Integrated eBook Platform. Partnered with iPublishCentral to provide the highest
technical expertise available for e-content delivery. Uses industry standard ...
eBooks for college students!
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Multi-publisher Access
Ideal eBook Platform CSERS is a content delivery service providing eBooks to Institutions and Bookstores across the Caribbean region.
Integrated eBook Platform
branded white label site
Partnered with iPublishCentral to provide the highest technical expertise available for e-content delivery.
◗◗ No setup fees
Uses industry standard formats for interactive books and media.
◗◗ No technical support fees
◗◗ No administrative costs
Cloud Infrastructure
Customized for you
Licensed content
Each site is customized to suit the needs of the institution.
Direct license agreements with academic publishers and other regional and international resources.
◗◗ Institutional branding
Access to well known and respected academic content.
◗◗ Post announcements
Technical Support
◗◗ Feature titles
Customer support team available to ensure smooth delivery of content and assist with student queries.
◗◗ Statistics on course adoptions
◗◗ Faculty and department categories
◗◗ Build Collections
Leverage your Brand
Thousands of eBooks - One Platform
eBook Access Made Simple
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Our system is compatible with popular computers, tablets, ereaders and smart phones.
“In the past, it was burdensome to buy expensive books for one semester and never use them again. With CSERS, I am now able to rent and buy affordable e-books.”
Free APP Download free app for both Android and Apple Devices for easy online and offline reading.
Camille Straker University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Designed for Ease and Convenience
My Bookshelf Access all of your eBooks from your personal bookshelf. Personalisation Easy note-making, highlighting, bookmarking and previewing. Search entire catalogues by publisher, author, title or recommended lists. Content Thousands of eBooks delivered on one multi-publisher platform. Access to current editions instantly. Payment Purchase redemption codes for titles directly from the institution and partner bookstore or pay online with your credit card.
Students are tech savvy. Enthusiasm and organisation coincide when students use CSERS!
Change is coming!
“With the growth in demand from students for digital content generally and eTextbooks specifically, a growing
number of schools and colleges are investing in digital solutions that are easy to deploy and costeffective at the same time,” - Sameer Shariff, CEO of Impelsys CSERS Strategic Partner
CSERS also provides print books and other services through our partner book stores: ◗◗ Retail ◗◗ Rental ◗◗ Custom Publishing ◗◗ Reservation of text books Caribbean Shared Educational Resources Service P.O.Box 964E, St Michael, Barbados Tel: 246 417-2800 Fax: 246 436-7656 Email:
[email protected] Division of Datalore Inc.