113-023-2 • $24.98/$27.98

Based on ground breaking NIH-funded research, and an easy and accessible plan of action, Marla Heller, MS, RD, shares the secrets to one of the most successful diets of all time in THE DASH DIET ACTION PLAN. Grounded in healthy eating principles that lower blood pressure; reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer; and support reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, the #1 ranked DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, lean meats, fish, beans, and nuts. THE DASH DIET ACTION PLAN is a simple, actionable plan that can fit seamlessly into everyone’s life and lifestyle. It includes: • 28 days of meal plans at different calorie ranges • Simple tools to help you personalize a DASH Diet Action Plan for guaranteed success • DASH-friendly recipes and shopping lists • Tips for eating on-the-run • Advice on healthy weight loss and exercise for every lifestyle.

grand central life & style trade paperback

MARLA HELLER lives in Northbrook, Illinois.



Politics. Escorts. Blackmail.

From Anne Holt, “the godmother of modern Norwegian crime fiction” * comes the touching reissue of the international bestselling Stubo and Vik series.


Pynk’s latest erotic novel explores the call girl industry as it spills over into the world of politics in New York City.

POLITICS. ESCORTS. BLACKMAIL. is the fictional memoir of Madam Money Watts. Told in her own voice, it explores the intersection of politics and the escort industry in New York City. Money’s exclusive, top escort service operates under the name, Lip Service, and Midori Moody, Malaka Sutton and male escort Kemba Price are her high-end contractors who make a hefty living out of sex for money. Among her clients are two New York senators who are the very officials voters have elected to make decisions for others to abide by, yet these politicians play by a different set of rules, secretly paying top dollar for the forbidden girlfriend experience. But when a freaky client takes it too far, a pimp wants in on some of the action, and an escort gets greedy, the world of Money Watts is brought to a head. ●●



978-0-446-56334-5 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 288 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World Also available as an e-book

Pynk’s most recent novel is Sixty-Nine, (GCP, 3/11). Sexaholics was published in 3/10, and Erotic City was published in 11/08. Although Pynk writes fast-paced, steamy erotica, her titles include relatable characters and real-life consequences, making this book perfect for book clubs. Pynk is a former model, television news reporter, and commercial actress. Her first book, May December Souls (HarperCollins, 2002), led to a two-book deal for The Chocolate Ship (2003) and Hot Boyz (2004). For Kensington Books, she published Make Me Hot (2006) and Dr. Feelgood (2007).

Praise for Pynk: “[She writes] snappy, in-your-face, tough-girl dialogue and steamy sex.” —Publishers Weekly Also available:

978-0-446-17818-1 • $14.99/NCR Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 400 pgs • Publishing background: GCP reissue • Territories: U.S. and Open Market

978-1-4555-2314-6 • $14.99/NCR Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 400 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S. and Open Market

Also available as an e-book

Also available as an e-book

All over Oslo, children are disappearing. While the Norwegian media is out hunting pedophiles, Stubo and Vik are investigating a more complex story of revenge.

Something terrifying is happening in Oslo; celebrities are turning up dead in the most macabre of ways. Can Stubo and Vik solve this twisted series of murders in time?

“A savvy, sharply delineated suspense novel.... Holt’s work is cerebral, complicated and immensely rewarding.”

“A riveting novel…set against the fierce cold of an Oslo winter…bizarrely twisted murderers, earnestly intellectual pursuers and dark secrets all around.”

—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

Sixty-Nine 978-0-446-56333-8 $14.99/$16.99 Erotic City 978-0-446-17957-7 $13.99/$15.50


Sexaholics 978-0-446-17958-4 $14.99/$17.99


• Online advertising




• National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


• Bound-in reading group guide

grand central publishing trade paperback

—Tampa Tribune

GCP is reissuing WHAT IS MINE and WHAT NEVER HAPPENS to tie in to the explosion in American popularity of Scandinavian crime novels. From The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Knopf, 2008) to Jo Nesbo’s The Snowman (Knopf, 2011), sales have grown exponentially and audiences have shown a hunger for more. Scribner is publishing a new Anne Holt series, featuring a wheelchair-bound detective. The first book in the series, 1222, was published in 12/11 to rave reviews and an Edgar Award nomination for best mystery novel of the year. Anne Holt’s novels have received critical acclaim, with starred reviews from Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, and Library Journal, and raves from the New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, and Houston Chronicle. They have sold more than six million copies worldwide. *Jo Nesbo

PYNK lives outside Atlanta, Georgia.


96 96

grand central publishing trade paperback december

97 97

Unholy Night



Private director Jack Morgan is accused of a horrible murder—and not even his own worldclass investigators can prove he didn’t do it.

From the New York Times bestselling author of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter comes the next chapter in dark historical revisionism—now in paperback.

Since former Marine helicopter pilot Jack Morgan started Private, it has become one of the world’s most powerful investigation firms, sought out by the rich and famous to discretely handle their most intimate problems. Private’s investigators are the smartest, the fastest, and the most technologically advanced in the world—and they always uncover the truth. When a former lover is found murdered in Jack’s bed, he is instantly the number one suspect. While the police are investigating Jack, the mob strong-arms him into recovering $30 million in stolen pharmaceuticals, and the beautiful manager of a luxury hotel chain persuades him to quietly investigate a string of murders occurring at her properties. While Jack is fighting for his life, one of his most trusted colleagues threatens to leave Private, and Jack realizes he is confronting the cleverest and most powerful enemies yet. ●●


978-0-446-57178-4 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 416 pgs • Publishing background: LB hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-297-8 • $19.98/$21.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats


They’re an iconic part of history’s most celebrated birth. But what do we really know about the Three Kings of the Nativity, besides the fact that they followed a star to Bethlehem bearing strange gifts? The Bible has little to say about this enigmatic trio. But leave it to Seth Grahame-Smith, the brilliant and twisted mind behind Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, to take a little mystery, bend a little history, and weave an epic tale. In Grahame-Smith’s telling, the so-called “Three Wise Men” are infamous thieves, led by the dark, murderous Balthazar. After a daring escape from Herod’s prison, they stumble upon the famous manger and its newborn king. The last thing Balthazar needs is to be slowed down by young Joseph, Mary, and their infant. But when Herod’s men begin to slaughter the first born in Judea, he has no choice but to help them escape to Egypt. It’s the beginning of an adventure that will see them fight the last magical creatures of the Old Testament, cross paths with biblical figures like Pontius Pilate and John the Baptist, and finally deliver them to Egypt. It may just be the greatest story never told.

In hardcover, PRIVATE: #1 SUSPECT was a #1 New York Times bestseller and sold more than 445,000 copies. There are nearly two million copies in print of the hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market editions of Private (LB, 6/10), the first book in James Patterson’s newest series. It hit #1 on the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. Maxine Paetro is the author of three novels and two works of nonfiction. Including the bestselling Women’s Murder Club series, she has coauthored nine books with James Patterson. She lives in New York with her husband. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-316-09740-6, 1/12

978-0-446-56310-9 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 304 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-296-1 • $19.98/$21.98



Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

Praise for Private: “Slick and suspenseful.”



• National print and online publicity campaign



The author’s previous paperback novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Quirk, 2009), debuted at #3 on the New York Times bestseller list. It has sold more than a million copies and has been translated into 20 languages. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-56309-3, 4/12

ADVERTISING Also available:


Private Games 978-1-4555-1302-4 $14.99/$16.50

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2148-7 • $119.92/$132.00

Private 978-0-446-57256-9 $14.99/$16.99



• Free James Patterson app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •


“Private mixes action, mystery and personal drama….Patterson and Paetro may well be on their way to rivaling—and possibly surpassing—the popularity of their Women’s Murder Club series.”

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, debuted at #4 on the New York Times bestseller list, where it remained for 15 consecutive weeks and sold nearly 345,000 hardcover and trade paperback copies combined. The movie tie-in edition was published in GCP mass market and trade paperback in 4/12. Grahame-Smith wrote the screenplay for the 3D film adaptation produced by Tim Burton, along with Burton’s vampire film, Dark Shadows, both to be released in summer 2012.

grand central publishing trade paperback


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

JAMES PATTERSON lives in Florida.


• Print advertising in Entertainment Weekly • Online advertising

98 98

Also available: MATHEW RUDENBERG



Warner Bros. acquired the film rights to UNHOLY NIGHT, and Grahame-Smith will write the screenplay. It will be produced by David Heyman (Harry Potter series).

grand central publishing trade paperback

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter 978-0-446-56307-9 $13.99/$15.50

SETH GRAHAME-SMITH lives in Los Angeles, California.


99 99

Inside Apple

Not Your Mother’s Rules

How America’s Most Admired—and Secretive—Company Really Works

The New Secrets for Dating



One of Silicon Valley’s leading journalists reveals the secret systems, tactics, and leadership strategies that have turned Apple into the largest tech company in the world.

The original Rules Girls are back with a new book geared toward a generation of women facing a high-tech, social media-oriented, non-dating dating world.

If Apple is Silicon Valley’s answer to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, then author Adam Lashinsky provides readers with a golden ticket to step inside. Based on numerous interviews with current and former employees, the book introduces readers to concepts like the “DRI” (Apple’s practice of assigning a Directly Responsible Individual to every task) and the Top 100 (a semi-annual ritual in which 100 up-and-coming executives are plucked for a secret off-site conference). While INSIDE APPLE is ostensibly a deep dive into one, unique company (and its ecosystem of suppliers, investors, employees, and competitors), the lessons about product design, marketing and surviving a leadership change are universal. ●●




978-1-4555-1216-4 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Business • 6 x 9 • 272 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-61969-325-8 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


Women looking for love today have it hard. With constant updating on social networking sites, the expectation that hook-ups are the norm, and the ability to be in touch with everyone at all times, it’s difficult to navigate dating—let alone retain the air of mystery that keeps men interested. NOT YOUR MOTHER’S RULES is a thoroughly modern, fresh take on The Rules that will help women in today’s new information age create the happy dating lives they deserve. With tips like “wait 24 hours to return a text and at least 30 minutes thereafter,” “don’t email anything you wouldn’t want a guy to have if you break up,” “rules for sexting,” and “rarely write on his wall,” this book will be revolutionary. Providing the dos and don’ts women need to date successfully in today’s increasingly textcrazy, sex-obsessed society, NOT YOUR MOTHER’S RULES will change the dating book market just as much as The Rules did in 1995!

INSIDE APPLE is reminiscent of Jim Collins’s blockbuster bestseller, Good to Great (Harper, 2001), which sold more than two million copies. Apple’s products and its late co-founder are famous around the globe, but little is known about what transpires inside Apple headquarters.


INSIDE APPLE ‘s hardcover edition was both a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. A Senior Editor at Large for Fortune magazine, Lashinsky covers technology and finance. He is a weekly panelist on the Fox News channel’s Cavuto on Business program and a frequent speaker and moderator.


978-1-4555-1258-4 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Self-Help • 5 ¼ x 8 • 240 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-1215-7, 1/12


“A fascinating glimpse inside Apple as it makes its transition into the post-Jobs era.” —Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs “I devoured this book in one sitting.”

—Ken Auletta, author of Googled: The End of the World as We Know It

The Rules, The Rules II (GCP, 10/97), All the Rules (GCP, 1/07), The Rules for Marriage (GCP, 5/01), and The Rules for Online Dating (Pocket Books, 2002) have sold more than two million books and are available in 27 countries. Fein and Schneider’s daughters Jenny and Rebecca, in college and high school, respectively, will also contribute to NOT YOUR MOTHER’S RULES.

Praise for The Rules: “The Rules is a must-read.”

“Frankly, a business book hasn’t grabbed me like that in a long time.”


“The Rules isn’t just a book. It’s a movement, honey.”

—Robert I. Sutton, author of The No Asshole Rule

“Essential reading for anyone interested in managment.” —Steve Denning,

Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider gained notoriety with their first #1 New York Times bestseller, The Rules (GCP, 978-0-446-51813-0, 2/95). Their ubiquitous dating bible has been referenced everywhere from hit TV shows such as Friends and Sex and the City to the Today show, Fox Business News, the New York Times, and New York Post.

—Oprah Winfrey


• Online advertising PUBLICITY


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways



business plus trade paperback january


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • ADAM LASHINSKY lives in San Francisco, California.

100 100

All the Rules 978-0-446-61879-3 $9.99/$10.99 CHARLES MATTER

MARKETING • National print and online publicity campaign

Redistributed this month in mass market:

• Radio satellite tour • National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign

grand central publishing trade paperback

ELLEN FEIN and SHERRIE SCHNEIDER live in New York and New Jersey, respectively.


101 101

Agent 6

Be the Miracle


50 Lessons for Making the Impossible Possible REGINA BRETT

“Another first-class, must-read crime novel” (Booklist, starred review) from Tom Rob Smith, the New York Times bestselling, award-winning author of Child 44.

Regina Brett, author of the New York Times bestseller God Never Blinks, offers unforgettable stories about the decisions we make and how our choices can make the impossible possible.

Leo Demidov is no longer a member of Moscow’s secret police. But when his wife, Raisa, and daughters Zoya and Elena are invited on a “Peace Tour” to New York City, he is immediately suspicious. Forbidden to travel with his family and trapped on the other side of the world, Leo watches helplessly as events in New York unfold and those closest to his heart are pulled into a web of political conspiracy and betrayal—one that will end in tragedy. In the horrible aftermath, Leo takes matters into his own hands. It is a quest that will span decades, and take Leo around the world—from Moscow, to the mountains of Soviet-controlled Afghanistan, to the backstreets of New York—in pursuit of the one man who knows the truth: Agent 6. ●●



978-0-446-58308-4 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 448 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-295-4 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats


Who doesn’t want the world to change for the better? Who doesn’t want to see a miracle? What are we waiting for? Why not be the miracle? That’s the challenge Regina Brett sets forth in BE THE MIRACLE. To be a miracle doesn’t necessarily mean tackling problems across the globe. It means believing change is possible and making a difference, in your own living room, cubicle, neighborhood, or out in the world. Through inspirational essays, Brett shares lessons that will help people make positive changes in the world around them. These stories come from Brett’s life experiences and from the lives of others she has met in her years as a journalist. Each lesson stands alone, but together they form a handbook for seeing the miracle of change everywhere—and in everyone.

Child 44 (GCP, 978-0-446-40238-5, 4/08) was a New York Times, USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times bestseller.


Smith won the coveted CWA 2008 Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award and Child 44 won the ITW 2009 Thriller Award for Best First Novel and was nominated for 17 other awards, including being long-listed for the Man Booker Prize. It was also selected by NPR as one of the top thrillers of all time. The second novel in the Child 44 Trilogy, featuring Leo Demidov, The Secret Speech (GCP, 978-0-446-40240-8, 5/09), was a New York Times bestseller. It won rave reviews from USA TODAY and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, among other publications. After a bidding war involving multiple Hollywood studios, the film rights to Child 44 were sold to Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator). Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-55076-5, 1/12

“A gripping, relentless whodunit.”


978-1-4555-0032-1 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Self-help/Inspirational • 5 ¼ x 8 • 256 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-300-5 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


Brett’s New York Times bestseller, God Never Blinks (GCP, 978-0446-55652-1, 4/10), sold nearly 200,000 hardcover and trade paperback copies combined. Foreign rights were sold in 18 countries. Regina Brett has been a newspaper columnist for 17 years, 12 of them for Ohio’s largest newspaper, the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Her column appears twice a week. She was a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist for Commentary and she’s won the National Headliner Award and the American Bar Association’s Silver Gavel Award. She also hosts a weekly radio show on WKSU, Northeast Ohio’s NPR affiliate. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0033-8, 1/12

“Inspiring (and entertaining) anecdotes of morally heroic everyday people…you’ll be tempted [to] go out and change your corner of the world.” —Family Circle

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“An old-fashioned thriller that would do Ludlum and le Carré proud.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)



In hardcover, BE THE MIRACLE was featured in a seven-part series of excerpts in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, received terrific reviews in Family Circle magazine and BookPage, and a chapter was excerpted in VIV magazine.

“A book that will give you a boost, teach you how to breathe, and open your mind to the miracles happening all around you.”

“The armchair equivalent of a jaw-jarringly extreme ride at an amusement park.” —Library Journal



• Print advertising in USA TODAY

Also available in the Child 44 trilogy :

• National print and online publicity campaign

Child 44 978-0-446-57276-7 $14.99/$16.50


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2165-4 • $119.92/$132.00

The Secret Speech 978-0-446-40241-5 $13.99/$16.99

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •



grand central publishing trade paperback

MARKETING • National print and online publicity campaign • Social networks, blogs, giveaways


102 102

God Never Blinks 978-0-446-55651-4 $13.99/$15.50


TOM ROB SMITH lives in London, England.

Also available:



grand central publishing trade paperback

REGINA BRETT lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.


103 103


Pot Psychology’s How to Be

The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy

Low-Minded Advice from High People



“Reminiscent of Gladwell’s approachable primer with an upbeat tone.” —Kirkus Reviews

From the popular web series, a reference book for people who are too stoned to think for themselves.

If you’ve ever wondered how to be celebratory yet reserved on the birthday of someone you’re casually dating, or how to deal with public gas, fear not: Tracie Egan Morrissey and Rich Juzwiak have all the answers. Rich and Tracie are the hosts of the Internet video series Pot Psychology, where they solve viewer-submitted problems with the help of an herbal remedy. Now in this book, they’ve gotten high enough to tell you how to live your life, covering areas from party etiquette to problems in the workplace to religious intolerance to how to know whether or not your boyfriend/girlfriend/parent/friend/ teacher/pet is gay.

What do Howard Hughes and 50 Cent have in common, and what do they tell us about Americans and our desires? Why did Sean Connery stop wearing a toupee, and what does this tell us about American customers for any product? What one thing did the Beatles, Malcolm Gladwell and Nike all notice about Americans that helped them win us over? Which uniquely American traits may explain the plights of Krispy Kreme, Ford, and GM, and the risks faced by Starbucks? Why, after every other plea failed, did “Click It or Ticket” get people to finally start fastening their seat belts? To paraphrase Don Draper on the hit show Mad Men, “What do people want?” What is the new American psyche, and how do America’s shrewdest marketers tap it? Drawing from dozens of disciplines, the internationally acclaimed marketing expert Harry Beckwith answers these questions with some surprising, even startling, truths and discoveries about what motivates us. ●●

978-0-446-56413-7 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Business • 5 x 7 1/2 • 336 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-299-2 • $14.98/$16.50



Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


Also available in trade paperback: Selling the Invisible 978-0-446-67231-3 $15.99/$17.50

What Clients Love 978-0-446-55602-6 $14.99/$17.99

You, Inc. 978-0-446-69581-7 $14.99/$16.50

The Invisible Touch 978-0-446-69983-9 $14.99/$16.99



This highly acclaimed guide to deciphering what it takes to make customers choose was hailed by bestselling author Mitch Joel as “A secret weapon….Filled with gems and ‘a-ha!’ moments.” Beckwith’s previous book, You, Inc. (Business Plus, 3/07), sold close to 60,000 hardcover copies. The trade paperback edition was published in 10/11.



978-1-4555-0281-3 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Humor • 6 x 8 • 288 pgs • 75 b/w illustrations Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book ●●

What Clients Love (Business Plus, 1/03) has sold more than 95,000 hardcover and trade paperback copies combined. ●●

Selling the Invisible (Business Plus, 3/97) and The Invisible Touch (Business Plus, 3/00), which spent 36 consecutive weeks on the BusinessWeek bestseller list, have sold more than 535,000 hardcover copies combined. The trade paperback edition of Selling the Invisible will be published in 3/12.

With 101 of your non-problems solved in one page or less, POT PSYCHOLOGY’S HOW TO BE is the only reference guide to carry through life in case of an emergency and/or a wi-fi dead zone. The Pot Psychology series, which grew out of a feature, is an Internet phenomenon that has been viewed over one million times on the popular video-hosting platform Vimeo. Pot Psychology has also been featured in the Sunday Styles section of the New York Times, and in Interview, Salon, the Huffington Post, and Pot Psychology will be launching and will continue posting new videos up through publication, releasing a special book trailer episode for their book. The authors (who have almost 20,000 Twitter followers combined) will promote the book there and on their personal blogs, which boast around 20,000 readers per day. The authors have connections at Entertainment Weekly, Slate, New York, Vice, New York Post, New York Times, The New Yorker, BUST, Village Voice, Washington City Paper, Fader, Best Week Ever,,, and

Harry Beckwith is the founder of Beckwith Advertising & Marketing, working with 23 of the Fortune 200 companies, as well as smaller companies around the world. He is an internationally acclaimed speaker and averages 40 engagements a year. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-56414-4, 1/11.


• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

business plus trade paperback



HARRY BECKWITH lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

104 104

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

grand central publishing trade paperback




• National print and online publicity campaign





TRACIE EGAN MORRISSEY and RICH JUZWIAK both live in Brooklyn, New York.

105 105

Villa Triste

The Physique 57® Solution


The Groundbreaking 2-Week Plan for a Lean, Beautiful Body TANYA BECKER AND JENNIFER MAANAVI

A moving and powerful story about loyalty and betrayal, passion and compromises amid the Italian Resistance of WWII.

“Physique 57 has transformed my body in ways I never thought possible. My butt is higher and I love my thighs and arms. I just feel so strong.” —Kelly Ripa What if we could achieve our best body starting now? THE PHYSIQUE 57 SOLUTION, celebrity praised and widely loved, is designed to systematically sculpt muscles to create a lean, beautiful shape. This unique, effective workout combines interval training, isometric exercises, and orthopedic stretches to rapidly and dramatically transform the body. No matter what level of fitness, the Physique 57 technique will keep readers challenged, motivated, and entertained as they discover: • Step-by-step, groundbreaking workouts offering major calorie burn • Innovative choreography, including muscle-defining arm exercises, intense seat-and-thigh sequences, and waist-chiseling ab moves • A super-slimming two-week meal plan • And more!

Florence, 1943. Two sisters, Isabella and Caterina Cammaccio, find themselves surrounded by terror and death; and with Italy trapped under the heel of a brutal Nazi occupation, bands of Partisans rise up. Isabella and Caterina will have their wits and deepest beliefs tested as never before. As the winter grinds on, they will be forced to make the most important decisions of their lives. Their choices will reverberate for decades. In the present day, Alessandro Pallioti, a senior policeman agrees to oversee a murder investigation after it is revealed that the victim was once a Partisan hero. When the case begins to unravel, Pallioti finds himself working to uncover a crime lost in the twilight of war, the consequences of which are as deadly today as they were over 60 years ago. ●●


978-1-4555-0537-1 • $14.99 (NCR) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 652 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: U.S. and Open Market Also available as an e-book


As evidenced by the success of such bestsellers as Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay (St. Martin’s Press, 2008) and Irène Némirovsky’s Suite Française (Vintage, 2007), novels that combine a mystery element with a WWII backdrop are strong sellers, particularly in trade paperback.


Little has been written about the Italian Resistance movement, so this novel delivers an aspect of WWII history that is sure to generate tremendous interest. The breadth of the novel, which spans from WWII to the present, as well as its intricately interwoven plotlines, will appeal to the same audience that embraced The Forgotten Garden (Washington Square Press, 2010), which sold more than 271,000 paperback copies.

978-0-446-58534-7 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Fitness/Exercise • 7 x 9 • 320 pgs • 150 b/w photos Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover Territories: World English


Also available as an e-book ●●


Tanya Becker is the co-founder, director of training, and head instructor of Physique 57. Prior to creating the Physique 57 Technique, she trained and taught at The Lotte Berk Method in New York City, where she helped update the legendary fitness regimen. She is also the choreographer and instructor of the award-winning Physique 57 DVDs (more than 100,000 units sold). Jennifer Maanavi is co-founder and CEO of Physique 57. In hardcover, PHYSIQUE 57® SOLUTION was featured in Elle and People Style Watch, and the Physique 57 brand and authors have been featured on the Today show, The Dr. Oz Show, and the Martha Stewart Show, as well as in Vogue, Shape, Harper’s Bazaar, and New York magazine, among other publications. There are currently five Physique 57 studios in the country—three in Manhattan, one in the Hamptons, one in Beverly Hills—serving over 12,000 clients, including celebrities such as Kelly Ripa, Parker Posey, and Zooey Deschanel. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58533-0, 1/12

“Physique 57 is the ideal workout. It’s efficient, fun and targeted to get the results you didn’t think were possible!” —Demi Moore “I really enjoy the Physique 57 workout. It’s challenging and that hard work pays off!” —Denise Richards

MARKETING • National print and online publicity campaign



• National print and online publicity campaign

• Bound-in reading group guide



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways LUCRETIA GRINDLE lives in Maine.

grand central publishing trade paperback


106 106




grand central life & style trade paperback



107 107

The Ex-Wife

Yes Ma’am, No Sir


The 12 Essential Steps for Success in Life COACH CARTER

Award-winning author Candice Dow delivers another drama-filled tale about a radio host who finds herself in a sticky situation that could ruin her life and career.

Now in paperback, a motivational and inspirational book of life lessons from the famous Coach Carter.

Ayana Blue is best known for the relationship advice she gives to women who call in to her radio show. After forging her own career, Ayana is finally able to splurge and purchase the dream home she’s always wanted. A friend puts her in contact with top realtor Cameron Small who is charming, sexy, and very good at what he does. She immediately falls for the home and him, and suddenly a simple business transaction turns into a hot and steamy night of passion and lust. Reeling over her evening with Cameron, Ayana goes into work feeling extra inspired. That is, until a woman calls in claiming that Ayana slept with her husband the previous night. Everyone in the studio thinks the woman is just an angry caller, but Ayana knows she’s gotten herself into a situation she will soon regret. ●●


978-0-446-17954-6 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 304 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World Also available as an e-book

Based on the true story behind the smash hit movie Coach Carter comes the Coach’s hard-earned lessons for success in life. Building off of Coach Ken Carter’s belief that you must start with respect for each other, your community, and your environment, YES MA’AM, NO SIR focuses on the 12 steps necessary for success in the real world. They are: •Quality of Character—Understanding who you are and what you are capable of. • Positive Self-Image—You cannot succeed unless you are first convinced you can. • Love of Learning—Desire to attain knowledge. • Self-Discipline—The ability to motivate oneself regardless of outside factors. • Imagination—Imagination is the sum of one’s dreams.  • Courage—To achieve success you must become the lion. • Enthusiasm—Having a passion for your work and life. •F  lexibility—Having the ability to change course mid-stream. • Giving to Others—Few can become successful without the involvement of others. • Spirituality—Having faith in a higher power other than yourself.  • Adding It Up—Combining everything together and making it a reality. • Truth—It’s time to take that first step towards success.

Candice Dow won the 2010 RT Book Reviews award for best African American fiction of the year for her novel Feelin’ the Vibe (GCP, 9/09). Candice Dow has received rave reviews for her six novels. She captivates readers by crafting relatable tales and creating characters you either love, or love to hate. 978-1-4555-0232-5 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Sports/Self-Help • 5 ¼ x 8 • 272 pgs • Publishing background • Territories: World

Praise for Candice Dow: “This novel is explosive! Candice Dow’s non-stop action, edgy characters, and sexy style kept me wanting more.” —Miasha, Essence bestselling author, on Off the Chain

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats


“Candice Dow has convincingly demonstrated that she inhabits the writing skills to illustrate stories that will captivate readers and cause them to become caught in the mix of her pen.”

—Books2Mention Magazine ●●

Also available: Off the Chain 978-0-446-17953-9 $14.99/$16.50 Feelin’ the Vibe 978-0-446-17952-2 $13.99/$16.99





• Social networks, blogs, giveaways


• Bound-in reading group guide

Coach Carter is registered with The Agency Group Speakers Bureau and does more than 125 speaking engagements a year. He’s also in the process of opening the Coach Carter Impact Academy, which will provide room and board for 64 kids and a business school for developing entrepreneurs. The author has received numerous awards, including the NAACP’s Impact Citizen of the Year Award and the Harvard Club’s Distinguished Secondary Educator Award. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0234-9, 2/12


• National print and online publicity campaign PROMOTION


We Take This Man 978-0-446-50183-5 $14.99/$16.99

As the head coach of the Richmond High Basketball Team from 1997-2002, Ken “Coach” Carter gained nationwide fame when he locked out his undefeated team in order to push them to improve their grades. His story was made into the blockbuster film Coach Carter, and the award-winning actor Samuel L. Jackson played him. A sequel is in development from MTV Films.

grand central publishing trade paperback


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

CANDICE DOW lives in Owings Mills, Maryland, with her son.


108 108

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways COACH CARTER lives in Richland, California.

business plus trade paperback


109 109

11th Hour




Now in paperback, Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates the discovery of severed heads in a movie star’s garden—and a vigilante targeting the city’s most despised criminals.

From the bestselling author of Roses comes a compelling novel about one town’s passion for football and the love triangle between three of its brightest stars.

Millionaire Chaz Smith is mercilessly gunned down and Detective Lindsay Boxer discovers that the murder weapon is linked to the deaths of four of San Francisco’s most untouchable criminals. And it was taken from her department’s evidence locker. Anyone could be the killer—even her closest friends. Lindsay is then called to the most bizarre crime scene she’s ever seen: two bodiless heads elaborately displayed in the garden of a world-famous actor. Another head is unearthed in the garden, and Lindsay realizes that the ground could hide hundreds of victims. A reporter launches a series of vicious articles about the cases and Lindsay’s personal life is laid bare. But this time she has no one to turn to—especially not Joe. 11th HOUR is the most shocking, most emotional, and most thrilling Women’s Murder Club novel ever. ●●


978-0-446-57182-1 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 416 pgs • Publishing background: LB hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Hachette Audio edition: Abr. CD: 978-1-61969-317-3 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats


TUMBLEWEEDS is the story of three young friends growing up together in the late 1980s. Their small Texas Panhandle town lives and dies by its Friday night football games. But while the entire community of Kersey, Texas, stands behind its high school football team, a fateful event casts a long shadow over the bond they forge that determines the rest of their lives. With all of Meacham’s signature drama, unforgettable characters, and plot twists, readers will be turning the pages, desperate to see how it all plays out. ●● ●●

The Women’s Murder Club is the bestselling new detective series of the past decade, selling 46 million copies worldwide. 10th Anniversary (LB, 978-0-316-03626-9, 5/11), the previous book in the series, was on the New York Times bestseller list for 12 weeks and sold more than 425,000 copies. It was published in GCP trade paperback (978-0-446-58516-3) in 1/12 and was an instant New York Times bestseller. This is the eighth book in the Women’s Murder Club series coauthored by Maxine Paetro. A novelist and journalist, she lives with her husband in New York. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-316-09749-9, 5/12



978-1-4555-0923-2 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World English Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-323-4 • $19.98/$21.98 Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats

TUMBLEWEEDS will be published in GCP hardcover in 6/12. Meacham’s debut novel Roses (GCP, 1/10) was an instant New York Times bestseller in hardcover and in trade paperback. It also hit the Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. There are more than 286,000 copies in combined print, and rights have been sold in 22 countries. Fans of Buzz Bissinger’s Friday Night Lights (Da Capo Press, 1990) and television series of the same name will connect with the story’s small community of Kersey, Texas, that stands behind its high school football team. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0924-9, 6/12

Praise for Roses: “Like Gone With the Wind, this multigenerational epic is as gloriously entertaining as it is vast.” —People (4 stars) “As large, romantic, and American a tale as Texas itself.”


“Patterson and co-author Paetro spin a fast-paced triple mystery that expertly weaves the stories together. It is the distinct yet complementary personalities of the WMC members that make the story’s heart beat.” —Library Journal Also available:



• Print advertising in People


• National print and online publicity campaign


• National print and online publicity campaign


• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2160-9 • $119.92/$132.00

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2149-4 • $119.92/$132.00 • Bound-in reading group guide



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

JAMES PATTERSON lives in Florida.

grand central publishing trade paperback february

110 110




• Free James Patterson app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •

Roses 978-0-446-54999-8 $13.99/$15.50

LEILA MEACHAM lives in San Antonio, Texas.

grand central publishing trade paperback february

111 111


Giant George


Life with the World’s Biggest Dog DAVE NASSER WITH LYNNE BARRETT-LEE

“PURE is not just the most extraordinary coming-of-age novel I’ve ever read, it is also a beautiful and savage metaphorical assessment of how all of us live in this present age.”

The heartwarming story of one couple’s life with the “runt of the litter” puppy who grew to be the largest dog in the world.

—Robert Olen Butler, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain

Pressia barely remembers the Detonations or much about life during the Before. In her sleeping cabinet behind the rubble of an old barbershop, she thinks about all that is lost to ash and dust. And now, at an age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia to either be trained as soldiers or used as live targets, Pressia can no longer pretend to be small. Pressia is on the run. There are those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked. Pures. They are tucked safely inside the Dome that protects their healthy, superior bodies. Yet Partridge, whose father is one of the most influential men in the Dome, feels isolated and lonely. Different. He thinks about loss—maybe just because his family is broken. Or maybe it’s his claustrophobia. So when a slipped phrase suggests his mother might still be alive, Partridge risks his life to leave the Dome to find her.  When Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again…. ●●


978-1-4555-0305-6 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 416 pgs • 1 map • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



With his big blue eyes and soulful expression, George was the irresistible runt of the litter. But Dave and Christie Nasser’s “baby” ended up being almost five feet tall, seven feet long, and 245 pounds. Eager to play, and boisterous to the point of causing chaos, this big Great Dane was scared of water, scared of dogs a fraction of his size and, most of all, scared of being alone. GIANT GEORGE is the charming story of how this precocious puppy won Dave and Christie’s heart and along the way became a doggie superstar. In 2010, George was named by Guinness World Records, the Tallest Dog in the World—ever. He appeared on Oprah, and even has his own global fan club. But to Dave and Christie, this extraordinary animal is still their beloved pet, the one who has made them laugh, made them cry, and continues to make them incredibly happy. ●●

The hardcover edition of PURE received rave reviews from bestselling authors, including Justin Cronin, Aimee Bender, Danielle Trussoni, Robert Olen Butler, William Giraldi, and Matt Bondurant. The next book in the trilogy, Fuse, will be published in GCP hardcover in 2/13. Translation rights have already sold in the UK, Italy, Germany, Korea, Turkey, Brazil, and France. See page 46.


Film rights for the Pure trilogy have sold to Fox 2000 Pictures with Karen Rosenfelt, lead producer of the Twilight saga.

978-1-4555-1144-0 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Dogs/Memoir • 5 ¼ x 8 ¼ • 272 pgs • 8-pg 4/c photo insert • Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0306-3, 2/12

Also available in Downloadable Audio



Giant George has appeared on Oprah, Today, and his story has been in the Los Angeles Times, Reader’s Digest, Life, In Touch and other publications. He has over 75,000 fans on Facebook, over 2.6 million hits on his YouTube videos, and a huge following among dog lovers, and especially Great Dane owners. George is the 2010 Guinness World Records holder for the Tallest Living Dog and Tallest Dog Ever. GIANT GEORGE is perfect for fans of John Grogan’s extremely popular Marley & Me (William Morrow, 2005) and Larry Levin’s New York Times bestselling memoir Oogy (GCP, 10/10). Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-1145-7, 4/12

“An engaging, humorous read....Startlingly honest and wellwritten, Giant George’s story stands apart from the slew of other dog books on the shelves.” —Publishers Weekly

“A great, gorgeous whirlwind of a novel, boundless in its imagination. You will be swept away.” —Justin Cronin, author of The Passage

“Breathtaking and frightening. I couldn’t stop reading PURE.” —Danielle Trussoni, author of Angelology

“PURE packs one hell of an apocalypse.”


• National print and online publicity campaign

—Daniel H. Wilson, author of Robopocalypse

“A boiling and roiling, glorious mosh-pit of a book, full of wonderful weirdness, tenderness, and wild suspense.”

—Aimee Bender, author of The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake



• Bound-in reading group guide


• Free marketing app, social networks, blogs, giveaways •



• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways JULIANNA BAGGOTT lives in Tallahassee, Florida.

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DAVE NASSER lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife, two children, and, of course, George.

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The Healing Code

Psych’s Guide to Crime Fighting for the Totally Unqualified



“D r. Alex Loyd has the defining healing technology in the world today—it will revolutionize health.” —Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books

From Psych—USA Network’s smash TV show about a police psychic—comes a hilarious guide to fighting crime.

Psych is a quick-witted comedy/drama starring James Roday as young police consultant Shawn Spencer who solves crimes with powers of observation so acute that Santa Barbara Police Department detectives think he’s psychic. Psych also stars Dulé Hill as Burton, Shawn’s best friend and reluctant sidekick, and Corbin Bernsen as his disapproving father, Henry, who ironically was the one who honed his son’s “observation” skills as a child. As with Monk, Psych mixes comedy with its crime and features a somewhat eccentric lead character— Shawn, a police psychic with absolutely no psychic abilities whatsoever. Now Shawn will share his expertise on crime fighting for the totally unqualified and, with Burton’s help, show readers how to prepare for a stakeout, how to profile suspects, solve cold cases, sneak snacks at a crime scene, and create masterful disguises from a $.99 store…all with the trademark Psych humor!

In 2001, Dr. Alexander Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that removes the source of up to 95% of all illness and disease. The neuro-immune system can then do its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body. Dr. Loyd’s findings were validated by tests and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Code system to correct virtually any physical, emotional, or relational issue, as well as realize breakthroughs in career success. Loyd’s testing also revealed that there is a “Universal Healing Code” that can help cure most issues for most people. In this book, you learn that Universal Healing Code, which takes only minutes to do. The book also includes: • The Seven Secrets of life, health, and prosperity • The 10-second Instant Impact technique for defusing daily stress • The Heart Issues Finder, the only test that identifies your source issues in a succinct personalized report. (COVER NOT FINAL) ●●

978-1-4555-0200-4 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Health & Fitness • 5 ¼ x 8 • 320 pgs • Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover • Territories: World


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●


THE HEALING CODE was self-published in 3/10, selling nearly 30,000 copies with limited promotion. The hardcover edition (GCP, 2/11) has close to 70,000 copies in print after several printings. Dr. Alex Loyd holds doctorates in psychology and naturopathic medicine. He discovered this healing method during a 12-year stretch to cure his wife’s clinical depression, and has trained more than 65 coaches to guide clients through this simple and natural self-treatment. He speaks approximately 150 times a year and has been featured on television (including a PBS special) and radio programs.



Psych’s GUIDE will be featured as part of the storyline in various episodes during the show’s upcoming seventh season. The book will receive on-air advertising, as well as promotion on the show’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. When the sixth season’s DVDs are released, the book will receive extensive promotion as part of the DVD package. Psych’s Facebook page has 2.1 million fans and their #HashTagKiller online game has had 11 million viewers. In addition to new episodes, which air on USA Network during primetime, Ion Television is currently airing 11 repeat episodes each week.


• National media campaign • National print and online publicity campaign ROBERT CHARLES, BREAKTHROUGH PRODUCTIONS

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways


Psych had three million viewers for its season six premiere and was the #1 series of the evening among women 25-54. It is currently USA Network’s longest-running original series on air, and William Shatner joined the cast of its current sixth season.

Psych is a copyright of Universal Network Television LLC. Licensed by NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group 2013. All Rights Reserved.



Also available as an e-book

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0201-1, 2/11

—Merrill Ken Galera, MD, Medical Director, the Galera Center

• National print and online publicity campaign

978-1-4555-1286-7 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Media Tie In/Humor • 7 x 9 • 288 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World

Dr. Ben Johnson was clinical director of the Immune Recovery Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, for several years. Suffering from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), he used the methods in THE HEALING CODE for two months and has been symptom-free for more than seven years. He is the only medical doctor featured in the film The Secret.

“I have found no other process that is as elegantly simple, effortlessly learnable, inherently portable, profoundly effective, and fundamentally timeless.”




• Major cross-promotion with the television show WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • DR. ALEXANDER LOYD lives in Leipers Fork, Tennessee.

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“SHAWN SPENCER” lives in Santa Barbara, California.

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Dolls Behaving Badly

Buy High, Sell Higher


Why Buy-and-Hold Is Dead and Other Surprising Investing Lessons from CNBC’s “The Liquidator” JOE TERRANOVA

Where the Heart Is meets Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim in this hilarious and heartwarming debut novel about a single mom living in Alaska trying to make a life for herself and her son.

Whether you’re a professional investor (or just want to trade like one), this book will give you the techniques to pick winners, maximize gains, and minimize losses.

Carla Richards is a weary waitress at Anchorage’s premiere dining establishment; an aspiring artist who secretly makes erotic dolls for the extra income; a divorcée who can’t quite detach from her ex-husband; and a stressed-out single mom trying to support her gifted eight-year-old son Jay-Jay, her pregnant sister Laurel, and her babysitter-turned-residentteenager Stephanie. Surrounded by bills she can’t pay, Carla finds inspiration and hope in the form of the “Oprah Giant”—an unusually tall woman who directs Oprah’s viewers to commit their dreams to paper and pursue them every day. With this new outlook, Carla’s life begins filling with more potential and possibility than she ever dared to imagine. Still far from a perfect life, but perfection is overrated, and as long as she has her family, friends and her Polish grandmother’s traditional recipes, she has everything she needs to be happy.

Today’s markets move faster and have greater volatility than when buying low and selling high became the established path to wealth. In the past decade, tried-and-true strategies— relying on index funds or buying-and-holding stocks—have let investors down. In BUY HIGH, SELL HIGHER, Terranova explains how to use indicators, like moving averages and volume, to spot investments that are poised to take off. Using current examples and stories from his own career, the author explains how to determine the best time to buy, when to sell, how to protect against sudden reversals, and how to capitalize while others are retreating. For investors who are tired of watching their 401(k) melt down to a 201(k) (or if today’s markets have them scared to the point of inaction), this book will give them the tools to get in the game—and to profit in this new investing landscape. ●●


978-0-446-56813-5 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: World


Also available as an e-book ●●


Combining the warmth of Billie Letts’s writing with the wit and humor of David Sedaris and John Irving, Cinthia Ritchie is a terrific addition to GCP’s list and with her funny, quirky, and relatable voice will appeal to women of all ages and backgrounds. Cinthia Ritchie spent eight years as features writer and columnist at Anchorage Daily News and received her MFA from the University of Alaska Anchorage in 2005. Her fiction, poetry, and nonfiction have appeared in a list of more than 35 publications. Ritchie was the Memoir (and) journal’s Grand Prize Winner in creative nonfiction, the Brenda Ueland Prose Prize Winner, a Pushcart Prize nominee for fiction, and the recipient of the National PEN Women Creative Nonfiction Award.

978-1-4555-0067-3 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Investing • 6 x 9 • 256 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



Joe Terranova is a series regular on CNBC’s Fast Money and the Chief Market Strategist for Virtus Investment Partners, a publicly traded firm with $25 billion in assets under management. Virtus is currently using BUY HIGH, SELL HIGHER as a reference book for some of its financial professionals. Prior to joining Virtus, Terranova spent 18 years at MBF Clearing Corp., where he was the director of trading and managed more than 300 traders. In addition to his regular slot on Fast Money, Terranova writes a blog for Virtus ( and has over 16,000 Twitter followers @terranovajoe. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0066-6, 1/12

“One of Joe Terranova’s greatest strengths is his ability to take vast amounts of complex financial data, break the data down to its moving parts, and then explain what it means in an easy-tounderstand way.” —Mark B. Fisher, author of

The book includes original recipes from the heroine’s grandmother.

Praise for Cinthia Ritchie:

“A fascinating look at a real pro’s disciplined approach to making big money in the market.”

“Cinthia Ritchie is a courageous and thoroughly passionate writer. Her unflinching prose will not be denied.”

—Jack Otter, executive editor, CBS

—Ronald Spatz, Editor Alaska Quarterly Review


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

“Cinthia Ritchie is a writer of unusual passions and unusual vision. She allows the world to flow through her onto the page in prose that is breathless, intimate, and brutally, perfectly honest.” —Sherry Simpson, The Way Winter Comes ONE SHOT PHOTOGRAPHY


The Logical Trader: Applying a Method to the Madness


“Joe understands risk management the way Warren Buffett understands long-term investing. Read his book and you can make what he has experienced work for you. Joe has done that—and so much more—for me.”

—Joe Theismann, Super Bowl champion


• National print and online publicity campaign WEB MARKETING

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

CINTHIA RITCHIE lives in Anchorage, Alaska.

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JOE TERRANOVA lives in New York.

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It’s Your Move

The Panther

How to Play the Game and Win the Man You Want



A professional pickup artist and the lead dating instructor at Love Systems now offers women all of the tools and information they need to get the romance they’re really looking for.

John Corey returns in the new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille— now in paperback.

Every woman wants to get inside men’s heads, decode their actions, and learn how to play their game. Nick Savoy can help women do just that. As a top instructor at the leading worldwide dating consultancy for men, he has taught hundreds of thousands his highly effective techniques for attracting, dating, and seducing women. Now, he blows the cover off the multi-million dollar pickup industry, revealing the successful strategies women can use to turn the tables, play the players, and separate the good guys from the bad. Readers will learn: • Detailed tips and tricks from inside a Boot Camp for men • Revelations and hard evidence based on the observation of 100,000 male/female interactions • Mixed messages women get from pop culture, society, and those around them • How to make any environment work in their favor • And much more. Whether they want a one-night stand, a second date, or a longterm relationship, IT’S YOUR MOVE is the key to helping women get the relationships they truly want.

Anti-Terrorist Task Force agent John Corey and his wife, FBI agent Kate Mayfield, have been posted overseas to Sana’a, Yemen—one of the most dangerous places in the Middle East. While there, they will be working with a small team to track down one of the masterminds behind the USS Cole bombing: a high-ranking Al Qaeda operative known as The Panther. Ruthless and elusive, he’s wanted for multiple terrorist acts and murders—and the U.S. government is determined to bring him down, no matter the cost. As latecomers to a treacherous game, John and Kate don’t know the rules, the players, or the score. What they do know is that there is more to their assignment than meets the eye—and that the hunters are about to become the hunted. ●●


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats ●●




Nick Savoy is the president of Love Systems, which also sponsors the website The Attraction Forums ( A media powerhouse, he has appeared on Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, CBS News, and Fox News, and has been profiled in the Boston Globe, The Economist, Men’s Health, and Maxim. Savoy will employ an ambitious e-mail campaign to promote the book, and plans to launch an advisory program for women with lectures and a consulting element. Relationship advice books geared towards women, but written by men, sell in huge numbers. Greg Behrendt’s He’s Just Not That Into You (Gallery Books, 2006) and Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (Amistad, 2009) are both #1 New York Times bestsellers and have sold well over a million copies each. Love Systems’ services do not come cheaply, but IT’S YOUR MOVE distills its essential tips and advice into an affordable volume, addressing women for the first time.



978-0-446-69961-7 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 6 x 9 • 600 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World English Hachette Audio edition: Abr. CD: 978-1-61969-336-4 • $14.98/$16.50


Also available in Downloadable Audio, Large Print, and e-book formats



The author’s most recent novel, The Lion (GCP, 978-0-446-580830, 6/10), was an instant New York Times bestseller. It debuted as tied for #1, and sold more than 330,000 copies. The trade paperback edition (GCP, 6/11) was also a New York Times bestseller and has more than 102,000 copies in print. There are more than 30 million copies of DeMille’s books in print worldwide, and more than 15 million copies in print in the United States. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58084-7, 10/12

Praise for Nelson DeMille: “A master of the unexpected…an accomplished and incredibly versatile storyteller.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer


• Television advertising on CNN Airport Network • Print advertising in New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY • Transit advertising in New York PUBLICITY

• Online advertising

• National print and online publicity campaign



• National media campaign • Radio interviews • National print and online publicity campaign

• 8-copy floor display with special riser: 978-1-4555-2202-6 • $119.92/$132.00 WEB MARKETING


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways NICK SAVOY lives in Los Angeles, California.

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978-1-60941-398-9 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Nonfiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 240 pgs • Publishing background: GCP original • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


THE PANTHER features one of Nelson DeMille’s most popular characters, Det. John Corey, who was previously featured in the author’s New York Times bestsellers The Lion (GCP, 6/10), Wild Fire (GCP, 11/06), Night Fall (GCP, 11/04), The Lion’s Game (GCP 1/00), and Plum Island (GCP, 5/97). These novels have more than six million copies in print combined and have received widespread critical acclaim.

grand central publishing trade paperback

NELSON DEMILLE lives on Long Island, New York.


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Delivering Happiness

You Came Back

A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose

A Novel



Now in paperback, the #1 New York Times bestseller from the iconoclastic CEO of Zappos that reveals how creating a company culture that values happiness can lead to unprecedented success.

Christopher Coake’s fictional examination of how one man deals with the death of his son— and the beauty and danger of belief in all forms—is now in paperback.

• Pay brand-new employees $2,000 to quit… • Make customer service the responsibility of the entire company… • Apply research from the science of happiness to running a business… • Seek to change the world…

Thirty-something Midwesterner Mark Fife believes he has successfully moved past the accidental death of his young son Brendan, as well as his subsequent divorce from his college sweetheart Chloe. Seven years have passed; he’s successful, he’s in love again, and he believes he’s mastered his own memories.  But then he is contacted by a strange woman who tells him not only that she owns his old house, but that she also believes it to be haunted by Brendan’s ghost.  Will Mark—who does not believe in ghosts—come to accept the mounting evidence that the spirit of Brendan is real? Will his engagement to his new love Allison be threatened by the reappearance of his exwife? If the ghost is real, what can these two wounded parents do to help their son? Centered on the impact of the accidental death of a small child, this anatomy of grief and redemption is reminiscent of the award-winning play turned feature film Rabbit Hole, starring Nicole Kidman, with supernatural elements that hint at the blockbuster film The Sixth Sense.

Oh, and make money too. Sound crazy? It’s all standard operating procedure at Zappos, the online retailer that’s doing over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales annually. After debuting as the highest-ranking newcomer in Fortune magazine’s annual “Best Companies to Work For” list in 2009, Zappos was acquired by Amazon in a deal valued at more than $1.2 billion on the day of closing. In DELIVERING HAPPINESS, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life. Fast-paced and down-to-earth, Hsieh shows how a very different kind of corporate culture is a powerful model for achieving success.



978-0-446-57622-2 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Business Management • 6 x 9 • 272 pgs • Publishing background: Business Plus hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-60941-280-7 • $14.98/$16.50 Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats




In hardcover, DELIVERING HAPPINESS was a #1 New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly bestseller, spending several months on their respective lists. The book has sold more than 343,000 copies to date after 21 printings. Under Tony Hsieh’s leadership, Zappos’ gross merchandise sales rose from $1.6 million in 2000 to more than $1 billion annually by 2008.

978-1-4555-0669-9 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 368 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World ●●

Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-56304-8, 6/10

“An uplifting tale of entrepreneurial success, personal growth, and redemption.” —Publishers Weekly

• Print advertising in USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal




• National print and online publicity campaign

• National print and online publicity campaign

• Bound-in reading group guide



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways

business plus trade paperback march

—Jennifer Finney Boylan, author of She’s Not There and I’m Looking Through You


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways TONY HSIEH lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0670-5, 6/12

“When I finished the last page of Christopher Coake’s amazing new novel, I set the book down with a sense of wonder. This remarkable author is less concerned with the supernatural than with the all-too-too real specters that haunt us all—the ghosts of our former selves, the ghosts of the lives we might have lived had just a few things turned out differently. YOU CAME BACK will stay with me forever. What an incredible writer.”

Hsieh made his first million by age 18. Prior to joining Zappos in 2000, he co-founded LinkExchange, which he sold to Microsoft at age 24 for $250 million. Hsieh has been and remains actively involved in promoting this book.

“It is hard not to like a CEO who, without a trace of irony, says that his corporate mission has become ‘delivering happiness to the world.’” —The Wall Street Journal MARKETING

Christopher Coake’s acclaimed debut novel We’re In Trouble (Harcourt, 2005) was chosen for the PEN/Bingham Award in 2005, and he was subsequently named one of “Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists” in 2007. He received his M.F.A. in fiction from Ohio State University.

CHRISTOPHER COAKE lives in Reno, Nevada.

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10 Pounds in 10 Days

Monday Mornings

The Secret Celebrity Program for Losing Weight Fast



Now in paperback—bestselling fitness guru Jackie Warner’s perfect guide to losing weight fast!

“Launches off the page like a thoroughbred out of the gates: the pace is fast and furious and the authenticity of the surgical situations make this a hard-to-put-down novel….A gripping and wonderful read right down to the wire….A winner.” —Abraham Verghese, author of Cutting for Stone

As America’s favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer, Jackie Warner reveals a program that readers will want to commit to for a lifetime. Rooted in Jackie’s principles of fitness, this plan offers a nutrient-rich, all-natural diet to jump-start metabolism and rev up the fat burning; exercises to tone and sculpt the body to perfection; and the encouragement to turn self-loathing into self-loving. Research-backed and client-proven, this program works! Readers will discover how to: •D  ROP POUNDS RAPIDLY: Three simple, 10-day eating plans and workouts—for a full 30 days of fat burning and toning. • EAT TO LOSE: Superstar foods help encourage fat loss, satisfy cravings, and recharge metabolism. • BURN FAT FAST: Specific high-intensity workouts to maximize burn and give ultimate tone in the fastest time possible. • K EEP THE WEIGHT OFF: The secret strategy for changing set points so the pounds stay off permanently.

Every time surgeons operate, they’re betting their skills can beat a brain tumor, a faulty heart valve, a clogged artery. Sometimes, they’re wrong. At Chelsea General, surgeons answer for bad outcomes at the Morbidity and Mortality conference, known as M & M. This extraordinary peek behind the curtain into what is considered the most secret meeting in all of medicine is the backdrop for Sanjay Gupta’s first novel. MONDAY MORNINGS follows the lives of five surgeons as they push the limits of their abilities and confront their personal and professional failings, often in front of their peers at M & M. A practicing surgeon himself, Gupta paints a vivid picture of the method by which surgeons often learn—through their mistakes.

978-1-4555-0742-9 • $16.99 ($18.50 in Canada) Diet & Exercise • 7 x 9 • 336 pgs • 150 4/c photos Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market Also available as an e-book






10 POUNDS IN 10 DAYS was published in Grand Central Life & Style hardcover in 3/12. It has nearly 70,000 copies in print and was featured on The Talk and in Fitness, Health, and Prevention magazines. Jackie Warner’s This Is Why You’re Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever) (Grand Central Life & Style, 4/10) has sold nearly 145,000 hardcover copies and was a New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller. It was featured on the Today show, Extra!, and in OK, Shape, and People Style Watch. Jackie Warner’s Bravo reality series, Thintervention, debuted in 9/10. Her previous Bravo show, Work Out, was a hit and aired for three seasons. She is the owner of Sky Sport and Spa, a complete wellness center in Beverly Hills, California. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4555-0741-2, 3/12


978-0-446-58384-8 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 272 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World Hachette Audio edition: Unabr. CD: 978-1-61969-337-1 • $14.98/$16.50


Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats

“Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes us inside the veins of the patients, the hospital, and the brilliant surgeons at Chelsea General in a thrilling, often funny, and sometimes heartbreaking read. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. I could not put it down.” —David E. Kelley, creator of Boston Legal, Ally McBeal, and Chicago Hope


Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the author of Cheating Death (GCP, 10/09), which hit the New York Times bestseller list, and Chasing Life (GCP, 4/07), which made the New York Times, USA TODAY, and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. Combined, his books have sold more than 100,000 copies. MONDAY MORNINGS is Gupta’s first novel and will appeal to fans of other medical dramas like Abraham Verghese’s Cutting for Stone (Random House, 2009). TNT’s upcoming medical drama, Chelsea General, from Dr. Gupta and award-winning producer David E. Kelley, is based on MONDAY MORNINGS. Dr. Gupta’s The Next List with Dr. Sanjay Gupta premiered on CNN in 11/11, featuring extraordinary individuals and innovators around the world. Dr. Gupta is a practicing neurosurgeon at Emory University and Associate Chief of Service at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. He’s a columnist for TIME magazine, Chief Medical Correspondent at CNN, and the host of the half-hour weekend show, House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. He is also a contributor to 60 Minutes and appeared regularly on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. In 2011, Dr. Gupta was on Forbes’ “10 Most Influential Celebrities” list. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58385-5, 3/12

“A brilliant and authentic inside look at the high-stakes world of neurosurgery, filled with memorable characters and searing moments, written with a surgeon’s deftness and a healer’s heart.” —Samuel Shem, MD, author of The House of God and The Spirit of the Place

MARKETING • National print and online publicity campaign



• National print and online publicity campaign

• Social networks, blogs, giveaways •


• Social networks, blogs, giveaways JACKIE WARNER lives in Los Angeles, California.

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SANJAY GUPTA, MD, lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

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The Gilly Salt Sisters

Friendship Makes the Heart Grow Fonder



“D eliciously, magically strange and heartrendingly familiar, a beautiful and bewitching story of the elements that bind us to each other—family, love, loss, and memory. I was pulled into its world on the very first page and wanted to stay forever.” —Eleanor Brown, author of The Weird Sisters

A new novel of women’s alliances from the author of The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship.

In the isolated Cape Cod village of Prospect, the Gilly sisters are as different as can be. Jo, a fierce and quiet loner, is devoted to the mysteries of her family’s salt farm, while Claire is popular, pretty, and yearns to flee the salt at any cost. But the Gilly land hides a dark legacy. Although the community halfsuspects the Gilly sisters might be witches, it doesn’t stop the town’s wealthiest bachelor from forcing his way into their lives. Years later, estranged from her family, Claire finds herself thrust back onto the farm with the last person she would have chosen: her husband’s pregnant mistress. Suddenly, alliances change, old loves return, and new battle lines are drawn. When the smoke finally clears, what the Gilly sisters learn about each other and the land around them will alter Gilly history for good. ●●


978-0-446-55729-0 • $14.99 ($16.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 320 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: World Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



Lenny left his wife Monique a healthy legacy and a “bucket list” of things they’d dreamed of experiencing together before cancer took his life. For four years, his widow ignored the list, too busy raising their daughter to consider the painful task of resurrecting shattered dreams. But when Monique notices her earth-mother neighbor Judy acting crazy in her empty nest, and their best friend, Becky, slipping into depression after a shocking medical diagnosis, Monique dusts off that wish list and contemplates it with new eyes. Lenny never meant for her to have these experiences alone—and who knows, perhaps this list of adventures is just crazy enough to save them all. ●●

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County (GCP, 1/09) hit the San Francisco Chronicle and the ABA IndieBound bestseller lists. It was a January 2009 Indie Next List Pick and a Good Housekeeping Book Pick. It was published in GCP trade paperback in 1/10 and hit the New York Times bestseller list. The author awes readers with her literary grace and her touches of magical realism woven seamlessly throughout this family saga. Her lyrical prose will attract fans of Brunonia Barry, Alice Hoffman, and Audrey Niffenegger. This edition contains a bound-in reading group guide and a teaser chapter from Tiffany Baker’s next novel, Mercy Snow (GCP, 5/13).



978-1-4555-0031-4 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Fiction • 5 ¼ x 8 • 352 pgs • Publishing background: 5-Spot original • Territories: World


—Elizabeth Noble, bestselling author of The Girl Next Door

Also available:

“Captivates from its opening paragraph….Baker’s scenes and characters are rich and compelling, touched with a magical realism which, like salt, enhances their flavor. Fans of Alice Hoffman will rejoice at finding Tiffany Baker.”

The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship 978-0-446-56351-2 $13.99/$15.50

“A poignant, lush, and well-written tale of family secrets, revenge, and forgiveness.” —Booklist



• Bound-in reading group guide

• Bound-in reading group guide



• National print and online publicity campaign

• National print and online publicity campaign

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• Social networks, blogs, giveaways • TIFFANY BAKER lives in Tiburon, California.

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124 124

One Good Friend Deserves Another 978-1-455-50030-7 $13.99/$15.50




This book includes a bound-in reading group guide with discussion questions and a note from the author.

—Kathleen Kent, author of The Heretic’s Daughter and The Wolves of Andover

—Erica Bauermeister, author of The School of Essential Ingredients


While studying for her PhD in chemistry, RITA Award-finalist Higgins penned 12 romance novels under her maiden name, establishing a loyal readership that have followed her into mainstream women’s fiction.

“Full of humor, love, and life lessons, this is an uplifting and satisfying novel that lingers long after the last page.”

5-spot trade paperback march


The Little Giant of Aberdeen County 978-0-446-19422-8 $13.99/$16.99

With her ability to explore complex emotional issues in an accessible, sympathetic voice, Higgins writes the kinds of stories that appeal to fans of Kristin Hannah (Night Road, St. Martin’s Press, 2011), Kate Jacobs (Knit Two, Penguin, 2009), and Elizabeth Noble (The Friendship Test, HarperCollins, 2006).

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-19423-5, 3/12

“Like a delicious meal, Tiffany Baker offers up a wonderful blend of devastating family secrets, loves lost and found, revenge, forgiveness, and more than a pinch of long-held family magic.” Also available:

The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship, was published in 5-Spot original trade paperback in 1/11, with rights sold in Italy, Germany, Australia, Spain, Brazil, Poland, and Portugal.

LISA VERGE HIGGINS lives in Upper Montclair, New Jersey

125 125

21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart

Kasher in the Rye

Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health

The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16



—Rory Freedman, #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Skinny Bitch

“Kasher’s memoir will take you on a dark and hilarious journey of drugs, alcohol, and madness. But, by the time you reach the end of this book, you will be filled with hope and inspiration that even the most vulnerable can find redemption and recovery.”

D r. Neal D. Barnard is at the forefront of cutting-edge research to discover what it really takes to lose weight and restore the body to optimal health. With his proven successful program, in just three short weeks readers will get fast results— drop pounds, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve blood sugar, and more. With a plant-based diet and D r. Barnard’s advice, readers will learn the secrets to speedy body reprogramming, including: • Appetite reduction: strategically choose the right foods to naturally and easily tame hunger •M  etabolism boost: adjust eating patterns to burn calories faster for about three hours after each meal •C  ardio protection: the powerful foods that can help reduce cholesterol nearly as much as prescription medication in just weeks Complete with more than 60 recipes, meal plans, grocery shopping tips, and more, the 21-DAY WEIGHT LOSS KICKSTART is the fast-track solution to better health that millions of readers have been waiting for. ●●

978-0-446-58382-4 • $15.99 ($17.50 in Canada) Diet/Health • 5 ¼ x 8 • 368 pgs • Publishing background: GC Life & Style hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


Also available as an e-book

“This is not a diet; it’s a way of eating and living that can transform your life. No one on the planet knows more about the benefits of a plant-based diet than Dr. Neal Barnard.”

—Dean Ornish, MD, author of The Spectrum and Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease




In hardcover, 21-DAY WEIGHT LOSS KICKSTART was a New York Times bestseller and has more than 70,000 copies in print after several printings. The book was featured on The Dr. Oz Show as well as in a PBS pledge drive special that coincided with the hardcover publication. 21-DAY WEIGHT LOSS KICKSTART includes tips from The Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper, actress and author Marilu Henner, Dr. Dean Ornish, NBA champion John Salley, and a foreword written by New York Times bestselling author and actress Alicia Silverstone.

How do you hit rock bottom by age 15? Start with psychoanalysis at age four. Increase dosage until saturation is reached. Add addiction. A pinch of A.D.D, Arrest, Violence, Rehab, Anti Depressants, Gangs, Guns. Shake, Stir, Pour. When he was a young boy, Moshe Kasher’s deaf mother took him on a vacation to the West Coast. Well, it was more like an abduction. She stole them away from their father and the Chassidic community he was being swept into and they moved to Oakland, California. That’s where the real fun begins, in the war zone of Oakland Public Schools. Moshe jokes his way down the ladder, but soon enough, he falls to the bottom. KASHER IN THE RYE is a snapshot of a childhood gone terribly wrong. This is a story of a young boy barely holding himself together with the world threatening to break him in two. It’s a hilarious and painful ode to the agony and absurdity of a life that almost ended before it started. ●●

978-0-446-58427-2 • $13.99 ($15.50 in Canada) Memoir • 5 ¼ x 8 • 305 pgs • Publishing background: GCP hardcover • Territories: U.S., Canada, and Open Market


The author’s PBS program Taking Control of Diabetes with Dr. Neal Barnard premiered in 3/10. Sales of his corresponding book, Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes (Rodale, 12/06), soared and hit the USA TODAY bestseller list.


Dr. Barnard is a clinical researcher, author, and health advocate. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and is president of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. He is featured in the new, nationally released documentary, Forks Over Knives, and has previously appeared on the Today show, Good Morning America, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and PBS. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58381-7, 2/11 PUBLICITY

• National print and online publicity campaign

• National print and online publicity campaign HARRY GIGLIO



• Social networks, blogs, giveaways NEAL D. BARNARD, MD, lives in Washington, DC.

grand central life & style trade paperback march

126 126

Moshe Kasher is a repeat guest on E!’s Chelsea Lately and has been featured on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He was seen on the 2011 season of John Oliver’s New York Stand Up Show on Comedy Central, and has a show in development with the network as well, in which he will star. He can also be seen in the upcoming FOX sitcom Traffic Lights. Kasher spent the last three years on the road, building his audience and performing almost nightly. He was named “best of the fest” by both the Aspen Comedy Festival and Just For Laughs, as well as iTunes 2009 New Comedian of the Year. Kasher has performed at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, the Sasquatch Music Festival, South by Southwest, Bamboozle Festival, The Cat Laughs Festival, Aspen Comedy Festival, Bridgetown Comedy Festival, and hundreds of comedy clubs across the U.S. Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-446-58426-5, 3/12

“Hysterical, heartbreaking, flat-out hilarious…after KASHER IN THE RYE, Moshe Kasher will no longer be known just as a brilliant, cutting edge young comic, but as a genuine monster writer of the highest order. Think Holden Caulfield on dope and bagels, with a side of crime and insane asylums. This is the kind of book that makes you want to wake up everyone you know at three in the morning and scream at them to read.” —Jerry Stahl, MARKETING

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Also available in Downloadable Audio and e-book formats



—Artie Lange, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Too Fat to Fish


“D r. Barnard’s 21-day program will change the way you eat and live. The research is cuttingedge, the recipes are delicious, and the eating plan is simple as can be.”

New York Times bestselling author of Permanent Midnight

MOSHE KASHER lives in Los Angeles, California.

grand central publishing trade paperback march

127 127


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FRIENDSHIP MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: Lisa Verge Higgins

FUSE First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, and Performance Rights: Sobel Weber Associates

THE GLUTEN-FREE TABLE First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, and Performance Rights: Foundry Literary + Media

THE GOOD NURSE Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, First Serial, and Performance Rights: The Susan Golomb Literary Agency

GONE TILL NOVEMBER UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: The Guma Agency

AN HEIRESS AT HEART UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: BookEnds LLC








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IT TAKES BIG BALLS UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: ISB New Media

IT’S YOUR BUSINESS UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: Solow Literary Enterprises

IT’S YOUR MOVE First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, and Performance Rights: Folio Literary Management

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LOW PRESSURE Second serial, audio, book club, and large print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, First Serial, and performance Rights: Maria Carvainis Agency

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First serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation, and Performance Rights: Henry Morrison, Inc.

UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: DeFiore & Company

SPY IN A LITTLE BLACK DRESS UK, Translation, First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/Performance Rights: C. Fletcher & Company

TOTAL FRAT MOVE First Serial, Audio, Book Club, and Large Print Rights: Grand Central Publishing/UK, Translation and Performance Rights: Waxman Literary Agency

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