(E38) CORN (SWEET): Zea mays L. 'Bonus' Corn earworm

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CORN (SWEET): Zea mays L. 'Bonus'. Corn earworm; Helioverpa zea (Boddie). Fall armyworm; Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). European corn borer ...
(E38) CORN (SWEET): Zea mays L. 'Bonus' Corn earworm; Helioverpa zea (Boddie) Fall armyworm; Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) European corn borer; Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) A. M. Shelton and W.T. Wilsey Department of Entomology NYS Agric. Expt. Station Geneva, NY 14456 Phone: (315) 787-2352 CONTROL OF CORN LEPIDOPTERA WITH FOLIAR APPLICATIONS, 1998: Corn was planted on 9 Jun at the Fruit and Vegetable Research Farm near Geneva, NY. The trail was set up plantings in a RCB design with four replicates of seven treatments and one untreated check. Plots consisted of seven 25-ft rows of sweet corn on 30-inch centers with 9-inch plant spacing. Blocks were separated by 25 ft. Treatments consisted of three applications of each insecticide for naturally occurring Lepidoptera. Foliar sprays were applied with a 5-row CO 2 pressurized high-boy tractor-mounted boom, having 3 nozzles per row (one over the top and one drop nozzle on each side) with flat fan 110015 tips, and delivering 27 gpa at 47 psi and 2.5 mph. Silwet L-77 spray adjuvant was applied at 0.1% v/v with all foliar treatments. Treatments were applied on 13, 20 and 27 Aug. Trials were evaluated on 10 Sep by selecting 25 ears from the five treated rows of each plot and evaluated for ear injury. Insect pressure was light since 86% of the ears in the untreated check were undamaged. All treatments provided 10095% undamaged ears. All treatments provided significantly more undamaged ears than the untreated check. Between treatments, there were no significant differences. No phytotoxicity was observed in any of the treatments.