Dyadic relationships of trust and knowledge sharing

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A Confiança nas Relações intra e interorganizacionais In: BITENCOURT, ... Zanini, M. T. (2008, setembro) Confiança dentro das organizações da nova ...
Dyadic relationships of trust and knowledge sharing in cooperation networks between micro and small enterprises for innovation Ivo Cardoso de Jesus Bahia

Professor at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da


Adriano Leal Bruni Professor at Universidade Federal da Bahia Sergio Ricardo Goes Oliveira

Professot at Universidade Salvador

Eduardo Antônio Conceição Araújo

UFBA Unifacs

Professor at Executive Educação Continuada

Abstract Interorganizational cooperation relations are complex interactions that aim to generate mutual benefits. One of the benefits from the cooperative process is the sharing of knowledge resulting from the relationships built between members of a network. These relationships, however, are mediated by factors such as trust, which is characterized here as a fundamental basis for sustaining the cooperative process. From this understanding, the thesis proposed here argued that dyadic trust relationships are crucial to the decision to search and research knowledge in interorganizational collaboration networks. The approach used was qualitativeinterpretative, using in-depth interviews and discourse analysis of the associated Network directly involved in the stages of knowledge sharing. The methodology of comparative qualitative analysis (QCA) was also used as a tool for analyzing and comparing the results with in-depth research. The questionnaires developed for comparative qualitative analysis reached 16 respondents representing 25 small and medium laboratories associated to the network. Analyzes developed throughout the research process, trust in interorganizational networks emerged as a multidimensional construct, where the factors of impersonal and interpersonal trust exerted different impacts at each stage of information sharing. Differently, the search process knowledge, interpersonal factors demonstrated greater relevance, having the

characteristics of integrity in behavior, concern and support and decision making, the most relevant factors discussed by the actors involved in the study. Synopsis of central thesis The present work aims to analyze the dyadic relationship of trust and cooperation in the networks of interorganizational relationships between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), seeking to understand the impacts of interpersonal and impersonal / organizational factors presented on the phases of knowledge sharing for generation of Innovations, especially about the decision-making phases through the search of knowledge. Research Network Labforte, a solid initiative of associations between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MPEs) of clinical analysis laboratories in the State of Bahia, and since 2006 has been recognized as the largest conglomerate of clinical laboratory analyzes in the North and Northeast of Brazil. A network of thirty-nine associates who, through cooperative actions, had been seeking to increase their competitiveness in the market and to improve their management and governance systems. The interorganizational relations of cooperation, called dyadic relations (Rousseau, Sitkin, Burt & Camerer, 1998), are complex interactions established among actors who cooperate to generate mutual benefits. Based on the complexity of the organizational context, the research argued that the dyadic relations of trust are determinant for the decision-making stages of knowledge research in interorganizational networks of cooperation for innovation, having the resources, capacities and competences, as fundamental elements for the understanding of cooperation, complementarity and synergy between organizations. In an environment full of intra and interorganizational interactions, trust emerges as a fundamental construct for the bases of cooperation, in different forms of arrangement, sustaining the search for collective gains and increasing the capacity for organizational change in the face of uncertainties, risks and the interdependence between actors on the scene

(Bachman & Zaheer, 2008). For Souza (2009), trust stands out as an alternative to other mechanisms of governance, power and control, assuming three complementary theoretical approaches, such as a complex recursive system of mutual influence, in a dialectical and dialogic process, that bases the applications In intra and interorganizational studies: the economic approach, the sociological approach and the psychological approach (Souza, 2009). This study argued that dyadic trust relations are not homogeneous and have different impacts in each phase of knowledge sharing, and can have positive or negative effects on the results of each phase, being a facilitator, hindering or impeding the effectiveness of the cooperation process for Innovation, determining in a different way the possibilities of information exchange in interorganizational environments. The analysis of the studies of Sydow (1998), Das and Teng (1998), Carlie (2004), Schoorman, Mayer and Davis (2007), Ellonen, Blomqvist, Pumalainen (2008), Ristig (2009), Zanini, Ristig (2009), allows the enumeration of fourteen factors of influence that served as the basis for the construction of content analysis categories and their respective analysis indicators. Table 01 (insert here) Methodology The methodological approach applied to the research was qualitative and it used multiple case studies as research strategy. Two different approaches were used: a qualitative interpretative approach (Bardin, 1977) and crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA) following Rihoux & Ragin (2009) orientation. The study focused, more specifically, on the decision-making stages through the search of knowledge, to understand them in their specificities in the perspective of trust. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and semi-structured questionnaires were applied during a three-month period. From these data, the analysis, in a combined form,

allowed to identify the impact of the determinant factors (interpersonal and impersonal) of confidence building, as well as relate these factors to the assumptions raised during this work. Figure 1

(insert here)

Still in relation to the stages of the research, Figure 02 summarizes the course of work, from the theoretical foundation, through the methodological choices and the steps followed by the empirical research until reaching the desired theoretical and practical contributions. Figure 2

(insert here)

Findings The analyzes made it possible to perceive that trust in interorganizational networks emerges as a multidimensional construct, in which the impersonal and interpersonal trust factors (ntecedents that may or may not create conditions to constitute confinement between actors) exert different impacts in each stage of information sharing, especially here, in the decision making phases through the search and the research process. Particularly on the process of decision of the search of knowledge, a greater influence of the impersonal factors was perceived. At this stage, capabilities, processes and reputation were the factors listed primarily by respondents. Differently, in the process of knowledge research, interpersonal factors showed greater relevance, having the characteristics of integrity in behavior, support and concern and decision making process, the most relevant factors discussed by the actors participating in the study. We can conclude, therefore, that the knowledge of the different impacts of the determinants of reliability is fundamental for the construction of interorganizational trust as a whole. Sharing knowledge about the impacts and degrees of intensity of influencing factors on the stages of knowledge sharing can give rise to a guiding map for organizations and individuals. This map may indicate which factors should be monitored more closely by

managers and associated companies, thus increasing the potential for building confidence and consequent ability to generate cooperation and innovation in cooperation networks. Implication for theory Throughout this research the concept of trust building in interorganizational cooperation networks was analyzed, having as a case study a network that has demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness in its actions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to emphasize that networks or relations of Confidence are successful. Some existent studies demonstrate this affirmation taking as object of analysis the betrayal, the deviant and antisocial behaviors. Thus, despite the almost complete omission of literature in this field, there has recently been an increase in concern about the issues of distrust, betrayal and abuse of trust in organizations, in the sense of developing a betrayal model, based on the opportunism in organizations. It is worth noting that some results found contradict studies such as those by Kouzes and Posner (1997, 2003), which concludes that trust correlates negatively with competition among the members of an organization. The results found here evidenced the level of relationship and openness among the members of a network as a watershed in relation to the attitude of the members towards the perception of competition. Implication for practices This advance in knowledge about cooperation and the role of trust may support more efficient and effective actions of cooperation between companies in the most diverse sectors, and can also subsidize LabForte Network itself in the development of better management and development strategies from the Web. Another point of attention to be taken into account was the particularity of the LabForte case and the intensity in relation to group interaction. Because of the specificity of the study, it was interesting to carry out other studies, in different academic and business contexts, in order to allow the expansion of comparative analysis.

References Bardin, L. (2000). Análise de conteúdo. Lisboa (Po): Editora Edições 70. Bachman, R., & Zaheer, A. (2008) Trust in the Inter-organizational Relations. The Oxford Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations. New York, Oxford Press. Carlie, P. (2004). Transfering, Translating and Transforming An Integrative Framework for Maniging Knowledge Across Boudaries. Organization Science, 15 (5): 555-568. Cronqvist, L. (2003). Presentation of TOSMANA. Louvain-La-Neuve and Leuven. Cronqvist, L. (2007). Tosmana

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Rousseau, D., Sitkin, S., Burt, R., & Camerer, C. (1998). Not so different after all: a cross discipline view of trust. Academy of Management Review. 23(3), 393-404. Schoorman, F.D., Mayer, R.C. & Davis, J.H. (2007) An integrative model of organizational trust: past, present and future. Academy of Management Review, 32(2), 344-54. Sydow, J. (1998) Understanding the constitution of interorganizational trust. In: Trust withinand between organization. BACHMANN, R. (Org.). Oxford : Oxford University Press. Souza, Y. S. (2009). A Confiança nas Relações intra e interorganizacionais In: BITENCOURT, C. Gestão Contemporânea de Competências: novas práticas, conceitos tradicionais, Bookman. Zanini, M. T. (2007) Confiança: o principal ativo intangível de uma empresa: pessoas, motivação e construção de valor. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. Zanini, M. T. (2008, setembro) Confiança dentro das organizações da nova economia: uma análise empírica sobre os efeitos da incerteza institucional. Anais do Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 32. Table 01- Influence Factors / Content Analysis Categories and Their Dimensions Influence Factors / Categories Justice

Dimensions Interpessonal

Decision process Interpessonal Technical Capacity Interpessonal Integrity in Behavior Interpessonal Shared Values Interpessonal Support and Concern Interpessonal Acceptance of Group Interpessonal Objectives Source: Developed by the author

Influence Factors / Categories Structure and Technology Processes Capabilities Reputation and Brand Rules Values and Culture Degree of Competition

Dimensions Imperssonal Imperssonal Imperssonal Imperssonal Imperssonal Imperssonal Imperssonal

Figure 1

Expanded Research Model

Figure 2

Research Stages

Source: Developed by the author