Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell, Brain Fingerprinting (OSS '95: THE ...

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FAR WELL. BRAIN. FINGERPRINTING. Forensic Neurosclence Investigative. System Detects Terrorists' Plans, Identifies. Perpetrators, Excludes the Innocent,.



Forensic Neurosclence Investigative

System Detects Terrorists' Plans, Identifies Perpetrators, Excludes the Innocent,

and Exonerates the Falsely Accused. OArin Response: Match'

FINGERPRINTING The Future of Corporate, Law Enforcement, and Counter-intelligence Investigations Farwell Brain Fingerprinting takes corporate, I enforcement, and intelligence investigations directly to source of all crime - the human brain It is the first 10' accurate, brain-response-based, forensic investigat technique in the world The system tests a suspect's subject's knowledge of a specific event - criminal or n. criminal. As crimes are committed, every detail is recorded stored in the perpetrator's brain. By scientifically process electrical brain responses of suspects during Brain Evidef Collection and Computer Evidence Analysis, Farwell Br Fingerprinting can noninvasively access that information. This means that it is now possible for scientists investigators to match evidence stored in the brain of perpetrator with evidence from a crime in the same way it DNA connects bodily evidence, such as blood or semen, t, crime. Evidence stored in the brain is informational while Di is biological. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is objective, reliat non-invasive, non-abusive, and non-stressful, it has a record 100% accuracy. The analysis satisfies the needs of b, investigators

Brain Response: "Match' Stimulus Type Probe.

Irrelevant ........... Target

A probe stimulus is relevant to the investigation and elicits a MERMER if recognized A target stimulus is made relevant to the suspect and elicits a MERMER. An irrelevant stimulus has no relation to the investigation or the suspect and does not elicit a MERMER In this graph, the suspect recognizes the probe stimulus and elicits a MERMER. This is a'MATCH' Probe and target responses flow together. (Scale -10 to + 10 microvolts x 2250 msec 250 pre-stimulus to 2000 post-


Brain Response: 'No Match'

Brain Response: 'No Match" Stimulus Type: Probe

Irrelevant .........


In this graph, the suspect does not recognize the probe stimulus and is unfamiliar with the investigation. He elicits a MERMER only in response to a target stimulus The suspect elicits a completely different response to the probe stimulus which flows with the suspects response to an irreevant stimulus Ths is a 'No Match'. (Scale -10 to + 10 mncrovolts x 2250 meec: 250 pre-stimulus to 2000 poststimulus)





Interrogations, false accusations, convictions can be avoided




Brain Evidence Collection and Computer Evidenc: Analysis Test Suspect's Knowledge Numerous sequences of words, phrases, acronyrn symbols, cryptic symbols, and/or photographs (evidence a non-evidence) are flashed as stimuli to a suspect on a vid monitor Each stimulus appears for a fraction of a second. I suspect's brain recognizes the informational evidence significant or noteworthy to the crime under investigation,; brain elicits a specific brain response called a MERM; (Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electroencepha graphic Response). The scientific result of recognition evidence is a 'match, the scientific result of non-recognition 'no match'. Three types of stimuli are presented targets, irrelevan and probes Target stimuli are made relevant to each susp: and elicit a MERMER. Irrelevant stimuli have no relation to i investigation or the suspect and do not elicit a MERMER Pro stimuli are relevant to the investigation and will elicit MERMER if recognized. The process is computer controllleaving no possibility for countermeasures or for the subject, interpretations and/or personal biases of the system expert Executives and investigators from all corporations, Ienforcement, counter-intelligence, defense, law offices, privinvestigative firms, and those who fight global organized crirwill be most interested in implementing this technology Wh DNA or fingerprinting are of notable value in the investigation 2% of all crimes, Farwell Brain Fingerprinting can ass investigators in identifying or excluding 99.9% of all violent a. 'white-collar' crimes in which suspects have been apprehends The system also has numerous applications in ci investigations and research including advertising PLEASE CONTACT: Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell or Dr. Nash 0. Thompson II Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc Greater Washington, D.C Area 9603. Little Cobbler Court Burke, Virginia 22019 - USA - Tel/Fax (703) 440 8070 E-Mail 75051 1137@compuserve corn


HUMAN BRAIN RESEARCH LABORATORY, Inc. Lawrence A. Farwell, Ph.D., Inventor, President and Chief Scientist Email [email protected] Harvard University Medical School Research Associate

Nash O. Thompson II,Ph.D., EVP 9603 Lttle Cobbler Court, Burke, VA 22015 Tel/Fax. (703) 440 8070 Email 75051.1 137@compuserve corn

Users and Uses of Farwell Brain Fingerprinting This technology has applications in scientifically identifying, excluding or exonerating individuals and / or groups believed responsible for planning and perpetrating crimes in the following areas: Commerce and Industry. Commercial. Government, and Defense Counter-4ntelliaence. Fighters of Oroanized Crime. Violent and Non-Violent Crimes in International. National, State, County, and Municipal Jurisdictions. a Commerce and Industry. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting technology can assist investigators to identify suspects who have planned cnmes and illegally acquired, sold, or used the following types of corporate and industrial property and secrets valued in billions of dollars annually: -Budgeting, marketing, and financial data -False claims inadvertisements -Trade secrets, intellectual property, contract bids, and -Licensing agreements Information on new product development -Corporate-government shared proprietary information -Copyrighted materials -Classified information -Contract related criminal offenses, -Unclassified, but sensitive information -Other corporate property -Corporate proprietary information -Embezzlement -National and internatonal patent data -Most other categories of crimes in commerce and industry b. Commercial. Government and Defense Intelligence. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting can assist corporate officers, and federal. state, local authorities to investigate and verify individuals and extremist groups who plan, perpetrate, and witness terronst acts; to warn national, state, and local authorities of impending acts of violence by means of verifiable intelligence gathenng, to identify members of gangs, intelligence organizations, and organized crme figures who foster or commit commercial, industrial, civilian, and defense crimes which threaten individuals, companies, and government organizations and their property. Assist authorities to detectDlans to terrorize oeople by bombing buildings. aircraft, and other strategic targets. -Counter-Terrorism -Counter-Espionage -Counter-Sabotage Counter-ntelligence -Conspiracy to defraud the nation -Disclosure of classified information -Embezzling and stealing public money, property, or records -Fraud and related activity in connection with computers -Gathering, transmitting, or losing defense information -Production of defective military material, premises, or utilities -Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign -Destruction of national defense materials, premises, or utilities governments -Photographing and sketching defense installations -Protection of identities of certain undercover intelligence officers, agents, informants, and sources -Use of aircraft for photographing defense installations -Violation of security regulations and orders -Publicaton and sale of photographs of defense installations -Most other civil and defense intelligence cnmes c. Global Organized Crime. With profits estimated at one-trillion dollars a year, global organized crime is considered by many to be the greatest threat to the international community and the economies of individual nations since the end of the Cold War We now live in a society where counterfeiting, credit card fraud, techno and industrial espionage, drug trafficking, hacker penetration of computer and security systems, black market sales of fissionable materials, and money laundering have become the world's fastest growing businesses Among the most critical problems caused by global organized crime to which Farwell Brain Fingerprinting can be applied are the following. -Financial Crime and Money Laundering -Breach of Information Systems Technology Security -Counterfeit Tender, Credit Cards, and Products -Nuclear Black Market -Russian Organized Crime -Drug Trafficking -Terrorism (New York City, Tokyo, Oklahoma City, London, etc.) -Most other global organized crimes d. nternational. National. State. County. and Municipal Law Enforcement Jurisdictions. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting, as a scientific and consstently 100% accurate and reliable technology, can be used to assist law enforcement to identify planners and doers of organized and individually perpetrated crimes, exclude the innocent, and to exonerate the falsely accused in the following types of cases -Murder -Larceny/theft -Non-negligent manslaughter -Motor vehicle theft -Rape -Forgery -Kidnapping -Counterfeiting -Racially motivated crimes -Fraud -Hate crimes -False memory -Aggravated assault -Embezzlement -Burglary -Most other cnmes -Domestic violence


U.S. Patent #5,363,858

FARWELL BRAIN FINGERPRINTING Matching Evidence Stored in the Brain with Evidence from a Crime Scene


Lawrence A. Farwell, Ph.D. Chief Scientist and President Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc. Washington, D.C. Metro Area: T: (703) 913 1396 F: (703) 569 7995 Harvard University Research Associate Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell observes brain responses on the operator monitor, while the suspect responds to words or pictures (informational evidence) flashed on another monitor. The suspect's brain responses are conveyed from the headband to the EEG amplifiers, and then to the computer for analysis. If the computer detects a brain MERMER (a specific electrical brain response), this indicates that specific evidence relevant to the situation under investigation is stored in the brain. This means there is a MATCH between the evidence stored in the brain with the evidence from a crime or crime scene. If there is no evidence of a crime stored in the suspect's brain, the SCIENTIFIC RESULT is NO MATCH (a different specific electrical brain response). Thus, brain fingerprinting can analyze objectively and scientifically whether or not an individual has participated in a crime. The guilty can be identified, and the innocent exonerated using an accurate, scientific, non-stressful, objective, and human rights oriented method. This technique is non-invasive and harmless. MERMER is for memory and encoding related Farwell Brain Fingerprinting has applications in multifaceted electroencephalographic response. military, civilian, and industrial intelligence agencies; enforcement law divisions; corporate security organizations; law offices; and in fighting world organized crime. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting was used with 100% accuracy in over 100 analyses during the past year under contract with the U.S. Government and unofficial studies at the FBI. Dr. Farwell is grateful to: FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Drew Richardson, Ph.D., FBI Laboratory, (202) 324 4322; LCDR Rene Hernandez, Ph.D., USUHS, U.S. Navy, (703) 614 5742; Prof. Tyler Lorig, Washington and Lee University, (703) 764 1296; and, Lt. David Nye, Criminal Investigations, Alexandria (Virginia) Police Department, (703) 838 4738.


OSS '95: THE CONFERENCE Proceedings, 1995 Volume II Fourth International Symposium on Global Security & Global Competitiveness: O - Link Page Previous

Maj. Mats Bjore, Swedish Military Open Source Program


Farwell United States Patent Patent Number: 5,363,858 Return to Electronic Index Page