Educational Collaboration Activities~ Lessons

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KONSEP AWAL KURIKULUM “DD/JD” → Major (host) + Minor (partner). Indonesia .... Internasionalisasi adalah suatu keniscayaan → pilihan kita: “terbawa arus” ... Sistem pelayanan terpadu “mahasiswa program international'. ➢ “Generic ...

~Educational Collaboration Activities~

Lessons Learned in developing & conducting Exchange & Trans-mobility Programs

Self Introduction: Name

: M. Faiz Syuaib (Faiz)


: Assoc. Professor


: Department of Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agric. Engineering & Technology (IPB)

Field of Specialty: Agricultural Engineering, Human Factors Engineering ( Ergonomics) Study

: 1. Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering (IPB) 2. Master in Agricultural & Environmental Engineering (Ibaraki University, Japan)

Summer & Winter Course Programs (SCP & WCP) Double Degree Master Program (DDP) Credit Earning/Transfer Program (CEP)

3. Ph.D in Agricultural Engineering (United Graduate School of Agric. Sci., TUAT: home @ Ibaraki Univ.) Field of Interest : - Ergonomics (Human Factors) in Agricultural Works

M. Faiz Syuaib Assoc. Professor Bogor Agricultural University

- Sustainable Agricultural Work System


IPB – IU Collaboration (an example of sustainable collaboration initiatives): Number of Mobility's & Fund sources (2005~2015) Number of Trans-mobillity participants (inbound & outbound in IPB) 2005-2015: • IN-BOUND: 181 students & 107 staffs (from Ibaraki+ to IPB): short, medium & long terms


IPB – IU Exchange Collaboration “Stepping-Up Development” in Brief History: Double Degree Masters Program (DDP)

Under Graduate Credit Earning Prog. (“AIMS-JAPAN”)

• DDP master students: 2 from IPB (graduated in September 2013), •

IPB Summer Course IU Winter Course (Joint Annual prog.)


• OUT-BOUND: 111 students & 61 staffs (from IPB to Ibaraki)

Summer & Winter Students Workshop (IU: GP Annual prog.)

2 from IU (to be graduated in Apr 2014 and Apr 2015) (others: 4 students among IU UGM/UNUD)

Institutional Funding Sources: • IU  GPP, SCP, WCP: 2005 ~ 2015; AIMS students 2013-14 • I-MHERE B.2.c, IPB  SCP, WCP: 2010~2012 • SPs IPB  SCP : 2010 ~ 2015; WCP : 2014 • BULN-KLN  IPB’s DDP students: flight & living allowances (2012-2013: 2 students)

Exchange/Joint Programs (Research & Seminars, Staffs & Students)

Occational Research Collaborations


Faculty level Exch. Agreement: 2001 Sep, 2013

DDP MoA & Start: Sep 2011

Finalization DDP Concept: 2010

2006 ~2008 University level MoU+MoA : July 2009

2004 ~

1990’s ~

• BOPTN_DITMAWA-IPB  AIMS students (flight ticket 2015: 2 students) • ALUMNI FATETA & Private  AIMS sponsor (for partially living allowance 2015 )

2009 ~

2011 ~

Extention of Fac. Level MoA Sustainable Meeting innitiative: IU , Sep 2005

JDP/DDP initiative:

end of 2008 MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14


IPB-JAPAN Exchange Program Collaborations:

What are the aims......??  Mutual cooperation in form of more structured; formaly and reciprocaly recognized and in sustainable manners.  Mutual recognition and beneficent in pursuing internationalization of the study programs and institution’s reputation.  Producing graduates with enriched competency, qualification, international outlook, broader vision, marketability and experience contributed by the universities which come from different countries, natures, cultures, field of excellence and specific qualification.  Leveraging the efficiency of resources used to conduct international program and to produce qualified and internationalized mind-set and attitude of graduates.  Developing and promoting “common values of Asia” regarding agricultural and environmental sustainability, especially for the future generation. MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14 Dec, 2009

IPB-JAPAN ExchangePrograms: What are the merits.....?? IN JAPAN


 Research based curriculum  better and deeper skill/competency on their spisific field of study

 Courses based curriculum  more comprehensive view of knowledge on their field of study

 Long stay of study abroad is mostly undesirable for Japanese students, even it’s quite cheap camparatively with at other Asian Countries

 Study abroad is mostly desirable for Indonesian students, but it’s much more expensive comparatively with at home country

JAPAN – INDONESIA Collaboration in Agricultural Education and Research Japan :

 One of the most succeed and fastest nation in technological development,  Industrial based economy,  High technological input agriculture,  Need for resources enhancement.



1. Program Concept ?  Special (new-developed) Program, or Integrated with the regular (existing) Program  started mainly with “Master” Programs.

2. Curriculum Concept ?  two universities with two same/ concruent curriculum structure, or each university with own curriculum with some “exchangeable” subjects.

3. Financial Concept ?  activities based, or student based  “financial agreement”.

4. Selection & Admission Concept ?  by each university, or by joint committee  “admission agreement”.

4. Leverage attractiveness to the students (including foreign students)  the students can acquire degree with complementary overseas experiences and qualities, and it surely cheaper compared to study abroad separately. MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14


 Resources based economy,  High labor input agriculture,  Need for technological

WORK PLAN & IMPLEMENTATION (discussion matters)

3. Enrich the students with skill of international communication and net-working and fostering the feel of confident to communicate and engage with international community.

Dec, 2009

resources & bio-diversity,

 Rich with local-genius and

Dec, 2009

1. Enrich the study program and complementary qualities can be earned  so it may accommodate the problems or deficiency of each other.

3. Reciprocally acknowledged and accredited  the participated universities leverage their level of international recognition and reputation.

 One of the most richest bio-

Complementary Beneficial and Enhancement for Mutual Collaboration in Education and Research


2. Enriches the students with international experience, broader vision of knowledge and leverage marketability.

Indonesia :

Dec, 2009



WORK PLAN & IMPLEMENTATION (discussion matters) 5. Implementation scenario ?  step by step, or straight to the fully to “the DD/JD Program”.


“International” in the means of….? 1). Delivery (“How to…”)

6. Facilities ?  living, courses, research, supervisor, tutor, immigration, etc.

a.Language b.Services c. Facilities

7. Legality Aspect ? Each University’s Policy, Each Government’s (Ministry) Policy, common policies, etc. 8. Level of “Formal Recognition” participated university’s level of recognition or government’s (ministry of education) level of recognition ?

1) Staffs 2) Classes 3) Administers

8. Other matters ? number of acceptances, timelines, credit units requirement, nominated study program will be participated, when will be started, etc. MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2009


2). Content

3). Participants

(“What about…”)

(“to Whom…”)

a.Regular b.Specific c. Thematic 1) Non-course (internship) 2) Courses 3) Curriculum 4) Degree

a.Domestic b.Regional c. Global

a.Enrollment b.Admission c. Certification d.Reciprocity

The Options  Work Plan  Preparation  Implementation MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Oct, 2012

“Vision” of Education & Research Collaboration for the Future Generation of Asia

Academic Values and Outcomes Criteria & Standards Curriculum Structures & Contents Delivery Systems and Mechanism Resource Sharing and Financing Program Management Outreach & Promotion Sustainability

Leadership & Legacy Internationalization: regional, global communities

Collaboration & Networking: intra, inter- disciplines Social Engagements: outreach, extension, dissemination

LET’S START with “a simple and workable one”…

Reputational Building: performances, outputs

THEN….., Keep Sustain…. and Upgrade…….

Capacity Building: knowledge, competence, skill

Oct, 2012


Oct, 2012



International Exchange Program Collaborations:

TYPES of The PROGRAMS  Short Term Exchange/Mobility Program: Seminar/Workshop, Summer Course, Winter Course, Short-term Observation/Internship/Research, Invited Lecture, Short-term Internship, etc.

 Medium Term Exchange/Mobility Program: Internship, Medium-term Joint Research, Joint Student Supervisory, Credit Earning/ Credit Transfer, etc.  Long Term Exchange Program: Joint Degree Program, Double Degree Program, Full Degree Program, Long-term Joint Research, Core-Universities Research Program, etc.

 Short-Course (Thematic/Seasonal) Program  Internship Program  Credit Earning Program  Joint Research/Joint Advisory Program  Joint Degree Program #1 (Major + Elective Courses)  Joint Degree Program #2 (Major + Minor)  Double Degree Program (DDP)


Oct, 2012

CURRICULUM ANATOMY Msi. @ IPB (min. 39 credits)

Basic Couses : 6 cre. English Statistical Analysis

Courses Colocium Seminar Thesis

: 15 :1 :1 :6

Elective Major Courses : 10 cre. Supporting Courses

Dec, 2009

BASIC CONCEPT: “Special Joint (D+) Program” COLLABORATION PROGRAM Structure: 1) Intra-curricular 2) Extra-curricular 3) Co-curricular

MSc.Agr. @ Ibaraki (min. 30 credits)

Degree Program at “A” University Degree Requirements

Basic Courses : 6 cre.

: 3 (2-3) : 3 (2-3)

Compulsory Major Matters: 23 cre.


Oct, 2012

?..?..? Content Recognition: 1) Participation/Activity 2) Course/Credit 3) Degree/Diploma Institutional Recog.: 1) Program/Dep./Fac. 2) University 3) National

↓ Research Matters: 14 sks Colocium Seminar Thesis

:1 :3 : 10

Mayor/Elective Courses: 10 Supporting Courses


“A” Curriculum Content & Structure

Degree Program at “B” University

Degree Requirements ↓ “B” Curriculum Content & Structure


↓ “A” Degree + Additional Certificate of Special Program Dec, 2009

↓ “B” Degree + Additional Certificate Of Special Program

Special program/ courses by “A” or “B” or “A+B”. Main Objectives: -‘Foreign” experience -Communication pract. -Cultural introduction -Info exchange

Examples of special (short term) programs: 1~4 csu equiv. (1) Student seminar (2) Summer course (3) Goes to field (4) Internship



BASIC CONCEPT: “Credit Earning Program” Degree Program at “A” University

Degree Program at “B” University

Degree Requirements  “A” Curriculum Content & Structure

Degree Requirements  “B” Curriculum Content & Structure

Earned Credits from “A”

Earned Credits from “B”

“A” Degree + Earned Credits from “B”

“B” Degree + Earned Credits from “A”

‘Internationally Exchangeable Subjects/courses” Main Objectives: -“Overseas” experience - Communication skill -“Global” mind - Recognition -Info/Resource sharing

National Rules & Regulation (csu recog.) (2) “International” classes (electives) (3) Graduation Research  Join Advisory (4) Internship MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14 MFS_Dec, 2009


Degree Requirements

↓ “A” Curriculum Content & Structure

Degree Program at “A” University Degree Requirements  “A” Curriculum Content & Structure “Minor Course” Subjects from “A”

Examples of earning (medium term) programs: 1~2 semester. (1) Based on Univ./

Dec, 2009

Single Degree Program at “A” University

BASIC CONCEPT: “Major+Minor” Joint Degree Program

↓ “B” Degree

Degree Requirements  “B” Curriculum Content & Structure

- Communication skill - Specific enhancement -“Global” mind - Recognition -Info/Resource sharing

“Minor Course” Subjects from “B”

“A” Degree + Minor Courses Program Earned from “B”

“B” Degree + Minor Courses Program Earned from “A”

Examples of earning (medium term) programs: 1~2 semester. (1) Based on Univ./ National Rules & Regulation (csu recog.) (2) “International” courses (defined) (3) Graduation Research  Join Advisory (4) Internship MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2009

BASIC CONCEPT DOUBLE DEGREE Program at “A” and “B” Universities

Degree Requirements ↓ “B” Curriculum Content & Structure

‘Internationally Exchangeable Subjects/courses” Main Objectives: -“Overseas” experience

Single Degree Program at “B” University

“A” Degree

Degree Program at “B” University

Degree Requirements at “A” Univ. Degree Requirements at “B” Univ. ↓ “A” Degree and “B” Degree

Dec, 2009


Dec, 2009

MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14 MFS_Dec, 2009


BASIC CONCEPT DOUBLE DEGREE Program at “A” and “B” Universities Only Required by “A” Univ.

Only Required by “B” Univ.

# Short Term Exchange/Mobility Program # Summer Course & Winter Course Programs (Since 2005 ~ present)

Required by “A” & Accredited by “B” Or Required by “B” & Accredited by “A” Dec, 2009

MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14 MFS_Dec, 2009

The 1st Summer Program (Int’l Joint Seminar & Excursion) initiated by IU and IPB faculties (@ Bogor, August 2004)


Oct, 2012


The 1st (Prototype) Summer Program held in Ibaraki (Co-organized Workshop)



The 1st (Prototype) Summer Program held in IPB (Co-organized Symposium)


Joint Organized Symposium on “Sustainable Agriculture in Asia” @ Bogor, 18-21 Sep 2006


Joint Organized Symposium on “Sustainable Agriculture in Asia” @ Bogor, 18-21 Sep 2006


Joint Organized Symposium on “Sustainable Agriculture in Asia” @ Bogor, 18-21 Sep 2006



Aims and Benefits of the SCP & WCP(2009~present):    -

INTRODUCTING & PROMOTING: Campus, staffs and student activities, Common issues & Good practices Institutions’ facilities & Network Stimulate for further collaboration & cooperation RECOGNITION & APPRECIATION Scientific Information Exchange (lectures, seminars, etc.) Cultural Exchange (living, tradition, hospitality, food, etc.) FOSTERING INTERNATIONALIZED MIND Communication & Networking (among students & staffs) Open mind & Global perspective Self confident & capacity building Benchmarking & Learning each other

Oct, 2012


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Template of Activities on the SCP & WCP Program: 

Class: lectures (general topic in a specific/related theme)

Student seminar (poster & oral presentation)

Field/Lab work (group’s observation in general/common topic to engage group work & discussion within students in different field of studies)

Group work, discussion & presentation

Cultural exchange (tradition, food, living, costum, etc)

Social observation (traditional farmers, markets, etc.)

The content and length of activities and number of participants are arranged based on resources availability in both sides of the participants (e.g: 1-2 weeks)

Oct, 2012

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Lecturers in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Sep, 2010



Lecturers in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Sep, 2011



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Lecturers in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Dec, 2012


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Field & Lab Works in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Sep, 2010


Lecturers in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Dec, 2012


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Field & Lab Works in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Sep, 2011



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Field & Lab Works in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present

Field & Lab Works in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present

Dec, 2012


Dec, 2012


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Student Poster and Seminar in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present

Student Poster and Seminar in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present

Sep, 2010


Sep, 2011



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Student Poster and Seminar in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present Dec, 2012


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Sep, 2011

Cultural Evening in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor, : since 2006 (continuing until present)


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Student Working-Group Discussion in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor, 2010 ~ continuing until present Sep, 2011


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Cultural Evening in the Summer Course Programs held in Bogor, : since 2010 (continuing until present) Dec, 2012



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Summer Course Programs Sep 2013 (held in Bogor & Gn. Walat)

Summer Course Programs Sep 2013 (held in Bogor & Gn. Walat)

Oct, 2013


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Summer Course Programs Sep 2013 (held inDec,Bogor & Gn. Walat) 2009



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

“Certificate of Participation” (2 csu equiv.) Summer Course Programs held in Bogor (2010 ~ present) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Field & Lab Works in the Winter Course Programs held in Ibaraki annually: 2010 ~ continuing until present

Field & Lab Works in the Winter Course Programs held in Ibaraki annually since 2009 (continueing untill present)

Dec, 2010


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Dec, 2010

Lectures in the Winter Course Program held in Ibaraki University (annually since 2009) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2011


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Lectures in the Winter Course Program held in Ibaraki University (annually since 2009) Dec, 2012



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Excursion/Field-Trip to Farm-Cooperation or Farm-Market or Research Institute in the Winter Course Program held in Ibaraki University (annually since 2009) Dec, 2011


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Cultural Evening in the Winter Course Programs held in Ibaraki (continuing until present) Dec, 2010


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Students Seminar in the Winter Courses held in Ibaraki (Since 2009 ~ present) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2010

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Cultural Evening in the Winter Course Programs held in Ibaraki (2009 ~ present) Dec, 2010



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

# Medium-Long Term Exchange Programs # Credit Earning, JDP & DDP (Developed since 2009 ~ present)

“Certificate of Participation” (2 csu equiv.) Winter Course Programs held in Ibaraki Univ. (2010 ~ ) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2012


DEFINITION Double (Dual) Degree or Joint (Twin) Degree A dual or double degree program: students study at (at least) two higher education institutions and receive upon completion of the study program a separate (two) degree certificate from each of the participating institutions. A joint degree program: students study at (at least) two higher education institutions and receive upon completion of the study program a single degree certificate issued and signed by all the participating institutions jointly. Dec, 2009


Oct, 2012


Msi. @ IPB (min. 39 credits)

Joint Degree / Double Degree Program

MSc.Agr. @ Ibaraki (min. 30 credits)

Basic Couses : 6 cre. English Statistical Analysis

Compulsory Major Matters: 23 cre. Courses Colocium Seminar Thesis

Basic Courses : 6 cre.

: 3 (2-3) : 3 (2-3)

: 15 :1 :1 :6

Elective Major Courses : 10 cre.


Research Matters: 14 sks Colocium Seminar Thesis

:1 :3 : 10

Mayor/Elective Courses: 10 Supporting Courses

Supporting Courses

Dec, 2009



CURRICULUM ANATOMY for DOUBLE DEGREE (minimum requirements)

SINGLE DEGREE M.Si. at IPB (min. 39 credits) Basic Courses : 6 csu (Common lectures for graduate program) English Statistical Analysis

:3 :3

Compulsory Major Matters: 23 csu Courses Colloquium Seminar Thesis

: 15 :1 :1 :6

Elective Courses : 10 csu Supporting Courses

Indonesia Entranced Student

DOUBLE DEGREE Progam (min. 46 credits)


Compulsory TOEFL/TOEFL Like (500 Point)

MSc. Agr. at IUCA (min. 30 credits)

Basic Courses : 9 csu Stat’cal /Quan’tive Analysis : 3 Common Graduate lectures : 2 Fundamental of Agric.Sci. : 4

Compulsory Major Courses: 16 csu


Basic Courses : 6 csu Common lectures for graduate program : 2 Fundamental of Agric. Sciences :4

Compulsory Major Matters: 18 csu

- (IPB : 12) + (IU : 4) csu; or - (IPB : 16) + (IU : 0) csu

Compulsory research matters: 21 csu (Joint advisory based on research collaboration)

Courses Presentation Seminar in Re’ch Topic Thesis

Colloquium (IPB) : 1 Sem’r on Res’ch Topic (IU) : 3 Presentation (IU) : 1 Thesis of IPB Thesis of IU

: 6 : 10

: 4 : 1 : 3 : 10

Japan Entrance

Indonesia Entrance Admission to IPB

IU Graduate School

IPB Graduate School

Major Subjects IU (20 credits):

Major Subjects IPB (26 credits):

- Courses (6 credits) -Thesis (10 credits) -Seminar & Prest (4 cr)

- Courses (18 credits) -Thesis (6 credits) -Seminar & Colloq. (2 cr)

Totally: 40 ~ 42 csu (“TOEFL” req’ment)

1 ~ 1,5 yr in Home Univ.

Basic Subjects (Collaboration Subjects): 6~8 credits

Certificate (Degree) M.Sc. Agr. (IU): Major program on.... Certificate of (minor/elective) Subjects completion from from IPB Mar, 2009

0.5 ~ 1 yr in partner Univ.

Minor/Supporting Subjects from IU (6~8 credits)

Certificate (Degree) M.Si. (IPB): Major Program on .... Certificate of (minor/elective) Subjects completion from from IU

: 6 su : 4 ~ 0 csu : 3 csu : 1 csu : 10 csu

Accredited Credits Taken at IUCA Accredited Credits Taken at IPB - Basic Compulsory Courses - Major Courses - Seminar in Research Topic - Sci. Presentation - Thesis

: 6 csu : 0 ~ 4 csu : 3 csu : 1 csu : 10 csu

TOTALLY taken at IPB + IUCA: 46 csu

Admission to IU

Compulsory Credits Taken at IUCA - Basic Compulsory Courses - Major Courses - Seminar in Research Topic - Sci. paper & Presentation - Thesis

TOTAL Compulsory at IUCA : 24 ~20 csu

Supporting Courses

KONSEP AWAL KURIKULUM “DD/JD”  Major (host) + Minor (partner)

Minor/Supporting Subjects from IPB (6~8 credits)

TOTAL Compulsory at IPB : 26 ~22 csu

TOTAL Compulsory at IUCA : 20 ~24 csu


Japan Entranced Student

Compulsory Credits Taken at IPB - Stat’cal/Quantitative Analysis : 3 csu - Compulsory Major Courses : 16 ~12 csu - Colloquium : 1 csu - Thesis : 6 csu

Elective Courses : 6 csu

Dec, 2009

Totally: 34 ~ 36 csu (“TOEFL” req’ment)

DD CURRICULUM : SUM OF CREDITS TAKEN (minimum requirements)

- Major Courses - Colloquium -Thesis

: : : :

Total taken at IPB

: 22 ~ 26 csu

-Stat’cal/Quant’tive Analysis

3 csu 12 ~16 csu 1 csu 6 csu

TOTALLY taken at IUCA+ IPB : 46 csu

Courses Dec, 2010 taken from both Universities should be the correspond Major Program or its equivalent


MAJOR COURSE PROGRAMS in IPB vs in IUCA IPB _ Graduate School (9 Faculties, 67 course programs):

IU_ GS of Agriculture (3 majors, 6 course programs):

Faculty of Agriculture (12 majors)

Plant Production Science

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (7 majors)

Animal Production Science

Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sci. (8 majors)

Applied Life Science

Faculty of Animal Sciences (2 majors)

Agric. Chemistry & Ecology

Faculty of Forestry (5 majors)

Agro-environmental Science

Faculty of Agric. Eng. & Tech. (5 majors)

Agro-environmental Eng.

Faculty of Math. & Sciences (12 majors) Faculty of Economic & Management (7 majors)

IU_ GS of Sciences

Faculty of Human Ecology (6 majors)

IU_ GS of Education

Multy-diciplinary programs (3 majors)

IU_ GS of Humanities IU_ GS of Engineering


July, 2010



IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Univ. Level MoU and Exchange Agreement (2009)

Rector of IPB visit Ibaraki University (July 27-28, 2009): IPB and IU signed the “university level” MoU Jul, 2009


Jul, 2009


IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief Documentaries

Mini-Workshop on Double Degree Initiation held in Ibaraki

Seminar on Strengthening Double Degree Program Plan held in Bogor (September 27, 2010)

(attended by: IPB, 6 Japan Universities & MEXT, July 16, 2010) Jul, 2010


Sep, 2010



Japan-Indonesia DDP Mini-Symposium at Ibaraki Univ.

IPB-IU “DDP” Launching & MoA Signing Ceremony

DDP Symposium at Ibaraki University (December 02, 2011):

President of IU (Prof. Ikeda) visit IPB (Sep 11-12, 2011): DDP Launching and the MoA Signing Ceremony

Attended by 7 Japanese and 3 Indonesian Universities, MEXT and DGHE Dec, 2011


IPB-IU “DDP” Launching & MoA Signing Ceremony Covered by a national daily newspaper (Republika)

Sep, 2011


DDP Agreement (2011)

MoA Signing by both Deans of Graduate Program and Witnessed by both Rectors and the Director of Academic & Students Aff., DGHE Sep, 2011


Sep, 2011



Japan-Indonesia DDP Mini-Symposium at Ibaraki Univ.  DDP launching @ IU

The First DDP Graduated Student

(a) Certification of Master Course completion in the Graduate School of Agriculture

Degree Certification from Ibaraki University for the 1st DDP graduated Student (Windi Al Zahra)

DDP Students Registration Ceremony at IU (December 02, 2011): (1) Nicho Nurdebyandaru (MIK), (2) Windi Al Zahra (IPT) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Dec, 2011

The First DDP Graduated Student

(b) Degree Certification (Master of Agriculture) signed by the President of Ibaraki Univ.


Oct, 2013

The First DDP Graduated Student

“Accredited” (transferred) from IPB subjects

“Accredited” (transferred) from IU subjects

Study Completion (major in Animal Production Technology)& Degree Certification (Master Sains) from IPB for the Oct, 2013


(b) IUCA transcript

Student’s Academic Reports (Transcripts) from both Universities for the 1st DDP graduated Student (Windi Al Zahra)

DDP graduated Student (Windi Al Zahra) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

(b) IPB transcript

Oct, 2013



SCP & WCP and Other Mobility Exchanges

Summer & Winter Course Programs (SCP & WCP)

IN-bond to IPB, OUT-bond from IPB

IN-bond to IPB, OUT-bond from IPB

Total Trans-mobility Participants (Staffs & Students) Between IPB –IU+ (2004 – 2015, Aug.) MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

Annual Trans-mobility Participants (Staffs & Students) in the “Summer-Winter” Collaboration Programs of IPB –IU+ MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14

IPB – IU Collaboration in Brief History: “Program Outreach” SCP – WCP Participants (2007~ )


Oct, 2013


(2006~ )

(2007~ )

DDP Participants

UNUD (2012 ~)



2006 ~ 2014

Un. of Tsukuba (2008~)


(2011~ )


UGM (2012~)

2011 ~ 2013









Suggestions  Internasionalisasi adalah suatu keniscayaan  pilihan kita: “terbawa arus” atau “mengarungi arus mencapai tujuan”  Sudah banyak varian program internasionalisasi di IPB  memberikan dampak positif bagi mahasiswa, staf, institusi.  Umumnya program internasionalisasi masih berbasis unit/individu  perlu institusionalisasi  terstruktur & terencana.  Infrastruktur pelayanan mahasiswa asing sering menjadi kendala  perbaikan sistem dan infrastruktur.  Rigiditas kurikulum salah satu kendala utama dalam menjalin kerjasama akademik, terutama yang terstruktur & kurikuler  Perlu inovasi dan terobosan bentuk-bentuk program dan kurikulum yang tidak harus “sekaku” program reguler untuk keperluan “international exchange & collaboration” dengan tujuan “spesifik”. Oct, 2012


 Sistem pengelolaan terpadu untuk “Program international”  Sistem pelayanan terpadu “mahasiswa program international’  “Generic Templates of Activities”  “Institution-level management”  based on: time, finance and level of recognition frames  “tailor made program” or “regular program engaged”: Short term visit (thematic, seasonal, workshop, visiting lecturer, etc)  participation recognition. Short courses program (summer course, thematic courses, etc)  credit recognition. Mid-term (credit earning, sandwich, internship, research join supervision, etc)  credit recognition & acceptance. Long-term (joint degree, double degree, full degree)  degree recognition & acceptance.  “tridharma” engagement program design: Learning – Research – Extension (social engagement). Oct, 2012


Prepared for Mini-Workshop in “IPB-JAPAN” International Collaboration Programs (Compilations) By: M. Faiz Syuaib, Ph.D Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Mail to: [email protected], [email protected] MFS_IPB-IU_ECP_09-14