EE3220-011 Homework 1. Dr. Prust. Assigned: 7 March 2013. Due: 12 March
2013, 3:00PM. 1. Plot the following signals: (a) x1(n) = u(n + 2). (b) x2(n) = δ(4n -
EE3220-011 Homework 1 Dr. Prust Assigned: 7 March 2013 Due: 12 March 2013, 3:00PM
1. Plot the following signals: (a) x1 (n) = u(n + 2) (b) x2 (n) = δ(4n − 4) (c) x3 (n) = δ(4n − 2) (d) x4 (n) = δ(−1 − n) − 5δ(1 − n) 2. Determine whether or not each of the following signals is periodic. If the signal is periodic, specify its fundamental period. (a) x1 (n) = sin( π6 n) (b) x2 (n) = ej3n (c) x3 (n) = cos( π3 n + π) + cos( π5 n) 3. Let x(n) = 0.7n u(n). (a) Make a plot of x(n). P∞ (b) Compute n=−∞ x(n). (c) Compute Ex . 4. Let x(n) = 2je−2n u(n). Find Ex . π